Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 02, 1900, SUPPLEMENT, Image 1
f l Iff l l - s V n J fceu i 3HI f v i I AX W m if id ii it1 re A p ii H i - H - i J THE VALENTINE POPULATION OF AMERICAN CITIES The census returns already show that the population of the United States will he about 80 millions The list of the thirty largest cities and their popu lation is as follows Greater New York 3437262 Chicago 1698575 Philadelphia 1293697 St Louis - IV 575238 Boston r 560892 Baltimore n - 508957 Cleveland 381768 Buffalo 352218 San Francisco 342 7g2 V lI101IJlJcLuL - J X LuO Uul lF tJji j J J vl New Orleans 287104 Detroit 282704 MiIwiiiVpp - - 85 318 Washington 278718 TJpwivlr - 94fi 070 XI IU VHUl JJUjV J Cl ii V V JU V J JvLlXo V XJlt Providence 7 175597 ndianapolis 169154 Kansas City T s 163752 St Paul 17 163032 Rochester 162435 Denver 133859 Toledo 131822 Allegheny - 129396 Columbus f 125560 Omaha 102555 Total Yl 13243515 V -- v - 91 - - MAIN COLLEGE BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS The building is located on a beautiul campus of five acres just north of the city and three fourths of a mile from the depot having good walks lead ing to it The ladies dormitory is on the block adjoining the campus The college building is built of brick and finished in poplar It has four floors The first floor contains the Music rooms Shorthand and Typewriting rooms and rooms for a family The second ffoor contains the presidents office sec- 0 retarys office four large recitation rooms library and cloak room The thhH floor contains the chapel commercial room and a cloak room The chapel and commercial rooms are connected with large sliding doors The seating capac ity is 650 The fourth floor contains six large recitation rooms The entire four floors are heated with steam The building is furnished throughout with appropriate furniture and apparatus The commercial room is 30 by 50 feet it is supplied with chairs and tables and surrounded with blackboards four feet wide The science room is arranged to meet the demand for practical science teaching This room is supplied with the best of apparatus consisting of a full supply of anatomical charts philosophical apparatus chemical appar atus and chemicals skeleton geological specimens botanical specimens etc Students are given a thorough drill in the use of apparatus in illustrating the various subjects studied The library room is fftted with shelves tables desks and chairs The library is open from 6 a m to 9 p m All books and sta tionery that students wish to buy can be secured at reduced rates Books may be rented We have one of the best and most convenient buildings for educational purposes of any institution Each room is planned for a special purpose and is furnished with the best of furniture and apparatus for that purpose Nebraska Normal College WAYNE NEBRASliA J M Pile President Celia M Chase Secretary A school where young men and women can begin and complete an education CALENDAR FOR 19011902 Fall term 1 1st Winter term 2nd Winter term j Spring term Summer term Sept 2 Sept 1 At November 11 November 10 January 21 January 10 April 1 March 31 June 10 June 9 EXPENSES WHEN PAID IN ADVANCE Tuition board and furnished room for a term 10 weeks 3150 Tuition board and furnished room for two terms 20 weeks S60 Tuition board and furnished room for three terms 30 weeks S85 Tuition board and furnished room for four terms 40 weeks305 Tuition board and furnished room for a year 50 weeks 125 Tuition board and furnished room for a year with two private lessons in music 150 No charge for other departments Tuition foria term is S10 in all regular departments In Music Elocution and Shorthand the tuition is 15 per term which ad inits students to other departments without extra chargei Board and room in - SUPPLEMENT TO private families is from 2 to 250 per week Forty dollars in advance pays tuition for one year Sixty dollars in advance pays tuition in conservatory one year A term is ten weeks from date of entrance Students can enter at any time Students who have paid the regular tuition of 10 can have 20 lessons in music or a term in shorthanp by paying 85 extra tuition thus making music lessons cost only 25 cents In order to get these reduced rates the amount must be paid in not less 1 than ten days after enrollment HG5Scd S M BiiiilM i7filnwifiiitiliiTBii HililiHii z LADIES NEW DORMITORY As will be seen by the above cut our new Dormitory is a splendid building The rooms are large well lighted and heated with hot water The building is furnished throughout with new furniture There is no extra charge to those who room in this building except 25 cents per week from the 15th of October until the 15th of April to pay for the lieating Students who room in other buildings buy their own fuel The gentlemens dormitory Gray Cottage and Nettleton ifall are all on the adjoining blocks to the campus In addition to these buildings there are a number of good private boarding houses within three blocks of the College Many of our best families take some boarders No one need fear that they cannot secure good accommodations Dormitory rooms are large and well lighted Two students occupy one room Each room has a closet and is furnished with stove table washstand bowl pitcher lamp bed and bedding Everything is furnished except fuel light and towels Each student deposits 81 on taking a room this is returned when the key to the room is returned to the matron and breakage if any is replaced or repaired Many rooms in good families are rented to students Our next term opens November 12 REGULAR COURSES OF STUDY Common School Teachers Scientific Classical Mathematical Special Science Elocution Business Music Penmanship Art Shorthand Typewrit ing See outline of course on other pages SPECIAL COURSES OF STUDY The following courses of study are arranged for each term 1 For those preparing to teach 1 For those desiring a Second Grade Certificate 3 For those desiring a First Grade Certicate 4 For those desiring a State Certificate 5 Business course for teachers 6 Literary course for teachers 7 Didactic and Kindergarten 8 Elocution course for teachers 9 Music course for teachers 10 Ceurse in Physical Culture Review classes in all common branches are organized each term MORE THAN 1000 YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Were preparing themselves for life worklstfyear in the Nebraska Nor mal College 45 miles from Sioux City A healthier happier busier lot of students could not be found These three characteristics health happiness and work have been marked features of the College since its organization nine years ago Every line of Educational Work Preparatory Business Teachers Scien tific Classic Music Shoithand Drawing has its special department special teachers and special facilities Students can enter at any time and find classes to suit them from reading in ordinary school books through classics No entrance examinations are re quired and satisfaction is guaranteed WHAT TO DO ON ARRIVING IN WAYNE Come directly to the College The secretary will be found ready to wait on you Do not give your trunk check to anyone Bring it with you to the office and the secretary will have your trunk sent to your room The president will assist you in arranging your studies give you an enrollment card and show you to your classes Those wishing to attend college who have not the I ready money should write us We try to accomm6date all who are trying to secure an education Teachers who have School Orders and wish to attend colloge should write us We may be able to help you ST- For further insormation of the work of the Nebraska Normal College write us stating the kind of work wanted Address J M Pile A M President yk Verdfgre NEVfcASTLE yWtoa L Plaint- HKXSOlV o Oakland 4 OTershurg 2K Crai Wfl I Tehaman I eg s V Vk UtIn 1 - ScribneTW HermaJf f HUmPh7 T HlanMJcalcX N Cedar Kipids I VV v M Ikl 1 FoUerMijsjsiSSorggSJoffiaan I rr C StP M O RY IN NEBRASKA mqKEBnos chicaco ViQ tin WHERE WAYNE IS LOCATED WAYNE the county seat of Wayne county is situated on the Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha Railroad 45 miles from Sioux City 28 from Norfolk and 115 from Omaha The city has a population of 2500beauti fully situated in the Logan Valley The site is rolling and tb drainage is naturM and perfect For health tho city cannot be excellecTCnywhere The society is excellent The intellectual and moral our citizens a good influence upon all who come here The churches throw open their doors in cordial invitation to the students f asant and profitable rec reation may be had by students in companionship of friends made in the homes and churches of our oitizens Wayne has four banks three newspapers a large opera house waterworks telephone exchange electric lights and var ious other improvements which space forbids mentioning Persons wishing to locate in Wayne orto know more of Wayne should write to the President of the College REARONS WHY WAYNE IS UNSURPASSED AS A COLLEGE CITY Because no city in the west affords a better place in which to live and en joy the advantages of an educational and religious community Because the cleanliness and general beauty of the city can hardly be equalled anywhere The air is pure water plenty and perfect Because students can live here on less money than would be required in vfiu VVOl v V yr--- DEMOCRAT VALENTINE NEBRASKA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 2 1900 larger cities o Because the city being free fronLhaunts of vice and crime students are kept from opportunities to vice larger cities Because there is less to distract the attention of students from their work than is found in larger cities therefore more rapid advancement wlllbe made Because the locality is very heattHy There has not been a seriously sick student at the college for seven yeoigt SOME SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE NEBRASKA NORMAL COLLEGE 1 The moral and religious intefest of each studentTis carefully eruarded 2 3 4 The college is strictly non secyan but is thoroughly religious The College is well supplied with apparatus in its various departments The citizens are obliging to tnestudents giving every possible aid to the College o lectures tree to tne students are sriven eacn term The fessional and business men are secuietrTor these lectures 6 Students find the teachers ever ready to give personal attention anil counsel in everything pertaining to tlsSir welfare The courses of study embrace -such stuuies as are necessary in cal life The students have the privilege of selecting their own btudies S Students can complete a course of study without remaining consecu tive terms or consecutive years TlierVare no vacations 9 Students are not required to take a regular courso of study They se lect the studies they prefer unless the President is otherwise advised by parents vj 10 The College is open to all backward and advanced Students standing is determined by their character and their work as students 11 Lady students find in the Matron of the College a personal friend Parents are assured that their daughtftus have pleasant homes and the most careful attention 12 The classes are so sectionecLfchat students may enter at any time take up a subject where they wish and advafiee as rapidly as they desire No one is held back on account of others f 13 The teachers in the College are men and women of excellent scholar ship and successful experience whodeTote all their time to teaching and la bor earnestly for the advancement cf each students interest 14 Each teacher has certain htfWrsof the day set aside to assist students who need assistance in preparing lessons or to catch up with the classes No charge is made for this individual instruction 15 Each student is the objectT bf especial study of the president and teachers At the faculty meeting which is held every Monday evening the work of each student is discussed inIetail The students standing is com paredand methods of helping them develop their work in the best way are discussed WHO SHOULD ATTENDTHE NORMAL COLLEGE 1 Teachers and those preparing teach 2 All young men and women who want a thorough practical business1 education w 3- All who wish to make a speciality of mathematics language science elocution or review of com non branhfes 4 All who wish to learn shorthand and typewriting in tbVshorteat time O All who wish to- stud v imwiamtms ketrhing to J All who v Wu to b oom good writer- and teachers tff ptnmanshVp M All who wisb to attend an njffltlion whep8al studies -are ec1fivF thoroui h tint and wce each ttehenr is a snecialisfc - - fc - - o All who Wisui se s m jn nMutHn that provides special classes- foc v ing rha and young women who hJCC pot the time nor money t5 enter reg ular courses uf uv bnt want speciflfAvork onspecial subjects - 9 All who wish to attend an institution that employs usefully every- lite of their time arid one that will layior the student the foundation for ff its of industry economy self contrdlpperseverence and axplication the one that helps to build a well rounded well balanced character - Consider the superior advantages offered by the Normal College when you think of attending school A VIEW OF THE NORTH END OF THE DINING ROOM The Dining Hall 1030x60 ft will accommodate 160 persons Students may board at the College Dining halls for 165 per week or 1650 by the term of ten -weeks when paid in advance for- thejrm Good board is furnished The faculty board with the students Mrs -Pile with trained assistants has charge of the boarding department Students select their own boarding places Many of our citizens furnish board at most reasonable rates Students who room at the dormitories board at the College dining halls x THE FACULTY No institution has a stronger f acultv than the one found directing the work of students in the Nebraska Normal College Each member of the fac ulty is a graduate of some well knowWiormal school or college and has been selected on account of recognized ability thorough education successful ex perience and strong character Each one is a specialist and a true leader of men and women President J M Pile and Mrs Pile have spent 12 years in Nebraska where they are most favorably known to thWganfls of teachers and students Prof F M Gregg comes from the great normal school at Ada Ohio and has had ten years successful experience ProfJ R Gibbons is a normal school grad uate also a graduate of Gem City BusinJessCollege and his experience covers superintending and teaching in both public and normal schools As a director and teacher of music Miss Stewart is known throughout the west where many of her graduates are leading teachers in music She has spent five years with us Miss Chasejs experience in tBiigu covers severaTyeai Sinri public schools and three in the Normal school She is a most successful teacher in all branches while her special subjects afv Geography Literature and General History As teacher in the grades as tedcher in the College Mrs Wallis is a superior teacher and principal Henecial line of work is elocution and kindred subjects Miss Baker is a gtadaate of Simpson College and as had several years successful experience in teaching Latin German and Rhetoric in College and University As an instructor in these branches she is a receg y nized leader Mrs C H Bright isremembeaed by hundreds of former stu dents as one of the ablest teachers in the state She has taught in the Col lege seven years Geo L Cook is wellJnownto hundreds of his students i i the public as a very successful teacher of the violin and other stringed struments But few teachers have been more successful in primary orr than Miss Batchelor She is a progressive teacher who knows- the needs of the teachers and those preparing totfeaohf J At - ir r I