Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 15, 1900, Image 1
i a l e v- E i tT l - f I o it r it Jl k Rr fNSp f JEpjJf 49 8 m 49 49 49 4 2 Tqszi VOLUME XV nriH izsi rz THE RED FRON CA MUAAAAAAAAA lJ22S82g22L AA nO0OWO eavrrfr S STORE will Sup ply All Your Needs Better than any other in this City A hard standard to live up to15 but we do it and more There is no question but our stock is up to date No doubt about our prices being honest our styles the latest and thi quality of every article absolutely reliable The foremost place which this store occupies has been won by progressive storekeepinfr and the points of superiority noted above We can swfely say we are equipped to serve our customers even better this season than before We should like an opportunity to please you in Gloves Caps Underwear 3 f Mittens Overshoes Overalls 5 fVff i i The DONOHER X X X It continually adding improvements and it if now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOIITHWEST NEBRASKA Hat and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room TwSample ffeoma aaaJ iSSaSsJtiiiisl 3 tf WMHMHHMW V999 99Vrail BSTINAR B GLOAK CLJIH IR C II 3 OESFL8 Sr Iini AND V APt 8 For Ladies Mises and children HOOTS SHOES f CLOTHING AAI GENTS PUItNlSULNOK A tntxcvhAL tailoring ALL OUR WORK GVAR A M I KB VALtNlKE NEBR M V ftSifieOLKS4ahitt ANK OF VALENTINE ValentineJ Nebraska A jSBBra Iiahiig BnttiEie Triiacattd Buy and SpIIk Domestic and Foreign Exchasige Jhemlcal National Bank New York G FRE8 Correspondents TIZEN8 - MEAT - H FRUIT -AN First National Bank Omaha Neb MARKEl d WSTETTFR PROPRIETOR This market always keep a supply of GAMt In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roaats Dry Salt Meata Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables ItSmteri Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASK GET TOUR PRINTING at AT THIS OFFICE We Can Satisfy You in Quality Pricfe aad Workmanship r zzfTx rwFlg yr VALENTINE NEBRASKA NOVEMBER 15 1900 yvvvvrvrwtynywvvviPVrvvvvvvvvvvv yvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv TALK OF THE TOWN jfiff0A0tAAfjifjf Ay fwvft jftrtyww School is a jrain closed Joe Strange was in town Monday A new line of gloves at Farnhams John Haeber was in town last Sat urday Judge Tucker is reported on the sick list Robert Quisenberry was in town Saturday Try that 50c Japan Tea at Farn hams 33 Merton Holsclaw is working up on the Reservation A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 George Ross is on duty as city mar shal since Monday We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew W G Sawyer was in town Friday and Saturday of last week The people of Simeon now get their mail at the store of S L Ellis Miss Ida Stinard is again able to be up and around after a spell of sick ness For Sale Second hand harness Will sell cheap Tnquirp of JOHN SMYSER 38 tf G K Ill was Friday Sawyer of Carpentersville registered at The Donoher ipt Archer was on our streets arurdav H is living out on the farm now C D Ain9lle and Solomon Ellis were in town on business over vt on day niirht and Tuesday have just received n brand new stock of rubber goods and under wear W A PETTYCREW 37 Mrs J A Sparks has been very ill during the latter- part of last week hut is now slowly recovering Wm Maybee an old timer living southeast of Merriman was in town on real estate business Monday and Tuesday Mrs J E Thackrev left Tuesday morning for Omaha where she Swill go to the M E Hospital for the ben efit of her eyes Misses Etta Brown Inez Petty crew and Martha Maxwell are assist ing County Treasurer Thackrey this week with office duties Buy a Woodmanse windmill guar anteed for five vears all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R- NDERSON 35 tt John Foster of Kewanee was in town Saturday Mrt Foster is an ear nest worker for reform and no worth ier representative can be found Work has been abandoned at the Fort since the election and now the men who were expecting a winters job probably wish they had voted on election day Frank Ecoffey of Merriman has sold his stock of general merchandise to Ed Collins The DEMOCRAT extends courtesies to the new merchant of Meniman and wishes him success The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat er will save vou coal and produce more heat than any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf Our town is again thrown into a state of excitement by a promi nent attorney being quarantined vY e do not have any fears that a quarantine is necessary in a great many cases but people object to being corralled AAAAAAAAAAAwUUAAAAAAAAAAi wwwwwJ Carl Freeman is sick this week The county commissioners session are in M G Hopkins is again night clerk at the Donoher Paxson Hornback and are reported on the sick list Do you want to buy land It will pay you to see I HI Rice W R White was down from Mer riman on business Wednesday Jack Barnes and James Childers were down from Cody Wednesday Rev Attorney Easlev of Gordon was doing business in town Wednes day J W Coombs of Pullman spent sev eral da s in town during the past week It is reported generally that a man is down sick if he doesnt show un every day I H B Fosterof Stetters meat mar ket made a trip to Omaha this week with cattle Rev C E Connell of Merriman was in town a couple of days this week on business Levi Sparks was down from Cody last Saturday and Sunday on business and visited old friends Will D Donoher left last Friday morning fcr Park City Utah where he has charge of t miners hospital Charles Cook md Henry Graham have been takiny turns as night clerk at the Donoher during the past two weeks -Mrs M R Harden returned from a visit to her mother in South Dakota and reports her as improving in health For Sale or Trade A Dempster windmill galvanized steel nearly newjand 10x24 ft water tank t 38 tf HansTJhlrich For Sale A fine matched driving team also some worlt and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr Several persons are paving up their subscriptions to the Democrat of late and give the editor encourage ment We take these as -mercy drops and plead for the showers Peter J Donoher was born June 28 1868 and lived in Valentine since 1883 with the exception of two years spent in the revenue service at Omaha His death occurred in Valentine Oct 27 1900 at the Hotel Donoher Republicans are reioicing that the state of Nebrska has been redeemed Does tnis mean that they want an otiier robbery of state funds Every one knows what Republican rule in the state was when the populists got control Not a Crooked act can be cited in the populist administration and now they say the state has been redeemed The board of county commissioners met Tuesdaj to attend to Jsuch busi ness as should come before them A dog fiiiht scired Hans Uhlrichs ident and Andrew Johnson cashier team Tuesday and they ran away The Anchor Bank ot Merriman with They started in the alley back of E U Fuller president F P Mills 4s 9 9 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 R Several claijus were put in for keep ing poor people and a claim by Gott fried Sujitn of Wood Lake for dam j aire on account of a uublic road beinir institutions Valentine leads with fi two The Bank of Valentine with C 3 H Cornell president and VI V olson Ctsuier Lhe Cuerrj County g Bank Sparks Bros owners and Chas Sparks cashier Tne Wood Lake Bank Cnarles A Joanson 49 49 49 49 49 49 9 49 49 49 49 49 w Hans house and ran down the same vlce president D M buller cashier sp and up Main street when they were and E i Fuller F P Hills and BE turned and ran into the billboard i Wmte directors across from this office where they stopped s SltllPIIWlllllilUlliWrtUiif - Hans young daughter was in the wagon when the team started and pluckily stayed with them until the windup She had them headed for the open prairie and said she vould have given them all the run rhey wanted if she had got them out there v Rice writes insurance pv p Valentine Lodjrc No G U JT Meets every second and fourth Wednesday even of erch mnnth at Hornbys Hall A cordtil ivitatiou is extended to all visiting members u w ji VLfx jTesKleni maiMiiQmt T uiASW OUR FORTUNE TOLD BY AS TROLOGY AiND YOUR HAND Send date of oirtn and drawing or photo of hand Satisfaction guar anteed 15 questions answered for 25 cents for one montli only Hoodoo tag and lucky charm free to ladies can luttueuce all whom you touch with tnem References and testimon ials tree Iismpossible to send photo or drawing of hand send color of hair and eyes Mme N Kimik 43 4t Thedlord Nebr I save ybu 20 to 50 per cent oiryoiir insurance and write in the best mu tual companies of the state iUUD Y MOfiCjiiifiiDQfi cy L Mi Rice Agfeat nHfuaawUNReetisaaii V H We Handle All Kh ds - jf THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT 30i00000 GREATEST OITiV Nl JMBER 4 O D COFFEE DIDNT TASTE live Yolir Money alliance lniH lf nn his lnn Tho harinr nt tS35L5SuSX5rS the application for aliquor license at Merri nm occupied the attention of the commissioners Wednesday i Bj Cherry county now has live banking S AAA It hi a GOOD ft VARIETY IN THE Chase it Sanborns Fine Rio I Hiase Sanhoriis Blended Sant s a splendid drink Chase Sanborns Highland Blend i Jlmse San- orus Mocha and Java Seal brand Took first prize at Worlds Fair Chicago 1 pound cans 40 cents 2 pound cans 15 cents 20 30 75 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants cents cedis cents Successors to NAL00TTSTEVENS0H LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE EEBSZEZSEZSiZ MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTOX NEBR vy Many say that it takes money to make money but this does not hold true if you trade at Vierrels No matter how little money you have to spendyou can always save something by buying here Com pare our prices with those of other stores and see how much we can save you Salt Coal Fence Posts X PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING Rt S DENNIS 7 Valentine Nebraska - All work well done KENNEDY NEWS Election passed off very quietly Upturns show republicans were mostly elected in this precinct Not a ery large vote polied on Nov 6th Hale IJros lately returned from a hunting trip to the 1J l Rlt M Dunham went to town the 7th for freight for C Steadraan Miss Mary Dunham is now skiving with Mrs Rounds McKee Bros are hunting on the Loup liiver Mrs N S Kowlev has gone to Hot SpvrinAri - - 6J THIS MORNING I S Then it wasnt ours WE LEAVE TI1E I I l c h h h hb LIVERY BARN WALCOTT L LUD WIG Props fiAAAAAAAAAAAAAiftAAAAAA W3M3aOW30W3abCa00waaQ0000M NTING SSZB h if coccrcrrCTc2rCccrcrccccrercccccrccO wrv wwvwwwvw I5 LSSS33SSS252SSS2SS3S252S323a At D S Lndwigs Old Stand rESZS2KWEZS i 2 wjm t J awgc TIib 3ouns people surprised Miss Simpson on die evening of the 9th ajfc the residence of J -4 Gee where the evening was spent in music and char ades Mrs Gee set out a lunch with fruit Hereafter the Sunday school will be held at the schoolhouse US Chamberlains ssotnacH and -Liver Tablets cure biliousness constipation and headache They are easy to take and pleasant in effect Soid by Quigley Chapman I Rice wtlta Idsiiratice - - - - t r fit Ti nr r - iScujrf if t W A m