Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 25, 1900, Image 4

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lOiP Per Yeur in Atfvanup
Enteral at I fi e Post office at Valentine Cherry
eoratvftebtsifea as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
Co discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
ForTresldont W J BKYAN
For Governor W A 1OYNTEKBooDe
For Lleut Governor E A GILBERT York
For Secretary ol State C V SVOBODA How
ForTreasurer S If HOWAKD Holt
ForAttorneyGeneral W D OLDHAM Buf
For Commissioner of Tubllc Lauds and Buildings-
J CAKEY Saunders
For Superintendent of Fublic Instruction 0 F
For Presidential Electors
JtfSAKK T KaNSOM Silver Bepiibhcan
L N WENTE Democrat Lancaster
TAMES HUGHES Democrat Collax
JOHN n FELBKIt Populist Cedar
V G SWAN Populist Johnson
PETER EBBESON Populist Howard
For Member of Congress bixth District
WM NEVILLE North Platte
For State Senator Fourteenth District
For Bepreseniati ve of 52d District
County Ticket
For County Attorney A M MOKKISSEY
For CommissJouer oi First District
For Commissioner of Third District
Why didnt the Republican sheets
mention llannas meeting and recep
tion at Fremont You wouldnt have
known hed been there
That chunk of ice w Inch it is al
leged was shied at Mark Hanna while
he was speaking in Chicago was evi
dently sent by some well
party who wanted him to keep cool Or
perhaps to remind him of the chill
which will overtake him in No ember
llannas boast that he had taken
South Dakota out of the doubtful list
and given it to the republicans and
that before he left Nebraska he would
take Nebraska out of the doubtful list
and give it to the republicans sounds
as though coming from a god who
could command and drive things his
way We do not believe that all of
our people are willing yet to bow down
to Lord Hanna
Monday eyening the lion roared in
the republican camp and a few of the
leading spirits of imperialistic traitors
got together in Cornell Hall to cheer
Coal Oil Johnny Thurston for mak
ing an attack upon the immortal Dec
laration of Independence lie started
out with the characteristic republican
exclamation that he hardly knew what
to talk about but finally wound up
with a plea to the people to keep the
republican party m office
No wonder VanBoskirk has disposed
of his cattle as we understand he is in
favor of leasing the public domain in
large tracts to big stock associations
W F Hay ward our candidate for
state senator on the fusion ticket is
bitterly opposed to any such measures
The interests of our people are Mr
Hay wardrs The interests of the trusts
and combines are Van Boskirks The
party with which he atlies himself ver
ifies our statement Vote for Hay ward
for state senator Harrison Jfress
Reports from the eastern end of this
senatorial district are very favorable
for the fusion candidate for state sena
tor W F Hayward We supposed
from the first that Hayward would be
a winning candidate and reports cer
tainly indicate that he is even beyond
our expectation He is well versed in
law knows all about merchandising
and has a thorough knowledge of the
live stock business being also a stock
owner Not only is he posted as to the
requirements of the district but he has
the ability to present the claims of the
district in the halls of legislation in
such manner as to command attention
In tne western portion of the district
he is acknowledged even by bitter par
tisans of the opposition to be far su
perior to the republican candidate as
legardi gbpy Crifrfottl Bulletin
mftt sspoowacasaisrsE jsxslj
je f
Lincoln Nebr 18 1900
Before you vote this fall do not for
get the record the fusion state officers
made for honesty and economy in tin
management of the states business
Remember that all the institutions
under the fusion governor have been
run at a great deal less money than
they were under the republican admin
Remember that before a fusion state
treasurer took charge of the states
money that warrants were selling be
low their face value that are now sell
ing for more than their face value and
that they bear one per cent per annum
less interest
Remember that the people of the
state of Nebraska were robbed by Re
publican officials out of 500000
Remember that all the school money
is now invested in state warrants
Remember that never in the history
of Nebraska weie the school lands of
the state handled in the interest of the
school children until the fusionists took
charge of the office of commissioner of
public lands and buildings
Remember that during ten years of
republican control of the office of secre
tary of state only 1393289 were turn
ed over to the state treasurer while
under a fusion administration for three
yearsaiud nine months 41 90072 were
turned over to the state treasurer
Remember that the candidates on
the republican ticket are members of
the same old political gang who aided
Bartley who aided Moore who aided
Hilton who aided Hill and other re
publican officials in robbing the taxpay
out of 1500000
Remember that the republican can
didates were nominated by the same
men who nominated the defaulting re-
publican officials
Remember that William Stuefer re
publican candidate for state treasurer
when a member ot the legislature re
ported that Bartleys bond was good
and sufficient and Mat Stuefer is a
close friend of Bartley Moore Hilton
and other defaulting officials
Remember should a republican deny
that Steufer made such a report on the
Bartley bond that it can be found on
p ge 706 of the Senate Journal of 1896
Is there any reason when we remem
ber all these things for the people to
change If you had a good man on
your ranch or farm and you knew him
to be honest would you let him go and
hire a man whom you knew to be in
sympathy with men who formerly rob--bed
you of your cattle or grain You
know you would not Therefore be
true to yourself and your state and vote
for the fusion candidates
Remember voter if you cast your
ballot for a republican candidate for
the legislature you will be indirectly
voting for D E Thompsou for United
States Senator For D E Thompson
a man who is the head of the gas trust
of Lincoln a man who is the candidate
of the Burlington railway a man who
is backed by all corporate interests
both in and out of the state a man who
is a bitter enemy of organized labor a
man who according to the sworn testi
mony of fourteen reputable citizens
was willing to turn traitor to and re
nounce all the principles he had advo
cated for a position in the Senate a
man who is now advocating all the vi
cious things of the national administra
tionan increase in the standing army
imperialism trusts government by in
junction opposing labor unions a mau
who only two years ago was willing to
oppose all these things for office
Shades of the immortal Lincoln 1 Will
the people of the great state of Nebras
ka be guilty of such a thing But re
member if you vote for republican can
didates for the legislature aud that
body is republican Thompson will be
your senator Remember that the re
publicans of Lincoln are fighting him
If you doubt it write to Hon F M
Hall C O Whedon Frank M Tyrell
Judge J B Strode Hon G M Lam
bertson and A L Field They will tell
you why they are opposing Thompson
Not because they believe in fusion prin
ciples but because they prefer them to
electing a man like Thompson who is
devoid of principle J G M
No one in the campaign seems to be
discussing the Hanna Payne ship sub
sidy bill There is a small entering
wedge in the republican platform
squinting mni mieunuu uuncici
if the president should be re elected it
will be asserted that this bill has been
endorsed by the people Shculd it be
passed it will be a pure steal and will
in no way help commerce but will sub
sidize steamship lines already doing
a profitable business Doubtless the
matter has been freely discussed how
ever in private conferences with some
large contributors to the campaign
fund It is asserted that if this bill is
passed it will cost the people 270000
000 National Rural
Do you want to buy land It will
pay ytm tu sfefe X 51 Rtb
s S
TO 8
Thus far in the campaign very little
luis been said about the congressional
contest in this district 1 crhaps this
miht be attributed to two causes The
first is that the district is so sure to go
for the fusion candidate that the repub
licans have abandoned their fight for
that office and are directing their ener
gies in other directions The second is
that the fusionists feel so sure that they
will re elect J udge Neville that the
have also directed their energies in an
other direction But although this be
the case we w ant to call the attention
of our cattle men to the fact that in
Judge Neville they have had a cham
pion They will remember that less
than a year ago the representatives of
the Pasteur manufacturing company
and the Park Davis company the man
ufacturers of vaccine went before the
committee on agriculture aud protested
against any further manufacture and
distribution by the government of vac
cine for use on cattle These importers
and manufacturers wanted an opportu
nity to monopolize the trade on this ar
ticle Judge Neville was a member ol
that committee and made the fight that
saved the clause providing for the fur
ther manufacture and distribution oi
the vaccine The fact is recognized by
the stockmen generally that the article
furnished by the government is far su
perior to the article sold on the market
aud tnousauds of cattle have been vac
cinated in this district with the virus
furnished free by the government On
the hearing had before the committee
the fact was brought out that it could
be manufactured aud distributed by the
government for one fourth of a cent a
dose while the importers were selling
it at fifteen cents a dose There is man
a stockman in this county who has
taken advantage pf it and if there are
not those who did not bef oreyk no w that
all the had to uo was to write Con
gressman Neville stating the numu i
of cattle they desired to vaccinate and
as mg that they be supplied tnat thev
would be furnished with the neeeasan
vaccine let them write and they Aiit
see that this is the case In Judge Ne
ville the have had a representative
w ho has been alive to their interests
and they will remember him at tin
Governor Poynter and W A Old
ham were met at tlie train Monday
night by A M jUorrissey Geo Cyph
ers J ohn Lord and I M Kice and es
corted to the DonoUer hotel where
rooms had been engaged for tUem
Tuesday afternoon the governor Mr
Oldnam Mr Hunter Irom Omaua
and County Attorney Morrissey drove
down to the Fort returning about
supper time cold and hungry Great
numbers of our people were in from
the country to see and hear the gov
ernor and Mr Oldham We had ex
pected to have an afternoon meeting
by Prof D McCall who was billed to
speak at Georgia that evening but on
account of W B Price being calleu
to Lincoln it left Prof McCall as tne
only speaker at Georgia and he coulu
not take chances on coming down here
and being able to again reacn Geor
gia that night do our people visiteu
with each other and merry was tne
laugh and hearty was the handshakt
of the old timers coming together
There was a large number in and tne
hall was so crowded that over a hun
dred persons were compelled to stanu
while many turned away not bein
able to get into the hall at all
The ladies band played for the oc
casion anddid well The meeting
was begun witn a song by the Valen
tine flee club W D Oldnam was
tneu introduced by the cuairman oi
the P 1 party Mr Oldham criti
cally reviewed Mr Tnurstons past
caieer and discussed the political is
sues tor over two hours with zeal anu
earnestness After another camrpaig u
song Governor Poynter addressed tlie
people for haif an hour aud then in
troduced Hon Wm Neville who had
heard of our meeting while at Chad-
ron and came in on a special arriving
i at the hall in the midst of Oldnams
speech Mr Neville spoke of several
matters of great importance to oui
people and we trust his utterances
will not go unheeded
Mark Hanna who is still booming
prosperity and the full dinnei pail has
found it necessary to shut down the
Franklin furnace and Clinton iron oie
mines at Utica N Y operated by h s
firm M A Hanna Co throwing
some 400 men out of eniplo inent No
explanation is given why the fire
will be drawn although the ack of or
ders due to a growing depression af
fords a reason
Bismarck said of the gold standaru
policy that it reminded him of -to
many people trying to sleep under out
blanket on a cold night First on
would haul and then the other This
contest which is going on perpetually
is the best evidence of the insufficiency
of the gold supph to fulfill the growing
requirements of modern commerce aud
ffrauciM metfcotts fox basic mtmey
Carl ScburzCharacterizes Treat
ment of Filipinos
HcKinlcys Imperialistic Policy Has
Placed the Nation In the Attitude
of a Hypocritical Cheat Sneaked
Out of a Moral Obligation A War
Without Glory
Carl Schurz in a recent speech in
New York did not mince words in dis
closing his views of President McKin
ley in refusing self government to the
Filipinos He said in part
Let me say at the start that I con
sider the manner in which the impe
rialistic policy is being commended by
some persons to popular approval the
highest confidence game ever practiced
upon a free people In my whole long
life 1 have never known of such sys
tematic use of distortion of history
hypocritical cant garbling of docu
ments and false pretense I am here
to speak a word for truth and justice
and in doing so I shall call things by
their right names
Mr Schurz eloquently traced the his
tory of the war in the Philippines first
between Spain and the United States
in which the Filipinos rendered valu
able services to the United States gov
ernment He declared that the presi
dent refused to heed the righteous de
mands of the Filipinos for freedom
but purchased that nation at the rate
of 2 per head
In the name of this republic said
Mr Schurz he bought a people like a
herd of cattle from a defeated com
mon enemy against whom by the side
of our flag those people had victorious
ly fought for their freedom and inde
pendence Yes he did that very thing
without even listening to them and he
now asks the American people to de
clare by their solemn votes that it was
well done and that they approve it
And how do the presidents defend
ers excuse this atrocity By saying
that we owe tlie Filipinos no moral
consideration that should have kept us
from doing it This excuse is almost
nay fully as mean as the original
misdeed Itself The Filipinos were in
fact our allies in the war against
Mr Schurz defended the claim of the
Filipinos as allies of our government
and declared they had been officially
recognized as such by the United
States and were and are entitled to
treatment as such although not form
ally promulgated by treaty
And what would you call a man
who sought to sneak out of such a
moral obligation on the miserable plea
that it had not been formally written
down and signed and sealed and deliv
ered What you would call him I
leave to your sense of honor You
would certainly regard him as a per
son obtaining valuables under false
pretenses unfit for the company of
And that is the attitude in which
President McKinley has placed this
great republic Arc you Americans
proud of your country Here
stands the poor Filipino before
you able to say to you You have
cheated me And you must cast
down your proud eyes for you
cannot answer nay This is one of
the things the presidents imperial
istic policy has done with us
But the poor Filipino may say some
thing more He may say In order to
carry through your cheat you are now
slaughtering us And again we can
not answer nay I am aware that the
president in his letter of acceptance
trying to revive a long exploded story
tells us that the Filipinos began the
fight the lamb ferociously assailing the
lion Everybody knows that the first
shot was fired by an American soldier
killing a Filipino who crossed the line
on territory which ought not to have
been occupied by the Americans and
that General Otis officially reported
The engagement was one strictly de
fensive on the part of the insurgents
and of vigorous attack by our forces
This is one of the things which the
president also forgot
I have again and again challenged
the Imperialists to show me in the
whole history of the world a single act
of perfidy committed by any republic
more infamous than that committed by
Mr McKinleys administration agaiast
our Filipino allies and I have received
no answer but a sickly sneer Not one
of the imperialists has been able to
point out in the history of any re
public since the -world stands a
single act surpassing in treacherous
villainy this thing done in the name
of the great republic sprung from
the Declaration of Independence
the republic of George Washington and
Abraham Lincoln Where is the Amer
ican having the honor of his country
truly at heart who will not hang his
head in shame and contrite humiliation
at this deep disgrace
And what a war It Is said Mr
Schurz this war carried on to subju
gate or kill our Filipino allies a war
without glory a war for which even
those who defend it have nothing but
regret and shamefaced apology
Let us now review in a few words
what imperialism has so far really
made of us It has perverted the sol
emnly proclaimed War of liberation and
humanity into a war of land grabbing
conquest criminal aggression and sub
jugation thus destroying the belief of
mankind In the sincerity of our virtu
ous profession branding us as a nation
of hypocrites and destroying our moral
credit with the world It has seduced
us to commit the meanest misdeed a
nation can commit the crafty betrayal
of an ally and the wanton slaughter of
innocent pebble
JT I rrOTiAlBlfWIWHHOIHHHaaHRNdiaugJlh l MnMrirTlMlMllliln n 111 IITTinTT iimn FIT ISWBMMWIln 1 M Ill IBillMiMMl V S Vilil - LlmtlPi cBf
4 -
i fe
See nursie what a good joke Willie has just written about me I de
clare that boy is a humorist Hes almost as funny as Teddy New York
Evening Journal
Hanna a Christian Scientist
Chairman Hanna exclaims I dont
believe that there is a trust in the Unit
ed States What is this but the Chris
tian Science cure applied to economics
The Christian Science healer banishes
disease solely by declaring that it does
not exist although the patient may be
Writhing in pain- By affirming that
there is not a trust in the United States
the Christian Science Republican chair
man hopes to convince his countrymen
who suffer by reason of trust exactions j
they are victims or a ueiusion rmia
delphia Record
President McKinley says there is
no such issue as Imperialism and
yet he devotes the greater part of
his extended letter of acceptance in
antagonizing it It Is an issue which
cannot be ignored It cannot be
culed it cannot be suppressed It
overshadows all other issues it is
here to stay David B Hill
Drummers Are Interested
The drummers are taking a lively in
terest in the campaign because they
are convinced that it involves their
prosperity They properly consider
the Republican party the friend and
champion of trusts and in the trusts
they recognize their most dangerous
enemy Atlanta Journal
So man on earth loves his children
better than the American working
man What chance in life will they
have If the trusts are not smashed i
TV J Bryan
The Beneficent Jfail Trust
The nail trust has raised the price
of nails so high that they are becoming
a luxury where once they were a ne
cessity and many projected building
schemes have come to a standstill ow
ing to the cost of putting wood
ex And j4hetWfit3 arfe h
qWianaftWBMrwyw wfnmnBin
Find Every Precedent In Our His
Surprised to Working-
men and Farmers Are In- torv Points l the Eleo
tion of Bryan
telligent Beings I
According to Mr Roosevelts account
of himself he grew to the physical
stature of a man before it dawned up
on him that any one In working clothes
could be companionable or even enti
tled to the distant respect of that lord
of creation who happened to inherit
It will be remembered that it was
only about 2 years ago February
1898 that Roosevelt wrote an article
for The Century Magazine in which
speaking of the cowboys of the north
west whom he had described as cut
ting mad antics when drunk on the vil
lainous whisky of the frontier towns
and as indulging often in deadly
shooting affrays he said But they
are much better fellows and plcas
antcr companions than the small
farmers or agricultural laborers
nor are the mechanics of a great
city to be mentioned in the same
In addressing tlie labor organizations
at Chicago on Labor day Roosevelt
told how he was thrown into intimate
companionship with the cow punchers
and what a revelation it was to him to
find that they were persons for whom
he could have an immense liking and
Later he got thrown into close rela
tions with farmers and was surprised
to find that they too were men and
Americans and fit to hold converse Avith
the ah nobility shall we call those
who were born with an income
Even this experience failed to get the
general truth into his artistic mind
and so he went on feeling of people
who toil railroad men and others
and finding to his surprise that cow
punchers and farmers and heirs did
not absorb all the manhood of the
The only way of distinguishing a
good trust from a bad trust accord
ing to the Republican idea is to go
to the trust for a campaign contri
bution If the trust gives liberally
it is good if It gives stingily it is
bad W J Bryan
It took four years of John Adams
with his alien and sedition laws in
tended to suppress liberty of speech
and convert the republic into an elect
ive monarchy before the people of the
United States were ready to put a man
like Thomas Jefferson to the front as
their leader and defender and tho
founder of true Democracy It took
four years of the second Adams with
his subserviency to the financial power
which then overshadowed the Union
to get the people ready for Andrew
Jackson who had been defeated by
Adams on his first trial for the presi
dency just as Bryan was defeated by
It took one defeat and four years for
the Republican party then a party of
freedom to gain sufficient strength to
elect Abraham Lincoln The principles
of the Liberal Republicans and Demo
crats with Horace Greeley as their
candidate went down In overwhelm
ing defeat in 1872 only to triumph In
the election of Samuel J Tilden as
president of the Uhited States four
years later The fact that Tilden was
defrauded out of the election and did
not assert his rights as he ought to
have done cannot change the fact that
he had a majority of the electoral
Bryan was defeated In 1S9G and it
has taken four years of British alli
ance trust and imperial misrule under
McKinley to prepare the people of the
United States for the struggle of 1000
in which is to be decided whether
Americans shall remain free and self
governing with a fair opportunity in
life for every citizen or the republic
shall be a republic in name only ruled
by arrogant trusts allied in foreign
policy to England and administered in
the interests of a wealthy few with
the masses as their vassals and slaves
The people will record their conclu
sions on the Gth of November and ev
ery precedent in American history
points to the election of Bryan and the
repudiation of trusts imperialism and
English dictation In American affairs
New York News
The method of the enforcement of
injunctions in our federal courts
has been -especially obnoxious tn
workingmen in many parts of the
Union The abuses incident thereto
Hanna on the Stump
The Democrats could hardly ask any
thing better than that Senator Hanna
should continue on the stump His
coarse brutality and his perversion of
facts are good vote makers for the op
position to the Republican party Con
gressman Gaines of Tennessee points
out that while Senator Hanna now de
nies the existence of trusts The Con
gressional Record for the recent ses
sion on page 684 shows not only that
Senator Hanna recently recognized the
existence of trusts but indorsed and
advocated them as good things for the
country Savannah News
It is the contention of the Demo
cratic party that the constitution is
and must be supreme over every
portion of our country Hence there
can be no such thing as an Ameri
can colony belonging to the United
States over which our constitution
has no jurisdiction Such a situation
is impossible under our form of
government It would be an anom
aly David B Hill
Mountain States For Bryun
The Pittsburg Post says The indi
cations are that Bryan will carry the
mountain states as he flid in 1805
These include Idaho Colorado Mon
tana Nevada Utah and Wyoming
Roosevelt was sent west in the hope of
revolutionizing tljem but Jt is 4 cer V
nave come to be populnrly knowit
by the name of government by in- tr
junction and the Democratic party
in Its national platform has express
ed its opposition to that form of op
pression David B Hill