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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1900)
M MIW fcrt A2JWrNrSTRATION CLAIMS THAT PEACE EXISTS IN ISLANDS fOKSIOffS REPORT I Stepori of the McKinley Commis sion Is Not Borne Out By the Telegraphic Dispatches Snasnlngton D C Special The WJajo of the republican newspaper man to these days are devious and dark 2EevSs iorced to pursue such a winding scrsc that lie reminds one of the xseks seho vas traveling upon a moun tsja path that was so very crooked JSsti ie met himself coming back The papas of the morning of September 20 cssttein a dispatch emanating from Beaduarters that tells the following aZzj The dispatch in question is the csposl of the Philippine commission and Ss signed by William H Taf t Dean C Worcester Luke E Wright Henry C 3ge and Bernard Moses Ihs commission tells of the gradual 32stsation of -peace in the islands It assures our people that peace now segns in our oriental dependencies It ssstrres us that nearly all the prominent Philippine generals excepting have surrendered It is to be presumed that the gentlemen of the CPSiHippine commission are what may Se- termed honorable men They nrely would not deliberately attempt 5t deceive the American people and were i not for the fact that upon an tlierijage of the same papers that told at peace in the Philippine islands there appeared another telegram from Manila sjsjfcg that the Filipinos are again act ge that the United States troops en gjasJ aearly 1000 insurgents upon La obs fie Bay stating further that Cap toin Bavid B Mitchell and twelve men were killed and jtenty six men were -71 VirJv Tumilrt races iiti Wtrttuueu itu I w J osstioned The dispatcn reaas as Manila- Sept 19 During the last peyea days there has been a distinct in r 7v l naMVurygST 4r nmiwiiiiiwnani THE MKINLEY crease of insurgent aggression partic ularly near Manila along the railroad and in the provinces of Laguna Mo rong Bulacan Nueva Ecija and Para pagna culminating on Monday in an engagement near Sinaloan at the east end of Laguna de Bay in which de tachments of the Fifteenth and Thirty-seventh U S infantry regients 90 men all told met 1000 insurgents armed with rifles and intrenched The American loss was twelve killed including Captain David D Mitchell and Second Lieutenant George A Coo per both of the Fifteenth infantry twenty six men wounded and five miss ing who are probably dead The enemy had been pursued for several days There are rumors of attacks on the railroad and of trouble in Manila Refu gees are arriving here from Laguna Morong and Pampagna provinces The natives of Manila are restless and many are leaving the city The hostile demonstrations are par ticularly marked along the railroad and on the shores of Laguna de Bay The insurgents have attacked garrisons and outposts In same cases theyhave charged towns fleeing when pursued Guiguinto Pelo Lalolos and Caloocan have been subjected to this treatment The Manila mail escort of thirty men was attacked at Cabugac lake a two hours fight ensuing Cabugac was also attacked the telegraph office there being destroyed The insurgents have burned the village of Rosario They have been cutting the telegraph wires and railroad at certain points Armed insurgents have developed in the districts of San Jose San Mateo and Mariquina In the province of Nueva Ecija ration wagons with an escort of twelve were attacked and the wagons burned Five members of the escort are still missing Advices from Cebu describe several attacks upon American garrisons near the capital The American casxraliies outside the Sinaloan engagement it isdifficult to ascertain but they are at least fifteen The dispatch then adds in a naive manner tfiat the Philippine commission held a long session and passed the civil service bill or in other words they created a large number of offices that will presently be filled by favorites of the McKinley administration These newly created offices are supposed to mtmm lS MscS sraqftsiwifwt INSTREL V have something to do with the adminis tration of affairs in the Philippine isl ands The duties however of the ten thousand and one carpet baggers who are at present in the Philippines cannot be very arduous when an Amer ican dare not poke his nose outside of the fortifications of Manila unless ac companied by a heavy guard It cannot- be said that the adminis tration is attempting to deceive the American people as regards the situa tion in the Philippine islands What ever happens the republican organs can point to their columns and say That is what we told you And say it cor rectly for both the administration and republican press are busy telling the American people that the war is ended ifl the Philippines and equally busy telling them it is not So that it is easily seen that they are telling the truth at one time or another The voter is evidently expected to read both aqcounts and then believe what Mark Hanna tells him WHAT AN INDIANA MAN SAYS The Truth About the Situation In the Philippines Indianapolis Ind Special A letter from Captain D H Allen at the pres ent time with the Indiana troops in the Philippine islands which has been re cently received at Indianapolis throws considerable light on the situation in the Philippine islands Captain Allen has been recently nom inated by the democrats in the Ninth Indiana district as their candidate for congress and writes accepting the nom ination but says that he cannot re turn at the present time because the backbone of the war is not broken He continues I believe that every voter in the Ninth district regardless of party would strongly condemn me if I should leave my men here under such circum stances I believe too and rightly that the fathers and mothers of the 200 men who left Frankfort and came with me over the seas would also condemn any such a course arid as for myself I could never be able to justify such action My plain duty is to remain here and trust that with my men I hope the democrats and the people of the Ninth district will unhesitatingly ap N 4HH4 H4H - r r lOttHHUHHUUtHHMlH1 M M M M H O UNCLE MARK WHAT AlVI DE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BAKER AN A TRUST J DONT KNOW THEODORE WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BAKER AND k TRUST I S ONE KNEADS DE DOUGH AN DE UDDERS OOT MORE DOUGH DAN IT KNOWS v - WHAT TO DO WITH THE TROUPE WILL NONA WAL K AROUND TO -THE TUNE OF WELL ALL RETIRE WHEN WE OWN THE EARTH HEARSTS CHICAGO AMERICAN prove of my decision to stay with the company I desire to mention some facts tc correct any statements that may have been made in the district that the isl and of Luzon is pacified or that the backbone of the war is broken The presidents proclamation was published throughout the municipality of Bauan It was read at high mass by the priest at least a month ago thus giving it the widest possible circulation throughout the city and yet out of a population of fully fifty thousand not one person has thus far taken advantage of it The military athorities by general orders published throughout the island offered to pay 30 pesos thirty Spanish silver dollars for any kind of an old gun that could b4e fired This order was published months ago and yet in all the province of Batanzas with more than 200000 people not one rifle or gun has been offered for sale THE WAR IS NOT OVER THE PEOPLE HATVE NOT BECOME RECONCILED Thes are exact facts PULL DINNER PAIL BOOMERANG Reaction of the Republican 1896 Campaign Scare That full dinner pail is proving a boomerang for the republicans They are beginning to wish they had not shied it at the democrats because it is coming back again filled with dornicks The laboring man has been doing some figurin ganent the full dinner pail and he has found that both pail and con tents are harder to get because more expensive than they were four years ago The reason the tin dinner pail and the food -that the thrifty housewife packed into it each morning have in creased in price is because the trusts fostered by1 a republican administra tion have gotten control of them At the same time the trusts instead of em ploying more men at increased wages have dismissed thousands of men and reduced the wages of other thousands The laboring man after investigating all these things has come to the con clusion that if he has a full dinner pail he is not indebted to the republican ad ministration for it and if he wants to continue to have a full dinner pail he will have to help elect W J Bryan the candidate of the party which is opposed t trusts V - rr - 737 -- -- T t DISORDERED KIDNEYS ARE RESPONSIBLE for more sickness and suffering than anything else Kidney troubles irritates the nerves makes one dizzy rentles sleepless irritable njakes one pa waer often during day and compels one to get up during night causes Dactt acue takes ambition from you you get weak- and waste away William Sweeny cashier Park bank Albany N Y who had been troubled with his kidneys for several years took Cramers Kidney Cure it brought permanent relief and Mr Sweeny has done as much as any other one pt rson to spread the advantages of Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure be fore the world Omaha Neb Jan 19 1900 I firmly believe that I owe my life to Cramers Kidney Cure For two years I suffered with kidney trouble and could find no relief anywhere I spent hundreds of dollars on doctors ana rrietijcines I tried Kidney Cure as a lust resrind I wish I had I had followed the advice of friends sooner In less than four months it bad made a new mau of me I am entirely well and I clve all he praise to Cramers Kidney Cure SAMUEL L MORRIS Or the Omaha Police Forge CRAMERS KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE- - The most wonderful kidney medicine known will give you strengta find bring color to your cheeks It is a sure cure for kidney troubles Sold by all druggists Insist on Having Cramers 100 a bottle G bottles for 500 CRAMER MEDICAL COMPANY jbllbahyky yjr TERS HMD MM This is what I can do and it dont mate any differencewh ether it is night or day wet or dry cola or warm storm or calm just call me and I will pump water grind feed shell corn separate cream churn or grind bones or any work that is required of me Call and see me at work at ALLEN P ELY CO I i0 Douglas St OMAHANEB We Also Buy and Sell NTew and Second Machinery Taking Turkish Vapor or Medicated Baths All thoJuxnrieiofa HOT SrniNGSinyonriwnnOM3 fur THREE CENTS each They aroKESTFlI and KEFKESHINi GIVES IOWhUTO THE IJRMX Our new and iinjrovel TUEIOIU BATH CABIN ETC ara AUTOMATICALLY con structed o that you i n supply y ttrselfwith drnSimc Mt r and gponc rhe fc WITHOUT AN ASSISTANT Onr Cabinet Baths jwrf c HEALTH CLEANLINESS ViGORcndBEAUTY TKillcmu LIIKUMATISMNEURALOIA CoM TiOriH e and Malaria I lllalUIANS r cnmoieiiMeJ Uitn for N ujiai n TROUBLE BW1 and Skin Diseases Thnna Rati th Wo rtInTigorateand Jtl a aL1ha J nAnatnvA riAf h prTPTj a nn tn AniM Writa for onr Citiloctie before bnylnsa Bath Cabinet w - - t v rrrDVWULnp VT wont enterrrirg 3IEN acd v to rexirejeu us t mn n uit ExclutlTe t Standard Baih Cabinet Co Toledo Ohio OUR NEW LITTLE GIANT 2 H P GASOLINE EN Worth Its Weight in Gold to Erery Stocfcman and Farmer LUhtii WhfcKfc ALL FISF FAIIK E How many of you have lost the price of this Engine in one day on account of insuf ficient wind to operate your wind mills leaving your stock without water Get one now to do your pumping- when there is no wind or to do It regularly Weather does not affect its work hot or cold wet or dry wind or calm It is all the same to this machine Will also shell corn grind feed saw wood churn butter and is handy for a hundred other ji bs In the house or on the farm Costs nothing to keep when not working and only 1 to Scents per hour when working Shipped completely set up ready to run no foundation needed a great labor and money saver Requires practically no attention and is absolutely safe Wo make all sizes of Gasoline Engines from Hi to 75 horse power Write for cifcular and special prices FAIRBANKS MORSE CO OMAHA HEB HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known Fl J Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm WEST TRTJAX Wholesale Drug gists Toledo O WALDING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 75c per bottle Sold by all drug gists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best Mrs Anna D DiggsL the strenuous Kansas statewoman is by birth a Canadain by profesisona really clever politician and earns her living as state libfarian She began her political career as leader of the Kansas temperance forces in 1877 Vital weakness ana nervous debility can be cured Virtuama Tablets are guar anteed by Kidd Drug Co Elgin 111 to cure all nervous diseases debility and vi tal losses or send free medicine until cured if guaranteed lot fails Pale thin emaciated tremblnig and nervous people should try these tablets greatest of nerve tonics If you are not what you ought to be or want to be and can be srK e them one trial and you will praise them for ever 52 a package or 3 for 5 per mail Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs Rigss Pharmacy Ijtncoln H S Baker Sioux City Full line of rubber goods ask for what you want The queen mother of Italy reads and speaks English perfectly Last winter he persuaded her husband to give up entertaining at court and devote to the oor the money thus saved 0 i c v7hen a preparation has an advertised reputation that is world wide it means that preparation is meritorious Xt you go into a store and buy an article that has achieved universal popularity like Cascarets Candy Cathartic for example you feel it has the endorsement of the world The judgment of the people is infallible because it is impersonal The retailer who wants to sell you some thing else in place of the article you ask for has an ax to grind Dont it stand to reason Hes trying to sell something that is not what he repre sents ito be Why Because he ex pects to derive an extra profit out of your credulity Are you easy Dont you see through his little game The man who will try and sell you a substi tute for CASCARETS is a fraud Be ware of him He is trying to steal the honestly earned benefits of a repu tation which another business man has paid for and if his conscience will al low him to go so far he will go farther If he cheats his customer in one way he will In another and it is not safe to do business with him Beware of the CASCARET substitutor Remember CASCARETS are never sold in bulk but in metal boxes with the long tailed C on every box and each tablet stamped C C C7 SUMMER TOURS via tLe WABASH RAILROAD On June 1st the Wabash will place on sale summer tourist tickets good to re turn until October 31st to all the sum mer resorts of Canada and the East The Continental Limited Leaving Chicago at 12 noon leaving St Louis at 9 a m which was so pop ular with the traveling public last year will run on same schedule time this season For rates time tables or further In formation in regard to trips East or to Europe or a copy of our Summe Tours call on or write G N CLAYTON N W P Agt Room 405 N Y Life Bldg Omaha Neb Christine Nilsson cherishes In a unique way mementoes of her triumphs -on the musical stage One of her rooms is papered with leaves of music taken from the various operas in which she has appeared another with receipted dinner checks and hotel bills made out in the name of the great singer durine her professional wanderings By r H w HpPI1 I ifJtVX Jill xiUMwet Utv VrFJ - Jj 1 Searles Searles SPECIALISTS In all forms of Private Diseases and Disorders of Men Medicine and Treatment sent every where for 100 per month 10 yrs In Omaha Varicocele Stricture ill pmiis xxss v igor ana 1 Vitality Blood and all It forms of Nervous ity and Sexual Disordfir Cures Guaranteed Consultation FREE Write today for FREE advice 1 19 So 14th St OfMHA HEB TtyygT h ahv eogTrremM r tbht KIMBALL MFCS 1051 9th St COUXCII BLUFFS IA DO YOU TAMMER Write about vnnrcolf t stammered from childhood Was perfectly cured 12 years ago Only the flffitpd fan nnnnni the awful desire one has to be cured If you are affiiqted or have children who are write to me for terms literature etc Address JULIA EVAUGHN Prest OMAHA STAMMERING INSTITOTc RAMGE BLOCK Omaha Nebr COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMPY UMAHAVoi Best Cough SjTup Tastes Good Use in lime boia oy drsMrsrtsta I i 1 1 1 - i y 1 u 1 J 1 I it it ht