Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 08, 1900, Image 2

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China Must Give Restitution For In
juries To Americans and Losses
Due To Boxers
Washington D C Special Com
prehensive instructions Dearing iipn
the indemnity this government will de
aiand of China have gone to Minister
jConger at Pekin Adminstration offi
cials decline to state the character of
the instructions on the ground that it
would be impolitic to make them public
before the powers had reached an
agreement on this important feature
of he negotiations The demand this
government will submit however will
be moderate It will comprise restitu
tion for injuries suffered by Americans
Mid the damages done their property
as folows
Indemnity for the heirs of the mis
sionaries killed
Indemnity for Injuries sustained by
Missionaries who escaped death
Indemnity for -mission property -destroyed
Indemnity for former Minister Chas
Denby who owned the building used
as the American legation
Indemnity for private citizens who
Reimbursement of expenses incurred
pi sending a military expedition to
This governmentlt is understood will
accept payment of the indemnity in
Chinese bXHirls to be taken up by
China in installments So far as the
information of the state department
shows satisfactory progress is being
made by the ministers in reaching
agreements among themselves as to
the demands to be submitted to China
Secretary Hay made public today the
correspondence with Great Britain and
Germany relative to the Anglo German
agreement Secretary Hay quotes the
first two articles of the agreement as
1 It is a matter of joint and per
manent International interest that the
ports on the riversand littoral of China
should remain free and opento trade
and to every other legitimate form of
economic activity foi the nations of all
countries without distinction and the
two governments agree on their part to
uphold the same for all Chinese terri
tory so far as they can exercise- influ
2 HerJSritannic majestyrs govern
ment and the imperial German govern
ment will not on their part make use
of the present csmplication to obtain
tur themselves any Territorial advan
tages in Chines 2 dominions and wli
Quect their policy toward maintaining
undiminished the territorial condition
of the Chinese empire
Replying then to these two articles
Secretary Hay says
The United States hap heretofore
made known its adoption of both these
principles During the last year this
government invited the powers inter
ested in China to join in an expression
of views and purposes in the direction
of impartial trade with that country
and received satisfactory assurances to
that effect from all of them When
the recent troubles were at their height
this government on the 3d o July
once more made an announcement of
Its jOlicy regarding impartial trade and
the integrity of the Chinese empire and
had the gratification of learning that
all the powers held similar views And
since that time the most gratifying har
mony has existed among all the nations
concerned as to the ends to be pursued
and there has been little divergence of
opinion as to the details of the course
to be followed
It Is therefore with much satisfac
tion that the president directs me to in
form you of the full sympathy of this
government with those of her Britannic
majesty and the German emperor in the
principles set forth in the clauses of the
agreement above cited
Secretary Hay then kuotes article 3
of the Anglo German agreement as
3 In case of another nower making
use of the complications in China in
order to obtain under any form what
ever such territorial advantages the
two contracting parties reserve to
themselves to come to a preliminary
understanding as to the eventual steps
to be taken for the protection of their
own Interests in China
The United States answer to this ar
ticle Secretary Hay gives in these
As this clause refers to a reciprocal
arrangement between the two high con
tracting powers the government of the
United States does not regard itself
as called upon to express an opinion in
regard to lfcl
Secretary Hays reply was handed in
duplicate to Lord Pauncefote British
ambassador and the German charge
Cadir Special The Spanish min
ister to Chile Senor Louez Guijahro
charged with the embezzlement of 60
000 of government money has arrived at
Madrid Although in very delicate
health he was at once conveyed to the
lladrld municipal prison
r9 -
x srs
Chicago Firm Decides To lmpoit
Negroes to Take Strikers Place
Chicago Special Negroes from
South Carolina who will not Iorganize
in unions and strike and who will not
vote in opposition to their employers
interests are to be Imported by th
Chicago Malleable Casting company of
West Pullman to take the place of the
molders at the plant who went on strike
Saturday morning
According to reliable informationtwo
men representing the company have left
for North Carolina where they will en
gage the colored laborers who it is
hoped will make ideal employes from
the employers standpoint and bring
them to West Pullman to take the
places of the white men--who have
their homes there but were unwilling
to submit to having their wages reduced
in spite of the prosperity of which their
employers have been boasting
The strike occurred with little pre
liminary dispute A committee of the
workmen waited on the officers of the
company and asked for an adjustment
of wages They declared that the pay
for a large percentage of the piece
work had been reduced considerably
from last years prices The firm re
fused to consider the question and the
men walked out in a body
Almost immediately the firm decided
to send for negro laborers The stilk
ers are Indignant over the firms move
Big Amount of Bullion Exchanged
For Drafts
Washington D C Special Gen
eral Heywood commandant of the Ma
rine corps in his annual report tells
about the bullion that came into the
possession of the marines at Tien Tsin
The report says
In a communication dated July 18
1900 Colonel Meade refers to the looting
which had been going on in Tien Tsin
The treasury had been ransacked but
all the vaults were not looted and Ma
jor Waller with a force was searching
for the treasure The treasure which
consists principally of sliver bullionwas
recovered from the ruins of the Salt
Commissioners yamen which had been-
looted and burned before the marines
arrived on the spot
A board consisting of Major Waller
Paymaster Richards Captain Shaw and
C H C Moller American agent in Tien
Asin of J P Morgan Co of New
York was appointed to count the bul
lion and appraise its value This board
estimated its value at 376300 United
States currency
An arrangement was entered into
with the representative of J P Mor
gan Co by which the bullion was
exchanged for three New York drafts
which were transmitted to the secre
tary of the navy
The Czar Plans To Acquire Empire
Vienna Special The Czar is pro
longing his stay in Livauia tor the pur
pose it is said of quietly and earnestlj
considering Russias foreign policypar
tcularly in llation to Chinese affairs
It is undei3tood that Russia proposes
to develop its military and politica
power among the peoples of Lasterr
Asia to such a degree that their sub
mission to the czars government wil
be assured without the need of war
Ultimate iiicorpoiation with Russu
must follow Sibeiia was similarly ac
quired and China Afghanistan Man
chutia and Korea are expected to follov
in due time
Iv All this however is not thought t
be of present influence upon the Rus
sian foreign policy Time is relied upoi
to bring it about without faithlessness
to the czars ideal of permanent peace
Shanghai Special The new anti
foreign viceroy of the province of Hu
peh has refused to continue in the of
fice on the plea of ill health The treas
urer of the Hupeh government Chefc
Kiang who is a fi iend to foreigners
replaces him
Hong Kong Special The rebellion
in the province pf Kwan Tung is sub
siding owing to the scarcity of arms
land ammunition Rebels have been
defeated at Sam To Chuk losing 500
men The interior town of Houni has
been recaptured with further heavy losj
to the rebels i -v
Eight Who Sailed For Home Fail To
Reach Port Alive
San Francisco Cal Special The
men who died on the transport Meade
coming from Manila to this port are
Jesse Thompson private G Forty-seventh
infantry- Harry Henderson pri
vate D Twenty eighth infantry Fred
Treager private F Thirty ninth in
fantry Joseph Lyllatt ex soldier Chas
H Tomlinson private D Thirty ninth
infantry Dennis Kelly private G
Twenty first infantry Willard Stoner
private C Thirty ninth infantry Louis
A Huff private G Thirtieth infantry
The bodies of eleven soldiers who died
in Manila were also brought home on
the Meade
Washington D C Special The
annual report of Adiutant General Cor
bln for the year ending June 30 1900
shows that the regular army of the
United States consists of 2525 officers
and 63861 enlisted men and the volun
teer army 1548 officers and 31079 en
listed men During the year there were
discharged from the service 22592 men
deserted 3993 The statistics also show
that in the Philippine islands from
February 4 18S9 to June 30 1900 147
officers and 2076 men were wounded
War Portifolio Civen To a Man Who
Is Notorious for IrVcoir potency
During t outh African War
London Special G reat Britains
new ministry so far as the principal
officers are concerned will be about as
Prinme minister Lord Salisbury
Secretary of state for foreign affairs
Lord Lansdowne
First lord of the treasury Arthur
First lord of the admiralty Earl of
Seiborne formerly political secretary
it the colonial office
Secretary of state for the colonies
Joseph Chamberlain
Chancellor of the exchequer Sir Mi
ichael Hicks Beach
Secretary of state for the home de
partment Charles Thompson Ritchie
formerly president of the board of
Secretary of state for India Lord
George Francis Hamilton
Lord lieutenant of Ireland Marquis
hi Londonderry or the earl of Dudley
Lord high chancellor Earl of Hals
Lord president of the council Duke of
Lord of the privy seal Lord James of
Secretary for Ireland George Wynd
Secretary of state for- war W St
John Brodrick
President of the board of trade Ger
ald William Balfour
On awakening this morning London
earned for the first time that Lord
Salisbury would no longer retain the
foreign ministry and that Lord Lans
downe would be promoted to that post
None of the London dailies have yet
discovered vthat Lord Salisbury relin
quished the sole control of foreign af
fairs with extreme reluctance and only
after had majesty had flatly refused to
permit him to undertake the burden of
two great portfolios in the new cabinet
Second only to the astonishment caus
ed by the elevation of Lord Lansdowne
will be the surprise growing out of the
selection of the carl of Seiborne lat
mder secretary in the colonial office
as rsflt lord of the admiralty This
portfolio stands first in rank after the
secretaryship for foreign affairs The
earl of Seiborne moreover Is only 40
years of age ana is without naval ex
perience He possesses only mediocre
ability and Mr Chamberlain wished to
get rid of him in the colonial office by
sending him to South Afrfca as govern
or of Cape Colony but Lord Salisbury
objected and the earl himself did like
wise A compromise was effected by
placing the young noblemen at the head
of the sea lords
Mr Brodricks selection as minister
of war will not create any enthusiasm
It was expected that George Wyndham
late parliamentary under secretary of
state for war would get the war port
folio because of his brilliant services
in behalf of the government during the
South African struggle But Lord Sal
isbury said he did not know Mr Wynd
ham and preferred Mr Brodrick who
he declared had conducted the Chinese
business very well Consequently Mr
Wyndham must be satsiied with tne
liish secretaryship
- According to the present programme
Earl Cadogan resigns the vice royalty
of Ireland and will be succeeded by
either the marquis of Londonderry or
the earl of Dudley
Lord Cross formerly lord of the privy
leal disappears from the cabinet The
sari of Halsbury lord high chancellor
and Lord James of Hereford chancellor
Df the duchy of Lancaster were asked
to resign but refused Both will sit
in the new ministry Charles Thomp
con Ritchie takes the home office and
Forae other place will be found for Sir
Matthew White Ridley the late incum
bent of that post
Gerald Balfour resigns the chief sec
retaryship for Ireland and becomes
president of the board of trade View
ing the new cabinet as a whole it
hardly appears constructed for vigorous
nriginal work in any direction
Titusville Pa Special Miss The
resa Koplinski of East itusville is dead
after having been ill ten months with
a disease which assumed the appeaiv
ance of petrification It was not that in
reality but is known to the medical
profession as scleroderma The unfor
tunate girl was reduced to mere skele
ton and was utterly helpless Her skin
was as hard as stone and when struck
emitted a metallic sound Her suffer
ings were intense
Paris Special Official circles in
France are informed that Spain intends
to rebuild the fleet destroyed in the
Spanish American war The project in
cludes eight armored warships of 12000
tons each and four of 8000 tons besides
100 torpedo boats The entire construc
tion of these is to be given to France
With a time limit of ten years for their
Botha Reported To Be Advancing
Into Britlh Territory
Pretoria Special Intelligence has
been received here that Commandant
General Botha la marching with a large
force to invade Cape Colony near Ken
hardt where it Is said the irreconcila
ble Boers are ready to join him
London Special A belated dis
patch from Pretoria tells of the failure
of the British negotiations with Gen
eral Botha for the surrender of the
Boers Botha received General Pagets
flag of truce courteously and admitted
his defeat but said it was impossible
to treat for surrender as long as any
burghers wished to continue the war
President Steyn was even more irre
concilable -than Botha He refused to
see the bearer of a flag of truce
Hamburg Special The provincial
court has laid an embargo upon bar
gold of the value of 2500000 marks
whicharrived at Cuxhaven on the im
perial mail steamer Bundesrath from
Delagoa bay This step was taken it is
alleged for the sole purpose of reim
bursing insurance companies here for
gold withheld by the Transvaal during
the var The Hamburgische Bersen
halle however denies the rumor that
the gold was shipped by Mr Kruger
London Special Cecil Rhodes
says the Pretoria correspondent of the
Daily Mail will oppose the settlement
of Boers in Demaraland but he will
welcome them in Rhodesia and will
grant favorable terms after the war
to induce them to settle there
Marseilles Special The Krugei
reception committee has issued an ap
peal to the population to participate in
the demonstrations that are being ar
ranged for Mr Krugers reception but
to abstain from hostile acts or words
toward a nation friendly to France
Durban The Gor
don Highlanders and the Devonshire
regiment haye been ordered to be ready
to sail for China in a few days
Fighting Has Been Fierce In South
American War
New York Special C B Hart
United States minister to Colombia
South America who has arrived on his
way to his home in Wheeling said
Matters in Colomhia are seriously
mixed The liberals started a second
revolution a few days ago and it has
developed great strength The fighting
has been fierce and up to date the killed
and wounded have numbered 30000
The liberals have met with much
success but it is my belief that the
government will be eventually success
In the recent election San Clement
and Senor Marroquin were elected pres
ident and vice president respectively
Clementi because cf the state of
his health could not live in Bogota and
went to Vileta
In his absence Marroquin started a
rebellion and assumed the presidency
securing the recognition of all the for
eign powers except the papal see But
both Sair Clementi and Marroquin are
drawing their salaries of 36000 pesos
Relatives and Friends Will Try To
Aid Former Captain
New York Special An attempt is
shortly to be made to secure the release
of Gberlin M Carter now serving a
five year term of imprisonment at Leav
enworth Kan
To bring this about I S Carter and
his attorney F P Blare are prepar
ing to institute habeas corpus proceed
ings on the ground that no evidence
was ever adduced before the court-
martial to show any crime committed
by Carter and that having been dis
missed from the service and degraded
and having paid a fine further deten
tion is illegal and void
Healings in the case will begin No
vember 9 before United States Circuit
Judge Thayer and Judge Hook of the
United States district court
General Clous judge advocate of the
department of the east will go to
Leavenworth to represent the govern-
ment in the case
Independent Firms Drive the Com
blrie To Its Death
Detroit Mich Special The Conti
nental company limited the National
Screen Door and Window Screen trust
formed about a year ago in Detroit
went to pieces today The trust was a
combination of 95 per cent of the facto
ries in the business in the United
States The smash up came from the
growing of outside competition on the
part of new independent firms which
have started up since the amalgamation
a year ago The combination was legal
ly dissolved all its affairs straightened
out and the directors and officers left
the city for their respective homes
Frankfort Ky Special Cards an
nouncing the wedding of Miss Jean
Raphael Fuqua to Governor John Cripp
Wickliffe Beckham to take place in the
First Presbyterian church Owensborp
November 21 were issued today The
wedding will be the social event of the
season and largely attended Miss Fu
qua is a daughter of J H Fuqua a
wealthy tobacconist and is an acknowl
edged belle
H H Beach well known in secret
societies and forty- years agent for the
Big Four died at Pana III aged 75
T1 wtrfrAtriAiea
- -- Trt f
The Gallant Warrior Will Receive
Hearty Welcome By People of
This Secion
Washington D C Special Secre
tary of War Root yesterday issued or
ders commanding Major General El
weli S Otis who was the first military
governor of the Philippines to assume
charge of the department of the lakes
with headquarters at Chicago
Brigadier General FItzhugh Lee com
manding the department of western
Cuba has been ordered to Omaha tc
take the command of the department
of the Missouri In place of General
Henry C Merriam the latter change to
occur as soon as the plan for the abol
ishment of the three existing military
departments In Cuba is matured
General Otis has been at work on
an elaborate report on the Philippines
during several months past and now
has it nearly completed He will pro
ceed to Chicago within a few weeks
and will relieve General Wade of the
double responsibility he carries in man
aging that department and the depart
ment of the Dakotas as well
The news that the three departments
in Cuba are to be merged into one un
der the personal supervision of Govern
or General Wood was not unexpected
The order issued today for this
change and for the appointment of the
brilliant southern officer General Lee
to the western post provides that tne
division of Cuba and the departments
of western Cuba and eastern Cuba shall
be discontinued on November 15 1S00
and the department of Cuba compris
ing the territory now embraced in the
division of Cuba shall be established
on that date with headquarters in Ha
vana in command of Major General
Leonard Wood United States volun
General Lee has been connected with
the administration of Cuban affairs
since the late war His wisdom and
courage have won for him thehighest
regard even of his political opponents
Omaha Neb Special Everyone is
delighted to know that General Fitz
hugh Lee has been assigned to the de
partment of the Missouri At the Oma
ha dug last night there was positive re
joicing and there can be no doubt that
the famous warrior will receive the
generous hospitality of Omahas club
men At the army headquarters there
was manifest a feeling of genuine pleas
ure Major D B Slaughter paymaster
voiced the sentiment of every officer
when he said that the west would wel
come General Lee with outstretched
arms At the Commercial club there was
talk of a public rtcspticn with due cere
mony on- the generals arrival
Convicted Murderer Tries To Tako
His Own Life
Marysville O Special Rosslyn H
Fen ell who was last night found guilty
of murder in the first degree without
recommendation to mercy attempted to
commit suicide in the after part of the
night by smothering himself to death
He wrapped the bed clothing tightly
about his head and turned on his face
When his purpose was discovered the
guards pulled the clothes off while
Ferrell fought to prevent their removal
Judge Melhorn has adjourned court
until Friday when he will hear argu
ments on a nfotin for a new trialwhich
the defense will file at that time
The news of the verdict was broken
to the prisoners mother this morning
She collapsed and a physician had to
be summoned
Miss Costlow to whom Ferrell was
engaged to be married at the time he
murdered Express Messenger Lana was
Boer President Expected To Vijslt
The Frencn Capital
Paris Special It is now general
aelieved here that President Kruger will
not only disembark at Marseilles bui
will slowly traverse France to Paris
where he will remain for several days
and where he is sure to receive a great
public ovation which will be all the
more marked by its absence of govern
ment and municipal participation in it
This the first card to be played by the
Boer managers will start all Europe
once more to thinking about the Boer
wrongs but practical people will ask
what good this can do and a thoughtful
mind will be convinced that no Euro
pean government can possibly be go
to interfere-
San Juan Special Serious rioting
it Aguadilla hasj resulted in a conflict
between civilians and a native regi
ment The soldiers red into the mob
md several persons wereiwounded noni
Frankfurt Special The Frankfur
ter Zeitungsays the German iron man
ufacturers are complaining of an order
placed in the United States by the
Lloyds for 1000 tons of iron to be used
in the newIiloyd foundries-
Mr Edward Rosewater Gives Hla
Platform to the Public
Lincoln Neb Special Aside from
the big contest that is going on between
the reform forces and the republicans
there is a battle royal on between the
republican candidates for the United
States senatorship The dominant fac
tor in this struggle Is Edward Rose-
water next comes D E Thompson of
Lincoln then follows the smaller fry
such as George D Melklejohn John L
Webster and others too numerous to
It looks as if the ironclad pledges
which the Rosewater Thompson comb-
nation have with the republicanV can-
didates for the legislature givjes them
the whip handle providing the Xf
lature is republican and because of this
fact the republican state committee and
whole woods full of anti-Rosewater-Thompson
republicans are moving
Ten and earth to defeat them
With one of his characteristic signed
editorials Mr Rosewater lays down
the following platform upon which he
declares he will win or lose
For more than a quarter of a cen
tury I have advocated the election of
United States senators by direct vote
of the people All efforts to secure this
right for the people by amendment of
the constitution of the United States
however have failed up to this time
The nearest approach to popular se
lection of United States senators has
been made in this state where the
people - have a right- under the -state
constitution to instruct their represent
atives in the legislature by an expres
sion of preference at the ballot box
In proof of my sincerity as an advo
cate of the direct popular election of
senators I have appealed for an ex
pression of public sentiment under the
constitutional provision by having my
name placed upon the official ballot at
the coming election While standing
upon the declaratons of the republican
party in its national platform I am
committed also to certain reforms which
in my judgment are demanded in the
Interest of the American people -
I am in favor of the establishment
of postal savings banks in wnich the
earnings of the people will be safely
guarded through panic and depression
I am In favor of the postal tele
graph and the widest extension of pos-
tal facilities to the people
I believe that corporations are crea
tures of the state that should be reg
ulated and controlled by the state
While I favor public supervision of eor
porations I am by no means in favor
of conscatlng their property either by
prescribing ruinous rates or excessive
taxation In other words I favor such
legislation as will protect the people
against extortion and discrimination by
corporate monopolies but at the same
time am opposed to any legislation that
would prevent them from earning fair
nterest on honest investment
My career in Nebraska which covers
i period of thirty seven years is a suf
ficient guaranty that if elected to the
Urited States senate I shall labor with
ill my ability and energy to promote
the welfare and material prosperity of
tho state and nation and shall always
hold myself accessible to every citizen
of Nebraska who has a claim upon my
services or time no matter horn humbla
Eight Distinct Shocks In One Day
In Jacksonville
Jacksonville Fla Special Bight
distinct earthquake shocks were felt
in Jacksonville today The first wasat
1115 a m arid shook some of tha
large buildings Hundreds of people
believed that heavy ordnance was being
fired In or near the city At 1125 an
other shock equally as severe was felL
Others continued at fifteen minute In
tervals until 1230
At 404 in the afternoon the seventh
shock of the day was felt severer than
any ef the preceding ones followed four
minutes -later by a report and shock
the severest of the day The last dis
turbance made the window panes rat
tle in several sections of the city
The local weather bureau officials re
alized the nature of the first shock and
kept the time Director Mitchell thought
the vibrations passed from south to
north There was no damage
Special The Cape Town
correspondent of the Daily Mail com
ments upon the astonishing outburst
of Boer activity and points to the pos-
sibility of the Boers having been rein
forced Complaints are being heard in
Cape Town he asserts regarding the
premature disbanding and dispensing
with the services of the various volun
teer forces
The Siamese government is in the
market for 20000 rifles and 10000000
It is estimated that it costs 550000
000 every week to run the railways of
the world
The total number ef deserters from
the French army since January 1 is
nearly 7000
A nursery near Mexico Mo contains
250000 young fruit trees pruned arid
cultivated to perfection
One of the tasks of Chinese children
beginning their education is that of
their A P Cs at 3 years oldf
A chameleon when blindfolded loses
the power to change Its hues and the
entire body remains of a uniform color
Mormon emissaries are at work all
ocer the -world Their creed is making
great inroads among the Maories oi
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