Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 23, 1900, Image 3

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It Is an Aivf nl Botlier to Get New Ones
as Many Rich Men Know
Its funny said a haberdasher but
its true that 50 per cent of the men arc
going about with broken suspenders
Ive known men worth millions of dol
lars who neglect to purchase new
their attention is called
to the fact that they need them The
other day a man came in here to buy
some neckwear While he was waiting
to be served he kept tugging at a sus
pender button on his trousers As the
perspiration kept rolling down his neck
he bit his lips and mumbled something
that sounded like cuss words He
finally asked me if I could give him a
piece of twine When I got It for him
he unbuttoned his waistcoat and pro
ceeded to tie together the parts of an
old suspender
Ill sell you a new pair for a quar
ter I remarked pointing to a bunch
of new suspenders Continuing I told
him we had some beauties for half a
dollar and better ones for a dollar lie
said nothing but continued the work of
tying up his broken suspender Finally
I thrust a box of suspenders in front
of him and he reached for a pair
Thank you he said and he pro
ceeded to take off his coat and waist
coat Then he threw his old suspenders
on the floor and as he fastened on the
new ones he said they felt fine He
told me that he had been feeliug un
comfortable for a week and didnt real
ly know the cause of it until he dis
carded the old suspenders
Unless my wife buys a pair for me
at Christmas time he said I never
think about it and wear those I have
on until they actually fall off I know
thousands of wealthy men who are like
ine in that respect The other day when
I called upon a friend at the Auditorium
he was engaged repairing his suspend
ers with a piece of wire Strange to
say he never thought of sending his
valet for a new pair although he was
paying SoO a day for a suite of rooms on
the fourth floor
That fellow continued the haber
dasher is a sample of the smart busi
ness men Theyll invest thousands of
flollars in stocks and bonds but forget
about investing a quarter in suspend
ers Most of them wait until they get
a pair as a Christmas or birthday pres
ent German Americans as a rule get
suspenders for Easter Monday Irish
Americans get presents of suspenders
on Easter Sunday morning Italian
Americans get new suspenders at
Christmas time
And what about the natives asked
a bystander
Oh said the haberdasher they get
new ones when the string breaks-
Chicago Inter Ocean
Would Have Been Satisfied -with Elec
tion as Probate Judge
President McKinley and Senator
Scott of West Virginia both Ohio
boys were in the same regiment in the
army of the civil war They cast their
first votes for Lincoln in 1SG4
I shall never forget that first vote
said Senator Scott to some friends
around him Some of the ballots were
cast into soap boxes some into candle
boxes There was no Australian ballot
law then I remember a conversation
I had at the time with McKinley He
spoke of his study of the law and spec
ulated in regard to his future It was a
special wonder with him whether he
could reach a position which would
bring him influence enough to elect him
probate judge in his native county
Senator Scott at that day as little
expected to be a Senator of the United
States as McKinley expected to be
President It was intended that he
should be a physician but the war
broke in upon his studies and after the
war he was guided into new avenues
Chicago Chronicle
Beauty and strength in
women vanish early in
Safe because of monthly
pain or some menstraS
irregularity Many suf
fer silently and see their
nest gifts fade away
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
helps women preserve
roundness of form and
freshness of face he
cause it makes their en
tire female organism
healthy it carries wo
men safely through the
various natural crises
and is the safeguard of
womans health
The truth about this
great madicine is told in
the letters from women
being published in this
paper constantiya
rTMa yfiw wi ffiTi t aPTfi
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
m time Sola by druggists
rnnv nr tttf nrrm Tmrnriw
German 20
French 12S
luiii ur inn rnuw imgeui
History of the Campaign of the Powers Against
the Chinese Capital Oriental Duplic
ity Conceals the Fate of the
Legations for Weeks
The siege of the foreigners in the Brit
ish legation at Pekin practically began
on June 10 For months before that date
the Boxers had been persistent in their
attacks on foreign missionaries in
and Shan Tung provinces In Pe
kin the anti foreign element was daily
growing bolder
The diplomatic corps met in Pekin on
May 2G and unanimously decided that the
failure of the to reply to
the joint note of May 20 made the pres
ence of guards for the legations impera
tive and they were summoned ten days
The international guards were landed
at Taku on May 20 and on May 31 they
left Tien tsin by special train for Pekin
By this time the whole of
province was in a ilame of revolt against
the foreigners The city of Pekin was
the storm center Missionaries were mur
dered throughout the province mission
stations were burned and the refugees
attacked The Chinese troops were sent
against the Boxer mobs but the gener
als were punished for endeavoring to
suppress them The railroad from Tien
tsin was destroyed in several places The
Empress Dowager gave every evidence of
being in sympathy with the anti foreign
The powers alarmed at the situation
landed several thousand marines atTaku
It was deemed expedient to increase the
legation guards in Pekin and on June 10
a force of 1500 marines under Vice
Adiniral Seymour left Tien tsin for the
Chinese capital in two special trains The
following day a second detachment start
ed bringing the strength of the expedi
tion up to 2044 men divided as follows
British 1030
ltussian 41o
Americans 104
Japanese 52
Anstrians 25
Italians 40
Admiral Seymours force never reached
Pekin After it left Tien tsin it practi
cally was swallowed up in the mystery
of the interior On June 11 it was known
to have reached Lang Fang half way to
the capital Here the railroad had to he
abandoned and a battle fought in which
the Chinese were defeated But after
June 11 no word came from Admiral
Seymour Alarmed at the possibility of
the little international force being wiped
out the admirals in command of the al
lied fleet at Taku resolved on heroic
measures The commanders of the Chin
ese forts at Taku seemed to be preparing
for hostilities and on June 17 after a
council of war an ultimatum demanded
the surrender of the fortifications In
reply to the ultimatum the Chinese opjen
ed fire on the allied fleet An engagement
followed in which the Uuited States war
ships took no part The forts were final
ly captured after a severe struggle in
which the allies suffered heavily
The Taku forts no longer a menace the
allies began the march on Tien tsin Rus
sia and Japan landed troops and marines
were added from all the warshins in the
ment from Manila Russia sent troops
from Port Arthur France from Indo
China England from India Japan from
Tokio England ordered seven regiments
President McKinley directed another reg
iment to sail from the Philippines and
several more from the United States
Preparations for war on a huge scale
were made by every great power
Mystery Hidilen in Pekin
In the meantime the Avails of Pekin
covered a mystery that defied the scru
tiny of the world The most alarming
reports were disseminated by the Chinese
officials at Shanghai The news of the
murder of the German minister was con
firmed It was gradually admitted that
all the legations hut three had been de
stroyed and that all the foreigners had
taken refuge in the compound of the
British legation The source of all news
was Sheng the Chinese director of tele
graphs at Shanghai He held the wires
leading to Pekin One day he would de
clare all foreigners safe the next he
would seemingly admit that they had
been massacred
On July 11 however Secretary Hay
handed to the Chinese minister at Wash
ington a cipher dispatch to Minister Con
ger at Pekin The Chinese minister had
undertaken to have the message deliver
ed and used his personal influence with
the officials at Shanghai Nine days lat
er on July 20 Minister Wu received a
message from the governor of Shan Tung
transmitting a cipher dispatch to the
State Department from Minister Conger
When trauslater it read
In British legation under continuous
shot and shell from Chinese troops Quick
relief alone can prevent general massa
For three days Europe challenged the
authenticity of the Conger dispatch still
adhering to the belief that all foreigners
had perished on July G Then on July
24 the foreign office at London received
a dispatch from the British consul at
Tien tsin dated July 21 stating that a
harbor It was not until on June 23 that
the allies were able to reach Tien tsinf
and enly then after a severe engagement
with the Chinese troops -Admiral Sey
mours force was then reported to be
within ten miles of Tien tsin and it was
asserted by Chinese officials that the min
isters legation attaches and all foreign
residents were with him This report
unhappily proved false
A courier succeeded in reaching the al
lied camp at Tien tsin with the news that
Admiral Seymours force was surrounded
ten miles outside of the city and hard
pressed A force was promptly sent to
his relief and on June 25 the Seymour
column was brought back to Tien tsin
It had been fighting continuously for fif
teen days and lost many men in killed
and wounded
On June 15 the most circumstantial de
tails of the murder of Baron vonKetteler
the Gejnian minister were received at
Shanghai It transpired tatthe German
minister was murdered on June 18 in
practically the manner described by the
Chinese officials three days before
The powers used the utmost dispatch In
gathering an army to march on Pekin
The United States sent the Ninth
letter had been received from Sir Claude
Macdonald dated at Pekin July 4 and
appealing for speedy relief Sir Claude
Macdonald said the garrison was unequal
to the task of holding out many days and
that already forty four had been killed
and double that number wounded
On July 25 the Navy Department re
ceived from Captain Thomas commandr
ing the cruiser Brooklyn at Chefoo a
message from Minister Conger dated July
21 saying
Been besieged two weeks British le
gation Grave danger general massacre
by Chinese soldiers who are shelling lega
tion daily Relief aoon if at all City
without government except by Chinese
army Determined to massacre all for
eigners Pekin Entry relief forces into
city probably hotly contested
From this date messages were received
at frequent intervals from several for
eign ministers One was received in Lon
don on July 30 from SJr Claude Macdon
ald stating that the European forces in
Pekin had repulsed the attacks of the
Chinese troops from June 20 to July 19
but on the latter date an armistice had
been declared This message was dated
at Pekin July 21 Onthesame date
Lieut Col Shaba in command of the
-Japanese guard wrote that the Chinese
attack began on June 20 and thaL an ar
mistice had been agreed to on July 13
Fighting Around Tien tsin
There had been almost continuous fight
ing in the vicinity of Tien tsin between
the allied forces and the Chinese troops
since June 21 On that date the Chinese
attacked the allies Maj Waller with
the American marines and 440 Russians
was ambushed three miles from the city
and compelled to retreat after losing four
killed seventy wounded and abandoning
a three inch rifle and a Colt gun
Two days later on June 23 Maj Wal
ler with 130 Ayierican marines and two
companies of British marines marched
on Tien tsin supported by 300 additional
British marines and 300 Welsh Fusileers
A second column made up of Russian
and German troops followed In the en
gagement which followed the allies were
driven bad
Attacking the Walled City
On July 9 Gen Dorward British
commanding 9u0 British 400 Russians
and 100 American marines with Gen
Tukushung and 1000 Japanese soldiers
captured the Chinese position southwest
of the city killing 350 and capturing four
guns Gen Dorward reported to the
British war office that the honors of the
day rested with the Americans and Jap
There was three hours of sharp fight
ing on July 11 the allies losing 100 kill
ed and wounded without gaining any de
cided advantage
The Ninth regiment arrived from Ma
nila on July 11 and was immediately sent
to the front Two days later came the
severest engagement so far in the cam
paign The allies attacked the native
walled city of Tien tsin and were re
pulsed after an all day battle The Ninth
regiment suffered severely its command
er Col Liscum being killed together
with eighteen of his men Seventy five
men of the Ninth were wounded
The following day however the plan
originally agreed upon was carried out
The Japanese engineers gallantly made a
breach in the walls of the native city
L and it was carried by storm the shat
tered Ninth regiment being one of the
first to enter the town On the night of
the 14th Chinese renegades burned the
larger part of the city and the stores and
houses were plundered
After the capture of the walled dty of
Tien tsin the Chinese fell back in the
direction of Pekin and a long delay en
sued The allies waited for
gathered supplies and organized
the transport necessary for the final ad
vance on the Chinese capital
On Aug 3 however the advance be
gan and the progress was rapid Two
days later the allies 1G000 strong at
tacked the Chinese at Pei tsang In the
severe engagement which followed the
allies were victorious at a coat of 1200
men killed and wounded
On Aug 7 the march was resumed and
Yang tsun eighteen miles from Tien tsin
captured the allies losing 700 men sixty
of whom were Americans
On Aug 8 the allied army reached
where after a brief fight fbe
Chinese fled
Aug 10 Gen Chaffee reported the ar
rival at haK way to Pekin
and the following day the allied army
was at Matow twenty miles from the
capital The rest of the distance waa
covered without opposition
Boys Appetite In Old Tim
My boys are too well bred to hang
around the kitchen and break Into pan
tries said Sophia In reply to Old
Chimes as reported by the Boston
How times are changed mused the
old man Why when I was a boy I
was hungry all the time I hid food in
my room so that I could always be sure
of some in case of flood fire or mur
der Carlo the dog used to wink at
me when he sneaked off behind the
barn with a bone And all my play
mates were as hungry as I was I
asked Eustacia if she thought all mod
ern boys were like her wretched little
cousins and she said I am afraid so
we girls I know had better appetites
when we were of that age I sup
pose however there is a reasonable
explanation Boys to day are fed as
Infants on all sorts of sterilized things
There are no hungry microbes in the
poor fellows therefore they them
selves are not hungry We boys must
have been chock full of microbes all the
time and we were much happier
No matter what ails you headache to a
cancer you will never get well until your
bowels are put right CASCARETS help
nature cure you without a gripe or pain
produce easy natural movements cost
you just 10 cents to start getting your
health back CASCARETS Candy Ca
thartic the genuine put up in metal
boxes every tablet has C C C stamped
ton it Beware of imitations
The comedy is very deftly con
It rests of course upon a case of mis
taken identity
A young wife mistakes her husband
for a national bank
Ma foil we exclaim and laugh un
til the tears come
For many complications ensue De- j
trolt Journal
Do Your Feet Ache and Bnrn
Shake into your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tight or new shoes feel easy Cures
Corns Bunions Swollen Hot and Sweat
ing Feet At all druggists and shoe
stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Valued Her Weightily
Wife The doctor orders me to the
mineral baths at Carlsbad and you re
fuse me the means to go That shows
how little you value mel
Husband On the contrary I do not
wish to lose a pound of you Fliegende
Every Boy and Girl
Bhould learn to write with Carters Ink
because It Is the best In the world Ink
lings in Ink free Carters Ink Co Bos
Origin of the Chinese Pigtails
Until 1627 the Chinese wore their
hair long and coiled on the top of the
head where it was fastened with an
ornamental pin The Manchu edict
making the pigtail a sign of loyalty
2hanged this style
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
Foresight of the Bride
He Shall I advertise for furnished
rooms Nellie
She No indeed do you want to
make people think we didnt get any
vredding presents Indianapolis Jour
Pisos Cure cannot be too highly spok
en of as a cough cure 1 W OBrien
522 Third avenue N Minneapolis
Minn Jan 6 1900
Although the Cossacks maintain
nearly 60000 fighting men and can
muster 128000 in an emergency there
are but 40 of them
engaged in busi
Mrs TVlnsiows Boothino mxjr tor CMiaren
teethmj softens the Ktrais reauces inflammation
tllays sain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
Woman is most powerful when weak
jCe fix
v3L -
Home Sweet Home
Big Four
Tuesday September 11th 1900
PEORIA 111 -
i m
i HI m t I
m MtKP
- 500
- 700
- 750
Corresponding Rates to Inter dilate Points
Return Limit 30 lays
Come Home
For tickets and full information call on anu
Bio Foun Route
Genl Pass Tkt ARt A G P T Agt
Cincinnati O
The Best
Saddle Coat
m A A
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fecUy dry In ths hardest storms
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
1897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
it is entirely new If not for sale In
your town write for catalogue to
A J TOWER Boston Massi
The University of Notre Dame
Classics Letters Economics and History
JournaHsm Art Science Pharmacy Law
Civil Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Thorough Prepaitory and Commercial
Courses Ecclesiasticartudents at speciuFrates
Rooms Free Junior or Senior Year Collegiate
Courses Rooms to Rent moderate charge
St Edwards Hall for boys under 13
The 57th Year will open SeptETtaber 4th igoo
Catalogues Free Address
New line via Coun
cil Bluffs Fort
Dodge Waterloo
Dubuque and
ng cars sleeping cars free reclining chair cars
dining cars Send to ths undersigned for a free
eopyof Pictures xnd Notes En Route illustrat
ing this new line as seen from the car window
Tickets of agents of I C K 3J and connecting
lines A H HANSON G P A Chicago
Haiuiuwn AJl
llIUTrn Agents to handle a strictly legitimata
nftll I LU article easily Introduced 1 sale make
several others hustlers make 1300 a day Mention
this paper GOEBEL 1H W 34th street New York
- No 34 1900
T W ff W5 I quick relief cores wont
uses Book of testimonials and 1 0 1ATS treatment
FREE Dr D II Greems Boa Box 8 Atlanta Ga
Fiht Your Liver
if you want to But look out or it will get
the start of you If it does you will have dys
pepsia indigestion biliousness sick headache
poor blood constipation
Perhaps you have these already Then
take one of Ayers Pills at bedtime These
piils gently and surely master the liver they
are an easy and safe laxative for the whole
family they give prompt relief and make a
permanent cure Always keep a box of them
in the house
25 cents a box All druggists
I have raised a family of eleven children all living at the
present time and I would not think I could keep house without
Ayers Pills I have used them for twenty years and there is no
family laxative their equal S C Darden Myrtle Miss
iuay 22 1900
A Tower of Strength
The PERKINS Wind Mill cant
blow down It wears for years Our
are made of the best steel Nothing
cneap m their construction Our
WOOD MILLS are models of grace and lightness PER
KINS MILLS are self regulators
Send a postal card for FREE BOOK on MILLS
Perkins Wind Mill Co