Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 13, 1900, Image 4

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    Zf T
4 - wsf4i
100 Per Year in AdvanG
Xntered attb e Post office at Valentine Cherry
ounty Nebraska as Second class matter
Thii paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
-to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
ForPrcsldent W J BRYAN
For B
For Governor W A POYNTER Boone
For Secretary ol State C V SVOBODA How
ForTreasurer S H HOWARD Holt
For Commissioner of Public IStads and Build
ings pj CAREY Saunders r
For Superintendent of rubltc Instruction C F
For Presidential Electors
FItANK T KANSOM Sliver Republican
1 N WENTE Democrat Lancaster
JAMES HUGHES Democrat Coliax
JOHN H FELBER Populist Cedar
W G SWAN Populist Johnson
PETKR EBBESON Topullst Howard
For Member or Congress Sixth District
WM NEVILLE North Platte
For State Senator Fourteenth District
County Ticket
For County Attorney A M MORRISSEY
For Commissioner of First District
For Commissioner of TWrdrictDsEx
Soon after the fierce labor strikes of
1894 were crushed by military forces
Theodore Eoosevelt and Colonel Tur
ner were speakers at a mass meeting
held at the Auditorium
During his speech which was pug
nacious from beginning to end Eoose
velt is credited with uttering these
cruel words
Jiny man who engages in a strike
or any man who goes where a strike
is on should be shot
Colonel Turner of the First regiment
who is now a fierce champion of Gov
enor Eoosevelt gave utterance to these
words in the course of his address
tBullets are Gods messengers of
- peace
f When Theodore Eoosevelt uttered
the words quoted above he smote the
heart of every workingman in Chicago
and in the country
It was no wonder then that when he
appeared before the multitude at Elec
tric Park on Labor day that he was
hissed and the clenched fists and deter
mined faces appeaared on either side of
his carriage
A man who toils for his living and
that of his family is quite apt to re
member an insult such as Theodore
Eoosevelt uttered from the stage of the
It is not wiped out in a moment nor in
the lapse of years It is now sis years
since Eoosevelt stabbed the breast ot
workingmen with his cruel invectives
But the thousands of toilers who
marched through the streets of Chicago
yesterday had not forgotten his unpro
voked assault at the Auditorium
That is why the republican candidate
for vice president was the figure a
round which a whirlwind of indigna
tion swept in Electric park
The speech which may prove the
undoing of the republican national
ticket was delivered soon after the
sanguinary riot in the Stock Yards
merely one of a score of armed con
fiicts of the great railroad strike of
It will be remembered how Eugene
Y Debs and his associates of the A
E U were arrested for conspiracy and
sentenced to imprisonment in the
Woodstock jail Debs served out his
sentence and when he returned to
Chicago he was greeted at the North
western railway station by a tremen
drous cro rd of workingmen It was a
rainy and chilly night but the enthu
siastic followers and admirers of the
advocate could not be driven to cover
With a band of musicians at their
head the people tramped by thou
sands to the old armory on the Lake
Front where Mr Debs was to speak
The building was so densely packed
that it rfould cot haVfe held anbther
In the course of his speech which
was of great length and of comfort to
workingmen Mr Debs took
and groaned at the mention the
name of the man who is now seeking
to be elected vice president of the Uni
ted States
Theodore Debs secretary of the So
cial Democracy party and brother of
the famous labor leader said today
that he remembered the cruel utter
ance made by Roosevelt and the pro
found and bitter impression it had up
on the working masses
George Schilling recalled the assault
at the Auditorium but he could not re
member the exact date it was made
Chicago American
In ante bellum days in Dixie an aris
tocracy existed among the black slayes
based upon the wealth and social stand
ing of their owners The slaves of rich
men or of men prominent in the af
fairs of state or nation felt themselves
above the slaves of the ordinary man
and with a feeling of pride made it
known that they were owned by Massa
Washington Massa Randolph or Mas
sa Davis
Pitiable indeed as was the sight of
the poor African slaves claiming super
iority over their fellows because it
fell to their lot to be the chattels and
servants of distinguished masters yet
there Avas something in the more refin
ed atmosphere that surrounded such
slaves that in comparison with the
coarser surroundings of the average
slave might suggest divine favor The
knowledge of conditions more intolera
ble than his own made his own con
dition more bearable and stimulated his
appreciation to the border of self-respect
To the poor helpless black
slave Whose intellect had scarcely
em erged from primeval night such an
aristocracy may have been a legitimate
one At most it could only evoke in
the superior race a feeling of pity
But we have another slave more ab
jec t than the poor black man whose
posing is on a plane utterly devoid of
the redeeming features of the poor
African chattel We refer to the free
born white man of America who fawns
at the feet of wealth and fashion
cringing in the most slavish manner
subordinating his manhood intellest
and conscience to gain the favors of the
rich and powerful lie is a degenerate
who has descended to an unfathomable
and unpardonable degree of degrada
tion and is so lost to decency that he
may be seen in the market place or in
the public square advertising his de
pravity by offering criticism of intel
lectual noble brave Americans who
take the side of the masses who labor
and toil against the invasion of their
rights by the rich who seek to make
the government a partner in their en
terprises to exploit their fellows The
latter slave may be covered with white
skin but in the sight of heaven he is a
hideous malformation He is an intel
lectual lacky so utterly destitute of the
essentials of a man that be may be seen
strutting about with the airs of a pea
cock utterly oblivious of hi3 spiritual
and moral depravity
The intellectual lackey with a
dwarfed soul is natures greatest de
formity While the black slave
claiming aristocracy because of the
rank of his master is an object of pity
he is not an object of abhorrence as is
the soulless white man who was born
free but whose development stopped at
a point which fitted him to become a
tool whose measure of worldly comfort
and delight is filled by receiving smiles
and crumbs from the rich
Life would be intolerable to the crea
ture we have described if he possessed
sufficient soul to realize the withering
contempt in which he is held by all in
telligent men including those who
flatter him National Watchman
Imperialism would be profitable to
the army contractors it would be prof
itable to the ship owners who would
carry live soldiers to the Philipines and
bring dead soldiers back it would be
profitable to those who would seize up
on the franchises and it would be prof
itable to the officials whose salaries
would be fixed here and paid over
there but to the farmer to the labor
ing man and to the vast majority of
those engaged in other occupations it
would bring expenditure without le
turn and risk without reward W J
An Omaha little girl says an ex
change added this to her prayer
And please 0 Lord take good care
of yourself too If anything should
happen to you we wouldnt have any
one but McKinley to depend on and
he isnt doing as well as Pa -expected
Holt County Independent
If President McKinley has no back
bone as the democratic orators claim
how is Jt that he can go ahead shatter
ing the republic and rearing an em
pire Springfield 0nion
With Mark and liie trusts bolstering
hint up he has no use for a backbone
The reason they elected him was ho
cause he was minus that one great re
tojaaybpeyeltiforhii utterances at
FTFVjiBr wwifge5
- v- t -
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VfMrt Tjyg T X mk -- -
Thomas W Jones a private in troop
G Eleventh cavalry writing from San
ta Cruz Philippine Islands tells how
sixty members of his regiment were
ordered out to kill or capture a famous
Filipino general known to be living hi
the neighborhood The generals
house was located and the Americans
crawled through the un ierbrush until
they secured positions but a few
distant Then they discovered that
they had unwittingly chanced up
on a wedding There was a large
crowd present to take part in the fes
tivities Most of them of course were
women and children bnt there were
about seventy five men present who
were armed The J mericaus were or
dered to fire a volley from ambush and
ihen charge which they did with ter
rible results
The scene that resulted was horri
ble writes Private Jones On the
ground near the house lay the body of
the bride whose brains had been
blown out The groom who had re
ceived a bullet in the stomach was ly
ing near by dying Twelve of the Fil
ipinos had been killed and about the
same number wounded An elderly
woman was shot through the leg and a
little child had her arm shot off
got the old general all
right and we burned the insurgents
quarters before wo left ends the let
ter Washington correspondent Chica
go Chronicle
Father read the following weigh
it on the scales of conscience and ask
yourself if you want your son to help
dispense the blessings of benevolent
assimilation to the Filipino as is be
ing doue under the orders of the pres
ent administration
Of the 100000 troops which have
been sent here to civilize the natives
60000 have gone through the hospit
als Of these 60000 boys 10000
have been stricken with infamous dis
eases Moreover this diseased host
of 10000 soldiers does not include
thousands of others who took private
treatment of local physicians
The above is taken from the New
Voice and was written by their repre
sentative in Manila who received his
information from a head surgeon whese
name is kept secret for fear of mili
tary vengence Again he says
Far more of our boys who are
lying there referring to the national
cemetery at Malate met their death
through bad women and drink than
through the bullets of the Filipinos
Five hundred American soldiers were
recently exhumed from this field and
sent to the states mostly victims of
diink and lust
This is imperialism but the Eepub
lican party calls it expansion and pro
gress to blind the voters of the United
States until the hangers on of the ad
ministration who are on the inside
have gorged themselves like the vul
tures that they are with the proceeds
of fat army contracts What do they
care how many men are ruined so long
as they make their millions which they
spend in Europe and on which they
do not even pay taxes Voter you
have power to foil these monsters
Your power is the ballot Cast it for
W J Bryan and sink those human
leeches into the slimy depths of de
That full dinner pail is proving a
boomerang for the Eepublicans They
are begining to wish they had not
shied it at the Democrats because it is
coming back again filled with dornicks
The laboring man has been doing some
figuring anent the full dinner pail and
he has found that both pail and con
tents are harder to get because more ex
pensive than they were four years ago
The reason the dinner pail and the
food that the thrifty housewife packs
into it each morning have increased
in price is because the trusts fostered
by a Republican administration have
gotten control of them At the same
time the trusts instead of employing
more men at increased wages have dis
missed thousands of men and reduced
the wages of other thousands The la
boring man after
these things has come to the conclu
sion that if he has full dinner pail he is
not indebted to the Republican admin
istration for it and if he wants to con
tinue to have a full dinner pail he will
have to help elect W J Bryan the
candidate of the party Avhich is opposed
to trusts
The Gulf states have been swept by
a terrible tropical hurricane and tidal
wave Whole towns have been blotted
out thousands of lives have been lost
countless millions of dollars worth of
property and crops destroyed In the
city of Galveston alone 600 to a 1000
persons have been killed There is
hardly a habitable house in the city
and her helpless inhabitants are ap
pealing for outside aid which with
American humanity and great heait
edness will be furnished promptly It
was the hardest storm tfyat ever visited
leWwu ypft Pw i ii wiW
- - --
nByya r
On Labor Day Sept 3 William J
Bryan and Theodore Roosevelt stepped
into scales that weighed popular favor
with the workingmen of Chicago The
scales were balanced upon the platform
from which both the distinguished visi
tors delivered non political addresses to
the 15000 persons who had come to
Electric Park to attend the Labor Day
picnic Both of the candidates receiv
ed respectful treatment but the crowd
was all for Bryanand the scales of pop
ularity was weighed down with the ap
plause of his admirers who outnum
bered the cheers for the New York
governor ten to one The difference be
tween the reception accorded Bryan
and Roosevelt was like that between
the warmth of a red hot boiler and a
2 shilling oil stove New Yorks gov
enor was allowed to come through the
crowds with moderate hindrance
from admirers who wished to shake
his hands There was no insistent
mob that barred his way and let him
pass only when he had shaken every
bodys right hand No cordon of po
licemen was compelled to part a press
ing crowd with clubs When he as
cended the platform a few cheers and
a generous hand applause were the
limits of his welcome His speech
made he fled by open path How
different was the welcome to Bryan
From the moment when he alighted
from the carriage m which accompa
nied by two labor representatives he
had come to the grounds from the Au
ditorium hotel he vas m the hands of
a mob wild with enthusiasm know
ing only the one resolve to shake his
hands or pat him on thebackand wildly
uproarious in proclaiming that he was
the boy for them and their Novem
ber ballots Smiling in spite of the
efforts of his admirers fo tear him to
pieces he was pushed and hauled by a
squad of police until he reached the
platform around and in front of which
were massed as many thousands and
more as could hope to hear the nomi
nees words Press Letter
In addition to the evils which he and
the farmer share in common the labor
ing man will be the first to suffer if
oriental subjects seek work in the Uni
ted States the first to suffer if Ameri
can capital leaves our shores to em
ploy oriental labor m the Philipines to
supply the trade of China and Japan
the first to suffer from the violence
which the military spirit arouses and
the first to suffer when the methods of
imperialism are applied to our own
government W J Bryan
Over one hundred labor leaders have
been thrown into jail in Porto Eico by
the military authorities All labor or
ganizations are being suppressed
The men in jail are the presidents
secretaries and members of the arbi
tration committees of nearly all the la
bor unions of any consequence in Por
to Rico Oiganized labor in the island
has petitioned labor organizations in
the United States to appeal to the ad
ministration at Washington to obtain
the release of the labor leaders from
prison and to allow the organization of
labor unions to proceed without prose
cution This is the kind of liberty Mc
Kinley is giving the men he promised
to make free Any laboring man who
votes to keep in power the present
gang of liberty stranglers is forging
chains that will shackle him the same
as the Porto Ricans and it will not be
long at the present gait we are going
Imperialism and labor unions are not
have not nor never will be friends
If 100000 men are withdrawn from
the rank of the producers and placed
as a burden on the backs of those who
remain it must mean
harder work and greater sacrifices for
those who toil and the farmer while
he pays more than his share of the ex
penses of the army has no part in
army contract or in developing com
panies and his sons are less likely to
fill the positions in the army than the
sons of those who by reason af wealth
or political prominence exert influence
at Washington
Great problems are solved slowly
but struggling humanity marches on
step by step content at each nightfall
if it can pitch its tent on a Lttle higher
ground It was God himself who
placed in every human heart the love
of liberty He never made a race of
people so low in the scale of civiliza
tion or intelligence that it would wel
come a foreign master W J Bryan
Mr McKinley is not talking a great
deal this campaign but his action in
holding up the Stars and Stripes that
some little Americans are endeavoring
to haul down speaks louder than words
and the voters -of the country will ap
plaud with their ballots Pioneer
Who was the little American m
Mutual comuanies navlossesin full
Ntfubtm t tm Bife Afettftt
Eichard Oineys conversion to the
Bryan cause is in some respects the
most notable event of the campaign to
date Mr Olney was Grover Cleve
lands secretary of the state and by all
odds the ablest man in the cabinet He
is a Boston man identified with many
interests commonly supposed to be an
tagonized by the Kansas City platform
But he is a Democrat He was the au
thor of the Venezuela message wherein
he made Groyer Cleveland defy the
British government to the point of wari
td try to extend its territories in South
Such a man was not likely to give his
support to an administration
tarily hauled down the American flag
over American territory in Alaska
It is the final test No American de
serving the name can do more or less
than Mr Olney has done The brains
and heart of the American people go
with this staunch New England Amer
icanaway from McKinley to Bryan
The interests behind McKinley want
a big standing army They want it
for use at home They want it sta
tioned at the great industrial centers
It comes handy when capital cant
make labor do its bidding And if
these interests cant get it one way
theyll get it another They got a war
tax to pay the expenses of the Spanish
war That war has been oyer nearly
two years But the tax goes on just
the same They need the money for a
bigger army A Eepublican congress
wont reduce the standing army If it
ever gsts through with foreign con
quest the regiments now abroad will
be stationed at convenient points at
home to act as policemen over our own
working classes There is method in
all this military madness
Have you ever noticed the funny
looking little elephant at the head of
the editorial column of a Eepublican
newspaper Thats Hanna McKinleys
brand They have a roundup once
in awhile and pick up all mavericks
and brand them with the little ele
phant Then the aforesaid mavericks
cant bawl anything but Prosperity
even if they are starving to death
Teddy the Terrible had no ter
rors for the Chicago workingmen
When they passed in review of Labor
Day they ignored him and cheered
William J Bryan to the echo
Notice to Creditors
In Comity Court within and for Cherry County
Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of
Thomas C jJalchdeceased
To the Creditors of sud Estate
You are hereby notilied That I will sit at the
County Court Koom in Valentine in said Coun
ty ou the 29th day of September 1900
to receive and examine all claims against
said Estate with a view to their adjustment
and allowance The time limited lor the pre
sentation of claims against said estate is G
mouths from the 29th day of March A D
19C0 and the time limited for payment of debts
is one year from said 29th day of March
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this 3th day of September 1900
3i W K TOWNE County Judge
Order for Allowing Final Account
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
In the matter of the Estate of Edward Dahl
grln deceased
Now on the 3th day of September 1900 came
Rachel Dahlcrin administratrix of the estate
of Edward Dahlgrin deceased and prays for
leave to render her final account and for dis
charge as such administratrix It is therefore
ordered that the 28th day of September 1900 at
10 oclock a m at my oflice in Valentine Ne
braskabe fixed as the time and place for exam
ining and allowing such account And the heirs
of said deceased and all persons interested in
said estate are required to appear at the time
and place designatedaud show cause if such ex
istswhysaid account should not beallowedIt is
further ordered that said Rachel Dahlgrin ad
ministratrixjjive notice to all persons interest
ed in said estate by causing a copy of this order
10 ue piiDiisneu in me valentine uemocrat a
newspaper printed and in general circulation
in said county for three weeks prior to the day
set for said hearing
W R TOWNE County Judge
Dated September 5th 1900 s3 3t
Administrators Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale made on January 271 h 1900 by
Hon H M Sullivan judge of the district
court of Buffalo county Nebraska a certified
copy of which has been to me issued in the mat
ter of the estate of Dora MSheetsdeceased and
application to sell real estate to pay debts pend
ing in said county I will on Tuesday Septem
ber 18th 1900 at the hour of 9 oclock A M
standard ftme at the front door of the court
house in the village or city of ValentlneCherry
county Nebraska sell at public sale to the high
est bidder for cash subject to incumbrance or
otherwise as may be found bet the followin
described real estate to wit Lot three of bloc
one of H C II Cornells addition to the vil
lage of Valentine Cherry County Nebraska to
pay debts of said estate
31 W L HAND Administrator
Notice to Non Eesident Defendants
To William D Alder and Mary J Alder non
resident defendants
You aud each of you are hereby notified that
on the 14th day of August 1000 Grace II
Walker as plaintiff herein filed her petition in
the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska
against you as defendants the object and pray
er of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage
deed executed ou the jirst day of June 1889 by
William D Alder and Mary J Alder upon the
following described property to wit The north
half of the southeast quarter and the south half
of the northeast quarter Of Section six town
ship thirty two range thirty seven in Cherry
County JveorasKa uiven 10 secure me pay
ment of one certain promissory note in writing
and the interest coupon notes thereto attached
made executed aud delivered by William D
Alder to one H M Henley which mortgage
deed and the notes thereby secured were be
fore maturity for a valuable considerationsold
endorsed assigned and delivered by the said H
M Henley to this plaintiff who is now the own
er and holder thereof for the sum of five hun
dred dollars due and payablu on the first day of
June 1894 with interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum payable semi annuallj accord
ing to the tnor and effect of the ten interest
couDon notes thereto attached and there Is now
due and payable on said promissory note the
sum of six hundred foity dollars with interest
at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the
first day of June lSOJ for which sum with in
terest plaintiff prays for a decree that the de
fendants pay th same anil thFt in default of
such payment said premises nay be sola to sat
isfy the amount found due the plaintiff and for
general relief
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the first dav of October 1900
Dated at Valentine Nebraska August 141900
X libtor -
b i ggggSSSS
I dimammsm s
mamLmmmmmmmmmm i fl
when -you
buy a syringe by
buying a good one
Our Bulb Syringes
range in price from
60 cents to 200
We dont recom
mend the 60 cent
ones Those from
8100 to 200 we
guarantee to be
We have all kinds
of syringes
Valentine Nebraska
Bran bulk 65c per cwt 1200 ton
Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton
Screenings 40c 700
Chop Feed 10Q 222
Corn 90c l 00
Chop com 95c 1800
Oats 105 2000
Do you want to buy land It will
pay you to see I M Rice
Thats the Profit Copper the Article
Mexico the Country
El rrogresso in its group of six mines has
some of the rtchest copper ores in the richest
mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per
cent copqer 12oz silver a trace of gold total
value about 43 a ton and in two of the mines
in addition to copper aud silver ore contains 3
percent to 5 per ceut quicksilver or merctuy
about 5105 a ton The great Lake Superior cop
per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine and
Tamarack Quincy etc -that annually return
millions run only from S3 to 3 13 a ton
Boston and Montana six years ago sold for
15 a share to dav S275 paying 24o per cent on
the investment United verde sold for 5oc a
share today stock not in the market and pays
8GGG per cent on investment
Calumet andHecla sold for 1 a share to dar
worth 800 and pays on investment 10000
per cent
Entire capital stock of United Verde was off
ered for S150000 and refused Senator Clark
later paia S2CO00O aud to day he has annual
income from this property of over 13000000
If this Is possible here with labor six times
higher than in Mexico with ore five times less
valuable wite fuel five times dearer and every
thing else in proportion do you doubt that El
Progress will return 173 per cent and more an
nally to original investors to first stockhold
ers who contribute the money to start the ball
rolling who are on the ground floor
Am experienced know the country the peo
ple the language lived there 18 years and
know the mines of this bcctlon of Mexico and
unhesitatingly state El Progreso is the best
have been worked for generations in a Mexican
way and supplied the copper for the surround
ing country No attempt was ever made to ex
tract the gold silver or quic silver
A modern 40 ton concentrating and smelting
plant smelting only the S43 ore will return
S400000 per annum thus 43 S10 tor treatment
equals 33x40 tons equals 1320 a day for 300
days equals S396000 This will pay 2G per cent
onSl5OO00O total capitalization Par value of
shares 100 Oooooo shares are treasury stock
and 400000 of this to be sold very low to raise
money to start things when price will be greatly
advanced -100000 at 12c all sold 100000 at 15c
100000 at 20c 100000 at 25c
Dividend multiplied
If Stock No of by No of shares for
purchd shares Annual Sl00 show annual
at for Si Profit Profit
15C Gs 173 Per Ct 26x6s173 Per Ct
20c 5 130 Per Ct 26x5 130 Per Ct
25c 4 104 Per Ct 26X4 104PerCt
50c 2 52PerCt 2Gx2 52PerCt
100 l 26PerCt26xl2GPerCt
The best chance ever offered of securing stock
in a legitimate copper raining enterprise
Send for prospectus
Organized company on a plan to give a chance
to all big and little rich and poor great and
smali none need be excluded If quick you
can own GX shares for every dollar vou remit
El Progreso Copper Mining Co
63 Wall Street New York
Superintendent of a
Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
Valentine House
J A HOOTOtf Prop
Recently opened and newly furnished
Not a restaurant but a hotel
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons
First Door South of Bank of Valentine
waiuh fiinmr
lection of Watches ana JeweTr infcf
1 TL W
Valentine Nebraska
Practices In DLrn