R I W b t 5 s THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE swjne 31-30-36 Sl4 n W 32-30-30 SJ43J4 33-28-37 SW4 14-25-39 CM 22-27-40 nVs 26-29-40 SW4 35-34-40 All 30 29 25 AI nw4se4 16-27-20 n4 10-32-20 nwJ4bWJ4 10-34-27 All 30-25-23 lllA 10-28-29 SWsei 30-28-29 lieHSWi 30-29-29 nw4 neaWJi 30-29-30 swHnvfh 10-20-27 IiSWJi Lot 1 7-30-31 s4nl4 30-29-33 Sni 16-26-34 sejjn Wji 3029 34 Slt 30-25-35 IlJ4 30-31-35 seKseJi 16-28-36 AH 10-31-30 nJSHVi 10-25-37 se4se n4s4 16-25-39 AVlA 33-33-39 All 36-35-39 mvse 35-28-40 1 EDITOR SCHOOL LAND LEASING The following described school lands In Cherry county will be ottered for lease at public auction at Valentine ai the County Treasurers Office on September 18 1WM beginning at 9 a in and continuing until all of said lands have been offered These lands may be leased at an annual rental of six per cent of the valuation shown below by the first person offering to take the same when they are called for lease at the auction unless a premium is offcredin which case the lease con tract will be awarded to the person paying the greatest amount of bonus therefor Failing to receive a bid of six per cent upon said appraised value of any of these lands they may be leased to the person who will pay six per cent upon the highest valuation as provided in Sec 15 of the new school land law In order that all Interested may have an equal opportunity to secure lease these lands are hereby withdrawn from the market until the be ginning or the public auction aforesaid A portion of these lands are vacant by virtue of orders of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds duly made and mat be redeemed if delinquencies and costs are paid before the land Is leased eJ 16-34-40 seJ4nwJ4 1114SCJ4 34-34-40 SVa 2-28-39 mv 28-27-10 HViSVt 20-29-40 All 30-27-25 Ail 10-33-25 e4ne 16-20-20 n4 10-28-26 neJ4neJ4 10-29-27 W4 1C25 28 senej i 10-27-28 h4s4 10-28-29 se4 10-29-29 WA 10-30-27 All -30-20-30 All ll Ool se 17-20-31 GovLot7 G-30-31 All 10-33-32 All- 10-32-33 SW 36-27-34 S4 36-33-34 All 30-20-35 All 36-26-30 All 16-30-30 All 30-31-30 SJ4SWJ4 16-25-38 All 36-34-33 sVslJe -16-32-39 SlAsy2 16-27-37 n5iSWj4 10-20-40 411 10-30-10 nw4nw4seknwjisesw4 sVsnlAnysseU 27-30-30 neJ4swne4se14si4seJ 28350 36 SW4ftii 2w4 XUtJ neswJ4uisesej4seJ4 25-25-40 n4nJ4swJ4seJ4 18-27-40 eiieJ4swhswJ4neii6eJi 1620 25 nwnewiiwseliReseJi 16-29-25 ne4w4nwJ4se4nw4sw4ssel4 16-34-25 ne4snwJ4wj4sw4HJ4seJ4 16-29-26 Benwiie swJisek 10-30-20 sw4ne4winw4seJ4mvk nJ4nI4swJ4hehswJ4nse4cswJ4so4 - 30-25-27 llWj4ei8W4 se t 4 se 1 4 30-27-27 eJines54swJ4eiseJ4 10-28-27 sw J4iieJ4se4se4 - 36-32-27 sw 1 1 ne l l ne 1 4 nw 1 4 s 1 2 nw e 1 2 sw 1 4 nw 1 4 sw 1 4 11 1 2 se 16-20-28 n 1 2 n 1 2 S 1 2 S 1 2 se 1 4 sw 1 4 nw 1 4 se 1 4 s 1 2 se 1 4 16-28-28 nw 1 4 ne 1 4 ne 1 4 nw 1 4 36-28-23 se 1 4 nw 1 4 sw 1 4 sw t 4 se 1 4 16-30-28 sw 1 4 ne 1 4 ne 1 4 s 1 2 ne l 4nw 1 4 se nl 2 30-35-28 S 1 2 lie 1 4 W 1 2 11W1 4 se 1 4 30-27-29 U 1 2 sw 1 4 se 1 4 S W 1 4 se 1 4 30-31-29 sw 1 4 ne 1 4 8 1 2 nw 1 4 n 1 2 se 1 4 16-34-29 n 1 2 ne 1 4 sw 1 4 ne 1 4 se 1 4 11-20-30 n 1 2 n 1 2 sw 1 4 ne l 4Xsw 1 4 nw 1-424-27-30 ne 1 4 sw l l se 1 4 sw l t se 1 4 24-27-30 w 1 2 nw 1 4 se 1 4 nw 1 4 s 1 2 se 11 1 2 ne l 4se 1 4 ne 1 4w 1 2 sw l lse 1 4 SW 1 4S8 1 4 21-25-31 s 1 2 ne 1 4 se 1 4 nw 1 4 13-26-31 w 1 2 ne l 4se 1 4 ne 1 4 n w 1 4 14-20-31 11 1 2 and n 1 2 swl 4 sei 4 sw l 4se 1 5 15-26-31 n 1 2 sw 1 4 sw 14 se 1 4 10 30 31 0-31-31 Govt Lots 1 2 5 0 30-33-31 ue 1 4 x s 1 2 nw 1 4 n 1 2 sw 1 4 nw 1 4 se 14 10-34-31 n 1 2 11 1 2 S 1 2S 1 2 SW 1 4 30 33 31 11 1 2 U 1 2 SW 1 4 se 1 4 10-25-32 U 1 2 w 1 2SW 1 4 C 1 2 Be 1 4 30-25-32 11 1 2 ne 1 4 sw 1 4 ne l 4ne 1 4 nw 1 4 3 1 2 UW 1 4 30-20-32 SW 1 4 SW 1 4 se 1 4 se 1 4 30-26-32 ne 1 4 e 1 2 mv 1 4 ne 1 4 sw 1 4 11 1 2 sei 4 10-31-3 n 12 n 12 sw l Vse wl 2 ne 14 iS UW 14 ft s 12 S L2 s l2 ne 14 w 1 2 nw W se 1 1 nw l l SW 14 n 1 2 se 1 4 sv 1 4 se 1 4 2329 35 n l2n 12 sel4ne i4 30-29-35 s 1 2 ne 1 4 se 1 4 nw W ne 1 4 sw 1 4 Suisse 1 4 lGr2G n 12 jJ n S l2 36-25-30 sw 14 ne 1 4 vt se M nw 1 4 11 1 2 sw 1 4 11W1 4 sel 4 1G 2G3G se Wne 14 SWl 4 16-27-36 s 12 nw 1 4 Jfc u 1 2 sw 1 4 sw 1 S sw 1 4 gel 4se 1 4 16 2930 w 12 ue 1 4 se 1 4 ne 1 4 nw 1 4 nwl4 ue 14 w 1 2 se 1 4 30-30-36 sw 14 ne 1 4 s 1 2 nw wsw 14 w 1 2 Sel 4 lie M 0 1 2 nw 1 4 30-32-36 SW 1 4 SWW sel 4 10-25-37 W 19 SW 1 4 se 1 4 sw 1 4 30-25-37 w 1 2 e 1 2 u 1 3 nw 1 4 sw 1 4 se 1 4 ne t no 1 4 se l l 10-20-37 n 1 2 SW 1 4 U 1 2 hO 1 4 36-29-37 S K lll2 n 1 3 S 1 2 36-30-37 heMueMswMuwl t sal 2 swl 4 v se 14 - 30-25-38 n 1 2 n 1 2S 1 2 nw 1-210-20-33 n 1 2 ue 1 4W L2 nw l 4Sne 1 4 sw 1 4 s 12 MV 1 4 vt se 1 4 30-20-38 U i ii n 13 e 1 2 he 1 4 nw 1 4 ne i4vSn 1 2 nw i 4sw 1 4 nw 1-4-10-29 3S 11 13 ne l 4SiW 1 4 ne l 4uw l 4n 1 2 sw Wnw 1 4 sel 4 nl 2vne 1 4 swi 4sw l l sw i 4xn 1 2 se Wse 1 4 se 1 4 36-31-38 nw 1 4 ne l 4fcn ne MSe 1 2 nw ms 1 2 se 1 4 30-32-38 se 1 i sw Ws 1 2 se 1 4 n ne 1 4 se 1 4 30-20-39 w 12 nw Wse 1 1 mv l 4s 1 2 10-29-39 10-31-39 nw 1 4 ne l 4Kse Ll nw 1 4U 1 2 sw l ln n i 3n i 2se 1 4 ne i 4Se 1 2 se 1 4 10 33 ai W 1 2 lie l4e 1 2 SO 1 4 32-33-39 sw 14 e i ls 1 2 nw l 4vSn 1 2 sw 1 4 11 12SC1 4 36-20-40 a 12 ne l is 1 2 10-29-40 ne 1 4 sw l 45n 1 2 se 1 4 20-29-40 Hl2nl2sl2sel 4sel4 30-29-40 ne l4ifce 1 2 nw l 4Ss 1 2 sw l 4ne 1 4 sw Hse 1 4 ne l 4cte 12 nw 1 lSsw 1 4 nw l ls 1 2 16-34-20 n t 2 n l2sw 1 4 nw l sw sel 4 30-27-37 W 1 3 IlWnw SW S 1 2 s 1 2 30-34-30 All - 10-25-25 AU 30-25-25 J V WOLFE Commissioner Public Iands and Buildings MO MONEY REQUIRED WITH YOUR ORDER Cot thli ad out and send to us State -whether you Trish drop head or up right and ve trtu sena you our mgn graae gxen bewmg Jftacnine by freight C O D subject to examination Examine it at your nearest freight or express oflicc and if found exactly as represented here equal to other machines costing from v to 60 pay the agent our SPECIAL FACTORY PRICE I695nhdefreigi average 75 cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances in proportion Give iti month tnsl in your own home and if it is not satistactory return it at our expense and we will refund your money This machine ts equal to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine uId for less monev must be made of inferior material We mannfsrtur in - inwn m t TTTrmn ti mmi - t - wnhv a V Mi adiustabler 11 fflJlTBEMl THE NEBRASKA THURSDAY FRIDAY large quantities and sell only at ft small advance of factory cost which enables us to offer you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low price BEWARc Or lmlTATUnieftnh with rarious inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bonk or the Second SaMoMl Bank of Akron Ohio and they will tell you of our relLnhiHH w m desk ipprg TATE TjvvIR II jr TBii O e mil 553ir s il ITT Tf - CT AT ITS OLD QUARTERS LINCOLN 5 NEB MONDAY TUESDAY EPTEMBER 3 TO ccCTewerTeinypuipchceV Quih ca oiK Riaqo pqiisMfi uae uSrAUorj r xorusc toe omerour vron rioaa macnine 5i5 C2S 144S SBhti Tfq he useV as a e or desb tiw nrdghttkTmichhelus sir faRcy HnK anrt fliv drawer for tools Ccuics e lirawers are latest kv cfcMtftw Vai rr3rvirinnlMniKocri anddefbiated cabirjetCaishne nickel3 drawer pulls rests on fju casters drawers and one dtaaer for tools Each machine has the IP a nasiournutcy nnest lain arm fisanntw patent enan liberator Impiovedlocfie wheel Improved V -- - v w mwb hv - w 1 4ipawraeiy ptcoraq anrj ornamentta ana beautifully nickel trimmed we flt8 this maclnrtQ to be the lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless machine nude Every attachment ia furnished free tozether with a comolete instruc tion book telling you how to do any kind of plain or fancy work We issue a written binding guarantee with every machine It will cost vou nothing to see and exam ine Oils machine compare it with others selling for from 40 to and if satisfactory fay the agent 1695 and charges Send for circulars and full descriptions of sewing mamiwa tuu uivti wituuiAtturcu uy us wruc lousy auuicSS au UUCXS lO THE AKRON SEWINC MACHINE BICYCLE COB Akron OMoj PiS AtWt SeriJg Ilhins aclBicycl Co arc rcUabte Editor ADDITIONAL LOCAL Geo H Reinert has returned to town trom the Hay flats Mrs J B Hull and Mrs Yank OBrien returned this morning from Hot Springs S D John Scholtes of Nenzelt was in town last Saturday and TO3le us a dollar r Miss Cora and Hattie Thackrey were out Qn their homestead the lat ter part of last week The Wesleyan Quartet which ap peared in the M E Church here last night gave entire satisfaction to the large audience The coal bid accepted by the school board was 9c per ton higher than it was offered to them for by another contractor What excuse has our honorable school board to offerv Ask for our pi ices on job work Wheelmens Day or Bicycle Tour nament Motor Tandem will be a Special Feature Fraternal Drill Day and Fruit Day Tons of fruit of all kinds will be distributed free WEDNESDAY Everybodys Day Races Everybodys Day Races Traveling Mens Day Knights of the Grip promise a big time Tlie Tennessee Judges a Splendid Troupe of Colored Minstrels will give daily free entertainments in the Amphitheater PARIH iiRIINF A native from Manila of the Tagalog Tribe of 3 Filipinos will give free daily receptions and entertainments on the grounds THE AGRICULTURAL FEATURES The display of Agricultural and Horticultural resources of our great state promises to be the best ever exhibited while the Live Stock and Poultry exhibit will certainly surpass all previous efforts The board has made some very liberal offers in prizes see their bulletin No 4 for those offered County Collective Exhibits f L Lia 1 IIbIIi Will Sell Round Trip Tickets from all Nebraska Points at ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP PLUS 50c ADMISSION Dates of sale Sept 3 to 7 inclusive Limit Sept 8tii 1900 J R BUCHANAN Gen Pass Agent F E M V R R OMAHA NERR UODERH IMPROVED MACHINE ZZSmv fL IHp fe22Se SStefe fa ft teg nitc fe -a - - - - m Another soaking rain Sunday even ing grass is green yet and it is fear ed that an early frost will destroy the winter pasture STRAYED OR STOLEN One black mare stripe in face branded long bar up and down on each thigh Two 3-year-olds branded 3 on left shoulder One- mare branded S on left shoulder Reward of 5 per head for recoverv 28 D M SEARS Kennedy Nebr Speaking About Eyes srjc r eMwnrit tua - xi DONT FOOL away your money going to a Specialist who fa generally a fraud for ordinary trouble with your Eves et your 5es fitted by a man with experi ence who knows exactly bow to fit you O W MOREY the Jeweler has had I years experience If you need a specialist he will tell you so 1 I T Kichardson Merrinian Neb Brand registered ISO 10S7 Brand same as cut on left hide Also left hip V mi m w Eange 10 miles soutii of Merri nian on the Nio bnira - ntr f ff Perch Nebr Some on lef c hipl U G Criger W71 J vfcMa WILLIAM BEAMER M V- Horses on left shoulder Gordon Nebr MlfTi - tP 1 Cattle branded- VtB 1 CnH S nniA o t r fc Ml Horses G w 1 V tH l ipft JLOneAP m a m Hill BliMtlInt VftBriM l fc ft iegJs3isifuii ilwi Eange o miles MarJfcfci til nos7o Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrara rivor 12 miles east oi alentine gfeTg Ttffcr jfcilfcssLzze H 4 fCUBfiHBBVVililllllllllllllllwSL w -- p 3aja ttitti9 m S THE PALACE SALOON I HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUOKS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brandt VALENTINE NEBRASKA R M Faddis Co Postofilce address Valentine or Kennedy Neb T 13 1 ilii frw1 -up i 1 1 ii MILLS BKOS Merrinian Nebr Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der Brand register ed 1091 Itange I2mile3 southwest of Merrinian on the jNlobraranver Cattle branded same as cut Some branded pri on left Tmft thigh Some nn leftside or hip R ifcrrrTyTgityiJj llervey Hanch Two miles east of Crookston in Cherry countv Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb W ool A T BItACKETT Postoffice address Eiege Neb Branded on left side Kange Three miles South eastof Georgia W - - - 93jtf4iMsiiMHs9P wmtdKz j - Cody Nebr Same is cut on right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on right shoulder George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Range north and south of Cutcomb ILake in Clierry Co wru TB soutii of Irwin wTWHnnriwi Mai I I ML UIIL dHUJUil G W BEAMER Gordon Nebr Cattle branded on leftside as in cut 6 inch box and 2 iuch circle Brand registered 875 ITnrecB branded itrntH left shoul i der 214 Inch circle Hnch box Registered 87C Range c miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river D L Reed rffrJftrtiJTi j rJKrmrf T- A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL tf v Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE X NEBRASKA M RICHARDSON C F COOPER Brand registered 2005 HHEiSHHKflil stofilce address lHWHI Cattle branded on Btf tss DB McCann Neb Wfl9 left side same as cut BffmBA Branded on leftside jHEAAlfiB branded on SJK4BK HWI ifTffn Bange McCann Also some cattle Iwi mMm branded mSmSStSBElmk MiTmt iHTiM HSlli iiaJ tjtt F T Brackett vaiM HI ffiBsmm Range South aud west of Hackberry Lake and Duck Lake George F Damon JSD FD Albany Neb Cattle branded FI on left ribs or right shoulder SD on right hip aud left ribs 6 on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder itange 7 hn north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Hutt Brothers Gordon Nebraska Range14 miles north of Gordon F C DuerfeWt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded OOonrlffhthin Horses and mules o ran ded same as cut on left shoulder 3 7 11 1 400 ii21VAItl will be paid to any per son torinformationleadimrto the arrest and final conviction of auy nerson or persons steal ing cattle with the above brand I iB I jr SB Gordon Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek fortv miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle Riege Nebr Brand Registered MO 1 1D0 Brand right side or hip Horses same on right shoulder Range Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore S W Chesnut r iHf IMS C E Wright MBaBMaiClBH vthtmsgrniMJISh Wm J Alien Ft Niobrara Neb Brand recisteed Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere on right side u w laLsssasssi ArtAAAAAAyy LIVERY STABLE SjtPtt tit Attention Given to Stockmen rfe 3 ry LIVERY FEED p EXCHANGE 11 GODFREY n TfJi t 1 iv I tjtaitll y ilKUJIIAKR ra jwe8t VS - 1