SsS i N - THE Wftfi j w p m - Hv M M A N D E R STARTS rvXNEXPEDITIQft un iimiev cno jieapi ii u iiyro riiii i lmlbl 4HrQ5Sams Soldier Bbys Will Not jiJs3S iMP Participate In the Present y Action In China Berlin Special According to a dis Jtch received by the German Navy league the situation ivy China is crit ical The dispatch adds that Chang Xeih Hong who advised the empress dowager to enroll the Boxers in the army has been appointed governor of the new Chinese capital Sian Fu It Js further asserted that many Chi nese have been decapitated at Chian Kan province of Kiang Su Finally it is asserted that General Sian Tuan Si has raised his army to 40000 men Washington D C Special In di xect opposition to the implied wishes of the United States Count von Walder see the German commander-in-chief In China has sent an expedition to Bao TingFu and his action may cause consequences in the southern provinces which the authorities fear to contem plate Believing that foreigners and their in terests can best be protected by bring ing about the early return of peace Secretary Hay has sent to the French and other governments his reply to the French proposal in which he states that the president would be pleased to see the negotiations begun immediately upon the usual verification of creden tials At the end of his note the secretary etates that the president believes that the governments of Franceand other powers will see in the reserves -we have made here no obstacle to the initiation of negotiations yon the lines suggested and hef hopes that it will be found practicable to begin such negotiations at an early day To guard against delay by discus Bion the president has indorsed the suggestion of the Hussion government that In case of protracted divergence of views the matter of the indemnity which China must pay might be com mended to the consideration of the in ternational court of arbitration of The Hague In the demand of Li Hung Chang for the return of the 278000 seized by American marines at Tien Tsin they authorize the purpose of the Chinese commissioners to offset the claims for indemnity to be made by the powers by counter claims for the damage to private and government property which was not in accord with the rules ot war There is no intention on the part ot this government to participate in any further military expeditions and it will deprecate action of this character on the part of other powers Wit Ting Fang the Chinese minister asserts that there is no danger of an uprising in Southern China and has so assured -Secretary -Hay The authorities fear however that unless something is quickly done to support the position of the viceroys who have so successfully held their people in check there may be an outbreak It is proposed by this government to insist that the viceroys receive appropriate reward for their conduct WHITE TALKS OF SITUATION American Minister Tells of the Feeling In Germany Washington D C Special An drew T White the American ambassa dor to Germany had conferences with the president and with Secretary Hay today preparatory to returning to his post in Berlin next week Mr White in an interview said that having been so long absent from Ber lin he could not give the latest phase of opinion there regarding the Chinese matter but that when he left it was felt by some of the brightest people he met that the course pursued by the United States was wiser than that adopted by Ihe European powers One of the longest headed men in the diplo matic corps had congratulated him upon the fact that while the other pow ers almost universally had lost hope and were ready to proceed at once to the most extreme measures on the sup position that the diplomatic corps in Pekin and indeed the whole foreign population there had been murdered the American government had been pa tient and wise and it was due to this attitude that the United States had been the first to communicate with Pe king and was really the power that saved the -foreigners there Events since then Mr White pointed out have justified completely this view To the quotations from a hostile ele ment in the German press in the morn ing papers Mr White attributed no special importance f saying that the papers quoted had been the most viru lent enemies of the United States all throughout the Spanish war and at all times The ambassador expressed the opin ion that in spite of some friction be tween the various powers an ultimate fair understanding- concerning China was altigether probable As to the set tlement othe differences finally he be lieved that ttfe international arbitra tion tribunal reated by The Hague conference afforded exactly the means which will be needed to adjust all the secondary questionsbetween China and xe other nations directly concerned Tx of Answer Jn Which ParfaJ Acceptance itfade Washington X C Special Tho -- f q the state department to- the French note relative to the basis of ALL SOUTH AFRICAN STATES A 1 - Art i - Li J - V - me uninese negotiation was maae pub lic today It reads From the Secretary of State to the French Charge d Affaires Sent to Mr Thiebaut October 9 1900 Memoran dum The government of the United States agrees with the republic of France is recognizing as the object to be obtained from the government nt China appropriate reparation for the past and substantial guarantees for the future MiSt -- lAriir -- a J - v The president is glad to perceive in the basis of negotiation put forward in the memorandum of October 4 the spirit that has animated the declarations heretofore made by all the powers inter ested and would be pleased to see the negotiations begun immediately on the usual verification of credentiaJs It may be convenient to enumerate the classes of the memorandum and add -some observations dictated by the at titude of the United States in the pres ent circumstances First The punishment of the guilty parties who may be designated by the representatives of the powers at Pekin The Chinese government has already indicated its intention to punish a number of those responsible for the re cent disorders The representatives of the powers at Pekin may suggest ad ditions to that list when negotiations are entered upon - Second The continuance of the inter diction - bgainst the importation of arms It is not understood that this interdiction is to be permanent and the duration of it and the details of its regulation seem a proper method of negotiation by the negotiators Third Equitable indemnities for the governments corporations and private individuals This is an object desired by all the powers The Russian gov ernment has suggested that in case of protracted divergence of views this matter might be commended to the con sideration of the International court of arbitration of The Hague The presi dent thinks this suggestion worthy of the attention of the powers Fourth The organization in Pekin of a permanent guard for the legations The government of the United States is unable to make any permanent engage ment of this nature without the au thorization of the legislative branch but in the present emergency we have stationed in Pekin an adequate lega tion guard Fifth The dismantling of the forts at Taku The president reserves the ex pression of his opinion as to this meas ure pending the receipt of further in formation in regard to the situation in China Sixth The military occupation of two of three joints on the road from Tien Tsin to Pekin The same observation which has been made in reference to No 4 applies also to this proposition The president is unable to commit the United States to a permanent partici pation in such occupation but he thinks it desirable that the -powers shall ob tain from the Chinese government the assurance o their right to guard their legations in Pekin and to have the means of unrestricted access to them whenever required The president believes that the gov ernments of France andthe other pow ers will see in the reserves we huve here made no obstacles to the initiation of negotiations on the lines suggestec and he hopes it will be found practica ble to begin such negotiations at an early date v DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington October 10 1900 HE DIDNT KNOW IT His Neck Was Broken But He LauKhed andJoked New York Special For six hours Conrad J Lang of 561 West Fifty first street walked talked laughed and en joyed himself with his family in ignorance v rance that his skull was fractured and his neck broken It was when he retired and his pillow pressed upon the broken bone of his neck that it was known he was Injured at all Then he died Lang was a truckman Last night he fell from his truck and landed m the back of his neck and head and was for a time unconscious Before an ambu lance could be sent for he sprang up declaring he was all right except for a slight headache He worked an hour and then went home One of the small bones of the neck had been chipped pff The pres sure of this on the spinal cord when he laid down killed him CUBANS AND SOLDIERS CLASH Policeman Tries To Make Arrest and a Fight Follows Havana Special At Matanzas yes terday a Cuban policeman interfered with two members of the Second cav airy The quarrel culminated in a gen eral fight between the police and soK diers who arrived on the scene simul taneously After the police had shot Trooper Furey of D troop one other soldier and one civilian and a number of troopers of D troop tried to break into the gun room to get their wea pons but the quick action of Captain Frederick Foltz of I troop in forming troops Li and M in skirmish order made it impossible for the excited cav alrymen to pass Lieutenant Willard is said to have been slightly hurt while endeavoring to quiet the men The troopers declare they will have revenge and Colonel Harry E Noyes has ordered all con fined to barracks The feeling is vers strong between the Cubans and thf cavalrymen is v6Xjdi JTs rf r nd thgee wounded - 4 1 f - - i i - BH Mill Bi iv MAY REBEL WESSELS STATEMEN De Wets Armies Well Organized and Even Plan An Invasion of Cape Colony Grand Rapids Mich Special P Louter special commissioner of the South African republics to the United States today received a letter from Secretary de Bruyn of the Boer envoys now in Holland containing the first reliable and definite information of the plans of President Kruger which has been made public t The letter says that President Kru ger will leave Delagoa boy on the Netherlands warship Gelderland early in October and thus he -has probably already embarked He will be taken to Holland where the envoys are awaiting him At what port he Xvould land Mr Wessels did not state In regard Id the intimation in British newspapers that English warships may be sent in pursuit Mr Wessels said the envoys were in a position to state officially that any such action by Eng land would be accepted by the Nether lands as a direct declaration of war and the little Dutch nation would act accordingly President Kruger bears a commission from the Boer republics but exactly what it is not even the envoys know They suppose however that he Will endeavor to secure intervention by one or all of the European powers to the end that the individuality cl the repub lics shall notbe annihilated The envoys have preceded their presi dent to several of the continental coun tries and have found among the people a uniform and almost unanimous pro Boer sentiment which they hope will be potent enough to force action by the respective governments And added Mr Wessels this let- ter says they hope for more assist ance from the United States than from my of them Mr Wessels in his interview also states that the reports of large num bers of Boers immigrating to America were unfounded I am the only accredited representa tive of the Boers in thi3 country he said and ifthere was anything in these stories in Minnesota and Dakota for land being acquired for settlement by my countrymen I would know it The Boers will never leave South Af rica Their cause is not lost and they will keep fighting till they win General Dewets armies are well or ganized and are operating not only in the Transvaal but in the Free State not many miles- from Bloemfontein and are even planning to invade Cape Colony The reports thatLord Roberts send amount to nbthing You need not be surprised if there is a rebellion in the whole of South Africa before the year is out The only reason the Cape Colo nists didhiot join us at the outset was because they had no arms and nei ther they nor we expected war and were unprepared Mr Wessels also took occasion to de ny indignantly the assertion that Web s ter Davis is in the pay of the Trans vaal republic His course in this country is actu ated by motives of humanity only I think I am well enoughacquainted with the affairs of our republic to assure you that he has never received a cent from the Boers for his services in their behalf said Mr Weasels Mr Wessels received a letter today from Charles D Pierre consul general of the Transvaal with headquarters at New York telling of the arrival of a partfy of twelve American citizens who with 300 others were captured by the British at Johannesburg on July 13 and shipped in cattle cars to East London 200 miles away It was in the dead if winter and tte party suffered se verely during its six days journey from nunger and cold Later they were sent to Holland and from there ordered to America under penalty of arrest FOLLY TO REMOVE TROOPS Much Fighting Yet To Be Done Philippines Manila Special The approach In of the time for mustering out the olunteers now in service in the Philippines is causing much uneasiness Commenting on the situation the Manila Times re publican says editorially There are no soldiers to spare Hun dreds of towns are not garrisoned and whole islands are not even explored Even with 60000 men the army was un able to protect the peaceful inhabitants Hardly a day passes- without some crime against the friendlies being com mitted Here in Manila there are troops enough but just outside the gates five shocking butpheries have taken place within a week In almost every townover which flies the Ameri can flag ar families in daily dread of assassins bullets As soon as a native becomes friendly he is a marked man To deprive the Philippines of half the troops in the next fe months would invite the recurrence of Gie rebellion ices from Ley te show considerable fighting has been going on in that islandthis month On the west coast the rebels have been re turning in the absence of the Ameri cans 3n expeditions and are terrorizing the inhabitants On bctober 5 thirty Americans attacked a rorce of forty five rebels in Camarine province and killed ten The Americans had two Kiuea WHOLE FAMILY ARE KILLED A Most Terriple Accident Befalls ft Family In Nebraska The dead MRS CHARLES BARTENBACH MRS KIELBACH MISS LIZZIE HORMAN BABY KIELBACH The injured Mrs Bartenbachs daughter Mrs Bartenbachs 4-year-old brother Holbrook Neb Special This is in brief the havoc wrought here by a lone engine on -the Burliigton Missouri River railrbad The victims wereVaught in a farm wagon at a crossing and the demolition was wrought in the twinkling of an eye No more dramatic climax to a trag edy could grow out of the most fertile imagination for Mrs Bartenbach and her companions were returning from a coroners inquest over the remains of Charles Bartenbach her husband who two days before was shot and killed by Herman Kfelbach Mrs Bartenbachs brother Bartenbach went on a murderous rampage and tried to kill his wife when Kielbech took the part of his sis ter The coroners jury had just ex onerated Kielbech but he did not re turn in the wagon thereby escaping the fatethat befell the others The engineer did not see the wagon until it was fairly across the railroad track He tried to slow down but was too near to make a successful stop Springing from his cab the engineer grabbed Mrs Bartenbachs little girl just as she was about to be ground to death v With the killing of Bartenbach and the tragedy on the rail five corpses are laid but in the little undertaking shop in Holbrook and the whole countryside is shocked Much excitement prevails and many of the devout religious en thusiasts of this community look upon the havoc wrought by tihe lone engine as a visitation of retribution from Prov idence despite the fact that the killing of Bartenbach is regarded as justifia ble homicide i TROUBLE WITH NATIVE COURTS Filipino Justices ReportedTo Have Become Clvilzed Manila Special The administra tion of Manilascivil courts by Filipino civil agent sis now attracting public attention more than ever and has brought to the Taft commissions atten tion With requests for rectification The courts are composed of four jus tices of the peace and four primary courts The magistrates are1 Filipinos and it has developed that the incum bents are failures as magistrates of jus tice Complaints against the existing courts are unending Natives and for eigners1 dread litigation knowing the facts in the case Charges have been filed and evidence is in the hands of the authorities which it isclaimed will show the magistrates have been guilty of corruption and mal feasance in office One magistrate was suspended on suspicion of criminal abuse and attempt at fraud The monthly collection of fines of the four native justices is estimated at 6000 The amount collected by the primary courts for the same period is much greater The eight magistrates persistently ignore the regulations es tablished by the authorities for the su pervision of commitments and the ac countability of moneys They deposit less than 100 dollars monthly and are alleged to appropriate the balance of their collections It is further claimed that the magis trates are in collusion with the native police in compromising offenses on the basis of cash for freedom and that in many cases magistrates who com mitted nien to jail over a year ago are now liberating them the explanation being the effectiveness of a habeas cor pus and the designation of a special officer to investigate the cases resulting in the freedom of many persons ille gally committed as prisoners It is said there are over fifty estab lished Instances where prisoners have bought their freedom from the guards conveying them between the court room and the jail Serious charges of favoritism have already been made against the civil branch of Manilas supreme court The members of the Taft commission are disgusted with the condition of the courts and intend to substitute honest Americans from the United States hav ing a knowledge of Spanish for the na tive magistrates but they are hard to secure The commission will then in stitute drastic reforms needed in the case of the entire judiciary X - MAKE A MILLION EACH Cudahys Sell Their Tank Line To StandardOII Co Wabash Ind Special The stupen dous task of destroying an industry representing an outlay of 2000000 five years ago was begun today in the re moval of the six inch pipe line which starts in Nottingham township Wells county and runs westward 150 miles to the oil refineries at Momence 111 The pipe will be used in new lines to Lima O and Indiana oil will go east after this year instead of west Five hun dred men will be employed till midwin ter In the work The abandonment of the fine which was built by Michael and John Cudahy is said to be due to its purchase by the Standard Oil company to compete with which it was constructed Through the transfer of the property the Cudahys are said to have cleared 1000000 each The Kankakee refineries wlirbe closed i DISORDERED KIDNEYS- ARE RESPONSIBLE for more sickness and suffering than anything else Kidney iroubles irritate the nerves makes one dizzy sleepless irrimblu juakeS oie pasi waer often during day and compels one to get up durinir night causes back ache takes ambition from you you get -freak and waste away William Sweeny cashier Park bank Albany N Y who had been troubled with his kidneys for peveral years took Cramers Kidney Cunvit broiiht permanent relief and Mr Sweeny has dne as much a- any other one person to spreadlhe advantages of Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure be fore the world Omaha 3STebM Jan 19 1900 I firmly believe that I owe my life t Cramers Kidney Cure Por two years I suffered with kidney trouble and could find no relief anywhere I spent hundreds of dollars on doctori and medicines I tried Cramers Kidney Cure as a last resort nd I wish I had I had followed the advice of friends sooner In less than four months it had made a new man of me I am entirely well and I give all the praise to Cramers Kidney Cure SAMUEL L MORBIfe - Of the Omaha Police Force CRAMERS KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE- - The most wonderful kidney medicine known will give you strength and bring color to your cheeks It is a sure cure for Sidney troubles Sold by all druggists Insist on Having Cramers 100 a bottle C bottles for 500 CRAMER MEDICAL COMPANY albany nyJ WEBSTERS HANDY HAN 1l IHr BriH isr3tW II p fflMsMm TUB BhLISSIIE mm ih Price 75c per bottle Sold by all drug gists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best The only feature of Oom Pauls re- cent performance that provokes criti cism in interested quarters in his de termination to carry his capital away n a chest Vital weakness ana nervous GebUIty cac be cured Virtuama Tablets are guar itnteed by Ridd Drug Co Elgin 111 to cure all nervous diseases debility and vi tal losses or send free medicine until cured if guaranteed lot fails Pale thin emaciated tremblnig and nervous people should try these tablets greatest of nerve tonics If you are not what you ought to be or want to be and can be sK8 them one trial and you will praise chem for ever 2 a package or 3 for 5 per mail Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Pharmacy Lincoln r H S Baker Sioux City Full line of rubber goods Hsk for what you want Blue and -heliotrope are showing more In manufactured goods this year The combination is a development which people who watch can see as it grews Menses surely Drougnt on regularly suppressions neglected often result blood poisoning and Quick consumption and Is the direct cause of womens trou bles therefore keep the menses regular with De Le Dues Female Regulator and women will be happy and healthy If It fails Kidd Drug Co Elgin Ill send free medicine untIL relieved and fully cured 2 per package or 3 ror 5 pei mail Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Pharmacy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City A complete line ol rubber goods on hand ask for what you want OMAHA ST LOUIS B R And WABASH R R - 41 Miles Shortest to St Louis 28 Miles Shortest to Quincy THE ST LOUIS CANNON BALL LAST TO LEAVE FIRST TO ARRIVE Leave Omaha 505 p m Arrive St Louis 700 a m Trains leave U nion Statioa daily for St Louis Quincy Kansas City and all points East or South - Homeseekers Excursion on sale 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month Steamship tickets to all parts of the world For full information call at O St L Ticket Office 1415 Farnam St Pax ton Hotel Block or write HARRT E MOORES C P T A Omaha Neb I CURkS WHEHE ALL ELSE FAILS- Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Uso In time Sold by drnesrtats This is what I can do and it dont make anydifierencewheth4r it is night or day wet or dry cold or warm storm or calm just call me and I will pump water gritfd feed shell corn separate cream churn or grind bones or any w rk that is required of me h 11 and see me at work at w ALLEN P ELY CO Ii 10 Douglas St OMAHA NEB We Also Buy and Sell New and Second Hand Machinery ALLY OUR NEW LITTLE GIANT V H P GASOLINE ENGINE Worth Its Weight la Gold to Every Stockman and Farmer How many of you have lost the price of this Engine In one day on account of insnf Gcient wind to operate your wind mills leavlnc your stock without water Get one now to do your pumping when there Is no wind or to do it regularly Weather does not affect its workhot or cold wet or dry wind or calm it is all the same to this machine Will also shell corn grind feed saw wood ohurn butter and is handy for a hundred other jobs in the house or on the farm Costs nothing to keep when not working and only 1 to 2 cents per hour when working Shipped completely set up ready to run no foundation needed a ftreat labor and money saver Requires practically no attention and Is absolutely safe We make all sizes of Gasoline Engines from lJi to 75 horse power Write for circular and special prices FAIRBANKS MOBSE CO OMAHA HEBI HOWSHIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions arid financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm WEST TRUAX Whesale Drug gists Toledo O WALDING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system SEND YOUR BILLSTO THE Union Lumber Co wffl They Sell Direct to Farmers at WHOLESALE PRICES MILWAUKEE STARTS NEW CARS Des Moines and Omha Sleepers Go On Omaha ChicagroFast Trains Two swell new sleeping cars of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Rail vay independent sleeping car system iavs been placed in service on the fast 3iruha Chicago night trains beginning VRstrday They are the Des Moines and rtmaha whose only difference is their names Either car is a loner hmw non wreckable frame of steel hand J somely finished without and a great boudoir within It contains fourteen sections upholstered in a rich green and a drawing room done in dark blue The interior of the car is the plain highly polished rich brown mahogany edged with dainty Inlaid work and la heavily carpeted in velvet One es pecially up-to-date feature is that the toilet room and dressing room contains an electric curler heater Electricity plays a big part on the Milwaukee which prides itself on Its electrically lighted trains Eight glis tening electroliers of clusters of four incandescent lights each throw the rays downward from the empire deck while each berth ja nper or lower holds its incandescent bulb snugly hidden In a golden box which may be opened at will Therefore nobody un dresses in the dark Over each vesti bule entrance are also placed electric lights so there need be no missteps at night New dining cars and coaches to match have also just been placed in service Omaha World Herald INTERCHANGEABLE CAMPAIGN TRICK BADGEL The greatest novelty of 1900 and nothing like Jt on the market A great funmaker suitable for either party and can be instantly changed from one to the other Reliable agents wanted Fastest seller on the market Agents sell them at 15 to 25c each and make from 100 to 200 per cent Manufactured in assorted colors Price list to agents Sample by mail 15c one dozen by mail 100 100 or more by express 7o each No goods sent C O D Cash must accompany order Manufactured by Cloyd Novelty Co 822 N T Life Bldg Kansas City Mo PiO Vni I TCriTQ atjout yourself I TAMM 3 Was perfectly cured 13 years ago Only the ilictcd can annreciata the awful desire one has to be cured If you arc amicteo or nave cnuuren woo are write to me for terms literature etc AddressJULIA E VAUGHN Prest OMAHA STAMMERING INSTITUTE RAMGE BLOCK Omaha Nebr liMh wmmdWf m AwmSLL MWJjW 7J2 Searles Searles SPECIALISTS in all forms of Private TMsenses and Disorders of Men Medicine and Treatment sent every where for 500 per month lOyrs In Omaha Varicocele Stricture Ctrv tVif ltr ruf TTU 4 Vitality JBIood and all i forms of Nervous Debll Kiii ity and sexual Disorders Cures Guaranteed Consultation JEEE Write today for FKEE advice i 19 So 14th St OMAHA NEE r K V t