BO M 5 I t n B P m s l V- rfl V1 ia i THE VOLUME XV -- - 3 FRANK ECOFFEY zJsyfsySjjpTp - - w - 9 - VI A We respectfully call your attention to our complete lines of Bry Goods Hats and Caps Boots and Shoe Groceries and Lumber You will find our prices to be as low as any in the business We 17 f J A A 1 2-1- wm irom time to time nave somemiug of interest to tell yoti through our adver tisement and something that will be to your advantage Fair treatment to all t - 49 9 Our New FALL STOCK 4 Wf - V 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 s D STINARD B CLOTHIER C H CORNELiIi President s 2 to 2 Is Attracting Much Attention I e And it deserves to for ccrtainly it is not only the largest and best that Ave have ever shown but also superior to any other in this locality No city dealer will show better styles in fine t Dry Goods or quote lower prices Our steadily increasing business has been obtained by meet ing both local and Outside competition with bet ter goods and lower prices than could be found elsewhere We always invite inspection and comparison and in every instance can offer good inducements toitrade here Underwear Outing Flannel Overshoes ccxCecccarCrvccn reoC vvvvwwv Hose Wrappers Mittens - THE RED FRONT Off ccrcacCCPC aof v to to to to to to to of 0 ofr to 0 of to 0 to of c to to o 0 to c ofr 0 o s A9 Mb a TheDONOHER 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 41 49 X X X li continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST GLASS MODERN HOTEL- IN NOETHWEST NEBRASKA - 9 Hot snd Cold Water Wtf Excellent Bath Room Tw Sample Room WW WWW 99W999 9999999 W W W3i CLOAKS 1 CARES For Ladies Misses and Children BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING - AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAlLOHING AiiTi our work guaranteed VALENTINE NEBR Jtt V NICHOIiSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Bnsiness Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Shemlcal National Bank New York Correspondents First National Bank Omaha Neb Mr f Mefriman Nebraska I rajfcagg rsjr PRINTING YOUR OFFICER We tan Satisfy You in Quality Price ead Workmanship S- J -- e s - -1 VALENTINE J W w pwvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvwffwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvv TATT OR THC TOWM A new line of gloves at Farnhams JNellie Marsden is reported on the sick list E L Heath of Cody was in town this week A H Metzger of Newton was in town Tuesday f Jno F Nelson Merriman was in town Tuesday Frank Hippel of Crookston was in town Saturday We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A PETTYCREW Steve Estis Jr came to town this week to go to school A T Davis of Hyannis was a -visitor at this office Tuesday S L Ellis the Simeon merchant was on our streets Wednesday Mr Roundsof Anderson Rounds stockmen was in town this week Mrs Levi Sparks came down to vis it her mother Mrs Ludwig this week n Dont fail to see that bargain dis play of shoes at Pettycrews 31 tf Miss Ema D Tracy of Pine Bluff Wyo is Judge Walcotts new sten ographer Miss Eva Heath who is teacher in the Primary Department at Cody was in town last Saturday L Anderson section foreman left Tnesday for a visit with friends and relatives in the Buckeye State A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 Steve Estis of Rosebud was in town this week He brought down some cattle which he shipped to Omaha Miss Bertha Thorn went to Arabia Saturday prior to opening her school at that place on the following Mon day i Mrs E N Law of Detroit Mich will occupy the M E pulpit next Sunday 23 inst morning and ev ening s Creamery Prices paid for butter and eggs in cash Crabb Co W E Haley shipped in 164 shoats this week from pay Springs He will place them on his ranch They are a nice looking lpt of pigs Buy a Woodmanse windmill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tf Try that hams 50c Japan v Tea at Farn 33 The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat er will save you coal and produce more heat than any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E VrERTEL 31 Crookston Nebr Miss Emma Ryschon who has been employed at the Donoher for a long time has talcen a position at the Rosebud Boarding School She went up there this morning Chas Cook returned to Valentine last week after a two years soiourn in the West Being favorably im pressed with California he expects to return there in the spring or sooner The following named gentlemen from Gordon were perambulating about our streets on Tuesday last called here by the school land sale Bruc6Hewett Peder Thorsen Wm Beamer Walter Lyon and Wm Scott - Miss Fannie VanBuskirK of Gordon is now in charge of Miss Ef ners mil linery store at this place and will wait upon the ladies needing fall and winter goods in her line - You are all cordially invited to call and get acquaiutedi with the new milliner at Miss Ef ners store T Tilison had the bone in his left leg broken in three places Mon day morning of this week He was assisting some other men brand cat tle in the stock yards and in throw ing a cow wag caught under the crit ter with theresult above stated Dr Lewis was called and dressed the in jured limb and Mr TillsonHs getting along as well as could beexpected The injury is a very painful dne and it will be quite a while before the leg 4cantteusedt Ask for our pi ices on job work John Cordier was down from his ranch on the Reservation to day Finest line of Cloaks and Capes ever shown in Valentine at Stinards Miss Edna McDonald expects to go to Butte Mont to -visit relatives about Oct 1 Miss Noble Judge Walcotts sten ographer reported on the sick list LaGrippe is the ailment Henry Stetter went up to Cody Sunday and shipped two car loads of cattle He arrived home Tuesday Messrs Hugh and Dennis Boyer and Fay James of Mullen v were in town Tuesday on school land busi ness Miss McAndrew attending the W meeting in the M this week of i C E Ains worth is T U district Church here Edith Brandon who was reported very ill last week from nervous pros tration we are glad to say is very much improved at present writing Cloaks and capes All the latest styles and colors at Stinards 35 tf Geo Coleman and wifefrom south of Cody were visitors at John Shores thefirst of the week Mr Coleman was here to attend the school land leasing The horse races to be held in this town on Oct 34 5 are going to be the best ever held in these parts Six hundred and fifty dollars in purses are offered Burt Hammond was down from the Bud Wednesday and returned to day He says he likes his new position verv well He is disciplinarian of the Rosebud Boarding School LOST Double barreled 10 bore shot gun left near the Schlagel about four miles from the mouth Finder please return to Ed Orinesher and a suitable reward will be given The 10 year old son of I C Stotts of Cody fell from a buggy in which he wasriding Sunday and broke the small bone in his leg Dr Compton went up Sunday evening and reduced the fracture Mrs Horton wife of Rev Horton of Lakeside and daughter of F M Sageser of this town accompanied by her two youngest sisters arrived this week for a months visit with rel atives and friends John W Yeast is laying a founda tion preparatory to putting in a HoweU S Standard ball bearing scales in front of his store on Main street It will be in position the first of next week Bruce Hewett of the stock firm of Morey Hewett Gordon attended the school land sale in this town Tuesday Before he went home he made us glad to the extent of three dollars and fifty cents N Notice is hereby given that Sophia Dyer has left my bed and board and that I will in no wise be responsible for any debts contracted by her Dated this 17th day of Sept 1900 Robert Dyer W C Andrews the genial Valen tine photogfapher I M Jones the good natured carpenter O W Mor ey the jeweler and Sol Morey the phonograph man are in town attend ing the reunion Ainsworth Herald Val Nicholson came down from Valentine yesterday evening and his wife came up from Omaha last night having been inSt Josephs hospital several weeks She was accompan ied by her sister Maggie OSullivan of ONeill Ainsworth Herald The school land leasing brought a crowd of cattlemen and other people into town Tuesday About 15000 acres were disposed of leaying only about 2000 acres not leased and this is scattered in forties mostlv over the western part of the county Robert F Gill aspie the stockman of Chesterfield was united i n marri age to Mrs Lelila Gillaspie of the same place last Sunday The wed ding took place at the home of Dan Adamson an old and esteemed friend of the groom Judge Towne of this place went out and officiated The judge was the bearer of a whole load of presents beautiful and costly and useful sent by Bobs numerous friends in this town Bob and his bride have the best wishes of their h03te Of frieitdS m 49 4 4 43 43 4 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 49 43 43 4 4 4 4 4 49 v - nTnivrnnR a t Mr J il7J V V JL U JL J - VALENTINE NEBRASKA SEPTEMBER 20 1900 CM9dr3l - AN OUNCE C OF SATISFACTION fcfr IS WORTH A TON OF TALK 5 WE MAKE PRICES 1 THAT MAKES BUSINESS - Every Merchant is Best DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants If you believe what he tells you himself Everyone has the best grades of goods and the lowest prices Perhaps he thinks so It would be a poor sort of a business man wlio didnt stick up for his own store Why not judge for yourself Before buying anything get our prices sell Salt Coal and Fence Posts c 2C MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBR AAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AjuJO43rf3CW30 400OOMA0C0OW3aO0000 ATNTING - R a DENNIS Valentine Nebraska like Democratic corn and the conse quence is that -Sam has pntin a large PAPER HANGING GALGIM1NING v a- to to to to to to to to CI T1ZENS - MEAT - MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR ThiB market aluya keeps a supply of FRESH - FRUIT V AND - GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meati Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable At Starters Old Stand on Main Street Wl I VALENTINE NEBRASKA fr sfgaa LIVERY BARN WOVQWO WALCOTT 6 LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to vVALOOTT STEVENSON LIVERV FEED AND SALE STABLE ss2zsjssEssss2iss u s ssda crcycrcfCcccrcecrccrcrcccccccrccrccr NIOBRARA FALLS Everybody well and busy in this lo cality Some of our stockmen went to Oma ha this week withcattle Mosher Lansing and Lovejoy are again ou the scene putting up hnYsior Henry Ballard - Florence Thompson is visiting her parents for a few weeks gam Grooms is training hogs now adays lie bought an old sow and a pig from one of his Republican neigh bors It seems that that they do not VPWWW part of his time leading them down the road and across the river John A damson went down to Oma ha with a carload of cattle It Grooms shipped a load of vege r tables to Nenzel last week Hurrah for Bryan and free silver I The old silver dollar the bright silver dollar the round silver dollar is good enough for me It was good enough for mother it was good enough for father and the old silver dollar is good enough for me Bad Boy I save you 20 to 50 per cent on your insurance and write in the best mu tual companies of the state L m RftffiTi Agent KS - - A NUMBER 35 ICaBSi f