Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 11, 1900, Image 8
IE i ii I -52 5 j Newton Nebrka Cuttle branded as on ent StMIH eft sideoi hi Hatigp on Gonlou tJreek itfirstuUi Iin V - vrr ft M Faddis Co Postofllee address Valentine or Kennedy Neb V l A ttm PvitnfTlpf uddrtSP It HANSON Valentine Neb Cattle branded on leftlnp hordes the same KaiiKP 211 Dry A lev Hattie oranaeu aine as cut Souif branded afim on letl gg thigh mhiip on left side 01 liip A Adaindon VHlonluie Neh On leltsldeorhip A 4 left side or hip On lefl side RSI m Ranjre on Niobrara ThJ KKWTOK NKBR J U rtlONKK SON NiWlon Nbr llnuul peilreif No 411 Canto branded same ss cut on left side or left hip Horses same on letl iulner Ifcutfio South of Cordon Creek 40R i ji JMerzgrr hnis Newton Neb Hurry Co Kraudoii left lil and thtjih EhrtimrK jujuurr crop riirli ear tfoiitli ni branded cattle have but oiib MiHlfdlaniond K an left side Native cattle linvt throat wttle Ratine on itnrrtoii and MtiHKe rnvk Hor have same brand on left Uiitfli A it vicar I of 260 will be paid to an ttrraon for information leading to The arrest ami filial cotivhtmn of any thii or pernns steal- mj eattle with above braiit TffttTf Jirov i w SSSESS f trurti Nilfr Cilt if brflnded on left side same as eat orses on lelt sbtXIlder HiiiVe Ifcfwieii tne iordon iml I1a9 W -- llT1 i Does Your V Baking Powder Contain 4 Alum Pullman Neb Branded on lefl liin horsea same dew lap Range south and east of Bnifili llili ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM ST NEW YORK T VALEKTINE XEBR f - Prof Geo F Barker MD University of Penn All the constituents of alum remain from alum baking powders in the bread and the alum itself is reproduced to all intents and purposes when the bread is dissolved by the gastric juice in the process of digestion I re gard the use of alum as highly injurious Dr Alonzo Clark A substance alum which can derange the stomach should not be tolerated in baking powder Prof W G Tucker New York State Chemist I believe it alum to be decidedly injurious when used as a constituent of food articles Prof S W Johnson Yale College I regard their alum and soluble alumina salts introduction into baking powders as most dan gerous to health In view of such testimony as this every care must be exercised by the housewife to exclude the over and over condemned cheap alum baking powders from the food Baking powdery made from cream of tartar which is highly refined grupe acidare promotive pi health and more efficient No other kind should be used in leavening food Royal Baking Powder is the highest example of a pure cream of tartar powder Mickel Boltz Xenzel Neb Brand registered No 1G53 Ranee 2J4 miles east of Nenzel OjisJw ZSeln Pnainfllep address G tAWER Oiisis Nebraska Hurler Qnie enbery liaveehaitieoi these attle horses I on left shoulder some stock branded X anywhere on animal Range Snake river Mm mm Tnvnp yySMif Tzr 7TaKrifttr C F COOPER Iosloffke address Oasis Neh Hnuid registered 1095 Rarrle branded on left side same tin cut Horses branded on left hip Also some caitle branded Range South and west of Ha kberry Lake and Duck iake Pnllnuus Kobr J L ROSKBERUy rosttiffiee address jM WKKKKY BROS Iostotliee addross Puhman Neb Cattle branded asnn ent horses branded lame as attle except reversed s vrt -- - ee UltnK Itange Stevei and Stenhennon lKes and South CHA5 S HOlT Fostoffleeaddress Pullman Neb Branded on Ijftside aNo CO on left side also between eyes and nose Range JMnih f vf of Pullnmn tim tluv EUtxerVaiioii KKA WK A GALLIOO PostofHee address Irvars ct rfKiiiBRM W AHH9uHHflfetAa Sfatiderson S I Left side and on von og stock Oln stook ranted tmKJrA Irttt cIiIa Wvi high Itunge ltoek springs Uusin JOHN A LOGAN PoBtofllce address Allen S D1 m left shoultler and iin some 1 on SSJ eft aliouldraiulfr l m left side Earmark-left ear cropd Range Bear Creek T Postofllee address Allen S in left side of eattle itange Bear Creek Rosebud S D Range between MitiuerhadiiZH and St Francis DAVID COTTIER r DC J rmBSf iiaPaagg JOE ROOKS JR Allen S D On left side right earsplit Florses Q way down on hip GiroROF DrrriRT Poatofllca Address r H rfrVcf n j r nvseuuu n u k Cattle branded oa loft slUejttiu iu ut HomfA brnde4 I n left hip Ratieh o Litie od Ani lipecMtik h V rz Range - Little White River Fostoffice address Allen S I On left side horses sme on teigb ang Hiar Creek CHARLES LONG MAN CHARLES LONE WOLF 43ft I zp f 1 oiSfflM ilWlll Postoffiee addr es Alb ii S 1 On right side and shoulder horses same on right thitrh Range Bear Creek Alfred 1ordennx and ISros WwPV 4mM Louis Hordeaux 9 Rosebud S D Horses branded mlr imt Parkor Son P O Address L W Parker Reige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP fJ Ranire on Niobrii i south of Crookst Wm liordeaux W B I John DeCor Rosebud S J fdXDj I OHjrik 1V i flit ira P O Address Rosebud SU Brand Same as cut on both rides of eattle Range -Little White River Some branded II 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Kange in meyer Co on Antelope Creek Charles 0 Tackett Rosebud I Range head of An teloue near St Mans mission Hordes branded mjeft thigh letcr Vlondray gg Rosebud SD Rosebud S D Left side Left ear snipped Horses branded VB Range Little White River at mouth of 3edarreek MORRIS JANIES Postofllee address Rosebud S 1 Catllo branded on left side as on cut HordOBatTflg1 nn lnft tliltrh W Rrnge on Rock Creek Henry Pratt Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle tfmimaeaimiWMianirimmimr Miscellaneous George F Damon JSD FD BwS3BS wpcaaiT j - - aiirf - yz C E Wright Laj Jfl flsa5iwiif u Crookston in Cherr couptv Nebraska Cattle branded 00 on lefl hip on right hip and on rbhtside with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb Ft Niobrara Neb Brand No 870 reglSteed Hoies branded on left hip Range Niobrara rlt of TO milpa Paul of Valentine DAN Postofllee address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between orara and SnaVe riv era south of Merri man Postofllee address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Headwaters of Gordon Creek County Nebraska Albany Veb Cattle branded frIJonleft ribs or rteht shoulder I on right hip and left ribs G on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north east of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Shadbolt Fleishman Bailey Nebr Left side S F left shoulder nerdmarkrdew lap nange Rjinge 3G and 37 be tween Niobrara and the Snake Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere on right side PIKE BBOb 5rT Postfflee addreKS cS Crookston Neb Brmai 1 on elthe side ota lnwl oi me n right hip llervey liiuich Two miles east of Perch Nebr Some on left hu J V OSTRANDER Range On Min neehaduza 5 mlles east of Crookston BHKgwiiii w T 0CI Wm J Alien I WEBSTER AltairartlofSlOO will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final convictioif of any person or persons steal lug cattle or noises with above brand I T Richardson 9BfmatKmmmmmmmmL Horses ou left shoulder A Kewunl of400 will be paid to anv person for information leading to tne arrest and ilnal conviction of any person or persons steal ing eattle with above brand D N GOURLEY Po8tome address Rushville Neb On left hip also 500 on left side Horses left er Range Cedar Lake F T Brackett 3 i t IfBBItj Riege Nebr Brand Registered o MOO Braud right side or hip Horses same on riirht sliouider Range Niobrara C miles south of Kilgore A T BRACKETT C Postoffiee address Riege Neb Branded on left side Range Three miles Southeast of Georgia GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon Neb Cattle branded on left side Horses same ou left shoulder Range- Gordon Creek tt W AXDKrfSON J C ROUNDS Anderson fc Hounds M I ww9 TWi - - TW lir Simeon Nebraska Cutle branded on left side as on cut also iu on left side with on lefl hip ot some eattle also S4G on riLlitside Iloi e bmud rake ami 10 1 ou left shoulder or hip Home ranch -on Dewev 1 uke Range on Niobrara River ea9t of Fort Niobrara also between Suake River and Simeon known as the belch range all muierry ir SPEAKERS The following named gentlemen will discuss the issues of the Campaign from a Fusion standpoint at the places and on the dates named below HON W D OLDHAM The man who nominated Bryan at Kansas City accompanied by rotTc ndrirei Seneca Neb On right 3 fSn side or J ii mm on either d0hip inge Southwest Seneca nstofflee Addras Hixneon Neb Mocfc bnnded tnlDF m eut eook f right thoalder ad ou riht hip Bsce oa tfee Viobrrs C W BSNJTfCTT Simeon Nfh tncH nmnded ih i n left hip s lime as cut Ranpe between onion and Sualcr nud on tbe river 0JN9 LOU RZUBES QUICX 2AJt Peatoffico Addre Eosabtt4 S I Cattle oraarte4 sani ucntorvnhlp Ranch ea Blae Pipe Creek Mutual insurance companies arc the best because they are safer and the profits are shared bj the policy holder1 making the cost less LWciOCSjiageJit trtm f nnrrDT tostofflc Addrew Rosebud 8 D raided uzae u ou or with unair tie 3 rtgnt aar ally ad dufped Horsas brands une a lefl hip foSai - V W A POYNTER Will be in Valentine TUESDAY OCT 23 AFTERNOON AND EVENING MEETINGS 5FLet everyone turn out and attend this grad rally for our conntry HA YWARD Fusion candidate for State Senator from the Fourteenth District will address the people of Cody on Tuesday evening Oct 16 Wood Lake Wed evening Oct 17 Simeon Thursday evening Oct 18 HON D W SPERLING Will Speak At Lavaca Saturday evening Oct 13 PROF D WALL AND W B PRICE Prof McOall is a Populist and is Mr Price is a Silver one of the ablest defenders of can and is deputy insurance the cause on the platform in commissioner and a good this campaign speaker These gentlemen will address the people of Cody Tuesday Evening October 16 Harmony Wednesday Evening October 17 Georgia Tuesday Evening October 23 Crookston Wednesday Evening October 24 1 L MiCKCLKB tb ALEX BORDEAUX Postoae Ad4r lawSaaSSS3DSKa if lllu inliiiMti iiiiniliTi 1 fil lra2S - Hn i lyTTiiil if J VT TttitKTOH lfiostofflca Addre Simeon Neb Cattle and horst branded same cat on left side Eange betwee Gordon and SnV creeks and on th Nlobmra river Rosebud 8 2 Hsnei ar bnodtf as left thlgfc oatti ob left side with h cro en left I ear Also eat J xbwi sine ipftw w ajLJUt TALBOT A GALLOP Peatofflee cdArass cfi4 Beneea We Cattle brn4W left ide Horses Dranued en Iffthnn1rir Ranir htt twi en MkWle ua DUsai OEOROB OBAT ostofnee aflnrsas i e i d Nhr GvMO On left dip tr A6 ua rtht hip or side Kanice Loup ad C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving HPT AMD GOLD BATHS A complete press and printing V outfit for sale HTi ifb A lttujiB9ft Ttf Jy r a hi 9 V