Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 08, 1900, Image 5

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l Conducted by IxkzPkttyciirw S
Virtue will catch as well as vice by
contact and the public stock of honesty
manly principle will daily accumulate
-As tin1 vjithr grows coldrr ami the
evenings longer our studies b come
harder and our lessons mmv lengthy
A common question among our pu
pils isHave you been vaccinated
Happy are the pupils of Miss Cooks
room for in casting their votes the ex
perienced great pleasure
As a resulfc of thi small pox scare
our attendance in school is very much
Surely vaccination overcomeih
small pox but for Latin there is no
Bitted is the teacher uho expecteth
no class notes for verih she shall not
be disappointed
Alice Gaskill Clinton Collet and
Paxson lorn back are on the sick list
The eves of the lrofessor are in
every place beholding the small bo
and his works
CIiatnbetlaittH rnuylt licnivdy in
Elisgen Bros the pnpulai South moV
druggists cornei 69th street and
Veiiiwiirtli avenue say We sell a
great deal of Cli imberlaius Cough
r mdy and find thai it gives the most
satisfactory results especially among
children for sevue colds and croup
For sale lv Quigh 3 Cnapmaii 2
Anna L eldest daughter of J B
aud Alar ones as born in Wnr
reu county ioa Nov 3 lo7U aud
departed ibis lile with ihe lull am
ance ol a glorious iuimonalttx Oct -4
19u0 aed 2U ears 11 mouths an i In
Anna was a good kiml and obeiiieui
child toving sister and a uue irieuo
to every one rfhe was always read
to lend a Willing hand to those in need
a smile ml kind Kurd lo ihse in am-
row Her character was anuve le-
proach Mie will he greatly uii st d it
a large circle of tneiids iut moat of ai
in the home circie where shf was o
tenderh reared aud she so loving and
kind rhe requested each of the
lly ao each ol ihe lnends who stoud
by her bedside to meei her in ileaeu
She vas perJecil resigned ami willing
to go Ma ueallbe as pure as oui
darling Anna was is m prater
Da sitter day v think what sh dinjj
lu those lirigiit real i us oi air
Year alter jear u r tender i ps iiursu ii
lieliuiii her grown more Jan
Thus do we walk whh her anu keep iiutirokeii
liii bond wiiicti nature gives
Thinking lhi nur runemuiaiice though tin
t pokeu
Ala reach her where she lives
And though ai tim s impetuous with t imitio
And anguish long sUjipfsst rt
The swelmg hen ikmvo m Hiinit like the
Tliatcanuui beat re it
We wil be patient aud assuage the feeling
e may not whom stay
Be sheiiee saueliiing not eoiiceall g
The grid that must tiuve sw
One of Ur Kings Ne Life Id
each night lor two weeks ias put me
in my teenV again writes i II
Turner of Dempseyuiwn I a Thejiv
the best m she world fur Liur tom
aeh aud liowels Iureh r getable
Never gripe Onl 25c at Kihoita 2
A Trayt liig flitin
There is no diBease quite mi pceuliai as
rheumatism The pain whiui is mtlteliitle
finger may be in one of the tes
And ao it travei all ovi r die ystein
seeking an outlel anu liudiug none it ettles
permatientlv in one jdaee ami fiom its liome
other Ulrtout a d setlU down and mu
tipij Or Iriimuiiid Llghiuing Itenn die
for Kheuimilsm attack tin ditea e ir mi til
point at once and tlnir woiu isiiiwijsi1
cessful It jour druggist luis n i tiies ivme
dies writ io di Iriiniiiiul Mi dit ine C
New Vors and de crib yur chsc Agents
S t
wi wws4 jwSn2ua
u vi
1 if
i cnt and send to us Stte whether you wish drop Sita l o
w will send you our high grade Jlkroa Sewing- Machine
i C C Dt sibje r to examination Examine it at your nearest
reit - - ess afiuc aid if found exactly as represented hire equal to
rt3er - pay theapent our
iTcriivs tts for each cy miles less or great r diit uces in proportion
inai jour um nunc anaii is I
e and we will refund your money
U1V6 n cnias is not satisfactory
return It it wr expense This machine is
equn io any sianaara nii giaac sewsng niurc maae ana any machine
jcu ir r Hi nicy iit ig iiiuc v iiciius iUAicxioi w c manutacturc in
laweriJRrUncsa d vel only at a sraal advance of fstxtory costirldch enables KS
o ofler tt a trictlv high rade machine at a ridiculously low price
v V W r I Kt M r I I r V -- are connnuaay
V - Tn nts Wnte to the Aliron Sivincs Bank tw the Soand
ikronOnic and thy wiU tell you of ourreliibility
a1Posiiireffcr motIn
3 nrnaCTaoJutahehearinnpi
1 ZM
s iztijA
Jtedeforiise Razor Strops
The tnatiufaeturers urit
us We are runiiinr day
and nitflit and cant get
ahead or nr iuis at that
Will ship as soon as
George French and Hills ac
Cinaed iheir calves last lu da
Air Shot I aud lamdx ami Mi-
Sarah visted with ium Li ep
er and w te Inst Sundav
Levi i ad and wile spent aturda
and sunda near Gordon
Giaiidma Adams a d L L
Trogtlon spent a plea am day last Mou
da with Mrs B Qant
ami Eli McGn gnr iiiiiiiedinn l
lo the fellos recue Ii ing iiuiit 1
b the voice i hy louud the ierson
jsgji 8 If T SrSjs EJ
orement ot erenr mESTade m
cecxsonone e i r factory by tie most skilled workmen aad from the best material that
Ti T -V--V i nJtJBW raoney can buy
if m - - II Ii II fl n rO i ft I PI I It rV t Ja f iu Lt
unur UMrV UAHINtl w3Sk SS edoneiiiS53S
shows Box Top machine open ready for use the other our Drop Head machine
with the head dropped from sijrht to be used as a center table or desk The
tmnghtorBorTcp machine h s six fancy drawers andne drawer for toola
needles etc Drawers are latest 1900 Skeleton frame carvedpaneled rmbossed
uwiowoi uuuiu iin sn nne nickeled drawer pulls rests on lour casters
patent tensmnlilieratnr improved loose wheel improved
SSwl handwniely derotted and ornamented and beautifully vel trimmed We
fZfFj turantee this marhinetobetheiiphtestrunninrmostdurableaadnearestnolselejs
f etacMie made Every ar arhwent IsTumished free together with a ermplete
- -
t flnH
uuunciJinynannwioQnany Kinnoipiinor tancy work we issue a written
1 -- ii every maciiiic izw i cost voo notntiiir toseeano exam
1 In - this it with otiiersxellins for from S40 to J6a and If satisfactory
T V- Brent Ji6s and charges Send ftr cjrulirs end full d srriptions rrf
fast aid hscjcle tra ufHctoed by us Order today Address all ordnrs to
OTarVJg tilGYCLa GO AkronOhio
rxamiiiiii and allowintf auli account and llu
I th loieln iUtii la ol 1iHj
I iav atae one Nebraska October 25ti
1 lu wILIiaM b lvfciL Piiintii
4 4t A AI OlhlSSI 1 tlioini I P 111
Nonce to iNon KesidenL ocicuuaiiis
Vni Let ills L e liib wne lirai nanti tin
iunvu Dcsne t Le ueae H Le am lb
uirs oi deuig L e tlie iu I ivlt n
W1 i k ii iiiie tiiat mi ih loih ua
ne utn r aiuo ilugu lioy r iiutill In reiu u
ins P H11U in lue Dintrici eiiiri ol li r i
e It gtiu u oii tLe ibj it a
prij r ul wliih ate io luei lose ai uiiiilu
a u iwuvd aud iieid b niaiutff against s
SW 4 sVa se4 set lini 21ud the ulA ue4 ii
lirthi - c lp 2o it JAClierrj cuuiitt elI
at quuvd bj Virtue tine Mineiit o lite deilli
miiiil iv nt kiii ill r h itru dioi nil u l j
- i ik on lib iui u ik at uu f w uvvi uri i i t f to t
Uue evening lasi week I 15 ir ilieears WM a ml ilawhiun was
and lamin wye Mailli i i
g t uili x b - n te I8n a o
soimoite calliuu tor help J 1 Snes Oil or ine imiipajiu m ol tlie dehmjuil
I I 1 t vn 11 4 III ll l Illv i cuil trtt II 1
Malted ing m c43 ami n piMin utu Ill slibseipiciii
iixt siui jearoi iftiij aiimimiuu to oJ0
liiiiitill is n w pie owner ami huiuei oi su
ax lieu ml ihuie i now d e pi imiff diereo
i rlie n ul iilS and attorney lees lor whim
at the old Wanen v r cold and s intia jirns juugim n ami are
I in t l II tin sain tuirt Lliei ullu i
lle played tne part of ter aim co is mil in dOiaul iliat s lti
Samaritan iok him
soul as piuvnlea bv law lor tin pa
in ui iii a Iltiu ills claim int costs lunar i
qnited iu asw r saiu peiiium on oi b 1
wui iriNil f il hin k m liiiiinnl
u aimed ami ltd nut Kept nun uniu y
ineetn nay m Nov ibei woo
last a id tnen seiii nun on ms
va Iloor W
Ghamberlaiiis s omaci and Liver
Tatllets Clire biliousness CO
Stpatlon Notice to Noii Kesident Defendaui
and headacie Thev are easv to take
I In showall i Muitgagu Co non resident
Old pleasant in ff Ct Soid by Q ul
hapman I
pSBpl no reflection so WmWJM
iUGil KtiVKlt Ila miff
J 1 M ALi Oil ills Atlnin
Datcl del 112 iu o 3J 41
I- idauls will iaK nonce dial on the lOth d
Oil -her iKo b H Uoodiellow plai ulliier
tiled ills iielltton in llie Uistiiet vituiui Ch i i
cxiiilx Nebr agaiusi uii nuieaden wit
I ones iv i ami iWit tioodlV ilu
n wifj heonj I i al ra r oi wliieii ar
e i a c na ttx nen ow el aii li l
I I If i llie vhi lie a d e a -e
ii i Ciierri i ouiii Ni nr i iji
ii r tin- ptiuein u UL llitpit t la
limit o Aiiue eai ii i
Ml i5 t i 4111 i6 W Itll Wis u gl
d v iie o nl trea uiei u Cn riv
11 i be 211U uay ul tlignsi aidli t
up Villein ui icitu lent liXva II said
I ir iitl j aiy iiiuiliu t -521 Ui an
iim iu tn llie tiliMimein luxes tor llie
vty tm -a ting to si7 Pauniir is
iv it ma iioluerot siid iiX lieu r
u W ti ii lullll lu h uii tlir -It i oi l
I re- i at v us 2 JiMi ami uitie
ei s lur whit li s m Hamuli j ia ju ni
mil a n e that u l udinls p j Hie -a
g tnei with i leiest and cus and iu ei
tbit sait tea eside ne smd as ir vided uv v
tm lli m iiii iiI ul eiai uix
Vou are r q and luiiiswT said p iilmn o
nel i Mu lay tn 2iihdi i vM utt r
K I iOiF L -
C J tils il
i u i 12 0111
I UtsJt
1 Ill CiiK II i
- K ii i - ui it tn -
- al t ul ti titan and 1 nam k -
II III it i c nl IK Ml Wi s
a st ii iiu iiii ti niio u He ui ar
i t a mil- u kaown ii nos n irs h
H s tlutt ileeasi i win tjf f mm i
the Jot i du oi iletuiert liM i he iiMiiitii
lea Mi oiupauv ii mt d a eur r
as p iililf i - I is i iiiu ui Ux j
e il JViei i
ts i ig u s
Is i aits I if -I t
is lu r c ir i m iiriig dei ilexeet i
mi ti JU - i u tulii r s i Sara
Ovis inun hi fi no - r
l wit l s iv - s
oftiw1 ol4i -7
etiiii ami -e i t i
2SVU in tuwmhip JTraugct Ciiem lin
Nehru ki
4iven i ii payment -d jert
pr ini nrj iidif in vvril ntr none x eum
ind hv ir h ivkm
u ri ui ruiiiiui iiiiiied nln
w i ri ei i
ui ni ii n cs 1
u t i
mi a
- 11
i 1 -I a l r r
um ir m Uie jsl 1 1 11 Mi tc iui
sum tn inn test plai till prits jmlgim nt
ftr ideuree that mv nuj
isr a ui v iiC siiu iu sansiv uie amount iou
due the nlHUitUF and fnrgi neral rliei
You are required to answer sain peMrhn
or lvfo i the tenth daVof I- eember Won I
Ditd Valentine Vehraska io
Company hiMUKn praimiff
40ll A M MOKRISWEY Attorney for Piauit iff
t Shnw nx hie comp y of
Inrtiins returneii rom Ruro e last
1 r
heirs of said deceased aid all persuiHintcresnd
in said Estate are rcquiivd to appear at tin
tune and place so designated aud slidw cause if
any suh exists wn aaul accou t should not e
allowed icis then fore ordered tha said
j lie L Jihnsexecutiixgie notice to nil persons
i Interested iu aid Esuite by causing a copy of
this order to be published m the Valentiue Dem
ocrat a newspaper printed and 1 g n ral eir
cuiatloi in said cou y for 3 weeks pno to die
daj S t lor hearing
W K TOWN E County Judge
Dated November 8 1900 4- 3D
Final Account
In the matterof Hie Estate of James JleBorde
deceased lu the County Court ot Cherry
County Nebraska
NoW on the 24th day of October 1900 came
T Hie DeBordeadminl tratrix of said estate and
pras for leav i render an aecoiuu ol such ad
miuiitratr x
It is iheietore ordered that the JOtli day of
Not em er i9X ai lUnYloeiv a m at uiyoiiice
in Vaie line ne lixed ts ihe mm and ilai lor
exaiiiiuin aud allowing sucu ace- unuiuid tim
hena ol said deceased and id pcrbonsiuteieied
ii said estate are required to appear at tlie
time and so designated ami how cause
if any suci exists why Slid account shomd not
be allowed
It is lurtm r ordered mat ttai 1 Till DeUorde
aditinislrairix iv notice all peiao
Minister are gettiug very eaten in said uy causing a cop oi ibis
neiir CeilU r cvi ho ise Tliuu u ei e trat outer a uue Hvpr putintiieu prilltU iu ine and vaienuoe iu cnculalion weui in
four attended meeting last Saturday said cmitj tor tuive wveks prior to date set
nijiht One aint one Adventit one w K TO wne County luflge
Daied Otolier 24 1110 40 3i
Methodist and one well I don i know
what to call him unless it was the lost L Ice Ul N0n Kesident Defendants
sheep in Israel W II PiUrs brat and real name imMiowu
M - H 1eteis Wlie of vV H Tetera lilSl
Res limit moved his cattle I his week audreai Dane uuknown non resident deend
his old home Eli to his
near pies rw henbvnotm d that on the 25th day
ent home near Gallo of O toer lyoo imam E Keil a plaintin
llli d nis petition iu thr disi riot ciurt of Cheio
Will Leeper as a pleasant caller at County senraska against ou h defenduus
impleaded with Ephraun EdwaniA and jlur
Llie home of Levi C a y last Ml mlin f Edw rdsand Ihe Neira ka Mirtgaue and
Uu wi 1 vnn siiipi Will iust
e wi n ou stRcess in
llJ wlmjl lluatr lne lAWS ol lMl nUiXi ul
Eii Mt Gieoor went out on his claim Nebraska as your codet udani the bject and
praei oi wiinm is to loiecl isc a cert an
fo do some work thi week gage deed executed on tue2i d day m Aiigusi
lbsu bi I1 pin a m l Eawards aud Marj E
Miss hanu Itoberl is giving good tvtw nus upon the lyoperty lesuribcd as i
low- iimii llienlsul tne se4 oi atctiwii 25
in Vw
satisiaction as teatnei in
he lJla ol UII nWji4 ol Bcclitni vg town-
47 enter dial net liM J ma id county
i UiVen to s ciue the puyuien of one certain
iiaildlha Whims is visitill with Mrs piouasMiiy imte in writing mane executed ami
i deuvereU oy tuesaid Einirauu I liawirus mu
I 1oiitloli this week Mar 1- Edwtr s to Ihe NebltsKa ioitgaae
- Ihe iaiie of i ami l usl npauy ami wlilcli lias m eu aiIU
uilg 1
asUj UellveivO to plaiiltf w ois
horhoud are ihiukiiu t sending l me wuer lor heMim ui iutn muiiiie
iiuiiirv aue Hid iiuatiie on tne hrs uu
lo lgolier AjiViI 10- n eiilu 1 f st pi i n r 184 Willi uiieresi irom dale i um-
- unity a In r ae ul aeveu pt r uenLiun pei
ollii illt ll lor lile uolldavs inun imiiUUuI and ml f si a
I i i i i In 1 ait o -en per rein per annum aliei mi tu
Iheodae ami ami
i nvm lamin
MU llre da ami
itJ now paaoie m ea
vrs dyers near Harlan mI i wtn iui
e si at iu i fiteoi it ti per cuiiuiu pt r iliil
ni eting ul i nter ciiool h nise ii t lir tii t eptenio r llwo t r wuic
v - iiiit i st piiiniitt priya lor o aeu
Mrs 1 homas Liee er vim ted with iim tlie deetiduu pi uie ami mat u
i it i Uettuu o ucu uayuieut -aid pn niises ni o
rs I rogilen last
siriv tin- muni u in- lue vt -
MS ran- Uouens is aig Vnl Tt KfrWid peti una
Mrs arah eeiet this Week
and tint in defatut ofsieh paymentsairi iirem
vrgsnr 1
Jtfonoi in Capper
Murv ione his in iecenears
Order forHearinu oi Finil Account h made m coppei m ning lien in gj
In the Ouiy Court of Cherry County Neb- ornr taDle enterprise as free
raska i
in i iic jiiiuiir i iuc isiAic ui niuiiiwi irulll I lit element oi iin
ilrtwonthis Mil din nt November lOfio camn pllp t a common laborer at the same 3
praisforifavtopudfrauounioistieli ialumet and llecla Aliies 18 li terest
lriti3 tiierefnrconiered that 24 h day of ing He tear by Hiv sling liH
liecetnbt r iskxi at 1 oeJnek a in at my oiii e l iH sil iu in imm
in iieutiiiB tie feed Hstliv time and pace for
ends and to day is Hhe pocsessur In
tros method of 500 shares of th stuk
uurtb on the mnrket nearly 400G00
Many of the old employees of these
mines have accumulated from 1000
10 50000 m tilt same The
original purchasers of tlie stock of the
companies now forming the Amilgam
altd t of tr Conipaipald in in S1 iu
siances not to exceed 50 per cent of
their par value The market value
to day is at least fourteen times the
amount Solon l Allis E
firnwrh United Sates Dennty Miner
al urvi i of f ic o 1 Arizona wis
once offered the great opper Qupen
Mine at Hishee for 2000 but although
a mi- itr Xpert he emild not appreci
ale its tidiness then or had not the
cash for it went into other hands and
is w rth millions to d iy Pager might
be tilled wiih iisuu ees of both lost
and improved pj or unities similar to
the above bt all empluu izit i the
t rni h of asiafrment once mad- by
John V IacK tr ttie Honanzt Kitig
Nothing pay bUer than investment
iuagood mine The El Progreso
Topper Mines advertised in this is ue
alTds an oj portunity
Postoffie ndflr
PostofRos Addrca
Stoelt braaded
samp m cnt book
of right abnttdw
aad en rlglt hip
Kennedy Neb
Cattle branded a
left hip Horse
tame on laft ehou
Range Iqur
oatofllos nddreisi
Simeon Nob
uaioe Dmnuea et
11 cut orel J or V D
m left hip with bole
n rght ear when utv
Jera yri old horse
ameascut and IJ
Hango Gordon
reek and Niobrara
ni liiinriiii lii 1 11 iiTTtwgi i
Postofllce addre
Rosebud 8D
Branded on heft old
mine SOS
Horses on
either shoul
Soma ai
eithar shou
PostnftVs address
Kiiuore Neb
Cattle branded on
i itherside as on
ttt ameon hip
Some on
Ai It ft side
ostofflce addres
eft stdeais
n Mj
Horse 10 on
rt nit
Range Corn Creel
PrutorTlM Addr9
Simoon Nb
tttoci hrHTided
ith n left hip
aa ime ss cut
Range between
Gordon and Suakr
creeks and on the
Hlobrra virer
J W TrrrRLEjoH
ostoSee Addrf
Simeon Neb
Cattle and hors
branded same
cut on left sid
Bange bettre
Gordon and Si
oroeks and oa ti
Niobrara rlTer
t9Tlt Address fe5
Rcaebcg B
Cattlo bradetl Os
1 ft tliigb tnj
mas as ctrt
fiorse brmgat
sta m Uti ataifl
rMtofScs Addrn
CfttfCIe oraoded sa
u cot or a hip
Bbncb sa BU
tnpa Creek
Ale and Porter
cr O- cr
v v r
Choicest Wines
TAEEN UP About the 1st of Aug
ust at my place 4 miles south of
leorgia one sorrel horse colt about
three years old white spot on nose
two white feet not branded
Frank Kludsikofskv
4l 5t Kilgore P O
At my place 7 miles north of Ft
Niobrara one white faced red cow
branded XS on left side
ov 3 1900 W P BRYANT 42
One black mare stripe in face
branded long bar up and down on each
thigh Two 3-year-olds branded 3K
on left shoulder One mare branded
S on left shoulder Reward of S5
per head for recoverv
28 D M SEARS Kennedy Nebr
100 for a BSoUIe
This would ot he a lirse ii lee to pay for Pr
iiiiiiiioiids Lightning Ueniedies for
if one cmild not rel relief any cheaper
e Drunimoiid Medicine Co New York
avi received hundreds of unsolicited testiinon
sfioni uriteful pmple restored to he lth by
ii- use of their remedies who would not
t pay anj price rat er than suffpr tin
nier torture If you would like to try these
m dies aid 3 our druggist has not got them
ite direct to Uie company Agents wanted
1 hats the Profit Copper the Article j
Mexico the s ountry
Mm 1rogiussii in its liroup ot six mines lias
me 1 tlie ru iiest cupper ores in tilt- richest
iiij Luitiitr in tlie wiild lie runs lZ per
ui 1 upiier liz Miver a true ol gold total
in- about j iiJ t ton and in two ot the mines
niilitiu tovopper iini silver 01 e comiliis3
rent to Si per ceil quicksilver or nierctux
ui 9lii u ton Ihe git al hake Miperinr
miiifS I annuel rtid ili ehi Uulverme aim
niaru k Quim i etc thit auuuuio return
uis run only irom U to -13 a ton
usioi and Mniituiia six jeans ago sold fur
t -lire to ila 5 75 pa ing J4u per coul on
i iiivcfiuieut United sold lor 5oo a
ne mdny stock not in ibr uiarKei ana pa 3
Aiiiii per cei I on investment
Liuineiaud llecla sold forl a share to day
rin 4iKi and pis mi uvesiun iit lOOO
nine capital slock of Uuiieil Verne was
101 slMidno aiil ntiibcu i nitoi t lark
1 paiu g Jiouuo and tn diy he has uuiiual
in inun ilns jimpen ot uvci c13000 oii
Hilt- is jiDSshiie h r with imoi sx times
ei than in Mt Mc wnh ore live tunes le s
line uiii In 1 live nines neiHr ami evcri
g elsein piiipuilioii du Joti duuiiL thai Ki
win rvitnu limner ee t and nnre an
n lo original investors l liist stciliolti
vli Kntiiiiiile iiitni y to siirl the lail
ng who a e 011 me grottn 1 Hour
111 t Mieiitucei know the e the
ihe laugtiiige liven iheie Is iears and
w Hie mines ut this ectioi of iMexicu and
Mliiiiiui state Ki Trogieso is the best
lie ifwuikt d iur generations 111 a Mexican
iinu supplied the cupper lor tlie surround
uiii Lij No tilteiupi was ever mae to ex-
thegoliMlvt r ipdc silver
iiiiiut in iraiing an smiting
i sn eill g milj the W ore will reiuru
00 per annum Uiustf4i 10 tur treatment
s 3o3 iu tniiseiiuiils zljut a da for yoo
s 1 tals 5faJdU Ih is will pa 26 per cent
ioUi totul capilahzatioii Par value ol
luo JXio000 shales are treasiio stock
uOuo ol tins to he sold ver iu to niise
j to start tilings wlivn price will be great
at I2call sold lOuOOO al 15c
at 20c llXMKin at air
Dividend multiplied
No of h u 01 sliares fur
d 6hares Ainual 1 00 shun annua
lor cl riolft 1 rolit
Gi 171 1er Ct OxC Per CJ
o 130PerUtOiiixa 13iilerLli
4 KM Per Ct C15X4 lOUVrtl
2 S2PerCt t2GX2 52JerJt
W1 26 PerUl20xI2PerCt
e nest uliance eer oHered of securing stock
ghimaieco -per milling enterprise
1 fur ptospeetiis
uizedciiiiptt on a plan to give a chance
lug and little rich and pour great- and
mine need lie exenifle If juic K jmi
wn 0- slian s forever dollar you remit
ll r KUSSKI reulent
KI Inigii oC pler Mining Co j
t Wall Mieet New York
milk Co- i i rwi 4-12- x 1
11k 7th pr Iwi 13 i 1 1
mg 4h 7iu
IVh 10 I9
95- 18U0
105 2HH
A T inVK
1 ttl i e dlreNw
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ji ijht idi
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riirhi si 1
RVunte p miles
lurch ot I innis
11 and
lp to and From
Slaiiin Wo icli
Lea 1 order
Inl sietfers
uperinteudciit of a
Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
M -mm p m
Office At
Quigley Chapman V Drugstore
Nights -At The Donoher Hotel
is jjaz
With a nice se
lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds
01 Hehairing and Kngraving done prompt
ly and warranted
Valentine Nebraska
Iraetlces in nintrifi fourt and U K Land
lllhce Ih al Ms ate and Ranch Property
liomthl and sold Ronded AhM motor
Mutual companies pay losses in full
No discount I M Rice Agent
Speaking About Eyes
DONT FOOL away your monev golntj
to a Specialist who generally a fraud
fororuiua y trouble with your Keb Uct
your yt s fitted hy a man with experi
ence who knows exactly how 10 fit you
O W MORE Y the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If you need
a specialist he will tell you 90
All work xevcuted with promptness
and accuracy
aaajyjarj S8aiSaafe
Cattle branded on
any part of animal
also the following
Lorses hnindcd the
Itatige heiween
Unrdon 01 the FE
M VR R and
Hyannis on B M R R In Korthwestern
Nehnwka Address Babtlktt RirHABDS
rhmlrnn eliranka
OI the Choicett Brands
f - JfVr5