r THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT W RCE j EDITOR Official Newspaper of Cherry X County JPehrtifiha This paper will be mailed regularly to ita buuoOiiuciB uuui v ueumio uiuei to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full TERMS Subscription 100 per year In advance SI CO when jiot paid In advance - xisplay advertising 1 Inch 15c per issue Coc per mpnth 4 Issues 500 per year In advance Local Notices Cc per ljiie each Issue Brands Hi Inches 400 per year in ad vance additional space 300 per inch per year engraved blocks extra 100 each Parties living outside Cherry county not sonally known fc requested to pay inivdvance 10 per cent additional to above rates If over -G mouths in arrears - Notices of loss of stock free tobrand adver tisers Picking is short for some who with out -capital trj to live without work Sofue of the blooded cockerels ran up against the county dads last- week and hadHp back off The Crawford papers report that a new case of smnllpox developed in their -town last week Valentine thank immune The Cliadronian speaking of a case which Capt Fisher recently won says Chadron is a good place to find strong lawyers Veagreer with the Chad ronian some of them smell to heaven Tire bantam cockerel of jcounty clerk regime dictatorship under took to tell the county commissioners what to do and wtiathe wanted and didnt want in the minutes of their proceedings and had to he called down Oh Wednesday of last week the U S senate by a vote of 34 to lo agreed to abolish the army canteen As the house of representatives had done the same thing a few weeks before the measure will noWbeeome law The exact wording of the act is as follows - The sale- or dealing in Leer wine or any intoxicating liquors by auy person in any post exchange or canteen or iiy transport or upon any premises used for military purposes by the Unit ed States is hereby prohibited The secretary of war is hereby directed to carry the provisions Of this section into full force and effect - vwThisis one time when the saloon -keepers and piohibitionists ere in fa vor of the same thing ADDITIONAL LOCAL- Wedding rirjg s atO W Moreys - - i r Hard wood ierice posts at Sc at Fariihams 52 Corn taken in exchange for goods byArtycrewi -V - JiirjSyers of Crookston was seen perambulating our streets Monday -A GISEavvis y6t quite lame but nevertheless he vyill make good tos - i 51 R Anderson tlie hardware merch ant will pay-the- market price for ear - r48 corn - We will cluifEhte paper with the T wcntiethnturyFarnTer for - 150 a yedr in advance Mrs Lottie Bjvyer of Gordon came down 3esterday morning to visit and careQrhfiViTiiother -- The Epworth League will give an oyster supper inthe old Valentine House on MairOstreet h9xt Saturday evening dc- xMxiJilQ OAryer lias -been ouite A GSHAW Jack Hobton isjriow established in the bid tfpvidh Hotelaiid has retain ed the former ihauie of3alentine House Jkvti Bariis has moved into the White house on -Cherry street va cates byHHtdi rJS V Sell Blood Granulated blood in any quantity at 5c the pound Its a fine food for chickens Takes the place of meat We also have Pratts -Poultry Food and Lees Egg Maker With ttfgs selling at 15c to 20c a dozen a few cents invested in good food for hens will bring large re turns QUIGLEY CHAPrVlAN DRUGGISTS VALENTINE NEBR Lowest prices on everything Farnbamti mGJPjg lyoodlake M butdiibw ieclln considerably easier ities Send i rihsrayhdpewill Speedily recover xifi -- Sjniourisstie of Jim 3 hy mistake we said that J j B Tripp and wife of Eosebudwereyin towh Mrs Tripp did not accompany her husbapd that r i 1 -- trip - r V - Miss Frances VtanBuskirlc will dp dress akihjicuttingand fitting by the niece or day- Can be found at the home of JMrs W F Morfjareidge Satisfaction I guaranteed 52 v -- v - Jnov Ballard anaMiss Maud Harris two well known and popular Cherry countyApeoplev were married at- the at HZ Shaws gallery for your photos There he will make them all first class Give him a trial 51 Remember the old- reliable jeweler O W Morey when you want reliable work good goods honest prices 51 Bert Hoel the well known and pop ular traveling man is the father of an eleven pound girl since Tuesday of last week The Valentine Democrat is now the official paper of Cherry county and will make an extra effort to pub lish all the news for its readers Dr Lewis went to Council Bluffs last week with D Stinard and daugh ters and will attend the meeting of the Sons aud Daughters of Protection at Lincoln before coming home - - The railroad company paid off the uice gang last Friday afternoon Everything was settled amicably this year and about S2500 was paid out for help a good share of which sum was left in town Bornon Tuesday of last week- to J C Rounds and wife of near Sim eon an eight pound girl baby Dudes usually pleasant coiiriten anee is more smiling than ever since the above event occurred The Llovd and Gav company played to good houses at Cornell Hall last Thursday and Friday nights The plays presented were rather poor and did not seem to be up to the standard of those usually -presented by these people Peter Madsen the democratic wheel horse who last fall ran an in tei esting race with Capt Laufer tor the cornmissionership was in town Monday looking after business and renewing his acquaintance with peo ple at the county seat Pete is one of the unterrilied and is ready to Gght for democracy this fall just as hard as ever Ida Stinard who has been quite ill 1 for several weeks past went to Council-Bluffs last Friday accompanied bjr Jier -father and twin sister and Dr Lewis to enter St Bernards hospital for treatment Letters to her moth er indicate that she is already improv ing in health and prospects for her complete and speedy recovery are now very bright- Private advices f rom the south par of the county indicate that the popu lation of Brownlee iststeadily increas ing On December 11 J H Skir ving and wife became the proud parents of a baby boy on January 7 a boy came to board with Robert Lee and wife and on the 8th Channel Noble and his better half found their family had in creased in size on account of the ar rival of a boy items of interest from airy where on earth Sign your name that we may know the authenticity of the article and if vou want vour name to appear at the bottom ask us to put it there otherwise ypu will not be mentioned but we must know the author for our own protection Send us the news The carload- of Shorthorn bulls brought here from Iowa a couple of weeks ago by Raffenburg Bros are about gone only four of the bunch being1 now for sale These are very fine animals and those stockmen who are looking for bargains both in price residence of Maiauris the - brides land Quality will do well to look at grandfiTUier in yateilf uie tucidSLy perhV Among the pufchaseri this eyemngvr t week- were Henry Muryhy of X 1 BrownLeejand MirlcCyphers of Val- rf nn will iye S0r for -the arfestand -1 n v n CV - 4- 4 -- entine burg Bros bulls are convictionoTitberopbefBand the Be- - - - 41 establishing a reputation in this - the 41CP0O 4i u curing of 11 t Vt - 1 r county Which will be worth money to - - - 1 theirOwners in the future ary iztnjast 52 We want correspondents from Cody erriman andother local- Wftitiedl tollable man for man perof branch 6fflcc we wsi to 0fen 111 rtiia Ifioir record Is Ivlkreisnnopiwrtmity Kindly give yood refejeuts when vritin HIE A T MDRIUS WHOLESALE HOUSE CINCINNATI OHIO JUlBtvJea ciitaluS aWtaubt own tlie E i vcr Dock Grooms was in this locality Tuesday Mrs Berry had a small family reun ion Sunday f Mr Ashburn artd family were visit ors at L Bristols Sunday Wm Helenbolt is working for Mr Bishop on the Stinard place The Heelan Bros were hauling corn from John Shelbourns last week The Niobrara is blocked with ice 1 about a mile below the Berry bridge The literary at tlie Highland school is a grand success - It meets every Sat urday night Stock are doing fine so far but look out we are liable to have one of the old time blizzards yet Ben Peterson of Sparks was on the ice work and received an invitation from the boss to be on hand next- win ter As there is anoiher Who am I at Arabia and seme folks think they know who I am Ill sell out and not write any more as Whqam I Youngster Along tlie IK inncclintluza J W Beed is having quite aj siego of dying pigs Cora Thackrey is teaching iu No 10 and Jennie Crowe in No 2 i Both schools are flourishing Max Viertel Chas Burns Bjsh Beed and several others enjoyed a wolf hunt the other day Two wolves gave up their lives John Duffy and family have gone to What Cheer la on a visit to Mrs Duffys mother and expect to stay until spring opens We hear that Herman Schulz of Kil gore in trying to reach Crookston last Saturday eve for installation tried to establish a new road The Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall in Crookston Jan 12th after which the Royal Neighbors served sup per Excuseme Arabia Items Mrs Benson and daughter Miss Es ther were visiting Mrs Jordan Mon day Mrs Bunn and family were visiting Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Johnstown We hear that there is to be ahig dance andbasket supper tit Arabiathe 25th of January We are sorry to hear that Miss Mary Jordan Ins been quite ill with an ulcer ated tooth for the past week Misses Bertha Thorn aiid Taey Coll ett went to Valentine Saturday and re turned Monday morning- on the passen Business is booming The five Mc Daniel boys are baling and hauling hav lor M P Jordan and are boarding at Mr Jordans -- A G Shaw has opened his photo gallery and with his new backgrounds and new stamp outfit will take stamp pictures in neat style 28 for twenty five cents 51 Bailey Briefs ii Lonme Greene was one of the callers at Sellars Uros the past few days Hugh Sears was one of the scenes in these parts breaking horses Hugh has some fine Shorthorn bulls for sale X C Xelson drove out from Cody to his ranch Monday We are glad his health is improving Dock Shannon drove him out If reports are true Almo Weed and Lester Goodin left for parts unknown recently The boys dont know what a good homo is tjl A C Ridgeway Uncle Sums special from Mernman t5uss Who I AM A- f wmmmamsm mYs mwiitestfimmito wmm mmmssssmmr TMm w - msfsss fxmtXdTsxamta d MMlr styles sold gm everywhere f I Commissioners Proceed ings Continued from First page On motion order instructing county attorney to foreclose upon roal estate for delinquent tax es wai rescinded for one year for reason that personal taxes are being collected by distress On motion county printing was awarded I M Rice at legal rates and the valentine Democrat was designated the official paper of Cherry county for the pointing of the commissioners proceedings the delinquent tax list the official notices of the county clerk the treasurers semi annual statements ballots bar dockets bond proclamations rpaaand bridge notices and all other county printing The above printing to be paid for at legal rates except the printing of Jthe commissioners proceedings which under the conditions of this contract and by express con diton herein made are to be published free of charge to the county of Cherry On motion Samuel Rice was appointed road overseer district 23 aud his bond for same appro ved On motion the followlug claims were allowed and warrants less delinquent personal lax or dered drawn L N Las port board guard duty jailor fees 15000 W Ti Tuwiie fees ftUrroll case 5 40 - Grooms i7G - Uoodln ii oo A Lewis medical attendance M Hoffman family tc 45 T T Spratt com fees 4 20 A S Hand keeping Nettle Enderman pauper rabb Co Hidse for poor Jens Thompson repairing bridge U V Holsclaw sal 4th ir 1000 L K Belding Whereupon Ooard adjourned to Jan 11 2090 28 50 300 20 00 30 00 being held out of the above claim in pas- ment oj mnuicai atieuuauce upon county pan pers which county physlcan should have per- fiirmiJrL J A Hornback witness Marrolase Htta Brown typewriting bond history C M Sageeer witness Marroll case lames Kay ice for county Newton Grooms witness Grooms case William Ogle A Lewis A N Compton Alice Hutchinson Arthur Grooms O W Hamar Dora Grooms fi it Win Allen Jr On county road fund L K Belding work on Edgar bridge Ira Johnson road overseer and supplies J J Owens workoh Edgar bridge no 1C0 1 10 750 300 3 00 110 1 10 4 00 300 3 50 300 200 StT50 30 59 900 The claims of Waleott Ludwig and Wrought Iron Bridge Co were laid over untiT the uex meeting On motion tho bond of I M Rice for county printing was approved On motion the following amounts were deduct ed from the above allowed claims and applied- on delinquent personal taxes C Mtfageser Crabb o on Orabb Vincents tax Jim Ray on Mrs J H Rays tax Alfred Lewis N J Grooms Arthur Grooms on NJ3rooms tax Dora Grooms A Lewis 1 10 28 50 750 1 10 3 00 3 00 300 30 45 15 50 January ll Board met as per adjournment members all present On motion board proceeded to select CO names from which to draw jury for April term On motion townships 20 and 30 iu range 3C were transferred from Gillaspie precinct to En low precinct On motion board selected as a site for court house lots 31 32 33 ii35 and 3G in block 11 df the original town of Valentine at a cost of S150 On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on count general fund W C Phillipsclk dist court fees Bond case S 2 03 L Laufer commissioner lees 20 00 Alex Burr 26 50 AVE Haley - 2 0C On motion the boaul agreed to let the state of Nebraska have the 15000 courtr house bonds proyiaing they pay par for same It being 1 known at this time that County Treasurer Thackrey will goto Lincoln soon to make his annual settlement with state treasurer the order j of the board of January 2 instructing ine county clerk to rake the court house bonds to Lincoln for registration at the expense of the county is rescinded and County Treasurer Thackrey is hereby authorized to takesaid bonds for regis tration and tell them to state treasurer at par WhereupoiUhe bard adjourned to Feb 5 1001 Cut this out and tike it to Quigley Chapmans drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic They also cure disorders the stomach bil iousndss and headache 1 3 FINANCIAL Statement of the County Treasure for ff iant Half of the War 1900 STATE FUNDS To balance July 1 ioo tt Transfer interest fund Amount collected By State treasurers receipts - Treasurers fees Balance COUNTY GENERAL FUND To Balance July 1 1900 collections tax Transfer from interest fund Sale hridiie plank Tax for filling old wells - Transfer from advertising fund rfiy Voiwbcrs canceled Refunding orders Treasurers fees Balance 4t1 COUNTY SINKING FUND pension agent was in this locality last To Balauce July 1 1900 c week W H White drove him out - By Vouchers Treasurers fei3 Balance LaBOR AND ROAD FUND To Balance July 1 1900 - I Collections By Vouchers - - 1 - Treasurers fees Diuuiivt -- BRIDGE FUND To Balance r July -1 1900- - Collections - By Vouchors Treasurers fees - BaLV cU JUDGMENT FUND Td Balarre Inly 1 lD0 Cullciliuns - By Trcasiircn s fees lialance -- - - - - V 4025 17 633 00 10594 82 1553 JC SMS 92 372 47 6161 GO 15253 05 5 235 23 7520 81 2SG0 03 10 00 20 25 4G207 11108 49 - 3918 91 - 30 72 407 58 0751 28 11108 49 56701 10 2015 35 871G5J 41000 89 98 8210 53 8710 51 S 1114 84 3337 79 4452 03 2901 03 140 43 1350 57 44203 S113 30 3071 S3 31S5 15 9 CO 12S 49 S047 04 0IS5 13 48 40 50 35 9S 75 2 19 90 50 ST70 By Treasurers fees Balance To Balance July 1 1900 collections By Vouchers Treasurers fees Balance INTEREST FUND To Balance July 1 lCOO Collections By Transfer state funds Transfer county Reneral fund FINES AND LICENSE FUND To Balance July 1 1900 Collections Overdraft By Treasurers fees Transfer state apportionment ADVERTISING FUND To Balance July lioco Collections By Treasurers fee Transfer county general fund REDEMPTION FUND To Balance July 1 190C Collections By Vouchers- Registered rarrants not chncelcd TT I fc n Sfw ii H linnI T - 512 72 2fi 50 490 22 VALENTINE PBECINCT BOKD FUND S 1070 99 170 37 1247 3C 504 20 8 49 734 07 1247 3G S 1C91 82 2401 87 3493 C9 033 00 2800 03 3493 09 S 09S 10 501 05 1 89 1501 04 15 00 148G 04 1501 04 LSI 81 293 88 475 09 13 02 402 07 475 09 S 42 92 CG1 25 704 17 704 17 735 04 E ThUckrey county treasurer of Chprrv 1 comity no Hereby ceiiiiv that iIik imv true statement of the receipts and expenditures of this office for Inst half of thp vear SEAL 1900 J E TIIAOKREY County Treasurer Klienraatism Is quickly relieved and promptly cured by Dr Drummonds Lightning Remedies The internal remedy is pleasant lo take acts immerl iately does nst disturb digestion and is for rheumatism only in all iw loriunng forms uimutuiua anu uaiucuuu milSVICS 11 your druggist has not these remedies In slock do not taxc anj tning else send muuu jueiii jiiiu u rteiv iors anu the fui JKSSESSiS3K3CNSWC5SW3 S KT epZf l LLIOTIS RflSF fiLYQERINE JELLY Finest preparation on the market for chapped hands and face ELLIOTTS PLEASANT WORM SYRUP Safe Pleasant Reliable ELLIOTTS LITTLE LIVER PILLS A household necessity purely vegetable contains no calomel S l r DO For Patent Medicines Toilet Articles CT A Pl I I A DT EI M t A UyUAKI CL riO Books and Stationery ELLIOTTS DRUG STORE Andrew Schatzthatjer row MM MYWY ITABil 2T XXESONS QEE STRIKE Yovr Patronage solicited Rates reasonable Horses well cared for WITH YOUR ORDER chine with the defacts of none Made 1 i 41 HEff U BE iM dm ra Jail All a C9 njfrii5SS Jl SCHOOL DISTRICT FUND To Balance July 1 1000 Collections State apportionment By Vouchers Treasurers fees Balance SCHOOL BOND FUND To Balance July 1 1900 Collections By Vouchers Treasurers fees Balance SOLDIEltS KELIEF FUND To Balance July l 1900 Collections By Vouchers Treasurers fees Balance VALENTINE VILLAGE- GENERAL To Balance July l I9oo Collections By Treasurers fees Balance luuucy tan vuy 8 2023 07 10924 23 2753 OS 1CC02 as 5S03 4S 103 34 10C35 56 10602 38 S 1C3 99 989 83 2C33 82 1053 23 16 SG 15C3 73 2033 82 5 103 Co 3 52 112 17 06 00 18 45 99 112 17 FUND S 62 C9 154 00 216 09 8 36 203 33 210 09 VALENTINE VILLAGE SINKING FUND To Balance July 1 1900 u 19 Collections - 36S 53 E Cut this ad out and send to us State whether you wish drop head or tip right and we rfll send you our high grade Akron Sewing Machine by eight COD subject to examination Examine it at your nearest freight or express office and if found exactly as represented here equal to other machines costing from 40 to 60 pay the agent our SPECIAL FACTORY PRICE I6958SES average 75 cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances in proportion Give it 4 months trial la your om home and if it is not satisfactory return it at our expense and we will refund your money This machine is equal to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine som tor less money must te raaae ot interior matemL Wc in large quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost which enables us to ofler you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low BEWARE OF IMITATOBSiSlssssaffiS with various inducements Write to the Akron Savines Bank or the -a XiationalBaiik of Akron Ohio and they wiUteiiufouViUreC0nd mutm wmm right in our factory by the most stilt Z A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks Prof Roxa Tyler of Chicago Vice President Illinois Womans Alliance in speaking of Chamberlains Cough Eemedv says I suffered with a se vere cold this winter -which threatened to run into pneumonia Itned differ ent remedies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my sto mach A friend advised me to try Chamberlains Cough Remedy and 1 found it was pleasant to take and it re- lieved me at once I am now entirely recovered saved a doctors tall time and suffering and I will never be with out this splendid remedy again For sale by Quigley Chapman 1 3 I will run the town herd of cows this summer and do the herding myself and guarantee careful handling of all stock entrusted to mycare Yours Truly no W D Clarkson Sore and swollen joints sharp shoot ing pains torturing muscles no rest no sleep That means rheumatism It is a stubborn disease to fight biit Chamberlains P in Balm has conquer ed it thousands of times It will do so whenever the opportunity is offered Try it One application relieves the Iain For sale by Quigley Chapraan LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Non resdent Defendant The Commercial Investment Co will take no tice that on the orb day of January 1901 E W Manchester filed a petition in the district court of Cherry county Nebraska the object and rirayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien acquired by virtue of certificates of tax sale issued bi J E Thackrey county treasurer of Chcrrv county Nebraska for the payment of delinquent taxes upon the following described real estate Northeast quarter of Section 25 Township 30 Range 20 In Cherry county Ne braska for the yenrs 1892 1S93 1894 I8as 1896 7897 and for subsequent taxes fo the years 1898 and 1899 no part of said taxes has been paid and there Is now due plaintiff from defendant the sum ofSiosOO for which plaintiff prays You ate required to answer said petition on K0110 February J8f 1901 er said pe tition will be L iken as tru AW MANCHESTER Plaintiff By F M Waleott his attorney 5i4t s Petition for Appoint nent of Admin istrator In county court of Cherry countv Nebraska Iu the matter of the estate of Jacob Ludwls deceased Bertha C Sparks Med in my ofilce a petition praying for ine appointment of Joseph A sparks as administrator of the estate of Jacol Ludwig deceased All persons interesthd n said estate will take notice that 1 have fixed the uitfduiktry jji itiu ociock a m as the time and my office in Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all persons in terested in said estate may appear and show Witness rnv hand and seal this 8th day of January 1901 i3hAL W R TOWNE Cl 3 County Judge Order of Hearing of Final Account CUnty Courl of Cuerry CouMt e1 Johu w 0eijsJ Wilflam ViSiJ9th of Deember comes v H15 v ariy adnistrutor uf 8simI estate adnffinu It is therefore ordered that tlie 5th dav of uAryisoi atio yclocka niatniy offlce fu alentne in said county be fixtd as the tw and Place for examiniim and allowing such sc ac count and rh hir rr c otn X nno inji 1 juiuu tcosou idu ail wvukj lULni i hihii in k iiii uc rntn - auuw cansfi ir nnv nrH otIl shall not be allowed VAllia kv Jlf PcarattUKndVesosSnE1 by said - -- accounts m that the iri Viii- wii uureiore ordered The external preparation restores stiff joints bIto StlgmrtVgSS Usliprf caiMHVluo voEth order to be mih iu the Valentincnemoorata dmwiiSLp printed and m ntibii pi wspaper to the Tnim Ior three weeks prioVVheday seTfoVK 4 treatment of two large bottles will be sent tn SPr xaiLU December 19 19H -v -- vt 6 -- X D LgiJIl6 iSm JilIBi It Jr 1m S MB i t CI Zm 8 4Le av workmen and from the best material thctSiv I HUM I kStf lift HlHCTorsevenKlrawer Box Top yoarchotce Ouir TTn01L yuln ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration SoJrt C5machiaopel rJy foruse theTtherour Drop Head machine with the head dropped from sight to be used as a center table or desk The upright or Box Top machine h s six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools needles etc Drawers are latest 1900 skeleton frame carved paneled embossed and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy drawers and one drawer for tools Each machine has the finest high arm ueauDOSitlvexourTTintinn fVri 1 u bm winder adjustable bearings patent tension liberator improved looe wheel improved adjustable pressure root improved shuttle carrier patent aress guard patent needle bar Head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed We guarantee this machine to be tlie lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless rnacnine maae xivery attachment is furnished free together with a complete instruc tion book telling you how to do any kind of pUfn or fancywork We issue a written binding guarantee with every machine It will cost vou nothing to see and exam ine this machine compare it with others selling for from 40 to 60 and if satisfactory pay the agent 1695 and charges Send for circulars and full descriptions of sewins tuubumw iuiu iivjwijt luouuiawtuia uj UJi VIUU iwuajr nuui CM 414 AUCTd lJ THE AKRON SEWING MACHINE BICYCLE CO Akron Oh2o Whe Akron Sewintr Machine and Bicycle Co are reliable Editor M