Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 01, 1900, Image 1
-A i u t m X I i -- y M 3T f life ill v it I3telF i J g if w m m m 4 THIS IS A HOT CAMPAIGN 11 BjjfcTTIriwfff D 8TINARD V - 5f - C H CORNEIX President B We dontiefer to politics but to the Twentieth Century way of doing Business CASH VS CRED5 If Cash will not winwhy do our com petitors follow us and offer to give you 1Q per cent off for Cash REMEMBER THIS That it will only be a question of time until our competitors adopt our Cash Style of doing business If they are right THEN surely we are right NOW I Gloves Caps Underwear Mittens Overshoes Overalls THE RED FRONT i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAvlaaaaaaaaaaaaa juaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tejmg aA i The DONOHER 5 X li continually tdding improvements and It it now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IK NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room 7w Sample Rooms CLOAKS C For Ladies Misses and Children FRANK ECOFFEY We respectfully call your attention to our complete lines of Dry Goods Hats and Caps Boots and Shoe Groceries and Lumber You wl find our prices to be as low as any in the business We willfrom time to time have something - of interest to tell you through our adver tisement and something that will be to your advantage Fair treatment to alh g9 WHWHHHP 999 9SWHHF jfc v w1 Qi - BOOTS - SHOES i CLOTHING T AND GENTS furnishings practical tailoring AiJ OJL7JR WOMIi GUARANTEED CLOTHIER VALENTINE NEB JI V NIJHMLSOKCasIiif ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb zsiifaitfkc - Mefriman Nebraska iJjyLlgrvQiQ i0ri 5 41 TALK OF THE TOWN Have you been vaccinated A new line of gloves at FarnhamV E J Davenport and son Clyde wen to Gordon Sunday night Mr Yancy of Merriman was oh ou streets last Saturday Ed JBlakey has returned to town ai ter a weeks absence up the road Jack Barnes and W H Carter o Cody were in our city on business last Saturday We deliver groceries as well as fee to any part of town W A Pettyckew Hon J R Dean of Broken Bowwt in Valentine Monday and Tuesday oj tnis week Archie Pett3crew made a trip t Simeon last Friday afternoon returu ing Sunday A young son arrived at the home oj Mr and Mrs George Trace well laa Sunday about 12 oclock Wait for our car of fine New Yor apples for 300 per bbl The Kej Front 40 tt Shelley Kenaston who has been eu ployed in Sagesers barber shop Ica lor his home in Butte Boyd County Monday morning For Sale Second hand harness Will sell cheap Inquire ofJOHi smyser aa ti It having been reported that one u F Al Sagesers daughters is helpless y ill Mr Sageser wishes us to say loi aim that the report is false A second hand stock saddle for sak at Farnhams 33 P Belgard and wife of Rosebuo uave been in town during the la veek MrBelgards son is saying wii A Anderson while attending schu 1 here Ladies call trimmed hats and see our line o 1 L Epner 36 ti and Aiaior Miner Dr Winder o Ltosebud are making theia home i Valentine now The Dr has bee feeling unwell for some days but i now better A full line of furs at I L Efners 36 tf Minnekadusa lodge No 192 A F A M will meet in regular session oi Tuesday Nov 6 at 8 p m Work ii the first and second degrees Visiting rethren cordialty invited Buy a Woodmanse windmill guai witeed for five years all repairs fui ushed free of charge For sale tn li Anderson 35 tf Some people are very ready bar ainers but do not realize the impori tnce of a bargain being lived up to bus a person will drop backtwo fee viiile crawling up three feet like thi trog in the well Try that 50c Japan hams Tea at Faru 33 In our town as the two little boy of old each in their attempts to something excelling the other me said Weve got the smallpox down at our house We seem to ex cel our brethren For Sale or Trade A Dempster windmill galvanized steel nearly new and a 10x2 ft water tank 38 tf - Hans Uhlrich The board of health has issued an order closing school and forbidding all public meetings until f urtheV or dered by the board of health A pest uouse has been established northeast of town and is kept quarantined We have just received a brand new stock of rubber goods and under wear W A Pettycrew 37 Edward Satterlee merchant from venzel was in town Monday on busi ness and made the editor a pleasant ousiness call We like to meet these men who look on thev bright side of chings Their smiles and good tureare contagious Wellthe bright est side of the world is up all the time out it is sometimes hard to dispel the clouds The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat- - w - -1 AAJAAAAAAAUWWUAAAUm PETER J DONOHER DEAD v Saturday night about 12 oclock eter J Donoher died of heart fail- re The family were at the bedside vith the exception of his bi other Vill a physician who is practicing is profession in Ogden Utah This a sad occurrence in our town and rings sorrow to many hearts Pete s he was generally called was well iked by all who knew him He was i scholarly gentleman of good tess qualifications No one will be tore missed than he nor will the xmily be alone in their mourning The Democrat extends sincere ujuathies to the bereaved family ud friends in their time of sorrow J W Burleigh nas been out on his arm near Britt husking corn for the ast two weeks Mr Burleigh says uheeorn was a good 3 ield and that he vill have nearly 2500 bushels Who iays that Cherry county cant raise orn Dr Compton went out to Lynn arkers place on the Niobrara near ne mouth of the Snake one da3r last eek and when he returned he in irmed us that Lynns family had in reased by one a boy born on Fri day evening last A woman in this town told another the other day that she feared rr husband was becoming demented hen asked why she said that she iught him out at the woodpile one ay last week and he was cutting ood something he has never been nown to do before J F Broad formerly of our city vho traded liis house and lot for ewey Kelloggs farm on the North able was in town Monday and paid is respects to the editor Mr Broad if es the value of this country and is villtng to thrn his attention to stock aising Many of our people would io well to pay more attention to tock and depend less on farming Andrew Schatztauer and family i Wood Lake moved into Valentine 1st week and occupy the property of Villiam Steele jnst south of the M a Church Mr Schatztauer has pur hased TheoTillsons livery barn and vill engage himself in the livery and reed business while sending his chil Iren to our school We extend greet mg to this worthy family and wish them success G W Burge of Kennedy came in own Sunday to get a doctor to go ack With him to vaccinate his family here are several other f amilys that re expecting to be vaccinated out iheieso it will be harvest for the loctor Mr Burge says there is a case of smallpox or whatever this disease is out in the sand hills that was taken while in Valentine luring the races John Niess ranchmah on the Reser vation returned from a trip east this vveek bringing with him a Hock of twenty one registered Angora goats a pair of thoroughbred Poland China pigs and a fine two-year-old blooded bay stallion This is a step in the right direction If other stockmen will only follow Johns example this country will gam a reputation for high grade stock Jim Gillaspie is in town this week laying over to keep from spreading disease as he thinks that since he nas been exposed it would be wrong to carr disease out into the country if he should be effected with it Most of our people consider the smallpox scare as a joke but for the sake of our friends we are often times prone to do things that our better judgment tells us is unnecessary except- that warning has been given Last week J E Thackrey and his father Samuel I Thackrey from Manhattan Kas who spent a week visiting here together with Rev Cumbow went out on the lakes hunt ing Thev secured a large- turtle from some hunters and Mr Thackrey intended to take it down to the cultural College at Manhattan but on thenvay back from the lakes while down on the river near C C Thomp sons place Mr Turtle evidently thought it was a long time between irwill save you coal and produce j drinks scrambled out of the spring uore heat than any other stove on he market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf H p Valentine Lodye No 0 KX Jy JL Meets every second and fourth Wednesday eveu ni of each nionlli at Hornbys Hall A cordldl uvttation is extended to all vislnng members O W M RFA President MAUD V MORGAKEIDGE Secy wagon and made for the river He was not missed uritii the party ar rived in town out some of Mi Thomp sons family afterward saw the turtle in the riven For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 - Crookston Nebrl 1 A I goffeTI 1 DIDNT TASTE GOOD I THIS MORNING I g 21 Then it wasnt ours g i WE HATE THE GEEATEST VARIETY -IN THE fi OITF ftfr Chase it Sanborns Fine Hio -- 15 ccuts ii Jj Chase Sanborns Blended Santos a splendid J drink 20 cents g 4 Chase Sanborns Highland Blend - 30 cedls J il Chase vfc San horns Mocha and Java Seal brand fc 2 Took first prize at Worlds Fair Chicago i J 1 ponnd cans 40 cents 2 pound cans 5 cents j 8 i wj DAVENPORT THACHER ft General Merchants ii CITIZENS EAT -MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR lS This market always koepw a supply of RUM LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE -49 49 49 49 49 uunU s wsfet We Handle All KiL ds GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfa3t Bacon and Vegetables At Stetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA n LIVERY BARN 3oo35 WALCOTT d LUDWIGPrbps Successors to W AI00TT STEVENSON iLjr Bh 1IJP L L7 1 V71kjKj 3mJ1JmLJmlw2Zffw7mm ufmw ryicryry tyrfjn J C fc W live Your Money a Chance Many say that it takes money to make money but this does not hold true if you trade at Vierrels Jo matter how little money ou have to spcndyou can always save something by buying here Com pare our prices with those of other stores and see -how much we can save you Salt Coal Fence Posts K MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBR A ZKZEZXXZxrxrstTrrxrjz wf PAINTING PAPER HANGING CALC I MINING RS DENNIS Valentine Nebraska rw r rr rv cy rw o rv rw rvw s r r rsi fVVVfWVffffVf 5 1 mm 1 1 hi 1 Lf LitjVsi tff At D S Ludwigs Old Stand u em