Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 01, 1900, Image 3
i I S H L ARE RESPONSIBLE for more sickness and suffering than anything else Kidney troubles irritates the nerves makes one dizzy restless sleepless irritable makes one pasw water often during day and compels one to get op during night causes bacf ache takes ambition from you you get weak and waste away William Sweeny cashier Park bank Albany N Y who had been troubled with his kidneys for several years took Cramers Kidney Cure it brought permanent relief and Mr Sweeny has done as much as any other one person to spread the advantages of Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure be fore the world Omaha Neb Jan 19 1900 I firmly believe that I owe my life to Cramers Kidney Cure For two years I suffered with kidney trouble and could find no relief anywhere I spent hundreds of dollars on doctors and medicines I tried Cramers Kidney Cure as a last resort and I wish I had I had followed the advice of friends sooner In less than four months it had made a new man of me I am entirely well and T erive all rbe praise to Cramers Kidney Cure SAMUEL L MORRIS Of the Omaha Police Force CRAMERS KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE The most wonderful kidney medicine known will give you strength and bring color to your cheeks It is a eure cure for kidney troubles Sold by all druggists Insist on Having Cramers 100 a bottle 6 bottles for 500 CRAMER MEDICAL COMPANY albany ny WEBSTERS ffiH Wp i ill wrwmi i Hflk m sisisisV flsrf BflB BfesjisisisHfeJsn Hr hB 1 Hi V5v wrSHlCfc Hltl BJB If wHSflHlaB nif HHI Idi T NHSHHHrHBHHHB 45 KHbmRHPLIi HANDY MM This is what I can do and it dont make any difference whether it is night or day wet or dry cold or warm storm or calm just call me and I will pump water grind feed shell corn separate cream churn or grind bones or any w rk that is required of me 11 and see me at work at ALLEN P ELY CO 1110 Douglas St OMAHA NEB We Also Buv and Sell New and Second Hand Machinery JACK OF ALL T OUR NEW LITTLE GIANT k H P GASOLINE ENGIN Worth Its Weight in Gold to Every Stockman and Farmer How many of you have lost the price of this Engine In one day on account of insuf ficient wind to operate your wind mills leaving your stock without water Get one now to do your pumping when there is no wind or to do it regularly Weather does not affect its work hot or cold wet or dry wind or calm it is all the same to this machine Will also shell corn grind feed saw wood churn hutter and Is handy for a hundred other jobs In the house or on thofarm Corts nothing to beep when not working and only 1 to 2 cents per hour when working Shipped completely set up ready to run no foundation needed a great labor and money saver Requites practically no attention and is absolutely sate we make all sizes of Gasoline Engines from 154 to 75 horse power Write for circular and special prices FAIBBAKKS MORSE CO OMAHA NEB You Iay Nothing Until Cured Facts Stated by My Former Patients f You Are Afflicted With Rupture Dont Fail to Eead them My Guarantee is Valuable Be cause You do Not Pay Me One Cent Until You Are Well I present to the readers of this paper i few testimonial letters and names of former patients whom 1 have cured of rupture believing lhat the afflicted would rather correspond with some one who has been cured than read what I might say about myself They can more fully investigate and convince them telvei as to the merits of my treatment I could use this entire space singing my own praises but believe the statement of those I have cured will be more satis factory to the afflicted I will ask you to write to any or all of them If you are satisfied with what they say about my reliability and methods of treatment write to me or call and see me Remem ber that in all cases r guarantee a cure End do not accept one cent of money un til you are well Consultation by mail or in person is entirely free I will be pleased to correspond with you regard ing your case DR ERNEST HENDERSON Wants to Add Letter to List Hoping to In fine ce Oilier Sufferers Bad Case of Rupture and Other Troubles for in three it eks Did Not Take Ono Cent of Pay Until Cared JlcPherson Kans June 8 1899 Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo Dear Doctor f want to add my testimonial letter to your aiready large list hoping to in fiuence some sufferer to go to you I bad a bad case or rupture for years and suffered great agony 1 went to Dr Henderson Mid was cured In three weeks I cannot say too much for him I know he can do just what he says he can do The doctor does not ak one cent of pav until the patient la well This Is the best guarantee he can possibly give to any person afflicted as I was 1 will answer anyone who wishes to know more about my case Very truly yours A R OLSON SEND FOR MY TREATISE ON THE CURE OF RUPTDRE SENT TO YOU FREE Desires to Add Testimonial Case a Bad One permanent Cure in Short Time Would Not be Back in Same Con dition for SI 000 Dr Ernest Henderson Mv Dear Doctor 1 desire to add my testimo nial to those you have cured of rupture My case was a bad one and you made a permanent cure in a short time without pain and I never lost a dav from my work I cannot say too much for your cure and would not be back in the condition I was for a thousand dollars J thank you and would recommend your Rupture cure to anyone Ute ths if you wish 1 am truly thankfully yours FRED HARPER 20 Indiana Ave I GUARANTEE A CURE OR RECEIVE jiO PAY FOR MY WORK OU PAY WHEN CURED Suftrtd for Years Pronounced Incurable by Hwctors Glad He To k Tieutnieut After Three Uerks was Sound aud W 11 Treatment i All Taut in Claimrcl for it Iioprt Letter Wil be Menus of Inducing Oiheis to Take Treat ment Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo Dear Doctor I wish to state that I can most heartily recommend your rupture treatment Since early youth I had been seriously traubled with a right scrotal rupture that was pro nounced by doctors to be incurable except pos tiply by a dangerous surgical operation Hear ing of our treatment I determined to try the same and am glad I did so for after taking your treatment out three weeks I am now sound and well Your treatment is all that you claim for it If this letter will do you any good I would be glad u have you publish the same and I hope it nJr be the means of inducing others to take your treatment and be cured Yours respectfully WM LYNN Ransom Kb CONSULTATION BY MAIL OR IN PER SON KlEE WJCtiTE TO WE ABOUT YOUR CAE Finds Ti o tment Successful Examined O til er Patir nta a d Iouud Cure Permanent IJnl been in the Rusiurss ill inks This tin- Moat Rational Treat ment or the Day December 20 189 To whom it may concern This will certify that 1 have taken Dr Ernest Hendersons tieatment for rupture and that 1 find it entirely successful I have examined a number of patients that he has treated and I rind that a permanent cure has been made in every case examined I have watched this tieatment for some time as 1 have been in this line of business myself having been an expert truss litter for a number of years I believo this is the most rational treatment of the day and that he will be successful in everv case I would most heartily recommend anyone with a rupture to consult Dr Henderson Very respectfully yours JACOB WE1TZEL Independence Mo SEND FOR MY TREATISE ON THE CURE OF RUPTURE SENT TO YOU FREE Lutheran Minister Cured After SufWingrSix Yearn Triei Many Trusts but They All Failed Upon Advice of Rev F Pfeif ferof Sedulln Mo Tried Or Hen derson the Rupture Specialint of Kansas City Tbe Cure complete Has Dispensed with Triases ii Answer Letters From Those Afflicted Who Wish Furiliur Particulars Kansas City Mo This is to certify that I have suffered for 6lx years with a very bad rupture and during ill of the time I have worn different kind of truss es day and night with the hope of effeotlng a cure but they all failed they only held the rupture in place Upon the advice of Rev F Pfeifferof Sedalla Mo 1 consulted Dr Ernest Henderson the Rupture Specialist 103 V 9th St Kansas City Mo who cured me in a few weeks without sub jecting me to a dangerous and painful opera tion The cure was complete and since then I have dispensed with my trusses without incon venience To trie interest of all who are afflicted with this trouble I do write this and heartily recom mend Dr Hendersons treatment Anyone de siring more information will please apply to me personally or by letter I am Respectfully JOHN SAUER Nov 141699 131 OakSt Kansas City N B in writing please enclose a stamp for teply 1 GUARANTEE A CURE OR RECEIVE NO PAY FOR MY WORK YOU PAY WHEN CURED No Trouble After Tlrat Treatment Which was Painless Did Not Interfere With Work and Cured in Les Than One Month Recommends Treatment to All Rupture Suffereis Dt Ernest Henderson 0i W 9th St City My Dear Doctor- I write you unsoltcted to say ini yen have made a permanent cure of my iciture wtlcis was as you know large direct South umana Neb Oct 24 Weekly market report furnished by the Flato CommlsEion company of South Omaha Neb There has been no change of any con sequence In the beef cattle line during the past week prices for the most part having held up strong with the demand good from all quarters During the last three days of last week prices eased off a little in sympathy with lower markets at eastern points but whatever loss there was has been re covered in the past two or three days and the market closed today with prices showing an upward tendency There has been a more liberal mar keting of corn fed cattle the past week than for some time previous though the quality has not been more than fair for the big end of the supplies Cows and heifers have been meeting with a ready demand the good ones especially meet ing with ready sale while the poor and common ones have generally been taken care of without many being held over from day to day The stocker and feed er trade was pretty hard hit the last few days of last week- but has man aged to hold a little of the gain made last week Owing to the lightness of supplies speculators thought the heavy runs were over and looked for a good demand from the country but in this they were very much disappointed and after loading up at advanced prices found they were unable -to dispose of their holdings and so had to unload at almost any price This has made rather a backward market the past three days as dealers have been a little cautious about taking on a full supply and then have the market flatten out as it did last week The decline in the hog market contin ues with great regularity and prices today show an average decline of 68 3 3 cents from October 4 the high point of the month It is always expected that packers will use their utmost endeav ors to break the market during Octo ber but the decline this year has had few equals in the past twelve years the exceptions being the years 92 and 96 when the market closed higher for the month than the opening and in 1891 when the average decline for the month was 88 cents This year the month in question shows an average decline of almost 70 cents in two weeks Prices are still pretty high for this season of the year there being only three other years when they were selling as high or higher than at present In the month of October 1S92 the average cost was 551 in 93 685 and in 94 467 Inguinal ncrnia I think this is the name you cave it tilling the scrotum 1 am glad to say that I never had any trouble rotalning it after the tirst treatment and that I am now a well man Thanks to God and yourself Your treatment was painles and did not stop me from my w ork A cure was made in less than a month I certainlv will do what I can for you and mv suffering fellows and most heartily recommend all ruptured to take your treatment You may use this letter if you desire I beg to remain your friend WM WELTMAN K C Slock Yards or 410 Landis Court CONSULTATION BY MAIL OR IN PEK SON FKEE WRITE lO ME ABOUT YOUR CASE Suffered With Bad Case for Over Five Yean Could Not Stand it Am Longer After Rending- Advertisement Concluded to Take Troatra Paid for With Pleasure Will Gladly Writr Anyone A bout Ca e Kansas City Mo June 3 1900 Dr Ernest Henderson City Mv Dear Doctor It is with pleasure 1 inforn you that I am entirely cured ot a bad case of rupture for which you treated me first about twovearsago I suffered with a very bad rup turefor over five years many times it was so bad 1 could scarcely retain it with the aid of a truss As the rupture was constantly getting worse and the pain so great I could not stand it any longer 1 was much discouraged After reading vour advertisement over a d over again 1 concluded to try your treatment and to my surprise you cured me in less than four weeks lam glad to say after such a long time of suffering I am absolutely sound and well I paid your fee with pleasure and still feel that I owe you a debt of gratitude which 1 hope to pay by inducing other sufferers to go to you for treatment thereby doing a kindness to them and to you I will gladly write to anyone about my case I almost fonrot to say that I considered your offer of receiving no pay until a cure was ef fected as the best guarantee you could give and that is what iirst gave me confidence in your treatment as soon as I talked to you Respectfully your friend J S HAMMICK IS East Sixth Street THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN CURED OF RUPTURE AND ARE SELECTED A- RANDOM FROM MANY I HAVE CUR IN WRITING THEM PLEASE ENCLOSE A STAMP FOR ANSWER Mike Gaynor 2 Ewing St Kansas City Ks A R Olson McPherson Kas Robert J Ilrock county attorney Manhattan A Kas N M Kent 401 Orchard St Chicago 111 Oscar Dillon 901 Campbell St Kansas City Mo II M McDonald Denton Kas B K Dobbs 19 iu N mh St Kansas City Kas A Young 3418 Windsor Ave Kansas City Mo J S Hammick plumbing 19 E Gth St Kan sas Cit v Mo ThOa Baffo Kansas City Mo W C Ieak grocer 2i Central Ave Kansas City Kas MS Welch care Goo iiander Milling Co Ft Scott Kas Dr T F Parker 1517 Brooklyn Ave Kausai Citv Mo Herman Bagull Kans as City Mo Wm Lvnn Ransom Kas MG Uartzell TIP Felix St St Joe Mo Fred Uarper 2011 Indana Ave Kanras City Mo William VTeltmsn 410 Landis Court Kansas City Mo Rev F Pfeiffe Sedalia Mo R J Champion Armour Station Kansas City Kas JT Wood merchant Greenwood Jackson county Mo Chas T Hummer 424 Edmond St St Joe Mo Will B Castor 1 1 N Soring Ave St Louis Mo Fred Phares 617 Cherry St Kansas City Mo E R Demorest Kansas City Mo R B Griffith 207 Lyceum Bldg Kansas City Mo Thomas McMahon 704 N 7th St St Louis Mo E W Dement restaurant keeper 109 E 13tb St residence 1012 Locust St Kansas City Ho Child 13 months old G F Shaw assistant county surveyor Inde pendence Mo Wfishingtsn Baker Halls Summit Kas William Higglns 117 Car Ave Armourdale Kas V L Gray Stanberrv Mo IV T Wingate Amity Mo Earl Maxwell Valley Falls Kas C Sandy 716 Kansas Ave Kansas City Kas James McMockin 132 Tullis Court Kansas Cy Mo Frank Craig 15th and Topping Ave Kansas City Mo ADDRESS OH ERNEST HENDERSON 103 West Ninth Street KANSAS CIY LADIES COLUMN FRIENDS We who have lived so many days and have So many uneventful days to live The pity of it that we dare not give Out of them all just one when I and you Might meet as comrades meet with clasp of hand And much to tell and to remember and Much tq he glad and sorry for we two Shall we choose Sumer for our day to dawn A day of sun and little winds that fleet Through woodland ways life touch of dryads feet Bhall we go wandering the paths we knew Aimless s truant children with the gay Glad talk that suits a stolen holiday Idlest of happy vagabonds we two Or shall our day come when the Win ter snow Slips at the pane and blurs the land from sight And all the hearth is glorious with light fhat dances on old prints and tankards blue And all the books we cherish over well Shall lie beside us while we sit and tell Old rhymes old tales and plan and dream we two We who must live so many empty days Let us have one that we can claim our own A day that shall be inade for us alone Nay friend it is our very friendships due Our right divine to feel anew the free Exquisite joy of cameraderie rhat binds the very hearts of us we two Theodosia Garrison in the Bazar HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES Probably few housekeepers know that in ordinary cork may be made as serv iceable as a glass bottle stopper by 3teeping it in hot sweet oil Heat the Ml in a little basin on the stove drop In the corks and drawing the basin back from the fire let the corks lie in the oil for a few minutes To prevent your steel knives from rusting dip them after washing into a solution or thin paste of baking soda and water then wipe clean and dry To clean a carpet take a pailful of cold water and add to it three gills of oxgall Rub this into the carpet with a soft brush It will make a lather which must be removed with clear cold water and the carpet should then be rubbed dry with a clean cloth To clean wash leather gloves remove grease stains by rubibng with mag nesia or cream of tartar Prepare a lather of lukewarm water and Avhite soap wash the gloves in it wrong them and squeeze through a fresh lather Rinse first in lukewarm water then in cold and dry on the hands A tablespoonful of glycerin to every pound of fruit used in making jam will often do away altogether with the early crystallization which is the bane of the thrifty housewife Fruits which require paring should bo immediately dropped into cold water to prevent discoloration When ready to cook drain by spreading on a dry towel and gently pressing another one over the top FASHIONS MIRROR Very handsome silks and velvets ap pear among the leading fabrics for smart costumes for day use during the fall but the stylish cloth models are the ones with which to begin the season The black cloths were never so velvety fine or so beautifully fin ished as they are this season and they undoubtedly take the lead as modish gowns suitable to wear at any time of day or for any kind of demi dress entertainment Some of tnese pretty heavy napped ribbons have been made up effectively wrth toques some delicate shade being used for the crown while the edgea are of a dull tone velvet beaver per haps and pale blue or heliotrope with castor or beige The ribbons also trim the under edge of the hat with good effect Feather Doas in aii shades are now found in straight feathers presumably those from the barnyard fowls made up Canclfully and they are quite as at tractive and rather more stylish than hose of ostrich feathers Skirts continue to show the ripple odttom and among the latest separate skirts sold in the shops the adjustable belt is noticeable Evening capes are forthcoming from Paris most elaborate in their construc tion They are circular in form al though they do not so appear tvhen worn as the right side drapes in a fev graceful folds up on the left shoulder Each cape shows long scarf ends in front and a butterfly bow at the back of the neck The material is black or colored silk voluminously trimmed with ruches and frillings and spangles Pretty stocks are to be seen made of the good ribbons and the tie ends to go with these or even with silk stocks lave gold ends and there are gold ends xnd black velvet ribbons on gold stocks These are attractive though they have x little suggestion about them of Prayer Book marks Some of these ends are in heavy flower designs of old or in conventional patterns Plain lands of gold and silver ornament hats nd frequently form a cord at the dges Fine embroidered crowns for all pur poses come iu lace velvet and cloth and there are many who fancy- thin goods for trimming Fancy chiffons ire to be found in different designs Chiffon will also be embroidered in gold and silver and with spangles nd the shops show that panne velvet will continue in avor for millinery pur poses The plain colors are preferred though fancy pannes are to be found SDOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES Philadelphia Bulletin He Doy you think you could learn to love me She I might I learned to like oives Detroit Journal A girl always thinks any man perfect who proposes marriage to her Certainly The the ory is to catch your ideal before you have him dontt you see Chicago Record Did your husband make fun of your love letters Yes but not until after we were married Smart Set Lena I didnt think youd let a man kiss you on such short ac quaintance Maude Well he thorough ly convinced me that it was all my own fault that I hadnt met his sooner Brooklyn Life Daughter Oh mam ma I do wish I were pretty Mither Tou neednt dear sensible men think very little about beauty Daughter But it isnt sensible men Im thinking about mamma Its Charlie Indianapolis Journal You and Hor ace seem so fondly devoted Louise Yes Clara we are but we often get awfully tired of each other too Chicago Post Adele said the fond mother is reaching the age where a girl naturally thinks of marriage True replied the father regretfully but do you think we can afford a son-in-law Philadelphia Press Tess I thought she was going to marry old Gotrox Jess She was but she broke the en gagement Tess What for Jess Why when she accepted him he told her she had put new life in him Detroit Journal She placed her hand trustingly in his upon observing that he held his hand about level with his chin cultivatedly I cant possibly put my foot in it under the circum stances she argued with herself For with her in her innocence the forms of polite society were an earnest of true worth Chicago Post Did you ever get re ligion asked the revivalist Well I should say so 13S pounds of it re plied the man A hundred and thirty eight pounds of religion cried the re vivalist How did you get that The only way that a good many men ever get religion was the reply I mar ried it Baltimore American Mr Sappeigh I wouldnt marry that Miss Gabby She is terribly set in her ways Mr Soft eigh Is that so Mr Sappeigh Yea Indeed Why she has refused me nine times Vital weakness ana nervous debility cac be cured Virtuama Tablets are guar anteed by Kldd Drug Co Elgin 111 to cure all nervous diseases debility and vi tal losses or send free medicine unti cured if guaranteed lot fails Pale thin emaciated tremblnig and nervous people should try these tablets greatest of nerve tonics If you are not what you ought to be or want to- be and can be 2ie them one trial and you will praise them for ever 2 a package or 3 for 5 per mail Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Pharmacy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City Full line of rubber goods ask for what you want Menses surely orougnt on regularly suppressions neglected often result blood poisoning and quick consumption and is the direct cause of womens trou bles therefore keep the menses regulai with De Le Dues Female Regulator and women will be happy and healthy If it fails Kidd Drutr Co Elgin 111 send free medicine until relieved and fullj cured 2 per package or 3 ror 5 pei mail Retail and wholesale of Myers fi Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Counci Bluffs Riggs Pharmacy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City A complete line ol rubber goods on hand ask for what you want Portland Oregonlan Bishop Nelson of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of Georgia recently prached a sermon at Atlanta in which he declared himself as opposed to prohibition The bishop declared that prohibition does little if anything to remove vice and attempts to do that which God himself does not endeavor to do force individuals into virtue against their will HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case at Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm WEST TRUAX Wholesale Drug gists Toledo O WADDING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O TTnlTf Cntnrrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 75c per bottle Sold by all drug gists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best Smile when you can says a poet Thats all right says the Chicago News but why didnt he confer an everlasting favor on humanity by telling us how to smile when we cant Why not doctor yourself Gonova Tablets are guaranteed bv Kidd Drug Co Elgin 111 to cure all diseases inflamma tions ulcerations of the urinary system rgans bladder etc or send free medi cine until cured if guaranteed lot fails An internal remedy with injection com bined the only one in America Price 3 or 2 for 5 sent per mail Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Da vis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Phar macy Lincoln H S Bakers Sioux City Complete line of rubber goods ask for what you want Just as the United States gets through counting votes on November Canada will begin to vote Thus within forty eight hours all the English speak ing people of the North American con tinent will have exercised the right oi suffrage J Or Kays I KSdneycuraJf L khiw m rm sf CURES all Kidney Diseases Back ache etc At drug pists or by mall 51 Free book co rice etc of Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y Bjfrj fSj mLtn WantWtr9 flsjaBMaafcfliraga CUKfcS YHhBt AIL tLbt Best Cough Svrup Tastes Good Use in time Sold by dragtrists rTIS JU7r Ui mk YSSrXGKPP t 1 re mxpm xynrytr sm ift Dr HENDERSON 10 a 103 W 9ti Stt KJLrtSAS CITY HO Vh Oldest in A09 n Longest Zcatf JL Regular Graduate in Medieitte Over 8 Years Special JPraeUea Authorised by th Btete to treat CffBOTft EuFOKf 8VJE0IAL DISEASES jS Cores guaranteed or moaj nr 4U randed All medicines tnraiskt4 jBa roady for use no merearyor In B w jurioos medioines used No ce m n tention from business Patient at a distance treated by mail and mBmjJKU express Modiclnes sent err where free from gaa or breakage No medlr tdnes sentC O D only by affroement Cnargw low Over 40000 cases cured Age and perij as re important State yonr case and send for terms Consultation free and coafldsntiji personally or by letter Seminal Weakness t And SeXUal Debility flM and excess s caasinar losses by dreams or with the nrias ptopleTend blotches on the face rushes of bloo4 tothe head pains in back confused ideas a forgetfnlnesB bashfulness wpdontoaocialic loss of sexual power loss of manhood stc cared for life I can i stop nUhl losses restore sexual power restore nerre and fcui power enlarrs and strengths Prt ftmrl make you lit for marriage Badically cured with a new u OXnglurc kfftie Seas Treshwst No u and vsleet Btrnments no pain no detan tion from business Cure guaranteed Boo and list of Questions free sealed VARICOCELE HYDH0CELEtPHIM08l8uid all Wnds Private Diseases ornToMyefuadd BUUSV tone to life with fall description cd ff on3 mm Bntisaalea TjT f t Yob JLuM reaTtiSrb sViufaSSaon U contains H B Sate case and ask for list of ojaestiesa JFn Museum ef Anatomy for mem eul DOCTOR mmm wmmwrMsri Seables Searles SPECIALISTS in all forms of Privatt Diseases and Disorders of Men Medicine and Treatment sent every where for 300 pec month 10 yrs in Omaha Varicocele Stricture lSyphllls Loss Vigor an Vitality Blood and al itv and Sexual Disorders Cures Guaranteed Consultation FRKE Write today for FREE advice 119 So 14th St OMAHA NEB Office Over 315 S 14th St DR McGREW DrMcGrew at Age 52 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST In the treatment of all forms of DISEASE AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY aS years experience 15 years in Omaha VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEES IN A FEW DAYS without cutting pain oS loss of time The QUICKEST AND MOS NATURAL CURE that has yet beta dis covered CHARGES LOW CVDUIIIC In all stages and conditions ulrillUo cured and every trace of tlw disease is thoroughly eliminated Cross fc3 blood No BREAKING OUT on the skin r Cce or any external appearances of the diseasd whatever A treatment that is more suc cesful and far more satisfactory than fi U Hot Srtti2 treatment and at less t4i5 HALF THE COST A cure that IsguinuEteiS to he permanent for life UFCAEMDCO of younsr nnd middle rwrrfl ft L ft fUt 00 men LO S OF KW llOOl Nipht Looser Nervous DebHty Lomz of Brain and Nerve Power Loss of Vigor atiiq Vitality Pimples on the Face Pains I the Back Forget fulness Basshfulness OVBE 20000 CASES CURED OTDIPT1IDC quickly cured with x ect O I nib I unC and infallible home Kidney and Bladder Troubles 2o oriboeu Gleet CURES GUARANTEED CHAGES LOW Consultation Irec Treatment by JSuVk Medicines ent everywhere free fromgzz or breakage reid for use Ofiicehours8i m to 8 p m SuiwHesm to 12 P O Box 766 Office over 215 S1S St between Faruam and Douglas Stroau OMAHA NER A NEW 0ATAL08U Of the KHARAS SCHOOL OF MAGflEIit OSTEOPATHY will tie issued about fhs ffllb of November A postal card will brisg i to you All graduates employed Si branch schools 15I5 I7 Chicago SIiseI OMAHA NEBRASKA OMAHA ST LOUIS R B And WABASH R R - 41 Miles Shortest to St Louis 28 Miles Shortest to Quincy THE ST LOUIS CANNON BALLJ LAST TO LEAVE FIRST TO ARRIVE Leave Omaha 505 p m Arrive St Louis 700 a m Trains leave Union Station daily for St Louis Quincy Kansas City and aS points East or South Homeseekers Excursion on sale IJ and 3d Tuesday of each month Steamship tickets to all parts of the worrd For full information call at O SL Ticket Office 1415 Farnam St- Pax ton Hotel Block or write HARRY E MOORES C P T A Omaha Neb 2 iiyuutas lkmpJS KIMBALL BROS MFGS 1051 9th St COUNCIL I5LUFFS UL COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMFT OMAHA Vol 1900 V H M Write about yonrseIC Df t T KJ KJ x sammered from E R3 V F3 f childhood and was per ST Til fectiy cured 12 U years 3 M ill 2 H ag0rf Only the afllicte can appreciate the intense desire one has te ne cured If you are afflicted orhavp children who are write to me for terms literature etc Address JULIA EVAUGHN Pnxtt tNSTITUTC RAMGE BLCCK OMAHA