Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 25, 1900, Image 8

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B li
fc5 ai
is gr
ffi J
iff flTfli w
Pnstofllce address
WW r
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded on
left hip horses the
Range zn Dry Val
Valentine Neb
On left side or hip
A4 left side or hip
On left side
Ran k on Niobrara
Valentine Nebr
State Brand reg
istered t554
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip
Range 2 miles
east of Ft Nio
aCattle branded
ame as cut
Some branded
mrpm on left
gg thigh
Some od
leftside ox
Neivlon Nebr
Brand registered
No 411
Cattle branded
game as cut on
left side or left
hip Horses same
on leit shoulder
Ranee South
of Gordon Creek
J A Adamson
7 El I
Hv -- M
D Stinard
W E Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range in Fharps
Ranch and German
precincts G miles
south of Kilgore
I Wm i
Metzger Bros
Newton Neb
Cherry Co
Brandon left bide
and thigh
Earmark square
crop riht ear
Southern branded
cattle have but one
hair diamond E on
left side
Natire cattle have
throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon and Bnake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Kctcarcl of 50 will be paid to any
for information leading to the arrest and
nal conviction of any person or perspns steal
ng cattle with above brand
Teeter Bros
Newton Nebraka
Cattle branded
as on cat
eft side or hip
Ranee on Gordon
Gorsoch Bros
Newton Nebr
Cattle branded on
left side same as
Horses on left
Range Between
the Gordon and
H T L Ul
Etki nd Powder
Absolutely Pie
s Makes hot breakfast breads wholesome no
yeast germs no alum Makes cake biscuit
and pastry of superior fineness flavor and deli
cacy Makes food that will keep moist and
sweet Is most economical because it is the
purest and greatest in leavening strength In
the easy expeditious preparation of the finer
cakes and pastries Royal is indispensable
jj Care must be taken to avoid baking powders made
from alum Such powders are sold cheap because
they cost but a few cents per pound Not only
will they spoil the cake but alum is a corro
sive acid which taken in food means iujuiy to health
It M Faddis Co
JPostofflce address Valentine or Kennedy Neb
Neuzel Neb
Postofflce address
Mickel Boltz
Brand registered
Range 2lA miles
east of Nenzcl
Oasis Nebraska
Robert Quiesenbery
have charge oi these
cattle horses Ds on
left shoulder some
stock branded
nnvwhereon animal
Range Snake river
Oasis Nclr
Sawyer Bros
PostofOce address
Oasis Neb1
Brand registered 2095
Cattle branded on
left side same as cut
horses branded on
left hip
Also some cattle
Range South and west of Ha kberry
and Duck i ake
Pullman Nbr
Postofflce address
Pullman Neb
Branded on left bin
horses same
dew lap
Range south and
east of Brush Hili
Postofflce address
Pullman Neb
Cattle branded as on
cut horses branded
same as attle except
reversea s
See block
Range Steveri
and SteDhenflon
Lakes and South
aofficfi address
Pine Ridge Sl i
o left d bo set
tine left thigr
tcugeVt olf Creak
Postofflce address
Pullman Neb
Branded on ljft side
also 09 on left side
also between eyes
and nose
Range 15 niileswes
of Pullman
Alex Burr
Pullman Nebr
On rljint side
korsp snne ei
Hrd mark Uf
Lke and South
Pine Ridse Reservation
Postofflce address
Uanderson S D
Left side and on
young stock Ola
stock ninderiES
leftsiae cs1
Range Rock Springs
ifa Sfef Yaii CuVi Fficfe stoS WctaMji
Sj ecial io the orli IIraM
IlaMiiigb Nflfc Ort 17 A houm
she wsis exploded in thf P publican
cm nip m Hi ting urfny 1 he I ilv
Republican llie oldo5r largest and
Strongest republican newspaper in Cen
tral aiid Western Nebraska prints the
straight fusion ticket at the head of its
editorial columns and announces that
it will no longer submit to the leader
ship of such men as Hanna Thompson
Rosowater Dietrich and Morlan
It says For twelve years the Re
publican has been a republican news
paper Since 1888 it has made as best
it could a clean honest manly fight
for- republiaan policies and measures
and has supported republican nominees
for office Proud of its affiliation with
the party of Lincoln and Sumner of
Seward and Chase of Grant and Blaine
and Garfield and Harrison glorying in
the record these great leaders had
made and in the ideas of American
government for which they had stood
the Republican has lent their party
cheerful and loyal support We can
accord that support no longer From
now henceforth the Republican will be
found advocating the election of the
man -who stands for the same funda
mental principles for which Abraham
Lincoln lived and died William Jen
nings Bryan
It will be found supporting fusion
policies and fusion candidates because
they represent those policies It will
do this because it finds it easier to ad
here to the principles in which it has
always believed and which the republi
can party has abandoned and discarded
than to follow that party m the deser
tion of those principles With this
statement of fact it desires in justice to
its readers as well as in justice to itself
to indicate briefly the conditions which
have made this announcement impera
The republican party once stood for
principle for noble deeds for Ameri
can ideas for devotion to duty It was
a party led bv thoughtful patriotic and
earnest men It represented what was
best and most healthful in American
politics That was before what Gover
nor Pingree denominates that Onio
crowd got hold of it It was before the
views of Haunaism was inoculated in
its yeins Since that time the republi
can party has undergone a transforma
tion as startling and deplorable as it is
complete and undeniable
Today the Burlington railroad is the
supreme dictator of Nebraska republi
canism ft gave us C II Dietrich as a
nominee for governor The Republi
can has no personal enmity or malice
lor Mr Dietrich but in all candor we
submit he is not a fit man to be gover
nor of Nebraska The mere fact that
every Christian minister of his own city
is openly opposing him that many cf
the best republican business men of his
own city declare that they cannot give
him their vote speaks more forcefully
than anything the Republican might
say as to Mr Dietrichs qualifications
for the office to tvhich he aspires
Herman Neb Oct 17 The fusion
forces are rejoicing aud the republicans
correspondingly sad at the announce
ment of the Herman Advertiser that it
has deserted the republican party and
at the same time hoists the fusion ticket
at its masthead
Hastings Nebr Oct 19 The rail
road republicans of Hastings and vi
cinity again have cause to cungregale
in groups and utter imprecations that
the ears of f usiomsis cannot conscien
tiously listen to Almost simultan
eously with the conversion of the
Daily Republican to the fusiou faith
comes an editorial from the Weekly
News which paper has been giving
Dietrich half hearted support which
absolutely dispels from the mind of
every reasonable person here any hope
that Charles II Dietrich will ever act
as governor ot the state of Nebraska
The editor of the News is John S
Williams who is also editor of the
Hastings Merchandise Reporter and as
such is in close touch with the busi
ness men of this part of the country
In a strong editorial of this weeks is
sue Mr Wiiliams tells why he thinks
Dietiich cannot be elected The fol
lowing is the editorial as it appears in
this weeks issue of the Weekly News
After the first burst ol enthusiasm
over the nomination of Chailes 11
Dietrich had subsided there has b en
a growing feeling against seating him
in the gubernatorial chair that is well
worthy of serious consideration It is
true that every citizen in the city of
Hastings and Adams county has a pardonable-
pride in the fact that one of
her citizens has been selected for the
highest office in the state and from
this fact aloue many may consider
themselves in honor bound to support
the man that otherwise would be un-
thought ot
The News Jike many others at first
was mbllnetl tfl oVerlouk tlifc gravfe fie-
fects in our home candidate and be
lieving that the best results to the pub
lic and specially the city might bp
accomplished by his election a silent
acquit sconce lias been maintained
Seclr it now believes would be an in
justice lo our patroi s and would re
suit in being worse for not only the
state bnt the city as wpII should Mr
Dietrich succeed in carrying the elec
tion There are many grave reasons
for this fear so man in fact that in
looking over the field they appear al
most universal-
In the first place Mr Detrich has
always supported an antagonistic fac
tion ia his own parry and this zeal m
many cases ha3 maintained many bit
ter con troversies that have in no ways
enhanced the public welfare of the
city Private and personal interests
have withhim always outweighed eith
er public rights or public good And
from this fact alonet if we judge the
future by the past it means that the
same spirit will be carried into state
affairs which will be dominated by his
personal prejudice and passions in a
way that will not reflect henefit or
credit upon either this cityor the state
A serious menace to the peoples
welfare is his unswerving allegiance to
well known railroads of this state It
was not always the case The memory
of his organizing the celebrated bovcott
against the Burlington system is fresh
in the remembrance of many of our
leadinp business men They tell about
the energy with which he pushed the
case against the road and cursed the
ever grasping powers of gigantic corpo
rations until he received a telegram
from the manager of the system to en
joy an outing in a special car with him
self and the late James Laird United
States representative through Wyo
ming His allegiance and pass over
left and its entire details were en
trusted His many tiips to Washing
ton and his conference with Senator
Hanna aud the use of the many priv
ileges which the railroad management
has showered upon him leaves
his iuterests were never identical with
the great common people and that
among this cl iss there is neither fol
lowing nor admiration for the man
or his qualifications is a serious fea
ture that will be manifested on election
day No comlunatiou among any
one class can carry a man into office
and the large brewery in Omaha that
asked a city business man if a certain
saloon Keeper would obtain his license
for next year on account of his oppo
sition to Dietrich shows a manipula
tion that ihiuking people will see is
counteracted The silent and appar
ent acquiesence of many leaders in his
own party bv no means indicate that
they are blind to all of these grave and
serious features and that many a bal
lot will be markad against him by the
conscietious repubican voter when he
enters the booth on election dav is
well known to us all
Some other features well knpwn to
every resident in this city carry a
weight little dreamed of by the state at
large Our cirizens we are pleased to
say have risen above all personal feel
ing or partisan zeal and on tbe broad
standard of that which is best for the
city the county and the state will
their ballots be cast Special to The
Omaha World Herald
When a party becomes so corrupt as
to attack the Declaration of Independ
ence and say of it that it was written
by candle light in a day when people
didnt know any better and that we are
wiser now it illustrates to the common
people that a change is only wanted by
men of corrupt political morals
Any effort to change that priceless
document or any part of it will be
looked upon by all honest liberty-loving
people as a blow to liberty and the
beginning of decay in our government
The Declaration of Independence was
good enough for our forefathers of rev
olutionary times It lasted through the
war of 1812 to 14 the Mexican war of
184G to 48 and the great civil war when
our land was bathed in blood for four
ytrars It biisrbbbn taught tfo e fcry
Will address the voters of
Of Superior
These two speakers will address the
Voters of
tne system are said to have dated frm i j
cnlinnl linv anil Qflinnl mrl fnr fill rnt
mis instant ana tne question has often ow j - -
neld tbe Ido1 of
been asked if this was the only consid ll24year3aud UP as
ur Liberty Its praises have been
eration However Mi mav ho
mm Imr slnnl licrhpr witi Mr tTm1i sung throughout our land by every
Ifc bas been read from
redge than has Mr Dietrich
and eulogized by all our
His trips to Hanna -As it will be every Platforra
of earIier times as the
greatest men
remembered it was to him the
tion for the site for the new rienotwaa grandest and most wonderful article
t f w t It w
Te following named gentlemen will discuss
he issues oi the Campaign from a Fusion
standpoint at the places and on
the dates named below r
ever framed by man and millions of
our people congregate every 4th of July
to do reverence and to commemorate
its adoption J Q Adams said of it
The Declaration of Independence
The interest whicn in that paper has
niedandunouestioned who constitute survived the occasion upon which it
the real life and backbone of the was issued -the interest which is of
every age and uveryhme the inter
ent campaign Whether the accept-
ance f such privileges does not imply est which quickens with thereof
yearb steads as it grows old aud
conditions which necessarilv are
lected in opposition to the interests of brightens as it recedes- m the
the ereat mass of the people and tax- ciPles which ll Is was the
first solenm declaration by a Nation of
payers of Nebraska is the question
wlrch the voter must determine And the onlr legitimate foundation of civil
if so would not such conditions out- government It was the cornerstone
of a new fabric destined to cover the
weigh all minor interests which would
urface of the demolished at
accrue to favored individuals in tins
city a stroke the lawlulness of all govern-
The fact that Mr Dietrich is a inents founded upon conquest It
banker will cut little or no figure in swept away all the rubbish of
this his home countvbut the fact that latett centuries oi servuuue iu an
nounced in practical form to tne
world the transcendant truth of the
inalienable sovereignty of the People
It stands and must forever stand
i alone a beacon on the buminit of the
mountain to which all the inhabitants
of the earth nniy turn their eyes for a
genial and saving light till time shall
be lot in eternity and this globe itself
dissolve nor leave a wreck oehind It
stands forever a light of admonition to
the rulers of men a light of salvation
and redemption to the oppressed So
long as this planet shall be inhabited
by human beings so long as man shall
be of a social nature so long as govern
ment shall be necessary to the great
moral purposes of society so long as it
shall be abused to the purposes of op
pression so long shall this declaration
hold out to the sovereign and the sub
ject the extent and the boundaries of
their respective rights and duties
founded m the laws of N ature and of
Natures liod
Henry Clay said in defense of Jeffer
son the writer of it In 18U1 he
snatched from the rude hand of usurp
ation the violated Constitution of his
country and that is his crime He
preserved that instrument in form
and substance and spirit a precious
iuheiitauce for generations to come
Will you no w my brother say
aught against that most precious of all
instruments the priceless gem that has
been held dear to every American
heart and treasured as a child his pa
rent Will you not drown and forever
choke and throttle that partisan spirit
that prompts you to cheer when the
foul mouth of a traitor to our own be
loved state lifts his voice against the
article that made us a free people that
our forefathers tought bled and died
to save 3 ye further than that every
true loyal patriot is still ready to die
for if called upon Hands off traitors
Who uares destroy or even scar tne
Star of Liberty
A complete press and printing
ontfit for sale Write or inquire
at this office 23 tf
Parker Son
j m
ffil K
wfa9iffTiwws ia
Rosebud S D
Range head of An
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
- C
Of Omaha
Will speak at
Wednesday Evening
OCTOBER 31st1900
Alfred Bordeaux and Bros
Iioscbud s D
Range between
and St Francis
1 rXnTiiriCftSThiJr jLk
Louis Bordeaux
Rosebud S D
Horses branded
r O Address
L W Parker
Relge Neb
Brand same as cut
Also ZP
Ranee on Niobrara
south of Crookston
PO Address
Rosebud SD
Drand Same as
cut on botli sides
ot cattle
Range Little
White River
John DeCory
Rosebud S D
W jxd
I iSbMBMli
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek -
Charles C Tackctt
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud S D
Leftside Left car
Range Little white
River at mouth of
Uedar Creek
Watch for Republi
I save you 20 to 50 per cent on your
insurance and write in the best mu
tual companies of the state
L M KICE Agent -
T 1