i I ih 1 f frs 8 1 a I M I- I 1 IV I ft Iff ii I THE VALENTINE DEMOGRA M RICE EDITOR Local Weather Record U 8 Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau f Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday Sept 2G 1900 Highest temp for week 83 dec on the 14th Lowest temp for week20 deg on the 2Ctli Mean temp lor wrek CO deg Av temp for ttje week lor 10 years 60 dcg Deficiency of temp for the week 4 Accumulated excess of iciiip since Jan 11000 970 deg Total precipitation for week 19 inches Av preclpn for week for 10 years 021 inches Deflcienc of precipitation for the week 002 inches Total precipn from Jan 1 lOOOto date 2141 Inches Av preclpn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date 1735 Inches Excess of precipn from Jan 1 1900 to date 409 inches Highest velocity of wind for week 40miles per hour from the sw on the 21st FRAXft It BEAHAN Observer Weather Bureau TO WHOM IT MAY OONGERN J Valentine Nebr Sept 27 1900 This is to certify that there is no Smallpox or Varioloid iu this -city lie ports to the contrary are un true n R ATT R17n TTC WTfi - m M President Board of Health E2ES2S3HKSS3 ADDITIONAL LOCAL jsamttcftg Ladies call and see our line of trimmed hats I L Efner 36 tf The home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Day at Woodlake was the scene of a verp pretty and quiet wedding- Sep tember 23d at 430 pm Rev Ida Thomas pastor of the U B Church officiated The contracting- parties were William A Smith and Sadie L Levee a sister of Mrs Da3 Mr and Mrs Smith are both well and favor ably known and the well wishes of many fiiends follow them to their country home a few miles from Wood Lake where they go immediately A full line of furs at I L Efners 36 tf CONVENTION A Democratic Convention of the Third Commissioner District is called to meet at Cody at 2 oclock p m on Saturday September 29 to nominate a county commissioner for the Third district of Cherry county with repre sentation as follows Eli 3 Irwin 3 Lavaca 4 Merriman 3 Neuzel 3 Kurley 2 Gillaspto 4- Dolling Springs 4 Sharps Itancli 3 Georgia i The central committeemen are re quested to see that caucuses are held to select delegates to attend this con vention I M RICE Chairman Dem Central Com ROOSEVELT SPEECHFS Gov Roosevelt of Rough Rider fame and the candidate for Vice President on the Republican ticket Avill speak along- the line of the Fre mont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R R on October 4 stopping at Valentine about am Ainsworth abt S23am Bassett 1010 ONeill 1130 Nellgh 1245 pm Stanton 245 pm West rolut 350 Fremont 5 00 Blair 5 10 Omaha 700 See agents F E M V It R for reduced rates 35 tt The lira very of Woman Was grandly shown by MrsJohu Dow ling of Butler Pa in a three years struggle with a malignant stomachtrou ble that caused distressing attacks of nausea and indigestion All remedies failed to relieve her until she tried Electric Bitters After taking it two months she wrote I am now wholly cured and can eat anything It is truly a grand tonic for the whole system as I gamed in weight and feel much stron ger since using it It aids digestion cures dyspepsia improves appetite gives new life Only 50c Guaranteed Elliotts drug store 2 HO MONEY REQUIRE WITH YOUR ORDER Cut this ad out and send to us Sate whether you trish drop head or up right and we vriil send you our high grade Akron Sewing Machine by freight C O D subject to examination Examine it at your nearest freight or express office and if found exactly as represented here equal to other machines costing from 40 to 60 pay the agent our SPECIAL FACTORY PRICE I695EBSS average 75 cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances in proportion Give t 4 months trial in your own home and if it is not satisfactory return it at our expense and we vrjll refund your money This machine is equal to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine sold for less money must be made of inferior material v mi Art EDUCATIONAL DEPT 1 Conducted by Inez Pettvcrew 5 Bertha Thorn was also in to in quire about different books for her pupils Outside of school hours Elsie Sher man is assisting her father in the post ofilce Ada Stinard was in from her school Saturday to find out where to get drawing- books for her pupils Miss Cook has decorated our organ with three pictures illustrative of the pioneer days in the New England colonies - We are glad to say James Grouden started to school at the beginning of this week and is a member of the Tenth Grade Myrtle Pettijohn a member of the Twelfth Grade is working as an ap prentice with Mrs Prawitz in the dressmaking shop Monday Mrs Law was a pleasant visitor of the High School and enter tained us with a few pleasant re marks and good advice Maggie Robinson spent several hours in the different rooms last week getting pointers which will assist her in her school which begins soon Prof Watson desires that all teachers who are members of the Eleventh Grade will if possible close their schools on Thursday Oct 4 and come to town Friday so that they may be rested and in a good condition to deliver their orations Saturday evening October 6 lie Owes Ills Jjte to the Forc thouy t of a Companion While on a camping trip in Webster county Mr S I Stump of Nor mantown W Va had a severe attack of blood v flux He says I firmly believe thatlowe my life to the forethought of one of the company who had taken along a bottle of Chamber lains coliccholera and diarrhoea reme dy Moral procure a bottle of this remedy before leaving home It cannot be obtained when on a hunting fish mg or prospecting trip Neither can it be obtained while on board the cars or steamship and at such times and places it is most likely to be needed The safe way is to have it with you Thousands of travlers never leave home on a journey without it For sale by Quigley Chapman 2 CORRESPONDENCE KENNEDY NEWS Dr George Gilbert of Omaha is vis iting his aunt Mrs W Erickson A very pleasant evening was spent by the neighbors at D A Pierceys on the 17th Ralph Childs of Buffalo county re cently arrived at Kennedy ftr a hunt and vteir Kennedy school will commence Oct 1 Miss S Simpson of Valentine will teach As a result of a fall from a horse B E B Kennedy is suffering trom a painful leg John Sedlaceks boy Eddy is under the doctors care He fell from a wind mill NORDEN NOTES My what a cold wave Ye scribe took in the tournament at Springview for a short time last week Everybody and their friends were there The Springview ball team put it all over the Norden team The races were fine F Wakemans horse took first moueyand the boys were happy Corn will soon do to crib The Norden band furnished music at Springview during the tournament The Norden boys played the Fort nail team the other day Dont forget that we have a man for representative by the name of Sanger POPULIST Puce writes Insurance large quantities and sell only at ft small advance of factory cost which enables t to offer you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low price BhWAHfc OF IMITAT0HSES83 with various inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second National Bank of Alurcn Ohio and they wm tell you of ot reliability WM MODERN IMPROVED MACHINE SSsras dune withthedefects of none Made right in tie iwsf our factory by akUIedorknen end from the best material that WHiHnLflBaKaBSuA BBaHfiiiiiiiiii 11 1 11 1 iiijretei 2 II Su s SI n gs H Jiff - H MiWfc ffjt IVr mm THE AKRON SE O LifcUlIfe W TS o g ttt 7il a 9 ft O a uwu MU uujr DROP IJFSk fiaRIHrTrsron draTrerBoxTopCyourchoIce Quar ZlVK Uft wnDintl ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration SjiowsxOXToDmachinfiocenrfrirlvrA7ic ihAihMi nnn Umi with the head dropped from sight to be used as a center table or desk The upngntor Box Top machine has six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools needles etc Drawers are latest 1900 skeleton frame carvedpaneled embossed and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters adjustable treadle genuine Smyth Iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy drawers and nne amwr fni tr Mc TTtv M li - tnv DmwmcadjustablebsaringfpatenttensinnliberatorimpiovedloosewheeimproTed adjustable pressure foot improved shuttle carrier patent aress Ruard patent needle bar rteaa is nandsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed We guarantee this machine to be the lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless macnine I 1 rnaae iivery attachment V is Z furnished free together nM a instruc uonpcwkuuingyouriovrtodoany kind of plain or fancywork We issue 3 written binding guarantee with every machine It -will cost vou nothing to see and exam ine tnis machine compare it with others selling for from io to 5o and if satisfactory ra the agent i6os and charges Send for circulars and full descriptions of sewing machines and bicycles manufactured by us Order today Address all orders to IHC MACHINE BICYCLE CO AkronOhloi SPARKS SCRAPS Too much wind ior haying yet there is lots of it in the bunch ready for the stack Richard Osborne is grinding cane and making sorghum this week We do not envy him his job although it is sweet work J A Ilitt was in Sparks last Satur day but notsparkiug G W and John Banbasen stopped In Sparks Saturday night on their way to Valentine and from thence south west to tneir cattle ranch on the Nio brara River They were driving 34 head of cattle which they had purch ased m this vicinity We wish they would come Dack again as we have a cow and calf too sell John Shores and wife in company with three other parties stopped for a lunch in Sparks last Monday They were on their way to Norden to attend the fair Mr Shores said he was go ing to lake it all in We wish him a good time Nate Gartner of Butte Nebr and Mr Cuff of Springview were Sparks callers last Monday Hudson Bros have about 200 tons of hay in the bunch The Bryan Club is gaining ground lively twenty four names to the list in two nights There will be more than that on the first Tuesday in Nov ember Some of the papers tell us that the war is over Jf that is so wny are thev killing our American boys in the Philippines Wily do they not bring those poor worn out fellows away wh re they can get a breath of pure fresh air Why do they keep on sending more soldiers over there Tnese are the questions that are daily asked Will the Editor please answer and oblige J H Sears The war in the Philippines is not over Administration papers tell us every little while that the backbone of the war is broken but it seems that the said backbone is something the same as the joint snake we read about lou can break them up into pieces but they afterwards join togetner and are as good as ever Our soldiers are being killed carry ing out the imperialistic doctrine of McKinley Mark Hanna and what they call the Republican party They do bring our oldier boys home after they have become raving man iacs and we see in a recent paper that they are going to bring home about five huudred dead ones Ed itor WEST END ECHOES The wind is blowing- since all have now finished stacking hay The hay crop fell short of last year by about twenty five per cent Martin Chrisiensen a pood Demo crat from Valentine is rusticating a few days in the sand hills making havoc among the stubble ducks He is visiting Mr Peder Thorsen From all reports the grouse are all safe enouge J W Sanders and wife were up last week from the 101 visiting with his brother in law James Thayer James S Lawrie has moved up to the Star ranch and now has control of the pushing part which we thinkhe can do The Fair at Gordon was quite good this year quite a large exhibit In dians were quite numerous and many were drunk and lying in the gutter Why cant the Indians be prohibited from having or getting anything to drink This s getting monotonous and should be stopped The crops in this vicinity are good Wheat jm d corn is good We can say that better quality has uot been raised for several years The mjllet crop is splendid We note that the acreage is larger than has ever been sown betore We were somewhat overcome last I wees when the news reached our ears I that the people of this County were trying to put the bonded debt upon our posterity foi twenty years to come and at the expiration of that time we will h ve an enormous debt to pay almost twice the amouut try ing to get voted upon Does it seem possible that our county commission ers cannot see that when bonds are is sued that a levy of tax must be cast iu order to create a sinking rund Theii ivhen this is levied why not throw the bonds away and use the sinking fund Then you will have your court house paid for before one fourth the time of bonds expires Let us hear from some one else 1 ject t CAESAR Deputy Organizer Peck of the Wi O W is in town Meeting Mouday night AH members should attend RAGES WEDNESDAY THURS FRIDAY OF NEXT WEEK EVERYONE OOAtfe If StocK purchd at loC u 25c 50c 100 LEGAL NOTICE Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will In the County Court of Cherry County Neb rsW in the matter of the Estate of John Dunnde ccasstl Ou reading and filing the petition of U G Dunn praying that the instrument hied on the 12th day of September 1900 and purporting to be the last will and testament of tiie said de ceased may be proved approved probated al lowed and recorded as the last will and testa ment of said John Dunn deceased and that the execution of said instrument may be com mitted and the administration of said estate may be granted to U G Iu n as execui or Ordered That October 13 A D 1900 nt l oclock p mt Is assigned for hearing said peti tion -when all persons interested in aid matter may appear at a county Court to be held in and for said county and showcause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petilton and the hearing thereof be given to all persons Interest ed in said matter by publishing a copyof this order in the Valentine Democrat a weekly newspaper nrinted in said county for three suc cessive weeks prior to saiddar of hearing WKTOWNE 3G 3t County Judge Appointment of Administrator In the County Court of Cherry County Neb- In tiie matter of the Estate of Daniel S Lud wig deceased Bertha C Sparks having filed in my ofllce a petition praylngfor the appointment of Joseph A Sparks as administrator of the estate ofDan iel S Ludwig deceased All persons Interested in said estate will take notice Miat I have fixed MondayOct 15th 1900 at 10 oclock am as the tlmeand my ofiice iu ValentineCherry CoNtjl raska as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all pei sons interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any there be why such administrator shall notbe appointeu Witness my hand ami the seal of said Seal Countv Court this 2Gih dav of Sep tember 19C0 W K TOWNE a 3G3t County Judge Appointment of Administrator In the County Court of Cherry County Nebras ka In the matter of the Estate of I N llussell de ceased Eudora J Sussell having Hied in my office a petition praying for the appointment of herself ami George E missell as administrators of the estate of I N Itussell deceased all persons in terested in said estate will take notice that I have fixed Saturday October 13th 1900 at 10 oclock a m as the time and my office in Val entine Cherry County Nebraska as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all persons Interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any there be why such administrators should not be appointed Witness my hand and the seal ot said Coun ty Court this 2Gth day of September 1900 W K TOWNE County Judge Notice to Creditors In Comity Court within and for Cherry Countj Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of Thomas C jialchdeeeased To the Creditors of snd Estate You are hereby notified That I will sit at the County Court Eoom in Valentine in said Coun ty on the 29th day of September 1900 to receive and examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited lor tlte pre sentation of clams against said estate is G mouths from the 29th day of March A D 19C0 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 29th day of March 1899 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 3th dav of September 1900 34 WK TOWNE County Judge 173 PER CENT ANNUALLY Thats the Profit Copper the Article Mexico the Country El Progress in Its group of six mines has some of the rtcuest copper ores in the richest mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per cent copqer 12oz silver a trace of gold total value about S3 a ton and In two of the mines in addition to copper and silver ore contains 3 percent to 554 per cent quicksilver or merciuv about 105 a ton The great Lake Superior Con ner mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine aiid Tamarack Quincy etc that annually return millions run only from S3 to 513 a ton Boston and Montana six years ago sold for 15 a share to da 275 paying 24o per cent on the investment United verde sold for 5oc a share today stock not in the market and pays 8000 per cert on investment Calumet and Hecla sold for 1 a share to day worth S00 and pays on investment 10000 per cent Entire capital stock of United Verde was off ered for S150000 and refused Senator Clark later paia 200000 and to day he has annual Income from this propert j of over 13000000 If this is possible here with labor six times higher than in Mexico with ore five times less valuable wite fuel five times dearer and every thing else in proportion do you doubt that El Progress will return 173 per cent and more an na lly to original investors to first stockhold ers who contribute the money to start the ball rolling who a e on the groun J floor Amexpeiienced know the country the peo ple the language lived there 18 years and know the mines of this t ection of Mexico and unhesitatingly state El Progreso is the best have been worked for generations in a Mexican way and supplied the copper for the surround ing country No attempt was ever made to ex tract the gold silver or quic silver A modern i40 ton concentrating anil smelting plant smelthg only the 43 ore will return 400000 per annum thus 43 10 for treatment equals 33x40 tons equals 1320 a dav for 300 dajs equals S39G000 This will pay 20 per cent on 1500000 totid capitalization Par value of shares 100 9u0000 shares are treasury stock aud 400000 of this to be sold very low to raise niDiiey to start things when price will lie greatlv advanced at 12c all sold 100000 at 15c 100000 at 20c 100000 at 25c Dividend multiplied No of by No of shares for shares Annual 100 show annual for 1 Profit Profit 6i 173 Per Ct2GxG3173 Per CO 5 130PerCt2Gx5 130 Per Ct 4 104 Per Ct 2Cx4 104 Per Ct 2 52PerCt2Gx2 52 Per Ct 1 26 Per Ct26x12G Per Ct The best chance ever offered of securing stock in a legitimate copper mining enterprise Send for prospectus Organized company on a plan to give a chance to all big and little rich and poor great and small none need be excluded If quick you can own 6M shares for every dollar you rehiit DA VII liKUSSELL President El Progreso Copper Mining Co 03 Wall Street New York MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 65c per cwt 1200 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 13 00 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Feed 100 1900 Corn 90e 17 00 Chop corn 95c 1800 Oats 105 20 00 Do you want to buy land It will pay you to see I 31 Rice ome Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having Uneaualed bv anv other Renders hard leather- soft Especially prepared Keeps out water A heavy bodied oil Harness Au excellent preservative Reduces cost of your harness Wever burns the leather its Efficiency is increased Secures best service Stitches kept from breakiutj s sold iu all Localities Manufactured br Standard Oil Company -- - rtfrT3Bs1 fnpHEO JM r 1 WL SALOON TAKEN UP At my plrce 3J miles east of Fort Niobrara one gray mare branded N3 on left hip Joe Bristol 34 TAKEN UP At my place 2 miles east of Crook ston about June 30 1900 1 bay mare about 3 years old branded TM on left shoulder also one sorrel Valentine Nebr State Brand reg istered 5TA Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip Range -2 miles east of Ft Nio brara D Stinard Trunks and Packages hauled to and From the Depot 3 9 AA 0OaO yearling mare colt ED PIKE also cattle on ritrht sin 29 TAKEN UP At my place one Arabian gray mare age unknown blind in one eye and branded Eg on right shoulder weight Hgjij about 1100 pounds W A Wilson Kilgore Nehr 28 TAKEN UP At my place 12 miles southwest of Cod one bay horse about six years old branded 09 on left hip weight 800 lbs ijjjy Pji Also one gray mare four years old J P GARDINER 29 Cody Nebr STRAYED OR STOLEN- One black mare stripe in face branded long bar up and down on each thigh Two 3-year-olds branded 3 K on left shoulder One mare branded S on left shoulder Reward of 5 per head for recovery 28 D M SEARS Kennedy Nebr Morey Hewett Gordon Nebr Brand registered 2292 On left hip of cattle Horses same left should er also OZLf u left side Eange South of Snake 35 miles se of Gordon -2-1 HsjrsiCTO0V rJt 5ltffajjizi f i y iFJ3 T DAVIS 4 Postoffice address Hyannis Neb On right side horei on left shoulde W E Haley i m j Valentine Neb Brand registered No20O Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore RITT DELIVERY Mar in Welch I Leave orders at I Jake Stetters t 33 Ranne 16 miles north of Hjannis V f T A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B HULL iPFSc Sole Agents for - HERALD PUFE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Pcrtef And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE ZC NEBRASKA STRAYED Last May a spotted dry cow with blacK nose brand ed on rifjht shoulder and jaw 36 4t OTTO KRASCH Arabia M STRAYED Oue 4 year old hay horse with a white face one 3 year old bay horse with narrow strip in face one 3 year old horse All branded IS on left shoulder Left my rangegggiti 1898 Liberal re ward will be paid for inform ation leading to their recovery 26 N S Rowley Kennedy STRAYED OR STOLEN Last November a 3-year-old hrindle cow branded PPSQBB ES hair gH ant iwj Drancl left shoulder W L Nichols 22 Merriman Nebr J G DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Superintendent of a Private Hospital For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE 9 I - NEBRASKA A M MORBISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW valentine NEB A N OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office- at Quigleys Drug Store Front 7WW WVWVWWWVWVWWWWWWW WATCH CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING jj - wwi I AM NOW EEADY FOR BUSINESS With a nice se lection of Watches and Jewelry All kinds ot Kenairing and Engraving done prompt ly and warranted LJ F 1XGAJL S AIXSWORTH 5 F M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentin Nebraska Practices In District Court and U S Land Office Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold Bonded Abstracter Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I M Rice Agent Speaking About Eyes S oivA S J - tJA DONT FOOL away your money going to a Specialist who is generally a fraud for ordinary trouble with your Eyes Get your eyes fitted by a man with experi ence who knows exactly how to fit you O W MOREY the Jeweler baa had 22 years experience If you need a specialist he will tell you so J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy VALENTINE NEB Valentine House J A HOOTON Prop Recently opened and newly furnished Not a restaurant but a hotel 100 PER DAY I The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons First Door South of Bank of Valentin 33gl THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR ES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE w rcrOPorccp S WV cvarc wtwr wrwtF v NEBRASKA or m t o