Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 11, 1900, Image 5
A THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAi I M RICE n hDITOR vvwinnnvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvVj EDUCATIONAL DEPT i MAAAAJ Conducted by Inez Pettycrew 5 On account of sickness Edna Ma loney was detained from school Mon day Mary Cumbow is acting as organist of the High School Room this week Cora Graddy Bernice and Mar Kief started to school this week anu entered Miss Cooks rcom lack Frost having destroyed all tin wild- flowers the Tenth Grade havt dropped botany for the present au have taken up physics instead Tlies will complete their botany work in thi spring Sarah Simpson writes home that hi school opened Monday with an enrou meul ol 25 pupils She an s she has very pleasant boarding pluce m Graduating exercises are over ani the young people have returned to then work ligut liearteil and happv W iiei those who are teaching m the eouutr come to town it Uoes one good to be u their experience meetings They lieu one at our nome one week go last Sat urday Mis Hauu rejoices that hti school board nas lurmsned a new watei pail and she is no longer compeiieu u carrv me drinking water lor the pupi m oiu tin cans ne saya turn ai hauuies tne new pau vnh caie ou dr a it nicely eacn night vitu a uiot ami turns it upaiue uown ao that imuu er motn nor rust auau con upt it Miss otiuaru xejoicea that tne Ueaujj serpent no longer lurks m tne loit o liar school uuiiuiug tUier she hu Kiiieu the king serpent the otnera u sluuK aw ay to aaiei niuiug places Miaa xiiuru huu nei puuiia maue aUc havoc cleanup mo lata out ol nei scnooiiiouae Unit acauui uuu to o oiuatu lor a week 101 lepuira to tne ouiiuiii jltilaa Oajjeael was iot jjicaeut an i meeting hut aome one xeponeu tu She waa ao loueaome tne niaL uuj o sehuoi mat aue w aa com ueneu to go i Deu at uye o uiouk m tne evening wlu lortn the auuita nom uieaiuwuu c keep her comuauj We piopueey iuu beiore her lerm uioaea aue win um some apnita uiotheu m iiean uuu uiwi in heracuooi room iunv eapaoie 01 en gaging her attenuou Later Miaa Sageaer is no lougei compelled to aeek the shades ol ureau laua lor company and xa enjoy my ni work Misa iVlcLaughlm closed her schoo m order 10 come to Vaieniiue to at- Uooaevelt ihe teachera say Katie ia becoming quite aatateaWoman Jom ol them are willing to pit themselves against her in an argument liUiu iiootou reports a very pleasant scnool and the loveliest uuardiu piace in oherry county It H It Jlappeitvrt iu a Dray tore One day last wmtei a Jauy came to my drugstore anu asked tur a hi and oi cougti mcdicniH that 1 diu not have in stocK st3 Mr O it Grandin tin popuir diuggiSv ut UiiLdiio is x one vua diaiiyul tied and wanted iu know wiitiLCuiigu pieparallon 1 couiu recommend 1 said to her that 1 Couid freely recommend Chimbtiliiu s oougn Keuif dy aue that sue could take a hot tie of the remedy and alter giving it a lair trial if sue did not tiud it woith the mouey to bung back the hottle and 1 would refund the price paid In the course of a da or two the lady came back in company with a friend iu need of a cough medicine and advised hei to buy a bottle of Cuamuerlaius eougn remedy I consider that a very good recommeudatiou for the remedy The remedy owes its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the personal recommeudatious of the people who have bet n cured by its use It is for sale by Quigley Chapman druggists 2 Subscribe for The Democrat SI 00 l MO MONEY REQUIRED WITH YOUR ORDER Cut this ad out ind send to us State whether you wish drop head or up tignt aaa we inu sena you our ngn raae citron Sewing mflrrm by freight C O D subject to examination Examine it at your nearest freight or express office and i f found exactly as represented here equal to other midlines costing from 40 to 5o pay the agent our SPECIAL FACTORY PRICE JI695Ra avenge 7s cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances in proportion Give it i months trial in your own home and if it is not satisfactory return u at our expense and we will refund your money This machine is equal to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine sold for less money must be raada of inferior material We manufacture in Mfinwho shave know that a good Razor Strop is ne cessary to keep a keeiredge on a raz or In fact it is impossible to keep a razor sharp with a poor strop We just received a line of the Iteadyfornse Ready use strops We be lieve thy are the best made Come in and examine them large quantities juid sell only at a small advance of factory cost which enables US to offer you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low price BEWARE OF IMITATORSSnfXc with various inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second National Bank of Akron Ohio and they will tell you of our reliability MODERN IMPROVED MACHINE QUIQLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS VALENTINE JEBR CORRESPONDENCE PENBROOK PARAGRAPHS 1 dont know much to write becaus I am all mixtd up in my head am cant see out no direction Hurrah for Bryan and free sJvei Uown with the gold bugs tater ed bugs and the g o p Corn husking has begun with a gooi ipld So far as we have heard corn i ving from 30 to 40 bushels to the aci John Hittle of Feubrook went up V alentiue Monday on business David Hamar returned to these pari ist Saturday from Keystone S J J v nere he lias been about a year and ilf R Grooms and wife of Valentin visited with relatives in these pari ouie time since Porcupine BAILEY BRIEFS Wm Fleischinan from Churn Kant a as in Cutcomb Lake vicinity on Iws i ss tin- 3d George Heine built a house on i jlaim recently L W German was in these parts r Gently John Bishop and Georpe Seairt snipped six carload of cattle to Omah on the 4tli Chase Sellers is shingling his lious As the farm machine takes its a rest the political machine begi odo its level Think less o Aiium you vote for than of whaty ote for Died October 3 of tphoid fev i Nora six-year-old daughter of Justp ud Maggie Heamesdorfer The b eaved parents extend their heartfe iiiauks to the neighbors who assifU them in their time of trouble Lu Dahlgren was in this vicinit i enil on the roundup Guess-Who-I Am NIOBRARA FALLS Health generally good in this vicin it Even body busy and happy lrs J A Adamion went over t tne Flats for a weeks visit John t 1 Pitching it now just as he used to do Mrs Bertha Beece was calling oi 1 i nemhboo last wenk iias r lienton of Pine RidgnSi ikenl Tueadt uiijlit al the Fails Ht it company with his brother had dn en their cattle down to a ranch neai IU ig to be wintered John Grooms sr and familv spent Thuisday night with E Grooms and family Johnnie Ormesher is talking of build ing him a house on his claim We pre sume the next will be the cook JErnest Reed is working on his house these daS Ernest aud Sam Heth went to the flats Sunday K Grooms says he has more cabbage than some people has hay If you want sauerkraut call on him Sam Grooms bought a cow from J A Adamson last week Chailey Marks is like a hen on the fence One dav he wears a Bryan badge and next a McKmley chine with the defects of none Made right w our fictot by most skilled workmen and from the best material that Hpp i Rica msSvwSZ SvSvkSSSi BolEMrE llltj3BHi IBB V IIS jssjifn I a lllflMlill B ffl 5 aiiwicy kmIU uuy VnUV U0ft UHDlntl ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration shows Box Top machine open ready for use the other our Drop Head machine with the head dropped from sinht to be used as a center table or desk The upright or BoxTop machine h s six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools needles etc Drawers are latest 1900 skeleton frame carved paneled embossed and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy drawers and one drawer for tools Each machine has the finest high arm J P51U vc loar moiwn ecat seu uireacim vibrating snuitie automatic bob bin VHuter adjustablebearings patent tension liberator improved loose wheel improved adjustable pressure foot improved shuttle carrier patent aress guard patent needle bar head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed We guarantee this machine to be the lightest running most durable and nearest miseless machine made Every attachment is furnished free tocetber with a complete instruc tion book tellinfr you how to do any kind of phln or fancy work We issue a written binding guarantee with every machine It will cost voa nothing to see and exam ine this marhine compare it with ethers selling for from S40 to eb and if satisfactory fay the agent S 1695 and charges Send for circulars and fall descriptions of sewing machines and bin des manufactured by us Order today Address all orders to THE AKRON SEWING MACHINE BICYCLE CO AkronOhOJ tbc Akron Sertsfc Machfnfc and Bicycle Co ua reliable Editor LEGAL NOTICE Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska In ih matter of the Estate of John Dunnde ceased Ou reading and filing the petition otV G Dunn praying that the instrument Hied ou the J2th day of September 1900 and purporting to be the last will aud testament of tne saia de ceased may be proved approved probated al lowed aud recorded as tlie last will and testa ment of said John Dunn deceased and that the execution of said instrument may be com mitted aud the administration of said estate amy be granted to U G Du u as executor Ordered That October 13 A D 1000 at l ojcloek p m is assigned for hearing taid peti tion when all persons interested in aid matter uu appear at a county court tu be held in and r said county ami show cause why the praer a petitioner should not be granted audtnat loticr ol the pendency of said petition aud the earing thereof be given to all persons ii in said mauer by publishing a copy of this tder In the Valentine Democrat a weekl iewspaper urimed iu said count fr three fcssive weeks ptior to said day of hearint WltTOWNK 36 3t County Judge Appointment of Administrator in the Couuty Court ol Cherry County Neb- in the matter of the Estate of Daniel S Lud g deceased Ltertlia O sparks having filed in my office a aiuon prajinglor the appointment of Joseph i Spams it- adininlatraior of the estate of Dan- S Ludwig deceased All pel sons inteesen ii aid estate will take notice Miat 1 have fixeit iuiiuaOct 15th 1900 at 10 oclock am as tin nieand my ollicem ValeiitineCherry iska as the place for bearing said petition hi ihich time anu place allpeisous iuteresleo n id est tte may appear aud show cm use if ai there be wliy such adminlstratur shall not be ippuinted Witness mj hand and the seal of said Leal Cotuitv Court this 26ih day of Sep tember 1900 W tC TO W N li 3G3t Coutitj Judge Appointment of Administrator u ihe county Court ol Cherry County Nebras ka ri the matter of the Estate of 1 N llussell de ceased Eudora J Xussell having filed in my office a titlon praying for the appointment of bersel in n George E Russell as administrators oi tin si ate of I N Kussell deceased all persons in- -rested iu said estate will take notice that 1 ave fixed Saturday October 13lh 1900 atlo clock a m as the time aud my office in utine Clierr Ciuuty Nebruska as the plact jr hearii g said petition at which time anu lace all persm interested in said estate maj ppearand show cause If any theiebe whj icli administrators should not be appointed Witness m hand aud the seat oi said i Court this sMith day of Sentember 1900 W KTOWNE Couuty Judge JNotice to Creditors n County Court within and for Cherry Conntj Nebraska lu the matter of the Estate ol Thomas C ialchdeceased io the creditors or said Estate You are hereby notified That 1 will sit at the unt Court Koom in Valentine i said ou the 29U1 day of September 1900 receive and examine all claims against ilEKattiwitn a view to their adjustment d allowance Ihe time limited lor the pre ntation of cla ms against said estate is o mi ns from the 29ih day of March O io and the time limited lor payment of debt ona year from said 29th day of March 9 Witness my hand and the seal of said County iirt this 3th day of September 1900 34 W It TOWNE County Judge 173 PER CENT ANNUALLY Thats the Profit Copper the Article Mexico the Country Li irogresso in Its iiroup of six mines ha- me of the rtchest copper ores in the richesi ling country in the world Ore runs 12 pet ut eopqer 12oz silver a trace of gold totai ue about 43 a ton and iu two of the mines addition to copper aud sliver ore contain 3 reent to flA per cent quicksilver or meretux iout 1U5 a ton The great Luke Superior i mines lituiniet andHecla Wolverine ui ntarack Quinej etc that annually return ions run only from S3 to S13 a ton oston and Montana six years ago sold for ft a share to da 275 paying 24o percent on ie investment United erde sold for 5oc a utre today stock not in tin market and pav MH per cert on Investment Calumet and Hecla sold for 51 a share to day nh 800 and pays on investment lQOOo r cent Entire capital stock of United Verde was off eii lor 150000 and refused Senator Clark ater pam GOooo and to day he lias aunuai icome from this propenj of over 813000000 If this is possible here with labor six times iglier than In Mexico with ore five times less iluable wite fuel five times dearer and ever lug else in proportion do you doubt that El Yogi ess will return 173 per cent and more an ia hy to original investors to first stockhold rs who contribute the money to start the ball ohing who a e ou the groun 1 floor Aiuexpeiitnced know the c mntry the peo e the language lived there 18 years am now the mines of this of Mexico ami inhesitatiuirly state El irogreso is the best rave been worked lor generations in a Mexican i and supplied the copper tor the countiy No attempt was ever mae to ex ici iliegoM iilvcr if quic silver A modern 40 um coine lrilingin mii a ml- Mifin g tiilj the S43 ore will ret in tduooo per aiiutim ihtis S43 810 for treatment liias JJlo loim equals liftu t ui lor o laxs equals 396000 This will pa 2i5perctn ii i5i0ooo totnl capitalization Par value u nares 100 9il0i0 snares are treasiirj stock nd 400000 or this to be sold very io totals iiuney to start things whn price will lie greatl iiiVMticed 100000 at 12c all sold 100000 ai 15c 100000 at 20c 100000 at 25c Dividend multiplied if Stock No of by No of shares fot purchd shares Annual Sioo show annual at for 1 Profit Jrroflt 150 6h m Per Ct 26x63173 Per C roc 5 130 Per Ct 25x5 130 Per C Joe 4 104 Per Ct aGx4 104 Per Ct i0c 2 52PerCt 2GX2 52PerCt 5100 1 28 lerCt20xcl2GPerCt The best ever offered of securing stock in n legitimate co iner mining enterprise Send for prospectus Organized company on a plan to give a chance an i0 iuu nine nun ano pii gieit alio uone need be exemded If quick yon can own 0 shares for every dollar you remit DAViO B KUSSELL IrOiident El Progieso Copper Mining Co fia Wall street New York MILL PRICES FOR FEED lirnn bulk 65c per cv t 1200 toi bulk 70e per cwt 13 00 tu screenings 40c 700 4 thopFeed luO 1900 Corn - yOc 17 00 Chop corn 95c 1800 Oats 105 2000 Do you want to bu la mi It wil pay you to see I Rice 1 44ICA IA JUakes short roads I JL cflknd light loads QBEASE Food for everything I that runs on wheels I Sofd ETvteryWherV L Key STANDARD QVUtO j Copper JProductlon The growth of copper production in the century has been very rapid being in the first decade 91000 tons in the fifth 291000 tpnsand in the tenth dec ade which ends with 1900 3743000 tousot which 1963000 tons is sup plied by STorth America the larger proportion of this being from the United States The rapid extension of the railroad system of Mexico is re sulting in the opening ot some verv extensive copper mines in that coun try the richness of the ores which as a rule carry gold and silver together with the abundance of very cheap la nor and the climatic advantages will end to grratly increase the Xorth American production One of the largest copper mining enterprises in the world is now being started by the Rothschildswho have invested 5000 000 therein This great property is in the state of Michoacau and in the same mineral belt as are the El Pro Kreso Mines that are advertised in this Issue The mainspring of the wonder ful increase of the worlds production of copper is of course the great profil that results from mining it and at the present time no better investment is offered than the stock of a good cop per mining company in the initial sages and before a dividend is paid l Rice writes insurance O Ht ijMipWyjfia Rdll Kennedy Nh Cattle brandr m outIcft side a left hip soi fame on left lb ir Rang 8qu Lake uoRGAREinoE and bos t offlne aditri 4t Mtu on e Cv vin urnmiHa at ut or I or V D -ft hu th hole it ear wiien ux tv old horse eas eut and I J 1 f u nd Viobrara ALBICRT WHIPPLE Postofflce addre Rosebud 8 D Branded on left st ime SOS Horsea on ither der 8omai u branded elthdr ah oi rthus JTRANK ROTHLEUTNEB lMTie MlOf ftx Knuore Neb ule branded on r d as on me on blp T ome on a left ilde RDBEItT BAP WOUND 25L 1 llUJLLiJ LBTTi nostofflce address Allen eft side als n lelt Horse 10 on L C Peyton i nl lilCiip Some Ange Seven miles atoi Plm Eldge In WKM v ft hi- Range Corn Creei Lavaca Nebraska n left side itango Pole Creek SHORT HORN KUXXJ or sal Geo H Hill NhnuK mlei rriman I 1 rtds JL lpi T iip nrand - WmSKm F D McGaa Yeston S D JTa r - KT r A fA KV B TC leu w Left or either sldi of cattle also V lei lde i ULCK bwal low fork riht car mderbit left rlht ear nuobed oil i1 di rhit Ipf ear Rome on left law and some waitie eii jaw Ot m r tirauUS idor i ieor an a- brnnile Wi ou lea side m 8 uei V ion mii leti ihou der or thiKh bigh thigh ortnigh hip Anyone sflliUK horses or cattle bearing th ore brands will be prosecuted Informatloi grdlng theft Hbprally rewarded Range at trney tiprlngs and Cottonwood HERBERT O TJISONETTB MANAGER Postoftlce address Plue Ridge 3 D Cattle branded as on mt HOB on left side some B HlXon eunerslde Some on led side some older m stock anywhere on anltnaL Horres E k gt onieitnip anywuero on nVh fde Suannoa Ce T HE OWL SALOON Valentine Nebr State Brand reg istered 1554 Hattle and horses oranded same as ut on left hip Range 2 miles of Ft Nio brara Cf Cf Cf IP 9 D Stinard I j on riirht sla Range 16 mile north of Hjannls DS TV E Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts C miles south of Kilgore TY DELIVERY Trunks and Packages hauled to and From the Depot Martin Welch Leave orders I at Jake Stetters c TA YEARNSHAW JAMES B HULL Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE X NEBRASKA STRAYED Last May a spotted dry cow with blacK nose hrand ed on right shoulder and jaw 36 4t OTTO KRASCH Arabia Gordon Nebr Brand registered 292 On left hip f cattle Horse3 left should er also OAT u eft slue Range South of make 35 miles e of Gordon S3 STRAYtD One 4 year old bay horse with white face one 3 year old bay hori with narrow strip in face one 3 yeai old horse All branded jfftH on lei shoulder Left my rangigggjtn 1898 Liberal reward will be paid lor inform ttion leading to their recovery 26 N S Rowley Kennedy STRAYED OR STOLEN Last November a 3-year-old brindle cou oranded 9SKSHB m hair t3HHg and 1j brand left shoulder W L Nichols 22 Merriman Nebr TAKEN UP At my plrce 3 miles east of For Niobrara one gray mare branded 3 on left hip Joe Bristol 3 TAKEN UP At my place 2 miles east of Crook dton about June 30 1900 1 bay mart about 3 years old branded i Ob left shoulder also one sorrel Bi yearling mare colt ED PIKE 2b TAKEN UP At my place one Arabian gray mare age unknown blind in one eye ano branded fjr on right shoulder weight IfSj about 1100 pounds W A w ilson Kilgore Nebr 2fc TAKEN UP At my place 12 miles southwest o uody one bay horse about six years oh oranded jVlfl on left hip weigh 800 lbs ijjjjfjlffl Also one gray mare iour years old J P GARDINER 29 Cody Nebr STRAYED OR STOLEN One black mare stripe in fact oranded long bar up and down on eacl thigh Two 3-year-olds branded 3 on left shoulder One mare brandeo S on left shoulder Reward of per head for recoverv 28 D M SEARS Kennedy Nebr Morey Ilewett r 2j fMBTTrfrT mi rn HaJSaBESSaE A T DAVIS i Pr Postofflceadd resp Hyannis Ne On right side horses on left shoulde also cattle BE E33 J O DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON uperlntondentofa Private Hospital For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE F NEBRASKA 1 M MOKRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB A N COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigleys Drug Store Nights-Upstairs-Ked Front vfWWWWWwyvwWWWWWWVWVVWVT WATCH AND CLOCK JEWELRY REPAIRING I AM NOW EEADY FOR BUSINESS With a nice se lection ol Watches ana Jewelry All kinds ol Repairing and Engraving done prompt ly and warranted J F 1XGALLS AIXSWOUT1I AOWWUAAAAAOWAAWWWUAA M WALOOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska Practices in District Court and U S Land Office Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold Bonded Abstracter Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I M Rice Agent Speaking About Eyes ysvttmgsa BjbSMk 2au mBEA fSKKKNIMeMSjHIEHS DONT FOtL away our money going tu a Specialist who is generally a fraud for ordinary trouble with your Eyes Get your yes fitted by a man with experi ence who knows exactly how to fit you O W MOREY the Jeweler has had 22 years experience If you need a specialist be will tell you so J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy VALENTINE NEB- RICHARDS CAIRNES CO Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands EEWggj torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the FJ5 3I VKR and Hyannis on B R R in Northwestern Nebraska Address Baktlett Richakds Chadron Nebraska fMAMAft 5SSS 4ftft4d4 ii THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WITffiS LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA Srvv r 9li - L X