fc r Anra hrand ay Postofflce address Senecft Neb t The valentine democrat I M RICE my part of animal part of animal ne following left Also some cattle Di arinc tho foliow ne biands a lett eck X left side or sliomuer hlirh m iWEWyriHR Left side on cattle horses If ft shoulder aleo on left side BSH some on right hip Middle Loup 11111 borne Range Seven miles north act of Pine Btdge in Wm P Schmidt T a j EDITOR 100 Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at t to o Post office at Valentine Cherry country Nebraska as Second class matter W D McGaa Oreston 8 D Left or either side of cattle also V left side oi necK awai low fork right ear underbit left right ear nuooea ou un derbit lei ear Rome on left law and some On left side HIS im GEORGE DZCORT KeatofSce Address Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left aide suae s out Hones brand G D en left bi Ranch on Lone and Antelope eredc estol Rosebud wuuieieisjaw Other brauds left side or fcsUeor any tome branded 1 mm W lelt hip or left lW ll 311UUI -- - mi i ir b W 1 1 IHH I qvb V2umVlM2ZZl aer iii ifii urti ii ir urn or thigh thigh thigh ortnigh hip Anyone selltnghorses or cattle bearing the Dove brands will be prosecuted Information ftgardlng theft liberally rewarded Range at cuney bprlngs and Cottonwood HERBERT O BISONETTB MANAGER Postofflce address ti u T Cattle branded as on cut 11 OR on left side BomeBWLLon either side Some on left side nme older m stock any where on animal iiorses E R jgfi onieitnip anywnere on richt side Shannon Co Alex Burr WALT HARDT Pullman Nebr On right side korsps samo left shoulder Herd mark Dv lap Range Rnis Like and Soutb P A TUOMS80TS iH P am IB Postofflce Addroo Slmen Neb Stock brandc earn as out br hind leftenouldr Ran re oe tti olagl MARTIN RED BEAR Posloffloe address Pine Ridge SD Oo left side horses same left thigi RangeWolf Creek ALBERT WniPPLB Postofflce addrea Rosebud 8 D Branded on lft nlri line SOS ps Horses on g either gai VpeT der SsK Some a 13 Bay branded o either shou lor thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNEB PotofnV address Klkore Neb Cattlo branded on either sde as on rut same on bip Some on fW left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND A T DAVIS PoitoTice address llyannis Keb On right side horses onIet shoulder also cattlo on rhrhtslde n Range 18 mile north of Hanns Postofflce address Allen s n Left side alscl n lelt snii eorse 10 on eft hip Range Corn Creer Rosebud S D Fame as cut or wit bar uuder S Tight ear slit and dulapped Horros branded same on left hip IfWHHTTW Kennedy Nebr Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some on left hip Horses same on left shoulder Range Square Lake Simeon Neb Sto k branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between GorrionandSnakc crepks and on the Niobrara river Kennedy Nebr Cattle branded same as cu Horses p lelt shoulder Mouth of Boardman J B Lord -sag hihsXSSSSSmMliim D M Sears C W J5ennetL Simeon Neb Stoek bianded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara 3 J L C Peyton Morgureidge Son OJ Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Creek and Loup T 1 SereaNeb J I L Mercure Cn right side or 1 on eitn er hip Raugi south west of Seneca Horses y branded m on left I side rosebud S D Range between Middle Loup and Dismal Lavaca Neb Range on Pole Creek Short Horn bulls for sale P i J W Burleigh I JB Perry Parker Valentine Neb Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left Bide Range between Gordon an Snake creeks and on the Niobrara S - S 1 wmmgmim3 Simeon Neb As on cut or IT or V S on lefthip Avith hole in right ear when under 2 years old horse same as cut and IF Range Gordon creek and Nio brara river George Gray Thedford Neb Same as cut on left hip or AG on right hi or side Ra n tr Loup and L ami I V m w Geo H Hill r 8 asprn Thi IF Talbot Gallop Seneca Neb Alex Bordeaux Gallop Neb Range 10 miles soutii of Merriman Rosebud SD iiorses branded on left thigh Cattle on left side with half crop on on left ear Also cattle MB with no crop on ear Reuben Quick Bear Cattle branded same ns cut or on bip Range Blabk Pipe Creek IRQB J J Bray I 1 n i flHbfieUKRRBKHHHsV Rosebud S D Cattlo branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brand same on the left BhoulJer - e SO JVSSS JFIWHVttenateHliMll FRATJK A GALLIGO Postofflce address DC J Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle On left side Range on Niobrara Valentine Nebr State Brand reg istered 1554 Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip Range 2 miles east of Ft Nio brara Manderson S D Left side and on young stock Oln stock randert leftsifle KS iiorses thigh J L ROSEBERRY Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on left hiD horses same dew lap Range south and east of Brush Hill Range Rock Springs Basin JOHN A LOGAN Postofflce address Allen S D1 On left shoulder and hip some 1 on B2f left shouldr and kH on left side mark left ear cropd Range Bear Creek flJHHil JOE ROOKS JR I Postofflce address Allen S D On left side horses same on telgii itange Bear Creek WI1S3 leU DAVID COTTIER Allen S D On left side right car split Horses Q way down on hilt Range - mtie White Uiver CHARLES LONG MAN Postofflce address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES mmmmmmSaSWni Postofflce address Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left side as on rut Horseajsrs nn lnft tliiirh SLff Rrnge on Rock Creek LTenry Pratt xiSffiii h b i Stjr R M Faddis Co Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy Neb Postofflce address R HANSON Valentine Neb Cattle branded on lefthip horses the same Range en Dry Val ley Cattle branded same as cut Some branded on lelt thigh Some on left side oi hip Sa raHw D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Rushville Neb On eft hip also 500 on left side Horses should- D Stinard riEj Range Cedar Lake J A Adamson I Valentine Neb On left side or nip A 4 left side or hip mm left IS 3Rm er Ta I PIKE BROS y Postofflce address Cmokston Neb Branded on eithe 0rlvf n 1 OIUCUllU IIIIU1 Bt n right hip Range On illn nechaduza 5 miIes east of Crookston BCCifa3jEtw Tfc JSuBiiKfiiiig W E Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German preciucts 6 miles south of Kilgore j t mi ii nr TiriTi rrrT C P Jordan bearing any of these brands Two miles east cf Crookston in Cherry county Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookstou Neb Wm Ft Niobrara Neb Brand No 870 rcgisteed Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrar river 12 miles ea of Valentine 3osebud SD Horses and cattle same as cut aso CI BE S3 on right hip Range on Oak and Butte crocks A liberal reward for information leading to detection oi rustlers of stocc Morey Hewett Gordon Nebr Brand registered 2292 On left hip of cattle Horses same left should er also OACi left side Range South of Snake 35 miles seofGordou Shadbolt Fleishman Heivey Ranch P T Brackett Riege Nebr Brand Registered NO WHO Brand right sidi or hip Horses same on right shoulder Range Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore CM Hvannls on B M R Bailey Nebr Left side S P lelt shoulder ilerdmarkdew lap Kange Ringe 30 and 37 be tween Niobrara and the Snake W oci George P Damon FD Albany Neb Cattle branded VI on left ribs or right shoulder l on right hip and left ribs 6on left hip Iiorses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine J Alien fiftilSfiSSSijf C E Wright fvMMS3m M J IlbsS aSSfflfiFfeP s Cooper Nebr Brand registeied No 374 Brand anywhere on right side J W OSTRANDER Postofflce address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Headwaters of Gordon Creek Aletvarrtor400 will be paid to anv person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand Parker Son f ZPj Ssajaffi SvJ J4MiSi5 P 0 Address L W Parker Reige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP Ramie on Niobrara south of Crookston A T BRACKETT Postofflce address Kiege Neb Branded on left side Range Three miles Southeast of Georgia S I - Bd9 BjfgiL w w ANDEKSON J C ROUS Anderson Rounds Simeon Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut also 1G on left side witii on left hip of some cattle also S4G on right side Hoise brand rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewev Lake Range on Niobrara River east of Fort Niobrara al30 between Snake River and Simeon known as the Felch range all inCherry County Nebraska DAN WEBSTER Postofflce address Harlan Nebraska On left vide or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between NIo Drara and Snate riv ers south of Merri man WMmmlmKBtmWimSKmBmBmMmmt A Reward of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestand tlnal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle oroises with above brand JwvrewraiJiiL RICHAItDS CAIRNES CO Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands Nebraska Address Babtlett tftSUrTO Nebra torses branded tbe same Range between Gordon on the FE M VR R and R in Northwestern Richards Brownlee Neb On left side Range Swan Lake Brownlee Nebr x B W Pearson 2F l7f mm- -fit FT- tofcfaJKaa i On right side or nip On left vide or hip or l on left liin taStiS S E Orr P s m mmrmzumrs Newton Nebrnka Cattle branded as on cut Some eft side or hip Nevton Neb Cherry Co Brand on left side and thigh Earmark square crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one half diamond E on left side Native cattle have Also some branded cattle Range South soA ducts ud and Brownlee Neb Same as cut Horses same on left shoulder Range -Goose Creek I OR J Charles H Faulhaber m Range Calf Crek afejgjg RKara Brownlee Riclit or left side of catftle Horses same on leltfshoulder Left ear cut off of cattle Range on Loup river L K Belding if hr urJ JlGxmmibMlLx WILLIAM FERDON Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws Like cut on either left side or hipalso Wm ROUSCHE leic side Ilore same as cut on left hip S250OO RE WAlt l lor con- conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands CHAMBERLAIN CO Postofflce address Brownlee Ne On left side or any part of animal Ear markright ear cut off horses branded same on left IilpAIsr has stock branded It on side or should- or JKorWorOVIi orO or PZ iso thefollowing the llrsfone being on side and lip PP E R Vandegrift Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup Prank T Lee Brownlee Neb Gorsuch Bros Rane on Gordon Creek Cattle on left side horses same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee Julius Ileckman Brownlee Nebr Range south of Brownlee Metzger Bros throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Reward of 250 will be paid to am Eerson for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ng cattle with above brand Sawyer Bros Postofflce address Oasis Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge oi these cattle horses Isun left shoulder sms stock branch Y my where on t Range Snake xc C F COOPER Postofflce address Oasis Neb Brand registered 2095 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on lefthip iJOi Range souin of Gordon Creek Nenzel Neb MCm CHA8 S HOYT Postofflce addro3S Pullman Neb Branded on Idft side alo 00 on left sluei also between eyes and nose Range ic mlleswes cf Pullman D B STONER SON Newton Nebr Brand registered XMJ 111 Cattle branded same as cut on left side or left hip Horses same on lelt shoulder mB A 9k i 1 1 M r i ii i i m gjgjggsJa Teeter Bros L l Mickel Boltz Brand registered NolC55 Range 2lA miles east of Nenzel Cody Nebr Cattle branded anywhere some with under neath the brand Horses on left shoul der Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar reek S D Newton Nebr Cattle branded on left side same as cut- Horsea on lelt shoulder Range Retween tne Gordon and Snke Garner Brothers r a i Vetal Vlandry CHARLES LONE WOLF I Simeon Nebr Cattle branded on leftside Iiorses same on left shoulder Range Gordon Creek rusiomce address Pullman Neb Cattle branded as on cut horses liTonHni same as cattle except Range Stever and SteDhenson fiaBHRj5JJKff Lakes and South west of Hackberry Lake Mniffn Cody Nebr Anvwhcre on cat tle Horses on left shoulder Range North of Ell r i Postofflce addr Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Rosebud S D Range between Minnechaduza and St Francis Louis Bordeaux Rosebud S D norses branded GEORGE N DAVIS IT es Allen S D On right side and shoulder horses same on right thigh Range Bear Creek flHER9B iflafawCT ii TbI Wm Bordeaux P O Address KoiebudSD Brand Same as cut on both sides of cattle Range Little White River SWEENEY BROS John DeCory W jxd Rosebud S D Some branded ID 417 ou left side Horses JD on left hip Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Charles 0 Tackett Rosebud S D Range head of An telope near dt Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh m vPl Peter Ylondray Rosebud 8 p Leftside Left ear cropped Horses branded Range Little White River at mouth or 3edarTrg J J jt m A f n Si