Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 01, 1900, Image 4

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i J4
It- 71 rf
S19Q Per Yetir in Advance
Entered at he Post omoe at Valentine Cherry
euftntr Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
For President W J BKYAN
For Governor W A rOYXTEIt Boone
Ior Lleut Qovernor E A GILBERT York
For Secretary ol Stato C V SVOBODA How
ForTreasuroiv S H HOWAKD Holt
For Commissioner of Public Lands and Build
ings UAltEY Saunders
For Superintendent ol Public Instruction- C F
For Presidential Electors
FKANK T KANBOM Silver Republican
L N WENTE Democrat Lancaster
JAMES HUGHES Democrat Coliax
JOHN ll FELBEK Populist Cedar
W G SWAN Populist Johnson
TETElt EBBbON Populist Howard
For Member of Congress bixth District
WM NE ILLh North Platte
For State Senator Fourteenth District
v Representative
For Representative of 52d District
County Ticket
For County Attorney A M MORKISSEY
For Commissioner of First District
For Commissioner or Third District
Our whole state ticket is composed of
honest honorable and competent men
And they are worthy of the office and
the confidence of our people Every
one of them is above reproach Each
carefully selected with regard to his
fitness for the position Each of them
were presented in their turn of uomi
nation at the state convention and ap
propriate speeches of acceptance made
by them with promises to continue the
fair reputation of the state as far as in
their power and ability lies an J no one
present in the least doubted their sin
cerity or that they were true patriots
You will not make a mistake in giv
ing them your vote
WilHam Neville of North Platte is
too well known here to need comment
at this time Everyone knows that he
has worked honestly for the people of
the Sixth Congressional District during
his present term and returns from all
over the district show that he is now
the unanimous choice of all parties ex
cepting a few partisan spirits that
vould never admit they were wrong in
anything Mr Neville is a man of
keen business ability and our people
are proud of the stand he took in put
ting but vaccine for the stockmen by
the government The people of our
town cannot vote against VVm Neville
without working against their own in
terests Dont let party prejudice keep
you from voting for the mau who is
in favor of maintaining the military
post at this place We refer you t j the
Congressional record of Jan 30 19 0
as to the stand the republican party
takes on removal of military frontier
W F Hayward candidate for state
senator is a man of good business abil
ity and not toadying after a stock asso
ciation whose president is now under
bonds for stealing cattle and of which
VanBoskirk is secretary
Honest Joe Langeris the man to cast
your vote for in voting for representa
tive He is a man well liked by his
own people and is not a chronic office
seeker as he has not been before the
people before Do no vote for a jack
leg lawyer who has Ins shingle stuck
out for the name it gives him and is up
for office whenever his people will let
him get onto the t cket We heard
something about a lot of bills that were
not paid and that if Horton didnt get
the office this time it would be a long
time to wait Voters do you want thi
land of a man to represent you Do
you wish to represent yourself and your
interests in that way If not vote for
Honest Joe Langer
A M MorrifgeyW E Halev and
Andrew P Madden are men of ability
atad character unquestioned They
are worthy your hearty support
rttfprht be put out at the last moment j
to tibvfoli ttvtrte tot faferivir afc
bouses and small
cerns to close their doors foreyer It
has thrown thousands of commercial
our land
The republican party promised free
trade to the people of Porto Rico and
kept their promise by taxing them 15
per cent 011 imports
These wrongs of McKinley being ad
mitted you now ask What will you
do in the event of Bryans election
We will show that we are giving to
the world an example of True and
not False civilization We will
make the stars and stripes the flag of
1776 and 1861 and by our action it
shall float ouly above tLe heads of free
men and not above sirfs aud slaves
We will deuy to uo people The right
of self government and shall judge
them as fit subjects for such when the
willingly give up their lives for it
Our party has ahvaMs been oppoed
to the illegal formation of trusts and
if successful this ear we pledged
to stand with the laboring and produc
ing classes and against that which has
mortgaged McKiuley to the Trusts aud
money power of our country
Our candidate for the presidency
Mr Bran stands toda without a peer
as a champion of the rights of the
common people
A vote for Bryan and Steveusou is a
vote to perpetuate the principles of
Washington Jefferson and Lincoln
A complete revie of fusion rule in
Nebraska is not necessary but I desire
to call your attention to the men on
our ticket for state offices
Governor P03 uter candidate for gov
ernor has done much to make our
state otfe whose credit is far above
boasting republican states which have
never known what it was to be govern
ed by a iusionist governor
All other candidates with him are
men who are trul lepreseutative citi
zens of your statemeu who are 111 no
way allied with corporate power but
are actual members of the farming and
laboring classes It is very important
that Senator A Hen and another fusionist
should be elected as United States sena
tors and to accomplish this we must
vote and labor for success of our legis
lative ticket W F Hay ward and Joe
Our candidate for County Attorney
AMMorrisseyi too well known to the
business men of Cherry count to need
any formal introduction His admin
istration has been tlie ablest and clean
est we have ever had
W E Halej and Peter Madsen can
didates for Commissioner of 1st and 3d
districts were placed in nomination be
cause of their splendid business qualifi
cations so necessary to make a com
missioner a worthy and safe servant of
the people
In asking for your support this fall
we do so sincerely beleiving that the
principles which we advocate and can
didates we support are better calculated
to serve you than those of the Republi
can party
We will have to solve rave and se
rious questions this year and we ought
to do so as American citizens and not
as partisans
The triumphant election of William
J Bryan seems now assured and the
beginning of the new century made
bright because we have chosen to the
high office of president one who beleives
All men are created free and equal
Let us by our votes show to the world
tbatNebraska stands as an example nuill
that is good and for all that has for its
aim and object the uplifting of all man
Tours trnlv
Chairman Peoples Independent T arty
iSSPU - rf fe
iifrwwi ri
As election day draws near we de
At no time during this or any other sire to call our readers attention to a
campaign have I had any desire of few facls relative to the candidacy of
addressing the voters of Cherry county rjon William Neville for re election as
bnt the great question which are our representative in congress fro n
tating the minds 9 the American tnis district it will be remembered
pie this fall seem to me to be of such tiiat judge Neviile was elected last fall
controlling importance and their to q out tk8 unexpired term of Hon
tions fraught with such deep and w L Greene who died in March
ing consequences not only to our na 1 899 and made a very thorough can-
tion at large but to every state county vass of tne district resulting in his
and precinct that I could not resist the election by a haudsome majority Mr
temptation to offer a few words of ad- Seville was on hand when congress
vice and encouragement convened December 5 and remained
We do not hesitate to announce to ut uis piit of uty until congress ad
the world our opposition to the mi- journed June 7 190U without inisMug
penalistic policy of the present admin- a single session His record as to the
istration which is continued by Mc- worj performed and influence exerted
Kinley means a large standing army in tue interest of the people of his dis
large expenditures of the peoples trUit and the cause of reform and good
money more government bonds high- government generally is equally
er taxes and last but not least an itable His speeches on the financial
abandonment of the sacred principles blll aUli on colonial and military
which have and preserved us the great- tioUb were of tue rignt sort and gave
est nation that ever lived among the j prominence among the ablest aud
nations of the earth I uest advaCutes of American ideas of
The republican party has proven government as outlined by the
the trusts to be their legitimate off- atl011 0f Independence and
spring and under its care their growth guled by the Fathers and founders
during tne last four years lias open 0f our republic Especial mention
phenomenal should be made of his splendid tight
It has- caused thousands of business
UjaiUat what is known as tne Loud
manufacturing con-
Bill which discriminated agaiust the
country ue vspapers by advancing
rates of postage on their publications
men out of employment and brought I aud of bl8 elfoits m behalf of the far
ruin to many of the smaller cities of exy and stoekraisers in getting an
amendment to the general appropria
tion bill adopted making provision loi
continuing the free distribution of
blackleg vaccine lie had to contend
beiore the committee against the paid
agent of the Pasteur company ot Pans
France vaccine mauulauturers who
used his busi efforts U induce the com
mittee to refuse 10 make the appropri
ation as he claimed it was interfering
with their legitimate business but
when Judge Neville diew lrom him
the admission ihat his coi11p1i sold
the vaccine at fifteen cents per doseand
then proved by ihe chief of the govern
uient Bureau ii Animal Industry that
it cost less than one half cent per dose
tor the government to manufacture it
the committee voted the amount asked
by Mr Seville and tne larnieis ard
Hiockmeu can still get vaccine free
The old soldier comrades ot Congress
man Seville will not soon forget hia
prompt attention to their calls upon his
time and energies and also the effort
he made in their behalf b offering a
resolution to have an additional pen
sion committee appointed to expedite
the business 111 that line but the repub
lican majorny who po e at election
time as tue iriend ot the old soldier
uigeou hoied it and refused to even let
it come to a vote ihus hundreds ot
pension bids were never acted upon
which might have been considered bad
Air Nevilles resolution been adopted
The merchants 111 this dismct sbould
remember that Cougiessmau Neville
took time by tne lorelock aud ashed
bis Constituents to send in petitions and
opinions against the proposed parcel
ueliverj iav wmch il passeu would
have driven tUe mercuauis Horn our
towns ana small cities iu t be in iciest
ol tne mauulactuieis and wholesale
aud department atoies in tne large cit
ies ot tue east by maKing our mail
trams uo their ireight business
We believe tne volcis ot tins district
witnout regard to part will admit
that congressman JNevme has served
us laitUluii auu well and upon his
record ments a re ejection auu we hope
Unit bj tueir oanota tue will snow
tueir appreciation ol his services aud
a to mm ell dune good and taitU
lui servant as ou nae serveu us
laituiuiij ior one year we will return
ou lor two eais moie comment timt
juur experience will greatly euiarge
your spnere ol usefulness
A circular letter coming lrom J II
VauBoskirK but signed by L it 1 or
bm addressed to uearl everyone we
have seen calling attention to J Ii
VauBoskirk about every ten words
claimiug even thing lor him but over
looking the fact that the president of
the stock association of which Van
Boskirk boasts of being secretar ol
is now under bonds for CATTLE
STEALING Nor does he tell ou
that he is working for the cattlemen
who want the sandhills divided and dis
posed of to men who are now able to
buy and control them thus SHUT
to the one or two claims that they may
haupen to have That letter may serve
as a warning to all who do not wish to
vote away their free range to vote for
II ay ward for senator a stockman who
is interested as you are in the main
taining of present conditions of the
range question Consider this voter
and do not let smooth talking politi
cians deceive ycu but go to the polls I
prepared to fight VanBoskrk to the
bitter end
Watth for JRepvbHclm Btbenieg WatttA f wr Repubiifcso atkearea
n fiTWfotStOT wg
Voterl be a man and let humanity
be the thought as you walk up to the
polls to cast your ote forhe righW If
you are a praying man do not imagine
that you can knowingly cast your bal
lot wrong and at the same time praying
that it will be right and get forgiveness
You should remember that every child
whose liberty is stolen by your vote
shall live to curse you aud their pitiful
wails should haunt your slumbers God
grant that every man who yotes away
the liberty of an innocent people shall
see their agony iu every storm or ad
versity to haunt them in their slumbers
and harass them while a ake The
ballot is given you for its best Use
There is no ground that is safe except
that avarice of the people be in it You
imiy deprive for a time an iunoceut
people of their rights but the day of
retributiou surely will come aud the
curses of the injured shall lall heavy
on the heads ot the instigators
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion Jrstsuak the c rnor bunion
in warm water to soften itt then pear
it dowuis closely as possibly without
draw ing i lood and apply Chamber
lains Pain Kaim twice daily rubbing
vigorously for five or ten minutes at
each application Acorn plaster should
be worn for a feu days to protect it
from the shoe As a general liniment
for sprains oruises lameness aud rheu
matism Pain Balm is uuequaled
b or sale by Quigley CuauBaaB t
r ii ffTii ii TflrtMirrifiiiifiiniib i nTtm r innti an i n
miR rp1
Bryan has stood firmly for the right
during all the time he has been before
the American people and no one can
say that he has switched from any of
the principles advocated by him Let
everv true American citizen lay party
prejudice aside and step boldly out up
on the right as fearlessly as our leader
has been and vote for William Jennings
Bryan Renounce the man who has
his wagon tied on 10 the trusts com
bines and corporations Voter hook
your wagon t the Star of Libeity and
march in the Well beaten path our
forefathers trod It is
honorable to vote for men wom we
Know to be representing the best type
of American manhood Tou can ever
look back upon the stand you nubu
took for the right 111 19U0 Do not be
deceived into voting with the corpor
ations aud trusts Our duty is nobly
done wheu we vote that our posteriy
iliem ior it makes sales ior men wares
10 me go eminent and we nave to pa
tUe bin Thats w nere we come in
ureal expenses developing a country
that win always oe a detriment and an
expense and some one iuUst loot tus
Ll we we tnink over this matier cure
luliy liie quesiiuu win arise iu oui
uiiuus nere uo 1 come lnV nat la
my piolit Terhapa y ou ar trying io
save a fat government position out tne
die is cast lhis issue nas gone beloie
ihe peopie and men answer wnl be re-
lurneu at me opeuing ol ihe bauot uox
Voter Lite is shoit at tne beat
and we caunot anoru to lose an
tenty win look back upon it wiih ad
miration or a curse
v luen snail it beV
Dont tail to go to your polling place
early on election morning
JJoui fan 10 cast y our vote as early aa
Dont be wheedled into casting a com
pliuientary vote tor the repubiicsu leg
islative candidates they may be good
fellows all right but theie there are
two United State senators to elect anu
your complimeutary vote may mean
two republican senators
Dout allow mere personal spile to
induce you lo vote tor any other re
publican candidate for state office
Dont get in a hurry when you make
your ballot Take your full time 11
necessary and see that your X is
placed in the square opposite thi
name of every candidate nominated by
the peoples iudependent democratic
and silyer republican parties or any
two of them
Dont be deceived by the mid road
populist candidates They are merely
assistant republicans
Dont imagine you can voteastraigh
ticket by simp y making an X in a
circle near the top of the ballot- Thai
circle isimply to save you the trouble
of making eight Xs in voting Jfor pres
idential electors If you should place
an X in the circle opposite the grouj
of eight Bryan electors and no othei
marks you would lose your vote 01
tate officers legislative officers and m
tact on every thing except the nationa
We all have em that letter 01
VanBoskirks Learning that yoi
are an Influential man in your sec
SaYj VanBoskirk why didnt yoi
pay your debts to the laboring mei
you employed when you broke np 1
business down eastsome years ao
You are able now but you told a poo
laborer that the account had outlaw
ed Dont ask for the laborers voi
Theyll vote for Hay ward
Wettb br RfcjuWitfcu etfcefcWi
JOT r vC
Felt by Every Workingman In
the United States
Agricultural Implement Coat More
Cotton Good Are Dearer Ske
Have Advancca la Price Yet tie
Worker In These Industrie Htrc
Had Their Wages Itedaced
Special Washington Letter
The events of tho last few weeks
I j t a V
houet and have forced tue trust issue u wiu uuUl
Tho miners strike empnasizes uie iact
Coal is now 2 a ton higher than it
was three weeks ago although there
is no scarcity The miners arc getting
no wages at all and this is an advan
tage to the coal combine They arc
on strike against a 00 cent day wage
The coal combine proposes to keep
up Its prices and net at least 5000000
bv the recent advance The men
may enjoy the blessings of liberty as struck because they found that their
may play an unfair game to deteat m plaill m tlle lmmurlai wages have been going down since
tice and the waters be turbulent lor a j tlou of independence Let us leIow 1S9G and their condition becoming
time but the prayers of the humble u M i k i worse The coal combine periodically
ueoule will briiK humiliation and irrieff aud thai Puts Prlccs l1P and bIeels COn
to the spoilsmen ho will heed the
vain repetition of words offered as a
pray er by him w ho knowing tliese con
ditions ol today existing when a peo
pie are fighting and struggling lor lib
erty and our own at jeopardy our
Declaration of Independence thieat
ened and our poor people deprn eU of
their just earnings by greedy corpor
ations and litis not his voice to ask tuat
justice be done nor casts his ballot for
relief The lime is uigU at hand when
you shall decide this contest If y ou
falter in your duty to yourself your
families and to coming generations
though y ou may have oeen honest in
your cuuucuous you will have sin ued
because your opportunities have been
sutlicient 10 mtorm yourselt it you
would Do ou ask y ourselt the ques
tion whetuer or not y ou are voting
your party ticket because it gave you
ouiueV it you do you are bribed by
circumstauces and you aie uoi hi tor
office Your piejuuiee is waiped aud
your judgment is like scales with piiig
ged weigUts Do you vole your party
ticket because you always did or oe
cause you nale ibe other party llien
you are not a mau out a mauniue ihat
is made only to work wiiniu us con
fines Will you decide ibai you aie a
man and mat you will voie tue cause
of Uumaniiy r How many will Lei
us see by next Tuesdays leiurns how
mam are w liiiug to siep out on tne side
ot ihe right and ay by ineir vote I
would nuner be right T u oie 10
slop inu unnoly war agaiut noeriy j
to give tne poor workingman aud Uis
poaleruy ineir snare ol ibe wortd s
earnings ih vote ior W 1 Bryan
the greatest leader lor right and justice
01 uiouern limes
Lincoln ebr Jet 2 Hon L
K Alder of Aiusworth Kebr a veter
an of the civil war and prominent in
Grand Army alfairs a successful law
eraud one ol tne leading and promiu
eui republicans ol ihe FuteeutU judi
cial uisinct of jNebrasha comes oui m
a siioiin letter in opposing lo the im
pel niiistic policy 01 JVicKiuley Air
Aider was ihe republican caudi ale lor
district juuge in ihe llltheenth district
in lb99 He is highly educated geutle
mau and one who uas caret uly read the
history oi governments hat have gone
to lum he is tenacious m his views aud
cannot changed on the money or laritt
He is however strenuously opposed
to the new departure from republican
principles and lakes issue with the ad
ministration lor us course toward the
horio Hicans and toward ibe inlipiuos
He concludes his letter thus
1 hae lull taith thai righi wiL iu
the end prevail and that this public
distemper aud spirit of militarism
and imperialism will give way
to sober thought peuce aud
good will Urull people It may not
come this y ear but sooner or later the
good sense 10 ve of justice and patriot
ism ol the Ameiican people w ill rise up
in its might and destroy these despotic
and unAmericau doctonnes aud con
sign them to that oblivion which they
so jusiiy ueserve auu irom wnicn no
political party in this country
will ever dare again to resur
rect them TUey have no
pluce in a iree republic and the people
will bury them out of sight even should
it be made ecessary tor the great re
publican party to go down wiih them
j pnve our umer Tlm workmcn never share ever
It takes 23 per cent more of farm
products to buy a ready made suit ot
clothes than in 1S90 Tho garment
Workers do not get more waacs They
oppor hays to fiirht tho awpfttshnn svstnm
luuity 01 sinking back wheu our introduced by the economical clothing
ties are assaned me only ireaure 01 a j manufacturers association
poor man auu nis reveuge lor a wrong Shoes cost 50 cents more pet pair
m 1S90 Shoemakers have had
prepeiraieu is his ballot on election
1 their wages reduced
uay Oast it lor your interest and dont
Earbed cogts peJ m Vomds
lorgetmat tne rising generation will at present In 1S08 it costlS5 The
remember tne voie 01 l9uu Uur pos- wire workers have not shared the ad-
we uo not neip Dy ine power we noiu s0 slightly In the advance Tlie coal j k
to forever put up the bars and forne trust assuming n monopoly of
the chains that will make us slaves to rightfully belongs to the entire peo
tne capital of the East Hemember it Pie treats its workmen- worse than
is corporate greed against the men ot
g nQt the ony tnlgfc wWcll
all trades s w ell as the tanners and fleeces tne public and takes all the
siockuieu There is no man so weal- profit for Itself It Is easy to study
thy in this country that his inteiesis the trust problem You encounter trust
are parallel with that of the irusts auu Prices every time you make a pur
chasc a workingman you
combiues except that he be a
nize trust avarice every time you re
patormthepidhts derived iheietrom ccive your weekly pay envelope You
Jbarmers laborers ranchmen Some- muy not work directly for a big corn
body must foot the bihs Wno bin bination but tho trust ramifications
tne consumer or taxpayerV are so many and thorough that scarce
ly earnev or producer of
Ihe iwo Yankees shipwrecked ou Se
wealth escapes their Influence
a lonely island each making a fortune
Here flre ffiW ffla8trat0M Tbey
trading jack knives sounds well but can be multiplied indefinitely
cieariy illustrates tat the irusts waul it requires 35 per cent more wheat
some one 10 make tne money to buy to buy a stove than It did In 1S9G The
ineir goous they cant all deal witn one stove molder gets no higher wages
1S0G The wheelwrights wagon mak
ers and painters get no moro wages
The carriage combine is trying to co
erce them into votingfor McKinley by
threatening to close down indefinitely
if Bryan is elected
It requireo 40 per cent more grain to
buy a plow than it did four years ago
The agricultural Implement workers
get no higher wages
Muslin sheeting and lawn cost from
2 to 5 cents more per yard than in
1S9G The cotton operatives in Massa
chusetts have just had a 17 per cent
vanced price Their wages remain the
It requires twice as much corn to
buy a coil of rope as in 1S9G
Lumber oil and hardware have all
advanced in price The men in these
industries get no more wages than be
fore McKinley was elected
Who gets these profits The answer
is simple The trusts The trusts want
McKinley re elected He will not even
notice their existence except to pro
mote them Legislation to restrain
their depredations need not be feared
under his administration
Hanna doesnt even know that trustk
exist Every person who buys sup-
plies for farm or house could enlighten
The account of the conditions under
which coal miners have been working is
enough to set every citizen to thinking
upon the subject
What an object lesson in trust metlr
ods Here is a combination which
could pay fair wazes and hnnsn u
employees comfortably yet take veryf
little from the millions always being
piled up for it by the consumers
The miners were kept In debt It
was a preventive of strikes When at
laat these docile workmen concluded to
strike they surprised the operators by
showing that they could endure Idle
ness and hunger quite as stoically as
they had endured hard toil with a run
ning accompaniment of the empty din
ner pail
Hanna has been conferring with coal
operators and railroad magnates try
ing to settle the strike until after elec
It has been suggested that wages
would be advanced and other conces
sions made but that the operators
would deal with the men individually
and not with their organization
This looks like a comparatively un
important point But the men realize
that concessions made to them Individ
ually may be taken away immediately
after election The breaking of the
strike will then have served its pur
A wago scale signed with the union
Is not always kept but the chances are
in its favor The miners in the
minous regions succeeded in having a
union scale signed in 1S97 for the first
time It has been keot Uu to that
jtime strikes evan when successful
gave oniy a temporary bsnefit
The whole Country is interested In
tlib ccfol sitntftlbn The combine has
taken care that the prbdtfcWs shall not
be indifferent If the strike is pmn
promised now it will still have had itai V-
innuence oa the voters
ii JB