Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 25, 1900, Image 1
S AX V wr h II iv- 4 m f THIS y D STINABD B v zf - -V - 1 iXi OI7JB WOMJK CLOTHIER C II CORXEIiI PreMident G UAMANTKED f - A - T 4 i J IS A HOT CAMPAIGN TVe dont refer to politics but to the Twentieth Century way of doing Business GASH VS CREDIT If Cash will not win why do our com petitors follow us and offer to giye you 10 per cent off for Cash REMEMBER THIS That it will only be a question of time until our competitors adopt our Cash Style of doing business If they are right THEN surely we arc right NOW Gloves Caps Underwear A y -if 9 Mittens Overshoes Overalls THE RED FRONT AAAAAAAAAAAAAmAAAftAAAA JMAAAA AAAAAAMAAAA CLOAKS P For Ladies Misses and Children AAArf I fcftftftftftA MftAjftAftAA 9 I TheDONOHER W XXX Is continually adding improvements and it is now tht best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Boom Tw Sample Rooms m wwrmhhm swrere m CAPES ROOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS practical tailoring VALENTINE NEBR SI V NIC H0LS03 Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Batik New York First National Bunk Omaha Neb WrfeiftrrArifTfiirr tOt Tgtr i FRANK ECOFFEY We respectfully call 3Tour attention to onr complete lines of Dry Goods Ilats and Caps Boots and Shoes Groceries and Lumber You will find onr prices to be as low as any in the business We will from time to time have something of interest to tell you through our adver tisement and something that will be to your advantage Fair treatment to all Merrimatv Hebf aska ijsy jr vVv MVy n wvw -- THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOLUME XY I MMHHHHHHBMmHHMinnHHMHH vyvvvvvvvvvvvvvviwyvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwrvvvv VALENTINE NEBRASKA OCTOBER 25 vww vvvyvvvvvvvyvAnrnnviirvwrvvvvrvvvv TATT CSV TUR TOWM Tea at Farn 33 Minnekadusa lodge No 192 A F A M will meet in regular session on Tuesday Nov 0 at 8 p m Work in the first and second degrees Visiting brethren cordially invited A fulMine of furs at I L Efners 36 tf Wm Scribner a taxpayer for the U P R R was hurt in a runaway while out on a hunt with a party of I friends near Merriman The rig tip ped over throwing the party out but the others escaped uninjered ners lower extremities are paralyzed For Sale or Trade A Dempster windmill galvanized steel nearly new and a 10x2 ft water tank 38 tf Hans Uhlrich Perry Miller of Hay Springs was up on Pine Ridge Reservation at Bil ly Webbers last Sunday and was ac cidentally shot in the thigh by a com panion He was taken to Merriman and euerything possible was done for him but there was little hope for his recovery and death finally claimed its victim Wednesday morning at 3 oclock We have just received a brand new stock of rubber goods and under wear W A Pettycrew 37 Several of our people are sick and the disease is said to be contagious by the doctors and red flags have been ordered put up at places where there is contagious disease The name of this disease has been passed upon by the doctors but as they denied that it was smallpox in the first place we would have to have the disease to convince us that it is smallpox now However it is similar to smallpox chicken pox or measles and it makes one sick for a few days and as we have no grudge against anyone we dont want to catch the disease Ev erybody is hereby warned to keep away from the red flags and use due J precaution to keep others from rush ing into danger The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat er will save you coal and produce more heat than any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf SQr T V Valentino Lodge No 0 Uy J X Meets everv second and fourth Wednesday even ing of each month at Hornbys Hall A cordial invitation is extended lo alL visiting members O Y MuREY President MAUD V MOKUAltElDGE SeCy Valentine Nebr week -v Oct 24 1100 -A new line of gloves at Farnbams The Red Front has a new adv Eead it We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew H Wait for our car of fine New York apples for 300 per bbl The -Red Front 40 tf Hon J JR Dean of Broken Bow will speak at Wood Lake on Wednesday evening October 31 1900 For Sale Second hand harness Will sell cheap Inquire of JOHN Smyer 3S tf Judge W H Westover will speak at Cornell Hall Saturday evening October 27 1900 Come out and hear him i A supper was given the speakers after the meeting Tuesday night at Mrs Lawsons restaurant by A E Thacher A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 R S Dennis the painter is in Gor don this week painting Mr Winships residence This shows well for our town and also for Mr Dennis Charles Lewis of Omaha got tangled in the swamp rushes north of Vlerriman while out hunting and was ruptured in his efforts to free himself Ladies call and see our line of trimmed hats 1 L Epner 36 tf Hon John Yeiser of Omaha and Hon G W Stubbs of SuperiorNebr will address the people of Valentine at Cornell Hall Thursday evening November 1st 1900 Buy a Woodmanse windmill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tf There will be a public entertain ment given at the M E church under the auspices of the Junior -League There will be a free will offering box at thedoor All are invited to attend Try that Kams 50c Japan There was a good crowd in attend ance at the Crookston meeting Wed nesday night Prof McCall a farmer of Valley county Nebr spoke in an instructive manner for over two hours on the political issues and beinga man of mature years having heard the cries of Tippecanoe and Tyler- too in 184o was listened to with great interest by his audience The Valentine glee club sang campaign songs and Prof McCall gave two se lections of poetry of his own compo sition which were highly appreciated For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr Joseph Langer candidate for repre seUtative of the 52d district came in Mbnday morning from his home near Norden to visit a few of our Cherry county people and get acquainted Mr Langer is a man who has always lived on a farm and enjoys farm lite being a man of considerable talent and is a self educated man who has the good will and respect of his neigh bors and acquaintances Mr Langer was born in Austria Hungary in 1863 coming to this country when about nineteen years of age and though never schooled in the U S he is thbroughly familiar with the English language having always been a stu dent a careful observer a logical reasoner a good scribe A good hearted conscientious thinking man is honest Joe Langer liiHinttrcliti Iron Serve Whs the result of his splendid health indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where stomach liv erkidnesaiid bowels are out of order If you want these qualities smd the success they bring use Dr Kings New Life Tills Oiilv 25c at Elliotts 2 Local Weather Record U S Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau j nding Wednesday Highest emp for week 80 des on the lout temp for week3J cleg on the 21th Meiu temp tor week 50 leg Av temp for the week tor 10 years 40 deg Excess of temp for the week lo Accumulated excess of temp since Jan 11JOO 1077 deg Total precipitation for week 01 inches Av precipn for week for 10 ye rs 021 incites Deficiency of precipitation for the week 17 inches Total precipn from Jan 1 lOOOto date 21G4 inches Av precipn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date 1819 inches excess ot preipn from Jan l 1900 to date 345 inches Highest velocity of wind for week 3G miles per hour trom the mv on the 2lst FRANK R BEAHAN Observer Weatner Bureau For sprainsswellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber lains Pain Balm Try it For sale by Quigley Chapman 2 Ask forour pi ices on job work LEGAL NOTICES- Notice to Non Resident Defendants W HPeters first and real name unknown Mrs W li Peters wife of W H Peters first and real name unknown non resideut deiund iu ts You rre hereby notified that on the 25th day of October looo William F Kelly as pkuntiit filed his petition in the district enure of Ciieiry County Nebraska against vou as defendants impleaded with Fphraim i Edwards and Alary F Edwards and The Nebraska -Mortgage and Trust Company a corporation organized and do ing business under the laws of tlie Suite of Nebraska as your co defendant the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mort gage deed executed on the 23rd day of August lK by EpJiraun D Edwards and Mary F Edwaids upon the properly described as fol lows to wit The n of the be of eetlon 27 and the of the swJi of section 20 in said county Oiven to secure the payment of one certain promissory note in writing made executed and delivered by the said Ephraini I Edwards and Mary F Edwards to The Nebraska Mortgage andTrust Company and which has been sold assigned and delivered to plaintiff wbo is now the owner thereof for the sum of four hundred dollars due and payable on the first day of September 1804 witli interest from date to ma turity at tile rate of seven per centum peran nuin payable semi annually and interest at the rate of ten percent per annum after matur ity aud there is now due and payable on said promissory note the sum of Gio 00 with inter est at the nite of ten ner centum per annum from the first day of September li00 for which Mini with interest plaiutitf praya lor a decree that the defendants pay the same and tuat in default of such payment said premises uuy be bold tosatisiy the amount louud duo the pam tilf and for general relief You are required to answer said- petition on or before the lOiu daj of December looo Dated at Valentine Nebraska October 25th 1900 WILLIAM F KELLV Plaintiff 40 4t AM MORKISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff Final Account Iu the matter oL the Estate of James DeDorde deceased iu the County Court of Cherry County Nebraska Now on the 21th day of October 1900 came T Hie DeBordeadmini tratrix of said estate and prays for leave to render an account of such ad ministratrix It is therefore ordered that the 10th day of November 1900 at 10 oclock a m at my office in Valeuliue be fixed as the time and place for examining and allon ing such aceounr and tin heirs ot said deceased and all persons interested in said estate are required to appear at the linio and place so designated aud show cause if any such exists why said account should not be allowed It is furtner ordered that saia Tillfa DeRorde administratrix give notice to all persons iuter ested in tHid estate by causing a conv uf this order to be published in the alentiuti Demo crat a newspaper printed ana iu circulation in sum comity ior turee weeKs prior to date set forbearing rm WR TO WNE County Juflge Dauxi ucroner 24 looo 40 3 1900 NTTMBEK 40 - 1 i t - 11 r - 1 1 vf 1 COFFEE I I DIDNT TASTE GOOD i THIS MORNING I Then it wasnt onrs g WE HA YE THE GREATEST VARIETY IN THE - - ol - f0 CITY h Chase vfc Sanborns Fine Eio 15 cents fcf J Chase Sanborns Blended Santos a splendid f J drink 20 cein 43 Chase Sanborns Highland Jilend 30 cedts J Chase Sanborns Mocha and Java Seal brand fcfi Took first prize at Worlds Fair Chicago ii Jn 1 pound cans 40 cents 2 pound cans 75 cents - S 4 sr x x 5 DAVENPORT THACHER 4 General Merchants i 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 - MEAT MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of - FRESH - FRUIT - AND - Give Yoor Money a Chance GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Starters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA VT- H m r ih 1 kN flirSTT K I 4PV W T232g2g2TO r - tfmL B W imammt men m m j LIVERYBARN WALCOTT LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to WAL00TT STEVENSON LiVERV FEED AND SALE STABLE Man say that it takes money to make money but this does not hold true if you trade at Viertels Ko matter how little money yon have to spciidyou can always save something by buying here Com pare our prices with those of other stores and see how much we can save you Salt Coal Fence Posts HandL All Kir ds I bttSttPSPH 4 4aW atodSte V i MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTOX NEBR V 9 J 7 AAAAAAiSiAAAAAAXAAAHAAAAAAAiAAAXXII NTING E S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska At 2 PAPER HANGING 5 CALCIMINING wWVv 2 2 All work well done I yvvvv9vyvyvfvvvvyvyyvvvvvyfyyyyy4 lJiJTJjrT VfJOFsft 1 We fTTrgjvi 1 4 - A J D S 8 1 in -- ViVA tOLOiXU M fgJfgr n -