VJ m ij l K fc it t - y V VOLUME XV 9mMmt t HIS STORE will Sup ply All Your Needs Better thao any other in this City I A hard standard to live up to but we do it and more There is no question but our stoftk is up to date No doubt about our prices being honest our styles the latest and the quality of every article absolutely reliable The foremost place which this store occupies has hmi wou by progressive storekeeping and the points of superiority noted abov We can safely say we are equipped to serv our customers even better this season than before We should like an opportunity to please you in Gloves Caps Underwear 0 8TINARD Mittens Overshoes Overalls llBiWII lllll WHIP I Btiiif - THE RED FRONT AJfJllJJlAJJJlJMAiAJA - iAAAAAA l The DONOHER X X X Is continually adding improvements and it it nowtht best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot tnd Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Sample Rooms CLOAKS p CAPES For Ladies Mihses J and Children HOOTS 54 S1JOES - CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRAcnt3AL tailoring ALJL OVR WOBK GUAltASl I EI CLfllHiR FRANK ECOFFEY VALENTINE NEBR C H CORSElX Preilnt 31 V XICIMLSSCaNliifr DANK OF VALENTINE - i i - Yalentine Nebraska A General Hnnliiug I5nxiiieH Transacted Buys and Sells DomeHtio and Foreign Exchange 3heralcal National Bank New York Correspondent First National Bank Omaha Nfib We respectfully call your attention to our complete line of Dry Goods Hats and laps Hoots and Shoes Groceries and Lumber Yon will find our prices to he as low as any in the business We will from time to time have something of interest to tell on through our adver tisement and something that will be to your advantage Fair treatment vto allA -- vv v- vv- v v w -V V w t wwy VALENTINE NEBRASKA NOVEMBER 8 1900 li nil r FI Aid School opened up Monday morning much to the dissatisfaction of some who were interested otherwise Try that 50c Japan Tea at Farn hams 33 J Sullivan brougnt in the returns li HNDJJRSON - 3o tt they have compjeted a house for Mr McAlevy and are now engaged in building a house for Woodruff Ball Nels Rowley wife and child came in from Kennedy last Friday Mrs Rowley and daughter left for Hot Springs Ark Saturday morning to be gone ail winter for the benefit of Mrs Rowleys health We have just received a brand new stock of rubber goods and under wear W A Pettycrew 37 Peter Balgai d and wife have been in Valentine for the past two weeks quarantined on account of the scare the Board of Eealth gave to the pub lic some time ago Mr Balgard takes it nicely and improves the opportun ity by making new acquaintances and having a iolly time Valentine is not dead when you shut off the outside world for the merrymakers will have their fun though time hangs heavy on the minds of the serious To the voters and persons who worked nobly for the best men to be elected the Democrat extends 4- M A rfTW tTI0 14- Vj V - tut uuiti nuiacia uuu luc nuuic UCU 1 u pie We do not thiuk it is in the in terest of good government to wish the s rfvvviwviyvyvvvvyvvriiiivvfyyvyiMywvvvv TATfc HP TOP TOWW Read the Red Fronts new adv A new line of gloves at Farnhams Mrs J A Sparks is on the sick list Doc Wells is visiting in town this week Henry Murphy was in from Steen precinct to day We deliver groceries as well as feed to an part of town W A Pettycrew School commenced Monday after a weeks vacatjon Johnny Stetter came down from Gordon to cast his ballot Wm Oarter of Cody brought in the returns from Boiling Springs Wait for our car of fine New York I apples for 300 per bbl The Red Front 40 tf Chris Hoist brought in the returns from Irwin precinct vVeduesdayi For Sale Second hand harness Will -sell cheap Inquire of JOHNpaf SaiYSER 38 tf Dr J C Dwyer returned home this week from an extended visit in the east A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 E B Growden brought hisv son hack to Valentine Thursday school Local Weather Record D S Department of Agriculture t Weather Bureau f Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday Nov 7 looo Highest emp for week 61 dec on the 2nd Lowest temp for wek23 deg on the 1st Men temp lor week 44 deg Av temp tor tb week tor 10 years 41 deg Excess of temp for the wek 3 Accumulated excess of emp since Jan 11900 1106 deg Total precipitation for week 00 inches Av preclpn for week forlOye irs 014 inches Deficiency of precipitation for the week 14 forties Total proeipn from Jan 1 lOOOto date 2182 inches Av nrecipn fo 10 years from Jan 1 to date 1851 inches Excess of preilpii from Jan 1 1900 to date 831 Inches Highest velocity of wind for week 18 miles per hour from the w on the 3d FRANK R BEAU AX observer Weather Bureau A Great Jleillriiie L have used Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diairhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine saS Mr E S Phipps of Poteau Ark kLt cured me of bloody flux I cannot sneak too highly of it This remedy always wins Ihe good opinion it not of those who use it Th quick cure- which it even in the most severe rases make it a favor ite everywhere For sale byv Quigley hapiiiau 2 P W Pruden was in with the Mer riman returns Do you wajit to buy land It will to attend P3 vou to see I Rice JharlesF Coffee was elected repre sentative of the 53d district Joseph A Saiilts brought in the election returns from Enlow precinct Albert Nenzel bi ought in the elec tion returns from Nenzel Wednesday D A lierc was in from Kennedy from Eti precinct and stayed over un- uitti the returns from that precinct til tonight to hear the result ot the election iu i oudmaust windmill i or tie ill r piir I ur niied irt e of Cnarye For site n A E Thacher was up to Yank o linens last Saturday branding cat- it is rejnrtt d tnat v illiam Neville is rlerted cuiiLressman from the 6th 4 VI l 1 irs J U Dwyer returned irom her trip east last week and went up to Gordon to visit her daughter She came back today For Sale or Trade A Dempster windmill galvanized steel nearly new and a 10x2 ft water tank 38 tf Hans Uhlkich Wm Grooms charged with shoot ing his cusin Arthur Grooms had a hearing today and was bound over to the District court under 8800 bonds Dan Adamson brought in the re turns from Gillaspie precinct Wed nesday W H Horton of Keya Paha coun ty was elected representative of the 52d district Miss Inez Pettycrew is assisting County Treasurer Thackrey this week with balancing accounts The official count of Cherry county was made Thursday evening by Jas I M Jones and Grant Dunn came skirvinr Geo Elliott and County in Friday night from Kennedy where clerk Daniels We ask the indulgence of our sub scribers this week for holding the pa per until returns were in so as to give the correct reports For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr A D BrownElliotts efficient phar macist leaves Saturday night for his home in Nebraska City He will also visit Omaha on a business and pleasure trip Jas Skirving of Brownlee brought in the election returns from Loup pre cinct Thursday Mr Skirving has sold his residence in Brownlee to Wm Steadman and will move to Wood Lake in tbe spring Valentine Republican party bosses are receiving congratulations upon the splendid work done in Cherry county by them Does this mean that they voted some of our staunch Dem ocrats who thev delight to call cop perheads and traitors We do not sav thev did hut thev will take credit thanks not only in behalf of each of 0J f it that Their boast 8 Weve got a majority now and were going to keep it Republicans had carried everything i save you 20 to 50 per cent on your ji because thev got the president that insurance and write in the best Merriman Nebraska v tney mignt oe oiamea ior tne t url luluittuw wi fcc oua uc L M RlCE Agent fall of the republic We are thank- f ul that some of our men were elect- ed that our country may not go BRAVE EXPLORERS down in order to blame the republican Like Snley and Livingstone foand it orrtv for their rule tn rnin harder to overcome malaria fever and The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat er will save vou coal and produce more heat than any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf Rice writes insurance Invitation is extended to all Suiting members -U w xu KKX rTrsinent M IU V MORH AltRiDGE Secy sSa ague and typhoid disease perms than savagn cannibals but thousands have fount that Electric Hitters is a wonder ful cure for all malarial diseases If you have chills with fever aches in back of neck andVhead and tired worn out feeling a trial will convince you of their merit W A Null of Webb 111 v rites My children suffered for more S D P MUffeiWnd0knd than a year with chills and fever then1 intmnJJZI two bottles of Electric BiUcrsoured - w i iuuiiiu tv twiuu a ai ix LUiuiat t if yijLyii them Only 50 cents Try then AS m Guaranteed Sold by Elliott druggist2 n p a j a j r r X AAA KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA41AAAAAAAJI 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 COFFEE DIDNT TASTE DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants CC TIZENS - MEAT MARKE Successors to WALCOTT STEVENSON LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE 2k23S ive Your Money a Chance I this does not hold true if vou trade at Viewers uc frft tii MAX E VIERTEh f CROOKSTO X N isBil nn Kj i Ko matter how little money you have to speiidjyou t rjlJ - -- I yl R S DENNIS-1- t m VvvVy tT5f7r Lfi fc r f 1 1 i li - f J fit1 c to - 4fc GOOD I THIS MORNING I St 49 2 Then it wasnt ours H ik WE II AYE THE GREATEST VARIETY IN THE 6 oiTr Chase Sanborns Fine Rio 15 ceuts Chase Sanborns Blended Sants a splendid - J drink 20 cents f Chase Sanborus Highland Blend 30 eedts Lf Chase Sair orns Mocha and Java Seal brand Took first prize at Worlds Fair Chicago 1 pound cans 40 cents 2 ponnd cans 75 cents J v o Cf o e o o o o ffff to J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market alwayB keep inpply of - FRUIT AND GAME ii addition to a 6rst clasg line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt MasIi Smoked Flams Breakfast Bacon And Vegetable trr 8 Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA K 3BS3 LIVERY BARN AAA 55 - - Jil fy J lilTl a Many say that it takes moey to make money butfc can always save something by buyifig hbre7C6m fcf pare our prices with those of otlier stores aiid see J how much we can save you SaitUoal JenePosts4a ra WALCOTT L LUD WIG Props- i u - at t f in Lrf 1 7 Irtzfiti a1 to un r iniit vnt U lis 3Js J4 IHlfyf t 7 MM rn ttji I3 uri v r I j w ur f AA A ffA 5 7TaAA A AAAAAAA mtmSrs0iw4Kjjtjwwsj4 wwywwsTVyvvwwf 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 i - t P A I Nil N Q i I - Vf ffiil jk b cV a PAPER rHAMaiHiG AraMiNrNs 49 Valentine Nlbraska All work wellvdonfe - q tcr r j i -- i Tl Jlijil t M ij O fcj f J - r iJ j is- r Ul u ti n if - ---- y a wijr tii ii 1a tJfot ys Sri ti V H iB luff U wK b B V 1 v U H IS H H 9 H HI H B 5 I B I rf - II - A Q ii - i ftitl ir 4 -- - t - t - f - fifS rW A jMt JrT7 f - r v IL - r Ttiri Trli5ttTiHv - Tf f V iK tT fiflhfitJ 3232ft v-