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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1900)
lr m k kl h k A A 4 M K fy 1 a 4 ONE Jju THE VOLUME XV fTC 5 J PRICE TO ALL AND THAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA A AAAAAAAAAAAA iMnenKrggraireOM r t 1T f THE LOWES mtMEma fVf If you like to trade at a store where you can feel sure- that you are getting just as low aprice as every one else come here We pride ourselves on the fact that we conduct a stricJly one price store One custo mers money is just as good as anothers here A child can buy as cheaply as the shrewdest buyer The reason we obtain the patronage of the majority of well posted buyars is because they appreciate our values Not in all the history of this business have we been prepared to serve our customers more satisfactorily than this sea bon We can please youtoo Gloves Caps Underwear THE Mittens Overshoes Overalls RON X X X Ii continually adding improvements and it i now th best equipped and moBt comfortable m nr a nc xm nWDXT TTrvrrnrr 2 1YLVJLXN JZLWJLXSjJU g 4 D STINARD TSmsB IN NOHTHWEST NEBRASKA C II COB9iLL PrIlent B ALL OVR JVOItK GVAMAXTED GL01HER Valentine Nebraska - - t - r r AAAA a Tne DOJNOhtiiK I 4R Knt nd Cold Watw Excellent Bath Room Tw Sample Fooma f WHHHHMM 999999 9999999 999999999 fe - tfLOAKS NO CAPES For Indies Misses and Children BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AKD GENTS furnishings practical tailoring VALENTINE NEBR H V XICIIOLSOSCuMhier ANKOF VALENTINE BMwaaiiwjw wmm ArGVneral Ranking Business t 4 Buys and SI1 Elunifstir unci Foreign Fjxrluiiige - CnrriipnitliifMt jheruieal National Bank New York First JNatiouaUBaiik Onmlia Neb CI TIZEN8 - MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of FRESH FRUIT - AN In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Starters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA e PRINTING YOUR OFFICE 7e Can Satisfy- You ia Quality Price and Workmanship wvw V A light snow fell Tuesday but as Wednesday was quite warm most of it melted off before night Mrs J A Sparks is still confined to her room on account of sickness but is reported some better i We deliver groceries as xvell as feed to any part of town w A fettycrew iwiij wihi pii itp iiiilniui m mrnn t hi Joseph Bristol called at the dem ocrat office Tuesday to change his paper from Ft Niobrara to Valen tine Rob Good came up from Ainsworth on the evening freight Wednesday to assist in getting out The Demo crat this week A D Brown returned to his work in Elliots drug store Monday night from Nebaska City where he has been visiting relatives for the past week E J Davenport took his little boy Harrison to the St Joseph Hospital in Omaha the first ofYlie week tx5 be operated on for vericose swelling of a cranial artery Sweeney Bros of Greogory were in town on Land office business Mon day and Tuesday of this week They have a splendid cattle ranch in Enlow precinct and are proving up on some claims belonging to the ranch Some of the young people enjoyed themselves skating this week on the Minnechaduza lake above the bridge It is not safe to get on the ice until it is solid enough to bear up without cracking and our young people should be careful Judge Walcott Deputy Co Clerk Reece Banker Cornell Receiver Towle Ranchmen Bray ton and Ball ard started Sunday morning for Oma ha to take in the sights and have a good time The J ud e returned Tues day niht We havent heard Irom the others In last weeks issue of The Demo crat the printer left out by mistake from the article relating to banks of Cherry Co the Bank of Cody which is an incorporated bank with J A Sparks President and E Sparks Vice Pres J as Robinson is acting as bookkeeper and cashier W P Hunt has sold his share and interest in the Stage Route to Rose bud to J W Ward his partner Mr Wards brother will now drive in Mr Hunts place Mr Hunt has not de cided yet what hell dp but therell be an ODeninjr for there always is for a progressive man Mr Ward in taking charge of the Mail Route will merit the patronage of all as a man attentive to and dili gent in business Thomas Dillon who recently moved with his wife from Fremont Neb to this cit is dead He aud his wife 35T t VALENTINE pvw vvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvyvvwvvvvvvfvffwvvv WWJ vwvwwwwwwvrwwvnwvyvywwv f1 TATK OP THP TAWIM L1ZIL JJ What ia it Rice writes insurance Try that 50c Japan Tea at Farn hams 33 A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 Ed Sears came in from Kennedy Tuesday on business A M Morrisey was up to Dead wood S D last week on leal business For Sale Second hand harness Will sell cheap Inquire of JOHN Smyser 38 tf Chas Wellford the lightning type setter assisted in the Democrat office Wednesday Ernest Lambie of Wood Lake this week becomes a reader of The Val entine Democrat H W Harper from North Table was in town Monday and subscribed for The Democrat Will take corn or young cattle in trade at Farnhams 43tf We have just received a brand new stock of rubber goods and under wear W A Pettycrew 37 L Buy a Woodmanse windmill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur- ni8hediree of charge For sale by f Anderson 35 tf I J The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat Terwill save vou coal and produce more heat ttiah any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf Penbrook Mother earth is getting old now she looks quite white this morning Miss Louise M Clime of Broken w jBow Nebr is teaching school in this z jpcaniy Born to Mr and Mrs Hutchison a iTVnViu Vinir KJ VJ I Dick Burdick made a call at I O Jones Monday Mrs Hittle cf Penbrook is teaching School in the Grady district George Boman is picking corn for IHutchison now days Mr Hittle has been losing cattle to the amount of 18 head and 3 more sick at this writing Jim Hutchison went down to Nor den Monday on business As it is getting cold now Porcupine will not be poking his nose around to ee what people are hoing - Porcupine i Local Weather Record 1 U S Departmeat of Agriculture 1 f eather Bureau f Valeritlne Nebr week ending Weduesda5 Nov 21 1900 Hlgliest emp for week 43 deir on the lGth Lovest temp for week 6 deg on the 21stv Jlenn temp tor week 18 deg N 4Avitenrp for the week for 10 years 32 deg Deficiency of tfjmp fortlie weelcll y AccuiuulatM excess of temp since Jan 11900 1013 de Total precipitation for week 09 inches Av precipn for week for 10 yenrs 007 inches Excess 01 precipitation fur the week 02 inches Total precipn from Jan 1 1900to date 220S inches Av precipn for 10 years from Jan I to date 1869 inches Excess of precipn from Jan 1 1000 to date 3H9 inches Highest velocity of wind for week 30 miles per hour from the S on thu 10th FllANK B BEAHAN Observer Weather Bureau Notice of attachment Herman Wonders will take notice that on the 5th day of November 1900 W B Towne County Judge within aud for Cherry County Nebraska issued an order of attachment for the sum of S1750 in an acticu pending before him wherein Gehile P Crahb and William F Mor gareidge formeily co partners doing business under the firm name aud style of G P Crabb and Morgareidge aie plaintiffs and Herman Wonders is defendant that property of the de fendant coMsisting of seventy five bushels of corn aud a credit of 2500 due 10 the plaintiff from one Lafayette Johnson has been garnished and attached under said order Said cause was continued to the aist day of December 1900 at 10 oclock a m OEhILKI CRABB aud WILLIAM F MoItGAREIDGE DatedNovember lath 1909 Plaintiffs Ordinance No 85 An Ordinance to amend Section Three of Ordinance No GO being an Ordinance entitled An Ordinance providing protection against the spread of contaixious or infectious diseases defining th unties of practising physicians and other fixing the powers aud duties of the Board of Health and fixing the penalties for violation thereof Be it ordained by the Chairman an d Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Section 1 Section three of said ordinance No 6G is hereby amended to read as follows him somewhere asSecion3 Tlml S1 Boaru oi Health is empow ered to adopt and publish any rules it may deem necessary for the comfort aud welfare of the person oc persons quarantined under Section Two of this ordiuance and 10 prevent spread of said contagious or infectious disease estab lish pest huusts employ physicians nurses guards and do any and all things necessary for the proper enforcement of this ordinanca Pro vided tint where expense incurred in carry iug out the provisions of this section cannot le collected from said quarantined person or today went together to the law office 1 sous it shall be paid by said village out of the of Dan H Sullivan to execute Provided further that said Items papers requisite to securing a pension for the death of their son who died in the Phillipines wearing Uncle Sams blue Mrs Dillon had just sign ed her name to the statement that she was the dead soldiers mother and that her only support was her hus band seventy two years of age when her husband as he reached for the1 paper sank to the floor It was found that he was dead when a doc tor arrived he pronounced the cause of death to be rupture of an aneurism of expense shall be certified t by said Board of health aud filed with the Village Clerk within ten days after the same has been incurred Any person violating any provision of this section or any provision of the nilps adopted and published by the Board of health under the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis d emeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than five nor more thun fifty dollars Sectfons Tlijs ordinance shall ne in force from and after Its passage approval and publi cation according to law Passed aud approved November 45 1900 D STINARD Ciiairmau Attest A 31 MOitRI SSEY Clerk of the aorta Mr Dillon has a f ter in this city with whom he and his Q valentine Lodu e No 6 wife were living The body was sent j Ou JL Jl Meets even- second ami fourth Wednesday even- to Fremont No inquest was held introf each mouth at Morubys Had a cordial SimvfMrv Tiwtrh in Sfptfnnr limtatlon is extended to hli visiting members nal Nov 19 4 1 maud y aiOItUAUELDiiE secy njiyiiJ i 11111 WPS V - v- 1 r 1PV DEMOG VALENTINE NEBRASKA NOVEMBER 221900 X VxjL JL NTTMBER 44 Au I COFFEE I DIDNT TASTE GOOD 1 THIS MORNING S Then it wasnt ours j jj WE UAYE THE GEEATEST YAEIETY IN THE g CITY Chase it Sanborns Fine Eio 15 ceutsJl g Chase Sanborns Blended Santos a splendid if 3 drink - 20centsrl 49 Chase Sanborns Highland Blend 30 cedts g 49 Chase San horns Mocha and Java Seal brand J J9 Took first prize at Worlds Fair Chicago 2J IA 1 pound cans 40 cents 2 pound cans 75 cents JJ 2 x ar x i 8 S 3 DAVENPORT 1HACHER g K General Merchants 2 2 R 5j 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 YJkSL iVBYQ EmPKmXFETXmiSSSgTXglXSa We Handle All Kir ds hsE22EK32r23H2S2SZ LIVERY BARN FORTUNE TOLD BY AS TROLOGY AND YOUR HAND Send date of birth and drawing or photo o hand Satisfaction jjuar anteed 15 questions answered for 2o cent- for one month only Hoodoo bagiind lucky charm free to ladies can influence all whom you touch witli them References and testimon ials free If impossible to sendphotb or drawing of hand send color of hair ciwu eyes oiitixi ii- xviiuvtv 4i it Thedford Nebr T envp Tnn ft tr F rT rpnf rtn vniir - ww WW f r4 WWB WM J WWA insurance ana write m the DeRtmu tual companies of the state 4 1 M RlCEt Agent -AAA WALCOTT LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to WAI00TT STEVENSON LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE VTVyT VWT KJTiJjTkJ wj yLyy IIL V j Tky Y or Money a Chaffie Alany say that it takes money to make money but this does not hold true if you trade at Yiertels 2So matter how little money you have to spendyou can always save something by buying here Com pare our prices with those of other stores -and see how much we can save you Salt Coal Fence Posts rV x MAX E V1ERTEL CROOKSTOX NEBR h r i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PAPER HANGING CALOIMINING R S DENNIS ANvy Valentine Nebraska x All work well done M 2 AZjzsrtt7a At 1 X T nrWT7nnc - fk Old Stand J2S2k2S3 MADE YOUNG AGAIN 9 One of Dr Kingls New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my teens again writes D II Turner of Dempseytown Pa Theyre the best iu the world for Liver Stom ach and Bowels Purely Yegetable Never gripe Only 2oc at Elliotts 2 Chamberlains stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness constipation aud headache They are easy to take and pleasant iu effect Sold by Quigley Chapman - - 2 RiCe writei Insurance ifHi Ht rssjpv