r 3 ImL trtfc IS SM 1 if V it1 i -- H my I 1 fc y yJf - wa x y fcyj l v - - RskwS231 S3E DOCTO MgGREW CO years old Office over 215 8 14tU St THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST tn the treatment of all forms of DISEASES AND DISOKDEKS OF 31EN SB Years Experience 14 Years lu Omaha UADinnnCI C cured quickly and perman tMnluUuLLL ently The most natural and scientific treatment that has yet been discovered IT NOW REQUIRES BUT A FEW DAYS to cure varicocele without cut ting pain or loss of time CHARGES LOW 1 positively guarantee a cure QYPUII IQ la al stages and condition O I rnlLIO cured and every trace of the disease is thoroughly eliminated from the blood All appearances of the disease quickly disappear No BREAKING OUT of the disease on the skin or face A cure that Is permanent for life WEAKNESS mfcruoslngFmAdiNeflaoffg from Excesses or Early Vices Niht Losses 6tricture Hydrocele Diseases of the Bladder tnd Kidneys Nervous Debility Gonorrhoea Gleet CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES 1G Treatment by mall or express free from public gaze Kree Consultation Bend for Free book on DISORDERS OF HEN Hours 8 a m to 5 p in 7 to 8 p m pays 8 to 12 P O Box 7G5 Office orer 14th Street between Faruam and Douglas Streets OMAHA NEB SUMMER TOURS via the WABASH RAILROAD On June 1st the Wabash will place on sale summer tourist tickets good to re- turn until October 31st to all the sum mer resorts of Canada and the East The Continental Limited Leaving Chicago at 12 noon leaving St Louis at 9 a m which was so pop ular with the traveling public last year will run on same schedule time this Eeason For rates time tables or further In formation in regard to trips East or to Europe or a copy of our Summe Tours call on or write G N CLAYTON N W P Agt Room 405 N T Life Bids OmahaNeb COUNTRY PUBLISHERS OMAHA Vol 3 No41 COMPY -1900 Farmers and Poultrymen Yon can not afford to be without LAKS LICE EXTERMINATOR Save jyour nogs irom Cholera iiorscs ana 3 Sheep from Distemper Scratches and Mange Keep your Cattle free from I Flies and Poultry frcm Cholera Roupe j Scaly Leg c If your dealer does not Jkeep it send 75 cents for a gallon LAKE CHEMICAL CO I9I3CRANDAV Kannas City Alo Whats what about the KE fc 1 6S252iefl ri ISi Set 8r 5 9D lEjijric9rl lllslsgislaslsisgss1 llifS5IsS3S3555lsv3sSi iTgV b2 issTflsrsV 3 2 S S Siao a a g rs a o 5 o as i Stir MS8 3SStgS2Bft2 8 riWMi 1 H iitT Itraj 3 qjr 1 ti ais i I InSH3 s tii mirr irae2r o V fa PlsSooKotvipOsSSBS gsfa35Cggisifii55X J Br Kayt L t cura - - July 7th CURES all Kidney Diseases Bacu ache etc At drug gists or by mail 81 Pree book ad vice etc of Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y IT ociUaraTr lii KIMBALL BROSMFGS 1051 9th St COUNCIL BLUFFS IA ing whereof they speak The following branch offices are now under the Kharas management of Omaha Missouri Valley la Prof Aldrich Mgr Jefferson la Dr Webster Mgr Atlantic la Prof T J Ruddy Mgr Harlan la Miss Marion Thompson Mgr Fremont Neb Prof T A Edwards Mgr Fremont r Neb Mrs Lela Edwards Matron Ord Neb Prof R Dee Hairion Mgr Ord Neb Mrs Addie Hamon Mat ron Hastings Neb Prof D J Gallen tirie -Mgr Aurora Neb Prof A Gillet Mgr Aurora Neb Mrs D Gillet Matron Offices will likely be established dur ing the next three or four months at thefollowing points In Nebraska Lin coln Grand Island Ponca Superior Kearney Chadrori Beatrice Nebraska City - 7 wu - -- x-a- - SOUTH OMAHA MARKET REPOHT Live Stock Report furnished by the Flato Commission company of South Omaha Neb There has been no material change In the condition of the fat cattle trade since last wee There have been very few choice corn fed steers on the mar ket and those sold at fully last weeks prices The bulk of the offerings have been half fat and common quality stuff which buyers were forced to take or go without anything at all in the steer line The consequence has been that the half fat stuff has been selling a little stronger than it did last week There have been but few good range steers offered that were suitable for killing purposes and they have not been in such active competition with the native steers as is usual at this season of the years Receipts of cows and heifers have been pretty liberal but the market has been holding up in excellent shape Last Saturday the market was 10 to 15 cents lower than the week before but this week there has been no change at all to speak of good cows and heifers selling strong and others fully steady The past week has seen a steady de cline in the price of stockers and feeders and they are now 30 to 50 cents lower than at the beginning Vf last week The market the past few days has been in anything but a satisfac tory condition and prices have gone off 10 to 20 cents in the last two days It takes choice stock now to bring 400 and the big end of the stuff is selling away below that Receipts of hogs have been liberal the past week and prices have been in a very demoralized condition There has been a constant decline since last Saturday and prices are now 17- cents lower than last Monday and 27 cents lower than a week ago The good heavy hogs are coming into demand again and are selling at just about the same figures as the good light hogs and we do not think it will be very long before the choice hogs will all sell in the same notch HAVE YOU A GOOD WINDMILL No farm is complete without a wind power mill It pumps water saws wood grinds feed chops fodder and works gladly and freely every day in the year In this connection we call at tention to the advertisement in an other column of The Aermotor Co Chicago 111 We heartily endorse and recommend this great concern and ad vise our readers to correspond with them for catalogue and full particulars Why not doctor yourself Gonova Tablets are guaranteed by Ividd Drug Co Elgin 111 to cure all diseases Inflamma tions ulcerations or the urinary system organs bladder etc or send free medi cine until cured if guaranteed lot fails An Internal remedy with injection com bined the only one in America Price 3 or 2 for 5 sent per mail Retail and wholesale 6f Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Da vis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Phar macy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City Complete line of rubber goods ask for what you want SYSTEM of July 12 th H VX BlJ m I h Wi i 1 1 m b Mjh k Wmm vMSl3 Which Cures Every Known Chronic Disease Without the Use of Drugs in Any Form or the Surgeons Knife The Very Strange History of the Life of Mr Cason Bartusek A Bohemian Laborer Living at 26th and L Streets South OmJiSa Something over two years ago Mr C Bartusek a workingman employed sn the construction gang of the Ar mour Packing company of- South Omaha was at work in the basement -of one of their new buildings then un dergoing construction A workman overhead allowed a large beam to fall in such a way as to strike Mr Bar tusek across the back and hips while be was in a stooping position He was immediately taken to the hospital and placed binder the care of the very best doctors In time he reebvered so that be could nobble about with the aid of crutches and the physicians insisted that he must undergo an operation to enable him to walk without his crutch es but the operation performed made bim much worse For the past two years he has stood on the street corners Df Omaha and South Omaha and begged work grinding knives and scissors to make a miserable living A friend met him one day and told him to go to Prof Kharas the Magnetic Osteopath He came to the institution in uilmha and was examined As he was unable to pay lor treatment he was placed in the clinical department where he re mved treatment free by two of the students of the Kharas School but un- aer ine uiieiiioi ui unc ui mc tvn crs in the institution A photogfaph was taken on the day le first came to the institution for as soon as Prof Kharas examined him he knew a cure could be made and wished to place photographic proofs of his work on record He had never since being hurt been able to straighten his left leg a single inch although a great deal of force was used by the hospital surgeons to straighten it At the Kharas Insti tution after five days treatment- by combined Magnetic Healing and Osteo pathy he was able to walk with a cane straightening his leg with per fect ease The second photo was taken July the 12th In four days more he was discharged from the infirmary per fectly cured and he is sound and well today and is hard at work at manual labor earning a good living for himself and those who depend on him As Mr Bartusek is a foreigner he cannot read or write the English language tmt if any man or woman will investigate this case or similar proofs submitted by Prof Kharas of the grand and good work he is doing for maimed crippled and afflicted humanity the result of the investigation will always be in fa vor of the new science of Magnetic Os teopathy as it has been named by the originator Prof TheQ Kharas Prof Kharas never turns a patient away from his institution in Omaha because the pa ent has no money If he is a poor man he can get treatment free This rule however does not to oranch offices The usual rates for treatment at headquarters and at branch offices in Iowa and Nebraska are 5 a week for one treatment a day or 10 s week tor two treatments a day The very worst cases of paralysis rheu matism female trouble tumors stom ach Hver and kidney troubles are cur able by this new method in from one to three weeks - A littfe over a year ago this work was practically unknown just then be ing introduced by Prof Kharas To day he has in his different institutions a working force of over thirty of his graduates- who are doingv grand- good for humanity and are earning splendid salaries for themselves It takes three months to graduate in the Kharas School but all graduates are em ployed Kharas wall not accept as a student a man or woman of question able reputationand character and he offers employment to all he accepts as students This is positively guaranteed and there is a vast fortune behind any offer Prof Kharas makes Those who chose to investigate this matter a few months ago are now reaping rich re wards while those who were blind be cause they did not want to see are still turning their backs on the greatest blessing mankind lias ever known and are calling it a fraud without know- Offices to be established in Iowa Sioux City Des Moines Boone Daven port Council Bluffs Burlington Fort Dodge Waterloo Cedar Rapids Mus catine Dubuque Keokuk And at other good points as rapidly as good men and good women can be foundvWho will takethe regular course of instruction and graduate from the Kharas School in Omaha and then take the management of one of these insti tutions on a large salary No branch schools The treatment at the branch offices is just the same as at head quarters except no treatment Is given free as it is given in the clinics of the school at Omaha for the benefit of the students Students never see or treat July 16th patients who pay for their treatment but those who do not pay are always treated by the students under the di rection of one of the teachers Posi tively no instructions given by anj branch manager or matron Graduates of other reputable schools of Osteo pathy or Magnetic Healing are accred ited a small amount of time and tuitior on account of work taken elsewhere but as there is no other school teach ing thecombinedmethods as taught bj the Kharas System you cannot ge employment without taking the Khara course - The management in Omaha takes pleasure in sending literature or an swering questions honest lawyiers and others fairly well educated or any young mar or woman who wants to enter a lucra tive life profession 5n a sound basis wherein he or she will not have to un dergo a starvation period are in- vited to correspond with Prof Theo Kharas -The Original Magnetic Osteo A path 1515 17 Chicago St Omaha Neb J j 15he in love with and married an idler Ste phen Orry Her father had other hopes fo her and in his anger he disowned her I Then orry deserted her and ran away to I sea Of this union however a child was 1 born and Rachel called Mm Jasons urry was neara irom in tne isie 01 Enen where he was again married and another son was born Rachel died a broken hearted woman but told Jason of his fathers acts Jason swore to kill him and if not him then his son In the meantime Orry had deserted his ship and sought refuge in the Isle of Man and was sheltered by the governor of the islana Adam Pairbrother Orry went locks war born The woman died and urry gave their child to Adam Pair brother who adopted him and he be came the playmate of the governors only daughter Greeba Time passed and the governor and his wife became estranged their five sons staying with their mother on account of their jealousy of Sunlocks who had become a favorite with the gov ernor Finally Stephen Orry confesses his misdeeds to Sunlocks who promised to go to Iceland to find Rachel if possi ble and care for her and if she was dead to find her son and treat Iiim as a brother He bid good bye to his sweet heart Greeba andstarted on his journey Meantime Jason had started- on his journey of vengeance and his ship was wrecked on the Jsle of Man He saved the life of his father unknowingly Orry died and on his death bed was recog nized by Jason CHAPTER X THE END OF ORRY When the tumult was over and all fives appeared to be saved and noth ing seemed lost save the two vessels the schooner and the yawl which still rose and feil on the Carick and tiie forked reef of the head and the people separated and thethree old net weav ers straggled back to their home the crew of the Peveril went off with the Fairbrothers to Lague Great prepar ations were already afoot there for Asher had sent on a message ahead of them and the maids were bustling about the fire was rekindled in the kitchen and the kettle was singing merrily Arid first there was a mouth ful of grog steaming hot for every drenched and dripping seaman with a taste of toast to sweeten it Then there was getting all the men into a change of dry clothes in order that they might wait for a bite of supper and until beds were shuffled about and shake downs fetched out And high was the sport and great the laughter at the queer shifts the house was put to that it might find clean rigging for so many on even so short a cruise When the six Fairbrothers had lent all the change they had of breeches and shirts the maids had to lish out from their trunks a few petticoats and some gowns for the sailors still unfurnished But the full kit was furnished out at length and when the ships company mustered down in the kitchen from the rooms above all in their motley colors and queer mixture of garments with their grizzled faces wiped dry but their hair still wet and lank and glistening no one could have guessed from the loud laughter wherewith they looked each other over that only an hour before Death itself had so nearly tricked them Like noisy children let out of school they all were now that they were snug ly housed for a seagoing man however he may be kicked about the sea is not to be downhearted on land And if two or three of the company continued to complain of their misfortunes their growlings but lent zest to the merri ment of the rest So that they laughed loud when old Davy cutting1 as most ridiculous figure in a linsey wolsey pet ticoat and linen bodice that wbuld not meet over his hairy chest bega nto grumble that he had followed the sea forty years and never been wrecked before as if that were the best of all reasons why he should not come by such rough harm now and a base ad vantage taken of him by Providence in his old age And louder still they laughed at the skipper himself when still sorely trou bled by his ill luck he wanted to know what all their thanking God was for I since his good ship lay a rotten hull on a cruel reef and if it was so very good of Providence to let them off that rock it would have been better far not to let them on to it And loudest of all they laughed and laughed again when an Irish sailor told them with all his wealth of brogue of a prayer that he had overheard old Davy pray while they hung helpless on the rock think ing never to escape from it Oh Lord only save my life this once and IT smuggle no more the Manxman had cried and its not for myself but oud Betty I ax it for Thou knowest shes ten years dead in Maughold churchyard with twenty rolls of good Scotch cloth atop of her But I had nowkheVe else to put it and good Lord only remem ber the last day and save my lfife til I dig it up from off of her chest for she never was a powerful womaVi And the danger being over neither Davy nor the skipper took it ilF thai the men should make sport of their groanings for they laughed witli th1 rest and together they waked a most reckless uproar - All this while though Mrs Kair brother had not left her bedroom Vthe girls feet had been jigging merrily over the white holy stoned floor to get some supper bread and Greeba havlpg tapped Jason on the shoulder had car ried him off quietly to the door of the parlor and pushed him in there while she ran to get a light for the room was dark It was also cool with crocks of milk standing for cream and basics of eggs and baskets of new made cheese And- when- she returned with the candle In one hand shaded by tlife WWVVV BondrrkSrk By HALL CAINE SYNOPSIS Rachel Jorgenson was tne only daugh ter of the governor of Iceland She fell A CMtlnied Story 1 bright light on Jier comely face she would have loaded him with every good thnlg the house contained col lared head and beef and binjeen and Manx jough and the back of the days pudding Nothing he would have how ever save one thing and that made great sport between them for it was an egg and he ate It raw shell in cluded crunching it like an apple At that sight she made pretence to shud der And then she laughed like a bell saying he was a wild man Indeed and S2mniSJa dafiidksrshe had thought so when she first set iu U11U bilbll Ml lA4lt CVXdA IIVIUVI WW eyes on him on the shore and already she was more than half afraid of him Then they laughed again she very silly he very bashfully and while her bright eyes shone upon him she told him how like he was now that she saw him in the light to some one else she knew of He asked her who it was and she answered warily -with some thing between a smile and a blush that it was one who had left the island that very night By this time the clatter of dishes mingled with the laughter and marry voices that came from the other side of the hall and the two went back to the kitchen Asher Fairbrother who had been doz ing like a sheep dog in the ingle was then rising to his feet and saying And now for supper and let it be country fashion girls at this early hour of the morning Country fashion indeed it was with the long oak table scrubbed white like a butchers board and three pyramids of potatoes biled in the jackets tossed out at its head and foot and middle three huge blocks of salt each with its wooden spoon laid down at the same spaces and a plate with a boiled her ring and a basin of last nights milk before every guest And the seamen shambled into their places any man anywhere all growling or laughing or both and the maids flipped about very lightly rueing nothing amid so many freshi mens faces on the strange chance that had fetched them out ot their beds -for work at double tides And seeing the two coming back to gether from the parlor the banter of the seamen took another turn leaving old Davy for young Jason who was reminded of the kiss he had earned on the beach and asked if ever before a sailor lad had got the like from a lady without look or longing Such was the flow of their banter until Greeba being abashed and too hard set to control the rich color that mounted to her cheeks fled laughing from the room to hide her confusion ButJio rudeness was intended by the rude sea dogs and no offence was taken for in that first hour after they had all been face to face with deatn the barrier of manners stood for noth ing to master or man or mistress or maid But when the raugh jest seamed to have gone far enough and Jason who had laughed at first had begun to hang his head sitting just where Stephen Orry had sat when long years before he took refuge in that house from the four blue jackets who were in pursuit of him Old Davy Kerruish got up and pulled his grizzled forelock and shout ed to him above the tumult of the rest Never mind the loblolly boys lad its just jealous they are being so long out of practice and theres one thing you can say andway and thatfc this the first thing you did on setting foot in the Isle of Man was to save the life of a Manxman Then heres to his right good health cried Asher Fairbrother with his moutn in a basin of milk and in that brave liquor -with three times three and tne thud and thung of twenty hard fists on the table the rough toast was callea round And in the midst of it when Greeoa having conquered hr maiden shamp had crept back to the kitchen and rMs Fairbrother aroused at length by tne lightsome hubbub had come down to put an end to it the door of the porch opened and crazy old Chaise AKilley stood upon the threshold very pale panting for breath and with a ghastly light in his sunken eyes and cried Hes dying Wheres the young man that fetched him ashore Hes crying for him and Im to fetch him along with we straight away and he snatched up a cap And Ill go with you said Greeba and she caught up a shawl Not a word more was said and at the next instant before the others had re covered from their surprise or the laughter and sljouting were yet quite gone from their lips the door had closed again and the three were gone Chaise in his eagerness to be back strodeon some paces ahead in the dark ness and Jagon and Greeba walked to gether Who is it said Jason Do you know No said Greeba Chaise 1 she cried but the oldman with hia face down trudged along as one who heard nothing She tripped up to him and Jason walking behind heard the sound of muttered- words between them but caught nothing of what passed Drop ping back to Jasons side the irl said Its a man whom nobody holds of much account oor soul What Js he said Jason A smuggler people say or perhaps worse His wife has been lonrr ironr O J wjj shunned by most folks and by his owa son among others It was his son who sailed to Iceland tonight Iceland Did you say Iceland Yes Iceland It is your country is it not But he hadnt lived with his lather since he was a child He was -brought up by my own dear father It was he who seemed to be so like to you Jason stopped suddenly In the dark lane - Whats the name he asked hoarse ly J The sons name Michael - Michael what f Michael Sunlocks Jason drew a long breath and strode on without a word more Very soon they were outside the little house in f Chaise was there before ihem and ha t stood with the door ajar l Whist the old man whispered Hes ebbing fast Hes going out with the tide Listen They crept in on tiptoe but there was small need for quiet The place was a scene of direful uproar and most v gruesome spectacle It was all but as thronged of people as it had teen years before on the day of Liza Killeys wedding On the table the form the three legged stool and in the chimney corner they sat together cheek-by-jowl with eyes full of awe most of them silent or sneaking low behind their hands On the bed the in- jured man lay and tossed In a strong delirium The wet clothes wherein he had passed through the sea had been torn off his body wrapped1 in a gray blanket and the wound on his head bandaged in a cloth His lips were dis colored his cheeks were white and his hair was damp with the sweat that ran in big drops to his face andeck At his feet Nary Crowe stood holding u horn cup of brandy and by his head knelt Kane Wade the Methodist pray ing in a loud voice God bring him to Thy repentance cried Kane Wade restore him to the joy ofThy salvation The pains of hell have gotten hold of him Hark how the devil is tearing him He is like to the man with the unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs The devil is gotten into him But out wi thee Satan and no more two words about it Thanks be unto God we can wrestle with thee in pray er Gloom at us Satan but never will we rise from our knees until God hath given us victory bver thee lest our brother fall into the jaws of hell and our own- souls be not free from blood guiltiness in this strain he prayed shouting at the ful lpitch of the vast belows of his lungs and loudest of all when the -delirium of the sick man was strongest until his froice failed him from sheer exhaustion and then his lips still raov -ed and he mumbled hoarsely beneath his breath Jason stood in the middle of thfe floor and looked on in his great stature over the heads of the people about him while Greeba with quiet grace and gentle manners thinned the litil hut of some of the many with whom the dense air smoked and reeked After that she lifted the poor restless tumblingwet head from its hard pillow and put it to rest on her own soft arm with her cool palm to the throbbins brow and then she damped the lips With the brandy from Nary Crowes cup This she did and more than this seeming to cast away from heria a moment all her lightness herfpiay fulness ber bounding happy spirits and in the hour of need to find such tender offices come to her as to all time women like another sense And7 presently the delirium abated the weary head lay still the bleared eyes opened the discolored lips parted and the dying man tried to speak But before ever a word could come the change was seen by Kane Wade who cried Thank God he has found peace Thank the Lord who has given u the victory Satan is driven out of him Mercy there is for the vilest o sinners And on -top of that wii -shout old Chaise struck up without warning and in the craziest speech that ever camey from human throat a rugged hymn of triumph wherein alJ the lines were one line and all the notes were one not but telling how- the Lord was king over death and hell and all the devils Again and again he sang a verse of it going faster and faster and faster at every repetition and the others join ed him struggling to keep pace with -him andall but Greeba who tried by vain motions to stop the tumult and Jason who looked down at the strange scene with eyes full of wonder At last the mad chorus of praise came to nn unci flnfl the sick man said casting Jason rose instantly Ill go he said Lsweak nto the faces about him Has lie come He is here whispered Greeeba an4 she motioned to Jason To be continued HIS ONE CONUNDRUM The old captain of the little steamer Maid of the Mist which used to carrr passengers right up into the spray of the falling waters beneath Niagara says the Mail and Express had just one couundrum and like a collece pro fessor -he used it on every new class The pilot always led up to it in the same way He would move his hand along the woodwork of the pilot house as if examining it and remark Stranger do you know vhat thiaV little boat is made of An odd question the stranger would say to himself but he would reply T Why of pine and oak isnt it x No sir - Then would come a round of guesses generally winding up with the acknowl edgment of ignorance And the eyes would twinkle as herepliedi luminous fingers of the other ana its dead and he has livd alone ever since Why shes Maid of the Mist sirl