Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 27, 1900, Image 2

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Advance Was Quickly Arranged
and Was Executed But With
Heavy Lose to the Allies
2Ccw York Special New danger
was injected into the Chinese situation
aesierday with the capture of the Pel
3ang and Lutal forts by the allies
So explanation of the foreign attack
accompanies the newa from Shanghai
acat it is significant that the correspond
ed sending the Information to Berlin
a2s to his dispatch the statement that
SenjBany as preliminary to peace has j
Esslsted on the destruction of the Chi
nese coast defenses as well as the
3ieais Tse forts
3h33 arises a new menace to the har
nrony of the action of the powers
Further danger caused by this action
a tie allies is that China anxious for
2mEs before may now be driven into
declaration of war as her minister in
ZxzuSan unhesitatingly says that she
Skjo22 If the attack on the forts be as
asiszsFFBked as it appears
IfenmvMle a special cable dispatch to
Ezs Herald from Berlin announces the
Gbzmzn determination to punsh those
sssjesrsfble for the foreign outrages as a
greJSrnisary to negotiations with the
rsHffperation of the powers if possible
teal it if it prove unobtain
SeaSn Special The Lokal Anzei
gsaS Shanghai correspondent cables
HSatl e allies today captured the Pei
31ms and Lu Tai forts with great
EEoti Tsin Sept 19 via Shanghai
352S3iiL Two thousand six hundred
gsvTHjii left Tien Tsin today to join a
gnsce farming in the neighborhood of
r y already composed of 4000 Rus
ii57rr 2500 Germans and other foreign
iiaasx the intention being to attack
52saEta Tang forts tomorrow
Sept 16 via Taku Special
SEircral James H Wilson with 800
Sacazfcans and 600 British and six guns
naxzshe westward today and the Ger
aszss Trill move tomorrow to co operate
iaa SEiae Pei Ta Chu where the enemy
ifesacgposed to be in lorge force
3HL American commander will attack
Etzsa -She west and the Germans from
E east General Wilson will then take
EfiarSsaEi Tien San Kia Tin arsenal
HESaSSj this will be the last big ex
gHsEioi as it is understood that the
FftTT -and Americans will abandon
gb issmer plan of police campaigning
mil prepare for the evacuation of
dE British have countermanded the
lor winter clothing and it is
fall back to Wei Hai Wei
T5 German legation is expected to
TCSaiaw September 21 and it is gen
CEsHp isported the Americans will with
tgsartf hut General Chaffee refuses to
seaSrm the rumor
ants England To Settle Damages
To Dutch in Transvaal
Eigne Special In the upper
EsnSssr cf the states general today
ifee 3n5as3ter of foreign affairs and pre
uxex Dr W H De Beaufort replying
fca an interpellation said the govern
raseni of the Netherlands had informed
tPrrrt jBiitain that compensation would
1st demanded -for expulsion from the
Sxausxaal of the employes of the Neth
sspaads railroad
Hssaxding the offer of a Netherlands
vesssip to convey Mr Kruger from
Ussa saxa Marquez to Europe Dr De
Eeasfart said the Netherlands govern
nrenrr made the proposition when it
jtamsd Sinst Mr Kruger desired to visit
USaap e for the benefit of his health
Simultaneously with making the offer
Hte De Beaufort continued the gov
EEStea1 of the Netherlands informed
GjHsst Britain of the action taken and
SteSitter la thanking the Netherlands
EnrsS information declared the Brit
fesr 3vernment had no intention to in
terfere with Mr Krugers projected
Hazarding China Dr De Baufort sain
SejITaielr commander had been notified
tss acSataini from all military action
Attorney- General Smyth -Would
Kill His Little Trnst
Gtesaa Neb Special Attorney
Sneral Smyth has begun quo warranto
sarareedlngs in the supreme court
ogjzaist the- Argo Manufacturing
City He alleges that
mn jStegust 28 1899 the defendant
transferred all of its real and
aexsaial property over to the United
aiarcii company and by so doing ceased
to perform the duties for which it was
ifces cntuated in Nebraska He claims
Cfisa Hhe United Starch company is a
Etas Sormed for the purpose of creat
Heg je monopoly of the starch business
tfisanitrut the United States
naa Jlrgo company was established
ES5 X Sterling Morton who put his cap
022 5ao itj for his sons who pushed
tiia Bnsiness to- unprecedented success
mess eny they entered the trust
City Ore Herman Peters
arS a farmer beat his wife to death
552 x club and then committed
Mjpm nrfth - V
- u
South Omaha Neb Sept 20
Live Stock Report furnished by th
Flato Commission Co of South Omaha
An indifferent demand has been thi
prevailing feature of the fat cattli
market the past week there havinj
been nothing at all choice offered or
this market the bulk of the corn fee
cattle being short fed and of rathei
inferior quality Strictly choice cattle
are In as strong demand as formerly
but the medium and common stufi
shows a decline of 1015 cents from
last week Although receipts consist
almost entirely of range cattle the
number of steers suitable for killing
purposes continues rvery limited and
packers are still meeting with very
keen competition for this class of stuff
from the feeder buyers which puts an
edge on the market and holds prices
very firm
Receipts of cows and heifers have
dealers are experiencing less trouble in
disposing of it than they have any time
this season Good to choice are selling
at 420 to 470 fair to good 400 to
420 fair 375 to 390 common 365
down stock heifers 275 to 350
Hogs have been holding their own
very well this week and are as high
today as any time of the month with
the single exception pf Tuesday of last
week Packers have been very bearish
all week being slow to start doing bus
iness with the evident intention of
making a slow market and cheapen
the cost of their droves But sellers
have almost unanimously held for
steady or better prices and have been
able to hold the market on a very firm
basis Heavy and trashy lights are
selling from 510 to 522 light 520 to
535 mixed 515 to 525 average cost
today 521 7 S
Conditions In the City Are Growing
Galveston Tex Special Conditions
in the city are growing better and to
make a new and marvelous record in
the upbuilding of the wrecked city is
the object for which the citizens of
Galveston are striving
They hope in a short time to have a
finer and more substantial town than
the old one standing on the site now
covered with debris
Efforts are being made to open the
nublie schools October 1 the date set f
before the storm for opening
Elevator A resumed business yester
day and the other elevators will resume
shortly Expert wreck workers say it
will take 2000 men ninety days to clear
away the wreckage and get all the
bodies out The estimated cost will be
The most reliable information ob
tainable places the dead between 5000
and 5500
Governor Sayers in a signed state
ment says the loss of life in Galveston
cannot be less than 12000 while the loss
of property aggregates 20000000
Said to Be Tired of Extortions of
Pennsylvania Lines
Pittsburg Pa Special President
Chares M Schwab of te Carnegie com
pany laid the plans of Andrew Carne
gie before the board of directors at a
meeting jesterday Mr Carnegie has
decided to build a railroad from his
plants to tidewater He will finance
the project Mr Carnegie will not put
up with the extortion of the railroads to
the coast any longer so it is said and
he intends to show the world the great
est tonnage in history diverted to his
new road Two routes are under dis
cussion One project is to build from
Homestead and Duquesne to the Con
nellsville region thence east to meet
the reading arrangements to be made
with the Reading for tidewater facili
ties The other project is to extend the
Carnegie line now running into the
coke region thence via the Mononga
helai Southern a projected line
through West Virginia Maryland and
to Norfolk Va where the Carnegie
company will construct its own ter
Prices are coming down and a big
boom in railway building may be ex
pected Rails are now quoted at 35 to
-10 per ton It is said the new price
may be cut to 25 and 25 according
to -tonnage
Manila Special A corrected list of
the casualties sustained by the Amer
ican soldiers in the latest engagement
at Sinaloan situated at the east end
of Laguna de Bay between a force of
1000 Filipinos and detachments of the
Fifteenth and Thirtywseventh regi
ments shows that 24 men are dead in-
Icludnig those who have died from the
effects of their wounds since the fight
ing and the missing and that nineteen
are wounded Including Captain John
E Morgan of company L of the Thirty
seventh regiment - - -
r r
f i
Deputy Sheriffs Beginning to Ap
pear and Many Persons Have
Begun to Fear Trouble
Philadelphia Pa Special Every
thing quiet and orderly is the word
that comes from the strike region A
few more mine workers joined the strik
ers ranks today but not many
The temper of the mine owners on
the question of arbitration as indicated
been liberal mostly range stuff but i in interviews and statements given out
throughout the week there has been
very little fluctuation the market
today is very much against the pro
position Nevertheless Father Phillips
i ing today with an active demand for came here from the Hazleton region
both killing and feeding cattle of thia tonight and is with Archbishop Ryan In
kind Common and fair steers sold
today at 440 to 480 fair to good 500
to 525 beeves 530 to 550
The demand for good heavy feeders
and choice yearlings still continues
heavier than the supply being tasily
disposed of at strong prices The bulk
of our feeding cattle have been ligh
and medium weights of rather inferior
quality and until the last few days
has been a heavy drag on the market
The week opened with prices 20 to 30
cents lower than two weeks ago but
now that the corn crop is nearing ma
turity the demand for this kind of
consultation on the subject very near
and dear to his heart the quick settle
ment of the strike by arbitration or
any other honorable means Protest
ant clergymen in have also
taken up the matter and will endeavor
to bring the opposing elements togeth
er amicably
Coal scarcity Is more keenly felt to
day and although the Reading com
pany is mining and shipping its usual
quota of anthracite dealers are finding
it hard to get as much -as they reed
The tonnage of other great coal terri
tories is greatly diminished and in the
stuff has strengthened materially and natural order of thingsunless the
is settled will soon cease altogether
from some districts
Somewhat vague reports are coming
in of preparations on the part of the
sheriffs and county officials for a clash
with the reckless element among thf
strikers Nearly everybody believes that
trouble must come yet there has been
no sign of an outbreak and the mer
appear to be well handled by thei
Hazleton Pa Special There war
little activity today around the United
Mine Workers headquarters from
where the coal miners strike is being
directed Most of the union officials
spent the day in the outlying towns
meeting the striking men and giving
them instructions No overtures have
been advanced by either side and there
is at present no indication that any will
be put forth soon The strike officials
are still at work getting the men out
and say they will not cease their ac
tivity in that respect until every op
sration in the anthracite region is tied
up The operatives though badly crip
pled are today as confident of success
as they have heretofore been
The production of coal in the Hazle
ton region is growing smaler with each
succeeding day One of the best proofs
of this is the report of the superintend
ent of the Hazleton division of the Le
high Valley railroad which handles the
coal from all but six collieries in the
region This report shows that the
shipments have fallen off to less than
two thirds of the normal quantity dur
ing the last four days
There is no denying the fact that the
inhabitants of this region fear trouble
There are very few persons who do not
believe that there will be an outbreak
somewherie in the region Most if not
all the coal coal mines are being pro
tected by extra watchmen
Rumors are afloat that the Sheriffs
of LuzerneSchuylkill and Carbon coun
ties which adjoin one another at a
point two miles south of here are
swearing in deputies by the score None
of these rumors can be confirmed
When the sheriffs are approached on
the subject they say there is no trouble
that they are not looking for any Cer
tain it is however that these officers
are keeping a watchful eye on the sit
uation and that they can be quickly
found if their presence is needed any
where o
No 40 shaft of the Lehigh Valley
Coal company east of this city was the
center of numerous petty acts of vio
lence during the day Before 6 oclock
this morning a handful of Hungarian
women wanted to whip three coal and
iron policemen for persuading breaker
boys to gQ to work The police how
ever managed to get out of their diffi
culties without a fight
Shortly after that a mine workei
says he was shot at by an unknown
person but not hit while on his way
to the shafL Later in the day an Ital
ian was badly clubbed Tonight two
mine workers on their way home from
the shaft were attacked and badly
Aside from theseincidents quiet pre
vailed throughout the region The
striking mine workers say they are do
ing their best to prevent disturbances
X 15-year-old boy was found dead in
bed in Colerain today The doctor says
his death was due to heart disease
caused by fright The doctor added
that the boy had been told that a mob
was marching toward Colerain and the
shock caused his death
Meetings were held this afternoon in
the Hazleton mines and at the Silver
brook colliery At the former place ad
dresses were made by mine bosses who
appealed to the men to resume work
Several labor organizers addresned thi
men and urged them to stay on strike
until the fight is won
The Lehigh Valley Coal companys
collieries the strikers claim are being
operated with a greatly reduced force
of men
Dubuque la Ira Hanson a residenl
Df tis city forty five years is dead at
the age of 76 - -
fc rL
-- -if
T5he BondrxLi a
1 Contlnied
Rnohel Jjrffensen was the only daughter
of the suvwtiior of Iceland She fell in
cve oni1 narrled an idler Stephen Orry
JTer fuitifX nnd other hopes for her and
In his iirfr he disowned her Orry ran
away to i Of this union a child was
born and itachel called him Jason Ste
phen Orry was heard from in the Isle of
Map where he was agrln married and
h neither rMi was born ltnchol died a
litfari broLvn woman hut told Jason of
his faM Hs acts Jason swore to kill
him ami if not him then his son In the
nieatitin Orry had descrttd his ship and
sought refuse In the Islo cf Man He
was sheltered by the governor of the
Island Alani Falrbrother Orry went
from bail to worse and married a dissolute
woman and their chid called Michael
SuuIcukK wus horn The woman died and
Orry gr Smilocks to Adam Falrbrother
who onofiM him and he became the
playmate of the governors daughter
Creche Time passed and Adam Fair
brothor and- wife became estranged their
five hoys siaying with their mother on
account of Michael Sunlocks Finally Ste
phen Orry returned and Michael Sunlocks
determined to go to Iceland his fathers
home His father confessed all to him
and Michael promised to find Rachel if
possible and care for her and If dead to
find her child and treat him as a brother
How long he sat there he did not
know he was thinking of his past of
his bad life in Iceland and his long
expiation in the Isle1 of Man In the
multitude of his sensations it seemed
Impossible to his dazed mind to know
which of these two had been the forst
or the most foolish Together they had
left him a wreck In the one he had
thrown away the wife who loved him
In the other he had given up the son
whom he loved What was left to him
Nothing He was a waif despised and
downtrodden He thought of what
might have happened to him if the
chances of life had been different and
In that first hour of his last bereave
ment all the softening influence of
nineteen years the uplooking and up
working and the struggle towards his
atonement were as much gone from
him as if they had never been Then
he thought of the money and told
himself that it was not now that he had
lost his son for the first time he had
lost him fourteen years ago when he
parted with him to the governor Since
then their relations had bee reversed
His little Sunlocks was his little Sun
locks no longer He felt humiliated he
felt hardened and by a strange im
pulse whereof he understood but little
he cursed in his heart his sufferings
more than his sins They had been
useless they had been wasted and he
had been a fool not to live for himself
But in that moment when the devil
seemed to make havoc of good and evil
together God himself was doing noth
-Stephen Orry was drifting with the
tide when all at once he became con
scious of the lapping of the water on
atones near at hand and of a bright
Heht shed over the sea Then he saw
the grating of her keel on the rocks
that he had drifted close to ground
off the Point of Ayre He bore hard 1 below the beach He could bear the
aport and beat out to sea again Very I suspense no longer and hoisted sail
behind to bear down on the schooner and warn
soon the white water way was
him nothing was visible save the dark her But the wind was strong by this
off towards time driving hard off the sea and the
hull of the vessel going
the north and nothing audible save the tide ran faster than before
cry of a few gulls that were fishing by Stephen Orry was now some thirty
the light of the flare It had been the fathoms space to the north of the bro
work of three minutes only but in that ken pier and at that point the jurrent
from across Maughold Head meets the
time one vivid impression had fixed it-
self on Stephens preoccupied mind I current going across the Mull of Gallo
Laboring in the heavy sea he
The nd of the old standstone pier had way
about but when at
could barely fetch
been battered down by a recent storm
had last e Sul urau uul lu c UCb
the box that once held the light
gone down with it a pole had been
thrust out at an angle from the over
thrown stones and from the end of this
pole the light swung by a rope No
idea connected itself with this impres
sion which lay low down behind other
The fog had lifted but the night was
still very dark Not a -star was shin
ing and no moon appeared Yet Ste
phens eye the eye of a sailor accus
tomed to the darkness of the sea at
night could descry something that lay
to the north The Irish brig had dis
appeared Yes her sails were now
gone But out at sea far out half a
league away what black thing was
there Oh it must be a cloud that
Svas all and no doubt a storm was
brewing Yet no it was looming langer
and larger and coming nearer and
nearer It was a sail Stephen could
see it plainly enough now against the
leaden sky It was a schooner he
could make out its two masts with fore
and aft sails It was an Irish schooner
he could recognize its heavy hull and
hollowed cutwater It was taking
against wind and tide from the north
east it was a Dublin schooner and was
homeward bound from Iceland having
called at Whitehaven and now putting
in at Ramsey
Stephen Orry had been in the act of
putting about when this object caught
his eye but now a strange thing oc
curred All at once his late troubles
lay back in his mind and by a sort of
unconscious mechanical habit of intel
lect he began to put familiar ideas to
gether This schooner that was coming
from Iceland would be heavy laden it
would have whalebone and eider down
and tallow If it ran ashore and was
wrecked some of this cargo might be
taken by some one and sold for some
thing to a French smuggler that lay
outside the Chicken Rocks That flare
oh the Point of Ayre was the only sea
light on this north coast of the island
and it hung by a rope from a pole The
land lay low about it there was not
a house on that sandy headland for
miles on miles and the night was very
dark AH this came up to Stephen
Orrys mind by no effort of will He
looked out of His dull eyes at the dull
stretch of seaVind skyand the thoughts
were there of themselves
- i
U y
r rf r
V -
to drive down on the schooner at a
furious speed He tried to run close
along by her on the weather sde but
before be came within a hundredfath
oms he saw that he was in the full race
of the north current and strong sea
man though he was he could not get
near Then he shouted but the schoon
er had gave no sign In the darkness
the dark vessel scudded past him
He was now like a man possessed
Fetching about he ran in before the
wind thinking to pass the schooner on
her tack He passed her indeed he was
shot far beyond her shouting as he
went but again his voice was drowned
in the roar of the sea He was almost
atop of the breakers now yet he fetch
ed about once more and shouted again
and again But the ship came on and
on and no one heard the wiU voice
that rang out between the dark sea and
sky like the cry of a strong swimmer in
his last agony
The schooner was the Peveril home
ward bound from Reykjavik to Dub
lin with a hundred tons of tallow fifty
bales if eider down and fifty casks of
cods and sharks oil Leaving the Ice
landic capital on the morning after
Easter clay with a fair wind for the
outer Hebrides she had run through
the North Channel by the middle of
the week and put into Whitehaven by
the Friday Next day she had stood
out over the Irish Sea for the Isle of
Man intending to lie off at Ramsey
for contraband rum Her skipper and
mate were both Englishmen and her
crew were all Irish exespt two a
Manxman and an Icelander
The Manxman was a grizzled old sea
dog who had followed the Manx fish
eries twenty years and smuggling for
twenty other years and then turned
seaman before the mast His name was
Davy Kerruish and when folks asked
if the Methodists had got hold of him
that he had turned honest in his old
age he closed one rheumy yellow eye
very knowingly tipped one black thumb
over his shoulder to where the govern
ment cutters lay anchored outside and
said in a touching voice Aw well
boy Im thinking Castle Rushen isnt
p jHHMtVKiglSgSfsiiC
What power outside of himself was
at work with him Did anything tell
him that this was the great moment of
his life that his destiny hung on it
that the ordeal he had Just gone thro
was as nothing to the ordeal that was
yet before him As he sat in his boat
peering Into the darkness at the blade
shadow- on the horizon did any voice
whisper In his ear Stephen Orry on
the ship that Is yonder there Is one
who hates you and has sworn to slay
you He is coming he Is coming and
he is flesh of your flesh He is your
own son and Rachels
Stephen Orry fetched his boat away
to leeward and in two minutes more
he had run down the light on the Point
of Ayre The light fell into the water
and then all was dark Stephen Orry
steered on over the freshening sea and
then slackened sail off to wait and to
watch All this time he had been sit
ting at the tiller never having risen
from it since he stepped his mast by
the side of the brig Now he got on
his feet to shorten sail for the wind
was rising and he meant to drift by
the mizzen As he rose something fell
with a clank to the boats bottom from
his lap or his pocket It was the bag
of money which Michael Sunlocks had
returned to him
Stephen Orry stooped down to pick
it up and having it in his hand he
dropped back like a man who has been
dealt a blow Then indeed a voice
rang in his ears he could hear It over
the wind that was rising the plash of
the white breakers on the beach and
the low boom of the deep sea outside
Remember your ipromise father I
have bought every hour of your life
thats left
His heart seemed to stand stillfi He
looked around in the dull agony of a
fear that was new to him turning his
tes first to the headland that showed
faintly against the heavy sky and then
to the pier where no light now shone
and then to the black cloud of sail that
grew larger every instant One minute
passed two three Meantime the black
cloud of sail was drawing closer There
were living men aboard of that ship
and they were running on to their
death Yes there were men living men
men with wives who loved them and
children who climbed to their knees
But perhaps they had seen the light
when it went down Merciful heaven
let it be so let it be so
I The soul of Stephen Orry was awake
at length Another minute he waited
andother and another and the black
shadow came yet nearer At her next
tack the ship would run on the land
and already Stephen seemed to hear
Tno place for a poor
tin anyways u
m8n wh he Wf
brawny youn
The Icelander wu gm
- vnnt twenty or Kco
ieuow ui -- and wiw long
and big muscles Lfi kjavIk
hair He had -- nad
of an Irishman
n the room
died on the oUiPisIand He
burled at sea off EngT
favorite among ej
was not a
but was no goo
he spoke English
he was
at a yarn in the forecastle
of wo
not too
lent gloomy
and often the butt of Wj mates
Jest he did not ee
many a
signed on the
to see He had and
on the morning the schooner
aboard w a
the only kit he had brought
He- huns
a rush cage with a canary
above h
the bird In the darkness
his sole com
bunk-and-it was all but
he spoke to
panion Now and again
old Kerruish but hardly ever to tn
other men
Och solium antt QUiet lek oia
Davy would say at the galley fire bui
all Aw no no no
none so simple at
and wonderful curous about my awn
bit of an island vander
of Ra
Jason son
The Icelander was
chel and Stephen Orry
There is not a more treacherous
nel around the British Isles than that
which lies between St Bees head the
Mull of Galloway and the Point oi
Ayre for four strong currents meet
and fight in that neck of the Irish sea
With a stiff breeze on the port quar
ter the Peveril had been driven due
west from Whitehaven on the heavj
current from the Solway Frith until
she had met the current from the North
Channel and then she had tacked to
wards the Isle of Man It was dark
by that time and the skipper had lean
ed over the starboard gangway until
he had sighted the light on the Point
of Ayre Even then he had been puz
zled for the light was feebler than he
remembered it
Can you make it out Davy he
had said to old KerruisTi
Aw yes though and plain as plain
said Davy and then the skipper had
gone below
The Manxman had been at the helm
and Jason who was on the same watch
had sidled up to him at intervals and
held a conversation with him in snatch
es of which this is the sum and sub-
It is the Isle of Man on the star
board bow Davy
I darn say no boy
Lived there long Davy
Aw thirty years afore you were
born maybe
Ever known any of my countrymen
en the Island
Just one boy just one
What was he
A big chap six feet six if an inch
and terble strong and a fist at him
like a sledge and a rough enough divil
too and ye darn spit afore him but
quiet for all aw yes wonderful quiet
Who was he Davy
A widda man these teens of years
But what was his name
Paul no Peter no Chut bless
ye its clane gone at me but its one
of the lot in the culd book any way
Was it Stephen
By gough yes and a middlin good
guess too
Stephen1 what
Stephen shoo its gone at me againi
Whats that theyre callin the oulc
king thats gone bury in down Laxe3
Stephen Orry it is for sure4 Ther
its like you knew him boy
No that is no no
No relations
No But is he still alive
Aaw yes though Its unknownced
to me that hes dead anyway t
Where is he living now
Down Port Erin way by the Sound
some nlace
Davy do we put into the harbor
at Ramsey
Aw diyil a chance of that boy with
sperrits comin over the side quiet like
in the night you know eighteen pence
a gallon and as much as you can
drink for nothin
How far do we lie outside
Maybe a biscuit throw or two W
never useder lie farther boy
Thats nothing Davy
To be continued
There are many farmers who are not
judges of horseflesh who know little
about the fine points of a horse and
have made no study of horse breeding
or care There are many others who
cannot profitably raise horses for
ket they want
only such as will do
their farm and road work Such men
will find it profitable to
keep only ordi
nary geldings to do their work It
will not pay them to keep a team worth
a good Msm price on their farms Th9
cheaper ones will usually do their work
as well will cost less involve les risk
-and less trouble too for theman who
does not thoroughly
enjoy us5n and
developing good horses It is all rteht
for a farmer to keep
a 500 draft team
if he likes that kind and
can arford it
but it is all wrong for
him to take
such risk and expense
otherwise Cheap
teams for farm work
used bv
hired men or by unskilled
owners are
PrfitabIe is breng is no
In spite of repeated
urgings from the
pastor some female
members of t
Methodist Episcopal
at Knights
town ind refused to remove tell
- Then fce
that those who
nr aioj i
their heaar must s
psws in the amen corner ow Tese
Dews have ymi Y lese
regular occupants and here
is a prospect that
they will
numbers for most of the womenS
to wear
their hats i
yielded to ta Q U6U mW
- -- foaiur
s wiah
-- 1
AT i
Ms1 1