W F - i - s V - m 3 T v- j Rv TS l IWl HBTWBFffffWITffPffmffffyffTfflffffffl3WWffiFyjBgTC7fflffmPgw I VOLUME XV CqocS2oOmoX3mqOmo3 o2owo3ooM3o2owa2o2dooSS3 Look at Your Hose and See T -- r t 49 49 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 It 1 ney Have 1 nisj ar YOUR pP fJMb R ANDERSON SfcSrarafcaa They Wear Twice as Long as Other Hose Sold Only By THE RED FRONT 0 TEX PER fEXT OFF OX EVERYT11IXG 49 GENERAL HARDWARE Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line C OFFICE We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship liSA 35 1 The DONOHER i 49 4 49 49 49 4i 49 49 49 49 49 49 i -V J VJCLVj c v h IGi continually adding improvements and it u now- th best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS M6DERN HOTEL t IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Foom fc Tw Sample Rooms ci 4444444 44444444 LN r A I ifj ill ANNUAL CLEARING SALE SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING aijJj ovr wojke guamantee Valentine D STINARD CLOTHIER j Nebraska Blacksmith AGENT FOB I Buckeye Mowers yy agwii aas j Hatvesters CaiTiage Maker J Machine Oil and Twine HARDWOOD LUMBER HEAVY HARDWARE AND AGRICULTURAL VTr a implements E BREUKLANDER EE7S2S3K rsEsai C H COKXEI Ii President SI V IMOIiSOHkT Cashier BANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bnys and Sells Bome tic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York irst National Bank Omaha Neb GET TmraTHrTKTV AT THIS nF lilT H w HlVLlB b Mkl HBanHBPHaBnHHnnMi TOWBMfPlfflWWK THE VALENTINE VALENTINE NEBRASKA AUGUST 80 1900 o tmF99 4444444444444444 ES333ES3I2i o h o ht i o c 6 a vvrfynvvvvvAnnnnvvvnrynfvvvvnvvvvvvvvvvvv TATK OP THB TfWW Farnham has apples Major Anderson is again on our streets James Childers was down from Cody Monday S L Ellis the Simeon merchant was in town Monday Piano for sale cheap Inquire of O W Morey 30 2t Miss Eva Harden has gone to Oma ha to attend school M Marston of Oak Creek S D came in Tuesday afternoon Wm Story and son came down from north of Crookston Sunday Mrs Lotta Dwyer of Gordon was a Valentine visitor this week Creamery Prices paid for butter and eggs in cash Crabb Co 20 tf Neil Hanna and brother were Wood Lakers in town last Saturday Miss Leona Baumgartle of Crooks ton was in town this week visiting friend D M Utter is again in our midst looking after the interests of a live stock firm of Sioux City There was an ice cream lawn social at the home of Mr and Mrs J C Northrop Tuesday evening Wesley Holsclaw is home from the Reservation where he has been work ing for the past year for Uncle Sam We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew U G Stevenson was up from Wood Lake Saturday to see his brother who was hurt by the ditcher near Merriman Henry Ormesher of Chadron stop ped over in Valentine on his return from Sioux City where he had been with stock H W Logan of Norden and his cousin H W Parr of Ohio are visit ing their cousin Hon John H Shores of this village Manley Wyman of Woodlake was in town Saturday Mr Wyman has sold his ranch property to Gill Co of Butler county Iowa Got a cow to sell You can get goods for it at Farnhams 20 tf All members of the W O W Camp are requested to be present on the evening of Monday Sept 3d as busi ness of importance will be transacted Messrs Robertson and Morey ac companied by the Misses Sherman and Marsden spent Sunday out at John Ferstls fruit farm on the river The fusion forces have rented the frame building next north of George Elliotts drugstore from Jas Quigley for Bryan headquarters and are hav ing it decorated A dispatch in the World Herald of Tuesday says The First United States Cavalry which arrived at Kobe Ja pan today en route to China has been diverted to Manila J E Thackrey had the end of his forefinger taken off last Sunday by a horse jerking loose that he was lead ing with a chain wrapped around his finger No bones broken but a scar wilL be left Fred Vincent is the name of a new operator who will assist Nash in the day work He is a nice obliging young fellow and hails from Valen tine Rushville Recorder For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr Miss Clara Watson clerk in the postofiice went to Sioux City last week to meet her sisterwho will visit this village for several weeks Miss Watson is from Plankington S D D M Sears and wife came to town Monday to have their 16 months old child receive medical treatment The child has been ailing but is now get ting along nicely under the doctors care and Mr Sears thinks they can return to their home near Kennedy today M W ABrubaker will deliver two free lectures at the M E ChurchMonday September 3 1900 afternoon and eve ning As he comes to us very highly recommended as a strong earnest forceful and inspiring speaker he should be greeted by large audiences and earnest listeners Do not fail to come and hear the many good things he has in store for you - Dr Compton returned Sunday morning from his trip to Texas M V Nicholson has returned to town after a sojourn in Omaha Mark Marston clerk for C P Jor dan of Rosebud was down Tuesday Dont fail to see that bargain dis play of shoes at Pettycrews 31 tf Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I M Rice Agent Supt Tripp of the Rosebud Board ing School was on our stieets last Tuesday Mrs Adda McBride is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Hornback of the City Hotel There is going to be a horse meet here we understand between the 1st and 15th of October See the ladies slippers at Farn hams 20 tf A bouncing baby boy made his ap pearance at the home of Jake Stetter last Friday morning Mrs W Carter of Cody was visiting her sister-in-law Mrs John H Shores last Friday Stock of millinery for sale Good location Inquire of Mrs F T Pra witz Valentine Nebr 31 tf Charley Reece has moved his cattle from Simeon to Charley Yingsts place 12 miles east of there W Honey Ely Valentine and C A Johnson of Woodlake were Valen tine visitors last Tuesday Mrs M J Nowers of Leigh Colfax county Nebr is visiting Mrs J Bristol at her home below the Fort Pete Simons is going around with a broad smile on his face The reason A big baby boy came to his domicile early Monday morning E D Spencer writes us to send the Democrat to him at Sidney Nebr where he has a good position with the Burlington railroad company T A Yearnshaw one of the gen tlemanly proprietors of the Owl sa loon returned Monday night from a visit to Clearwater this state where he lived before coming here and where he is liquor business interested in The weather being fine a large crowd from Valentine attended the re union at Sparks Friday and Satur day of last weefc Everybody had a good time so they say and people from far and near were there It was said to be the largest gathering known in Cherry county The Endeavor society of the Pres byterian church gaye Rev Oastler a farewell reception Monday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs T Till son on Hall street Refreshments were served games played musicand a general good time was enjoyed by the many guests present Mutual insurance companies are the best because they are safer and the profits are shared by the policy holder making the cost less I M Rice Agent School Land Leasing The Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings will offer about 50000 acres of school land for lease at pub lic auction at Valentine at the coun ty treasurers office beginning at 9 am September 18 1900 under the following provision of the new school land law If after using due diligence to lease said landat an annual rental of six per cent upon the appraised valu ation the commissioner is unable to do so he may offer the same lor lease at less than the appraised valuation and lease it to the person or persons who will pay six per cent on the high est offered valuation as annual rent al if in his judgment it is to the best interests of the state to accept such bid Persons desiring to examine the lands to be leased may secure lists of the same showing the present ap praisement thereof as well as any other information upon application to the County Treasurer or by ad dressing the Commissioner at Lin coln At the beginning of the auc tion the commissioner will gladly an swer all inquiries in regard to the school land business or the workings of the new law The list of lands above referred to will be found on page 5 of this paper I save you 20 to 50 per cent on your insurance and write in the best mu tual companies of the state I M Rice Aent - w - V - i WfTpHsw DEMOCRAT AM A - - - ft ft ---- a j Wt t5 K 5 K Tt R 5 mS 5 5 SE B B 5 0 3 AN OUNCE X 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 FRE8 SB 49 s as Prevented a Tragedu Timely information given Mrs George Long of New StraitsvilleOhio saved twu lives A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night She had tried many remedies and doc tors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr Kings New Discov ery One bottle wholly cured her and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr Long of a severe at tack of fpneumonia Such cures are positive proof of its power to cure all throat chest and lung troubles Only 50c and 100 Guaranteed Trial bottles free at Elliottsdrngstore 1 NUMBER 32 agpsjil i imO3 OF SATISFACTION 2 o I IS WORTH A TON OF TALK I WE MAKE PRICES o THAT MAKES BUSINESS wh fefc wt DAVENPORT General Merchants - r I 2 2 44444444444444444444444444444444 CITIZENS MEAT - MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a npply of X H - FRUIT - AND - GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaki Roasts Dry Salt Mek Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon axd Vegatablt At Sutters Old Stand m Min Strut VALENTINE NEBRASKA LIVERY BARN o WALCOTT LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to WAL00TT STEVENSOff LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Every Merchant is Best If you believe what he tells you himself Everyone has the best grades of goods and the lowest prices Perhaps he thinks so It would be a poor sort of n business man who didnt stick up for his own store Why not judge for yourself Before buying anything get our prices TWe sell Salt Coal and Fence Posts v MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBR 35AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 fcAAAAAAAAAAAtt 0003lO000UA00A00n PAINTING PAPER HANGING CALOIMINING RITY DELIVERY Trunks and Packages hauled to and From the Depot C o 0 I I R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska x All work well done o 2 Martin Welch LeaTe orders at Jake Stetter s Sr Ti P tenHne Lodge No G kXj JLy X Meets every second and fourth Wednesday even Ine of each month at HombyTs Hall A corditt invitation is extended to all visiting members O V MOREY President MAUD V MOKGAREIDGE Setfy Ask B Andersen about that Wood- manse windmill Guaranteed and all t repairs furnished free for 5 years Best on the market