Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 10, 1901, Image 4

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This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Subscription 100 per year In advance 81 DO
when not paid in advance
display advertising 1 inch 15c per issue Goc
per month 4 issues 300 per year in advance
Local Notices 5c per line each issue
Brands M inches 4 00 per year in ad
vance additional space S3 00 per inch per year
engraved blocks extra S100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over
G months in arrears
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver
There is in Paris a- hotel which has
4000 employes The smallest kettle in
its kitchen will hold 100 quarts and
the largest 500 Each of 50 roasting
pans is big enough for 800 cutlets Ev
ery dish for baking potatoes will hold
22u pounds When omelets are on the
bill of fare 7800 eggs are used at once
For cooking alone sixty cooks and 100
assistants are always at the ranges
Sioux City Tribune
The internal revenue collectors have
decided that cattle commission men
come within the meaning of brokers
under the revenue law of 189S The
act provides for a tax of 50 a year up
on all brokers but the word has never
been defined and cattle commission
men have held that they were not brok
ers within the mtaniug of the law and
have never paid the tax The amount
involved amounts to 8000 at South
Omaha alone Perhaps the odious
war tax in times of peace will be re
moved feomelime during the twentieth
The republicans of Valentine and
Cherry county have well defined pre
ferences for United States senators
and despite the efforts of the Republi
can to work up a sentiment in his favor
Rosewater is not one of them 13ro
Barkerjsnot registered on the books
of the republican leaders and his pro
ductions are not looked upon with fa
vor We have it direct from head
quarters that the eleclion of Meikle
john is sure and 1 E Thompson is
quite certain In the event of the elec
ta n of these two gentlemen Bro Uar
kers last lingering longing for the
postmasteship goes glimmering and
liis basement shop will be so filled with
briny tears that the presses will do
bungling work
Here is another thing our IS years
of experience in the newspaper busi
neSbas taught us The less brains a
man has the more apt he is to shove
his paper back into the box marked
thing in the paper that does not exact
ly coincide with his narrow views
Keally smart men grant to others the
right to differ with them in many
tilings and even respect and admire
told tbe editor to stop Lis paper for
some trifling matter But he continnes
to read the nieasley sheet just the
sauie evenif has to walk two miles to
a neighbors to borrow it Gordon Jour
The word has gone out from the fed
eralolbcc holders to the effect that
law to many aud their will is strong
but oiK tho other hand there isa him-
Granulated blood in any
quantity at 5c the pound
Its a fine food for chickens
Takes the place of meat
We also have Pratts
Poultry Food and Lees
Egg Maker
With eggs selling at 15c
to 20c a dozen a few cents
invested in good food for
hens will bring large re
regular monthly
Weddiutf rings at O W Moreys
Bob Ruisenbery is in the city from
Notice O W Moreys new ad this
Harris and Hooton are trading ho
tel locations today
Al Pratt is up from the southeast
part of the county
Joe Pogue of Woodlake was in
town Tuesday night
Corn taken in exchange for goods
by W A Pcttycrew
A G Shaw is yet quite lame but
nevertheless he will make good pho
tos 51
R Anderson the hardware merch
ant will pay the market price for ear
corn 48
A dance will be eiven in Cornell
Hall next Monday night Everybody
Shaws gallery for your photos
There he will make them all first
class Give nim a trial 51
Congressman Neville has been very
ill at Washington but is reported
convalescent at present
The W C T U will meet with Mrs
Bivens Tuesday at 230 p m all
mnmbers try and be present
Remember the old reliable jeweler
O W Morey when you want reliable
work good goods honest prices 51
Judge Towne granted John Story
and Mary Lee of Newton permission
to commit ruatrimpny January 1
When it comes to riding the blind
baggage Davenport can give many
tourists pointers Ask him and see
A marriage license was issued to
Andrew Koralqwski and Annie Stasth
both of Nenzel on Monday of this
Jnn ICudelka nnp nf thi manv
rcfoosed every lime he sees some 1
tockincn from near Kilff0ret took a
load of lumber out of town with him
Monday to build a new shed
The new board of commissioners
took charge of affairs Tuesday
Messrs Laufer and Haley take hold
their judgment but a narrow minded
J fa like old hands at the business
man warns to ooyeou every one wno
differs with him in politics or religion The Equal Suffrage Club will eet
and is never so happy as when he has i in Hornby Hail next Tuesday evening
at 7 oclock for meet-
ingrall members asked to be present
The Masonic fraternity operated
on five candidates for various degrees
Tuesday night and adjourhed till
next week without finishing their
work in order to give the goat a much
needed rest
LOST Between the ice and top of
Meiklejohn and Thompson must be J hill or between the nill gand town a
elected lo the United States senate and j small purse well worn containing
the rank and file of the pariv are meek- 1425 and a note for 0500 given by
Jy bowing tu their will They do this Oeo Jinnies Finder will please
to save- themselves because it is a
iuoraicorfainty that if Curr e and Jliu
shaw or any oilier two men are elect-
leave at the Democrat olllicc and
get a liberal reward It
John jtfiess the Rosebud stockman
ed miiuy changes will be made among reccived a pair of blboded Plymouth
the olBcaholding crew aud none of j Kock cockrels from the east yester
thejn want to let go Their word is day u orninir John raises nothing
but the best stuff on his ranch and
his herd of chickens all pure bred is
gry horde whose mouths are watering secoid to noue in the western
for pio whV will make it exceedingly try
interesting for those who now hold
government commissions Neverthe
less iti3 probable that Meiklejohn and
Thompson will be- crammed down the
throats of the wriggling voters and in
the interesta of harmony not a kick
will lie made
The JJothcfs JTarovlta
Cham her Iains Cough llemidy is the
mothers favorite It is pleasant and
safe for children lo take and always
cures it is intended specially for
coughs colds croup and whooping
congh and is the bsfc medicine made
for these diseases There is not the
- The Odd Fellows installed- the fol
lowing oilicers last Thursday night
KG W F rWorgstreidge
- VGLN Lay port
Sec L L Uivena -
- Lewis
r D E Sheripan
In the absence of Deputy Barnes
of A ins worth Ed Clarke acted as in
stalling oilicer
A Valentine young man recently re
ceived an invitation to a society func
tion in the lower left hand corner of
wilich were the cabalistic letters K
S V P This puzzled the young
man and he exhibited the invitation
to a friend and asked for an
least danger in givingjt to children for tion The friendwas not lup very
O W Morey has just completed a
unique clock representing a hunting
scene which is a marvel of ingenuity
Just before the hour a door in the
lower part of the clock flies open and
a big black bear rushes out and stands
in view for five minutes when it re
tires He is now working on a ma
chine which when completed will
cause the bear to emit a number of
low growls while exposed to view
The Workmen held a semi public
installation of officers on Monday
night and installed the following for
the ensuing term
M WE Breuklander
F M W D Clarkson
O F W E Pefctycrew
Recorder U G Dunn
Financier J C Pettijohn
Receivei Gus Carlson
Guard Jas Galloway
Inside Watch Matt House
Outside Watch Lew Smith
The Degree of Honor tendered a
banquet to the members and friends
of the two lodges prior to the cere
mony of installation which is report
ed to have been one of the best ever
giyen in Valentine
About a month ajo Anthony Owns
the Battle and Oliver Turning Bear
two Rosebud Indians suffered the loss
of five head of horses by theft On
the 18th of December Ed Blakey saw
these horses in the Valentine stock
yards in charge of two Indiana and
learning later of the theft he went
to work on the case and found the In
dians had cashed a check in town
bearing the signature of Mike Jordan
Putting these things together he sent
word to Rosebud and Sundav in com
pany with Turning Bear and Billy
Barker he went to Arabia an4 foud
the horses in possession of Jack Kief
C W McDaniel and Mike Jordan to
whom the Indians had sold them The
property was given up by these gen
tlemen and returned to the owners
A general court martial is being
held at Fort Niobrara this week to try
four soldiers one of them a first ser
geant for various offences against the
government and breaches of military
law Captain T M Purssell 10th In
fantry of Fort Crook is president of
the court and Lieut F IJqqter of
Fort Niobrara is judjTQ advocate
The other members of the court are
1st Lieut Holden 2nd Lieuts Hand
and Patterson of the Tenth infantry
Lieut Lee of the Thirty ninth infan
try and 2nd Lieut Dayof the Seventh
cavalry Lieuts Lee and Day are
members of the staff of Gen- Lee now
commanding this department apd
the former is a son of the renownfid
general The court will probably be
in sesion during the entire week but
owing to the strained relations exis
ting between Niobrara and Valentine
it is next to lmpossioie to secure any
information regarding the progress
of the trials
Iowii the River
Mrs Berry went toSparks last week
to visit her daughter Ilattie Hndson
Miss Anna Ashburns broken limb is
almost well and she has no more use
for crutches
Aaron Grooms and John llellenbolt
went to Valentine Wednesday to help
harvest the ice
The Kewanee school taught by Miss
Ada Stinard will be closed for two
weeks as her sister Ida is very sick
Capt Archer went to Valentine Wed
nesday and returned Thursday with
material to complete Ernest I3ovdens
new well
Wno jJ 31 I
13 J i rreclnct
Bad colds are the order of the day
Mrs Macumber
is moving back to
Young High Pocket and old High
Pocket make a good team
Ralph Poland is working for P Sul
livan vice Scott Hatch resigned
Airs E E Crane avIio has been very
ill is able to be about the house again
Henry Ileckei had the misfortuue
to cut his hand very badly with a wood
Some of our young people enj03 ed
themselves at a dance at Lew Adams
Saturday night
J 1
School commenced in district 40 last
nitera montu 5 vacation on ac
count of smallpox
Jlen Roberts who is holding a buuch
of steers on the river drove down anT
other bunch Sunday-
Thore are more cattle ranging along
the Niobrara this winter than ever be
fore since the country was settled
Notwithstanding the census enumer
ation is over the population of this
community keeps increasing right
I 13 Nichols returned from
it contains no opium or other injurious syei jn etiquette but he was not to i man Sunday where he had been plus
drug and may be given as ronnuently cauht napping so he replied Them tering Nick is nutting up a new
to a babe as to n adult- For sale by letters mean Keply Soon Very Po- house for hiinsejf
mgiw CLolUial 2 4 JiVcT I
Monthly Meteorological Summary
U S Department of Acriculture l
Weather Bureau f
Valentine Xebr January 1 1D01
- -32
Date j 2J f actero
Max Min Mean - daJ
Dec 1 53 3G -14 0 Cloudy
- 38 27 3J T Cloudy
3 40 13 30 02 Cloudy
4 50 21 37 0 Clear
5 43 22 32 10 Cloudy
G 49 29 39 T ItCldy
7 IS 27 38 T PtCldy
S 50 30 40 0 ItCIdy
9 30 i 10 20 0 rtCldy
10 2 11 20 T Cloudy
11 43 20 32 0 Clear
12 50 28 39 0 Clear
13 42 20 31 o clear
14 55 19 37 0 Clear
15 62 20 41 0 Cloudy
16 55 22 38 0 Clear
17 53 27 40 0 Clear
18 49 22 33 0 Cloudv
19 46 15 32 0 Clear
20 el 20 45 o Clear
2t C4 38 51 0 TlCldy
22 45 23 37 T Cloudy
23 37 22 30 02 PtCldy
21 30 15 22 0 Clear
25 41 1G 2 0 Clear
2B 40 19 32 Q FrOkTy
27 27 20 24 0 Cloudy
23 05 i yo T Clear
2D 49 n go 0 Clear
30 33 o 1C 01 Cloudy
31 13 -12 o 0 Clear
T indicates trace of precipitation
Mean atmospheric
Higlust pressure 3033 on tlie 0th
Lowest pressure 2023 on the 2ist
Mean temperature 32 Highest temperature
01 on the 20 Love3t temperature -12 on the
3lsr Greatest daily range of temneratnm 4 9
on the 15th Least daily range of toniporaiure
7 qq e 27tli
Mean temperature lor this month in 1S89 3G
160032 18D131 189222 IS93 2G 189130 1895
27 IS9G 34 1897 21 1838 23 18C9 20 1900 32
Mean temperature for this month for 12 years
28 Aveiage excess of dally mean temp during
month 4 Accumulated excess of daily mean
temp since Jan l 122 Average dally excess
since Jan 13 3 Prevailing direction or wind
W Total movemeut of wind 8023 miles
Maximum velocity of wind direction ad flute
Total precipitation 613 inches Numher of
days with 01 inch or more of precipitation 4
Total precipitation in inches for this month
in 1889 0 81 1890032 1891031 1892045 1893
0S3 1894 003 1895 015 1S9G 04G 1897 1 03
1898037 1S99040 1900 015
Average precipitation for this month for 12
years P4G inches Total deficiency in preciplta
tion during month 031 inches Accumulated
g5fces in precipitation slpce Jajmayy 1 3QS
inches Number of clear days 14 partly
cloudy days 7 cloudy days 10
Observer Weather Bureau
Ai tibia
C B Key man was a city visitor
Mamie Kief went to Valentine last
week to go to school
Our school opened Monday We
are glad to have Miss Thorn back
Owing to the scarcity of cars the hay
dealers are piling their hay up in Ar
Mr Peterson was in town Monday
putting up a New Patent gate ior
Mr Jordan
A crowd of young folks gave a pleas
ant surprise party at the heme of Miss
Mary Higgin New Years night
They had plenty of music and singing
and we hear that they danced all
night until broad daylight
Who am 1
Bailey Briefs
L D Rose is recovering from -a spell
of sickness
Almo Teed has been rounding up
saddle horses recently
Arthur Heath lost five head of calves
with blackleg recently
E L Sellars went on the roundup
the frout end of the week
John Seager went to his horse ranch
on business last Thursday
James Hunt says he doesnt like a
building that has a stairway
Charlie Sellars is foreman on the
mule sho ranch on the river
Cattle are doing well in this vicinity
except those on the range the look
The Truax brothers anticipate going
to Iowa in the spring on a sporting trip
with a couple of track horses
G H Seager was offered 8000 for
his ranch recently but he says it will
take 2000 more to raise him out
The dance at Sellars brothers Satur
day night was well attended Lee Sel
lars and Pete Evenson made the music
Guess Who f Am
- - i
I ciTiWiinwnirr iTV f vy fl
borse and poor look- 4 3wk
in liurnesa i j tlto Ja
worst kind of a com- flrsdl
blnation t SSSivA
Harness Oil
nat only make t ho harness anil thi l f
horse Inrfc better but makM tho S
leather sort and pliable puis i in con- v
urn 4t dilion to last twice ca long iM
Miimtltr a3 ordinarily would
Mmm A- Madeb7 lMi a
your mmfm
Horse a xmmjf
Chance j
gfe I JI
ugi 1
km vtuoTissnysatitty
sSJfl Miltim3VViljrZi
3 M SlSSGv5S Srt I
A G Shaw has opened his photo
gallerj and with his new backgrounds
and new stamp outfit will take stamp
pictures in neat style 2S for twenty
five cents 51
If troubled with a weak digestion
belching sour stomach or if 3 011 feel
dull after eating try Chamberlains J
Stomach and Liver Tablets Price
25cn ts ftnt h Jm at O phy
Chapmans drug store l y
i200 SEND
- - 1200
m mmvi 1
w 53vjii uai Ha
Bu come and examine my 12 Gold Filled
Watch As trood lumblc and reliable a watcli
as you need for ail practical pumo urs j uiiy
guanuiteed by goo j companies also by
P Valentine Iide Xo c
ideets every second mii
fourth Wednesday evi
InffnfeBch month at Iornbys Hail A cordial
invitation is cvii nded to all visitioj membei s
o Mi Jth V President
ELLIOTT 8 rose glycerine
Finest preparation on the market for chapped hands and face
Safe Pleasant Reliable
A household necessity purely vegetable contains no calomel
fl rn am a A -9 - iL I aa k ffA4 dL
LCU lJt ys
morey can buy
J nxfMJhLt swed P Polish One Illustration
Zil vl JiJT i Z ruy I0 ti tne ctner our uiop Meaa maclilne
nth the head
dropped front sirfit to be used
as c cemer tsMe or desk Tha
uonuror Bot rnnm3rhml1 r j c
neeoes etc Drapers arelatest 1500 skeleton frame caredprneed niUed
and decorated cabinet finish fine nirlccied drawer pulls resu on four casters
aujuiaoie ireaaietrenuin imvih irrr i
1 va T T aa
rfrawor nrl - r -WV V J -- lOGtJ
i w iwij cacn macnne res me ini nien arnt
v j j PosveJOJr notion f ed sefthresdipff ilradn shuttle auto ns tic bob
acljiijtaole pressurc ioot improved shuttle carrier patent ares iruard psten ncdie bar
neaa is handsomely decorated and ornamented end beautifully nickel trimmed We
guarantee this machine to be the lirhrest runuirfj meet durabla and rxrrti noiseless
aciaiie racae nvcry attachment is fumfchMi frp tiwi th with u
booV tellins you how to do anv kind of nliin nr fanrv ivnrV Vtf ii
Cut this out and take it to Quigley
Chapmans drug store and get a free j
- - ----
- r 1 t --
infipuarantee with every machine It -sill nnct nn nntln tawiniinim
ine this machine it with others sellini for from z to irt snrl If imWfirtnrt
gtj Fayh aucnt S169S ntl charpes Send for cir ulan and full inscriptions tfsewina
raichints and bicycles manufactured bv us Order todav Address a 11 nrcl rt tn
The Akron Sewing Machine and Bicycle Co are sellable Editor
sample of Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets the bpst physic They
also cure disorders of the stomach bil
iousndss and headache 1 a
Jlttde Youttff Aal
H E A D Q U A RT E RS ror PatSSkSXricIe9
Ale and Porter
I it E-E-
By special arrangement we can furnish
Free for one year to every one of our subscribers All you Lave to do
is to renew for this paper for next year and tell us that you want the
Prairie Farmer and we will order it sent to you one year free We
will also send the Prairie Farmer one year free to every new subscriber
who pays us one year in advance Dont put this off
op CfCf
Sole Agents for
Choicest Wines and Cigars
Andrew Schatzthauer
id wl w3ip4 c4w 5Ux xA 45X X sSi
Yovr Patronage solicited Rates reasonable Horses well cared for
cKii or mjto anu u iuuiu clu7 as reoressntca cere equal to
tnr machitn costing from 40 to SSo pjy ti asreat our tly4M1frr f1i7rggi5R ft
ivera 75 cts for each 50 miles lass or greater distances in proportion 5JrSE4H W JwiwJftiVQ
Jive it 4 months trial JnyGurcrThoneandif it is not satisfactory Plv r5s2ss4
ttum It at our expose aud vs ill refund your money 1 his machine Is fel525Pra tf firtt53M
nual to anv tundird hi2h trrade sewmtr machine mrt nti A I 1 livltfiO r
oia lor ices money must be made of interior mitriaL W
arje quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost which enables us
o offer you a stnctlv high grade machine at a ridiculously low twice
uth various inducements Write to the Afcroa Savings Beak or the Second
JiaUanal Bank of Akron Ohio and tlKywtll tell you of our relkbilitv
MfinFRH IMPHMFn MAPH1WP TheAERQHhasevervmTdemlm
chine viththedsftcts of none Made riEht ESSadg t5ii3
with vour or3r ftM 8
Jis Z out end JO 1 t t i whether vai vish dnp h 4 vW if
piui ws will iwil joa mv huli grade Afcron Swn 1x 4zbY5X
ueijjiit C OR aubjetr to csacinstian Examine it at yo n ieit ifec
a gy
srjsarjKl L ji
-- pi Sty fiT o
Notice to Non resident Defendant
The Commercial Investment Co will rnk no
tice that ou tlieoth dav of Januarv inoi E V
Manchester filed a petition in the district court
or Clierrv county Nebraska the object anrt
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax
Hen acquired by virtue of certificates of tax sale
issued bv J U Thackrey county treasurer of
nnimtf YnlirnoNn Cw 1 m
viiu vuiiiiiihcuimho nit tUB ItVIIICilt Ml
une 01 Ulilinga JSew lAlC FiliS real estate Northeast quarter of Section 25
ench uvilllp 0 afre in rerr county Xe
niMltfor two weeks lnisnut in
uu lJoJt lul LUU HUK5 kJu mo in j bniskaforthcjeiralSJW lSW IMM 1S33 lggfi
TtlV 4flllis nrrnin wrilpc T If Im nu I hl7 Ullrt for MlbSClllieilt taXfs for till v ira tanJ
j -- vj a A AUilJll 1
of Dempseytown Pa
in the wirld for Liver Stomach and
Bowels Purely vegetable Never
Only 25c at Elliotts Drug
2 4
lllll 1SK tin icirt of vniil tivu li w lo A nni
Tiieyre the best t there Is now due plaintiff from defendant the
o iur uiiiuji iiiauiiin prays juair
Voua e required to answer said petition on
or Monday February is isoi or said pe
tition will be taken as -
Ly F jr Watcott his attorney - 5i4t
Petition for Appoint nent of Admin
In county court of Cherry counly Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Jacob Lmhvfc
Bertha C Sparks fIed in inv office a petition
prajum for liie appointment or Joseph A
rpnrks as administrator of tlie estate of Jacob
Liulwij ciece ised All lwrsons iuteresthd in
iaid will lake notice that I have fixed tiie
SjJth day of January 1001 at 10 oVIock a 111 us
the time and my ofiicu In Valentine Cherry
county ieiisKi as the place for hwarfn said
petition at which time and place all ktsous i
terested in said estate may appear and sin
cause ifHnyi hero be why Mica administra
not be appointed
Wilueas inv hand aud seal this fith day of
- January 1001 -
-- 51 3 County Judge
Order of Hearing of Pinal Account
Crt of CJerry Couty e
deiVulellnatter 0l Ue CbtatB f Jom W 0ens
wmv1v llus 9th tUT of Dccwutcr comes
William K Malfjadiriiiinmtor of gaul etHte
ami prays forletne to render an at count aasticli
It is therefore ordf red that the 5th day of
Jamiai j isoi at 10 j duck a to at my onicf in
1 hiiiit 4 A-
iC uiaiii uKHiny in nvu as tlie time
and place for examining and allonin Mich
and the Ji irs 01 said d ceased ai d ad ner
soiis interested in said estate are required to
appear at tin- time and place ao ihlnWi o
show cause if anv
chn tnt ix iiTr v J -
uu wi tiintrii
1L 1 nnn
ilmr toe semi William Haley admlnistnitor
iaiebvcaiisii l es
ji -inv x
lislipii in ihe ValPiitifif IVni jonu
1 - - - - new
ivWV It
ing 10 uieiiay set rof hear
Dated December 19 1900