Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 15, 1900, Image 5

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MOO ier Year in Ad vane
Pt HIltlt I KKh
tSuit reu at t ir rost otllce at X aieutim tiei
Ooiimv vtlmi ka s matter
Ill lb pit fl Mill Ue nsailt o i yitiun
to 1U sutiu nlti tititli a i Ii t -
to dlhi ontliitit th lewixen ni -
rnarb are jmiti mi toil
Local Weather Record
U Departme it of Agriculture
veather Uuriau
Valentine Nebr week ending xxeduesda
Nov 14 lyou
Highest einp lor xxeek OS ueii on the 12th
Lowcssl letup ior vsct K 15 iH g on lite btu
Menu temp lor w eK 37ueg
Av temp foi in WLfh lui lu years 30 d K R
Excess oi leutp turuieWch 3
excess nl euip -mice Jan llyu
1113 deg
louu precipi atlou fr week 17 incites
Av preciiu lor ween tor to ye rs all inches
Kxcess ol ptecipliutiun for Ibe xxeeh 05
Total precipn frut j Jan l lyooto dale 199
Av pree pn fo 10 j ears troin Jan 1 to date
18U2 inches
Excess ol pre- tpu Iroiti Jan I 1SHW to
date Sj7 t i cues s
Highest veloctlj ol xvinu lor week 42 utiles per
our irotu ittt w on tin- luth
frKANn It UhAllAN
Ohseiver tx earner Kuruau
We do job printing Call on us
Dr J U Dwver returued lat week
Surgnuni in bulk at Farnhams id
Notice the new iiata since electiou
Is your subscription paid in ad
George Hershey was up from Aius
wortn uouday
Will take corn or jouug cattle in
trade at t arnhams 4dit
McKinleys election ought to steady
tne uiarket on cattle and hogs
Rouert Good cauie up lroui Aius
worm V edueauay to spend a couple
oi dajs in town
Martin and Henry Becker were
hauling corn to uiancet iroui nurtu
east id uie WeUuesUay
Wes Harden made final prool on uis
claim near JNeuzei this moiiimg tie
is now a iuii ticugcd laucumau
lhe ioaiU ol ileal tn uas issued au
ordinance asmug people to get vacci
nated or tuey a oe quarantined
t Pay 3 our ekctiou bets and make
the otuer leliows napp lliey sa
its like getting money irom nuine
Old man Cogswell out north ol
Fort Mioorara uas been quite sick
during the past week but is uetter
Subscribers may begin at au time
and paper will be discontinued wuen
so ordered and accounts paid in lull
to date
BORN JLo Mr and Mrs Willictm
Frauke a boy Tne event happened
last Tuesday Nov lb All concerned
doing well
The Democrat has tne largest cir
culation ol auy newspaper puulisued
in the nortuwest Only lUi a year
in advance
H E Dewey of Wood Lake and
Gottlried titnitn of near mat place
were in town a couple ol days mis
week on business
Misses Moses cl vb3tt Ccckol
Lincoln and Easom ol Fremont left
for tneir respective homes Tuesday
on account of school being closed uu
Why not advertise that new line of
goods People wont know vouve got
them if ou dont say so Peruaps
rV iuvitatlon would bring you a
Jp tomer Try tne Democrat
There are several brands now run
ning in the paper that nave not been
paid up to date Il there are any
that are incorrect the owner stiould
notify us tnat correction can be made
If your brand nas not been ordered
out it is presumed tuat you wisa it to
Cot this ad otrt and send to us State whether you wish drop hid cr up
tight ana we win scna you our nignraae micron Hewing xaftcmne
tnrfrcicht C O D subject to eamlnatlon Examine it at your neatest
freight or express office and if found exactly as represented here equal to
ether machines costing from f 40 to 60 pay the agent our
Cveraee 75 cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances la proportion
Give it 4 months trial la your own home and if it is net satisfactory
return it at our expense and we will refund your money This machine is
equal to any standard hirii ETade sewinp machine made and any machine
5 H jfrj
RtdrforuHe Isizr Strops
The mniiufai tinvrs xxritr
iihWe ire running day
and niifht and cant get
uhciid if ert at that
W ill ship as scion as
unuuuiai a
The tJHfhers ee ng that if elnol
should npiit within a week or ten days
no sutiMfaotory work could be done
with tin irregular attendance hiclt
would follow for some week- proposed
to the school bnard to take a vacation
until the first Monday after Christmas
and make up the tune next summer
Of -our-e the ncIiooI board at once ac
cepted ihH proposition Hence the
jnestion is iii- eieil No mo e school
until the first douday after Ch returns
Had tin re been no interruption
school would haw closed on the 17n
ofMaasit is school will close six
weeks later that is on the28ihof June
This is quite a disappointment to the
teacher n most ot us had planned to
spend a term in college uext lutuiuer
doing special work liut unless some
such arrangement be made this 3 ear
must be a failure for all the pupils
There could b 110 gaduae from the
Kiev nth grade nor promotions for auy
of the other grade With the M hool
year lengthened out in this wa the
ears work ma yet be fairly well
do 16
Herein this rare atmophere where
the sun beats down so brightly and in
p fl eled sotnteuel bv the sand June
is a very por school month hut this
V ar we believe that a June school will
oe very much tter than a Decemiier
nciiooI under the present un ettled con
Now it in the dut not only of our
pupils but of everv man woman and
child in Valeutiue to keep clear awaj
from the red fitgs as far as possible
Moreover it is the duty of each and
everyone wh feels an unusual symp
toms in any wa to seclude himself
from society aid stay Secluded till he is
full aware what is to be the outcome
of hissNinpioins If ihs plan is lived
up to as it -should be in a short time
there ought not to be a case of Cuban
measles Cuban tch chickeupox or
smallpox in Valentine
R li Uatson
Mrs Kent McNamee of Georgia is
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs
A large ciowd attended meeting at
Center school lat Sunday even
ing and all went away well pleased af
ter hearing Itev 1 1 tints bitismal ser
Willie Leeper is hunting strays in
the south hills
Rev Eugeart in holding meeting at
Rockford this week
J B rfoues and famih were pleasant
callers at tfev Hunts last Sunday
George Hills was a Merriman visitor
last Tuesday
E McGregor is working for Graut
Criger this week
Cattlemen are rounding up their
cattle in the north hills this Aeek
Rev Hunt ami wife with their
daughter Mrs K McNamee and ha
hies visited with Grandpa and G rand
ma vicNamee last dondax
Hoot Owl
sola tor less money imm dc nwuc 01 uutnui uuiauu n c manuiacture In
large quantities and sell only at a small adrance of factory cost which enables US
to offer you a strictly hlch erade machine at a ridiculously low price
QCwAQE nC lUlTATDRQ Unknown concerns are continually ofler
DLflAnC Ul lmUfllUnOienrocaiaesunderrariousnamcs
with Tarious Inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second
Hational Sank of Akron Ohio and th y will tell you of our reliability
fT Jrr1rTiiiTitcTmiiiiijOr
M I 1 iOHp
chine with the defects of none Made right Ia cur factory by tie roost skilled worteen and from the best materia that
nRDP flFSIf fiAnKCTorseTenIrawerBoxTopCTmrchoice Qutr
HUU Ur0 WflUinCI ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration
1 Snows BOX ToD machine ofn rmtUt r ik ah fimn Ur1 m ifhl
with the hrtd dropped from siht to be used as a center table or desk The
upright or fcoxTop machine h s six fanry drawers and one drawer for tools
needles etc Drawers are latest 1500 ske eton frame carvedpaneled rmliossed
and decorated cauinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters
adjustable treadle genuine Smyih Iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy
drawers and one drawer for tiolg Earn machine has the finest high arm
neadDoslfivefourmniinn firi rftMfimr Knin eiiiTtti ninmfit kk
bln winder adjustablcbearins patent tcnslnn litientr r impiovedloose wheel improved
adjustable ptwure foot improred shuttle carrier patent oress ecard patent needle br
hc d is handsomely derorsted and ornamented and beautifully n lcel trimmed Ve
guararitee iw marhlne to be the lightest runninj most durable and nearert noiseless
machine made Evsn attsrhment Is furnished free together with a complete instruc
tion book tliin you luw to do any kind of pi iln or fancy work We issue a written
biridinj fruarantee with ever machihe It vrM cost voa nothing to see and exam-hi-
this mrlln ccmp r It with other sliinc for from f to to f Co and if satisfactory
rVth ajent fiC SS and chars Send f r cir ulas and full l of sewinp
mathiccsandbocmaitficn Order to iay Address all orders to
Wfy Akron St wteg Xiivo wA Sicycte vp sn KUable CdJton
Well hello here we are back
Horse a
HLJiin Who 111 r has been gone Order for Hearing of Final Account
for a long time but Has now returned
Dad pennies alwavs do you know
In the County Court ot Cherry County Neb
In the matter of the Estate of Thomas P
H Harden and JSMbt
George family were
nu day of November isoo came
living on their claim last week George Nellie L Johns execmrix m said Estate and
prajs for leave to render account of such
thm s he is nehhe hiis a new sod man- trix
it is therefure ordered that the 24th day of
Sion Deviulit r moo at lo oclock a in atuiyortice
ln V leutlne be fixed as the time and for
Vrunk Tin viciiinrr liu ciutor
Frank I Urn uu
was His Mster
lSHing examIuiB and allowln suh account and the
Kert lia Tuesday evining Iewl Vr li cceabcd aa aV persons intfrend
i said Lstalt are requiied to appear at the
MlSS Hertliee Kief retunieil home time and so desimiated and show cause ir
any sub exists wnv satn aiutou t should nm e
I ueMla nioriiiug from valeniine allmwd iustbi r frnvordert d tba said Nel
i i i i r r i Hi- I J hiiiXfCUlxgie notice to all ti rs
selio 1 lavini cled for a few weeks iti nMd in aid lis ile n iuf
tilts ordffto i e pubiialifd n the Valei titie Uf
Vflsv FfiiirpIlariliii U Visiting Mks
ocralti4 newspaper printed and i gru ral cir-
Marx Ionian and other friends this cumiioiiinsaidciuiiiyfor3 weeks pno to the
dax Sit for hearing
xveek xx It 10 A NE County Judge
Dated November 1U00 42 at
Allen Benson is going lo nave a car
load of girls i hipped in from Chicago Order to Show Cause
lu tlle Lljtll Court of the 15th Juditial Uis
Ih vnlil
to juii rinn
lo ne mjio it puoilt aut Clou
trlcl iu Hljd for Cllerr t oiuity iNebra ska
Arabia has greatly increased in size In the main rot the estate of AnuieE Uandy
of late We have new store
a This cause came on for hearing u on the
liitm Xifholas nrotirietor tltlon t Allied Lewis aud Lewis dandy ex-
iiHiu u noias
proprietor I editors ol tie estate o Amie E and de-
Mrs liiggin was a pleasant visitor ceaseu praying lor license to shi lots i 4 8 a
and n4 ieU rtiiu U nw f4 ol si ctiou 19 aud
at Ai toia x eiluexiax Miss Marx is
reported enjoying her visii in England
verx much
1 5 MeXare has been on the sick
list but ve are glad to sa that he is
We are pleased to meet Mr Jo n
haughuessx one of our old time citi
zeus on the streets again
School districts No 36 and No fid are
progressing nicely under the care of
Mr Frank and Miss Ht rtha Thorn
To removp a troublesome corn or
bin it Fmsi sink iht c ruor inimoii
ill vx arm xx ler to soften it then pear
it duvn is closely as possibly without
diaxxing loud and applj hamb
lains Pain Halm txvice daily rubbing
vigoroisl for five or ten innuiies al
each application A corn piaster should
be worn for a fexv das to project il
from I lie shoe As a g ueral liniment
for sprains onuses lameness and rheu
m itism Paii Balm is uiuqualed
htir sale by Quiglex Iuapman 1
Sor Frig tfw Fall it ex
Six terrible failures of six dff rent
rs nearly s ut Wu II Mullen of
LocUiand O to sin early grave All
said he had a fatal hum troible and
soon mujl die But he xvas urged o
tiv Di Kings Nexv Uiscovery for con
sumption fter tikiim five bottles he
xvas eniirelv cured li is positiv v
guaranteed to cure all diseases of the
Throat Chest and Lu gs including
Coughs Cuds LiGrnpe Piettm mi t
Bronchitis As lima Hix FeverCroup
v h loping Ioug 50c and SI 00 Trial
bottles five at Elliotts Drug Store 1
B a FiffureH
men nig amcles vve recent
pudihed coucrning the roluciif
and n of eopper the folio n
inr taile ahovves the vatie ot copper
maun fact u res ot ail kinds including
copper in bar plates and ingot- i x
ported in leh vear irom 1890 to 1899
1890 2 349392 1895 14403703
1891 4614597 1890 1972 ll4
189 7J20 392 1897 31621125
1893 4525 573 1898 3218f72
1894 19697140 1899 35983529
opper mi mg is probablx hetnoM
prod a de enteiptise of the dax and
it is more faille than any ottier class o
raining Civeu a property where ore
exists iu sufficient abundance it can tie
made to pay xvell The uncertainties
of gold mining are not pres n in the
mining Mf copper Hie oii1 look it pre
ent for profitable enpper mining was
nex i asbig t as i is lo tlax An ut
nsual opporiunitv ih iff uded bectun
lay merested li an nterprse of thai
eharaeeier is pie ented bx E Progreso
Copper Miting io Tin Compiux
advertisement in this issue concisely
tateks the case A 8 Mi pmpeny lias been
worked lor general i ns there can be
no speculation about it and it seems to
ip a pr jifi where onh eapnal is need
ed to verx profitably develop its great
Hair cutting and
l looking
horse and poor look-
lnc hurneas is the
worst kind of o com- f2
blnatwn 4
Harness Oil
not nnlr makes the harness end tbfl
horse lork better but makes tho
Ipatherfioftnnrl tillable nutr 11 in con
----- r r V
umon to last twice ra long
as It ordinarily would i
8oll ertrrwhere in cacs n 1
tltti Made by
Jul 7 hi st cli hi i7 alt lu lovvn tiiip 33 range 27
II ir auiiiumni aiiKuitii tnereoi to nringlie
sum ol 10uu lor tuc paiiit uioi d bis uiioweu
against tne esUtte and Uie 03ls ol administra
tion Uicie not being sutliuictit pere nal proper
ty to pay said uebta auu xpeues
It is tueieioreordereo tnat all persons inter
ested in Haiti eatat dppetr ueiore me al Kusu
vibe NeumsKa on tne 17lh dayol December
lJOu at lu ociock a m t alioxv cause wu all
one Mioiud not oe graUltid to bald executors lo
sell mi uiiiuli ol said teal estate ol the Uecrased
as sbab ne necessary lo P0 s ad debts and ex
ii isiiiriiu r orat reu inat unsoraer ue
crat a ni xvpaoei published at Vab ulme Nebr
lat d his Hut uayol oveinner laoo
ElKUiAKK V tl WiifttOVhR
43 4 Aitoi ney Judge of the District court
Notice to ISion Kesident Defendants
W II Teters iirst and real name unknown
Mr- XX U 1eteis wile of vV li Peters first
and n ai ni ue tinutiowu uon resideut decud
Von re hen bx nottQ d that on the 25th da
ol 0 t er lJou lihani K Kel a pluinltlt
tiled uis petinoii tn llir tlisirioL or Ctieirj
Count Neoraka aaiiBl ou v- defendants
nnpieiiled vvilu Epurauu Edtvarasuud dar
b tdw irdauiid Hie lM irtjcae and
rust oiupiuv a eorp ratiiai or aiuzcUainl do
ing imsuit ss iinaer the taws ol uio titaie ol
Nebraska as your co del lidatil the ibjecl and
prtjei 01 xvuieli is to toieclosc aeeriin mort
gage deed executed on the 2td day ot August
ljJ by Kphraan U Howards and Mary i
Kdxvaids upon tlte uroperiv described as lol
loxxs to wit llienj of the seh oi st cliou 7
aid the UV3 of tne awJa ol becliou -6 towu
shtp 27 range 23 in s id county m
Given to s ctire tne payiueu of one certain
promissory uote iu writing inaile executed and
delivered oy tueadia Hpnrauu D fcdwirus aud
Mary l Huwans to lite ebrasua Aiortgage
and ltust onptuy and wlttclt has ueeu sold
assigned and delivered lo plaint ill wio is ow
ihe owner Ibereol lor the sum ol lour linudreu
dollar due and payable on tne lirsi day ol
Strpteiiberl8u4 with interest irom date lo ma
turity tt the riteoi seven per ectituni per an
num pa able ie ii aiuiuiii aud mu rest at
Hie rale oi ten per uettL per annum alter matur
ity aud there is now duo and pajaule on bum
piomissory uo e ttie sum ol stiio oo xvittt inter
est at lue rale ol ten per ci nium per aitunr
irom tne firM da td liroo lor wmcb
Willi iiitensl pialutnt prayu lor a decree
Itia the deieitdauiA pay Hie same and tnat lu
delaultoi sticu naymeut -aid premises miy Ut
old iosatist theaniouul iou nt due lue
ill auu for general reiiei
You ire required lo answer said petition on oi
beloie tu lOtn Utj ot Ui ceiiioer luuu
Uaiedal Xae one October Jotli
1UOO iXlLiiiAM fc JvbiLi llaintill
4u 4t A M AlOltlUSlA Allorney un Piiitlt
Notice to Nou Kesidcut JJeieiiuatiLft
Will ii Lee Mrs Li e ins wue first uaine un
tvuowu Uesne x Let- ueot ie vx Jte aim tin
lieirs oi L e tne non resident
noiiio that on the luth uay oi
ticiouer i00 tlugu Boy r plaiutilf herein itteu
uis pi Ultou in lue District conn oi ohenv
eiUtitNebranKa against you tne obj ct anu
prajerot winch are io foreclose a certain tax
lieu owned and held by plaintiff against s
sw4 6ls se4 section itand the uz ue 4 nl2
rfec M Tp li aiCherry count iXehr
acquired b Virtue of uie p ty inent o tne delin
quent lax upon iheabox e described reai esaie
tor the years 18 Jo 97 and as wlncn was regu
larly s iu b tne cou ty ireaBtrer iorhtri
t ounty Mb ti tne ism o y oi
luoo ior lue lion pa in m ol the deiinqut it
i axes n said oremist s lor saiu years amomit
lug to 455 anU oy paiueutoi the aubseipient
itxes lor yearoi tstw aniounuiig to jo Ji
Plaiutilf is in iw pie owner and bonier oi said
lax Hen ud there Is tioxv due pl inuft tliereon
rtie s to oi 54 so and attorney lees i or xvtiiuh
-inns uiaiiitill pras jiiiignieti and a deciee
lhit oeieudaitis pay tUesauie together xvnh in
teres aim cos and in deiauli that said teal
estate ne -old as provided bv law lor the pay
inent ol Ilain ills claim iul costs iU are r -pared
to r sain petition on oi Ot loit
Moiiuay the 6in uay ol November luoo
HUGH UtiYbK Ila utitf
li k M ALUOIT liis Attorney
Dated Oct 13 laoo 39 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
1 he Showalli r Mortgage Conpii resident de
fendants will taau notice mat on i lie ltith dx oi
October litou f 11 Goodiellow plai tilfnerem
r f --
count iNfUr against you uupieaueii xviin
James lv i U iouteilovx and Mis tJouiiMlou
lit- wiff heoojei t a id prayer ot xvlilcli are lo
torei lose a ceriain tax lien owneU and helu In
pltiitllf agiinst tUe ef4 ne4 andej s set nee
31 fp 33 it 33 Chun count Nebr at quireo
by virtue ol Hie paynienloi Ueliiiqueit lax upon
tne aOove real estate lor tu eais
lU4 95 UJ 9 and Ji wnieli Was regularl
soid oy Uie conuty treasurer ol Cherry Jo
Nebr on Uie22iul day ol xiigust 1900 lor the
iioupaxnieui ot Ueliuqueut taxes on said pn in
tses for said y ars aiuouutiiiK to S24 IU and b
paiiieut ol the subtftutieiii taxes tor the year
1899 ainou ituig to Piauililf is ow the
owner and holder ol said tax lien anu there is
now due plaintiff thereon the itiinoi 3b13atid
interest fruu August 33 190u and attornexs
lees for xvhieh sums plainuft pravs judgment
and a decree that di leiidants puy the same to
g titer with 1 terest and cost and in default
that said real estate be sold as provided by law
for the pa nient of plaintiffs clain and cost
You are required to aitsxver said petition on -or
befoe MiMtlay the 26th day ol November 1900
By r X XXALCOTT his Attorney
Dated Oco er 13 1900 39 4t
Ntdit e to on UeMtlent Ieteinlaiii
Hrab A Davis XI r Charles H Selilott Iirst
and ieai name tiiiKiioun vxidowoitliarlt s H
Schlott Urst aud renlnanie uiikiiowu
Scluott tirat atii real name u kiiiwn Scldntt
first ami real name unknot- n Selilott first antl
real namo uiikiinxxn minors heirs of Clia ie
U S nlott will take notii e that on
the Villi dax ot Oetnher I9IK ihe Auier
ican Mniigage ompany limited a corporation
as plaintiff tiled its petition iu the district
cotrt of Gheiry bounty Nebraska against vmt
as lefeud tits the object and praer nr wliieh
is to foreclose a cer ain uiortapedeedexecuted
on thejgih da nt toher 186 hv Samli a
Divis upon the follow inj ile eribed property
to wlt Lot H ection 21 lot 6 section 22 nxvii
of nw of section 27 aud ie 4 of ne4 ol P ction
2sali in toxxuship 31 ranged Couutv
Nebni ka
Uiven to secure the payment of ne tert in
Droniisory note in writim mane evef nred
and lelivered by irali Davis to the Seottish
HIMPIJT iompin iiiinien xvnieii
l iem flu- nier tber ol fin tb
sum of sini dui- ni u t oi ti frst lV
of November 1S91 with inbest Irom date at
the rate t ten per centum peranuiim pavjnte
si in a d tn re is now due and oi
able on said p omiis noelh sum ol 3in fl
with nit- red it the nit of ten per cent j er an
num Tr in the first dax bi May ln for which
sum xv th inteiest plaintiff oraxs iuriirinent ami
ftradeoree that the defendants pav the same o
and that in default of s tch pax nieut said l
Ises nrty be sold lo satisfy the amount found
due the ulaiitifr and for general relief I
iii ar required toaie xver said petition on
or befo e the tenth cpiyof December 1900
Dated Valentine NeKraska Oct 25th 1900
40 41 A M MOKRfjiKEV Attorney for Plaintiff
A cDtnplpt prpps and prinHnrr
l r i ut
iuin tor bie v rirp or inquire
UUB CtttiW
Cf C Of
TAKEN UP About the 1st of Aug
ust at my place 4 mile3 south of
Georgia one sorrel horse colt about
three years old xvhite spot on nose
two xvhite feet not branded
Frank Kludsikofsky
4l 5t Kilgore P O
At my place 7 miles north of Ft
Niobrara one white faced red coxv
branded XS on left side
Nov 3 1900 W P BRYANT AZ
One black mare stripe in face
branded long bar up and doxvn on each
thigh Txvo 3 y ear olds branded 3
ush d for iur weeks in the xaieiune on left shoulder One mare branded
S on left shoulder Kexvard of S5
per head for recoverv
28 D M SEARS Kennedy Nebr
Is quickly reieved and promptly cured by
Dr Druinmonus Liuhtniug Ketnedies The
internal remedy is pleasant to take actn immed
iately noes n t disturb digestiou and is lor
rheumatism only in all its torturing ferms
The external preparation restores stiff joints
drawn cords and hardened muscles If your
druggist lias uot theso remedies in stok do
not take anything else Send 5 to the Drum
mond Merit due Co Nexv York and the ful
treatment of two large bottles xvill be sent to
your i xpreBS address Auenls xvauted
Thats the ProKt Copper the Article
Mexico the Country
HI Progresso in Its group of six mines has
some of the richest copper ores iu the richest
lining cottntr in tlie world Ore runs 12 pei
crnt t opqer 12oz silver a trace of gold totai
value about 343 a ton aud in two ol Ihe mines
iu addition to copper and silver oie contain 3
percent to 5Kj per cent quicksilver or merciMv
about sins a ton The great Lake superior cop
per mines Calumet and Hecla xxolverlne aim
tamarack Quine etc that annually returi
millions run only Irom J3 lo 13 a ton
Itostou ami Montana six years ago sold for
S15 a share to da 375 pa iug 34o per cent on
uie investment unueuerue sold lor 5oc i
share today stock not iu the market and pay
WGO per cei t on investment
Cuiunietaiid Hecla sold for 1 a share to day
xxuith 8ou and pays on investment 1000
p r cent
liiitne capital stock of Unilcd Verde xvas
red lor rrluooo and reluseu tlark
tater paiu S3000O0 and to day he has annua
income irom this properi ol over S l3ooooou
11 ttiiw is possible here xvith labor six time
nigliei tlian iu Mexico wilhore live tunes 1cm
valuable wite lut 1 live limes dealer and ever
mliig else in proportion do you doubt that I
Progi ess will return 173 ner cent aud more an
na liy lo original investors to urst stocKholo
ers who contribute the money to -tart the tai
rolling xx ho a e ou Hie groun i floor
Ain expei kneed kuow lhe country the po
pie tlie language lived there 18 years am
know the mines of this ection of Mexico am
unhesilatuigiy state El Progreso is the bes
nave been xvorked lor generations iu a xiexiea
wa and supplfeu the copper lor the summon
ugcuuntiy No attempt was ever mane to ex
i raet the goM silver or qule silver
A modern 40 ioii couceitrattug an smJtii
plant sieelll g only the 843 ore will retui
5400000 per annum thusS43 sio for treatment
equals 933x40 tons equals S133U a day for 3
da s equals This will pa 3Gpercei
on Si5ooooo tolid capitalization Par value
mares 100 9uo000 snares are treasury
400000 of tins to be sold x ery low to rai
uijiiey to start things when price will be greati
advanced at I2c all sold 100000 al 16
idOOOO at 30c 100000 at 35c
Dividend multiplie
if Stock No of by No ol shares fo
puri lid shares Annual 100 show aunn
at for SI Profit irolit
I5e 63 m Per Ct 36x6473 Per I
30c 5 130 Per Ct 36x5 13oPerO
35c 4 104 Per Ct 36X4 104Pertt
50c 2 52 Per Ct 26X2 52PerO
lhe best 3hance ever offered of securing stor
in a legitimate co iper mining enterprise
Send for prospectus
liled ids uetilln in uie disti let court oi Oheirt fclal1 big and little rich alid Pr great an
rgauized company on a plau to give a chain
mali uone need be excluded If quick y
own 63 shares for every dollar you remit
El Prouieso Copper Milling Co
63 Wall Street New York
inn uulk 65t per cxvt 120U ton
hortri bulk 7Ue per cxvt 13 U0 ton
4Uc 7 00
Ieed lnO jl9
orn yOf 17 00
hojirorn 95e 1800
hls 105 20 00-
Postofflce address i
Hyannis Neb
On right side
on left
slioul le
also cattle
ritrht sia
Range 16 miles
north of Flannis
Trunks and Packapes
haided to and From
thp Depot
Martin Welch
Leave orders
lake Rtetters
Sole Agents for v
Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars
Superintendent of a
Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
o -If o
Office At
Quigley Chapmans Drugstore
Nights -At The Donoher Hotel
With a
lection o Watches and Jewelry All kinds
ol Repairing and Engraving done prompt
ly and warranted
ValeritinE Nebraska
ntctlces in District Court and U- S Land
Office Real Es ate and Ranch Property
bought and sold Bonded Abstracter
Mutual companies pay losses in full
o discount I M Rice Ajent
Speaking About Eyes
tar gSS
ajg yy
fv Afe
sisrt iSeaai
o wtfPIvVV
unf t
DONT FOOL away your money golnc
to a Specialist who is generally a fraud
forordina y trouble with your Eyes Wet
your eyes fitted by a man with experi
ence xvho knows exactly how to fit you
O W MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If you need
a specialist hexvill tetlyouso
411 work executed with promptness
Cattle branded ou
any part of animal
also the following
torses branded the
Range between
Gordon oc the FE
M V R R and
Hyannis on B fir M R R In Northwestern
Vebraska Address Babtlett Eichabds
Chadron Nebraska
ASSa MAftftft AAkAftMA9
- - -
Of the Qioicett Brandi
4 -
S3 til SS