Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 09, 1900, Image 2

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International Relief Force of 20000
Men Begins the Forward Movement
Fifty Missionaries Reported Slain
Riiniorjpf Japanese Repulse
he march ou Pelrin began Wednes
day and the allied troops it is declared
will not turn back until there is a gov
ernment in China capable of maintaining
its international obligations It is esti
mated that the expedition numbers 20
000 men of all arms with 170 guns The
column started to
ward Pelrin under
the general com
mand of the Itus
sian admiral Alex
ieff By placing the
Russian admiral in
command the allies
settled the first
point of difference
and secured the
prompt help of
Russia in this un
dertaking for the immediate relief of the
legations Russia has greater interests
to protect than the other powers and has
a larger army in China Admiral Alox
ieff is also the ranking officer in the al
lied armies
Gen Chaffee has instructions to co
operate heartily with the other com
manders but so far as possible to keep
his American force in a compact body
The general went to Tien Tsin on Lion
day and instructions were cabled him
there to take command of the troops al
ready mobilized and proceed to Pekin if
the other forces were ready without
waiting for the cavalry regiment on the
transport Grant This regiment will pro
ceed to Tien Tsin as soon ah landed and
protect that place while asssting to keep
open communication with the column
marching on the Chinese capital f
This Government according to Wash
ington advices will give no heed to the
Chinese warning that the danger of the
ministers depends on the discretion of the
powers This is recognized as simply a
diplomatic threat that the lives of the
ministers may be sacrificed if the allies
march on Pekin This Government how
ever takes the position that the freedom
of its ministers is not a matter for diplo
matic negotiation It will not treat with
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It was in this square the mob that killed the Italian prisoners in the Mafia
trouble iu 1S91 was organized The building in the center is the St Louis Cathe
dral Jackson Monument stands in the center of the park The building on the
left is the Supreme Court building that on the right is the Civil Courts building
China for his rescue It will not make
any agreement or condition regarding his
Numerous communications from Chin
ese officials have been received at the
State Department suggesting that the
allies shall be kept at Tien Tsin in order
that China may be ahle to protect the
ministers from further attack The
mation has clearly been that an attack
up6n Pekin will be followed by a gen
eral massacre The Government has re
plied to these intimations that it cannot
take them into consideration It has
lodged with China a demand for free in
tercourse with its minister That must
be granted without condition There will
be no change it is asserted in the policy
of this Government toward China but
China must carry out her treaty obliga
The President will not recall the troops
now in China nor check their march on
the Chinese capital says a Washington
correspondent They will move forward
to the rescue of Minister Conger and oth
er Americans in Pekin The condition
of the Chinese capital as reported by
Minister Conger will be the Presidents
only guide in future directions given to
Gen Chaffee There is no hope that these
conditions will appear more favorable
than they now do
The Government from the information
in its possession believes that the im
perial troops have attacked the foreign
legations It further believes that Prince
Tnau the father of the heir apparent
has directed the hostile demonstrations
Whatever the purpose of these attacks
they were hostile to this Government
It is reported from Shanghai that fifty
missionaries have been massacred in the
Shan Si province According to a dis
patch from Tien Tsui uuder date of Sun
day the Japanese vanguard has been re
pulsed with a loss of 150 killed and
The Chinese fortress at Hung Hun
was stormed by the Russians under Gen
Ajgustoff July 30 thus relieving the posts
of Novokijevskoje and Postja threaten
ed by the Hung Hun garrison Many
guns were taken
The topographical features of the coun
try between Tien Tsin and Pekin are
favorable to the operations of trained
troops against such masses as the Chin
ese might collect to oppose them The
land is low and nearly flat and the only
difficulties in the way of transportation
are the streams and the semi swampy
character of the soil It is reported that
the Chinese lave prepared dams that wiH
enable them to flood the country but it
iljimprobable that much could have been
done to make these works effective A
movement up the Pei Ho river might
even be -aided by torpedo boats
Is Now the Bride of Lieut
Cornwallis West
Lady Randolph Churchill nee Jerome
has been married to Lieut George Corn
wallis West after a courtship full of
tuoubles She is 53 and he is 26 They
are both favorites of the Prince of Wales
The ceremony was performed at St
Pauls Church Knightsbridge London
The two front pews which had been re-
served foe the family of the bride were
unoccupied while the Cornwallis West
family was not represented The Duke
of Marlborough gave the bride away and
slipped away into a seat near his young
American wife
The register was signed by Mrs More
ton Frewen the Duke of Marlborough
Winston Churchill and the best man
Lieut H C Elwes a brother officer of
Lieut West in the Scots guards
Leaves Cuba for China
The Second battalion of the Fifth TJnit
ed States infantry Maj Borden com
manding left Santiago Cuba on Mon
day for New York by the transport Mc
Pherson The companies at Guantanamo
and Baracoa were taken aboard en route
The officers have been told to prepare for
a hard winter campaign All the men
a dispatch says are enthusiastic at the
prospect of service in China
The Cuban Constitutional Convention
elections wilf be held about Nov 15
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Iolice Captain Day and Officer Lamb
were killed in New Orleans by Robert
Charles a negro desperado while they
were attempting to arrest him These
murders caused the terrible riots which
resulted in much bloodshed
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Austrian Italian JBelirian and
land Legations Burned
Dr Robert Coltman Jr the staff cor
respondent of the Chicago Record in Pe
kin who had not been heard from since
June 12 sends the following dispatch
from Pekin under date of July 21
Baron yon Ketteler the German min
ister was murdered by Chinese troops
and his secretary wounded June 20 while
on his way to the The
foreign residents are besieged in the
British legation and have been under a
daily fire from artillery and rifles The
cowardice of the Chinese fortunately pre
vented them from making successful
rushes Our losses are sixty killed and
seventy wounded The Chinese losses ex
ceed 1000
There has been no word from the out
side world Food is plentiful such as it
is rice and horse flesh Yesterday un
der a flag of truce a message was sent
by Yung Lu asking if Sir Claude Mac
donald the British minister would con
sent to a truce The minister replied he
was willing provided the Chinese came
no closer The shell firing then ceased
and everything is now quiet We hope
that having defeated the Chinese relief
is nearing us We are all exhausted with
constant standing on guard fighting
building barricades and digging trenches
both night and day
All the legations except the British
are utterly wrecked by shot and shell
The Austrian Italian Belgian and Hol
land buildings are burned to the ground
The British legation is also much shat
tered The United States marines still
hold a vital position on the city wall com
manding the legations After a brilliant
sortie on the night of July 3 Capt Myers
succeeded in driving back the Kansuh
mounted troops During the fight Capt
Myers was slightly wounded We fear
that treachery is possible when the de-
feated Chinese troops enter the city
Meanwhile we are living in intense anx
iety and hoping for early relief
Law Compelling Automatic Car Coup
lers Now Effective
A national statute that will result in a
great saving of human life became effec
tive on the morning of Aug 1 It is the
law providing that all railway cars en
gaged in interstate traffic shall be fitted
with automatic couplers and air brakes
Hereafter any railway company that
uses a car not thus fitted will be liable to
a fine of 100 for each offense
For years the labor people have fought
for this law The number of accidents
on the different lines due to the lack of
the coupler were becoming appalling In
its annual reports the interstate com
merce commission advocated its passage
An average of 250 employes were killed
annually while coupling cars while those
injured in the performance of that duty
averaged 8500 yearly
Outside of the accidents to employes
the coupler and brake also affected the
general traveling public for had they
been in use it is believed that many dis
asters would have leen averted When
it is shown that in the last ten years the
railway accidents in the United States
have injured from 40000 to 50000 an
nually and that the deaths which resulted-numbered
from G000 to 8000 a year
it can easily be seen what effect the brake
and coupler might have had in preventing
the horrors and preserving life
The first bill for the automatic coup
ler and brake was passed March 2 1S93
This however was several times amend
ed in accord with the views of the labor
organizations and now the act has be
come operative
Since the passage of the law the inter
state commerce commission has given the
railroads two extensions of time in which
to comply with its provisions The first
extension was for one year and the last
granted last December was for six
months The cost of compliance with the
law has been enormous
Reports 50OO Are Massacred
It is reported from Shanghai that the
Boxers attacked the missionaries and na
tive Christians at Paoting Fu July 8 A
foreign physician and 2000 converts were
massacred The Chinese general Li Ho
Keh is now marching on Pekin He has
ordered his troops to exterminate all
Christians Already one French priest
and from 2000 to 3000 natives have been
For the Defense of Shanghai
There are now seventeen foreign war
ships in port at Shanghai and the United
States consul Mr Goodnow desires the
municipal council to place the defenses
of the city under the charge of the senior
naval officer of the allied fleet
What is believed to be a Viking corpse
has been dug up in a peat bog at Damen
dorf in Schleswig and placed in the Kiel
Museum It was well preserved and had
red hair it was clothed in coarse woolen
material with sandals on the feet Kiel
experts think it was buried 1G00 years
Dr Bellinghazi of Brazil is using a
new yellow fever serum successfully at
Vera Cruz
- i i i i
W L Metcalf treasurer of Skaguay
Alaska killed himself Ill health
Victor Emmanuel Reputed to Be a
Scholar and a Soldier
Vittorio Bmmanuelo Fernandino Maria
Gennaro who succeeds his father to the
throne of Italy was the only son of King
Humbert He was born Nov 11 1SG9
and has the reputation of being a liberal
scholarly and soldierly man He is a gen
feral in the Italian army and a patron of
art and literature He is a chevalier of
the Order of the Golden Fleece and a
Knight of the Garter
Hla wife Italys new queen was the
Princess Helena one of the seven daughr
ters of Prince Nicholas the ruler of the
little principality of Montenegro She
was born in the royal palace in Cettinje
In 1S73 With her sisters she inherited
the superb dark beauty of their mother
Prince of Naples now King of Italy as
result of assassins work
the daughter of a Montenegrin nobleman
She has been most carefully reared by
tutors and governesses and is not only
admirable in all the arts and graces of
European courts but is well versed in
the play of politics and in every way
qualified to succeed even so lovely a
queen as Margherita of Italy
The nuptials of Prince Vittorio and
Princess Helena were celebrated in Rome
Oct 24 1S06 wfth all the pomp and cir
cumstance usual on such occasions
Slayer of King Humbert Has No Re
grets for His Awful Crime
Bressi the assassin of King Humbert
seems undisturbed by thoughts of the aw
ful work he has accomplished Reports
indicate that he had planned te murder
for some time and that he had chosen
Humbert not as an individual personally
deserving of violent death but as a mem
ber of jthe class to which all anarchists
are opposed In New York some mis
guided malcontents laud the mans deed
and call its perpetrator a deliverer
Bressi declares that in the event of his
release he will have similar work to do
His friends in this country the fiery one3
assert that other sovereigns are mark
In the course of his examination Bressi
did not deny that he had been designated
to assassinate King Humbert It is now
believed that the crime was arranged in
Paterson N J
A man named Salvatoro Quintavalli
who returned to Italy from the United
States with Bressi and accompanied him
to an anarchist meeting in Paris has
been arrested at the Rio Marina on the
Island of Elba The police found on him
letters and photographs of anarchists
Anton Lanner who accompanied Bressi
from the United States has been arrested
at Ivrea In consequence of these arrests
the belief in the existence of a plot is in
Bressis brother who is a lieutenant in
the Italian army stigmatizes the crime
as the most cowardly act of the century
He had had no news of his brother for
aMong time and thought he was still in
Tie United States
Sr M
The Iowa Central has ordered 300 steei
Automatic warning bells are to be plac
ed at every grade crossing of the Santa
Fe system
Further friction has occurred between
the differential and the standard lines
east from Chicago over the excess fare
Pocahontas formerly the only county
seat in Iowa without a railroad has been
linked with the outer world by a branch
of the Rock Island
The White Pass and Yukon route has
begun to issue folders setting before the
public the facilities it has to offer for
reaching the gold fields of Alaska
An alliance between the Santa Fe and
Rio Grande railroads which will result
in a practical union of the two systems is
it is reported about to be formed
Traffic officials of the Burlington road
say that notwithstanding reiterated re
ports that the soaking rains which Ne
braska received were too late to save
much of the corn crop especially in the
southern and southwestern part of the
State all these reports go to show that
the rain was in ample time to benefit and
did actually benefit the great bulk of the
crop and with favorable weather from
now to the end more than an average
crop in Nebraska will be secured
Scarcity of farm laborers in the North
west has caused the owners of big wheat
fields to appeal to the railroad companies
for help in obtaining men to harvest Offl
cers of the Great Northern and Northern
Pacific have instructed their Chicago
agents to send 2000 laborers if possible
The passenger earnings of the Chicago
Milwaukee and St Paul Railway for th
fiscal year closed June 30 show a marvelr
ous improvement over the previous year
The total passenger earnings amounted t
769851351 an increase of nearly 14
per cent over last year The number oi
passengers carried was 8677822
Rain Relieves Drouth Prevailing f
Atlantic Coast Districts
The Government crop report issued
Tuesday gives the following summary of
crop conditions Ogie drought prevailing
at the close of the previous week in the
Atlantic coast districts has been wholly
relieved by local rains except in south
ern Florida and the week as a whole in
the districts east of the Rocky mountains
has been one of highly favorable temped
uture conditions with generally abundant
moisture On the Pacific coast the condi
tions were also generally favorable al
though the eastern portions of Oregon
and Washington experienced high tem
The corn crop has made splendid pro
gress during the week All reports from
the States of the central valleys indicate
that it has made rapid growth and that
the early planted is nearing maturity oveS
the southern portions of the principal
corn States Some early corn in the Oar
olinas and Virginia has been permanently
injured by drought but late corn in these
States is promising
Winter wheat harvest is practically
completed except where delayed by rains
in some districts over the northern por
tion of the winter wheat region Thrash
ing has been quite generally delayed in
the central valleys as a result of rains
and injury to wheat in shock is quite ex
tensively reported Harvesting continues
on the Pacific coast
Spring wheat harvest is now general in
the northern portion of the Red river
valley and is progressing favorably in the
southern portion of the spring wheat re
gion The dry warm weather has rapid
ly matured the crop in North Dakota
where owing to short straw much had
to be mowed In southern Minnesota a
large part of the crop is in shock and in
the northern portion of the State the
wheat heads are reported as well filled
In South Dakota fair to good yields are
indicated in the extreme southeastern
counties the crop being poor to fair else
where but generally of good quality
Rains have caused some further delay in
the oat harvest which however is near
ly finished in the more northerly sections
Some damage to oats in shock is report
ed from West Virginia Indiana and Illi
Defendant in Goebel Case Contradicts
States Witnesses
Caleb Powers defendant in the Goebel
case was on the witness stand at George
town Ky in his own behalf He said
that he was on the way to Louisville
when he heard that Goebel had been as
sassinated I said it was a shame and
an outrage and that it would blight the
chance of all of us whose offices were in
Witness said that the statement of
Golden that he spoke derisively when told
of the shooting was absolutely false He
said he never heard violence talked of in
any of the conferences in whih he par
ticipated except in one when Sheriff
Burton of Breckinridge County talked in
an incendiary manner and was reproved
The day after the assassination witness
said he began an investigation to learn
where the shot was fired from
Powers detailed the events immediately
preceding the arrest of himself and Capt
Davis He said his attorney advised him
to make his way to the mountains and re
main there till public excitement died out
before giving himself up for trial
The Legislature had appropriated
100000 for the prosecution of persons
charged with the crime and I did not be
lieve it was possible for me to get a fair
trial in Franklin County Moreover I
did not believe the civil authorities there
would protect me I did not know that I
could get a change of venue and these
were the reasons which suggested flight
from Frankfort
George F Weaver the witness who
claimed to hail from Colorado and who
asserted that he saw the gun barrel
pointing from the office of the Secretary
of State at the time Goebel was assassi
nated was arrested on a warrant charg
ing him with perjury The warrant wa3
sworn out by the attorneys for the de
fense in the Powers case who say that
they have found out that Weaver was
not only not in Frankfort the day of the
assassination but was never there till
last Saturday night
Orders German Troops to Give Chinese
Foes jSo Quarter
The German Emperors speech at Bre
merhaven on the occasion of the sailing
of German troops for China was sensa
tional The Lokal Anzeiger says the em
peror told the troops they were tc
avenge an outrage committed against th
sanctity of ambassadors and an unpre
cedented breach of the right of hospi
If you close with the enemy said
the emperor you know no quarter will
be given and no prisoners taken Use
your weapons so that for 1000 years no
Chinaman will dare beard a German
Pave the way for civilization now and
evermore My wishes for yourselves and
for the success of your arms will ever
follow you Give proofs of your cour
age no matter where May the bless
ing of God rest on your banners and may
He vouchsafe to you to find a path for
Christianity in that far off country For
this you have pledged yourself to me
with your oath to the colors
The task before you is a great one
That a people like the Chinese should
cast to the winds international rights
1000 years old and treat with scorn the
sanctity of an ambassador and the
rights of hospitality in a manner so hor
rible is unprecedented in the history of
the world Every civilization not found
ed on Christianity is sure to be brought
to naught So I send you out May you
all prove your German efficiency devo
tion and bravery bear joyfully all dis
comfort and uphold the honor and glory
of our arms You must set an example
of discipline self domination and self
Artillerymen Sail for Taku
The transport Hancock sailed from San
Francisco at 10 oclock Sunday for TalEu
China via Nagasaki with four batteries
of th Third artillery numbering 475
men under command of Capt Charles
Russians Burn Mono
A dispatch from Gen Niedermueller at
Stretensk reports that Col Schwerin has
occupied and burned Moho the headquar
ters of the Chinese gold min industry
The local garrison 500 men and the 30
000 Inhabitants of the town have flee
Their Reliirionls a Mere Form Their
Deities Are Indefinite
worship the aver
The only religious
aside from ancestral
se Chinaman performs
and an
cestral rites is a prostration
and earth on tne
offering to heaven
3rst and fifteenth of each moon or in
the beginning of each
some cases on
is uttered and
new year No prayer
after a time the offering is removeoV
and as in other cases eaten
What is it that at such times the Chi
nese people worship Sometimes they
affirm that the object of worship is
heaven and earth Sometimes they
say that it is heaven and again they
call it the Old Man of the Sky lato
tiien yeh The latter term has led to
an inference that the Chinese do have
a real perception of a personal deity
But when it is ascertained that this
supposed person is frequently
ed by another called Grandmother
Earth ti mu nai uai the correctuesa
of the inference is open to serious ques
tion The word heaven is it is true
often used in the Chinese classics in
such a wav as to convey the idea of
personality and will But it is like
wise emnloved in a manner which sug
gests very little of either Heaven js
a principle the vagueness of the term
is obvious To this ambiguity in clas
sical use corresponds the looseness of
meaning given to it in every day life
The Chinaman who has been worship
ing heaven upon being pressed to know
what he means by heaven will fre
quently reply that it is the blue ex
panse above His worship is there
fore in harmony with nature either in
dividually or collectively His creed
may be described in Emersonian phra
ses as one with the blowing clover and
the falling rain In other words he is
a pantheist
Tells a Party of Boys Why Some Birds
Commit Suicide
While hunting for birds nests re
cently in clumps of virgin forest that
fringe the lake shore at Edgewater a
party of high school pupils discovered
a dead woodpecker hanging head down
ward from the limbless side of a tall
tree Its legs did not seem attached to
anything but on closer scrutiny a par
ticularly fine spun though very strong
cobweb was found entangling the tiny
birds cla vs
The youths had not concluded their
speculations as to the how and the
ivhyness of the birds sad end when a
sea bronzed sailor of the type of Cole
ridges ancient mariner arose as from
a mist out of the lake and approaching
the scene of the discovery gave a curi
ous explanation of the puzzle the stu
dents were resolving iu their minds
What the sailor said was about as fol
Alas and alack I am grieved to see
that the tropical custom of the sbcall
ed spiderweb suicides among small
birds of the South Sea islands is spread
ing to the feathery tribes -of the north
ern latitudes That you my youthful
friends may understand my meaning
It is only necessary to say that the abo
rigines of many tropical countries have
a pr tty fable telling how the male
humming bird commits suicide by en
tangling its toes in an overhanging cob
web of the spider infested woods
whenever the female for which an at
tachment has been formed is mysteri
ously missing from its haunts or has
Hied or been trapped for the millinery
shops of the highly civilized nations
Chicago Chronicle
Bull in xi China Shop
A correspondent says he saw an ox in
l china shop at Barrass Bridge En
gland whose behavior was most ex
jinplary The animal escaped from a
Irove and made its way into the shop
ivith as much effrontery and expedi
tion as it might go into its own hum
mel After going all about the place
o the admiration of a great crowd of
people it was conducted out by a po
dceman without having broken so
much as a handle of a tea cup
Iiong Kange Photography
Captain Gentilli an Italian officer
who has been experimenting in long
distance photography has discovered a
means of taking photographs at a dis
tance of many miles By this means it
has been possible to photograph for
tresses from a distance of eleven miles
and masses of troops at a distance of
eighteen miles Captain Gentillis in
dention is likely to become of consider
able importance from the military point
of view
An Element Instead of a Virtue
Sincerity is no single virtue to be
classed with others and ranked above
and below them It is rather an ele
ment running through character and
fife as the sap runs through the tree
giving life and vigor to every branch
and a tender beauty to everv leaf and
blossom Let us cherish it aa the deep
est principle of our hearts and the most
vital element of our lives
Kcmarlvuhly Good
I Saw tlinMlfslinn v
to da3 with a bag of golf clubs on his Z
arm Does he play a good game f A
Good You bet its good goody-
good Why Pshaw is about his
A Theory
Gerald l wonder how Ananias ot
such a reputation as a liar
Geraldine I suppose he toldSapphira
she was the only
girl he had ever loved
-Harpers Bazar
A sreat sour of mortification
to a
woman is that when she has thl
preacher to dinner and he asks a bli
ing her husband and children
tehave as if they we used to It T
J waninToTheh7neymooH
the misguided man discovers thaX
coming woman has arrived