Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 13, 1900, Image 3

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-Former Republican Leader of
Maryland Abandons His Party
4 For the Sake of Patriotism
Cumberland Md Special One of
the most thrilling scenes in the history
of American politics was witnessed here
flast night when Senator Wellington
i once the unchallenged republican leader
of Maryland stood on the same plat
form with Mr Bryan and solemnly re
nounced his party for its crimes against
liberty and the weak treachery of the
McKinley administration
Three thousand persons filled the hall
and more than ten thousand stood out
side cheering other orators The power
and passion of Senator Wellingtons de
nunciation of President McKinley for
his falsity and weakness were beyond
words to express The sreat multitude
roared out its greetings to the senator
who -was great enough to abandon his
party for Ihe sake of the republic the
patrolt who refused to eat his words
and give up his convictions like Sen
ator Hoax
This spectacle tonight was one wor
thy of history and Senator Wellingtons
story of President McKinleys broken
promises of he deliberate violation of
the constitution by the administrations
advisers and of the swift approach to
despotism marked out by the acts of
the responsible leadership of the repub
lican party stirred his hearers to an ex
traordinary demonstration
Mr Bryan followed in a noble appeal
to patriotic republicans to follow the
example of Senator Wellington and be
brave enough and wise enough to set
party ties aside in this overwhelming
crisis which has come upon the Amer
ican republic And when finally Mr
Bryan and Senator Wellington locked
t iiands in the presence of the audience
a solemn union in defense of the re
public against imperialism the multi
tude leaped to its feet and shrieked
again and again
I have had to write political forecasts
of Maryland in a good many campaigns
-and it is safe to say that its electoral
vote is absolutely certain for Bryan
this year
All yesterday republicans spent their
time in prophesying that last nights
meetings would be disappointments and
then as they grew in wai mth they pro
ceeded to abuse Wellington in the most
-virulent fashion
Although it has been known for weeks
that Senator Wellington would support
3ryan it remained until last night for
liim to make a public declaration of it
to the citizens of his home town and his
home state He made it clearly vig
orously and forcibly
There had been rumors that he would
ie slugged and that the hall would be
packed with a clique that would seek
to discomfit him So strong were these
rumors that the senator was guarded
on the way to the hall
Colonel Bryan reached this stronghold
of republicanism shortly before 8 oclock
tonight After a stop for dinner at
Deer Park he made a short talk at
the summer resort to a delegation of
democrats from Cumberland who form
ed a reception committee
Owing to the latenes sof the hour the
train was stopped some distance above
the station and Mr Bryan was hurried
to the Academy of Music which had
been packed to the doors since 7
oclock It was an audience of thought
ful men generally A few women occu
pied seats on the ground floor but there
were scores of women in the gallery
Here are some things Wellington said
that aroused much applause
I believe that if William J Bryan
is elected president and appoints a
secretary of the treasury that
tary of the treasury will obey the law
of the land
A tax upon commerce between Porto
Rico and any other port of the United
States is as unconstitutional as a tax
upon commerce between Maryland and
New York
It is the duty of a senator of the
United States to defend the constitution
against all comers even the president
There is a secret compact between
this government and the government of
-Great Britain
The time has come when I must sub
ordinate my party to my regard for the
welfare of the state
At the conclusion of the address the
senator was given three cheers with a
will Colonel Bryan was then intro
duced The audience acted -as though
mad Men threw their coats and hats
rin the air and yelled until the persplra
tion rolled in streams from their faces
Women stood upon chairs and waved
hats and handkerchiefs It was a grand
The outside meeting was held in a
square outside the Academy of Music
- Upward of 5000 people packed this
square and stood patiently for nearly
ithree hours awaiting Colonel Bryan
Governor Pattison of Pennsylvania and
Uocal orators addressed the crowd dur
ing the wait
Governor Pattison introduced Colonel
Bryan who made an extended address
on the imperialism issue It was the
address that he has made all through
tthe campaign
Ex Seoretary Views With Alarm
Our Foreign Troubles
New York Special The World
prints a letter from Richard Olney sec
retary of state during the Cleveland
administration in which Mr Olney de
clared his intention of supporting Mr
Bryan for president
After saying that Mr Bryan Is hard
ly the candidate he should choose If he
had his way in the matter and that he
entirely dissents from parts of the
Kansas City platform Mr Olney says
Perfection in a candidate or plat
form is an ideal dream and infirmity in
its creed and defects in its leadership
will always characterize every party
But they in no wise excuse a citizen
from taking his assigned part in the
government of the country from taking
his asisgned part In the government of
the country from making up his mind
what the commonweal demands and
what partys success will come nearest
satisfying them and using his influence
and casting his vote accordingly
Be it admitted that the democratic
party its platform and Its candidate
are open to much just criticism yet all
things considered would not Its triumph
be the best outcome of the present
presidential contest
Mr Olney then criticises the policy of
the McKinley administration regarding
the Philippines and thinks the country
will soon find itself in the tolls of a
Chinese problem even more costly than
the Philippine problem Itself
He concludes For myself I find it
tolerably clear that a citizens duty in
connection with the presidential elec
tion requires him to desire the success
of the democratic party
Railroad Company Refu963 to Let
His Car Traval
Wheeling W Va Special Be
cause the Ohio River railroad manage
ment declined to permit the private
car in which William J Bryan has been
touring this state to be attached to
its train from Parkersburg the demo
cratic candidate rode into Wheeellng
in a public car using a ticket paid for
by National Committeeman McGraw
Mr Bryans friends in Parkersburg
and surrounding territory are Incensed
over what they construe as an affont
to their leader This feeling was in
tensified by the refusal of the railroad
to grant excursion rates for the Bryan
demonstration today on condition that
visitors should come in blocks one man
to have tickets In each block
When It became known that Mr
Bryans route would take him from
Parkersburg to Wneellng permission
Parkersburg committee
was asked by the
tee to have the private car taken over
the Ohio River railroad They failed
to secure permission
The refusal came through Vice Presi
dent Burt of the railroad but the com
pany attributed it to President H H
Rogers who is also at the head of the
Standard Oil companys interests and is
intimately associated with Senator El
As Mr Burt and Mr McGraw are
personal friends the latter was asked
to obtain permission but declined to
ask for that which the committees had
been unable to obtain The offer of
the company to give reduced rates to
excursionists in blacks was refused
Democrats Have Reason to Hope
For Bryans Success
Lincoln Neb Special Dr P L
Hall chairman of the democratic state
central committee returned today from
a meeting of the chairmen of the middle
west states at Chicago The conditions
as he heard them reported there hae
filled him with hope and he risks his
reputation as a prophet on the forecast
that Bryan will carry the majority of
the states represented in that meeting
He had a private conversation with
each of the chairmen present with the
exception of Ohios representative Mr
Hall said
Michigan Ohio Indiana Illinois
Iowa Kansas Wisconsin Minnesota
Nebraska were represented There is no
doubt that we have gained immeasura
bly in all these states since 1896 I am
not a prophet nor the son of a prophet
but if we do not carry most of thejse
states I cannot read political indica
What has caused the change
Well Imperialism or the new colo
nial policy of the present administra
tion is first a factor and next the
trusts However a growing popular
opinion that Mr McKinley is a weak
man is going to have a far reaching
effect His frequent lightning changes
on public questions and his apparent
servility to Hanna lead to a general
opinion that he is a dangerous man in
the high office he fills On the other
hand the fearless attitude of Mr Bryan
on all public auestions are inspiring
confidence in him The personalities of
the two candidates are bound to have
a far reaching effect
Yes I saw the great labor parade
It was magnificent and it was apparent
that a strong Bryan sentiment pervades
labor circles in Chicago The prosperity
cry of the republicans Is not even whis
pered to the laboring men of Chicago
Conditions there are not such as to
warrant it
Wichita Kan Special The funeral
of ex Governor Llewellyn was held here
today The body which lay in state
yesterday at the Llewellyn home was
taken this morning to the Plymouth
Congregational -church where services
were held The burial was at Maple
LGrove Cemetery -
tt 4 fcVi5m
Two Answers Come to the
American Plan For Dealing
With the Chinese Empire
Washington D C Special The
latest expression as to the attitude of
the powers on the evacuation of Pekin
comes from the United States ambas
sador at Paris General Horace Porter
who has advised the authorities here
that the attitude of the French gov
ernment is favorable to the position
taken by Russia
Almost simultaneously with this dis
patch from General Porter came an
other from the American charge daf
faires at Berlin giving the attitude
of Germany on Russias proposal This
in substance states that Germany while
anxious to avlod any friction between
the powers regards the conditions at
Pekin such as to require the continued
presence of German forces there Nei
ther General Porter nor Mr Jackson
give the text of the answers but only
the substance of the position taken by
the two governments
These two highly important com
munications bring the Chinese negotia
tions to a very advanced stage though
they are not yet concluded as all of
the answers are not yet In The Ger
man and French answers however
clearly Indicate the alignment of the
powers vIt Is generally accepted that
Germanys attitude in favor of remain
ing at Pekin will be concurred in by
Italy and Austria as these two coun
tries act with Germany on political
questions of a general nature
Moreover definite word has been re
ceived here which clearly foreshadows
Austrias position In favor of remain
ing at Pekin As to the purposes of
Great Britain there is an absolute lack
of official information though little
doubt Is entertained that since Ger
many has taKen the inltatlve Great
Britain will follow suit in favor of re
maining at Pekin
The petition of Japan likewise is lack
ing in definiteness although it is be
lieved in the best posted quarters that
if other nations remain at Pekin Japan
will deem it expedient to remain there
It would seem from this that France
is the only government to give concur
rence to the Russian proposition al
though the United States has expressed
a purpose of following Russias course
unless the other powers brought about
a modification of Russias position
Thus far Russia has not expressed any
purpose of modifying her original po
It was stated authoritatively today
that Russia has not ordered the de
parture of her minister or troops from
Pekin up to this time so far as the
government is advised It is stated that
no new propositions have been pre
sented but that the question is prac
tically the same as when first pre
sented namely as to whether the men
will remain or be withdrawn from Pe
The receipt of the communication
from Berlin and Paris brought about
numerous conferences between the pres
ident Secretary Root and Acting Sec
retary of State Hill and also between
Mr Hill and Mr Adee It was gath
ered from these meetings that another
note was being prepared by the United
States but the authorities did not feel
disposed to give any inkling as to its
nature and it is quite probable that its
final form will await the consideration
of the cabinet tomorrow
Aside from the general question the
French government is again consider
ing the status of Li Hung Chang and
this subject was also brought to the
attention of the authorities here today
There have been reports of prospective
detention of Earl LI in case he pro
ceeded north but the communications
just in hand indicate that there will
be no interference with his movements
His acceptability as a peace commis
sioner also continues to be a subject of
discussion there being a strong desire
in certain quarters not to include him
in the Chinese commmissioh
M Thiebaut the French charge daf
faires and Baron Speck Von Stern
berg the German charge had long con
sultations at the state department to
day but the purposes of their calls
was not disclosed although they are un
derstood to have related to the Chinese
situation The military situation at
Pekin remains unchanged apparently
Columbus O Special A non-partisan
anti imperialistic league was
formed here today with John Beatty
of Columbus as president and L W
Brown of Wauseon secretary Resolu
tions were adopted protesting against
he adoption of the so called Imperial
stlc policy In the evening a number
if the leaders in the movement includ
ing Mayor S M Jones of Toledo de
livered addresses
Dover Eng Special The combined
army and navy maneuvers were held
here this morning The idea was to
show the chance an invading force
would have The forts defeated the
main naval attack but meanwhile the
invaders landing at another point
seized the London railroad
Details of the Growth and Advancement of Magnetic Osteopathy
The Founder of over a dozen Large Institutions of Iowa and Nebraska
OmahaNeb Special The attention
of the reading public has often been
called to the remarkable progress made
along scientific lines by the repeated
discoveries of Prof Theo Kharas He
has been devoting years of study lead
ing toward scientific unfoldment in the
realm of psychic thought as well as
new methods of curing diseases without
drugs medicines or surgery or any me
chanical or chemical appliance The
method which he has practically per
fected is known as Magnetic Oste
opathy In speaking of the grandeur
of this science Prof T J Ruddy man
ager of the Kharas branch office in At
lantic la said
Osteopathy is a method of treating
diseases by manipulation the result
and purpose of which is to restore the
normal condition of nerve control and
blood supply to every organ of the
body by removing all physical obstruc
tion in the way of contracted muscles
misplaced bones contracted nerve cen
ters etc thereby stimulating and In
hibiting functional activity as the con
dition may require Vital or animal
magnetism is an electric substance or
force generated in our bodies and cap
able of being transmitted by the trained
mind from the operator or magnetic
healer to the subject or patient Re
store this magnetic substance to the
patients nerves and blood and you re
store at once the Jlfe power and vi
tality he has lost The grand forces
combined with a thorough knowledge
of anatomy practical suggestive thera
peutics and mental science constitute
the Kharas System of Magnetic Oste
opathy Certainly the only rational
and scientific method of curing the old
chronic diseases which have so long
baffled the old school of practitioners
From the wonderful success of Prof
Ruddy since he has taken up this pro
fession his judgment should have con
siderable weight He had studied the
Weltmer Method before he entered
the Kharas school but found that what
he had learned was not at all practical
and that the must learn actual work
by practical study under competent
teachers Why was it that Kharas
could accept him as a student and
when he finished his six weeks course
employ him for a year with the privi
lege of renewing his contract for three
years longer when other schools could
not hire him for a single month The
only answer is that Prof Kharas has
the system which people recognize as
standard and when he establishes an
office in a place he gets all the patron
age People who have taken so called
magnetic treatment and failing of
health come to the Kharas office and
are cured Atlantic had an osteopath
who had been in the city two years
when Prof Ruddy located there But
now the Kharas manager has double
the work of the old established osteo
path Why Simply because he has a
grander broader and much more com
prehensive system of curing diseases
He can cure three times as many cases
as the old style osteopath Besides
from the study of psychology Prof
The above shows the location of the
Kharas Headquarters at 1515 1517 Chi
cago street Omaha Neb Fronting on
Jefferson Park it would be hard to
find a better location A visit to the
Kharas Offices will convince any one
of the great progress being made In this
new science
Ruddy Is able to give what ProfKharas
calls psychic diagnosis which never
fails to give the proper cause and pos
sible cure of the case In question If
a case is absolutely incurable the Kha
ras people know it and refuse to at
tempt an impossibility Others not
knowing for sure what can be done
stagger blindly ahead and make all
manner of ridiculous mistakes
Dr Ralph French Webster of Omaha
entered the Creighton Medical College
of this city and graduated with due
honors He did not practice medicine
He found the field overflowing with
men just like himself men who could
not do with medicines what they were
supposed to do What did he do He
investigated the Kharas System of
Magnetic Osteopathy ard Investiga
Dead crows are silent mementoes of
the lost caws
Some men never do anything without
overdoing It
The less a man boasts the more true
worth he possesses
A lovers quarrel Is the sauce that
seasons the courtship
Reform is an airship that is always
on the verge of starting
A womans mirror will tell her what
none of her friends -will
Good nature is a glowworm that
sheds light In the darkest places
The man who Is driven to despera
tion usually assists In the driving
Robert Mantell the actor was mar
ried to Miss Marie Booth Russell his
leading lady last May though the fact
has just been made public This is
Mr Mantells third matrimonial ven
ture The actor has not found it wise
to play in New York for several years
because of a dispute between himself
and his first wife as to alimony
What the country needs just now is
some means of canning the surplus heat
for winter consumption There are
lmlllnii rt it
tion means to be convinced He took
the regular course of study and the
very day he finished the six weeks he
was placed in charge of a branch office
at Jefferson la and now has an In
come of 60 a week If he had practiced
medicine he would not have had an in
come of 60 the first year Money is
not all he is doing good that it would
have been absolutely Impossible to
have accomplished in the practice of
Dr Richard M Knox of Muscotah
Kan had practiced the regular
school of medicine for twenty years
He lost his health and ook the Kha
ras treatment and got well of course
and then took the course He had
tried every institution in the country
and had spent his fortune in trying to
regain his health Now he Is practic
ing Magnetic Osteopathy and making
more money and doing more good in a
month than he was able to do In a
year before
The leading men in the medical pro
fession today acknowledge the fact that
the practice of medicine is not a defi
nite science They know that the same
drug given two different people undei
A diligent search fails to find any
mention of the man with the hoe In
the Huntington will
Among its other qualifications as a
summer resort New York is now filled
with mosquitoes
Mr Jeffries gray matter is sound
He offered no objection to the retire
ment of Mr Fitzsin mons
Li Hung Chang is not talking for
publication He is on the premises
merely as a guarantee of good faith
Mr Fltzsimmons retires to private
life with the sweet consciousness of
having left his imprint on the strenu
ous profession
A speedy marriage following a court
ship of forty eight hours was recently
announced in Stroudsburg Pa Jerry
Shorer of Maplewood a widower with
six children met Mrs Augustus Hoser
of Greentown a widow with seven chil
dren Love at first sight resulted
this new treatment nave beea skeytlesi
when they first began Hom ar
skeptical when they are cured aa4 all
are cured
Prof Kharas has lived In Nebraska
for over twelve years but some yeara
ago had been away at various school
and universities studying and eighteen
months ago returned to the state ana
began business with a capital stock at
less than 5 Now he is president or
the Kharas Infirmary Company waica
Is organized under the laws of the state
with a paid up caiptal of 10000 an
his financial standing and business m J
tegrlty Is absolutely unquestioned Hej
has spent and Is spending thousands
of dollars right along for advertising
He owns the Kharas Prlntery which
prints weekly the Nebraska Socialist
the state official paper of the Socialise
party In Nebraska the Kharas Book a
monthly magazine devoted to social
reform and Good Health a monthly il
lustrated paper devoted to his science
of Magnetic Osteopathy Although not
a politician Prof Kharas was nomi
nated by the Socialist Convention In
this state which met at Lincoln as
their candidate for governor of Ne
braska He has no hopes of election
but his nomination shows the esteem la
which he is held by those who know
him best He would not give up his
grand work for humanity to be gov
ernor of the state There are others
who can do such work as that but few
who conduct the great enterprises ol
which he Is the head
Postmaster John Onstott Beebee
town la brought his 16-year-old boy
to Kharas to be cured of paralysis
standing since the lad was 14 months
old The best of doctors said ther
exactly the same conditions will never
or rarely produce the same results
Can such risky work be depended upon
It is being demonstrated daily that
Magnetic Osteopathy is an exact sci
ence The same manipulation or the
magnetization of a nerve center in one
individual will produce the same result
if performed on another The Mag
netic Osteopath does his practice
work in school on free patients The
medical man practices all his life
at the expenses of the poor suffering
patient and after all he is no wiser
His mistakes are buried and forgotten
only to be repeated on others
During the last eighteen months the
Kharas Headquarters and its branches
have actually cured over two thousand
cases of chronic disease and in nearly
every instance the patient had been
given up as hopeless by the regular
doctors The work of Kharas and his
twenty two able and trained assistants
is well known and they unhesitatingly
challenge anyone to mention a single
death that has occurred under their
treatment of over two thousand so
called hopeless cases They also
challenge the leading physicians of
Iowa and Nebraska and the leading in
stitutions where chronic- diseases are
treated to show that as an actual mat
ter of history over 60 per cent of all
cases treated by medicine and surgery
do not die under such treatment
The element of faith or religious be
lief does not enter into Kharas System
of Magnetic Osteopathy It is absolute
ly scientific and it makes no difference
whether the patients believe in it or
not Infants idiots and insane patients
have been repeatedly under treatment
with as good results as those who
claim to understand and believe In the
treatment For that matter a largo
majority of the patients who have taken
was no hope but he was cured Then
Mr Onstott brought his wife who was
cured in a week of a dreadful case o
chronic constipation of years standing
Then one of their neighbors Mrs Belle
Coleman went to the Missouri Valley
Iowa office of the Kharas company
and was cured of total paralysis of the
right side Another neighbor Mrs M
A Honaker had been operated upon
two years ago for fibroid tumor of the
uterus The tumor returned of course
worse than ever and the doctors said
a second operation would be useless and
fatal In desperation she went to tb
Kharas Headquarters in Omaha and ia
five weeks was cured sound and well
This was some time ago and not the
slightest symptom of a return of th
trouble has she eyer had nor will she
ever have
So much for one vicinity where Kha
ras good work Is well known Where
they do not know the Kharas people
they call them frauds Where they
do know them they have the entire
confidence of the people
Recorder of Deeds Chas C Brant ol
Nebraska City was cured of a paralyzed
arm pronounced hopeless by doctors
and surgeons in less than a weeks
treatment by Prof Kharas Mrs A
Sanquest of the same town Nebraska
City was cured of cancer of the breast
by the same bloodless painless method
of manipulation Mts Geo C Clapp
of Brock Neb cured of cancer on the
nose by the Kharas treatment Mr J
A Payne the wealthiest and best
known man in Hamburg la or for
that matter Southwestern Iowa was
cured of numbness and writers paraly
sis of the right arm in one treatment
of piles in one treatment and in a
short time of a fistula that had been
troubling him for nine years
Do the above sound like imaginary
disease Thats the kind the doctors
say the Kharas method cures
The largest balloon ever constructed
and capable of lifting over six tons
will ascend from Berlin shortly to make
meteorological observations It will be
supplied with provisions for several
weeps and with two beds
Scientists are saying that mosquitoes
carry malaria and flies spread small
pox If these new troubles invade the
snakebite regions of Kentucky many
of the distilleries may totter under the
The Honolulu Republican is joyfully
munching the first sweets of journalism
a large juicy libel suit Evidently
the Republican is there to stay
With features distorted and hands
and arms swollen and scarred Andrew
Schlake a farmer living near Nashville
111 was found -wandering about in tha
swamps near the Okaw river Myriads
of mosquitoes hovered over him and
covered his face and body Schlake
wooing briskly boomed and in two days was taken home by friends and it was
they were married i found that he was suffering from thou-
5 r stands of bites He had become lost
Commissioner Peck shows- deifac sie fuming and had fought the
- - s all night His case is
spect for the constitution bar puti4gtf r ms Nothing of this sort has
away the Legion of HonU5HBl uif t v- nijrp happened outside of New-
2 v