Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 15, 1900, Image 7
p it - iV tr r -1 LEY AID No McKin Bryan Alabama It 11 Arkansas 8 S California 9 9 Colorado 4 4 Connecticut 6 - 6 Delaware 3 3 Florida 4 - 4 Georgia 13 13 Idaho 3 3 Illinois 24 24 Indiana 15 15 Iowa 13 13 Kansas 10 10 Kentucky 13 13 Ijouisiana S 8 Maine 6 6 Maryland 8 8 Massachusetts 15 15 Michigan n 14 Minnesota 9 9 Mississippi 9 9 Missouri 17 - - 17 Montana 3 3 Nebraska 8 8 Nevada 3 Z New Hampshire 4 4 New Jersey 10 10 New York 36 36 North Carolina 11 11 North Dakota 3 3 - Oblo 23 23- Oregon 4 i 4 - Pennsylvania 32 32 Rhode Island -4 4 South Carolina 9 9 Fouth Dakota 4V 4 Tennessee 12 -- v- Texas 15- -- 15 Utah 3 3 Vermont 4 4 Virginia 12 12 Washington 4 4 West Virginia G- 6 6 Wisconsin 12 12 Wyoming - 3 3 Totals 447 289 -92 McKinleys majority 127 Latest returns from Tuesdays elec tion indicate that President McKinley has secured at least 2G9 electoral votes This is a gain of eighteen over 1S9G In 1896 McKinley carried twenty three states Tuesday twenty nine states tinted the republican electors Those which turned from Bryan were Ne braska South Dakota Utah Wyoming ad Washington Mr McKinley also pained one vote from California thiss election as in IS95 a presidential elector jn the democratic ticket was success lul XNGRESS STRONG REPUBLICAN The Fifty seventh congress will be jnore strongly republican than the pre ceding one According to the returns at hand the republicans will have a majority or thirty five in the lower house while in the Fifty sixth congress they had but fourteen There Is every indication however that there will be a marked decrease in republican strength in the United States senate In the Fifty sixth congress the repub licans had a majority of twenty six In the Fifty seventh congress the proba bility is that this majority will be re duced to about thirteen because some -of the states in which the republican presidential ticket was successful elect ed democratic or fusion legislatures HOW ROOSEVELT flEARB THE NEWS OF HIS ELECTION New York N Y Special Govern or Roosevelt surrounded by his family received the returns at his home on Sagamore Hills The governor at no time during the evening semed anx ious about the result He did not make any special arrangement to receive the news and depended on messages to be brought from the telegraph office near ly three miles away The first definite information of the republican viutory was conveyed to the governor at about 10 oclock The governor was in the reception room with ills wife and daughter When he appeared at the door to meet the news paper correspondent he was clad in full evening dress He invited his vis itor into parlor and closely scrutinizing the telegram briefly commented on the result After reading the message he said Isnt that fine It shows what the American people are It shows that they want the good times to continue and are in favor of sound money and are for the flag The governor then dictated the fol lowing message to President McKin ley I congratulate you and far more the natio You have my heartfelt grati tude over the result Governor Roosevelt also sent mes sages f congratulation tc Senator Han oa as Chairman Odell ijovernorielect Doubtful S Y OVERWHEL Alabama 9 Arkansas 6 California 0 Colorado 2 Connecticut 4 Delaware 0 Florida 2 Georgia 11 Idaho 0 Illinois 11 Indiana 4 Iowa 0 f Kansas 1 Kentucky S Louisiana 6 Maine 0 Maryland 0 Mass 3 Michigan 0 Minnesota 0 Mississippi 7 Missouri 12 Montana 1 Nebraska 4 0 0 7 0 4 1 0 0 o 11 9 11 7 3 0 4 G 10 12 7 0 O t o EVELT W Landslide For the Republican Candidate Has Over Three Hundred Electoral Votes By the Latest Returns Carries Doubtful States REFUBLiCANS MAKES BIG OAINS AND WILL CONTROL HOUSE AN NATE NewYork Maryland Indiana West Virginia Kansas Wyoming Ken tucky and Other States That Were Hotly Contested Carried for the President The Administration Is Endorsed THE ELECTORAL VOTE BY STATES f REPUBLICANS CONTROL CONGRESS Washington D C Special Repre sentative Loudenslager of New Jersey in charge of the eastern headquarters of the republican congressional commit tee in this city has received reports which indicate that the next house of representatives will stand as folows D Rl D R Nevada 1 New Hamp 0 New Jersey 2 New York 13 North Car G North Dakota 0 Ohio 4 Oregon 0 Penn 5 Rhode Island 0 South Car 7 South Dakota 0 Tennessee 7 Texas 13 Utah 1 Vermont 0 Virginia 9 Washington 0 West Va 0 Wyoming 0 Wisconsin o Totals Doubtful HOW THE SENATE WILL STAND The next senate assuming that the state legislatures will fulfill their duty and choose senators to represent theh states will stand on the basis of Tues days election forty nine republicans and twenty seven democrats and nine independents with the legislatures in doubt in three states with the privilege of electing live senators at this time The legislature in doubt is Delaware in which state two senators are to be chosen and Idaho where one senatorial chair is to be filled Among those classed in the independent column are Senators Stewart of Nevada and Kyle of South Dakota who in the last con gress acted with the republicans on ali party measures Turner of Washing ton and Harris of Kansas who acted with the democrats and Wellington ot Maryland The representation by states should be as follows Rep Dem Alabama California 2 Colorado Connecticut 2 Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho1 Illinois 1 Indiana Iowa Kansas 1 Kentucky 1 Louisiana Maine 2 Maryland 1 Massachusetts 2 Michigan 2 Minnesota 2 Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio 2 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island o o 2 o 1 o o o South Carolina South Dakota 1 Tennessee Texas Utah 1 Vermont 1 Virginia Washington 1 West Virginia 1 Wisconsin 2 Wyoming 2 Totals 49 1 I 2 2 1 2 1 2S KENTUCKY VERY CLOSE 0 r 6 21 3 1 17 2 25 2 0 2 3 0 0 2 1 2 4 1 10 153 203 Ind 10 Louisville Ky Special As returns seven counties heard from and making an allowance for republican gains or losses the situation Indicates a ma jority of about 8000 for Yerkes for gov ernor while a conservative estimate places it at riot less than 5000 Yerkes led McKinley all over the state and at present the presidential race is very close with indications that Bryan has carried the state OHIO PLURALITY 80000 Cincinnati Special This Hamilton county complete gives McKinley 55 428 Bryan 40223 making McKinleys plurality in the county 15202 McKin leys plurality in Ohio will be about 75000 to 80000 Ohio elects fifteen re publicans and six democrats to con gress W 4 Sk r MAJORITY m Mckinley hears the NEWS ANO HAKES A SPE3H Executive Mansion Canton O Noi 6 At midnight Canton was in a frenzy which knew no bounds The crowds which had been burning red fire down town marched en masse to the McKin ley residence with bands playing rock ets sending lurid streaks across the midnight sky and tumultuous cheers mingling with the din of horns and steam whistles The crowd was stilled for a tlmi with some of the cheering news receiv ed This included dispatches from the Kansas chairman claiming that state by 40000 from Secretary Heath of the national committee saying that Indiana gave McKinley 29000 plurality from the Iowa chairman saying Iowas plu rality was 100000 and from the Union League club Chicago giving the pres ident glowing congratulations on the triumph by the American people But the crowd clamored for the president and he kindly appeared waving his acknowledgment of the deafening cheers The president said Fellow citizens I thank you for the very great compliment of this call on this inclement night and at this late hour cries of Youre welcome of the many gratifying reports from every part of the country none have given me more genuine and sincere gratitude than those from my own city and my own county of Stark And I appear now only to do as I have on so many former occasions to thank you once more for the warm and hearty indorse ment which you have given my public acts ENGLAND WELL SATISFIED OVER RESULT OF AMERICAN ELECTION London Special The afternoon pa England with the result of the mrf wy pers voice the general sentiment oi England with regard to the result ol the presidential election in the United States Anti imperialism the attempt to stir up jealousy against Englandthe charm plonshipof the Boers and the pandering to the Fenians all availed Bryan noth ing His defeat is even more a defeat for Croker and Tammany and that is its happiest feature It really looks as though the Americans are tired of the gang of corrupt Irish Americans who have degraded American politics so long The Times in a special edition sass McKinleys victory is no ordinary tri umph It is a victory for common hon esty sound sense and sober enlight ened political judgment After reference to Bryans endea vors to make imperialism the para mount issue the Times says Free silver and it3 attendant here sies are the real matters upon whicr electors have given judgment After commenting upon Bryans ad vocacy of unsound principles and un constitutional methods and his appeals to class hatred whlrh stirred the pas sions of all the worst elements of the population the times expresses the opinion that had Bryan been elected even all the checks of the constitution could not have restrained him from ex periments fatal to social order and ma terial prosperity and it concludes From that danger the country is mercifully delivered certainly fortlu present and we hope for all time THE REPUBLICANS MAKE BIG GAINS EVEN IN OLD MISSOURI St Louis Mo Special McKinley gain is remarkable Still more so it that of the republican candidate foi governor Joseph Flory Bryans plu rality Is reduced from 53000 to about 400CO and Flory is believed to be but about 15000 behind Dockery Of 114 dispatches received from all parts ol the state all but fourteen show repub lican gains The legislature will be democratic by a small margin Returns from 26t out of 333 precincts in St Lculs indicate the city wen democratic by from COO to 2000 The republican electoral ticket leads th city ticket MKiNLEY AT WASHINGTON Washington D C Special Ij sl j dent McKinley and hi3 party arrived at S30 this morning Several hundred people had assembled at the Pennsyl vania depot to bid the president wel come and a large number of police were on hand to prevent a crush Sec retary Hitchcock Generai Corbln and other officials gathered about the plat form of the presidents private car and were the first to welcome and con gratulate him Tne crowd outside broke into hearty cheers when the president made his appearance with Mrs Mo Kinley BRYAN CONGRATULATES MKINLEY Lincoln Neb Special Mr Bryac has sent the following telegram to Pres ident McKinley Lincoln Neb Nov 8 To Hon Wil liam McKinley President Canton O At the close of another presidential campaign it is my lot to congratulatf you on a second victory WJ BRYAN- K if ywarS 5l SENATOR PETTIGREW SAYS NEW PARTY WILL ARISE St -Paul Minn Special A Siou FalIsspeolal to the Dispatch says I predict the formation of a new party -based on the protests of the out raged people against republicanism as taught by Mark Hanna declared-United States Senator R F Pettlgrew this morning I saw how it was going on and weriYi home For weeks I have told tb3 nation al committee we were defeated in South Dakota but they kept claiming the state and I have been working for political effect No I was not disap pointed I slept well last night I will remain in Sioux Falls and I am going to resume my mill north of town De feat Is the more welcome to me as it has come than victory would have been if It came by indorsing the sort of pol icy which the republican party repre sents Yes of course I will be In the new party What it will be called is of little moment It may bo social labor or it may be the new democratic party It will be made up of persons discontented with the element in politics as a pro test against the existing conditions and the present tendency of things Thd movement will grow rapidly and I be lieve will defeat the republican party in 1904 Mark Hanna republicanism men aces the republic The concentration of wealth will create an influence to re strict the right of suffrage until cap italists will say no one is fit -to take part in the government who does noi know enough to make money The election does not stand as ar indorsement of all the administration stands for The cry of prosperity and the racial question are more apparent no wthan ever before of getting all we can and keeping all we get No Anglo-Saxon race ever won against the party in power while Involved in war thought it would be different this time because of general discontent The divorcement of the democratic and populist parties is assured but the new party will be the popular one I can not say whether Mr Bryan will affiliate with it or not SENATOR HANNA HAS A PRESIDENTIAL BEE IN HIS HAT Cleveland O Nov S 3peaker Hen derson of the national house of repre sentatives was entertained at dinner at the Union club by about twenty prominent republicans of Cleveland on the eve of October 31 when he deliv ered a campaign speech In this city He greatly surprised some of his hosts dur ing the table talk by telling them that Senator Kannas tour of the northwest had so stirred up that country that the senator was being talked about there is a presidential possibility four years hence Senator Hanna was aked whether he had heard of any such sentiment in the northwest Yes he answered I have heard rumors to that effect At some of the meetings I addressed in the northwest cries were raised about the next presi dency which I could not help hearing There has been some talk of the char acter you mention But I do not want to be the -next president after McKin ley I will have nothing to do with it I have had enough of politics and public life to suit any one Senator Hanna starts tonight for New York to dispose of unfinished campaign business He will return home on Mon day and remain until December lwhen he will go to Washington for the rest of the winter and the session of con gress Senator Hanna today received about 300 telegiams congratulating him upon the result of the election from prom inent republicans all over the country CONGRATULATE MCKINLEY Washington D C Special Among the congratulatory telegrams received by the president are the following Paris Nov 7 1900 His Excellency Monsieur McKinley President United States of America I beg you to accept my most sincere congratulations on your re election to the supreme office that you have filled with such lUEtre and during which the bonds of friend ship between our two countries have to my great delight been drawn still closer EMILE LOUBET Manila Nov S The President Sin Dare congratulations The most Import ant step in bringing peace and prosper ity to these islands has been taken COMMISSION Guatemala Nov 7 1900 Mr Mo Ivinley I sincerely felicitate you M ESTRADA Presidente QUAY CLAIMS HIS ELECTION Washington D C Special For- her Senator M S Quay who will leave iere tomorrow for Florida tonight gave jut the following statement for publica tion The contest of Tuesday resulted in a sweeping victory for the stalwart re publicans of the state The senate will uc organized by the regulars no mat ter about the statements to the con trary made by hostile newspapers or insurgents Senator W P Snyder of Chester county will be elected president pro tem of the senate and Representa tive W T Marshall a stalwart from Allegheny county will be elected speak er of the house I will be elected United States senator by above -150 out of a total vote of 254 on the first ballot is joint assembly Your true hog Josephine Is the man vho when he sees a tired woman hang ing onto the straps in a cable car re gards her as a standing joke 14- - - - jtji r Sj REPUBLICANS New York Special An enthusiastic crowd of republicans thronged the na tional headquarters tonight Three hundred and forty had been asked to sit down to a feast which had been provided by the national committee By 10 oclock all the rooms and hall ways were crowded with men who chatted and laughed and jostled eacir other and moved here and there carry ing tidings When It was announced that Nation al Committeeman Payne had telephoned rom Chicago that Chairman Jones of he democratic national committee had conceded Illinois and Indiana to Mc Kinley a great shcut went up Senator Scott of West Virginia sent the following telegram to Senator M A Hanna Shake Old Limpy shake The reply was Telegram received I am not limping as much as I did Congratulations to you all At 10 p m both the national and state headquarters were crowded to their utmost capacity The crowd stayed for a while but about 1130 all left thinking it not necessary to hear any more recurns Refreshments were served at 10 but all hands were too much engrossed in the news to leave their places so the food was brought round by waiters One room was bountifully supplied witn wine and this was served in prodigal fashion JUBILATION AT WASHINGTON Washington D C The jubilation here over President McKinleys re-election broke all bounds Never except at inauguration times did such crowds surge up and down Pennsylvania ave nue cheering singing and blowing tin norns In the absence of the president there OYID - ry3ityc u was no gathering at the White house and such advices as were received thera were conveyed by telephone to th members of the cabinet now in Wash ington Only three are here Secretaries Hay Gage and Root the latter reach ing the city during the evening aftew nflsMni hla ballot in New York Sec retary Hay remained at his name dar ing the evening but Secretary Gage was at the treasury department ami with a number of friends heard the re sults there At the war department Secretary Root General Miles and Adjutant Gen eral Corbln were on hand and remained until late In the evening At the repub lican and democratic headquarters the officers of the committees were engaged in figuring on the complexion of the next house of representatives Repre sentative Loudenslager twaB in charge of the republican headquarters and Chairman Richardson of the democrat ic congressional committee came down from New York where h has beea much of the time during the campaign to assume charge KcXIHLEYS PLURALITY IN INDIAMA Indianapolis Ind Special The re turns Indicate that McKinleys plural ity will be from 2S00O to 32000 Tiie re publicans have probably eleven out oS thirteen congressmen STOCKS BOOM New York Special Stock market opened in a bull hurly burly today Transactions were on a large scale- and It was difficult at times for brokers to execute their orders The buying power expressed Itself most emphatically in the industrial list Steel and Iron stocks showed opening gains of two to three points BRYAN IS BRAVE IN HI Lincoln Neb Special William J Bryan retired for the night a few min utes after 11 oclock He declined to make any statement even of a conjec tural nature until tomorrow Conjec tural statements may be all right be fore election he remarked laughingly but they serve little purpose after the election is over With Mrs Bryan by his side and with the familiar look of courageous and In domitable good nature in his eye he bade each of the newspaper men who had spent the evening at his home a cordial good night promising to see them again at 9 or 10 oclock tomorrow morning Better make it 10 suggest ed Mrs Bryan with an eye single to the longest possible rest for her hus band after his Herculean and nerve racking labor of the past four months He smilingly assented and a dozen dis appointed but admiring correspondents shook the hand of each and departed Four years ago Mr Bryan went to bed and slept quietly and soundly an hour after the returns began coming in Tonight before 8 oclock after first scan ning the unfavorable early returns from New York he peacefully sought his bed and slept most of the time until a few minutes before 11 coming down then only to oblige the correspondents who were anxious to see- him before re tiring for the night Not a word or gesture nor facial expression of the great leader of the democratic hosts in dicated aught of discouragement or weakness as he stood smiling and good natured by Mrs Bryans side with the newspaper men crowded about them HOW HE TOOK DEFEAT Mr Bryan brought down stairs with him a bulletin just received which told of his having gained 90000 votes in Greater New York as compared with four years ago and an increased vote in New York state One of the corre spondents read the bulletin There was silence for a moment then the reader commented Well its not so bad after all but its notas good as it should have been No responded Mr Bryan with a gentle smile on his face which looked wearied and worn No its not quite what we expected That was all Not a word or a look of disappointment discouragement of ill nature Husband and wife stood side by side as the newspaper jnen trooped silently through the door Mrs Bryan remained in the library and sitting room throughout the even- PAYNE GIVES THANKS i Chicago Special Vice Chairman Payne of the republican national com mittee made the following statement this afternbon I claim the election of McKinley by JOS electoral votes We have carried every state we said we would and- two or three states we considered daubtul namely Nebraska and Utah The legislature of South Dakota will be overwhelmingly republican and tlw state ticket is republican by 12000 to 15000 This means the retirement from public life of a man who is a traitor to himself a traitor to his party and a traitor to his country Let us thank God and the good people of the United States for the republican majorities in the western states which are more than there were InlS9Bf except Illinois SEVERAL SURPRISES T S DEFEAT ing reading and commenting quietly and turns which were almost uniformly dis couraging chatting pleasantly with friends and correspondents who wero present with never an outward tremor l or sign indicative of disappointment The allied reform forces of the United States however discouraging the news xi flashed over the wires tonight -would have been supremely proud and almost happy could they have witnessed tho simple and unaffected and truly noble manner in whichthelr gallant and chiv alrous leader and his winsome wife bore the weight of a second defeat No one beholding William J Bryan In the Hour of this reversal noting bis undisturbed equanimity and serene and lofty cour age but felt that in his presence on stands before a high minded sincere and devoted patriot in whom selfish personal ambition is most strikingly- absent The returns at the Bryan home wei r received over direct Western Union anl Postal wires and long distance tele phone connection with Chicago and Xcw York Among those who spent the evening there were Mr and Mrs ChaA Bryan Mr and Mrs T S Allen Mr and Mrs James C Dahlman Mrs Rog ers of Kansa3 City A R TaTbot Wl V Schwind H F Rockey and J H Broady T DAHLMAN HUNG ON Numerous friends of the family called during the evening to inquire In chas tened tones if any more encouraginsp news is coming here than what Is be ing received down town Within an hour from the receipt of the first bul house hadshrd shrd shrdlu shr Xk aiuoj letin With Mr Bryan already in bed i and asleep almost every person In th house had abandoned hope ol Mr ans election The exception -was Jas - A Dahlman Mr Dahlman had been with N Mr Bryan on his last tour had wit- nessed the tremendous ovations ac corded him and could not conceive of the possibility of defeat When finally even the New York World conceded New York to McKinley Dahlman in sisted that Bryan could win without New York and named the states h could do it with Even when it appear ed that Ohio and Illinois Tvere seem ingly hopeless Mr Dahlman still stout ly contended that Indiana Kentucky Delaware West Virginia and Califor nia would elect Bryan The correspond ents laughed solemnly but Dahlman was unflinching It W2s not until late in the evening that he gave up ami C then he went all in a heap -- Chicago Special The victory of the republicans national ticket Is greater than had been expected by the party committee Outside of the -south which is no longer solid only two states are surely democratic Colorado and Montana alone are conceded to Bryan tnese being the two chief silver-producing states Colorados majority Is 15OC0 fou years ago it was cut down to 2500 Montana gives but 20000 to E2900 Idaho and Nevada silver producing states seem to probably be democratic but are claimed by the republicans One of the greatest surprises in Utah where Bryans majority of 51000 four years ago has been changed to a re publican plurality or 3000 i In Illinois alone Is- McKinleys ma jor lower than fcur years ago iH T v i ks tt - -is CKS Th af - -T 7 ri m