ti iin nMftm O 4 - -- i fr m - wy i ni iPwfcirfwrtUpgfrto iii DIES COLUMN THE BEST THINGS C said it In the meadow path I say it on the mountain stairs The best things any mortal hath Are those which every mortal shares Xhe air we breathe the sky the breeze The light without us and within TJfe with Its unlocked treasures Gods riches are for all to win fThe grass Is softer to my tread For rest it yields unnumbered feet Sweeter to- me the wild rose red Because she makes the whole world sweet f - Into your heavenly loneliness Ye welcome me O solemn peaks And me in every guest you bless Who reverently your mystery seeks And up the radiant peppled way That opens into words unknown It will be lifes delight to say Heaven is not heaven for me alone Rich by my brethrens poverty Such wealth were hideous I am blest Only In what they share with me Invhat I share with all the rest Lucy Larcom DOMESTIC HINTS Maple Sugar Ice Cream For a fam ily of four persons heat a cupful of maple syrup without stirring it Break the yolks of four eggs into a bowl tnd -turn the hot syrup over them very beating constantly When the eggs and syrup are cool fold in care- fully a pint of cream that has been pre- viously whipped and freeze Fruit Cookies Three eggs one and one half cupfuls of sugar one cupful butter one and one half cupfuls of - eneded and chopped raisins two cup- Euls of flour one half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of milk or water one teaspoonful of cinnamon one half teaspoonful of doves Drop from a spoon into but- ered tins and bake Spiced Quinces Peel core and quar ter the quinces weigh them and put anto a preserving kettle with only -enough water to prevent their burn ing cover and let them cook over the Jjack of the lire about twenty minutes Snio another kettle put for light grounds of sugar one ounce of stick cinnamon half an ounce of whole cloves and one quart of vinegar When liquid is boiling turn in the quinces candlet them cook until tender but netain their shape Skim out the fruit raad put into a jar then boil the liquid zSown to a rich syrup and pour ever 2S2KL Cottage Cheese Put two gallons of sour clabbered milk into a granite or porcelain kettle set over the fire stir ring constantly until about as warm as new milk or until the whey separ ates from the curd Have ready a col ander over which you have laid a piece of strong cheesecloth Pour m the warm milk let it stand to drain lift ing the cdrners of the cloth occasion ally to - allow the whey to run out SDraia and press until ijerfectly dry Add1 to the dry curd one pint of good cream not necessarily perfectly sweet a little salt and a dash of pepper if Hiked Mix and rub through the fol ander beat well add more oi less cream to taste The milk must not be come too warm foil if the curd is too Siard it will not absorb the cream Potato Salad Make of equal propor tions of cold boiled potato cut into dice blanched English walnuts and stone olives The mixture is marinated with French dressing an hour before serv ing and chilled in the refrigerator dur ing that time a stiff mayonnaise being added it is sent to the table With this saeie handed round sandwiches of thin slices of brown bread spread with pate e foie gras Spanish Mackerel Salad Cut the con Lents of a can of pickled Spanish saackerel in thin slices and put it in xl colander to drain off the oil then set on the ice Peel half of two bunches of radishes selecting the largest ond cut in thin slices The balance of them must be trimmed in the following way Cut the stems and large leaves keep ing the smallest cut the roots and peel of evenly a small part around the roots With a sharp knife divide the -remaining peel into small equal sised leaves Remove the outer leaves from a large head of lettuce and cut the Sieart in six parts Cut the large leaves stems and all in small pieces wash in old water and drain in a wire basket or in a towel Boil one bunch of red beets thirty minutes in water enough to cover them Drain -and bake in a hot oven thirty minutes IPeel slice thin and cool thoroughly Cut six gherkins in thin slices Make 3l French dressing Decorate with the radishes SPECIAL HELPS - -alt-will prevent moths Borax and sugar will disperse ants and other insects Lemon juice and salt will remove ink Satains and iron rust s The white of an egg well whipped is -an excellent substitute for cream Agood plan for keeping butter cool 5n the summer is to nil a box with sand so one or two inches of the top Sink -the butter jars in the sand then thor oughly wet the sand with cold water Cover the box air tight it may be kept in the cellar and used as a table To Remove Black Ink If the stained article be washed immediately in sev eral waters or soaked in milk for sev exal hours before washing the stain will disappear or washing the article immediately in vinegar and water then on soap wil lremove it Mildew can be removed by dipping ihe spots- in buttermilk and placing in the sunshine v Starch will give a better polish and cnake articles stiffer If a teaspoonful rff powdered borax is added to on yiart of boiling starch X- FKIL lS UK KA5hvi - iv y -- X Stylish street gloves come in heavy laather with one button only White chiffon tucked with gold thread and laid over gold tissue is one of te latest and prettiest fancies fcr vests collars and the like Gold ti immings have gone up about 50 per cent in price a striking com mentary on the lavishness with which dressmakers and millineis aie ucng them f Many of the laces this year are made effective by having no groundwork the pattern of flowers or of conventional de signs being cut out all over the lace One of the prettiest forms in which the gold is to be found is in the gold gauze which forms patterns in white laces All laces are beautiful this year and colors abound in them White corduroy skirts are replacing the white pique skirts now that cool days have come and are more prac tical than they seem for the white cor duroy can be laundered as easily as pique Red hats grow more and more auda cious Red felts or velvet turbans trimmed in scarlet velvet geraniums or sprawling velvet poppies flame in al most all of the millinery windows on Fifth avenue The black cloths for gowns and jackets were never before so finely woven or beautifully finished as tney are this season and they undoubtedly take an important place among fabrics for modish gowns suitable to wear at any time of day or tor any sort of demi dress function Piumes made of cocks feathers of gleaming iridescent breast feathers are greatly used on the low broad hats instead of ostrich plumes and form tne rim of many of the soft turbans The narrow buckle of exaggerated length is a conspicuous feature of autumn linlu nery Among the new cheap handkerchiefs are many trimmed with lace Tney have lace insertions and lace edges some with point desprit and plain foot ing ruffled on the edge They would be prettier if they kept to these two sim ple materials as the imitation Valen ciennes detracts from them Straps of all kinds appear in all sorts of places this year and are fre quently finished at their pointed edges with one or three small buttons Sev eral straps beginning at the shoulder of a flannel shirtwaist are carriedthree or more on each side half way down the waist and are finished with a point Stylish looking autumn redingotes are made of Scotch tweed in almost imperceptible thread checks or stripes Most of them are double breasted and close fitting at the back Some of the models have an addition of three Eng lish shoulder capes graduated in depth and edged with a narrow line of fur Others have hoods lined with fancy taffeta with braided revers collars and cuffs OUT OF THE- ORDINARY The British government is the owner of over 25000 camels Several thousand are used in India to carry stores and equipments when the regiments are changing quarters The new king of Italy proposes to give his valuable collection of rare old coins to one of the state museums lie says that if he kept it he would give to its imporvement time which his pres ent duties will not allow him to spare Gold mines at Johannesburg are not in as bad condition as was anticipated As a rule there has not been much if any destruction of property and in nearly all cases the mines could be put into producing condition within a month after work is fairly resumed Perhaps one of the most conscientious of royal diary keepers is the empress of Germany whose daily record no one ever sees not even the emperor him self Each year a new dairy is begun and the old one with its locked clasp is put away with the preceding ones in an iron safe which Is kept locked A forest fire at Colebrook a moun tain hamlet near New Haven Conn has driven hundreds of rattlesnakes down into the lowlands and they are biting and poisoning cattle The ex tent of the reptile exedus from the woods can be pictured from the fact that one man killed and picked up 126 rattlers in one day Some of them are very old Twenty years ago the city of To ronto Ont began the erection of a city hall which was to cost 300000 by the original estimate The outlay on it to date has been 2315000 and it is not yet finished Meanwhile the archi tects fees it is said have exceeded 360000 and an effort in the city coun cil to dismiss him has railed A monument to Dh ck Wessles Ten Broeck who successively held the office of magistrate commissary recorder and mayor of Albany in the latter part of the seventeenth century has been un veiled at Clermont N Y The monu ment was erected by the descendants of the Dutch settler and its bears this inscription Dirck Wessles Ten Broeck Born Dec 18 1638 Died at his Bou werie on Roelof Jansens Kil Sept IS 1717 Dr J W Snow of Atlantic City has an Irish setter -dog which was recently run over and badly mangled Feeling sure that the animal would die the doc tor began to experiment upon it with morphine To his surprise the setter is slowly recovering but meantime has apparently become a confirmed mor phine fiend showing the same symp toms when denied the drug for any lJ1 1 tjnvry MARKETING POULTRY j c ul uie 6uuujbu r The season Tor marketing young poul ieiD Kuve puueu iT miia x ry lg wdj righ ovgr Thre Js qurtp a the stiaia and pulled out in ton f uLfciwii flmfmrt illri demand for young stuff during the over the instep FARM NiiWS NUlJiS period of fries for a great many people have a liking for fried chicken Pretty soon the markets will demand Dlder and well fattened fowls In look ing through an establishment where poultry is being bought one will be sur prised at the small amount of really hrst class poultry that comes into the market A lean chicken Is very poor eating and consequently a poor seller with good reasons The common fowl oannot be converted into the highest quality for which the better class of buyers will pay a good price Most of the poultry that comes from the farm is not well fattened When selling time comes chickens are select id and sold without ascertaining wheth er they are fit for sale As a rule the opposite condition exists and such as are considered no good on the farm are those selected for sale Very few pecple put up chickens and prepare them for market Fowls to be fitted for market should be more closely con fined and fed with a view of fattening them They should have no exercise as exercise necessitates more food and toughens the flesh Three weeks is a long time for fattening fowls When they have been fattened as they should be the buyer if he knows his business will pay more for fowls that have been v eil fattened than he will for those which have been selected haphazard Corn is the grain usually employed in fattening poultry for the market This is a very good food for this purpose but corn meal will be found better It is mora economical and the fattening process is carried on better by the use of corn meal They will fatten quickly and nicely since it is easily digested The fattening process is not a natural one hence it should be shortened as much as possible RICHNESS IN- MILK When there is a near prospect of a pretty high standard for milk being es tablished it is of some interest to learn the conclusions reached bearing on the question as to some of the fac tors determining the richness of milk by C D Smith after five years study and noted in the proceedings of the Society for Promoting Agricultural Science The conclusions in question are First A cow j ields as rich milk as a heifer as sho will as a mature cow Second The milk is as rich in the first month of the period of lactation as it will be later except perhaps dur ing the last few weeks of the milk Row when the cow is rapidly drying off Third There is little difference in seasons as to the quality of the milk I While the cows are at pasture the milk is neither richer nor poorer on- the average than the milk yielded when the cows were on winter feed Fourth The milk of a fair sized dairy herd varies little in composition from day to day and radical varia tions in this respect should be viewed with suspicion Practical men might do worse than study these conclusions and express their opinions thereupon We would draw attention on our part to the con clusion regarding- sameness in quality of winter fed and pastured milk THE NEW CORN CROP Te corn crop is now where some reasonable estimates as fo its quan tity may be made Careful authori ties after looking over the big field cannot report a bumper crop Early in the season the enormous area and the promising- condition justified expecta tions of a record breaking crop and that is what we have in eertaincc tions but in a good sized area of the corn belt drouth has materially short ened the yield Probably 20000000fi0 to 2200000000 bushels is where the comV mercial estimates will rest or not very far from the official figure of last year 2978000000 bushels The coming years requirements are great Old corn is practically out of the way and the consumption of the new crop begins early Feeding will again be on a liberal scale Everything points to heavy feeding of all kinds of live stock during the coming year Foreign trade does not seem to be af fected by prices and a liberal move ment abroad may be anticipated All things considered prices for corn dur ing the coming year promise to be fav orable Jo the producer who turns hif crop into cash at the elevator WATER FOR MILK COWS The Geneva experiment station laims to have ascertained that cow3 in full milk need four and three fifth pounds of water or each pound of milk they ylcl1 As records have been made bv Holstem cows or one at least of ovor 100 pounds perday does this nej i that she took about sixty gal Ions of water a day We can scarcely redit it although we know that green spass or ensilage contains a large amount of water but we think not enough to bring her daily allowance up to sixty gallons a day even though she was fed on the most succulent food If our memory serves us rightly when we had a dairy herd the cows which gave the most milk were not the ones that drank most heartily at the trough When the water was very cold or when there was ice in the trough the ones that drank the most freely were the ones that shrank in their milk pnd the dry cows but those which gave milk continuously were not hearty drinkers in fall or winter Will they not see if they cannot revise those length of time as are exhibited by tin j figures a little or acknowledge excep human victim l lions to the rule U wp irplnWp rf rn i iim j i i inf -ii i -iii i i i CASE Or BITiSt M1TE3 Tlie fleiidorloot liosiiit a Salted JJklue lutIlifiuuttl2luiISitli When 1 was mining1 in the junn on country Luck in ne bos said one oi tne jroup of the western mtai talking- oer old times m the hotel lob by a iitvle spindie itgged Philadei nian named McArthui struck camp lOOnjng lr a good opening for invts nient in mines sort of a yearning coind always be accom lnudateu on ithe frontier ad as Mc Ar thur jwas by long odds -the greTnest tenderfoot that ever came oir vne range he was generally regarded as leguiinaxe prey At Uiuit ume the cjnp buiiy was a fellow tnained Jacc blaterwho owned a big prospect lioie called Uig Casino and it was entirely worthless As soon as he heard that McArtttur wanted to buy a mine he made preparatons to unload on him xiie lictle Phiiasleliihian was such an out-and-out greenhorn that Slater didnt take the trouble to do any scientific salting He simply dumped a barrowful of rich ore into the shaft stamped it down and invited the stran ger to take a look at the property and help himself to samples Mc Arthur went down the shaft peered around through his spectacles and came up witli his pockets full of ore that had been put there for his special benefit As soon as he get the assayers re port he bought the mine for 5000 cash Everybody knew the poor fellow had been outrageously swindled continued the western man and the afiair was laughed over in the saloons and the gambling houses as thebig gest joke of the season Meanwhile jMcArthur hired a couple of laborers went to work seriously at the bottom of the shaft and next day the camp was electrified by the report that lie had rwilly struck it rich It seemed that aiier sinking about a foot deeper he ii uck a rich yellow vein the presence of which nobody ever sua nected The news reached Slater Cvt n he was playing faro and he V- fell olf Ins chair Then he ci a beeline for his Big Casino and i the bottom ofk the shaft he fsnnd what seemed to be a magnificent outcropping of decomposed quartz full of free gold As soon as he had laid eyes on it and realised that he had actually been fool enough to sale a bonanza he began to scheme to get the property into his hands again lie told McArthur that a former partner had turned up and was going to test tin validity of the sale in court so purely as a matter of justice he of fered to return the purchase money with 500 bonus if the Philadelphian would deed the mine back The huue man didnt seem to realize what a big thing he had struck and got nervous at t lie taiK about contrsls To make a long story he finally accept ed the proposition put the money in his inside pocket signed the neces sary papers and left town on the next stage ieerrd by the entire population Xovt day when Slater made the pain ful discovery that the ledge of posed miartv was itself a fake and that Hie mine had been salted m a hijrhlv artistic fashion None of us evor saw Mr Arthur again but it was tolerably clenr that he discovered the deception immediately after purchasing- and then set about deliberate v to turn the tables on the man that flpeced him The spindle legged gen tleman frmo Philadelphia was not as Teen as lie looked What Sle Wsiuted A fair young- girl pernlexity written on her couim nance confronted the pale young man He returned her gaze with the impassive stare of one who had never seen her before Had he Listen Whan is she saying to him In a low well modulated voicewith out the slightest trace of emotion or pviircniinK shp savs J T Avant you dear heart I love you my honey Come back my baby Why did you throw me down The latch strings always hanging out for you shook that other man Youre the only chap 1 love I dont like no chean man I aint see no messenger boy Oh promise me and Ill be true to you Was he moved No His face took on a bored expression and in a careless tone he asked Is that all Two dollaisand twenty cents please we are having a specal sale on sheet music to day and they are reduced in price Thank you Then they drifted apart she to practice rag time and he to flit from reethovcn to Williams-and-Walker al7 for the same salary per week 2 E5ovr Whitman Kclpcd Child Here is a pleasant story which has never appeared in print but is known to be true The poet Walt Whitman was as is well known dependent dur ing most of his life upon the windness of his friends and admirers for sup port few years before his death one of these fiiends called upon him in his little house in Camden a suburb an town of Philadelphia Well Walt he said how goes it this winder Anv subscription need- for Christmas O now said the poet Im at work now Tin in the employ of G W Childs lie pays me 50 a month You at work May I asK what is your occupation Whv T ride in the street cars T fall into a talk witlnthe drivers and conductors and findH which of -them have no overcoats and gness at their si e and notify Childs Its not hard work said the ei thoughtfully And then you lenow it helps Child along She T would like to call you oy your Christian name love hut Tom s so hateful and common you know ilavent you some pet name 3Te y no I er havent She Are jou alwa3s known as Tom among- your friends He brig htrninsr up- Xo the hcys -all me Shorty Harlem Life - t 55E555 SS - niite wi i 11 w nmn iawlwiirti l rxtuvtzm 1S PgSV tin niii imiT DISORDERED KIDNEYS ARE RESPONSIBLE for more sickness and suflering than anything else Kidney troubles JjJ the nerves makes one dizzy sleepless iniiabe makes onePJ9 wa er often durinsr day and compels one to get up durinir night causes duck ace takes ambition from you you get weak and waste away William Swepny cashier Park bank Albany N Y who had beeu troubled with his kidneys for several veurs took Cramers Kidney Oure it brouuht peimanent relief and Mr Sweeny has done as much as any otner one person to spread the advantages of Cramers Kidney ana Liver Cure De fore the wirid QjfiHhaNeb Jan 19 1900 I firmly believe thab I owe voy IIQ to CrameraKioney Cuie Fortwoyeara I suffered with kidney trouoie anu could hnd no relief any where I spent hundreds ot dollars on uucuuia uiedicims I tried Kidney Cure as a lst resort and I wish 1 liatt I had fallowed the novice of friends oouer In lens than four months it nau niftde a new man of me I am entirely well and I cive ail fbe Praise to Cramers Kidney Cure SAMUEL L MOUBIS Ot the Omaha Police Force CRAMERS KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE- The most wonderful kidney medicine known will give you strength find brinj color to your cheeks It is a t ure cure for kidney troubles Sold by all druggists Itislat on Having Cramers 1 00 a bottle fl bottles tor GOG CRAMER MEDICAL COMPANY albahy aSr ml 1 ell PkOaKli R fetal VSFCBffi fllfi Mbfi itak mM DT MAN This is what I can do and it dont make anydiffereneewhether it is night or day wet or dry cold or warm storm or calm jusfccall me and I will pump water grind feed shell corn separate cream churn or grind bones oivany work that is required of me Call and see me at work at - ALLEN P ELY CO Ik 1110 Douglas St OMAHA -NEB We Also Buy and Sell Xew and Second Hand Machinery Taking Turkish Vapor or Medicated Baths All tholuxurieiofaliOTSPniNOS in yonrown I103E fur TilKEE CENTS ejeh GIVES lOUEKTOTHK WHIN Onr new and improved lUEUMAfi BATH CABINET are AUTOMATICALLY con i tract ed p thai you tin aupidr j crself vuh At uLu rrat r aud xwg the fc AVITJIODT AN ASSInTNT Our Cilinet Bath p oduc ptrfc HEALTH CLEANLINESS VIGOR and BEAUTV Will cure HEUMATIMNErKALOlA 1iCriie and Malaria 1llYSICIANS rcnmwicndeJ tli ni tor WOMANS TK01BTE Bood and SKin Uiea innnai tirpiin t wUre svitcm br iiwn nr tte Mi fclCAl J UK13 III i HIS PKIV a d r Menses surely ttrougiit on regularly suppressions neglected often result i blood puisoning and quick consumption and is the direct cause o womens trnu bles therefore keep the menses regular with De Le Dues Female Regulator and women will be happy and healthy If it fails Kidd Drug Co Elgin 111 send free medicine until relieved and fullj cured 2 per package or S ror 5 pei mail Retail and wholesale of flyers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Pharmacy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City A complete line ot rubber goods on hand ask for what you want It is almost too much to hope that the gocd roads congress n Topeka will result in providing a system of guide posts in the center of Kansas aenue to direct wanderers who often lose their way in crossing that thorough fare The most impressive of the early signs of winter is the attitude of old king - mellina f te systf m y profuse 1 KKSPIR VTION ALL THE IM PURE SALTS ACIDS AND POISONOUS MATTfcIl which if rnUined i1iini afjVnaa snrl TTPTnHttlM dtrt PRICES S5no to 15 trlte for t fMalnstje before bnyinra Bsth Cabinet VTe wnnt cnterpring MEN aad TVOilEN to renrc cut tu EVERYWHERE EschuiTe territory giren standard Bath Cabinet Co Toledo Ohio Til I1C v OUR HEW LITTLE GIANT lh H P GASOLINE ENGINE Worth Its Weight in Gold to Every Stockman and Farmer p How many of you have lost the price of this Engine in one day on account of insuf ficient wind to operate your wind mills leaving your stock without wnter Getonenow to do your pumping when thpro is no wind or to do it regularly Weather does not affect Iifnn wnhirldvet or dr wind f calm t is aI1 tSe same to thi8 machine Will also shell corn grind feed saw wood churn Imttor and is handy for a hundred other lobs in the house or on thefarm Costs nothing to keep when not workine and onlv 1 to 2eentn Shippd completely set ifp ready to run foundat Seded w i ni mo7 TKeuire Practically no attention and is absolutely safe IS nviSlZCS 0f Gasollae S11163 f rom 14 to 73 horse power Write for cinfiuarand f AmBAHKS MORSE CO OMAHA HEB Why not doctor yourself Gonnva Tablets are guaranteed bv KIdd Drug Co Elgin 111 to cure all Diseases inflamma tions ulcerations of the urinary system organs bladder etc or send free medi cine until cured if guaranteed 1 t falls n internal remedy with injection com bined the only one in America Price 3 or 2 for 5 sent per mail Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha lI A Dillon South Omaha Da vis Drug Co Council Bluffs RIggs Phar macy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City Complete line of rubber goods ask for what you want The largest tin plate annealing fur nace in the world has been completed at Niles O at the plant of the Amer ican Tin Plate company The furnace which is feet and ten feet high does the work of ten ordinary anneal ing furnaces HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm WEST TRUAX Wholesale Drug gists Toledo O WALDING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 75c per bottle Sold by all drug gists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best Two new North German Lloyd trans Atlantic steamers are nearing comple tion in Germany the Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Kron Prinz Wilhelm The former will be the longest ship afloat In these days wenders where the com petition in steamship building will end Two years ago the Lucania and Cam pania were masterpieces Then came the Oceanic a marvel in size and the Deutschland a marvel of speed Both are to be outstripped by these new German boats and still the race is on Vital weakness ana nervous tfebllltv can be cured VIrtuama Tablets are guar anteed by Kidd Drug Co Elgin 111 to cure all nervous diseases debilitv and vi tal losses or send free medicine until cured if guaranteed lot fails Pale thin emaciated tremblnig and nervous people should try these tablets greatest ofnervo tonics If you are not what you ought to be or want to be and can be zhe them one trial and you will praise chem nr ever 52 a package or 3 for 5 per mail Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Pharmacy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City Full line of rubber goods ask for what you want Every German daily paper in the United States except one in Chicago is under the jurisdiction of the German American Typographical union Its re port for the year shows that 29000 was collected in dues which was devoted to an extensive system of benefits such as sick and out-of-work relief and death iate needs The dues which are 45 cents per week meet all demands No member is permitted to work more than eight hours per day Fifty new unions and thirty five branches have been organized by the United Brewery Workmen during the last seventeen months Others are or ganizing J5j nusiuDras jfTiti1vPT IfJ JV CVA4tm season J -- - rrtrtfA ftg KIMBALL BROS MFGS 1051 9th St COUNCIL BLUFFS IA Farmers and Poultrymen i vu can noi aaortl to be withoul SbrSS LGE BITEBMIHATQB SslsKi TCCp fro Samper Scratches and S3 Alange Keep your Catilr fr fm g nd Poultry frcm Cholera Roupe 3SZzM Scaly LcS c If your dealer does not iKcp i scpq 75 cents for a esllon LAKE CHEMICAL CD 1913 CRAM iinnsas City Afo CRANDAY SUMMER TOURS via the WABASH RAILROAD On June 1st the Wabash will place on sale summer tourist tickets good to turn until October 31st to all the suS mei resorts of Canada and the East The Continental Limited Leaving Chicago at 12 noon- leaving Sf Louis at 9 a m which ws so pop ular with tha traveling public last yw will run on same schMi xju t - ume wis For rates time tables or further iu formation m regard to trips East or to curope or a copy of our Summe Toura cail on or write v G N CLAYTON N W P Agt Room 405 N T Life Bldg Omaha Neb Bcst CoQRh Syrap Tones GoodV Use gQ - jL h X v v 3 fay o n I