Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 23, 1900, Image 5

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Services were held at the Post
Wednesda evening
services by Rev Oas
This closes the
Oastler at the Post
as he will soon return to college Af
er services wejre qver the choir and
minister were invited to the home of
Mr and Mrs James Irwin where they
enjoyed refreshments The young
minister has made a good impression
on the people here and will be missed
when he is gone
Tuesday morning while out ditching
on the Reservation north of Merri
man E E Stevenson a brother of
Verne and U G Stevensonwas struck
on the head and shoulder by a pole
breaking and flying back His collar
bone was broken and he received a
painful wound on the head After
going to Gordon to have Dr Dwyer
dress the injuries he came to Valen
tine where he expected to meet his
brother Verne but Verne had gone
out to Yank OBryans to put up hay
Mr Stevenson is at the City Hotel
A Traveling Pain
There is no disease quite o peculiar as
rheumatism The pain which is in the little
finger to day may be m one of the toes to-morrow
And so it travels all over the system
seeking an outlet and finding noue it settles
permanently in one place and from its home
other pains start out and settle down and mul
tiply Dr Drummonds Lightning Remedies
for Rheumatism attack the disease from all
points at once and their work is always sue
eessful If your druggist has not these reihe
dies write to tlie Dnimmond Medicine Co
New York and describe your case Agents
a O B
5S I 1H
Local Weather Record
U aDepartmcit of Agriculture I
Weather Bureau f
Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday
AUg22 1900
Highest temp for weekoc doc on tlie lfith
Lowest temp forweek59 deg on the 20th
Mean temp tor week 76 deg
Av temp for the week for 10 years 70 deg
Excess of temp for the week B
Accumulated excess of temp since Jan 11900
903 deg
Total precipitation for week 04 inches
Av precipn for week for 10 years 049 inches
Deficiency of precipitation for the week 45
Total precipn from Jan 1 lOOOto date 1917
Av precipn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date
1598 inches
Excess of precipn from Jan 1 1900 to
date 319 inches
Highest velocity of wind for week 30 miles per
hour from the ne on the 16th
Observer Weather Bureau
Wesleyan Quartet will be here next
Wednesday Aug 29
A jolly crowd went out camping but
they all came back
Dont fail to see that bargain dis
play of shoes at Pettycrews 31 tf
W E Waite and son Arthur of
Chesterfield spent a couple of days in
town this week
Rev Oastler returned Wednesday
morning from Hot Springs where he
has been for the past two weeks re
C V Thorn and wife accompanied
Callen came down from Low
er Gut Meat Tuesday to visit for a
-few days during vacation when Mr
Thorn expects to return to put up
hay for winter use
R S Dennis finished painting the
outside of Jeff Winships fine resi
dence at Gordon and returned Tues
day to Valentine Mr Dennis has an
adv in this paper calling attention
to his line of work
A sister to Mrs Shangran living
north of Cody about four miles was
thrown from a horse last Sunday
breaking her right arm at the shoul
der and near the elbow She was
brought to town Monday by Mr and
Mrs Shangrau and Dr Lewis attend
ed the case
Andres S Anderson father of Chas
A and John A Anderson and Mrs
Gus Carlson of this place died at his
home in Bradford Pa Thursday
eveninir Aup 23 1900 asred 78 years
Mr Anderson was anearly settler in
Cherry county having formerly lived
at Sparks from 83 to 93 He leaves
live children besides those already
The following described school lands in Cherry
county will be ottered for lease at public auction
At Valentine at the County Treasurers Office on
September 18 1900 beginning at 9 a m and
continuing until all of said lands have beeu
These lands may be leased at an annual rental
of ic per cent of the valuation shown below by
the first person offering to take the same when
they are called for lease ac the auction unless a
premium is offered in which case the lease con
tract will be awarded to the person paying the
greatest amount of bonus therefor Failing to
receive a bid of six per cent upon said appraised
vaiue oi any oi inese lanus mey may ue leaseu
to the person who will pay six per cent upon the
highest valuation as provided in Sec 15 of the
new school land law
In order that all interested may have an equal
opportunity to secure lease these lands are
hereby withdrawn from the market until the be-
ginning of the public auction aforesaid i
A portien of these lands are vacant by virtue
of orders of the Board of Educational Lands
and Funds duly made and ma be redeemed if
ueunquencies ana cosisare paiu ueiore me janu
is leased
swneH 31-30-36
sAnw 32-30-36
si4sVS 33-28-37
SW4 14-25-39
eVi 22-27-40
nls 20-29-40
sw4 35-34-40
AJ1 30-20-25
iAK 3G a25
nYi 10-32-20
s w J4 S W M 10-34-27
All 30-25-28
nV2 10-28-20
SWJ4seJ4 30-28-29
nekswJi 36-20-29
nw4 10-26-30
neJ4swJi 30-20-30
SWIIW54 10-26-27
njSWM 30-27-31
Lot 1 7-30-31
s4n4 30-20-33
senv4 3020 31
S4 v 36-25-35
nj 7 36-31-35
se4se4 16-28-30
nJ4ni4 10-25-37
sekse 36-26-27
XXViSVi 16-25-30
e4w4 33-33-39
All 36-35-39
nwse 35-28-40
Cut this ad out and send to us State whether you wish drop head or up
tight and we wm sena you our nign graae atron bewing JUacamft
by freight C O D subject to examination Examine it at your nearest
freight or express office and if found exactly as represented here equal to
other machines costing from 40 to 60 pay the agent our
average 75 cts for each 500 miles less r greater distances in proportion
Give it 3 months trial in your own home and if it is not satisfactory
return it at our expense and we will refund your money This machine is
equal to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine
ei 1G 3M0
se X nwli
nseJi 34-34-40
11W 28-27-40
A11 oU J
AH 10-33-25
Ws 1C25 28
seneJi 16-27-28
IljS 16-28-29
sej i 16-29-29
t f 41 iin
Ut iKrM Si
All 30-26-30
All 16-25-31
seli 17-26-31
GovLotT 6-30-31
All 16-33-32
All 16-32-33
SW 36-27-34
SJ4 36-33-34
All 36-26-35
All 36-26-36
All 16-30-36
All 36-31-36
S4SWM 16-25-38
All 36-34-8
Slie 16-32-39
SisS 16-27-37
nswj i 16-26-40
nwMnwi4seMnwiseJ4swji 26-29-36
snssej 27-30-36
neJ4swJ4ne4se4sseJ4 28 30 30
swJ4w 5seJ4 33-20-39
neliswj4nseJ4sej4seM 25-23-40
nJ4nlsw4seH 1827 40
eV4ne4sw4sw4neJ4seJ4 1626 25
nwMnekwwsesese 16-29-25
neJ4wnw4sekmY34swJ4s54se 16-34-25
BneSnl4nwJ4seMnwisw4w4se4 36-34-25
nQiisysnyfiiwysswiiny2seii 16-29-26
ee4nw4ei4swise4 16-30-26
swnekwlinwMseMnwk 16-31-26
nn12SWJ4eJ4SWJ4nl4se sw4soJ4 36-25-27
nwj4elsw4 16-27-27
se 1 4 UV 1 4UW 1 4 se 1 4 36-27-27
eIne4s1sw4ese4 16-28-27
sw4iie4seJ4seJ4 36-32-27
sw 1 4 ne 1 4 ne 1 1 uw 1 4 s 1 2 nw 1-416-26-28
e 1 2 sw 1 4 nw 1 4 sw 1 4 n 1 2 se
n 1 2 11 1 2 s 1 2 S 1 2
se 1 4 sw 1 4 nw 1 4 se 1 4 s 1 2 sul 4 16-28-28
nw 1 4 ne 1 4 ue 1 4 nw 1 4 36-28-28
sel 4 nw 1 4 sw 1 4 swl 4 se 1 4 16-30-28
sw M ne 1 4 ne 1 4 16-34-28
s 1 2 ne 1 4UW 1 4 se
n 1 2 sw 1 4 s 1 2 swl 4 36-35-28
S 1 2 ne 1 4 W 1 2 11W1 4 se 1 4 36-27-29
n 1 2 sw 1 4 se 1 4 S W 1 4 se 1 4 36-31-29
SW 1 4 ne 1 4 s 1 2 nw 1 4 n 1 2 se 1 4 16-34-29
n 1 2 ne 1 4 sw 1 4 ne 1 4 se 1 4
n 1 2 n 1 2 SW 1 4 ne 1 4SW 1 i nw 1 4 24-27-30
ne l l sw 1 4 se 1 4 sw 1 4 se 1 4 24-27-30
w 1 2 nw 1 4 se 1 4 nw 1 4 s 1 2 se
n 1 2 ne l 4se 1 4 ne 1 4v 1 2 sw l 4se
1 4 SW 1 4SB 1 4 21-25-31
s 1 2 ne 1 4 se 1 4 nw 1 4 13-26-31
w 1 2 ne 1 4SO 1 4 ne 1 4 nw 1 4 14-26-31
n 1 2 and u 1 2 sw 1 4 -se 1 4 sw l 4ase 1 5 15-26-31
n 1 2 SW 1 4 sw 1 4 se 1 4 16-26-31
16 30 31
Lot5o6el 2sw 1 4 6-31-31
Govt Lots 1 2 5 6 36-33-31
ne 1 4 ix s 1 2 nw 1 4 n 1 2 sw 1 4 uw
1 4 sel 4 1634 31
n 1 2 U 1 2 S 1 2S 1 2 SW 1 4 36 35 31
lll 2icu 1 2 SW 1 4 se 1 4 16-25-32
U 1 sel 4 30-25-32
n 1 2 ne 1 4 sw 1 4 ne l 4ne 1 4 nw 1 4
SW 1 4 SW 1 4 se 1 4 sel 4 36-26-32
ne 1 4 e 1 2 nw 1 4 ne 1 4 sw 1 4 u 1 2
sel 4 16-31-32
11 1 2 11 1 2 SW 1 4 36-32-34
Wl 2 ne 1 4 nw 1 4 CC S 1 2 s 1 2 36-28-35
s 1 2 ne 1 4 w 1 2 n w 1 4 se 1 4 nw 1 4
SW l 4r n 1 2 Sb 1 4 SW 1 4 se 1 4 23-29-35
n 1 2 n 1 2 se 1 4 ne i 4 36-29-35
s l2 ue 1 4 be 1 4 nw 1 4 ne 1 4 sw 1 4
n i M se 1 4 - 1625 36
sw 1 4 ne 1 4 se 1 4 nw 1 4 n 1 2 sw 1 4
nwl 4 sel 4 16-26-36
se 1 4 nel 4sW 1 4 16-27-36
S 1 2 11 W 1 4 11 1 2 sw 1 4 sw 1 1 SW 1 1
sel 4se 1 4 - 16-29-36
w 1 2 ne 1 4 se 1 4 u 1 4 nw 1 4
nw 1 4 w J 2se 1 4 36-30-36
sw 1 4 ne 1 4 a s 1 2 nw l 4sw 1 4 w 1 2
sel 4 16-32-26
ne 1 1 e 1 2 uwl 4 36-32-36
SW 1 4 sw 1 1 sel 4 16-25-37
W SW 1 4 se 1 4 SW 1 4 36-25-37
w 1 2 e 1 2 u 1 2 nw 1 4 sw 1 4 se 1 4
nene 1 4 sel 4 16-26-37
n 1 2 sw 1 4 n 1 2 se 1 4 36-29-37
Sl 2 U 1 2 11 1 2 s 1 2 36-30-37
se 1 4 ne 1 4 sw 1 4 nw 1 4 a 1 2 sw 1 4
n 1 2 11 1 2S 1 2 nw 1-210-26-33
n 1 2 ue 1 4W 1 2 nw l 4ne 1 4 sw 1 4 s
1 2SW 1 4 sel 4 36-26-38
n 1 2 n 1 2 e 1 2 sel 4 16-7-38
nw 1 4 ne l 4Kn 1 2 uw l ktsw 1 4 nw 1-4-16-29 38
u 1 2 ue l 4sw 1 4 ne l 4Xnv l 4n 1 2 sw
1 4 nwl 4 sel 4 16-31-38
n l 4sw l i sw l in 1 2 se
l lse 1 4 se 1 4 36-31-38
nw 1 4 ne 1 4H 1 2 nw 1 4 16-32-38
ne 1 2 nw l is 1 2 se 1 4 36-32-38
se 1 4 SW 1 4S 1 2 se 1 4
nl 2ne 1 4 sel 4 36-26-39
w 1 2 nw l 4ie 1 4 nw l 4Ks 1 2 16-29-39
ne 1 4S 1 2 n w 1 1 2 s 1 2 16-31-39
sw 1 4 nc l Jse 1 4 nw l 4n 1 2 sw l 4n
Wl 4se 1 4 36-31-39
n 1 2 n i 2se 1 4 ne l le 1 2 se 1 4 10 33 39
w 1 2 ne l 4Se 1 2 se 1 4 32-33-39
sw 1 4 ne l is 1 2 nw l 4Xn 1 2 sw 1 4 n
1 2 se 1 4 36-26-40
s 1 2 lie 1 4S 1 2
ne 14 SW l 4n 1 2 se 1 4 - 26-29-40
36 29 40
ne l 4e 1 2 nw l 4s 1 2 sw l 4ne 1 4 sw
1 4SC 1 4 36-34-40
ne l 4e 1 2 nw l 4Xsw 1 4 nw 1 4S 1 2 16-34-26
11 1 2 n 1 2SW 1 4 nw 1 isw sel 4 35-27-37
w 1 2 nwnw sw s 1 2 s 1 2 36-34-30
Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings
MrsCaveny returned home Wednes
day morning after a visit with her
son and daughter in Fremont She
also went to Omaha
See the
sola lor less money must dc uaue oi uucnor maicnai we manulacture in
large quantities and sell only at a small advance offoctory cost which enables us
to offer you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low price
DbflAnL UriEnllfllUnOlewnachinesundervarious names
with various inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second
Sational Bank of Akron Ohio and thy will tell you of our reliability
ladies sli
at Fajn
IMi tH rl n
ft r 2ii J
II ter twIHI O ca
titfp - IB tx
chine with the defects of none Made right in our factory by the most skilled workmen and from the best material that
nRflD nCCIr nRDIUCTorseven drawerBoxToDlvourchoicel Guar-
wiiui uuurv UHUliiul ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration
snows Box Top machine open ready for use the other our Drop Head machine
with the head dropped from sight to be used as a center table or desk The
upnghtor Box Top machine has six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools
f10 Drawersarcatest 90o skeleton frame canredpaneled embossed
and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters
adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head lias four fancy
drapers and one drawer for tools Each machine has tlie finest high arm
head positive four motion few 1ftJirMHinr Ouittlflutnmattr fmh
bin winderadjustable bearings patent tension liberator improved loose wheel improved
adjustable pressure foot improved shuttle carrier patent aress guard patent needle bar
head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed We
guarantee this machine to be the lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless
machine made Every attachment is furnished free together with a complete instruc
tion book telling you now to do any kind of plain or fancy work We issue a written
binding guarantee with every machine It will cost vou nothing to see and exam
ine this machine compare it with others selling for from 40 to 60 and if satisfactory
pay the agent 1695 and charges Send for circulars and full descriptions of sewing
machines and bicycles manufactured by us Order today Address all orders to
Chg Afcra Sewjpg M and Bicycle CO trc reliabe Editor
For the Toilet
25c per Box
Valentine Nebraska
The article published last week
stating- that Hugh E Wilber and Miss
Bessie J Elliott were married Thurs
day May 24 1900 in ValentineCher
ry county JNebr was a mistake and
entirely false The whole article was
sent in to this office by some one who
signed A Friend with a request
to please publish The letter was
evidently written by some one who
wished to misrepresent grossly or for
an evil purpose The envelope was
postmarked Clearwater Nebr
The article was published as sent
in and the editor hadnt the slightest
idea that anyone would ask for the
publication of an article that was not
true and that could be so easily de
tected by looking over the county
records The Democrat wishes to
apologize for allowing this article to
go into print but we accepted it as a
news item already prepared with a
request for publication
Kff Ftunres
Supplementing articles we recently
pudliuhed concerning the production
and consumption of copper the follow
ing table showes the vaue of copper
manufactures of all kinds including
copper in bars plates and ingofs ex
ported in each year from 1890 to 1899
3890 2349392 1895 114463703
1891 4614597 1896 19720104
1892 7226392 1897 31621125
1893 4525573 1898 32180872
1894 19697140 1899 35983529
Copper mining is probably the most
profitable enterprise of the day and
it is more stable than any other class of
mining Given a property where ore
exists in sufficient abundance it can b
made to pay well The uncertainties
of gold mining are not present iq the
mining of copper The outlook at pres
ent for profitable copper mining was
never as bright as it is to day An un
usual opportunity is afforded of becom
ing interested in an enterprse of that
characcter is presented by El Progreso
Copper Mining Co The Compauys
advertisemeni in this issue concisely
states the case As the property has been
worked for generations there can be
no speculation about it and it seems to
be a project where only capital is need
ed to very profitably develop its great
Do you want to buy land
pay you to see I M Rice
It will
Administrators Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale made on January 27tli 1900 by
Hon If M Sullivan judge of the district
court of Buffalo county Nebraska a certified
copy of which has been to mc Issued in the mat
ter of the estate of Dora M Sheetsdeceased anrt
application to sell real estate to pav debts pend
ing in said county 1 will on Tuesday Septem
ber 18th 1900 at the hour of 9 oclock A 31
standard time at the frout door of the court
house in the village or city olValentineCherrv
county Nebraska sellat public sale to the
cai uiuucr iui uosu vouujiict 10 lucuiuurancTJ or
o herwise as may be found best the following
described real estate to wit Lot three of Mock
one of H U H Cornells adUitioii to the vil
lage of Valentine Cherrv TCouiitv NTehrnsW to
pay debts ofsauf estate
v r -
31 SP Administrator
Notice to Non Itesidenfc Defendants
To William D Alder and 3Iary J Alder non
resident defendants
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 14th tay of August 1900 Grace K
Walker as plaintiff herein Hied her petition in
the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska
against you as defendauts the object and pray
er of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage
deed executed on the first day of June 1SS9 by
William D Alder and Mary J Alder upon the
following described property to wit The north
half of tlie southeast quarter and tlie south half
of the northeast quarter Of Section six town
ship thirty two range thirty seven in Cherry
County Nebraska Given to secure the pay
ment of one certain promissory note in writing
and the interest coupon notes thereto attached
made executed and delivered by William
Alder to one H M Henley which mortgage
deed and the notes thereby secured were be
fore maturity for a valuable considerationsold
endorsed assigned and delivered by the said H
M Henley to this plaintiff who is now the own
er and holder thereof for the sum of live hun
dred dollars due and payable on the fim day of
June 1894 with interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum payable semi aunuallj accord
ing io the tenor aud effect of tlie ten interest
coiiDon notes thereto attached ami there is now
due aud payable on said promissory note the
sum of six hundred foity dollars with interest
at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the
first day of June 1891 lor which sum with in
terest plaintiff prays for a decree that the de
fendants pay th same and thrt in default of
such payment said premises nay bo sold to sat
isfy tlie amount found due the plaintiff and for
general relief
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the first dav of October 1900
Dated at Valentine Nebraska August 141900
30 4t By A M MORRISSEY her attorney
b S p2oo too jpa g
Shorts bulk 70e per cwt 1300 ton
Screenings 40c
Chopped 1U0
Corn 90c
Chop com 95c
Oats 105
ft fin
About May 15 one bay mare about
G years old one brown mare about 3
years old wire cut pn hind lesf and a
sorrel yearling horse colt The above
horses have been on my range one
year and are not branded
26 N S Rowley Kennedy Nebr
One 4 year old bay horse with a
white face one 3 year old bay horse
with narrow strip in face one 3 year
old horse All branded r on left
shoulder Left my rangejjggtn IS98
Liberal reward will be paid for infoni
atin leading to their recovery
26 X S Howley Kennedy
November a 3-year-old brindle cow
branded Wffimm jgj hair
left shoulder W L Nichols
Merriman Nebr
STRAYED 17 head of cows
branded jfWJj on left side or hip A
suitable ItaJi reward will be paid for
recovery C H CORNELL
Valentine Nebr
At my place 12 miles southwest of
Cody one bay horse about six years old
branded jKj on left hip weight
800 lbs Js Also one gray mare
four years old J P GARDINER
29 Cody Nebr
At my place 2 miles east of Crook
ston about June 30 1000 1 bay mare
about 3 years old branded Ssi on
left shoulder also one sorrel
f rej k 1 BLa
yearling mare colt ED PIKE
Ask for our pi ices on job work
At my place one Arabian gray mare
age unknown blind in one eye and
branded gg on right shoulder
weight yj about 1100 pounds
W A Wilson Kilgore Nebr 28
One black mare stripe in face
branded long bar up and dpwnon eac b
thigh Two banded 3
onr leijt shoulder One mare hranded
S on left shoulder Reward of 5
peif head for recovery
28 D M SJgARS K ennedy Nebr
Thats the Profit Copper the Article
Mexico the Country
El Progresso m Its group of six mines has
some of the rtchest copper ores in the richest
mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per
cent copuer 12oz silver a trace of gold total
value about 43 a ton aud in two of the mines
in addition to copper ami silver ore contains z
percent to 3 per cent quicksilver or raerciuy
about S105 a ton The great Lake Superior coo
per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine arid
lamarack Quincyt etc that annually return
millions run only irom S3 to 13 a ton
Boston and Montana six years ago sold for
15 a share tb dav 275 paying 24o per cent on
the investment United verde sold for a
share today stock not in the market and pays
8 JOG per cent on investment
Calumet and Hecla sold for 1 a share to day
worth 800 and pays on Investment 10000
per cent
Entire capital stock of United Verde was off
ered for S150000 aud refused Senator Clark
later paid 260000 aud to day he has annual
income from this property of over 13000000
If this is possible here with labor six times
higher than in Mexico with ore five times less
valuable wite fuel five times dearer and every
toJngelsein proportion do you doubt that EI
Progress will return 173 per cent and more an
nanlly to original investors to first stockhold
ers who contribute the money to start -the ball
rolling who ate on the ground floor
Am experienced know the country the peo
ple the language lived there 18 years and
know the mines of this tcctiou of Mexico and
unhesitatingly state El Progreso is the best
have been worked for generations in a Mexican
way and supplied the copper for the surround
ing country No attempt was ever madeltt ex
tract the gold silver or quicksilver
A modern 40 tou CQUCeiitrafluj rnd sfteUins
iJiiwiL aivynuR tuny we sa vu VU roiurn
4wuuuper annum iutuss su far treatment
equals jSMsUO IMS equate J320 ft day for 300
daisequalsS3J61DppMlUs will pay 20 per cent
on StoWOM total capitalization Par value of
shares SttQO Ouoooo shares are treasurv stock
atid 400000 of this to be sold very low to raise
npney to start things when price will ho greatly
advanced -100000 at 12c all sqM 100000 at 15c
ioQooo at QOc looQQo at 350
If Stock
No of
shares Annual
for 1 Profit
CH 173 Per Ct
5 130 Per Ct
4 104PerCt
uivmenc multiplied
by No of shares for
100 show annual
20xGa173 Per Ct
26x3 130 Per Ct
2GX4 104 Per Cn
50c 2 52PerCt 2CX2 52PerCo
100 1 26PerCt2Gxl 2CPerCtj
The best chance ever offered of securing stock
111 a legitimate copper mining enterprise
Send for prospectus
organized company on a plan to give a olmnce
to all big and little rich and poor ureat and
small none need be excluded If quick you
can own CH shares for every dollar you remit
El Progreso Copper Mining Co
63 Wall Street New York
Speaking About Eyes
DONT POOL away your monev going
to a Specialist who is generally a fraud
for ordinary trouble with your Eves Jet
your ves fitted by a man with experi
ence who knows exactly how to fit you
O Wf MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If yon need
a specialist he will tell you so
Subscrjhe for The Demoqbat 100
Of the Choicest Brands
Merriman Nebr
Cattle and hor
ses branded on
left side or shoul
Brand register
ed 1091
Range 12 mile 3
southwest of
Merriman on the
Niobrara river
souui ot Merri
man on the Nio
Horses and mules
branded same as cut
on left shoulder
Some branded
wfm on left
S3 thigh
Some on
leftside or
I T Richardson
rercb Nebr
Some on left
TJ G- Criger
Brand registered
No 1087
Brand same as
cut on left side
left hip
Range 10 miles
Horses on
left shoulder
I El J
Gordon Nebr
T fft -MI -ft irf i i ii tmt m i rmrtb
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side
Horses js
on left
Range c miles
south of Irwin
Range South aud west of
and Duck juake
Hackberry Lake
George F Damon
Lff rr s
Albany Neb
Cattle branded
Pi on left ribs or
right shoulder S I
on right hip and left
ribs Con left hip
Horses FD or SD on
right shoulder
Ranire 7 mi north
east oi Aioany Neb
7 i 2i rwi
rZ Agent for Pasteur
BlacK Leg Vaccine
Hutt Brothers
Gordon Nebraska
Range14 miles north
of Gordon
F C Duerfeldt Llanager
Gordon Nebraska
Cattle also branded
90 on right hip
400 MtEWAni will be paid to any per
son lor information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any uerson or persons steal
ing cattle with the above brand
4 r
53s a
c4 2 i
D ir niji c
XK ii JLtlUUlSCC vo v
rostofllce address Valentine or Kenno ly Neb
Cattle branded
same za cut
rfmf yg JVT JBk -R
Hervey ll j6h
two miles east or
Crookston in CherrygvE
Cattle branded OC
on left hip on right
hip and on rijrht side
with 3 Jnch letter
Wm Cavanaugh Jfgr
Crookston Neb
W 1
Postoflice address
Eiege Neb
Branded on left side
Range Three miles
Southeast of Georgia
D L Reed
Postoflice address
MTcCann Neb
Branded on leftside
Range McCann
1 4f I ir
Gordon Nebr
Cattle branded
on left side as in
cut U muh box
and 2V4 Inch circle
Brand registered
left sloul i
der 2MtS
Inch circle l inch
box Registered 870 Range C miles south of
Irwin on Niobrara river
Cody Nebr
Same as cut on
right side of cat
Horses same as
cut on right
George Heyne
Clarence Cutcomb Manager
Cody Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Range north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
H ffW I I m T
nwi qui noii A yearnshaw
He -T
E3 m m
JL 3
Ale and Porter
Postoflice address
Oasis Neb
Brand registered 20G5
Cattle branded on
left side same as cut
Horses branded on
left hip
Also some cattle
Sole Agents for
Choicest Wines and Cigars
3 T Hrackett
j m
k IbbI
Gordon Nebraska
Wm J Alien
Ft Niobrara Neb
Brand rptnstpnrl
Horses branded
on lfift hin
Range Niobrara
river 12 miles east
of alentme
- v
Riege Nebr
Brand Registered
KO I too
Brand right side
or hip
Horses same on
right shoulder
Range Niobrara
c miles south of
S W Chesnut
Brand same as cut
on lert hip
Range head of
Gordon Creek forty
miles southeast of
Gordon Breeder of
Hereford cattle
C E Wright
Cooper Nebr
Brand registered
No 374
Brand anywhere
on right side
Sperinf Attention Given to
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Merriman Xebrasktc pj
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