Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 29, 1900, Image 4

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igjw ry Pi Mg iii tt7 j
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subocribers until a definite order
co discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid In full
We know of some people who will
promise to pay that bill they owe evciy
timo you meet them and that is all you
Trumps are getting numerous says
one of our exchanges and high toned
too as several calling in the same
neighborhood traveled in buggies but
had no hesitancy in asking for a back
door hand out
There aro mothers who can tell just
how kind to be to a cow if you wih
to make her gentle and behave well and
perhaps the next minute will be found
spanking one of her dear little boys or
girls for some trivial offense
Salt is doubled in price a riase in
transportation steel aud iron advanced
from 2 to 30 per ton theres an ad
vance on nearly every article in the
grocery line but cattle have gone down
continually and probably will lor a
time k
J W Stetter returned from Omaha
Sunday morning where he had been
tryinir to come out on a bunch of cat
Tie but found the market lower than it
has been for several years Now will
some of these McKinleyites attempt to
explain You know confidence has
been restored and Mclvinley times are
upon us yet beef lifts raised a cent a
pound Mark Hanna says there are no
trusts Now what is it
We want to add 1000 new subscrib
ers to our paper before New Years
and we are going to do it if a liberal
offer will count for anything We
have just closed lUTaiignnients with the
publifcheisof that great farm tmuei
The Prairie Farmer of Chicago lor a
limited number of yearly subscriptions
aud we propose to give it one year free
to every one of our old ubcribers w ho
will renew between now and New
Years and we Will give it one year
free to every new subscriber who gets
fir his order to us before New Years
paying one year in advance The
Prairie J armer is the oldest farm and
liestook paper published in the West
era state i It comes weekly and con
tains from sixteen to twenty piges and
has departments for ail members of thev
hojsehold This great farm paper is
now read by 100000 farmers stockmen
dairymen aud fruit growers in the
- western and ceutral states and it is
considered the old standby by its read
ers You know what our own paper
is and We vouch that you Will be pleas
ed with The Prairie farmer Certain
ly we will never be able to make such
an offer tigain Think of it A prac
tical progressive clean and useful farm
paper every week for a full year tree
to every one who renews for this p i
per for a year and to every new sub-
scriber who gets in his order before
Jauuary 1 and pas one year in ad
Dont ioaget to have some photos
for Christmas as they make a very
nice pif t to your friends 2t
We are sole agents for
Jersey Tea Expectorant a
purely vegetable remedy
for coughs colds hoarse
ness etc which we sell on a
Positive Guarantee
to give satisfaction Your
money back if it jloes nofc
Contains no Opium or Mor
Corn taken in exchange for goods
by W A Petty crew
Kate Donoher returned from her
trip to Omaha Tuesday
Pettycrew has the biggest and best
line of mitteus and gloves
F H Baumgartel was doing busi
ness and visiting friends in town Wed
Subscribers may begin at any time
and paper will be discontinued when
so ordered and accounts paid in full
to date
The DEMOCRAT has the largest cir
culation of any newspaper published
in the northwest Only 100 a year
in advance
John Whillans went down to Elgin
yesterday morning to visit with his
brother leaving Jpsh Hitt to look af
ter his feed bnsiness while he is gone
It is a little early to think about
Christmas but while 3rouare thinking
about it just drop in at Andrews -photo
gallefy and have some photos tak
en 2t
Geo H Hornby and wife started
Tuesday morning for Washington D
C where Mrs Hornby is a delegate
to the national W C T TJ conven
Taken up at my place 10 miles sourh
of Cody Nebron the 23 day of Octob
er 1900 1 bHy mnrp unbranded 3
years old weight 650 pounds- blnck
mane and tail James Monb
MarrIeD On Tuesday evening at
730 P M Uncle Jimmie Collins and
Mrs N Caveny two honest upright
and honorable people joined together
in the holy bonds of matrimony at
the Catholic church by Fr Lechleit
ner The Democrat extends courte
sies and congratulations
Now comes our sister town Cody to
the front wilh a newspaper styled The
Cody Enteuprise published by Bro
Barker of The Republcan of this city
Bro Barker has recognized the need
of a paper for Cody for so ne time past
and now measuies swords with Bro
Heath who a Jso has recognizad an op
ening at Cody for an up to date news
paper and had begun opprations Are
there others aspiring to newspaper
fains at Cody The field is open for
entries Get in on the ground floor
boyd and give the town a boom and
then move out sadder but wiser
Apples and Oranges
Cranberries Sorghum and Syrup
for Mince Pies
Preserved Raspberries Cherries and Plums
Buckwheat Elonr and Mable Syrup
Nuts and Candy Fresh New Stock
Will take good Cattle
s ame as Cash
Cut tJs ftd c anl send to us Sutc trfistter vou wish drp f eii cr up
right ani vtc trill send yoa oat kron Estrinjy Hacfciao
fcyfreitht C O D i ubject to examination HxAiairc it a your tirtrrit
freight or cxprus office and if found exact si represented facte equal to
other toachinn costing from 40 to J60 ray tha agent our
average 75 ct for each 500 miles lets or greater disunets in proportion
Give It 4 months trial fayourtwn hemic and If U isnotsatistactory
Ure quantities and sell only at it small advance of factory cost fcKich enables ti3
to oiler you a strictly nirnjrtae rratnine at a ridiculously low price
DCIUADC AS lllTATfiPC U001 concerns ate comfnually offer
DbOTAnC Ul lnillftIUnulBirtarmormaddiKsundeivarioux names
rlth various inducements Writs to the Akron Savings Bank or the Seooai
JTetional Bonk of Akrcn Ohio and they wiU tell you of our relibiilty
KiKuPrH ft u vWt Kun
chine rfh the JfccU tl none Made right n our factory by the most skilled ivcrkiMn and frsai tbsbt material that
money can coy
FlRflP IlPlf fiJDllJCT0rseven drawerEexToiJiyoiirchoice Qtiar
UnUl UiUA UrtDinCI tn uwHrak One illustrailen
shows Sox Top rcachine open ready for use the other our Drop Head machine
vith the head dropped from sijht to he used as a center table or desk The
rjwIghtorBor Top machine h s sir fancy drawers and one drawer fcr toos
needles etc Dra wcri are latest ijto ikeioen frarot carved paneled embossed
and decorated caliinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on fonr casters
adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy
drawers and 0110 drawer for tools Each machine has the finest high ana
head positive four motion feed self lhreadiajj vibratins shuitleautoraatic bob
HnvnrdcrBdjustablebearinispa tent tensinnliheratrtrimpiavedloosewheel improved
adjusuble rvessure foot improveil shuttle carrier patent aress guard patent needle bar
hcjd Is hindinmcly ooratil and ornamented and beautifuy ni iel tHmmed We
guarantee thl machine to lie the lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless
machine made Everv attachment li ftimiVned free together with a complete inroc
tln book telllntr ou hw to do nv kind of nhin or fancy work ve issue a written
bindirf cuanntee ith every nmdiine It xcill COEt vou sobinff to seeand exam
Ins fhitnrhine emirate it wilh etuers selllrg for frnni o to Jfio and if satisfactory
rav tlw itint t6oc anrt rhartT
Semi for cir nlrs and full d scriptions if sevii
- ------ --
jnchiaesnTdincycsmanuCictiieflbvi Order trtlty Aoresi orders to t
CYCLS 9 Bn QftlQt
I L i IIH l
Tue DioiociiAT is thiinkfnl to he
sible to greet you all again aftr strug
gles of si various nature You are all
ware of these struggles We do not
iiust of creat strength but of our
cause- v is just While being j
thankful on this ny reniem br the
cause for Ahichve stand and lend
your influence that the great cause or j
humanity may not be trampled under
foot and ost through neglect of those
most directly interested We- are
thanKfif 1 for the alignment of the two
great parlies along well defined lines
1 nd though the Republican party is
n w victorious we are thankful that
the issue is so well understood that
there can be no dodging fudging or
shrinking the responsibilities which
rest with them to produce good times
and four years more of the full dinner
pail on the issues advocad by them of
fostering the trusts that they may deal
out prosperity according to their gen
Kennedy Sews
S Q Spain went to Valentine the
Hale Bros who have been hunting
on the Snake came home for a few
Will Steadman brought his cattle in
to the home ranch last week
Nettie Spain who has been sick for
a week started to school again the 2nd
Sam Sears was up from Loup Co
last week
J W McKee went to Tohnhtown
the 23th
D A Piercy and wife returned last
week from Grafton
McKee Br is who have been hunting
on the Loup succeeded in bagging four
deer last week Os
Demand for Copper
In our last issue attention was cal
led to the great growth of copper pro
duction This production nbwever
has not equalled the demandwhieh is
so great that all reserve products in
this country and in Europe are ex
hausted Notwithstanding the great
increase in the price of copper during
the past two years the production has
increased but about 30 per cent per
annum and the consumption in a
greater ratio resulting In the complete
exhaustion of reserves as stated The
capacity of the great copper mine of
the lake and other regions of the
United States are taxed to their ut
most There is immediately south of
us in our neighboring Republic of
Mexico some of the greatest copper
deposits in the world rich in silver
aud gold too they are being rapidly
absorbed by American and foreign
capital many million dollars having
been invested therein withinjthe pat
two years The superior advantages
that Mexico affords for profitable min
ing are becoming known and appreci
ated In the richest part of the cop
per belt of Mexico the Mines of El
Progreso Copper Mining Company
whose advertisement appears in this
issue are situated hi the line of
profitable investment nothing better
could be desired and as the companys
policy is not to limit investments to
large sums but rather to invite tne co
operation of all it is hoped that many
will avail themselves of the opportuu
ity presented
O Valentine Lodne 2o 6
Sp S J JL Meets everv second and
fourth Wednesday eveu
Inir of each month at Hornbys Hall A cordial
invitation is extended to all visiting members
O W MoREY President
Hair cutting and shaving
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
Unedualed by any other
Renders hard leather sof tt
Especially prepared
Keeps out water
A heavy bodied oil
An excellent preservative
Reduces cost of your harness
Never burns the leather its
Efficiency is increased
Secures best service
Stitches kept from breaking
s sold in all
I nrolifioo
Manufactured by
Standard Oil Company-
uK y
T3 JgqaSgiMgsajFgtiigg3
We understand that they tried to or
ganize a literary at Sparks last Satur
day night but did not succeed wonder
how it would work in our locality
Some of our neighbors are through
picking corn Tbats right th early
bird always gets the worm and aiso
the credit
Wm Hughes and Isaac Jones went
to town Friday
Appointment of Administratrix
In Hie County Court of Cherry County
In the matter of the estate of Henry M Con
stable dfceased
W S- Barker having ill d in my olhce a peti
tion pravimj for the appointment of Catherine
Wellford administratrix of the estate of Henry
M Constable deceased all persons interested
in said estate will take notice that 1 have fixed
December 15th 1000 at 10 oclock a m as the
tune and m office in Valentine Cherry county
Nebraska as the place for hearing said petition
at which time and place all persons interested
in said estate may appear and show cause if
any there be why such administratrix shall not
be apDointed
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
28th day of November 1900
J3 County Judge
Notice to Non Resident Pefendants
Sarah A Davis Mrs Charles II Rchlotr first
and real name unknown widow of Charles
S jhlott deceased Schlott first and real name
unknown miuorhwr of Charles H Sehlott de-
Cora Grady commenced work at the i
Xorden Ilotel Monday the 2lh
Mr Hittle lost 4 more head of cattle
last week
Grandpa Grooms visited with his
grandchildren at M J Grooms Mon
day and Tuesday
I wish I had a top buggy I would
find me a gal its the buggy that takes
the girls eye not the fellow
ceaied kciiioie nrst auu reai immc udkiiuwii
minor heir of- Charles H Schlntt deceased
Schlott first and real name unknown miiior
heir or Charles H SchlottdeceaseJ Schlott
ilrstand real name unknown minor heir of
ClwlesH Schlott deceased schlott ilrstand
real name unknown mlnp heir of Charles H
Schlott deceased John Doe real name un
known administrator of the estate of Charie
II Schlott deceased Itichard Itoe real name
unkuown guaidlan of the minor heirs of
Charles H Schlott deceased non resident de
Yon and each of you will take notice that on
the 25111 dav of October 1900 the ScotJ Lsh Amer
ican Mortgage Company limited a corporation
as plalntilf tiled Its petition In the district
court of Cheiry County Nebraska against you
as defendants Impleaded with Auruu Giooms
aud Mrs Grooms ids wife lirst and
real name unknowu as jour defend
ants the object ana praer of which to
foreclose a certain muiigage deed executed
on the 29th dav ot October 1830 uy Sarah A
Davis upon the following described property
tovit Lot 8 section 21 lot 5 section 22 nwh
of mvJi of section 27 and ueJ4 of neM of paction
2a all i township 34 range 20 Cherry County
Given to aocure thepayment of one cert in
promissory note in writing marie executed
and delivered by Sarah i Davis to the Scottish
American Mortgage Companv Limited which
is now the holder and owner thereol foi the
sum of 3o0000 due and payable on the first day
of November 1891 with interest irom date at
the nite of ten per centum per annum payable
semiannually and tnsre is now due and nay
able on said promissory noiethe sum or 40587
That the plaintiff has aso paid the taxes as
sessed and levied on said real estate amounting
with iuteres t to 10787 wliich it prays to have
declared a lien on wild premises aud real es
tate that there is now due the plaintiff as
principal add interest on said note and for
the taxes to paid the sum of S57b7tfor which
with interest at the rate ot ten per cent per an
num frmii the lirst day ot November 1900 the
plaintiff prays fcr decree that the defendants
pay the same and that in default of such pay
meut said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount lound due the plaintiff aud lor
general relief
You are required to answer said petition on
or belo e the seventh day of January 1901
4iWt A M MOKR1SHKY Attorney for Plaintiff
Dated Valentine Nebraska Nov 23d 1900
Notice of attachment
Herman Wonders will take notice that on
the 0th day of November 1900 W R Towne
County Judge within and for Cherly County
Nebraska issued an order of attachment for the
sum of S1750 in an action pending before him
wherein Gehile P Crabb aud William F Mor
gareidge formeily co parthers doing business
under the firhi natit eaud stjle Of Crabb
and Morgareidge aie plaintiffs and Herman
Wonders is defendant that property of the de
fondant consisting of seventy five bushels of corn
and a credit of2500 due to tile defendant from
one Lafayette Johnson has been garnished and
attached underpaid order
Said cause was continued to the 31et day of
December 1900 at 10 oclock a m
GiiHlLK P CJtABB and
Dated November 19th 1900 f Plaintiffs
Order for Hearing of Final Account
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb-
Intlie matter ot the Estate of Thomas P
Johns deceased
Nv on this nth day of November 1900 came
Nellie L Johns executrix in said Estate and
prays for leave to render account of such
11 is therefore ordered that the 24th day of
December 1900 at 10 oclock am almyoniee
iu Valentine be fixed as the time and place for
examining and allowing such account aud the
heirs of said deceased aud all persons interested
in said Estate are required to appear at the
time and place so designated and show cause if
any such exists why said account should not tie
allowed it is therefore ordered that said Nel
lie L Johns executrixgive notice to all persons
interested in said Estate by causing a copy of
this order to be published in the Valentine Dem
ocrat a newspaper printed and in general cir
culation in said county for 3 weeks prior to the
day set for hearing
WR TOWNE County Judge
Dated November 8 1900 42 at
Order to Show Cause
In the District Court of the 15th Judicial DIs
trict In and for Cherry County Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Annie E Haud
This cause came ou for hearing unon the pe
tition of Alfred Lewis and Lewis Vf Handy ex
ecutors of the estate of Annie J5 andy de
ceased praying for license to sell lots 1 4 8 9
and ni neii aud se J nw U of section 19 aud
lot 7 in section 17 all in township aj range 27
west or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the
sum of 1000 for the payment ot debts allowed
against the estate aud the costs of administra
tion there not being sufficient personal proper
ty to pav said debts and expenses
It is therefore ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at liush
ville Nebraska ou the 17th -day of December
1900 at 10 oclock a m to show cause why a li
cence Bhould not be granted to said executors to
sell bo much of said real estate of the deceased
as shall be necessary to pay said debts and ex
Git is further ordered that this order be pub
lished for four weeks in the Valentine Demo
crat a newspa ner published at Valentine Nebr
Dated t his 14tn day of November 1900
43 4 Attorney Judge of the District Court
A complete press arid pripting
outfit for sale Write or inquire
at this office 23 tf
b nnor n
h u
1 JL
4 Great Medicine
I ha ye used Chamberlains Colic
Cnolera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
find it to be a great medicine says
Mr E S Phipps of Poteau Ark It
cured me of bloody ilux 1 cannot
speak too highly of it This remedy
always wins the good opinion it not
praise of those who use it The
quick cures which iD effects even in
the most severe cases make it a favor
ite everywhere For sale by Quigley
Chapman 2
Like Stanley and Livingstone found it
harder to overcome malaria fever and
ague and typhoid disease germs than
savage cannibals but thousands have
found that Electric Bitters is a wonder
ful cure for all malarial diseases If
you have chills with fever aches in
back of neck and head and tired worn
out feeling a trial will convince you of
their merit W A Null of Webb 111
writes My children suffered for more
than a year with chills and fever then
two bottles of Electric Bitters cured
them Only 50 cents Try them
Guaranteed Sold by Elliott druggist2
When the Heart in AJfrvtetl
By rheumatism or any of the muscles near that
organ it is like tampering with an electric wire
for death may come at any moment Ii life is
worth it do not hesitate but get Dr Drum
monris Lightning Remedy Send 5 to the
Drumniond Medicine Co New York and they
will send you two large bottles enough for a
mouths treatment by first express It is not
as quick as electricity but will save your life i
you take it in time
Chamberlain ft lough Itcmetly in
Hisgen Bros the popular South Side
druggists corner 69th street and
Wentworth avenue say We sell a
great deal of Chimberlains Cough
remedy and find that it gives the most
satisfactory results especially among
children for severe colds and croup
For safe bv Quigley Cnapman 2
lAke a Great Ilailivajj
With its branches running in every direction
are the arteries and veins that convey the blood
to every part of the system A cold sudden
changes and exposure may cause poisonous
acids to clog the circulation aud then comes
rheumatism Beware 1 If vou value your life
remrve the obstruction with Dr Drummonds
Lightning Remedy Seud S5 to Drumniond
Medicine Co New York and they Will end
you two large bottles by express enough for a
months treatment with Ml special directions
Agents wanted
Thats the Profit Copper the Article
Mexico the Country
El Progresso in its group of six mines has
some of the rtchest copper orei iu the richest
mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per
cent copqer l2oz silver a trace of gold total
value about W a tonand in two of the mines
iu addition to copper and silver ore contains 3
percent to per cent quicksilver or merctuy
about 5105 a ton The great Lake Superior cop
per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine and
Tamarack Quincy etc -that annually return
millions run only from S3 to 13 a ton
Boston and Montana six years ago sold for
15 a Ehare to dav Si75 paying 2lo per cent ou
the investment United v erde sold for 5oc a
share toduy stock not in the market and pays
8GCG per cent on investment
Calumet and Hecla sold for 31 a share to day
worth BOO and pays on investment 10000
per cent
Entire capital stock of United Verde was off
ered for S160000 and refused Senator Clark
later paiu S2GO00O and to day he has annual
income Irom this property of over 13000000
If this is possible here with labor six times
higher than in Mexico with ore five times less
valuable wite fuel five times dearer and every
thing elsein proportion jdo you doubt that 1
Progress -will return 173 per cent and more an
nasliy to original iuvestors to first stockhold
ers who contribute the money to start the ball
rolling who aie on the ground floor
Am experienced know the country the peo
ple the language lived there 18 years and
know the mines of this section of Mexico and
unhesitatingly state El Progreso is the best
have been worked for generations in a Mexican
way and supplied the copper for the surround
ing country No attempt was ever made to ex
tract the gold silver or quiCKsilver
A modem 40 ton concentrating and smelting
plant smeltiug only the 43 ore will return
3400000 per annum thus 43 S10 for treatment
equals 33x40 tons equals 1320 a day for 300
dais equals 396000 This will pay M per cent
on 1500000 total capitalization Par value of
shares 100 Ouo000 shares are treasury stock
aud 400000 of thi3 to be sold very low to raise
mouey to start things when price will be greatly
advanced -100000 at 12c all sold 100000 at 15c
100000 at 20c 100000 at 25c
t t t s
Dividend multiplied
If Stock No of by to of shares for
purchd shares Annual 100 show aunual
at for 1 Profit Profit
15c 6 173 Per Ct 26xG173 Per Ct
20c 5 130 Per Ct 26x5 130 Per Ct
25c 4 l04PerCt2Gx4 104 Per Ct
50c 2 52PerCt2Gx2 52PerCt
100 1 26PerCt2Gx126PerCt
The best chance ever offered of securing stock
In a legitimate copper mining enterprise
Send for prospectus
orgauized company on a plan to give a chance
rull lllrr unrl little flfll Hill tlfMir OTPAt and
smali none need be excluded If quick you
can own us snares lurevurjr uuimi jUU icum
El Progreso Copper Mining Co
63 Wall Street New York
o 0 O-
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars
imj n - 1 1 i jrTiffiirTIWWBMT
TAircrKr TTP About the 1st of Aug
4 miles south of
ust at my place
Georgia one sorrel horse colt about
three years old white spot on nose
two white feet not branded
Frank Kludsikofsky
41 5t KilgoreP O
When yon feel that life is hardly
worth the caudle take a dose of
Chamberlains Stomack and Liver
Tableta They will cleanse your stom
ack tone up your liver and and reulate
your vour bowels making you feel like
a new man For sale by Quigley and
Bran bulk 65c per cwt 1200 ton
Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton
Screenings 40c 700
Chop Feed 100 1900
Corn 90c 1700
Chop corn 95c 1800
oats 105 2000
Superintendent of a
Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
Office At
Quigley Chapmans Drugstore
Nights -At The Donoher Hotel
t 9 M Tt V V VVV v vvV
With a nice se
lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds
ot Repairing and Engraving done prompt
ly and warranted
DONT FOOL away your money going
to a Specialist who is generally a fraud
for ordinary trouble with your Eyes Get
your eves fitted by a man with experi
ence who knows exactly how to fit you
O Wt MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If you need
a specialist hewill tellyouso
g Of the Choicest Brands
iValerifcinz Nebraska
Practices in District Court and TJ S Land
Office Real Estate and Kanch ProDerty
bought and sold Bonded Abstracter
iuuruat companies pay losses m lull
No discount I M Rice Agent
Speaking About Eyes