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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1900)
i lK -1 l C A i v fir I K4 i 815 4 4 9 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 9 49 49 49 49 IP fc3 THE VALENTINE VOLUME XV Getting Ready to Receive New g 5 Goods j All Summer Goods Going at j BIACK CAT TRR N stocking uut trices ill HATS the story in few lines We g M7 wisn to say Dneny However mac gfi aTt our summer clearing sale is a good pf bit different from most sales you see fo tised Our bargains do not consist of a lot J of shop worn odds and ends dear at any price The goods we offer are new fresh H and desirable and we sell them at cut prices now because we can turn the money f several times before next spring We are J ii i i vw -willing to mane a Dig concession on prices in order to obtain your money RemembeivBuy Only the Black Cat Hosiery THE RED FRONT TEX REtt 12XT OFF OS EVERYTHING OQ tCffCfCfcCfCfCforcfctCfCfC or WWVWWWWVW Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line D STINARD B ANDERSON A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank New York Correspondents GET PDTMTTMO AT THIS YOUR 1 KllN I IINVJ OFFICE wc Caa Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship 0 W9999g WJTJTJTJZttrJTKZZ GENERAL HARDWAR nv - - SJ f v P -- CLOAKS I For Ladies Misses and Children GAPES BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS - PEACTICAL TAILORING ATjTj oum womjl guamanteei CLOTHIER C H CORNEIJL President VALENTINE NEBR Jff V XICHOIiSOK Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska First National Bank Qmaha Neb TfrTfarTfaTfarrTgfeTSk FRANK ECOFFEY We respectfully call your attention to our complete lines of Dry Goods Hats and Caps Boots and Shoes Groceries and Lumber You will find our prices to lje as low as any in the business We will from time to time have something of interest to tell you through our adver tisement and something that will be to 3our advantage Fair treatment to all Memman Nebraska caTjnTEjragcnrasjrcagpraac p vLxgL jjji jy HI1 k 3j5cJEE3 DEMO VALENTINE NEBRASKA SEPTEMBER 13l900 vvwvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvfvvvvvvvvvnnvvvvvvv TATT CSV THC TOWKT A A new line of gloves at Farnhams Remember the dates of the races October 34 5 T A Yearnshaw went to Clearwat er Tuesday morning Mrs W Massingale has returned from Hot Springs Dan Barnes of Newton made final proof on his claim Monday Judge Walcott returned from his eastern trip Saturday night Try that 50c Japan Tea at Farn hams 33 There will be regular services at the M E Church next Sunday Thomas Fitzhenry is a visitor in town this week from Chesterfield David Piercy Jr of Kennedy regis tered at the Donoher Wednesday J H Sears of Sparks was a wel come visitor at this office yesterday Rev Cumbow returned home from conference at Alliance Tuesday morning D R Riedel and Harry Rowe of Chesterfield made final proof on their claims Monday Creamery Prices paid for butter and eggs in cash Crabb Co 20 tf N J Grooms of Sparks brought in a 32 pound watermelon yesterday Stand up for Nebraska F MSageser and vife are enjoying a couple of weeks vacation at the home of J O Vincent A D Pettycrew visited Fi ed Folks at Crookston from Saturday last un til Monday of this week Perry King is tending bar in the Palace saloon in place of his brother Nat who has been laying off this week A marriage license was issued to Thomas Bowman to wed Nellie Amoitte on Saturday last Both are of Pine Ridge We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew Pa Welch is a monopolist once more He has the only ten cent de livery in town now that Hans has quit the business Mrs W A Pettycrew and Mrs J A Pettycrew left Monday morning for a visit with relatives and friends in Marshalltown Iowa Miss Edith Brandon was taken with a severe attack of nervous pros tration Monday afternoon and is in a very precarious condition Dr Compton is attending her A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 Genial Harry Helsinger is again at work in the Palace saloon after his bout with the chicken pox He is as he says a little disfigured but still in the ring Hans Ulrich has taken the mail route between town and the Fort which was formerly in the care of Mr Dillon He will also haul the beef shipped to the post by Swift Co For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr C F Martin well and favorably known to our towns people received his appointment as a minister of the M E Church at Whitney at the con ference held at Alliance last week May success crown his work in this noble vocation is the wish of the Democrat Mrs E U Law of Detroit Mich will giye parliamentary drill in the M E Church on the 18th 10th and 20th of this month from 7 to 8 p m Twenty five cents for three drills Anyone wishing to take the drill will hand their name to Mrs O W Morey Dont fail to see that bargain dis play of shoes at Pettycrews 31 tf Notice to Pupils All pupils of last years Eleventh grade will take notice that their graduating exercises will be held on Saturday evening Oct 6th Time will not permit each one to deliver a long oration It is hoped that each one will write a few point ed original thoughts on the subject selected and be prepared to deliver these in a manner as forcibly as pos sible R H Watson A Valentine Boy D S Efner a youn man well known to the people of this town for his many sterling qualities is now the sole editor and proprietor of the Dawes County Journal of Chadron A R Julian the senior partner in the firm having sold his interest in the paper to Dean Mr Julian will again enter the ministry which is his chosen voca tion He also has cattle interests which commands his attention While editor he has conducted a clean wholesome paper and while differing with him politically we have always admired him as a man Mr Efner is a practical printer a young man of unblemished character and a worthy successor to his retiring chief We wish him a full measure of success which -we are sure he will receive CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS Through the courtesy of Rev Cum bow we furnish a list of appointments made at the M E Conference at Al liance last week chadron district J A Scamahorn Presiding Elder E C Horn Alliance T J HazeltonBox Uutte D J Clark Chadron C B MorganChadron Ct C W Ray Crawford K G Easley Gordon W R Warren Harrison C H Burleigh Hay Spgs J F L W Horton Lakeside ingford Hunt Lavacca C E ConuellMerriman A Fetzer Rusliville C F Mai tin Whitney S A Beck Missionary hi Korea F I Addis left without appointment to attend school LONG PINE DISTRICT P H Eiglnny Presiding Elder O L RamseyAInsworth A R Julian Atkinson G A Hanna Bassett Brownlee to be supplied W O Glasner Butte J A Johnson Crookston Fountain Valley to be supplied V C DanielsJohnstown J L Baker Long Pine R A Ball Newport J S Campbell Sparks A T Carpenter Spring- and Norden vipw n V SvTiitMi Kf nnrt A F Cumbow Valentine 0 S Baker and H L Harvey left witnout appoint ment to attend school J WJ aylor missionary in Wyoming School Land Leasing The Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings will offer about 50000 acres of school land for lease at pub lic auction at Valentine at the coun ty treasurers office beginning at 9 am September 18 1900 under the following provision of the new land law If after using due diligence to lease said landat an annual rental of six per cent upon the appraised valu ation the commissioner is unable to do so he may offer the same for lease at less than the appraised valuation and lease it to the person or persons who will pay six per cent on the high est offered valuation as annual rent al if in his judgment it is to the best interests of the state to accept such bid Persons desiring to examine the lands to be leased may secure lists of the same showing the present ap praisement thereof as well as any other information upon application to the County Treasurer or by ad dressing the Commissioner at Lin coln At -the beginning of the auc tion the commissioner will gladly an swer all inquiries in regard to the school land business or the workings of the new law The list of lands above referred to will be found on page 5 of this paper Ask for our pi ices on job work Typhoid is prevailing around Mer riman to an alarming extent Bert Hammond has accepted a po sition as disciplinarian at the Re servation school I save you 20 to 50 per cent on your insurance and write in the best mu tual companies of the state I M Rice Agent Bud McDonald son of Mrs E McDonald of Crookston broke both bones of his left arm by being thrown from a horse Dr Compton reduced the fracture and the boy is getting along as well as could be expected A son of William Cayanaugh liv ing on the Table was bitten in the foot by a rattlsnake the other day and was brought to Union Hotel in this city where he is receiving medi cal attention from Dr Dwyer The boy is about seven years old and will recover Chamberlains Cottffh liemedy a Great Favorite The sooting and healing properties of this remedy its pleasant taste and pro mpt and permanent cures have made it a great favorite with people every where It is especially praised by moth ers of small children for colds croup whooping cough as it always affords quick relief aud as it contains no opi um or Other harmful drugs it may be given as confidently to a babv as to an adult For sale byQuigley Chapman t X vnEF - i I ORAT NUMBER 34 4 3 AN OUNCE OF SATISFACTION 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 J 0 a 2 S IS WORTH A TON OF TALK ft K 2 W j milJBJEi jriUi2iO THAT MAKES BUSINESS I s c r DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants 0 2 i to I hh 2 o 0 h 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of L FRESH - FRUIT -AND -G AM E In addition to a first claes line of Steaks Koasts Dry Bait Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables MStettart Old Stand on Main Straafc VALENTINE NEBRASKA LIVERY BARN AAA mOmOmO WALCOTT 6 LUD WIG Props AAA MOW3M3 Successors to W AL00TT STEVENSON LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE BS3J3ESigSgg lafOsj iff iBHBiMa W Y22JS75SttWWhyhS2Jk si cii ant i s Best If you believe what he tells you himself Everyone has the best grades of goods and the lowest prices Perhaps he thinks so It would be a poor sort of a business man who didnt stick up for his own store Why not judge for yourself Before buying anything get our prices i We sell Salt Coal and Fence Posts X rfc MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BJ 4 49 4 49 49 49 49 I f I H NTING R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska PAPER HANGING CALOIMINING V W 2 I I All work well done 2 Local Weather Record D S Department of Agriculture I weather Bureau f Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday Sept 12 1900 Hiphest temp for week 93 dee on the 7th Lowest temp for week48 Ueg on the Gtlu Jlean temp lor week 71 cleg Av temp for the week lor 10 years63 deg Excess of temp for the week s Accumulated excess of temp since Jan 11900 1027 deg Total precipitation for week 44 inches Av precipn for week for 10 years 024 inches Excess of precipitation for the week 020 inches Total precipn from Jan l I900to date 2123 inches Av precipn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date lGffi inches Excess of precipn from Jan 1 1900 to date 430 inches Highest velocity of wind for week 29 miles per hour from the s on tho 7th F1TANK IS 1IEAHAX - i Observer Weather Bureau The liravery of IVoman Was grandly shown by Mrs John Dow ling of Eutler Pa in a three years strugglewth a malignant stomachtron ble that caused distressing attacks of nausea and indigestion All remedies failed to relieve her until she tried Electric Bitters After taking it two months she wrote I am now wholly cured and can eat anything It is truly a grand tonic for the whole system as I gained in weight and feel much stron ger since using it It aids digestion cures dyspepsia improves appetite gives new life Only 50c Guaranteed J Elliotts drug store 2 - J0 m