Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 13, 1900, Image 4

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fcf WW It mi ulrt iTB
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
The republican press says the Wash
ington Times does not seem to realize
the enormity of the republican tri
umph Considering the consequences
nothing like it has ever been known
The consequences the Times sums up
as follows
1 The democratic party as a party
of effective opposition has suffered a
stroke of paralysis It cannot move
hand or foot for two years and three
II Hanna knows this and he in
tends to proceed accordingly without
delay and without mercy Therefore
III The representation of the dem
ocratic south in the house of represent
atives and the electoral college is to be
cut down one -fifth
IV The Harrison torce bill is to be
revived and enacted into law
V The Dingley tariff is to be re
vised using the war revenue bill as a
means of approach in the interest and
for the exclusive benefit of its children
the trusts
VI The large military establish
ment needed to protect the trusts in
the accumulations wrung from the
necessities of the people is to be pro
VII Government by injunction is
to be distinctly- legalized and every de
tail provided for
VIIJ The currency laws are to be
amended on lines laid down by the
national banks
IX All strikes hereafter are to be
adjudicated by federal judges and set
tled by federal troops
X The ship subsidy bill to be pass
ed with other steals to follow
XL The Nicarauguan canal to be
XII Cuba is to be annexed and
XIII Potto Rico is not to he admit
ted as a territory until its resources are
entirely within the control of the trusts
XIV The Philippines subdued are
to be held as a crown colony and
squeezed dry
XV The alliance offensive and de
fensive now secretly existing between
the McKinley administration and Eng
land is to be formally confirmed
XVI The Imperial Republic or
dained by the American people on No
vember 6 1900 is to be brought into
being on the day of McKinleys inaug
XVII For the teople have sold
their birthright for a full dinner pail
and they are to be firmly held to their
N6t one of these things can be pre
vented or much delayed by anything
the democrats can do in congress before
the 4th of March 1903 A democratic
house of representatives if elected in
1902 would come into power too late
to be of any service
The world is ours for two yean and
more cry the Hannaites and ve will
delay not in siezing upou our inherit
ance The people have spoken and
now our vzill is law The Constitution
does not and need not follow the flag
not even in the fourty five states of the
Union If the supreme court objects
to this our remedy is in that th ought
ful provision of the Constitution which
endows a republican congress with the
right to enlarge the supreme court for
any purpose and to any extent
Bro Lyon of the Gordon Journal has
become so conceited with his success iu
running patent squibs furnished him
by Wise men of the East at so much
a sheet or subscription price by the Year
and which Bro Lyon appropriates with
all the graces that people of bis caliber
are noted for and looks upon his fellow
men with exalted dignity We wonde r
how the Gordon Journal would look
stripped of everything except the Edit
ors originality Our imagination pic
tures an old maid of earlier days divest
ed of the artificials of her makeup
and ready to retire Of course the
Lyon will roar and profuse explana
tions will be looked for as such people
are generally noted for fixing things
but he will go right on deceiving some
of our good people but some of us have
seeri articles ready made that- Bro
Lyon prints as original thought The
others see them only in the Gordon
Journal The Valentine Democrat
may be dry to Bro Lyon but the Gor
don Journal has so much sop m it that
an airing would do it good
Thb scarcity of KosWatfcr votes at
the recent election is a good indication
of the lack of appreciation of the Val
ehtine Efcpublin leading editorial
clippings from the Omaha Bee Why
not try some honest live principles
I Back
We are sole agents for
Jersey I Tea Expectorant a
purely vegetable remedy
for coughs colds hoarse
ness etc which we sell on a
Positive Guarantee
to give satisfaction Your
money back if it does not
Contains no Opium or Mor
rrsii ures iiaao by u
Hotie sl
a wm
UtLtU fJ
Henry W Phillips is the name of the
Minister to the U S from the new Re
public in South America called Acre
taking a slice of Brazil and of Bolivia
the capitol of which is Acrepolis lie
recently arrived in Washington D C
by way of SanFrancisco
Bro Barker of the Republican is
coming right to the front in meeting
the long felt Avant for a newspaper at
Cody He now has the elephant by
the tail and will stand by the Cody peo
ple in royal stjie if he can only make
it swing his wav and will give two dos
es of Rosewater per week until his pa
tients are cured
The Republican comes out in iast
weeks issue with an extended article
favoring the god of its ambitions for
U S Senator There has been dis
tinct odors of the Omaha Bee fingering
about and hovering Over the Republi
can throughout the past cam paign and
it is getting into its old trail in its de
fense of Rosewater
Bro Heath came out With the first
issue of the Cody Cow Boy at Cody
Nebr last week ppropiate in name
independent in politics and devoted to
building up the town and the stock
mans interests in that locality It will
be a lively competitor of any paper
that might be in the field for selfish
purposes We extend courtesies to the
Cody Cow Boy
f Conducted by Inez Pkttycbkw i
Maggie liobinMOu called a few dejs
ago to borrow a little book to use in
her school She reports school work
as moving along nicely and that she
will have more pupils after Christmas
It has been said that the teachers of
Cherry Co this year are the best paid
best looking and most intellectual class
of teachers that have ever worked in
the country Well that is not strange
Most of them are graduates of the Val-
j entme high school
Some of the pupils think our last
weeks problem was too difficult We
will give an easier one this weeK olle
suitable for the pupils of both ninth
tenth grades If three sheep and four
calves cost sixty eight dollais and four
sheep and three calves cost sixty five
dollars what will five sheep and five
calyes cost
Ina Flowers began tutoring in a pri
vate family near Sparks last week We
hope she has a pleasant place for in
the right family and with a proper un
derstanding She will be able to do most
excellent work She is a genius with
Tier hands and if her employers will al
low her to divide her time definitely and
devote three hours daily to teaching
and one hour daily to reading to the
children and one and one half hours
daily teaching them to use the needle
and such other handiwork as she is ca
pable of doing she will earn every cent
of salary that she shall leceive
A nood looklns S
horse and poor look
ing harness H tho --
worst umu or a com- rr
Harness Oil
not only makes ho harness and the
horpo lock better but makes tho
leather Boft and tillable nuts it In con-
if union 10 lost iwigu m luug
7 ua ib uraiuumy wuuiu j
17 Sold evctrwhere la cans all
LocJ Weather Record
U if Department of Agriculture I
Weather Bureau f
Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday
Dec 12 1900
Highest temp for week CO dec on the Sell
Lowest temp for week 10 deg on the 9th
Mean temp lor week 32 deg
Av temp for the week lor 10 years 30 deg
Excess of temp for the we k 2
Accumulated excess of emp since Jan 11900
1090 deg
Louxi piecipitauou for week 00 inches
AV precip n for week for 10 yeura O07 inches
lixcess 01 prccipirution for the week 07
Total precipu from Jan 1 1900to date 2220
Av preclpn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date
1890 inches
fcxeess of precipu from Jan l 1900 to
date 330 inches
Highest velocity of wind for week 39 miles per
hour from the NV ou tiie otli
Observer Weather Bureau
Dolls doll heads and doll furniture
at Elliotts Drug Store
Corn takenin exchange for goods
by W A Pettycrew
See thosercellnloid brush and comb
sets for 250 at Elliotts Drug Store
Finest line of holiday perfumery
ever shown in Ihe city at Elliotts
Drug Store
The boys and girls are having jolly
times skating on the Lake as the ice
is smooth and weather line for such
A M Sageser of fewport brother
of F M arrived Sunday to see his
father Isaac Sageser who is very low
with pneumonia
A widow 46 years old wants to cor
respond with sober middle aged man
that can help take care of her prop
erty and enjoy a good home Address
Mrs Eunice Bo wden Valentine Neb
Walther Meltendorff now claims to
own the finest dog in town having
this week received Tatar a regis
tered Russian wolf hound from Phil
adelphia where the dog had just won
a first prize
F M Calhoun representing the
Byrne Hammer dry goods company
of Omaha made his first visit to Val
entine Saturday We dont know
much about values but Calhoun had
one of the prettiest lot of samples we
have ever seen His firm is the new
one which is just starting in at Oma
ha and as it is a Nebraska concern it
ought to become a business success
W B Taylor one of the most prom
inent insurance men of Omaha and
Jas Ainscow propietor of the big
Model laundry in the metropolis vis
ited Al Thacher Saturday and Sun
day and incidentally hunted quail in
the Niobrara timber south of town
We use the word hunted advisedly
although the boys claimed to have
killed twenty birds Be that as it
may they proved themselves royal
good fellows while in town and others
in addition to their genial host were
sorry they did not prolong their visit
D R Riedel was the victim of an
other accident last week on Wednes
day when his horse fell with him and
landed on his right leg breaking
the leg near the ankle and mashing
his foot up generally Dick was alone
when it happened and after recover
ing consciousness was able to partly
set his ankle straight and scrambleto
the house of Peter Cooper where he
was cared for until Saturday when he
was brought into town by the mail
and is now at the City Hotel under
the care of Dr Compton Dick
laughs about ic as though it was only
a jofce but he is enduring severe pain
bravely He hobbles around some on
his crutches as he says it is too hard
to sit still in one place the whole day
His injuries will cause him to delay
his trip to Sheldon Mont where he
expected to be helping his brother in
the lumber business by this time were
it not for his accident
Last Thursday night at about 11
oclock J W Marroll called Land
lord Horn back of the City Hotel out
of bed and said that as he intended to
make a night drive to Rosebud he
wanted to pay his bill amounting to
200 and presented in payment a
check for 2500 signed C M Sag
eser Mr Hornback had only 1250
in change but Marroll took that and
told him to send the balance to Rose
bud with the stage driver
When the eastbound passenger ar
rived however Marroll boarded it
on the side farthest from the depot
saying goodbye to one person only
Mr Hornback anxious to secure his
monevj started for the Bank of Val
entine early Friday morning and on
the way stopped at Sagesera barber
shop and showed the check which
Sageser immediately pronounced a
forgery A warrant was issued and
word was at once sent out to officers
to arrest Marroll No reports being
received Saturday morning Sheriff
Layporte went down to Atkinson
hoping to find him around his old
haunts The Sheriffs instinct was
right and Marroll was found at the
home of his mother He made no re
sistance to arrest merely remarking
I guess Ive got my foot in it and
on Monday morning he was brought
before Judge Towne who set Satur
day f the 15th for the preliminary
So far as known Marroll cashed
only one check but he borrowed sev
eral dollars from friends before he
Jeft tke town -
Notice to the Public
Notice is hereby given that the board
of trustees of the Vilage of Valentine
will at its first meeting in Jauuary
1901 receive bids for the pumping of
water ior the village Uidders may al
so offer separate bids for the pumping
of water and supplying elechic lights
and they will be expected to state the
date on which they will be ready to as
sume the contract
A M Mouiusey Village Clark
Fountain pens and
Elliotts Drug Store
gold pens at
lirave Men Fall
Victims to stomach liver and kidney
troubles as well an women and all feel
ihe results in loss of appetite poisons
in the blood backache nervousness
headache and tired listless run down
feeling Uut theres no need to feel
lik3 that J W Gardner of Idaville
tnd says Electric Bitters are just the
thing for a man when he dont care
whether he lives or dies It gave me
new strength and good appetite I can
now eat anything and have a new lease
on life Only 50c at Elliotts Every
bottle guaranteed 24
Photograph and autograph albums
at Elliotts Drug Store
A Kcgu Qlenr liruin
Your best feelings your social posi
tion or business success depend largely
on the perfect action of your stomach
and liyer Dr Kings New Life Pills
give increased strength a keen clear
brain high ombition A 25c box will
make you feel like a new being Sold
by Elliott druggist 24
What are you going to get for
Christmas Get a Kodak Andrews
will sell you one at anv price or any
kind you want 47
No one can rerscnably hope for good
health unless his bowels move once
each day When this is not attended
to disorders of the stomach arise bili
ousness headache dyspepsia and piles
soon follow If you wish to avoid these
ailments keep your bowels regular by
taking Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets when required They
are so easy to take and mild and gentle
in effect Sold y Quigl ey Chapman
500 Reward
For any case of rheumatism which cannot be
cured with Dr Drummonds Lightning Reme
dies internal and external relieves atoncecare
guaranteed Kestores stiff joints drawn cords
and hardened muscles If your druggist has
not got It do not ttke anything else Send de
scription of your case take the agency and se
cure treatment free Drunnnond Medicine Co
84 Nassau street if Y 1
Valentine Lodge No C
Meets everv second and
fourth Wednesday even
ing of ech month at Hornbys Hall A cordial
invitation is extended to all visiting members
O Y MuREY President
Notice to Non resident Defehdant
George M Troffer will take notice that on the
28th day of November 1900 Hon W R Towne
county judge within and for Cherry county
Nehru ska issued au order of attachment for
the sum of 8140 in au action pending before
him wherein Lovcll C Starr is plaintiff and
George M Troffer is defendant that property
of the defendant consisting of seventeen head
of cattle described as follows towit Five
cows branded H15 on the left side and one cow
branded diamond bar diamoud on the left side
four heifers branded H15 on the left side four
steers branded Hlu on the left side and one
steer branded bar over OD on left side one
bull branded H on each jaw and one calf
brandea bar over OD on the left side some of
these cattle also bearing other brands have
been attached under said order Said cause
was contiuued to the 18th day of January
1901 u 10 oclock a m of said day
Dated Dec 18 1900 43t Plaintiff
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Sarah A Davis Mrs Charles H Schlott first
and real name unknown widow of Charles H
Schlott deceased Schlott first and real name
unknown minor heir of Charles H Schlott de
ceased Schlott first and real name unknown
minor heir of Charles H Schlott deceased
Schlott first and real name unknown minor
heir of Charles II Schlott deceased Schlott
first and real name unknown minor heir of
Charles H Schlott deceased Schlott first and
real name unknown minor heir of Charles fl
Schlott deceased John Doe real name un-
bnnwn aHinlniafFQfni nf frlio aotota f IliarlOd
H Schlott deceased Richard Roe real name
unknown guatdian of the minor heirs of
Charles H Schlott deceased non resident de
You and each of you will take notice that on
the 25th day of October 1000 the Scottish Amer
ican Mortgage Company limited a corporation
as plaintiff tiled lis petition in the district
court of Cheirv County Nebraska atrainst vou
as defendants impleaded with Aaron Grooms
and Mrs urooms his wile hrst and
real name unknowu as jour co-defend
ants the object ana prajer of which i to
foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed
on the 9th day ot October 183G by Sarah A
Davis upon the following described property
to wit Lot 8 section 21 lot 5 section 22 nw
ornw4 of section 27 and neJi of ne of section
28 all in township 31 range 20 Cherry County
Given to secure the payment of one cert in
promissory note in writing made executed
and delivered by Sarah A Davis to the Scottish
American Mortgage Company Limited which
is now the holder and owner thereof fot the
sum of 30000 due and payable on the first day
of November 1891 with inteiest trom date at
the rate of ten per centum per aunum payable
semi annually and tuure is now due aud pay
able ou said promissory note the sum of S4C587
That the plaintiff has aso paid the taxes as
sessed and levied on said real estate amountiug
with imeret to S10787 which it prays to have
declared a lien on 6aid premises and real es
tate that there is now due the piaiutut
principal aud interest on said note aud for
the taxes so paid the sum of 5787 for -which
with Interest at the rate of ten per cent per an
num from the first day ol November liKK the
plaintiff prays fcr a decree that the defendants
pay the same aud that in default of such paj
meut said premises may be sold to satigiy
the amount fouud due the plaintiff and for
general relief
You are required to answer said petition on
or befo e the seventh day of January iooi
45 4t A M MORR1SSEY Attorney for Plaintiff
puted Valentine Nebraska Nov 23d isoo
XtrvMXlwrm Wanea smz
With new goods and prices If you wanL some
of the oargains in Holiday Goods go and see
You need not be afraid of anything but bargains
Our prices are low and quality high See our
display and try
average 75 cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances in proportion
Give it 4 montha trial in your ovm home and if it isnotsatisiactory
return t at our expense and we will refund your money This machine is
eqtral to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine
sold for less money must dc made of inferior material We manufu tun n
Iar2e quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost which eaables ta
to offer you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low price
with various inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second
Hational Bank of Akron Ohio and they will tell you of our reliability
The Akron Scwinff Machind and Bicycle Co are rsliabicV Edi
rsr srerorsr srorsr
r S5 V P SP K
crcpcrerCPCtO O
s J s y y rp
Appointment of administrator
In the county court in and for Cherry county
In the matter of the estate of Caroline R Nye
Lida Bachelor having filed in my office a
petition praying for the appointment of herself
as administrator of the estate of Caroline R
Nye deceased all persons interested in said es
tate will take notice that I have fixed Saturday
December 25th 1900 at 10 oclock a m at the
time and my orace in valentine in said county
as the place for hearing said petition at which
time and place all persons interested in said
estate may appear and show cause If any there
be why such administrator should not be ap
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
the 12th day of Decembervi900
v 47 3t County Judge
Appointment of Administratrix
In the County Court of Cherry Couuty Ne
In the matter of the estate of Henry 31 Con
stable deceased
W S Barker having ill d in my office a petl
tionpravlngfortbeappoinlmeit of Catherine
Wellford administratrix of the estate of Henry
M Constable deceased all persons interested
in said estate will take notice that 1 have fixed
December 15th 1900 at 10 oclock a m is the
time and m office in Valentiue Cherry county
Nebraska as the place for hearing saiit petitNm
at which time ancf place all persons Iuiere3oJ
iu said estate may appear and show cause if
any there be why sucn administratrix shall not
be appointed
Witness my hand and seal of Eald court thi3
28th day of November 1300
45 Couuty Judge
We do job printing- Calf on us
wrvmnof inui n
ycrccccrccCrccCtcccrccf cacocaQoQoro0Qog2r
By special arrangement we can furnish
Free for one year to every one of our subscribers All you have io do
is to renew for this paper for next year and tell us that you want the
Prairie Farmer and we will order it sent to you one year free VVe
will also send the Prairie Farmer one year free to every new subscriber
who pays us one year in advance Dont put this off
Q 0Q
w V w
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter And FRED gRUGS BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars
Cut this ad out and send to us State whether you wish drop head or up
right and we will send you our high grade Akron Sewing 3Iachino
by fitmlit C O D subjert to examination Examine it at our nearest
freight or express otficc and if found exactly as represented here equal to
ciner macmnes costing irom 340 10 joo pay me agent our
1 o
emus iu uc ucictu 01 noa c itut ia our lactory Dy tne most skilled WnrV r 1 1
a H HHf
cm pfcggrj
money can buy
IpJrTil fiDC tr sawed oak piano pofishetl One illustration
SSfrtSFrtSSf f4 fruse the ofcerour Drop Head machine
with the head dropped from sight to be used as a center table or desk The
uprightor BorTop machine h s six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools
needles etc Drawers are latest 1900 skeleton frame carved paneled embossed
and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rest3 on four casters
adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy
drawers and one drawer fcr tools Each machine has the finest high arra
icea seii tflreatlm vibrating shuttle automatic bob
bin winder adjustablebeanngs patent tension liberator impiovedloosewheel improved
adjustable pressure foot improved shuttle carrier patent aress euard patent needle bar
head Is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed We
guarantee this machine to be the lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless
machine made Every attachment L furnished free together with a complete Instnc
Hon book tellmz you how to do anv bind of puin or fancy work We iwe a written
binding guarantee with every machine It will cost vou BOthinff to see and exia
ine this marhinr compare it with ethers selling for fmm J to and if satisfactory
pay th agent J1S5S and charees bend for circulars and full descriptions of Mwina
machines and blcycies manufactured by us Ordsr today Addrest all orders to
Of the Choicest Brands
Notice of attaohment
Herman Wonders will take notice that nn
the 5th day of November loo w K Tovvno
yry Judge witbin and for CBieriy CoSXtl
wl ereln Tfiph iiV P n VKXISZ before him
ii ami nnn w iiitM to -
irmilra fi C
fojUsc uiucujr cu panners htisinptt
under the firm name and style of Crabb
and Morgareldge are plaintiffs and
Wonders is defendant that property of tiJd
fendant cohsisting of seveutv five bushels of corn
and a credit of S250odue tonhe defendant from
one Lafayette Johnson has been Wished
attached underpaid order faniaaea ana
Said cause was continued to the 31t dav nf
December loco
at 10 oclock a m
Dated November loth 1900 Plaintiffs
Order for Hearing of Final Account
n the County Court of Cherry County Neb-
JolntsecSf f the 0I omaaP
It is therefore ordered
that the 24th day of
a tv ZaZ 7
fixed as the inul L m7 onlce
in Valentine be
tag and allowing such accm
i said decmsp1 nni i iYt2rl
time and place so desigiVated and KRfr at
Sff SS ts why SSount S3J1
ic m fharirL i1uul
culatlon in said couuiyfor W cIr
3 week
eeK3 Pnor to
day set for hearing the
Dated NovemberiX0 CoantT Jfe