Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 25, 1900, Image 6
I M 1 in saic THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT i M RICE p 2FJ W f wwwJI niB Brownlee Neb On left side Range Swan take AGO S E Orr w2emsBmiMte H BBL f a M aSSZBAS EDITOR Brownlee Nebraska 33 W Pearson Brownlee Neb Same as cut Horses same on left shoulder Ranee -Goose Creek or Chacles H Faulhaber 43H Brownlee Right or left side of cat tle Horse same on leltshoulder Left ear cut off of cattle Range on Loup river WILLIAM FERDON Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Like cut on either left side or hip alBO etc side Hore same as cut on left hip 8250OO KJ CHAMBERLAIN CO Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Branded on either Side same as on cut also both Jaws RE WARD for con- eonvictlou of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands PS ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee Neb On left side or any part of animal Ear mark right ear cut off horses branded same on left lilp Also has stock branded n on side or shoulder or JK or TV or O VI oro or iyju Also ihe followinj the flrstfone beingonside and hip Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Range Between Goose Creek and 2Jorih Loup E K Vandegrift m j JSjTmwWSP55aM Frank T Lee Brownlee Neb l V J L K Belding I TT Cattle on left side horses same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee Brownlee Nebr On right side or hin On left sidi orhiD or I on left hin Range Calf Cree k Julius Heckman Brownlee Nebr Range south of Brownlee COIY NEBRASKA Garner Brothers ajtJffijggPfPPli Cody Nebr Cattle branded anvwhere some -with under neath the brand Horses on IPSE ieft shouI gg Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek S D Vetal Vlandry Cody Nebr Anvwhcre on cat tle Horses on left shoulder Range North of Eli I m j v i iiM J J Peck sJfjlSa Cody Nebr On both sides Horses CC on left thigh Range Head Pass Creek S D William Shangran Cody Nebr On left side Horses same Range Lake Creek S Dakota 0toi 1 Tft34jrgr yygq Cody Nebr A Geo Jj Coleman On left side Horses on left shoulder Range -10 miles west of Snake River Falls HOT C Evenson mi rTMYEFyMMfflteafc - f y Cody Nebr On left side and thigh horses the same on leftside Range -Between Niobrara and the Snake Frank Livermore Codv Nebr On both Mlm9 sides or IfV an where aail on animal fTT Also I on hip or shoulder Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek S D 4L 1 Clarence Cutcomb Cody Nebr Leftside on large cattle On small stock left Horses on left shoulder Range- South east of Cutcomb Lake Pm Stotts Stetter Cody Nebraska Branded on left side Range Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats Cody Neb W TU5 J Wheeler Bros Also B on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River 7 Bl I Henry Yourig I H Y Cody Nebraska Horse brand JHLY on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little White river S D William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DUfi Either side Also H On left side Also on left side low on right Left ear oi cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Horses J S on left shoulder Kange between Cody and Lake Creek ALONZO HEATH JHHEffE7wflH Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side Hor ses left shoulder Range north Cutcomb Lake A C RIEMENSCHNEIDER of Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On right side alsoX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw 3 3 on leit hip also 3 on jaw Range Old Poor Ranch on Niobrara J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On eft side of cat tle horses O right arm Range north and south of Niobrara River12 miles south west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MAYBEE Postofflce address Cody NebS On left side horses same left shoulder Earmark notch on underside of right ear Range east and s mtli of Eli CHARLES sm JEi2S3MK35JfcTS JOHN Posto ce address Cody Nebraska GART3IDE Postofflce address Cody Neb Cattle branded on left side also CG on left hip of cattle and ieft shoulder on horses Raime on Niobrara 10 mi southwest Cody SHANGRAN MsmM FRANK nnSllllPlfeifl wBBm MOGLE Pv Jtoflice address Cody Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and riht ear splithorses branded same on left shoulder Range on Niobrara and Medicine Canyon O H SEAGER Postofflce address Codv Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side hip and shoulder horses tame Range Snake Creek flj Fin E9Mta33BBsfiI53E22 ROBERT I HINES Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on left side horses same left shoul der Range on Snake south of Codr D L Tteed James Goodfellow 1 EI6S 1 j t Cody Nebr Same as cut on right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on right shoulder George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co Cody Nebr Cattle branded on left side Horses J3 on left Jaw Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake Chesterfield Nebraska DAN ADAMSON Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Brnded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Snake DAWSON BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on left Bide as on cut also V leltneckandZ left hip some V iott neck v left shoulder and Z lefthiDjhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River813233 yfnSjSBp k P A Cooper CP 1 Chesterfield Nebr Cattle branded same as cut on left side Horses same on left shoulder a Also on l leftside Gordon Gallop and Gregory Nebraska Hutt Brothers r Gordon Nebraska Rauge14 miles north of Gordon ThutJ F C DuerfeMt Manager fjord nn Nfibraska Cattle also brandede ru on ngiu uiy Horses and mules branded same as cut on left shoulder gp 400 JtEWAICD will be paid to any per son lor information leading to the arrest and final conviution of any Derson or persons steal ing cattle with the above brand S TV Chesnut Gordon Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle BrtZhri1 - WILLIAM BEAMER 8Hf it farT iiTirv i f ---- ----- r i i box Registered 876 Irwin on Niobrara river Gordon Nebr i Cattle branded same as cut on left side Horses branded on left shoulder G W BEAMER Ranee C miles south of Irwin Gordon Nebr Cattle branded on left side as in cut 6 inch box and 2V4 inch circle Brand registered S75 Horses chnnl fil der 2 inch circle l Inch Range C miles south of Peder Thorsen sWb l5 giffltVTO3aaM Gordon Nebraska On right sideT on right hip e horse brand and T on right shoulder Also cattle branded li S on leftside Range fowl miles south of Irwin Gordon Neb Also Jospph Eickel on left hip Horse brand S on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast of Gordon MORE7 A last ut Gordon Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake HEWETT Postofflce address Gordon Neb On left side of cattle horses same left shoulder als 243 and leitsm a on leit PJlKlflf nf some H V DOWNING Ranee south 1 Snake 35 mI south- JBL JBrri M J A SAULTS tfMnShiS Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left Bide or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr JULIUS PETERSON ostofflce address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles aorth of Gregory 9Bj9 C JENSEN ostofllce address Gallon Nebraska Left side on private stock and right side on cattle nelui also on leftside of cattle neiu ori left side Horses C J on left ihoulder Bange Elpht miles south of Gallop C S WILLIAMS YttiFr rfrl TfTtrift i m7ri1rViif Postofflce address Gallop Nebraska On left side also W I left side also Jlefthipalso V on side and S on hip horses Son left jaw Range Eight miles south of Gallop HYAKKIS STE25 H A BUCK Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis L L MORRILL J G Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Dn right side bor es same on right shoulder nge six miles aorth west of Moth er Lake nreoinct rostoffice address Hvannis Nb On left side also S on left hip horses S left shoulder Range 25 miles north of Hyannis COOLEY rcftSwlgffilate W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGH Postofflce address HyannisNel On left hip anc left side Also on left hip and leftside Horses same brands on shoulders Range 23 miles north of Hyannis 3ps E E AND H E WOODRUFF WijgpqFOHgffligi2ri larajftnj Postofflce address Hvannis Neb On left hip and left side Also stock branded on left side and reversed S on richt shoulder also right hin and left side I Range Mother Lake i GENTRY ABBOTT MONAHAN Postofflce address Hyannis Nphl2 Both on left side some stockS branded C left shoul der A left hip also NNS anywhere on left side also K A left side Itange head Middle Hill Also have stock branded en right side and hip jOUP A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Branded on right side and hip fffjg iiorses Wrim3tt on right hip lm Ranee Southwestern Cherry BLSRWj County The BE3IOCEAT lias the Largest Circulation in North western Nebraska SI a year l 1W V Kenncdy Nebraska Kennedy Nebr Merriman Nebr On both side and hip Herd mark dewlap Horses same on left shoulder Ranee Lake Creek and Little White River K S Eowley Same as cut on lefti side and hin and on left shoulder of hor ses AIso52H ou ieit uide Bf an hip J nil HfM Mn onfl F on left side U VKl ir4jtiL 1JiEtFl fljBrmrxffy B SffeliU L B Lesser BOT Seth Gary V - x C Meraiman Neb On both sides some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar left thigh RangeLake Creek and Little White River Merriman Nebr On left side al so on same side SM underlined Horses under lined M on left thigh Range Little White River George W Monnier Merriman Nebr KKHc3aniavHBHaaalaMM9 Left shoulder and left thigh Some g on left hip Horses same on left thigh Range East and southeast of Mer riman Sandy Williams Merriman Nebr Mostly on left side Some on right side Horses same on left shoulder Range Lake Creek S 1 Hw9 PSfc3SSr a i Hug rm7J7crCkrjmWim T F Franks Merriman Nebr fHfflqsmi8fia C H Little TSsJwC 1 Ikn wr On left side ear mark under slope norses J S on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast ofMer riman Merriman Nebr On either side Horses same on hip Also g on Range Lake Creek S D Louis J Kichards Merriman Neb VtJ - Ml Charles Richards Merriman Neb YccrI Louis F Richards M j ImSimmmimMI M ijT CSV 1 Merriman NeY a mr m m flVBQBt Hkv U wwf J 1 i ii ii n M i m JLBK G O Q on left hip of horses p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses HI q on left hip of horses Prideaux Sanford Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce address Kilgore Nebr Branded on left side Range Southeast of Georgia J R Wallingford KennedyNeb Cattle branded same as cut also some branded J on left hip r WM ER1CKSON Postofflce address Kennedy Neb1 On left side and hip horses O or A on eitjaw Range two mile8 northwest Ken nedy mLmmBMmmW Merriman Nebraska John Gresh Merriman iieo mSMSSm Cattle on left I M side and hip l O some on left side I g j Horses G on left i A x M Range-Cotton- fVf 9 wood lake Lean- MP Merriman Neb Brand registered iNO 1087 Brand same as cut on lpffc side Also left hip Range 10 miles soutn or Merrf man on the Nio brara CHAS 8 NICHOLS Postofflce address Merriman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 9 ml southeast of Merriman lmrzlltVmYmmfmWjmWmWM WfLW Wm JKT Wa m Hugh Bovill Manager Merriman Neb Also E F DEVINE Postofflce address t lueniniuu ncutvi Branded on left side horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niobrara river9 mi SE of Merriman 2iags g2ii6eS - All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north o Ell SELDER BROTHERS Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side of cat tie also TB horscsFST on left feollrf5j Range north and south of Niobrani River9 miSiutheast of Merriman GEORGE JESSEN jBtsbmJEa Postofflce address Merriman Neb On either left side or hip horses Bame on left shoulder R nge East of Cot tomvood Lake Criger siar MILLS BROS Merriman Nebr Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der Brand register ed 1091 Range 12 mlej southwest of Merriman on the Mobrara river Hi ir yiFff j V Ecoffey Sons Merriman Neb MV I tem Cattle brand d MV on left slue and Eon left jaw ears clipped Doth ends and JC on right hip and C ou right jaw un derblt on right earana MT on right side Horses branded JC on left hip and FE on left shoulder and T on left hip Range Between Pass Creek and southern part of the reservation and Wakplue Lake C Geo Bowlus A Ray Williams Manager Postofflce address Merriman Nebr State Drand Cattle and horses OM on left side Some have var ious olderbrands Ear mark Left ear clipped Range from F E M V R R Creek C GEO BOWLUS Scribner Nebr McCann Nebraska H SCHULTZ Portomce address McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut Range North and south of Georgia M RICHARDSON Postofflce address aicCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann 111111 L J - -