Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 30, 1900, Image 4

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    ir i
100 Per Year in Advance
Entered at tb e Post office at Valentine Cherry
eountY Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
For Prcsident W J BRYAN
For Vice President E STEVENSON
For Governor W A POYNTER Boone
For Secretary of State C V SVOBODA How
ForTreasurer S H HOWARD Holt
For 1 OLDHAM Buf
For Commissioner ot Public Lands and Build
ings JCAREY Saunders
For Superintendent of Public Instruction- C F
For Presidential Electors
FRANK T RANSOM Silver Republican
L N WEN TE Democrat Lancaster
JAMES HUGHES Democrat Colfax
JOHN n FELBER Populist Cedar
W G SWAN Populist Johnson
PETER EBBESON Populist Howard
For Member ol Congress Sixth District
WM NEVILLE North Platte
For State Senator Fourteenth District
County Ticket
For County Attorney A M MORRISSEY
For Commissioner of First District
For Commissioner of Third Patriot
A vote for McKinley means to in
crease the power of the Corporations
extend the lines of our government un
til the poor people who are already bur
dened with taxes will be ground down
to the earth and like the peasants of
foreign countries will be renters and
taxed until every hours labor willc be
necessary for their maintenance
Picture the giant corporations with
McKinley as their ITord Protector
standing oyer the poor people who
must labor every hour in the day un
der peril of starvation or be cast into
prison for debts as were the first set
tlers who were brought over from Eng
land by Jas Oglethorpe to settle Geor
gia in 1783 These persons were re
leased from prison where they were
cast fur non payment of debts to go
to a land where Colonists were wanted
There will be no such opportunities
hereafter for poor people as there are
no new countr ies to colonize
Wouldnt it be well to vote right on
these questions before the power has
all been taken from us to help our
S words points indicates the intimacy
of two famous editors on the Elkhorn
railroad if one would judge from the
articles that appear in the editorial
columns of those papers Editorially
speaking there has been some clever
work done in the write ups given eash
other As prizefighters the editors
might be said to administer knock out
blows without ending the fight We
ar e wondering what the next round
will be
The Boers are still fighting and ac
cording to telegrams sent by Lord Rob
erts it is impossible for the British to do
anvthing with them as the Boers are
entrenched in the mountain gulches
where horsemen cannot venture and
British dare not go on foot Hurrah
for the Boers and their cause Down
with imperialism at home and abroad
Make way for Liberty
Vote for W F Hay ward for senator
if you feel the need of a man who will
look after the stockmens interest Mr
Hayward is a man who has lived long
enough in the west to know just how
to promote our best interests and be
ing a man of superior qualifications
will have a great deal of influence m
the state senate
The reform forces if united could
easily win and many reforms would be
inaugurated By dividing nothing is
gained A republican victory this fall
will be construed to mean an endorse
ment of the colonial policy the estab
lishment of a large standing army and
approval of the trust system Four
years more will accomplish much on
these lines if given encouragement
again Notico the increase of trusts in
the last three years and think twice be
fore voting them more power
ywtn a
aayt i nir
iv i - - ifij v - A3Stt
President McKinleys surrender of a
block of notoriously American territory
in Alaska to Great Britain will be used
on the stump by Democratic orators
National exasperation is likely to
grow intense when tne act i3 shown
up in its true colors The- cession was
unnecessaryinexcusable and perfidious
By this executive action without
the consent of Congress the British
flag floats over a strip of territory ap
proximately 300 miles long and 20
miles wide which since 1825 has been
the undisputed possession first of
Russia and later of the United States
It has been prospected and developed
by American enterprise
It is full of American citizens Not
a single American member of the Joint
High Commission could be brought to
consider Great Britains claim to this
territory Yet operating under a mo
dus vivendi McKinely and Hay have
followed the views of Lord Paunceforte
of Preston until the excutive act of
surrender and Salisbnry was given
what he wanted The Verdict
No amount of falsehood on the part
of republican papers can destroy the
splendid record of Adlai E Stevenson
as a public official While in congress
his influence was always on the side of
the producers He was elected to
gether with Grover Cleveland in 1892
upon a platform which declared We
hold to the use of both gold and silver
as the standard money of the country
and to the coinage of both gold and sil
ver without discrimination against
either metal or charge for mintage
Cleveland became a gold standard man
while Stevenson remained true to his
pledge and today he is a consistent
running mate for Bryan and a worthy
competitor of the brilliant and match
less Chas A Towne All honor to
both Stevenson and Towne one the
consistent democratic bi metallist the
other a self sacrificing statesman Be
atrice News
McKinley has driven out shot or im
prisoned the Christian leaders of the
Filipinos in Manila and turned the
town over to the heathen Chinee who
has established his opium joints on
evey street and opened up a market
for slave girls American courts give
certificates of concubinage which is a
worse form of polygamy than ever ex
isted in the Sulu Islands He made a
treaty with Mohammedan protected
him in his property in slaves and gave
him a pension The Christian men of
Manila he would not treat with but
drove them nto the wilderness slaugh
tered them by the thousands imprison
ed them by the hundreds taxed them
beyond endurence and calls all that
spreading the gospel of Christ Neb
raska Independent
Shirt sleeve diplomacy of the
McKinley-Day-Hay brand i3 like
Pompeys pillarconspicuous by itself
Official Washington is not surprised
at the news that the United States
must now pay to Spain an additional
100000 for the islands of Cibitu and
Cagaybu which McKinley and Day
forgot to include in the Philippine
group for which we payed 2000o000
The sale is an object lesson in Mc
Kinley prosperity however It shows
that whereas the United States two
years ago paid only 2 apiece for 10
000000 yellow bellies it now pays
in exces of 12 a head for the 8000 in
habitants of the two islands The
Young man if you vote for Mark
Hannas trusts in the coming Novem
ber you destroy the last hope for your
own future welfare in business If the
trust system is fully established as it
will be in another term of republican
rule that means a complete and perfect
monopoly in every branch of industry
and the youth with limited capital is
thus barred from participitation ex
cept as a servant This system has al
ready destroyed scores of little cities
and thousands of small merchants and
the real work of destruction is as yet
hardly begun Young man help us
save the country by going back to
healthy business
Island Democrat
principles Grand
Senator Billy Mason Republican of
Illinois says the British have bluffed
us into giving up American territory in
the Porcupine district He speaks uu
thus about Secretary John Hay He
is too much of a Britisher Ifynnce
forte gives him a dinner and he is woa
Hay is responsible for giving up this
territory I object to maintaining a
British official meaning Hay at the
expense of our Government Mason
is in the Porcupine district collecting
rocks to be hurled at Hay next winter
-The Verdict
The report is strenuously denied by
Ambassador White that Tedore of
Germany advised his troops to give no
quarter to the Chinese Only Kaiser
Roosevelt could be guilty of such hid
eous ferocity What he did advise his
men to do probably was to shoot em
in the back at short range pistols pre
ferred Tha VeTdicfc
5t5L jaiasJ55
Below is a letter received from the
aged pioneer Martin Rice of Lone
Jack Mo who wrote the famous ap
plication for office published in this pa
per in the issue of July 5 1900 The
editor upon that occasion neglected to
state that Martin Rice was an uncle
and the oldest living relative ne is
the oldest and only member living of a
family of eleven brothers and sisters
and is the oldest living resident now
known of in Jackson county Mo hav
ing lived on the old homestead near
Lone Jack since 1833
Lone Jack Mo August 1900
Editor of The Valentink Demockat
Dear Nephew Since you have seen
proper to reproduce in the columns of
the Democrat that foolish letter of
mine written more than fifty years ago
and published in the Atlanta Constitu
tion in January 1899 in which appli
cation was made for appointment to
office under the administration of Pres
ident Taylor and which is there styled
an important document You may if
you think it will interest your readers
say to them that your old uncle who
wrote that letter is still living and has
outlived the disappointment of not get
ting what he aiked for And that I
haye perhaps outlived all or nearty all
who were successful in like applications
at that time How strange it is and
yet how true that trivial incidents and
circumstances will outlive or be remem
bered when things of momentous im
portance are forgotten And what
could be more natural than that I after
reading that foolish epistle fifty one
years after writing it should go back
retrospectively oyer all the years that
have passed and think of the many
changes and vicissitudes that have oc
curred since then The many many
changes that I have witnessed and the
country has undergone while that silly
production of my pen has been quietly
sleeping in and amongst the mass of
literature in the vaults of the depart
ment at Washington but waked up oc
casionally and published broadcast
over the country Three times if not
oftener has it been dug up by the
clerks in office and given to the public
Little did I think when I wrote that
foolish letter to Gen Taylor that it
would live and be read oftener and by
more men and women than was his in
augural message to Congress
JLittle did I think that it would be
read and remembered when all the men
who were then prominent in the politi
cal history of the country had passed
away Little did I think when writing
it at the age of thirty five that at the
age of eighty five I should read it in a
Nebraska newspaper a state that I had
neyer heard of and that did not then
exist That was in E849 The Kansas
Nebraska bill had not been introduced
in Congress The scramble over it
had not commenced Congressmen
who are now dead and gone were then
in the zenith of their popularity Col
Benton was and had been the ruling
spirit in Missouri But he had refused
to obey the instructions of Missouris
legislature and was appealing to the
people of the state to endorse his action
A short timebefore that letter was writ
ten he made his great speech at Lone
Jack appealing to the voters of the
four counties of Jackson Lafayette
Cass and Johnson For Lone Jack
was thenan older town and more noted
than Kansas City and the action of
that meeting he claimed was the ver
dict of the four counties in his favor
That was the year of the gold excite
ment in California and that letter of
mine was written while the thousands
of Forty niners were making their way
across the great uninhabited plains
which are now teeming with a busy
These and many such arejthe changes
that time has wrought I could say
much more contrasting that day with
this but it is unnecessary
Maetik Rice
Dont forget that Hon Wm Neville
is the man who made the glorious cam
paign for congress that defeated Kin
kaid last year for the unexpired terai
He is worthy of your hearty support
Republicans brag about the big sur
plus and the unheard of revenue But
thej do not tell us who pays the taxes
Any goyernment can have a surplus by
tsxing the people Ii phis government
taxed the millionaires in proportion to
their wealth as compared with the
wealth of the common people the snrr
plus and government expenses would be
cut down mighty quick but as Jong as
the common people pay most of the J
taxes all goes well and their fat sides
shake with laughter -Nebraska Inde
A lame shoulder is usually caused
by rheumatism of the muscles and
may be cured by a few applications of
Chamberlains Pain Balm For sale
by Quigley Chapman 1
ljj - TUhi
- r tvger -
The Thirty Second Nebraska State
Fair and Exposition will be held at
its old stand Lincoln Neb Sept
3 7 The State Horticultural Society
will hold its annual exhibit in con
nection with the state fair and on
the same grounds and dates
The Board have offered 30000 for
premiums 2000 for county collective
exhibits 5000 for speed
The F E M V R R have an
nounced the low rate of one fare for
the round trip plus 50c admission
from points in Nebraska tickets on
sale Sept 3 7 inclusive with return
limit Sept 8 and will run special
trains from certain portions of the
line thus providing the best facilities
for those wishing to visit this fair
and exposition
The following are special days
Monday Sept-3- Wheelmens Day
or Bicycle Tournament Day The
motor tandem will be a special fea
Tuesday Sept 4 Fraternal Drill
Day and Fruit Day at which time
tons of fruit of all kinds will he dis
tributed free
Wednesday and Thursday Sept 5
and 6 will be everybodys days and
the big races
Friday Sept 7 Traveling Mens
Da3r and the knights of the grip
are promised a big time
The Tennessee Judges a splen
did troupe of colored minstrels will
give daily free entertainments in the
Spabin Abune a native from Ma
nilla of the Tagalog tribe of Filipi
nos will give free daily receptions
and entertainments on the grounds
The agricultural and horticultural
displays promise to be better than
ever before exhibited in this state
The wide awake people of Lincoln
are arranging for a series of night
street tournaments These with en
tertainments of an instructive char
acter during f airweek at the Lincoln
Auditorium will serve to enhance
the pleasure of those who will visit
Lincoln and the fair
See Agent F E M V R R for
further particulars as to rates spec
ial service c
MrB E B Kennedy wife of Oma
ha lately came to Kennedy for a visit
with their son W H Kennedy
NSRowle after putting his hay up
on his home place is now putting the
hay up on the King claim near Ken
nedy P O
D M Sears child is quite sick
McKe Brothers are putting up hay
on the Snake for Mr banford
William Erickson has lately pur
chased a fine double carriage
Mrs Gilbert aunt of MrsErickson
accompanied by her daughter arrived
from PierceNebr last week
Have had two fine rains the past
week for which we are reasonably
thankful considering theycame during
D M Sears and his brother -Sam
have latley returned from Loup Coun
ty where they had been called to see
their mother who was dangerously
sick but is now much better
George Snurr returned from Custer
County last week U S
A 31lnl9tei8 Good IVorft
I had a severe attack of bilious
colic got a bottle of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
took two doses and was entirely
cured says Rev A A Power of
Emporia Kan My neighbor across
the street was sick for over a weekhad
two or three bottles of medicine from
the doctor He used them for three or
four days without relief then called in
another doctor who treated him for
some days and gave him no relief so
discharged him I went over to see
him the next morning He said his
bowels were in a terrible fix that they
had been running off go long that it
was almost bloody flux X asked him
if he had tried Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he
said No I went home and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose
told him to take another dose in fif
teen or twenty minutes if be did not
find relief but he took no more and
was entirely cured I think it is the
best medicine I have ever tried For
sale by Quigley Chapman 1
Local Weather Record
U R Department of Agriculture I
Weather Bureau J
Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday
Aug 29 1900
Highest temp for week 93 dec on the 2Gth
Lowest temp for week5l deg on the 25th
Mean temp lor week 70 deg
Av temp for the week for 10 years 07 deg
Excess of temn for the week 3
kUihulated excess of temp since Jan 11900
TQtaTprecJpjfation for week 141 inches
Aypneclp n forweeK for 10 years o4i Inches
Tom precinn fro Jan l JiJOOo date 2058
Av preflipn fpr p ygars from Jap 1 tp date
jj39 inciies
jfscess pf nrecipn f rem Jan 1 19G0 fo
date 419 inches
Highest velocity of ww4 for vepfc unifies per
h our from the ntv on the tetlj
Observer Weather Bureau
Chas Morgan who has been in jail
here for taking Ja horse belonging to
Chas Dever had a preliminary hear
ing today He was bound over to dis
trict court under 500 bonds
Money In Copjjev
More money has in recent years
been made in copper mining then m
any other stable enterprise as free
from the element of risk The experi
ence ot a common laborer at the same
Calumet and Ilecla Mines is interest
ing He began by investing his sur
plus wages in the stock then his divid
ends and to day is the possessor by
this method of 500 shares of the stock
worth on the market nearly 400G00
Many of the old emplovees of these
mines have accumulated from 10000
to 50000 in the same wsy The
original purchasers of the stock of the
companies now forming the Amalgam
ated Copper Company paid in most in
stances not to exceed 50 per cent of
their par value The market value
to day is at least fourteen times the
amount Solon M Allis O E
formerly United States Deputy Miner
al Surveyor of Tuc3on Arizona was
once offered the great Copper Queen
Mine at Bisbee for 2000 but although
a mining expert he could not appreci
ate its richness then or had not the
cash for it went into other hands and
is worth millions to day Pages might
be filled with instances of both lost
and improved opportunities similar to
the above but all emphasizing the
truth of a statement once made by
John W MacKay the Bonanza King
Nothing pays better than investment
in a good mine The El Progreso
Copper Mines advertised in this issue
affords such an opportunity
At my place 2 miles east of Crook
ston about June 30 1000 1 bay mare
about 3 years old branded WjKJ on
left shoulder also one sorrel kJS1
yearling mare colt ED PIKE 29
At my place one Arabian gray mare
age unknown blind in one eye and
branded lg5 on right shoulder
weight giiy about 1100 pounds
W A Wilson Kilgore Nebr 28
At my place 12 miles southwest of
Cody one bay horse about six years old
branded jjHFllff on left hip weight
son lbs iJyjyS s0 one sray mare
four years old J P GARDINER
29 Cody Nebr
Administrators Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale made on January 27th 1900 by
Hon H M Sullivan judge of the district
court of liuffalo county Nebraska a certified
copy of which has been to me issued in the mat
ter of the estate of Dora MSheetsdeceasedand
application to sell real estate to pay debts pend
ing m said county I will on Tuesday Septem
ber 18th 1900 at the hour of 9 oclock A M
standard time at the front door of the court
house iu the village or city of ValentineCherry
county Nebraska sell at public sale to the high
est bidder for cash subject to incumbrance or
otherwise sis may be found best the following
described real estate to wit Lot three of block
one of H C H Cornells addition to the vil
lage of Valentine Cherry County Nebraska to
pay debts of said estate
31 W L HAND Administrator
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To William D Alder and Mary J Alder non
resident defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 14th uay of August 1900 Grace It
Walker as plaintiff herein filed her petition in
the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska
against you as defendants the object and pray
er of winch is to foreclose a certain mortgage
deed executed on the first day of June 1SS9 by
William I Alder and Mary J Alder upon the
following described property to wit The north
half of the southeast quarter and the south half
of the northeast quarter Of Section six town
shin thirty two range thirty seven in Cherry
County Nebraska Given to secure the pay
ment of one certain promissory note in writing
and the interest coupon notes thereto attached
made executed nnu delivered by William D
Alder to one H M Henley which mortgage
deed and the notes thereby secured were be
fore maturity for a valuable oonsiderationsold
endorsed assigned and delivered by the said U
M Henley to this plaintiff who is now the own
er and holder thereof for the sum of five hun
dred dollars due and payable on the first day of
June 1894 with interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum payable semi annuall accord
ing to the tenor and effect of the ten interest
coupon notes thereto attached and there is now
due and payable on said promissory note the
sum of six hundred f oi ty dollars with interest
at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the
first day of June i94 for which sum with in
terest nlaintiff nravs for a decree that the de
fendants pay th same and thct in default of
such payment said premises nay bp sold to sat
isfy the amount found due the plaintiff and for
general relief
You are required to answer said petition on or
ueiore ine nrsx qay ui uciquer iyw
jjatep ap valentine iseprasi
1 August 141
GlfAPE If WALKKlt ilamtj
A cnod lookinsr
hnrsa and noor look 4
ns harness Is the d-
nriraf trlrifi nf fl finm r
Harness Otta
not nnltr mftltps tho harness and th
horse lock better but makes tbo
leather soft nml tillable nuts it In con-
f tlltlon to last twice as ioag
I as it ordinarily would i
B Ii7 Sold eTerywncre in caaj u bm
IL Madeb iMM
Horse a
Chance f
Prideaux Sapford
By A M MOflfll Bs Y her attorney
Kennedy Sfeb
Stock branded on
Horses branded
on left shoulder
tJ B
Screenings 40c
Chop Feed lUU
Corn 90c
Chop corn 95c
Oats 105
when yon
buy a syringe by
buying a good one
Our Bulb Syringes
range in price from
60 cents to 300
We dont recom
mend the 60 cent
ones Those from
100 to 200 we
jruarantee to be
We have all kinds
of syringes
I Valentine Nebraska
Bran bulk - 65c per cwt 1200 ton
Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton
47 tn
It Helped lVln Matties
Twenty nine officers and men wrote
from the front to say that for scratches
bruises cuts wounds Sore feet and
stiff joints Bucklens Arnica Salve is
the best in the world Same for burns
skin eruptions and piles 25 cts a box
Care guaranteed Sold by Elliott
druggist 1
Do you want to buy land It will
pay you to see I M Rice
Thats the Profit Copper the Article
Mexico the Country
El Progresso in Its group of six mines lias
some of the rtchest copper ores in the richest
mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per
cent copqer l2oz silver a trace of gold total
value about S43 a ton and in two of the mines
in addition to copper and silver ore contains 3
percent to 5J4 per cent quicksilver or merctuy
about S105 a ton The great Lake Superior cop
per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine and
Tamarack Quincy etc that annually return
millions run only from S3 to 513 a ton
Boston and Montana six years ago sold for
S15 a share to dav S275 paying 24o per ceut on
the investment United Verde sold for 5oc a
share today stock not in the market and pays
8G65 per cent on investment
Calumet and Hecla sold for Si a share to day
worth S00 and pays on investment 10000
per cent
Entire capital stock of United Verde was off
ered for S150000 and refused Senator Clark
later paia S2GOO00 and to day he has annual
income from this property of over S13000000
If this Is possible here with labor six times
higher than in Mexico 1th Ore fife times less
valuable wite fuel five times dearer and every
thing else in proportion do you doubt that El
Progress will return 173 per cent and more
lly to original Investors to first stockhold
ers who contribute the money to start the ball
rolling who are on the ground floor
Am experienced know the country the peo
ple the language lived there 18 years and
know the mines of this section of Mexico and
unhesitatingly state El Progreso is the best
have been worked for generations in a Mexican
way and supplied the copper for the surround
ing country No attempt was ever made to ex
tract the gold silver or quicksilver
A modern 40 ton concentrating and smelting
jdiniL siiciiiu ijiiijr uic ytd ure win rciuru
S400000 per annum thus 43 Sio for treatment
equals 33x40 tons equals SlffJO a day for 300
days equals 306000 Tills will pay 20 per cent
on l5uocoo total capitalization Par value of
shares 100 Duoooo shares are treasury stock
and 400000 of this to be sold very low to raiso
money to start things when price will bo greatly
advanced -100000 at 12c all sold 100000 at 15o
100000 at 20c looooo at 25c
Dividend multiplied
If Stock Iso of by No of shares for
purchd shares Annual Sloo bUow annual
at for Si Profit Profit
15c 0 173 Per Ct 200S173 Per Ctt
2Cc 5 l30PerCt2Ux5 130 Per Ct
25c 4 104 PerCt2Gx4 IWPerCt
50c 2 52PerCt t2Qx2 53perCt
Slop 1 38 XerCt 3831 gjijerCtj
Ihe bebt zliauce ever offered of securing stock
in a legitimate copper mining enterprise
Send for prospectus
organized company on a plan to givo a ohanco
to all big and little rich and poor great and
small none need be excluded If nuiclc vnu
can wn GK shares for every dollar Wu romlf
lil Progreso Copper Mining Co
63 wan Street New
Valentine House
Eecently opened and newly furnished
Xot a restaurant but a hotel
lection of Watches ana Jeweh ISwndJ
7 EM
5 Ffey
Samaras iifVnr ian
side and Wpjajid pu
itui suouuier
C on lofc hip of ho saa
F on left Jaw and left shoulder of lorge3
Q ouIeltUipol horses
man ii H i laafrMMMMBaiijBflBmgaM
Tne best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons
First Door South of Bank of Valentine