u W A D -A H V n i T kJ r t V h K JW Thouglit He Couldnt be Cured Albany N Y Nov 2 1898 Cramer Chemical Co lean freely and with joy recom mend your Cramer Kidney Cure as it completely cured me of kidney complaint and that after I had made up my mind that I couldnt be cured I had tried every remedy I heard of without satisfactory re sults I tell you it is the best medicine on earth as it made a well man of me and I recommend it as a reliable medicine to be de pended upon by a man suffering as I did I La Grakte Clerk in Seo of States Office to Read them My Guarantee is Valuable Be wnsnrs my man This is what I can do and it dont make any difference whether it is night or day wet or dry cold or warm storm or calm just call me and I will pump waler grind feed shell corn separate cream churn or griud bones or any work that is required of me Call and see me at work at ALLEN P ELY CO I i 10 Douglas St OMAHA NEB We Also Bay and Sell New and Second Hand Machinery A MEDICINE THAT CURES This is what you get when you buy CRAMERS KIDHEY CURL The Cramer Company can point to more positive cures and show more unsolicited testimonials than any remedy which has been on the market ten times as long Suffered for Twenty Tears Albany N Y Dec 5 1896 Crameb Chbmioat Co I firmly believe I owe my life to your wonderful remedy For 20 years Imiffered with kidney trouble and could find no relief anywhere I spent hundreds of dollars on doc tors and medicine and could only get temporary relief I finally de cided to try Cramers Kidney Cure and it did more for me in one month than all the medicines I had taken in twenty years I am now entirely well Michael Higgins Chief Albany Fire Department Send For Samples to The CRAMER CHEMICAL COMPANY albaht ht JACK OF ALL TRADE got scrotal ru inure that was nro nounced by doctors to be incurable exceDt nog I OUR HEW UTTLE GIANT Ik H P GASOLINE ENGINE Worth Its Weight in Gold to Every Stockman and Farmer How many of you have lost the price of this Engine In one day on account of insuf clent wind to operate your wind mills leaving your stock without water Get one now do your pumping when there is no wind or to dolt regularly Weather does not affect Its work hot or cold wet or dry wind or calm It Is all the same to this machine Will also Mtellcorn grind feed saw wood churn batter and is handy for a hundred other jobs in wo house or on the farm Costs nothing to keep when not working and only 1 to 2 cents Her hour when working Shipped completely set up ready to run no foundation needed a great labor and money saver Requires practically no attention and Is absolutely safe Wejnake all Bl7es of Gasoline Engines from 1 to 75 horse power Write for circular and special prices FAIRBANKS MORSE CO OMAHA NEB You Pay Nothing Until Cured Facts Stated by My Former Patients Suffered for Years Pronounced Incurable by Doctors Clad He Took Treatmeut After Throe Weks was Sound and W 11 Treatment is All Tliat is Claimed fur It Hopes Letter Will be Means of Inducing Others to Take Treat ment Pr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo Dear Doctor I wish to state that I can most heartily recommend your rupture treatment Si siply by a dangerous surgical operation Hear ing of your treatment I determined to try the same and am glad I did so for after taking feuch for bint IknowbrcandVinsrwbVt he 5 U - only held the county Mo -- im vittjB aAnvsf rnne nnr mvia Mrw0 wmv i n LITERARY NOTES And here there cornea to an end the story of Elaine the Lily Maid of Astolat set forth in verse by Alfred Tennyson made into this book by Helen Bruneau Van Vechten at the Philoso pher Press which is In Wassau Wis at the tin sign of the Green Tree with cover title page and intltials designed Agnes Eassett and finished this third day of August 1900 is the quaintly printed inscription at the back of the dainty edition of Elaine issued from the Philosopher Press So beautiful has been the workmanship of tbis shop that it has been recognized all over the Unit ed States as without equal and a re cent issue of the Critic devoted several pages to pictures and description of the Philosopher office and the artistic books it has published Lord Tennysons beautiful poem loses nothing by the setting here given it Quaint black type initial letts in keep ing with the poem and a simple yet ele gant title page are combined to make this little volume a joy to the book lover And above all while rich and rare there is nothing gaudy about it The Art of Writing English a Man ual for Students is a work just issued by Prof J M Meiklejohn It is really the study of the English language made so simple yet comprehensive a stu dent can learn any part of it in a few minutes where it takes weeks in other volumes As the author says the book is written for the purpose of guiding the young student into the right path and of saving him from wasting his time In exercises that are not only of no use to him but are positive hin drances in the way of hlslearning to write good clear and firm English The utility of the book is found chiefly In its exercises These are short from which the student can make his own selections As Prof Meiklejohn remarks a short essay of ten lines carefully and thoroughly polished will do more for the pupil than a wordy essay o fas many pages Once he has been shown the way it is the pupil who ought to do the polishing and not the teacher The book covers about every subject necessary for the student to master the English language Published by D Appleton Co Boubleday Page Co expect to have ready early In September Thro the First Antarctic Night a record of the voyage of the Belgica among newly discovered territory in the region of the South Pole by Dr Frederick M Cook surgeon of the expedition Inguinal Hernia t think this Is the name you gave it filling the scrotum I am glad to say that I never had any trouble retaining ltaf tor the first treatment and that I am how well man Thanks to God and yourself Your treatment was painless and did not stop me from my work A cure was madeln less than a nonth I certainly will do what I can for you and mj Buffering fellows and most heartily recommend all ruptured to take your treatment You may use this letter if you desire I be to remain your friend WM WELTMAN K C Stock Yards or 410 Landl3 Court CONSULTATION BY MATI OR IN PER SON FREE WltlTE lO ME ASOU3 YOUR CASE Suffered With Bad Cso for Over Five Yoarf Could Not Stand It Anj Lunger After Reading Advertisement Concluded to Take Trentm nt Paid for Wilh Pleasure Will Gladly Write Anyone About Ca e Kansas City Mo June 3 19001 Dr Ernest Henderson City My Dear Doctor It Is with pleasure I inform you tnat J am entirely cured 01 a oaa case o If You Are Afflicted With iKSl WSS ture for five times It Rupt ure Dont Fail over years many was si bad I could scarcely retain it with the aid of a truss As the rupture was constantly gettLng worse and the pain so great I could not stand It any longer x was mucn aucouragea Alter 2nd elL Your treatment is all that you claim J Jjjf SuitlVoolr trtmeu and m iU to iw MnlpA rt cured m In less than foul If this letter will do you any good I would be my surprise you me eki Iam glad to say after such a long time cause You do Not Pay Me SWSSSSiSS rtruVff nreu fW rw TTril Vm Ar JfStSLSSwi5SdCg I Wtd your fee with measure ana suit reel tnai Well Yours respectfully I owe you a debt of gratitude which I hone to pay by Inducing other sufferers to go to you foi treatment thereby doing a kindness to them CftVRHTTATTnN RV MSTTftR IV HWB a y0 I present to the readers bf thi paper SON FKEE WBlTB TO ME ABODX jipStTsa ff Sefd S A fw testimonial letters and names of youj case former patients whom 1 nave curel or rupture believing that the afflicted -would rather correspond with some one who has been cured than read what I might say about myself They can more fully investigate and convince them selves as to tne merits or my treatment WM LYNN Ransom Ka Finds Treatment Succeuful Eramtned Oth r Patimts a d Found Cure Permanent Had been ia the Huslnms Thinks This the AIot RatJoual Treat ment or the Day December 20 1899 To whom it may concern This wIU certify tnat I have taken Dr Ernest offer bf receiving no nay until a cure was ef fected as the best guarantee you could give and that is what first gave me confidence is your treatment as soon as I talked to you Rekpectf ully your friend J S HAMMICK 19 East Sixth Street THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN CURED I could use this entire space Singing my Hendersons treatment for rupture and that I O RDPTURE AND ARE SELECTED AT wn rvJK hut helive the statement find It entirely successful I have examined a RANDOM FROM MANY I HAVE CUREi of those I have cured will be more 2u5f E J1 5 ha He 21 4 m in writing them please enclose f DDU ivcfc uuic ia factory to the afflicted I will ask you every case examined I have watched this A8TAMP FOR ANSWER to write to any or all Of them If you treatment for some time as i have been In thlB line of business myself having been an cnfScfipd with whit thpv cav ahnnt expert are satisfied witn wnat tney say aooui truBsnuer for a number of years I believe my rPliabihty and methods of treatment tui3 js the most rational treatment of the day rli to m or rail and see me and that be will be successful in every case I ber that in all cases I guarantee a cure and do not accept one cent of money un til you are well Consultation by mail or in person is entirely free I will be pleased to correspond with you regard ing your case DR ERNEST HENDERSON Wants to Add letter to List Hoping to In fine ce Oilier Sufferers Bad Case of Rupture and Other Troubles for Years Cured in three w ets Did Not Take Ohm Cent of Pay Until Cured Mclberson Kans June S 1899 Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo Dear Doctor I want to add my testimonial letter to your already large list hoping to in- wouiu musi uemui icuuiumunu anyone wuua rupture to consult Dr Henderson Very respectfully yours JACOB YEITZEL Independence Mo SEND FOR 31 Y TKEATISE ON THE CURE OF RUPTURE SENT TO YOU FREE Lutheran Minister Cured After Suffering Six Yeurt Tiieti Many Trusses but Thev All Failed Upon Advice of Key F fcr ufbedaltH Mo Tried Dr derson the Rupture Specialist of Kansas City The Care was Complete tfas Dippensed tritli Trusses V mi Answer Letters From Those A filleted Who Wish Further Particulars Kansas Cltv Mo This is to certify that I have suffered for six I had a bad ce of rupture for vears and jears with a very bad rupture and during til suffered 5t aSny I vS to 8rl Benders A1 J2rhdlerenl Hlniot Tms Sdaitb weeks I too WMSR wyshecando The doctor does not ask one ruJtf jift tnt Mlkc Gaynor 2t Ewing St Kansas City Ka A E Olson McPherson Kas Robert J Brock county attorney Manhattan Kas N M Kent 401 Orchard St Chicago HI Oscar Dillon 901 Campbell St Kansas City Mo H M McDonald Denison Kas B F Dobbs 1920 N lth St Kansas City Kas A Young 3418 Windsor Ave Kansas City Mo J SUammick plumbing 19 E 6th ist Kan sas City Mo Thos Baifo Kansas City Mo W C Peak grocer 21 Central Ave Kapsai City Kas M Welch car Goollander Milling Co FL Scott Km Dr T F Parker 1517 Brooklyn Ave Kaasai City Mo Herman Bagall Ramus City Mo Wm Lynn Ransom Kas M G Hartzell 719 Felix St St Joe Ko Fred Harper 2011 Indiana Ave Kansas Cltv Ho William Weltman 41Q Landls Court Kansai City Bio Rev F Pfeiffer Sedalia Mo R J Champion Armour Station Kansas City Kas JT Wood merchant Greenwood Jackson Chas T Hummer 424 Edmond St St Joe Mb of pa v until the patient is well This Is Pn Be5 ot i B Castor 11 N Spring Ave St Louis Mo the best guarantee he can possibly gl re to any SnVsetaiutikfrH reoQ SL l7 nsas j t - friniiirf npriHi iiT iil4yv Mn i m nnMe t lw ERCSVSt5Si SaV mrclnyae Ma who cured me in a f ew weVks Mthout fc Very truly yours B OLSON jeotine me to a dangerous and Dalnful onera aettH 6- Uf jt u iv uciuuinu nBiuoavitjr Jiu RB Griffith 207 Lyceum Uidg Kansas City JBU tlon The cure was complete and sinca then T Thomts MeUahan cru w rh ut c rri have dispensed with my trusses without Mo SEND FOR MT TREATISE ON THE venience E W Dement restaurant keeper 109 B tttfe iira OF RUPTCRE SENT TO TOU To the lnierest of all who are afflicted with 8t residence 1012 Locust Su Kansas City Ma ih lr0ub1e I do write this and heartily Child 13months old fK1 mend Dr Hendersons treatment- Anyone de- G F Shaw assistant county surveyor m sinner mnri infrtrmnitnn tll v1AnA MHi H JAHA iuBuv uiUiuuiivu 11A JicaaB lkj ht pcuueuu JIU Petirea to Ad Teutlraonial Case a Bad One me personally or bv letter I am Permanent Cnre In Short Time Resuectfnllv Would Not be Back In isame Con- JOHN SATJEB dition for SI OOO No 14 jggo 1317 0ak St Kansas CUy Dr Ernest Henderson N B In writing please enclose a stamp for My Dear Doctor I desire to add my nlal to those you have cured of rupture My case was bad one and you made a permanent 2 GUARANTEE A CORE OR RECETTE cure In c short time without patn and I norer NO PAY FOR MY WORK YOU PAY lost a day from my work- I cannot say too WRPV pnRrn auch for your cure and would no be back in - tWKlvu the Condition i was tor a iousana aoiiars I thank you and would recommend your Rupture NoTronhe Afler First Treatment Which cure toanyone ue ins u you wsn j am i truly thankfully yours FRED HARPER 2011 Indiana Ave was Painless Dirt Not Interfere With worKvanu cured In Is Than One Slonth Recommend Treatment to All Rupture Sufferers I GUARANTEE A CORE OR RECEIVE DiPrncsl Henderson 03 W 9th St Cty vav phr tmv wnmr fnn My Dear Doctor- I write vou en - a t AVaabinsten Baker Halls Summit Km William Higgins 117 Car Ave Armourdale Kas W L Gray Stanberry Mo W T WJngate Amity Mo Earl Maxwell Valley Falls Kas a Sandy 7 Kanas Ave Kansas City Kas James McMockiu e32 Tullis Court Kansas City Mo Frank Craig 15th and Topping Ave Kaneai CltyMo A n7TFIpg DR ERNEST HEKDieSOS whsk cured VRI ycuhavensaaea permanent cur of my KANSAS 31 Y 103 Wast Ninlij Street - - - UiSSOUHL BRIBED BY THEIR OWN POCKETS Hearsts Chicago American Many a man is called incorruptible who is bribed every day of his life Many a nation Including our own just at present has been bribed without realizing it The man who would rage justifiably at the suggestion of a bribe the man who would spurn an offer of any amount from another can be easily bribed by the money in his own pocket The writer has In mind a man of great ability who illustrates singularly well the corrupting power that lies in mans own money When the man mentioned was young he was enthusiastic In the cause of the people His ideas were sound his am bitions lofty He had nothing and his sympathies went out to others who were as poor as he Today his Inmost feel ings and ideas are the same as of yore But his financial condition has changed There used to be nothing in his pock ets Now his bank account safe de posit vault and real estate foot up twenty millions of dollars The mans dally life is at variance with the good instlnots that were planted in him originally He used to earnestly sympathize with every effort to increase wages when he worked for wages Now he pays wageB and the money in his pocket corrupts him and Impels him to cut down where he can and to grudge where he might well be liberaL To a friendly critic he will say in perfect good faith Property has a quieting influence Money brings responsibility Consist ency is all very well but financial mat ters often change the early hasty view etc The money in his pockets corrupts him he Is bribed by his own fortune to violate his conviction No othei mans money could tempt him to go against what he knows to be Tight Hip own fortune thinks for him acts for him and changes him Do not believe that a man must own twenty millions to be controlled by the mnnpv In Vila niircsa lt - - atat 4 ceed In frightening them they are suj to win The republican party with ingeniou falsehood and plausible talk did sue ceed in frightening the savings ban depositors It was no great sum of money tha bribed the average savings bunk tit posltor Seventy dollars 200perhaps 500 suf ficed in tens of thousands of cases t dwarf all noble considerations in th mind of the voter Imagine the average hard workin man saying to the republican party Why do you ignore the Declaratioi of Independence What excuse hav you to offer for changing our system o government without the peoples con sent 7 The republican party replied Never mind the Declaration of In dependence and as to your other ques tion we dont want any excuse Listej to this You have 200 in the saving bank havent you Very well Vat for the democrats and that money wil shrink to 100 The statement is false and the votei feels that It is false Yet he has som slight dread that there may be some thing in it He knows all about hi 200 He pats and loves the greas brown bank book About other thing he can only speculate Compared to his real two hundred tht Declaration of Independence itself is oJ speculative importance He looks at his brown bank booV with the entries so slowly and labori ously made and votes for the republic an party bribed by his own money influences others that shall How many men of small fortune how Patriotic rnanv men of nractfrallv no fortune appeua iu tne Pcu were bribed by their pockets or their future financial hopes in the late elec tion Tlie republican party managed to cre ate the impression that with them lay inanclal prosperity If a voter said Trusts are dangerous vicious and il legal The republican party replied If you destroy trusts you will fright 2n rich men rich men will lock up their money and you will not be able o get any of it The country bribed by its pockets oted to continue the trusts in power An extremely intelligent politician llr Steckler said to this writer long before election The savings bank depositors decide elections If the republicans once There has been much talk of corrup tion in election much talk of bribery and a vast fund for buying voters Such a fund existed and was used of course But the real corruption fund to be dreaded lies in the vofersown pockets The party which can use that fund apparently can win in this country The democrats must bear this in mind and be prepared to add to those argu ments which appeal to the mind and to A Chicago cloakmaker Beifeld or stein said in a public speech before election The real Issue is yourself When the shameless speech was made this newspaper as in duty bound de nounced it But there is only too much truth apparently in the statement of the cloakmaker Beistein He felt no shame in saying that in a land which had made him rich the issue was still Self as it had been when he was poor There are many Beiateins among us they must and should vote and since their pockets think for them plans must be made to reach those pockets and through the pocket reach the brain It will not be time wasted for demo crats to think of this during the next four years COST OF UYING GREATLY INCREASED j Chicago 111 Special The following figures show the rise in price 4 of food and other domestic necessaries since election The trusts are be- ginning to experience prosperity j T There is talk of a further advance In the price of meats at least x those that did not feel the boost of last Saturday 4 Old Price New Price 4 coal 625 700 t Butter 22 25 T Eggs 20 2o J Tenderloin 8 I Sirloin 16 20 4 I Rib roast 14 4 Round stead 10 4 Mutton chops 16 0 r Bacon U J - -- - ---------------- 0M YEAE 0E THE NEW JEESEY TEUSTS Trenton N J Special Oct 31 was the last day of the fiscal year in New Jersey The returns for the year made jy the secretary of state to State Con roller Hancock show that during the vo7e months the following trusts with a capital of 5000000 and more were organized Pure Oil Co 15O0C000O Carnegie Co 100000000 American Bridge Co 70000000 Am Sheet Steel Co- 52000000 losmopolitan Power Co 40000000 Telephone Telegraph arid Ca ble Co 20000800 Philadelphia Electric Co 25000000 National Sugar Refining Co 20000000 Consolidated Railways Lighting and Eqnlpmt Go 16000000 Shelby Steel Tube Co 15000C0O Wnite Knob Copper Co Ltd 15000000 Hudson County Gas Co 10500000 Havana Traction Co 10000000 American Timber Co 10000000 St Johns Typobar Co 8750000 Cuba Co United Metal Selling Co 5000000 Excelsior Telephone Tele graph and Subways Co 5000000 Standard Shoe Machinery Co 500000C Loeben Incandescent Co 000000 Alaska Copper Co 5000000 Atlantic City Realty Co 5000000 United Telegraph and Tele phone Co 5000000 Denver Southwestern Rail way company 5000000 Santa Rita Mining Co 5O000C During the two years ending October 31 the state has received in fees for in corporation upward of a million dollars while in previous years the fees re ceived from the same source amounted to only a few thousand dollars annual ly The fee for chartering a company with a capitalization of 125000 or up ward is 20 cents on the thousand dol lars or 20i on the million At Chicago Judge Grosscup has dechl ed an interesting case as arbiter foi the Bricklayers union and Mason ano Builders -association When the lock out was declared in February an ap prentice indentured by the union hao only served lour years and two months 8000000 ol 2iis five years term The boy was uonuneniai auwuw thrown out of work andvhis employer Alaska Industrial Co 10000000 refUsed to him pay wages although he Havana America uo auiwuuuu was ndeT obligations tn furnish stMflv Marconi Wireless Tele Co 10000000 Manhattan Light and Heat Co S09O000 Imperial Iron Co 7000000 Artificial Lumber Co 12000000 American Sash and Deor Co 6000000 Porcelain Faced Brick Co 6eCGS00 tIcCIellan Arms Co 6000000 Federal Publishing Go 13 old Hill Copper Co North American Iron Co California Products Co Sreat Northern Portland Ce ment Co Cosmos Co 6000000 50000 30 5OCO000 50CC0D0 5009000 5000000 employment or do so The controversy was referred to Andrew Linquist for the employer Thomas Preece for the union and Judge Grosscup The latter decided in favor of the boy and the em ployer must pay all back wages The Presbyterian churches of New York City last week spent much of the time in prayer for China A special memorial service for the Presbyterian missionaries killed at was helG is the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian churcij fA T l 4J3M S WJ DRMcGREW OSm Ovr 310 S ltk St Oficaopca ceatiaaeMly fraaa 4 afc4 jkb dally 6ayfwHa Saaat4 DrMcGrewat Arc 5310 TH MOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST la the treatment ef allfsrau ef BI8KASK4 AJvD DISORDERS OF 1EBN OWLT 3 years experience IK years la VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A PGBMAKENT CUBS GUAJt JUNXKES K A FEW D AYS without cutting yafaica loss of time The QUICKEST AND MJ KATUKAI CUKE that has jet been covered CHARGES LOW CVDU1IIC lD a11 stages and condtttea 0 1 1 ill Liu cured and every trace of Ua disease la thoroughly eliminated frosa itei blood No BREAKING OUT on the skin er ftoa or any external appearances of the cMeexs whatever A treatment that is more suo cessful and for more satisfactory than tin Hot Strings treatment and at lees tkaa HALF THE COST A cnre that Is guaraaWe4 to be permanent for life M1IUECC young and mlddle araj VrCAnnlLOO men IO S OF MAM Hooi Night Losses Nervous DeblMty Leso of Brain and Nerve Power Loss or Vlger aod Vitality Pimples on the Face Pains In bq Back Forgetfolnoss Bashfulness OVl 60000 CAS CURED CTDIPTIIDC quickly cured with a ner 0 I nlUI UnE and infallible homo treaXr tnent Kidney and Bladder Troubles G0 drrhoeo Gleet CUBES GUARANTEED CHAGES LOl DonsaltatloK Free Treatment by XaSL Medicines sent everywhere free from gaso or breakage ready for usq Oflioeboors8a mto 9 p a dafly 8an Says S a mto 5pm P O B03 7M Offlksi over 21b So 14th St between Karnaaa ar Douglas Streets OMAHA NEB Dr HENDERSON - 101 aafl 103 W Ctl St XAXfJUCXTTXGe the Otdsat Aw 2wgg ZemUQ A Regular 43rdu0tm Xedicina inthorfeed by tie State to trot C2Mfe wmmyovm j Corse gnaranteaa or mossy rt funded AU medicines femaks ready for e no Hwrcurjre te jarioas medicines nssd Ke tentlon from business Patiecto at a distance treated by mail vA TTtnuA Medicinal seat wnec where free from gate or breakage Ne ibS des sent C O D only by agreement CMflr krw Over 4QJXX cases cured Age and ace are important State yonr case afl4 eeca for terms Consultation free and confld NT personally or by letter Seminal Weakness JJaStfM and Sexual Debility iiandejc es HBanrin8rlosTOe byreams or with tbwaj tdmples and bl otchea on ths face rashes ci Hoc4 bthe head pains in back confused weaeta forgetfalness bashfalneBS aTeisioa ojBmftV loss of sexnal power loss of manhood Ijga tence ate cared for life I can sto tg losses restore sexnal power restore nerve ang brain power enlarge and strengthen weaJrpara and make yon fit for marriage r1riire BadicaBy ctirea with a nw5 SiriCXUre Bfanic boat TmlmwU Ho to and uieet struments no pain np oetea tion from business Cnre guaranteed BeoB and list of Questions free- sealed VAIilCOCELE HYDR0CELEPHlM03lSam allkiaafcS pennaneatlycctrea Private Diseases or money refsiaca BOOK fcEiaOTeSSSSa aboTe diseases the offecta and curesenaj in plain wrapper for 6 cents in m ihonld read this book for tha infonaaticei u eontains N B State case and ask for list of qwaliSER JTrce JXuscutn afJinatomu for meo ofe HE DECEMBER NUMBER OF GOOD HEALTH A Large Monthly Magazine Is now ready for mailing It contain a large number of interesting facta strange and peculiar incidents also giv ing several new portraits of peopta connected with the Kharas Concerns ti lowa and Nebraska IT WILL BE MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS Write for it Prof Theo Kharas Publisher 1515 1517 Chicago St Omaha Nek WINTER TOURIST RATES VIA OMAHA 2 ST LOUIS AND WABASH R R SPECIAL Tours to Florida Key West Cuba Bermuda Old Mexico The Mediterranean and Ori ent HALF Rates for the round trip ta many points south on sate 1st and 3d Tuesday eaca month RATES To Hot Springs Ark the fa mous Water Resort of Amer fi ica on sale every day In tha year Tickets now on sale to all the win ter resorts of the south good returning until June 1st 1901 For rates de- scriptive matter pamphlets and anj other information call at O St L R R City Ticket Office 1415 Farnani St or write Harry E Moores C Pv T A Omaha Neb KIMBALL BROSMFGS 1051 9th St COTJNCIX TtlttFFSy IA DO YOU Vrite abont yonrselt I stammered from STAMMER childhoou and was per fectly cured 12 yeare aeo Onlv the afiflctnH jan appreciate the intense desire one has ta lecnred IfyonareafRlctedorhavechildreB who are write to me for terms literature etc Address JULIA E VAUGHN Prin OMAHASTAMMCRCRS INSTITOTC RAMGE BLOCK OMAHA Neb COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMPY OMAHA Vol 1900 if MsMSil - rf f w v v- 5 WZlf CUBES WHERE AIL f IS FJUI L Beat Couch Smin Tnsroa f jvrt TTa in time hold by driisilsts tesg - UKA JiJiB y -- mSM