i ft fill Bi f ft J 1 f S tit- rTjw THIS WIDE WORLD INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS SO1PS0N IS ROUTED - SOCKLESS JERRY FIGHTS WITH A BURLY NEGRO Crowd of Fort Scott Hoodlums Brealc Up a -Political Meeting Which the Noted JKansan VVas Addressing Other Items Fort Scott Kan Ex Congressman Jer ry Simpson -was routed here by a crowd ot hoodlums while attempting to deliver a political address in the amphitheater at the race track A crowd of probably 200 roughs went to the meeting to create a disturbance One of the leaders a big negro jumped upon the platform and when the ex congressman attempted to push him off - the negro fought aud they both went to the floor Others then rushed Jn and Simpson was in danger of rough treatment until Mayor Goodlander and a crowd of professional and business men took a hand and beat off the rowdies Sev eral of the latter were arrested but the mob later overpowered the poliee and re leased the prisoners Mr Simpsons speech was not finished Many of the citys best people were in the audience IS SHOT TO PIECES Slayer of New Orleans Policemen Riddled with Bullets New Orleans After a desperate battle lasting for several hours in which he suc ceeded in killing Sergeant Gabriel Porteus and Andy Van JKurem keeper of the po lice jail and Alfred J B Bloomfield a young boj and fatally wounding Corporal John F Lally John Ban Yille ex Policeman Frank H Evans and A S Lecele one of the leading confec tioners of the city and more or less seriously several other persons the negro desperado llobert Charles who killed Capt Day and Patrolman Lamb and bad ly wounded Officer Mora was smoked out of his hiding place in the heart of the residence section of the city Friday after noon and literally shot to pieces The tragedy was one of the most remarkable in the history of the city and 20000 people soldiers policemen and citizens were gath ered around the square in which Charles was finally put to death The list of casualties since the trouble began is twelve lulled and twenty eight wounded INDIANS FIRE HUGE FORESTS When One Blaze Is Extinguished They Start Another Kalispel Mont One of the worst for est fires ever known in northwestern Mon tana was raging in the Swan Lake coun try on the western part of the Lewis and Clark forest reserve on July 28 Gus Mosler superintendent of the reserve re ports that the Indians deliberately set fire to the timber ami are slaughtering the game He will procead against the perpe trators Within the space of thirty miles up and down the river he says there were over thirty fires burning fiercely He says that many millions of acres were burned and that it is the finest white pine and cedar on the reserve It is almost impossible to es timate the damage As fast as one fire was extinguished another was set The weather was very hot and dry and the fires spread rapidly EAGLE KILLED CHILD SAVED Farmer Shoots Bird as It was Car rying Away His Child Sheboygan Wis As a great eagle was flying away -with his baby daughter T Smith a farmer of Sheboygan Falls seized his rifle took quick aim and killed the bird The bullet passed close to the child but did not injure it The eagle measured 0 feet and 1 inches from tip to tip of wings While at work Smith saw the bird fiy close to his children and before he could reach them it had seized his daughter Mary aged 3 years The man secured the rifle and when he fired the child and bird fell to the ground the child not being injured The eagle was the first killed in Sheboygan County in a long time EXPLOSION RESULTS FATALLY Destruction of Artificial Ice Plant in Texas Is Attended by Fatality Waco Texas The plant of the Waco Ice and Refrigerating Company one of the largest in the south was entirely demol ished by a terrific explosion in the boiler room which killed two and seriously in jured several of the employes The shock of the explosion was distinctly felt all over the city To Acquire More Territory Madrii The cabinet is considering the proposition of the United States govern ment for the cession of the islands of Ci bitu and Gagayen in consideration of an indemnity of 100000 The ministry re gards the proposition favorably and nego tiations for a treaty- accord between the two governments is proceeding rapidly Hero Hobson Coming Home Washington Naval Constructor Hob- son now in the hospital at Yokohama will return to Washington as soon as he is able and will probably be detailed for a shorttour of duty in the bureau of con struction and repairs Hope to Settle Labor Troubles Chicago The committee appointed at lheTlTiiver conference of the executive committee of the American Federation of Labor to aid in settling the Chicago labor trouble- is here It consists of President Samuel Gorapers Yice President James Duncan and Thomas L Kidd Against Secret Courts Martial Berlin Emperor Williams decree rendering the publicity of courts martial virtually illusory is severly -commented upon by the liberal organs A itTMj TYfr ssassteaass Wfi DARING PLOT IS SPOILED Scheme to Release Prisoners in Pennsylvania Penitentiary Pittsburg One of the boldest and most systematic plans for the release of one or more prisoners from the Riverside pen itentiary was thwarted last week The first theory advanced when the mat ter was disepvered seemed to point to the release of Alexander Berkman the an archist who is serving a 22 years sen tence for the shooting of H C Frick dur ing the big Homestead strike in 1892 but the conclusion reached by Director Muth of the Allegheny police department is that the real object of the Tescurers was to se cure the freedom of the notorious real es tate swindler J C Boyd who is serving a 7 y ears sentence in the penitentiary for his misdeeds The plan by which the rescuers hoped to reach the inside of the penitentiary wall was by a tunnel from the cellar of a house on Sterling Street nearly opposite one of the gates Their work is remarkable con sidering the obstacles to be overcome In vestigation showed that it was over 200 feet iong and because ot its zigzag char acter had not reached the prison wall One of the police officers who crawled a dis tance of 201 feet in the dark passageway was compelled to return before reaching its end by reason of the foul gases arising From this it is inferred that the tunnel had tapped a sewer Director Muth however believes that the dead body of one of the tunnelers will be discovered when the tun nel is opened from the surface as is the intention He thinks the man was over come by the gas and his companions for fear of complications fled The men had been at work on the tunnel since last spring FOUR KILLED IN EXPLOSION Combustion of Chemicals Results in Number of Casualties Chicago An explosion occurred in the chemical department the Windsor Cel luloid Collar Company on the fourth floor of25 Dearborn Street setting fire to the building and resulting in the death of four women There were twenty five girls working in the Windsor Collar Company when with out a moments warning a terrific explo sion occurred blowing the glass of the front windows clear across Dearborn Street A sheet of flame followed instant ly and the terror stricken girls with their clothing licked by the flames crawled through the window to the fifteen inch coping running along the front of the building The coping extended eighty feet to the Lichstern Tailoring Company building the windows of which were thronged with men shoating encourage ment to the terrified girls As soon as they reached tne Lichstern window the girls were drawn into safety Just as Mrs McLaughlin one of the killed was about to be drawn through the window the girl behind her in her haste pushed Mrs McLaughlin who lost her balance and fell to the ground dying instantly The other three jumped from rear windows CANT USE CZAR REED No Concealment of Fact that His Services Are Not Wanted Chioago Thomas B Reed will not be invited by the Republican national com mittee to make any speeches in the coming campaign If the ex speaker breaks into the party fight at all he will have to do so on his motion or through the invitation of some club or other organization not asso ciated with the regular campaign manage ment Around the Republican headquar ters no concealment is made of the fact that the ex sp ikers services are not wanted To Release 3Iilitary Prisoners San Francisco Under instructions from the war department Gen Shafter has appointed a board of officers which is or dered to meet at Alacatraz Island to ex amine all general prisoners in confinement at that station and to submit recommenda tions looking to the release of such prison ers as deserve clemency There are about 500 military prisoners on the island many of them it is said having been convicted of trivial offenses Inglorious End of Brilliant Career Wichita Herbert B Stimpson a law yer and prominent criminologist of this city committed suicide He shot himself in the head He had just been arrested charged with embezzlement of 625 given him by a client to quiet a title to real es tate He had been decorated by King Hum bert of Italy for scientific works He won the cross of the Legion of Honor by blow ing up the gates of Dahomey Assassination Plot Frustrated San Doningo A plot to assassinate Gov Ramon Cacerons has been discovered and twenty five conspirators have been imprisoned Several military officers are involved The accused will be tried by courtmartial President Jiminez is visit ing the interior The country generally is quiet Lizard Causes Death Philadelphia Some time ago Miss Anna Jones of Marcus Hook Pa acci dentally swallowed a lizard while drink ing water Frequently the reptile climbed up in her throat but had successfully re sisted all attempts at ejectment The other night after complaining of a chok ing sensation she suddenly expired Peru Ts for Gold Washington Mr Roberts director of the mint has been advised by the United States minister to Peru that the latter country adopted the single gold standard and has issued a gold coin known as the libra or Peruvian pound being identical in weight and fineness with the English pound sterling Silent Now Forever Lancaster Pa Miss Susan H Landis of Ephrata who recovered her speech a week ago after a silence of nearly six years is dead In January 18i she lost her power of speech and the efforts of physicians failed to restore it Waterspout In Kansas Solomon Kan A waterspout flooded the town July 25 over six inches of water falling Cellars and lower floors were flooded and railroad culverts were washed out va - 4 - m vy s J MOBS DEADLY WORK wwTr Two Persons Killed and Many In jured in New Orleans New Orleans Two negroes dead two fatally shot and twelve men seriously wounded is the known result of the des perate work of mobs in this city Wednes day night and Thursday morning Three of the wounded are white men who were hit by stray bullets Public excitement here reached its high est tension and armed mobs are searching various parts of the city in an effort to ap prehend Robert Charles the negro who shot and killed Police Captain Day and Patrolman Lamb at an early hour Tues day morning Wednesday night a mob composed of several thousand persons formed at Lee Circle and marched out Charles Avenue in a body It was reported that the mob would march upon the Parish prison and demand the negro Pierce who was with Charles when the police officers were killed The police accordingly sent strong reinforcements to the prison and when themobjnadeits appearance its leaders were told that an- effort to secure the pris oner wouiu oe resisieu lu uiu uilici cuu giWise council prevailed and the members of the throng slowly dispersed Small bands of men and boys were soon formed and scattered to several parts of the city Many negroes who were on the streets and riding in cars were fired upon with more or less success GERONIMO IS MAD Mind of Old Chief Gives Way After Fourteen Years Confinement Vinita I T After a long period of confinementj which he endured more like an infuriated beast than like a human be irg Geronimo one of the most blood thirsty Indians that ever figured in hisr tory has gone stark mad He is a prisoner ar Fort Sill O T It cost the government 1000000 and 100 lives before he was safe behind iron bars Deprived of his liberty as a punishment for his crimes he could not stand the con finement For fourteen years he has been a prisoner of war the last ten at Fort Sill For almost half a century he led a band of bloodthirsty Apaches on the path of war To the early settlers of the south west he was a terror In March 1886 af ter four years of constant chase Gen Miles and Gen Lawton cornered Geroni mo in the Four Peaks basin nearPrescott A T After months of starvation and af ter all hope of cutting their way through the cordon of troops surrounding them had gone the Indians raised the white flag and surrendered PLACE FOR H CLAY EVANS Will Probably Be Named to Succeed Perry S Heath Washington It is reported with some degree of probability that the vacancy in the position of first assistant postmaster general caused by the resignation of Perry S Heath is to be filled by the ap pointment of Henry Clay Evans pen sion commissioner to that place This is said to have been decided upon in ac cordance with the presidents wish to gratify the soldier element and the G A R especially who have criticised Mr Evans policy of strict construction in ad ministering the business of the pension office The commissioners enemies have made his present position so uncomfortable itvis believed he would be glad to be re lieved of the strain He is thoroughly con versant with the duties of the first assist ant postmaster general as he held that office in the Harrison administration For a Constitutional Convention Havana The decree calling a constitu tional convention and providing for the election of delegates was promulgated last week Thursday The elections will ba held on the third Saturday in September and the convention will meet in Havana on the first Monday in November The convention according to the terms of the decree is called in conformity with ihe spirit of the joint resolution of congress and a part of its duty will be to agree on the relations that are to exist between the government of the United States and the government of Cuba I MARKET QUOTATIONS Sioux City Cattle commonto prime e375650 hogs 512520 sheep 225525 wheat 693 corn 33g35e oats 2223c butter dairy 15US creamery 1S22 Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 575 hogs shipping grades 300 to 540 sheep fair to choice 3 00 to 435 wheat No 2 red 77c to 79c corn No 2 30c to 40c oats No 2 22c to 23c rye No 2 52c to 53c butter choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh 9c to 12c potatoes 2Sc to 34c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 550 hogs choice light 500 to 530 sheep common to prime 300 to 425 wheat No 2 77c to 7Sc corn No 2 white 39c to 40c oats No 2 white 25c to 26c St Louis Cattle 325 to 575 hogs 300 to 540 sheep 300 to 425 wheat No 2 73c to 74c corn No 2 yellow 37e to 3Se oats No 2 22c to 23c rye No 2 54c to 55c Cincinnati Cattle 300 to 525 hogs 300 to 540 sheep 250 to 425 wheat No 2 7Sc to 79c corn No 2 mixed 44c to 45c oats No 2 mixed 2Gc to 27c rye No 2 0c to Glc Detroit Cattle 250 to 575 hogs 300 to 550 sheep 300 to 475 wheat No 2 SOc to Sic corn No 2 yellow 42c to 43c oats No 2 white 27c to 29c rye 5Sc to 59c Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 79c to S0e corn No 2 mixed 41c to 42c oats No 2 mixed 23c to 24c ryerNo 2 54c to 55c clover seed prime 505 to 5C0 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern 75c to 70c corn No 3 40c to 41c oats No 2 white 27c to 2Sc rye No 1 58c to 59c barley No 2 4Gc to 47c pork niess 1100 to 1100 Buffalo Cattle choice shipping steers 300 to 5G0 hogs fair to prime 300 to 5G0 sheep fair to choice 325 to 475 lambs common to extra 350 to 000 New York Cattle 325 to 555 hogs 300 to 5G0 sheep 300 to 475 wheat No 2 red 81c to 82c corn No 2 44c to 46c oats No 2 white 29c to 30c butter creamery 17c to 20c eggs west ern 15c to 17c rrv 9B hjF WPW iP J STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Auditor Cornell Decides Not to Shut Out Illinois Fraternal Insur ance Associations and Issues Li censes to Nine from that State Auditor Cornell insurance commissioner of Nebraska has issued licenses to nine Illinois fratepnal insurance companies that had ben withheld by him pending a de cision as to whether he should stiut out all Illinois companies in retaliation for ad verse decisions by the Illiiiois insurance commissioner against Nebraska com panies Not having power under the state reciprocal insurance law to shut out com panies Auditor Cornell decided not to en ter into a warfare The Modern Wood men of America one of the Illinois com panies had prepared to test the auditors right to refuse a license The companies interestedVwrote risks in Nebraska last year amounting to 16842500 TO ENFORCE THE GAME LAWS Attention of the Nebraska Sheriffs Called to Reported Violations Gov Poy liter has addressed the follow ing communication to the ninety county sheriffs of the state calling attention to their duty to prosecute violations of the state game laws Executive Chamber Lincoln Dear Sir My attention has been called to frequent violations of the game laws of the state in the killing of young chickens before the opening of the season The law makes it your diitj under severe penalties to pros ecute all such violations These prosecu tions are made binding upon yourself your deputy or deputies the county attor ney or any constable of peace officer in your county I would refer you to the game laws section 86 and direct that you enforce its provisions within your jurisdic tion W A Poyxter Governor The law cited by the governor provides a penalty of 5 for every ruffled grouse or pheasant pinnated grouse prairie chicken sharp tailed dusky or other species of killing quail between January 1 and Sep tember 1 A similar penalty is provided for killing quail between January 1 and September 1 and for killing wild ducks or geese between May 1 and September 1 WOMAN SHOOTS HE CHILD Schuyler Girl May Die from Wounds Inflicted by Mother Fannie Gadsden wife of James Gads den of Schuyler shot her 11-year-old daughter Alice inflicting -wounds one of which is of a very serious nature having passed through the body at the waist line the second shot struck in front on about the same line passed around under the skin to the back and out Mrs Gadsden has been mentally afflicted several years iiTlieritTng such ailment so it is said and is reported to have had on many occasions designs not only against the lives of her children Alice and Bur gess but herself and husband as well After shooting Alice she placed the pis tols muzzle in her mouth as if to end her own existence but a sudden change pre vented her suicide It is doubtful if Alice will recover Mrs Gadsden was but a few days home from a sanitarium Safe Burglars Overhauled Sheriff Armstrong has arrested the two men who are believeuVto have robbed the safe in Tierneys drug store at Ansley The robbers were discovered in attempting to rob Shepards safe after they had gone through Tierneys and before their arrest was accomplished they had iled but with the officer in pursuit The thieves were capture while asleep in a brush thicket in Buffalo County ten miles southeast of Peters bridge on the South Loup They secured from the safe between 200 and S300 mostly in gold and silver The sher iff found on their persons 220 a bunch of skeleton keys a small file and a razor They gave their names as Redding aud Haley - j Firebug at Work Again The incendiary whose efforts to destroy West Point have so far been fruitless made another attempt a day or two ago to fire the rear of a frame dwelling house oc cupied by a widow and her family who were sleeping in the building at the time The fire was extinguished without much trouble This is the first attempt to fire a building where human beings wore placed in danger the attempts heretofore having been mostly confined to warehouses barns sheds and disused buildings of that char acter There is no clue to the perpetrator Grasshoppers Thick at North Platte To illustrate the number of grasshoppers infesting the county around North Platte the following instance is a good one A load of alfalfa hay which was brought to town had three pitchforks sticking up and each handle was covered its entire length with big yellow and black grasshoppers Barn and Stock Near Tecuniseh t The barn on the farm of William Saat hoff west of Tecumseh together with its contents burned to the ground during the absence from home of the family Four horses a quantity of grain hay a number of farm implements several sets of harness and other farm equipment were lost Elevator Fire at McCook The P II Easterday Co elevator in McCook was entirely destroyed by fire The loss on building is 2503 There was about 1000 worth of grain in the elevator t the tune The fire is thought to have originated from a spark from a passing en- Riie City May Own Its Lights The city council of Columbus is just now agitating the question of purchasing the electric light plant and operating it in the interests of the city If the deal is con summated it would give the city an all night circuit Build Addition to Elevator In order to handle the large amount of grain that he received P I Smith of St Edward has been compelled to build an addition to his already large elevator Callaway Backet Store The building known as the Racket Store at Callaway was kestroyed by fire The loss is 10000 The fire was caused by the explosion of a lamp The Kearney fire department was all ready to go when it received word its services were not needed Ends Iiife with Strychnine Emma the wife of C C JDoescher re cently marriedT died suddenly from poi soning at the home of her father Claus Henhings south of Wisner Strychnine poisoning with suicidial intent was the verdict of the coroners jurv jjfefattTniTllTigB J fTflWif 5U -- - DRIVEN FROM THE COUNTRY Citizens of Iiyous Duck an Ugly Husband in a Creek Andrew Adams a carpenter by trade was taken from his home at Lyons by a number of persons supposed to be his neighbors and after tying him with ropes carriedhim bodily to the banks of Logan Creek some distance away When the crowd arrived at the creek bank Adams was told of the many warnings sent him by the marshal and also by other persons to stop misusing his family and as he did not see fit to do so the citizens of Lyons had decided to give him a dose of his own medicine He was thrown into the creek with his clothes but was fished out before much harm could liappen him and was let go with the understanding that he leave the country Adams who is also an old soldier draws a good pension from the government of which very little goes to the support of his deserving family Adams at one time lived at Pender It is reported he was compelled to leave there under similar circumstances Adams chastise ment meets with general approval TO BAR IT FROM BALLOT Populist Chairman Protests Against Mid Road Ticket Chairman Edmisten of the Populist state committee has filed with the secretary of state a protest against permitting the mid road Populist state ticket to go on the offi cial ballot under the designation of Popu list The previous designation of the Populists has been the Peoples Independ ent Party but Chairman EJmisten avers that the name Populist belongs to the Peo ples Independent Party and its use by another party will tend to confuse the voters This he alleges in his protest would be contrary to the spirit of the Ne braska election laws The mid roaders have not yet filed the certificates of nomi nation of their ticket The secretary of state is a fusion Populist and the mid road leaders have announced their inten tion of taking an appeal iO the courts if the secretarys ruling is unfavorable to their application K - MILLHANDS FRIGHTFUL FATE Caught by a Swiftly Turning Shaft and Beaten to Death W L Edwards an employe of the Rum sey Milling Company at Tecumseh met death in a frightful manner He was en gaged in working about the driving ma chinery of the mill in the basemen The main shaft running at the fate oTlSi rev olutions a minute runs through this base ment In SfimiL unaccountable manner Mr Edwards left arm was caught in this rapidly revolving rod Ln an instant his arm was wound around the shaft to his shoulder and his body sent hurling through the air pinioned to the same His feet were pounded off and his legs Whipped into threads He was whipped about in this way for nearly three minutes before the machinery could be stopped He was taken to his home where he lived for near ly two hours regaining consciousness for a moment only - - - Bank Cashier Goes Wrong A deputy United States marshal arrested Charles E Cotton cashier of the First National Bank of Syracuse who is alleged to be short 4700 Cotton was taken ber fore a United States commissioner and m gave bonds for his appearance at trial and was released Cotton has been investing moijey Jn Cojoradonjjnjng property A Bank examiner recently found him short and Cotton turned over his property to make the bank whole The arrest is said to have been made in order to force settle ment The shortage is larger than the amount named Lincolns New Library In architectural beauty the Carnegie library building plans for which were ac cepted by the Lincoln city library board recently will surpass any structure in the city The plans contemplate a building after the French renaissance oj new Greek style The main portion of the building will be rectangular in shape size 68 by 101 feet with a 24 by 41 foot projection from the rear Work on the structure will begin as soon as working plans can be pre pared by the architects Panic Among- Guests An early morning fire in a store room in the Millard Hotel at Omaha caused a panic among the guests Several firemen were injured While the corridors were filled with smoke the guests rushed from their rooms in night dress Several women fainted and were carried out by hotel em ployes Wm Burmaster and Win White two firemen were badly cut by a falling plate glass window The cause of the fire was a gasoline explosion The loss is less than 2000 Soldier Dies on Way Hoine George Mostin of Plattsmouth who en listed in Company C Thirty ninth Regi ment and went to the Spanish American war was taken sick while on his way home from Manila and died on shipboard The body was forwarded home from San Francisco Nebraska Short Notes Fullerton is extending its waterworks system Neligh young women are organizing a brass band Gretna Methodists are preparing to erect a new church The material is on the ground for a new depot at Monroe Fairmont has let the contract for a large addition to the school house On Saturday the Rock Island distributed almost 21000 among the employes in Fair bury Lightning struck the residence of George Bowlus of Scribner for the second time within a year A move is on foot to detach the west three ranees of Cherry County and attach them to Sheridan The North Platte district holds a camp meeting each year at Curtis It begins this year Aug 1 and continues two weeks The little 10-year-old son of William Aldrup east of Geneva was in the wheat field spreading out the shocks to dry when he was bitten twice on the leg bv a rattlesnake His father drove with him at lightning speed to Dr George Mozee who dressed the wound Friend is anxious to have a local tele phone exchange Cuming County old settlers will hav6 a picnic Aug 23 Moses Roberts of Lincoln precinct John son County has 200 head of lambs on full feed and expects to put 400 more in the feed lot within a few weeks There was a balance of 1000 in the treasury of the Beatrice Chautauqua Asso ciation after paying all claims and the members are consequently much elated Lieut Paul Beck of Bancroft has been ordered to join his regiment the Fifth Regular Infantry at Chicago He started for that destination Tuesday morning -- Pr APPEALS FOE HELP BELATED MESSAGE FROM CON GER IS RECEIVED - - r ttlln Tnlv4 tfint1 General Massacre Was Iminlnent Bctrteceu in British luegatlcfn and Shelled by Chinese N A written message signed Congerund dated July 4 was received at Tientsin on the 21st It was cabled to the Navy Department in Washington Tuesuay by Captain Charles Thomas commander of the Brooklyn The Conger note eays Been besieged two weeks inJSrit ish legation Grave danger of gen eral massacre by Chinese soldiers wiio are shelling the legation daily Relief soon if at all City with- out government except by Chinese army Determined to massacre all foreigners at Pekin Entry of relief forces into city will probably be hotly contested A Washington correspondent writing Wednesday says that the letter from Minister Conger in his own handwrit ing under date of July 4 reported to the State Department contains no encourage ment for the officials who have been confident of the safety of the foreigners and have accepted the message of July IS as genuine More than anything here tofore received this message casts a gloom over the capital The statfement that Pekin was in control of -imperial troops line no significance further than to indicate the helplessness of the Gov ernment at the time the letter was writ ten The serious position of the foreigners as reported by Mr Conger has aroused apprehension and revived skepticism in official circles where the developments of the last few days have had the effect of -S j o i CHINESE MINISTER WU TING FANG arousing hope that Chinese jreports were sincere The accuracy of theconditions reparted in Mr Congers letter cannoT be questioned and unless the Chinese GoTernnient has regained control of the imperial troops and has taken foreigners under its protection there is reason to fear the worst and question the sincerity of Chinese officials Vj Li Hung Changs prediction that the march of international forces upsra Pekin would result in massacre of foreigners is now accepted in connection with Mr Conger irjeport s indicating purpose to prepare the world for the announcement of the death of the foreigners Up to Wedaesday no information has been received from the Chinese legation or Chinese Government in response to President McKinleys reply to the Em peror and no answer had been received from the second dispatch sent to Minister Conger through Minister Wu TIEN TSIN IN HORRIBLE STATE Native City Rained and Many Bodies Iyinjr Unburied 1 Tien Tsin advices via Shanghai saw that the native city presents an appallingj spe acle of war and desolation ScarceM a dozen houses are intact on the sidel facing the settlements Inmde thefcijy4 damage is terrific Many of the buildings nearest the wall were literally blownsjtOi Pieces - jt Among the residences charred cornsesj are everywhere Dogs and pigs are feed ing on them The allies are busy remov ing the dead Owing to their great num ber many have not yet been buried The Chinese it is said have lost altogether about 11000 since the trouble started Most of then have been killed by Boxers and soldiers The streets throughout the city are strewn with all kinds of articles and dozens of Chinese are digging in the ruins for money and other valuables Most of the houses which are intact or little dam aged display the flags of one or the oth er of the allied forces the Japanese and French flags predominating BIG INCREASE IN PATENTS Five Thousand Increase in Applications Over Preceding Year The report of Commissioner of Patents Duell for the fiscal year ended June 30 last shows a total of 20540 jiatcnts grant- ed including reissues and designs There were 1600 trade marks GS2 labels and 9G prints registered Patents that e- pired numbered 199SS Allowed applica tions forfeited for non payment of the final fees were 4052 Of the total of 39815 applications received 2263 were for designs 90 for reissues 1759 for1 ca veats 2105 for trade marks 872 for la bels and 127 for prints Tke total receipts of the patent office were 1358228 total expenditures 1 24782S surplus turned into treasury S110401 On July 1 thirty out of the thirty six examiners had their new work within one month from the date of filing and three of the remaining six overran that time by only one day The amend ed work in nearly all of the divisions was acted on within fifteen days after filing Applications awaiting action by the patent office numbered 3364 which is be tween 500 and 600 more than on July 1 1899 The number of applications for patents etc received during the fiscal year just closed was 5000 greater than during the preceding year and tne nain her of amendments acted upon was also correspondingly greater The woricof the clerical divisions also has been kept up to date 4 Emil ilarkenburg an aeronaut r fell from a height of 500 feet at SantafAna Cal and waskilledr - ifl 141 m