r - 1 IMtW fe w l M RICE STiiW tr V -- J BStii l1 Tin irii ii Tirtmin niiirprMriii il it i THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EDITOR 100 Per Tear in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at te Foskofflcs at Valentine Cherry eountr Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full FUSION TICKET For President W J BRYAN For Vice President E STEVENSON State For Governor W A POYNTER Boone For Lieut Governor E A GILBERT York For Secretary ol State C V SVOBODA How- ard ForTreasurer S H HOWARD Holt ForAudltor THEODORE GRIESSClay For D OLDHAM Buf falo For Commissioner of Public Lands and Build ings J CAREY Saunders For Superintendent of Fublic Instruction- C F BECK Burt For Presidential Electors FRANK T RANSOM Silver Republican Douglas ROBERT OBERFELDER Democrat enne L N WEN TE Democrat Lancaster JAMES HUGHES Democrat Coliax JOHN H FELBER Populist Cedar WILLIAM H GARRETT PopulistPhelps W G SWAN Populist Johnson PETER EBBESON Populist Howard Congressional For Member of Congress Sixth District WM NEVILLE North Platte Senatorial For State Senator Fourteenth District W F HAY WARD County Ticket For County Attorney A M MORRISSEY For Commissioner of First District W E HALEY FbrCommlMioorotTlWDWctMADsEN CAMPAIGN OPENS The Bryan campaign was opened in this county last night with a big rally at Cornell Hall Hon W H Thompson of Grand Island was the speaker of the evening The meet ing was opened by a song from the glee club and then the speaker was introduced and immediately took up the discussion of the issues and for two hours handled them in his own masterly way During the progress of the speech he was interrupted by a prominent republican who insisted on asking questions Mr Thompson is a master at repartee however and his answers came so quick and force ful that the gentleman had cause to regret his rashness Time and again the audience broke out in hearty ap plause He arraigned the administra tion on its foreign policy and showed its duplicity and double dealing with Porto Rico In a duscussion of tiusts he showed that the price of every thing the consumer used had gone up and said the cry of the full dinner pail would deceive no one Taken all in all this was the largest and most enthusiastic meeting held in Cherry County since the joint debate between Norris Brown and Judge Greene two years ago After the meeting broke up a Bry an Club was organized with about two hundred members Hon John H Shore was elected president W A Pettycrew vice president J W Stet ter treasurer and W P reidge secretary Headquarters will immediately be opened on Main Street and the campaign kept hot until the polls close W At the temperance street lecture Monday evening the republican brass band marched the crowd jolting the people to one side while they marched up the street to the pounding of the big bass drum It vas not necessary to form in line to march through a crowd of listeners to a public speech It was not done in the interests of free speech and could almost be character ized as riotous and disturbing the peace of a public meeting Whether the sen timents of the meeting were appreci ated or not the rights of others should be respected by people who would be civil At the republican meeting Monday night the band played We suppose there must have been a speech The boys dont say We know there was somebody there for we went to see There was Judge Tucker Charley Reece Dad Sitzer and Jack Hooton and when the thing was over we sup pose they thought they had elected Wm McKmley Our republican officers have their offices decorated with republican cam paign pictures This is extremely par tisan They were elected to serve the people not to conduct a campaign for ifcinley CWWWWWWWW PJJWMM MWfB t Se igafefesfrfeaaaa w5mmsesmJ Mi i m iw wii i iFw i r vwwwwwwwwvwwvs I EDUCATIONAL DEPT i Conducted by Ixez Pettycrew 5 CHOOL opened Monday Sep tember 3rd with an enrollment of 217 pupils and new pupils are entering every day All parents who have children to en ter the chart class should remember that no pupils are admitted to this class except during the first two weeks of September and the first two weeks of March The principal of the Cody school hav ing resigned his position Miss Alma Carlson teacher of the Primary depart ment has taken charge of his depart ment and one of the schoolgirls has ta ken charge of her room When a prin cipal has been secured Miss Carlson will take up her intended duties as teacher of the Primary department Valentine is certainly doing her part toward furnishing Cherry County with teachers this year Of the pupils who were in our Eleventh and Twelfth grades last year thirteen have already engaged schools for the coming year Mabel Towne teaches in Valentine Al ma Carlson goes to Cody Frank Thorn toMcNare Laura Tillson to Cooper Earl Pettycrew to Dist 41 Katie Mc Laughlin to Dry Creek Sarah Simpson to Kennedy Ida Stinard to Simeon Ada Stinard to Kewanee Margaret Robinson to Schlagel Bertha Thorn to Arabia Luu Hooton to Eli Mabel Hahn to Harmony Walter Thorn has employment which is paying him bet ter than teaching at present He will probably teach during the winter months The total income of these young people will be about 450 per month and the average length of time employed about eight months making a total of 3600 Some new pupils who have entered the Valentine High School are Louis Fergeson and Bessie Wilson September 3d Alma Carlson Laura Tillson Ada Stinard and Maggie Shaughnessy took charge of their schools Cure of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Xetrrs of Suffering I suffered for thirty years with dia rrhoea and thought I was past being curedsays Jobn S II olio way of French CampMIss I had spent so much time and money and suftered so much that I had given up all hopes of recovery I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor could not even travel but by accident I was permitted to find a bot tle of Chamberlains colic cholera and Diarrhoea remedy and after taking several bottles I am entirely cured of that trouble I am so pleased with the result that 1 am anxious that it be in reach of all who suffer as 1 have For sale by Quigley Chapman 1 A new publication entitled Quill comes into our hands this week It is published in the interest of the Douglas County Democracy and appears to be a step in the right direction Copper Production The growth of copper production in the century has been very rapid being in the first decade 91000 tons in the fifth 291000 tonsand in the tenth dec ade which ends with 1900 3743000 tons of which 1963000 tons is sup plied by North America the larger j proportion of this being from the United States The rapid extension of the railroad system of Mexico is re sulting in the opening ot some very extensive copper mines in that coun try the richness of the ores which as a rule carry gold and silver together with the abundance of very cheap la bor and the climatic advantages will tend to greatly increase the North American production One of the largest copper mining enterprises in the world is now being started by the Rothschildswho have invested 5000 000 therein This great property is in the state of Michoacan and in the same mineral belt as are the El Pro greso Mines that are advertised in this issue The mainspring of the wonder ful increase of the worlds production of copper is of course the great profit that results from mining it and at the present time no better investment is offered than the stock of a good cop per mining company in the initial stages and before a dividend is paid 1 Etlltor8 Aicful Plight F M Higgins Editor Seneca Ills News was afflicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklens Arnica Salve the best in the world He writes two boxes wholly cured him Infallible for Piles Cure guaranteed Only 25c Sold by Elliot druggist 1 Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I M Rice Agent T p Valentine Lodge No C SO Xs JL Meets every second and fourth Wednesday even ing of each month at Hornbys Hall A cordial invitation is extended to all visiting members O W MOREY President maud v mokgakeiduf secy SPARKS SCRAPS Crowded out last week As nothing has appeared in the pa per from this place for a long time I will write a few short notes Everybody is a little off their feet on account of the picnic which was a grand success No grumbling about any thing has been heard Judge Tucker delivered a splendid ad dress satisfactory to all who heard him The Ladies Band was all that could be asked for Valentines turnout was more than we expected but the weather was fine and everybody was here and all had a splendid time About 11 oclock we had the Norden parade headed by the Norden band which discoursed the sweetest of music The address by Judge Walcott was splendid and delivered in his usual pleasant wajT making one feel glad to be present to hear him It seems rather louesome here this morning to look out over the grounds all the tepees are gone and all that is left to mark the place where they stood is the mashed grass but we are well pleased that everything went off pleas ant and glad that we can say truthfully that we believe that Saturdays was the largest gathering that ever met on the Sparks townsite We expect to do all in our power to make the old settlers reunions in the future a time to be looked forward to by all Now for the Norden fair James II Sears BAILEY BRIEFS Too iate for last weeks issue Mike Mone was in the hay ilats re cently for the first time in seven years Hugh Sears invested in a new liodg kiss stacker recently Lillie Lester Walt Goodin and James Hunt were the guests at Sellers last Sunday Chris Holts and wife arrived at George Seagers from the west on the 22nd Ralph Good fellow and an Iowa dogie were callers at George Seagers last Sunday Fred Nelson has a lot of fine millet that cannot be excelled John Bishop and S L Goodin have cut their alfalfa grass the third time and the prospect is good for another cutting Gust Gundersons hay crews names are all Charlies and half of them are twins while Fred Nelson has three Jims all but John Story and he is look ing for his mother-in-law This is the season when the family and possibly neighboring boys are glad you planted melons freely Kate Weed is employed to teach the school in Barley precinct Mrs Fred Brennan was down from Hay Springs visiting her relatives and friends What is the matter with Sandy We havent heard anything from Eli pre cinct for some time trnn Rnnrlv J Vl JlXJ raJhijiLasW8r Get a wiggle on m NORDEN NOTES My how the wind blows Even polit ical wind The Norden Borealis scribe is a hum mer and tiptop fellow But my his politics Farmers are happy over their pros pects of corn and hay There is talk of a matched gama of ball for 100 a side in KeyaPaha county for the championship of the county to take place in the near fu ture A big time at the Norden fair Sept 25 26 and 27 Every Fusionist will have to be on his guard and not forget his duty from now until election and go to the polls this fall and vote his own sentiments not someone elses Vote ourselyes free and see what the result will be It is high time that we as a laboring class of people begin looking to our own in terest and not to that of capitalists Hurrah for Bryan and reforms Either free silver or the old greenback A POPULIST OASIS Crowded out last week Make hay while the sun shines Well I guess we do To be sure we dont make hay when its raining We al ways quit and take a rest Samuel Lynch of Simeon visited in these parts last Sunday Eobert Quissenberry and Frank Grooms went up to Kennedy Sunday morning Kay Johnson of Oasis went up to Valentine Friday and returned Monday morning Charles Mayfield says he had com pany Sunday Dan Sears and wife of Kennedy were out for a driye last Sunday I am only a common hay waddie thats what some people say But I stick to that old old saying while the sun shines make hay Eattle Box Mutual insurance companies are the best because they are safer and the profits are shared by the policy holder making the cost less I M Bice Agent TAKEN UP At my place 2 miles east of Crook ston about June 30 1900 1 bay mare about 3 years old branded left shoulder also one sorrel llpPSSilP lon yearling mare colt ED PIKE 29 TAKEN UP At my place one Arabian gray mare age unknown blind in one eye and branded 8r5l on right shoulder weight 5 about 1100 pounds W A Wilson Kilgore Nebr 28 TAKEN UP At my place 12 miles southwest of Cody one bay horse about six years old branded Mj on left hip weight 800 lbs HKygj Also one gray mare four years old J P GARDINER 29 Cody Nebr STRAYED 17 head of cows branded JW2 on left side or hip A suitable Ksal reward will be paid for recovery C H CORNELL Valentine Nebr LEGAL NOTICE Qrder for Allowing Final Account In the Couuty Court of Cherry County Neb- In the matter of the Estate of Edward Dahl rrin Icccftscil Nowonthe Vthdayof September 1D00 came Rachel Dahlgrin administratrix of the estate of Edward Dahlgrin deceased and prays for leave to render her final account and for dis charge as such administratrix it is therefore ordered that the 28th day of September laoo at 10 oclock a m at my office in Valentine Ne braskabe fixed as the time and place for exam ining and allowing such account And the heirs of said deceased and all perciis interested in said estate are required to appear at the time and place designatedand show cause if such ei istswhysaid account should not beallowedlt is lutther ordered that said Rachel Dahlrin ad mmistratrixgive notice to all persons interest ed in said estate by causing a copv of this order to be published in the Valentine Democrat a newspaper printed and in general circulation In said county for three weeks prior to the day set for said hearing W R TOWNE County Judge Dated September 5th 1900 33 3t Administrators Sale Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order ot sale made on January 27Ui 1900 by lion If M Sullivan judge of the district court of Buffalo county Nebraska a certified copy of which has been to me issued in the mat ter of the estate of Dora M Sheetsdeceased and application to sell real estate to pay debts pend ing m said county I will on Tuesday Septem ber 18th 1900 at the hour of a ocloofc A M standard time at the front door of the court house in the village or city ot ValentineChorry county Nebraska sell at public sale to the high est bidder for cash subject to incumbrance or otherwise as may be found best the following described real estate to wit Lot three of block one of H C H Cornells addition to the vil lage of Valentine Cherry County Nebraska to pay debts of said estate 31 W L HND Adimni trator Notice to Non Resident Defendants To William D Alder and Mary J Alder non resident defendants You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 14th aay of August 1900 Grace R Walker as plaintiff herein filed her petition in the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska against you as defendants the object and pray er of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed on the first day of June 18S9 by William I Alder and Mary J Alder upon the following described property to wit The north half of the southeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter Of Section six town ship thirty two range thirty seven in Cherry County Nebraska Given to secure the pay ment of one certain promissory note in writing and the interest coupon notes thereto attached made executed and delivered by William D Alder to one H M Henley which mortgage deed and the notes thereby secured were be fore maturity for a valuable oonsiderationsold endorsed assigned and delivered by the said U M Henley to this plaintiff who is now the own er and holder thereof for the sum of fiye hun dred dollars due and payaolu on the first day of June 1891 with interest at the rato of seven per cent per annum payable semi annuall accord ing io the tenc r and effect of the ten interest couuon notes thereto attached and there is now due and payable on said promissory note the sum of six hundred foity dollars with interest at tho rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of June 1894 for which sum with in terest plaintiff prays for a decree that the de fendants pay tli same and thrt In default of such payment said premises nay bo sold to sat isfy the amount found due the plaintiff and for general relief You are required to answer said potition on or before the first dav of October 1900 Dated at Valentine Nebraska August 141900 GRACE R WALKER ilauitiff 30 4t By A M MORRISSEY her attorney PARAFFINE WAX Will keep them absolutely moistnre and aciti proof ParafiBne Wax is also useful in a dozen other ways nbont tho bonse Fall directions in each pound package Sold everywhere STANDARD OIL CO -v IMi 1UIi A N OOMPTON J PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigleys Drug Store Front Speaking About Eyes wiiiviy DONT VQOJj away your money going to a Specialist wo is generally a fraud for ordinary trouble with your Isyes Get your yes fitted by a man with experi ence who knows exactly how to fit you O W MOREY the Jeweler has had 22 years experience If you need a specialist hewilltellyouso SAVE MONEY when you buy a syringe by buying a good one Our Bulb Syringes range in price from GO cents to 8200 We dont recom mend the 60 cent ones Those from 8100 to 8200 we guarantee to be perfect We have all kinds of syringes QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebraska EffiTSSSSSaEl fWWVWWWVVWWWWWV LJ F 1 MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 65c per cwt 1200 ton Shorts bulk 70e per cwt 1300 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Feed 100 1900 Corn 90c 1700 Chop corn 95c 1800 Oats 105 2000 Do you want to buy land It will pay you to see I M Rice 173 PER CENT ANNUALLY Thats the Profit Copper the Article Mexico the Country El Progresso in its group of six mines lias some of the rtchest copper ores in the richest mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per cent copqer l2oz silver a trace of gold total valu about -13 a ton and in two of the mines in addition to copper aud silver ore contains 3 percent to 554 per cent quicksilver or mercury about S103 a ton The great Lake Superior cop per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine arid Tamarack Quincy etc that annually return millions run only trom S3 to 13 a ton Bostou and Montana six years ago sold for 15 a share to dav S275 paying 24o per cent on the investment United verde sold for 5oc a share today stock not in the market and pays 8S0 per cent on investment Calumet and Hecla sold for SI a share to day worth 800 and pays on investment 10000 per cent Entire capital stock of United Verde was off ered for S150000 and refused Senator Clark later paia S26OO0O and to day he has annual income from this property of over Sl3000ooo If this is possible here with labor six times higher than in Mexico with ore live times less valuable wite fuel five times dearer and every tiling else in proportion do you doubt that 1 Progress will return 173 per cent and mort1 an nanlly to original investors to first stockhold ers who contribute the money to start the ball rolling who are on the ground floor Am experienced know the country the Ele the language lived there 18 years and now the mines of this section of Mexico and unhesitatingly state El Progreso is the best have been worked for generations in a Mexican way and supplied the copper for the surround ing country No attempt was ever made to ex traot the gold silver or quic silver A modern 40 ton concentrating and smelting plant smelting only the 43 ore will return 400000 per annum thus 43 S10 for treatment equals 33v40 tons equals Sl320 a dav for 300 dajs equals 300000 This will pay 2G per cent on 1500000 total capitalization Par value of shares 100 OuuOOO shares are treasury stock and 400000 of this to be sold very low to raise money to start things when price will be greatly advanced -100000 at 12c all sold 100000 at 15c looooo at 20c 100000 at 25c Dividend multiplied If Stock No of by No of shares for purchd shares Annual 100 show annual at for 1 Profit Profit 15c G 173 Per Ct 2GxOal73 Per Ct 20c 5 130PerCt2Gv5 130 Per Ct 250 4 104 PerCt2G4 104PerCt 50c 2 52PerCt2G2 521erCt 100 1 26PerCt26x12GPerCt The best chance ever offered of securing stock in a legitimate copper mining enterprise send lor prospectus Organized company on a plan to give a chance to all big and little ricli and poor great and smali none need be excluded If quick you can own Gi shares for every dollar you remit DAVID n kusseli President El Progreso Copper Mining Co G3 Wall Street New York J O DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Superintendent of a Private Hospital For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE NEBRASKA Valentine House J A IIOOTON Prop Recentby opened and newTly furnished Not a restaurant but a hotel 100 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons First Door South of Bank of Valentine VWWVWWJ CLOCK I WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I AM NOW READY FOR BUSINESS With a nice se lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds ot Repairing and Engraving done prompt ly and warranted IXGALXiS A IAS WORTH 5 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM STRAYED OR STOLEN- One black mare stripe in face branded long bax up and down on each thigh Two 3-year-olds branded 3K on left shoulder One mare branded S on left shoulder Reward of So per head for recoverv 28 D M SEARS Kennedy Nebr I WUM an nn yi Valentine Nebr State Brand reg istered 1554 Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip Range 2 miles east of Ft Nio brara itiiiiii l - j0 -7 W John DeCory Rosebud S D TjxdI m T Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hlEangelnMoyerCo on Antelope Creek Charles C Tackett Rosebud 3 D Range bead of An telope near St Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Ylondray Rosebud S D Leftside Left ear Horses branded VB Range Little White River at mouth or Dedar ireek D Stinard H SCHXTLTZ W13 Postolbce address McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut Range North and south of Georgia MORRIS JANIES Postoffice addresB Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left slue as on cut iiorsesl on loft thigh itrnge on Rock Creek Prideaux Sanford JS Tf iinTiiiniTini ir - MV I lTgp7 F3 KennedvNebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on left shoulder of hor ses Aisosw on W E Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles soutli of Kilgore Henry Pratt Rosebud S D Leftside Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder Ecoffey Sons MerrimanNeb Cattle branded MV on lert side and E on left jaw ears clipped both ends and JC on right hip and C on right jaw un derbic on right mi una MT on right ATTORNEY AT LAW O lr O side Horses branded JC on left hip and FE on left shoulder and T on left hip1 Range Bel weSS aaekep1Jenthenipart f mtffi N S Rowley ieit biue imi an nip 3 on right hip and on left side iv 1 1 flff ii urtCSH Q on left hip of horses p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses LU Q on left hip of horses A M MOKRISSEY o Jh o VALENTINE NEB O M SAGESElf TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving HOT AND GOLD BATHS p M WALCOTT ATTORNEY - AND AB3TRAGTBR Valeqtine Nebraska - 1- l r Z JU - s r