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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1900)
I iv Ul SI fcl I - fr VTTg fcrzCx gjjii jv 1 lr yV Pm ljHBi Horse Tie for Stables Horsemen will appreciate the value Df tJie device pictured in the accom panying cut the object of the Jnven tion being to reduce to a minimum the liability of getting the animals feet tangled up in the tethering rops and ateo to keep the rope out of the way while the animal is eating t By means of a specially constructed halter the connection is made on the upper in stead of the under side of the nose strap and the tie extends to a point level with or above the animals head IChe invention also includes an arrange- f IMPKOVKD TKTHERIXG DKVICE tmdnt for taking up the slack In the vope without in any way pulling on ithe halter sufficiently to annoy the ani Xfcnal The rope is passed through the front of the manger resting on a pul lej which may be adjusted to any de sired height and a small weight is at tached to the outer end which issuffi cient to hold the rope taut no matter in what position the animal puts liis head A patent on the device has been granted to William H Bartrum of Derby England J Selling Hay We have heard of a man who thought he1 was making money by selling his grass standing or hiring it cut and Sell ing the hay lie had what is often called a natural grass farm moist enough to insure a pretty good crop rf4very year when in fair condition For Ipmany years he had run it as a dairy f frni keeping considerable stack and manuring his fields heavily At last old age and a well earned competense decided him to leave the farm and in stead of renting it out for some one else to skin off what he had put on the land he put it all in grass Then he sold grass or hay as seemed best at the time and when the fields began to get thin they were given a very liberal dressing of commercial fertilizer He said he received more than the fer tilizer cost enougli to enable him to lay up more money than he could when working the farm How long he would be able to do this we do not know but we think the soil would soon begin to show a lack of humus or some other element of plant food But if he suc ceeds according to his plan it will be of the condition of the soil wlfen he began the large applications of fertilizers Avould be likely to keep the condition good for a long time Not every one could do so well Exchange Chap Poultry House A plnn for a cheap double house for fowls of two kinds winch may be kept separate and with a yard to -each part is here given It is seven feet high at the eaves eighteen feet wide and may be as long as may be required to give ample room for the Hocks kept in it For two Hocks if it is divided in the middle each half having its yard ftyjliilh is closed in and roofed over imiere tue run is not large one uocic faybe kept in the covered run Av hile A DOUBLE POULTRY IIOUSK the other is let oit The house is a eery cheap one being built of common strips around the yard and of rough boards covered with tarred roofing pa per well secured by strips nailed down over it This kind of roofing will last many times longer if it is well fastened flown in this way The house should be lined inside with the same stuff which is a safe antidote against ver min If the house is kept clean Danser in Crimson Clover The little stiff hairs only about dne eighth of an inch long which are to be seen on the heads of crimson clover are barbed and when the clover is ripe they are stiff and hard When they an fed to horses they lump together Info balls in the stomach and intes tines refusing to pass away in the ex- qcement Cases have been known wilufre such balls were five inches in ftilJSlkr andswith such a ball in the intestines it is almost impossible to save the life of an animal For this reason when the clover is cut for hay it should be done before any of the heads mature or even bofore tbxy are in full blossom while these bails are soft and pliable When the clover is growui for seed do not use the straw fov feeding or cvn for bedding unless the animal is so fastened that it cannot react the bedding to eat it Many horses have been reported as having died from this cause and some of them after most intense suffering Cow Peas for Silnjre A veteran dairyman is John Tatter son of Adair County Missouri former President of the State Dairymens As sociation Two years ago he decided to grow cow peas for his dairy cattle When the time came to harvest the season was so wet that be saw no op portunity to cure the peas for hay He had often heard of the silo but had never raised his faith to the point of in vesting in one But with the chance of a lost crop staring him in the face he hurried to town bought enough lumber and immediately built a large staTe silo The 6ow peas were soon harvest ed and put in the silo lie reports that h never had cows to do so well before He also mixed corn and cow pea silage with very satisfactory results This year he intends to build two more silos and store away an immense acreage of corn for winter feeding Mr Patterson now thinks that every progressive dairy farmer should by all means have a silo Destroyanjr Westls and Bushca Xew Jersey has gone farther in it war- against weeds and iusect pests than any other State we have heard or read of It has enacted a law that is to become operative next September that all owners of lands bordering upwri piblie highways shall clear them of weeds bushes and briars If they do not do so there shall be a committee appointed by the town to employ men to do so and the cost shall be assessed to the land owners This is a wise law and the example might well be follow ed by other States These hedgerows of weeds and bushes either inside or outside of the fence are of no use ex cepting as a harbor for insects fungous diseases and weeds to seed adjoining land or to be transported along the highway to fields where they are not wanted This cleaning up may cost the farmers some labor but theirs will be the benefit in the end American Culti vator Buckwheat To grow buckwheat for the grain the land should be made fine and fit for a seed bed as for other small grains Then apply 200 to 400 pounds per acre of fertilizer rich in potash and phos phoric acid and harrow it in well This grain likes a dry or well drained soil Sow the seed at almost any time when convenient from July 1 to July 15 Therq slioiild be from twenty to thirty bushels of grain to the acre Tliis crop is not thought exhausting to the soil and it leaves the laud in good condition for sowing or planting next spring In sowing buckwheat to plow under sow earlier in June at least and plow under while in bloom or just before any seed ripened then follow by sowiag winter grain Renewing an AsparajrusEed An old and run out or neglected a paragus bed can be best improved after tho season for cutting is over by put ting on a liberal dressing of manure in June or July and plowing it in not tak ing much care to prevent breaking the roots or to save seedling plants The plants are apt to become root bound and they will grow all the better for a little breaking up of the matted roots Keep the weeds out all the summer and in early spring or even in Febru ary if the ground is open put on from GOO pounds to a half ton of good fertil izer to the acre This will push it along to make a good growth and it will be better if it is not cut very freely that spring or not at all after the first of June Poisonous Sutter Color Arsenical butter coior must go It is time some definite action were taken by the pure food departments of every pure food State or many of them will be resting under the suspicicp that un due influences have been brought to bear to prevent hostile action There is no longer any doubt about the highly poisonous character of the deadly drug now scattering death throughout the country Not a week passes that either well authenticated- cases or cases of very suspicious character do not crop up here and there and there can be no excuse for State officials in States where these fatalities abound to neg lect their sworn duties Dairy World Hen Is a Good Tliintr Nothing will pay better for the mon ey invested than chickens if they are properly handled but to be profitable much care must be exercised Because the hens will give returns under ad verse circumstances is the reason they are neglected so much but the better they are treated the better the returns you will receive from them Bt the difficult part of the thing is to make average farmers believe it By keeping constantly at them they may eventually be taught what a good thing the hen really is Dairy Thermometers A good dairy thermometer costs less than lNaud tons of butter go into the grease vats every year because thou sands of farmers wives do not use a thermometer in churning A noted dairy instructor once told the writer that he firmly believed that the average price of all the butter sold in the United States could be increased at least 2 cents per pound in two years if the thermom eter was used at every churning and the cream churned at the proper tem perature - yi r OWNERS OF NATURAL BRIDGE Thomas Jefferson Knew What He Was AboutWhen He Boujrht ItCheap The fact that the Natural Bridge tract Is to be sold has opened thp way for some writers to romance abouc it It is stated that it was a part of the inheritance of Thomas Jefferson but that is not our information says the Richmond Dispatch We have always thought that Mr Jefferson patented the land i e bought it from the crown at about a shilling an acre Mr Jefferson and George Washing ton both were far seeing men and good judges of land and tookup num bers of valuable tracts Washington particularly owing to his personal knowledge of our Western Virginia lauds was fortunate in his selection Mr Jefferson acquired the bridge tract in 1774 Of the bridge itself ho wrote that it was worth a trip across the ocean to see but for a long time its inaccessibility caused it to be seldom visited even by our own people The construction of the old James Hiver and Kanawha canal put it near a high ly of travel Later railroad lines me within a few miles of it and now thousands visit it annually Since Jeffersons time the bridge lias had many owners At one period it be longed to the Harman family Colonel Henry Clay Parsons bought it about 1SS1 and formed a stock company to run it His residence there led up to his death at the hands of Conductor Goodman at Clifton Forge on June 00 1S94 To what extent he or his family held stock in the bridge com pany at that time we are not informed hut the amount held is supposed to have been considerable He Obeyed well developed specimen of the vil lage butler is an imposing personage A story is told of one whose taste for the impressive was too much for the family whose service he had entered He was a new comer and almost his first duty was to announce the arrivals at his employers first at home of the sson The earliest guests to appear were Mr and Mrs Penny and their daughter and familiar friends of the family The new butler announced them in measured tones and with ma jestic mien Mr Edwin Algernon Pembroke Penny Mrs Edwin Alger non Pembroke Penny and Miss Maud Victoria Penny Other arrivals were announced at equal length and with equal solemnity Before the next at home the master of the house suggest ed that so much repetition and elabora tion was unnecessary that he would prefer to have his guests announced more briefly The magnificent being bowed grave assent and said nothing But his feelings had been wounded and he was unlike most of his kind as clever as he was majestic As be fore the first to arrive were Mr and Mrs Penny and Miss Penny When they had ascended the stairs they paused an instant at the drawing room door the next the butler flung it abruptly open ami they heard them selves briskly announced to their dis mayed hosts in the comprehensive formula Threepence Loul and Lonjr I trust remarked the considerate young man that my whistling does not annoy you Oh no returned the dapper iuaid Im used to hearing men whistle Im the collector for a millinery firm Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally Trice 75 cents Longest Canal Is the Erie The longest canal in the world is the Erie in New York extending from Al bany to Buffalo a distance of 3S1 miles are overcame Isy ILysia Ib Pikhams Vegetable Fifty tfoQsssaei foappy women testify to thjis sn 5aiefwi eiisss to Mssa fflGBBsfpessfSoa Q sees sirsSia os2 a wo sxsBns vafzSSiya M St Ss pasmftoH sonaetSsfiag ss wrong wMoh Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound h yjESB promptly set right if excessive or irregisisM writs to fflrsa Pssttdmm Lynsfy BfHssap for sdvioea EwieiessGe afcowneis that Mrsm Pikhzm9s advice ssttd stteiGie have for swassy years been helping wmsvess to he strosiga Mo other ssSvics is so u varyitSy mcoisrier h otfrpr medHome has such a record of oureB SESSil -47015 Wgjjfe Kew Pi anos Sr AnrfinA onvfo EHtsh y a rrxzz jr tiusc erado at halt nrin JLfMNJ Like the Deadly UnderCurrent i n i m lfjf which grasps one without warning the mucous membrane which lines the entire body suddenly becomes weakened in some spot and disease is established It may be of the lungs the head throat stomach bowels or any other organ Where ever it is and whatever it seems it all springs from the same cause CATARRH or inflammation of this delicate pink membrane The system is weakened in win ter The delicate lining is more susceptible to irritation or inflamma tion and thus we have pneumonia grip colds coughs fevers etc all catarrhal conditions which may easily be checked by one catarrh cure Thats the only way out of it You may dose forever you will not be well until you try the true cure and that is You may think your trouble is some other disease and not catarrh Call it what you will one thing is sure your system is affected and must be treated and is the only remedy which reaches the right place and docs cure A Mean fellow Miss Beauti I think Mr Lovelorn is just too mean for anything and after all the favors Ive shown him too I used to go to operas and theaters and everywhere with him and now when I ask him a little favor he refuses Friend What did you want Miss Beauti I asked him to be one of the ushers at my wedding New York Weekly o i c When a preparation has an advertised reputation that is world wide it means that preparation is meritorious If you go into a store to buy an article that has achieved universal popularity like CASCARETS CANDY CATHARTIC for example you feel it has the in dorsement of the world The judgment of tha people is infallible because it is impersonal The retailer who wants to sell you something else in place of the article you ask for has an ax to grind Dont it stand to reason Hes trying to sell something that is not what he represents it to be Why Be cause lie expects 1o derive an extra profit out of your credulity Are you Ilomeseclcers Excursions Via Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad On the first and third Tuesdays of June July and August the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad will place on sale Hameseekers Excursion tickets to various points in Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Indian Territory Ken tucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri North Carolina South Carolina Tennes see and Texas One fare plus 200 for the round trip Tickets are limited on going trip fif teen days from date of sale with stop over privileges in Homeseekers Terri tory Returning tickets are limited twenty one days from date of sale Remember that we now have in service a new wide vestibuled train between Chi cago and Waco and Fort Worth Texas leaving Chicago daily at 150 p m Through Pullman sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars For further partic ulars call on or address any agent Chi cago and Eastern Illinois Railroad or C L Stone G P T A Chicago Just Before the Eottle Wixon I dont mean to reflect on vour character at all but j Nixon Of course you dont Youre i aot bright enough to reflect on any one 3Vr WlnsloWs Soothing strut ror cmtciren teething Eoltens the ciims reauces inflammation allays jjain cure wind colic 25 cents a bottls We cannot always oblige but we can aways speak obligingly Voltaire SFEGJAL OFFEHi -- K j easy Dont you see through his little name The man who will try and sell you a substitute for CASCARETS is u fraud Beware of hinii He is trying j to steal the honestly earned benefits of a reputation which another business i man has paid for and if his conscience will allow him to go so far he will go farther If he cheats his customer in one way he will hi another and it is not safe to do business with him Be ware of the CASCARET substitutor Remember CASCARETS are never sold in bulk but in metal boxes wftliv the long tailed C on every box aud each tablet stamped C C C Not a Sharp Either Dorothy said the mistress of the establishment happening in just as the gardener went out who is that man Only a hoe beau maam replied the kitchen maid blushing rosily Chicago Tribune Cut this ad out and send to os and we will send you tha Violin Outfit by Express C O D subject to examination Examine ic at yonr express olilce and if not exactly as represented and the most wonderful bargain yon ever saw or heard of pay the express ageat our SP E CAL OFFER PRICE S257 less7corS2 10 and express charges This is a regular S800 BtradlTarins model Violin richly colored highly pokshed powerful an sweet in tone complete with fine bow one extra getetrtngfl violin case rosin and one of the best Instruction books ever published Write for muEical instrument and organ and pi ano and Jewelry catalocmeSKxlW free containing Storages TMR08ERTSSUPPLY H0UVE MINNEAPOLIS MINN FORGET BUSINESS AT NIGHT That Is the Only Way to Be Sure of Do ins Your Ucst Work Every busineas man of common sense knows whether he chooses to ac knowledge it or not that the farther away ho gets in the evening from his commercial associations during the day so that his business associates or thoughts of it or them cannot get at him the healthier he is the wiser life he leads in short the better off he is in every respect and the abler for the duties of the morrow writes Edward Bok of The American Man and the Country in the Ladies Home Journal Now what does he get in the city in the evening even if he lives a carefully regulated life There is no mode of life lie can possibly follow which is in any way recuperative to his mental or phy sical being He has never been out of hearing of the noises of the city or out of the range of its lights Every night he has slept in the polluted air of the city and in the morning has looked out on the gray sidewalks which lie sees all day long What dpes such a man know of the exhilarating refreshing and blood quickening experience of opening the shutters of his chamber window upon a landscape of space and sun shine Ami what is far worse what do his wife and children know of such a blessing Yet he deludes himself into the belief that he must live in the city so as to be in touch with things If you ask him what those things are you invariably discover that the are of a business nature either strictly business or some social convention which he feels has a bearing on his business But it is always business business business Now a man living under this pressure rarely does his best work although he fully believes that be is doing it But he cannot be giving out the best because he does not allow the best to get within him Hi Face Said Yes It is related of Jefferson that while riding in company with two young men he came to av creek so swollen by a shower that the water was up to the saddlegirths A man standing on the bank with a saddle on his shoulders looked at the young men as they rode into the stream but said nothing As Mr Jefferson came along the stranger asked if he could not be allowed to mount behind and thus be carried across The President reined his horse up to a stone the man mounted and when across expressed his thanks and walked away Several men who had seen the novel ferry asked What made you let the young men pass and why did you ask the old gen tleman Wal if you want to know Ill tell you I reckon a man carries Yes or No in his face The young chaps faces said No the oid uns Yes It isnt every one said one of the party who would have asked the President of the United States for a i ide What You dont mean to say that was Tom Jefferson do you Wal hes j a fine fellow anyway What will ly say when I tell her I have rid be hind President Jefferson Shell say I voted for the right man BEST FOR TUE BOWELS No matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get well until your bowels are put right CASCARETS help nature cure you without a gripe or pain produce easy natural movements cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back CASCARETS Candy Ca thartic the genuine put up in metal boxes every tablet lias C C C stamped on it Beware of imitations Artificial Warmth in Shoes A Nuremberg merchant has invented a new kind of boot with an apparatus in the neel by means of which the Avliole boot can be warmed Do Tour Feet Aclie and Burn Shake into your hoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It makes tight or new shoes feel easy Cures Corns Bunions Swollen Hot and Sweat ing Feet At all druggists and shoe stores 2rc Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted Lelloy N Y Thats All I hear that Bellinghain has married money said Perkasie Its a false report replied Rotting dean lie married a casii girl 100 Wheat Make your fortune speculating quickly witli small capital Book tree funy ex- E G Gbvsorus Co 15 iilainimr Joard of Trade Court Kialto Bldg Chicago Election Uettinc Penalized Wagering on the result of an election in New South Wales is to becoie liable to a penalty of from o to 30 Dropsy treated free by Dr H H Greens Sons of Atlanta Ga The great est dropsy specialists in the world Read their ad in another column of this paper Dont Wed jEiujIishwomfn A Boer shatters the traditions of his race if he weds an Englishwoman I am sure Pisos Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago Mrs Thos Kohbins Maple street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1000 Opiums Ravages in China Opium is said to kill- about 160000 persons annually in China wiiS 1 ORIA Tor Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature of Y xfx STARVED IiJTaTo S lo w jSflff i g row t h f or hair comes from lack of hair food The hair has no life i It is starved It Keeps A coming out gets thinner and thinner bald spots appear then actual baldness The only good hair food 4 you 4 can A buy J is J l t A feeds MIP vigor - - the roots stops starvation and the hair grows thick and 1 long It cures druit also Keep a bottle of it on your dressing table It always restores color to faded or gray hair Mind we say always 5100 a bottle All druggists I have found your Ilair Vigor to be tho best remeuv I have ever tried for tho hair Jly hair was falling out very bad sol thought 1 -would try a nottlo of it I had used only ono bottle and my hair stopped falling out and it is now real thick and long Nancy J Mountcastlh July 23 1898 YonkersNT WpJto tha Doctor He -will send you his book on Tho Hair and Scalp Ask him any ques tion you wish about your hair You Trill receive a pronlpt answer free Address DR J C AYER Lowell Mass syVV A A A A A- k T IN ume f 4 - Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of Sioux City Iowa CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS xzZZ See Facsimile Wrapper Below Tory small and as easy to toko as sugar GARTERS USTTLE iSVER PILLS Price 25 cents FOR HEADACHE FGR DIZZINESS FOR BILIOUSNESS FOR TORPID LIVER FOR C0NSTIFAT10H FOR SALLOW SKIN FOB THE COMPLEXION 4 vrywt Tr w uiicrHivf fticuiiuir Purely Vegetal QvercrzC i33aT33AK CURE SICK HEADACHE nniaiTrnn should vrtte ror our new PUm I r hS 1Ine of stationery 1 Illli 1 L JlUsrunples The completes ever Issued Soux City Newspaper Union The University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME INDIANA Classics Letters Economics and History Journalism Art Science Pharmacy Law Civil Mechancal and Electrical Engineering Architecture Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses ieil students at special rates Kcoms Free Junior or inior Year Colegiate Courses Rooms to Rent moderate charge St Edwards Hall for Doys under 13 The 57th Year will open September 4th 1900 Catalogues Fre Address REV A MORRISSEY C S C President a kiting to adteutisekm l please say you save tho advertisement in thU paper Ifatnictedwlth sore eyes use 1 2d s xN L MEW DISCOVERY Rivos nuictc relief enres worst api Book of testimonials and 1 0 IAYS treatment FKEE Or a II Greens Sobs Box 3 Atlanta Go 1 TIioinpsonsEyefater Xo Sl 1900 ft i Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in time fcola by drnslsts Couldnt Stand It Favored Waiter Im goin to leave here wen my week is up Regular Guest Eh You get good1 pay dont jou Xj Yes bout the sames everywhere And tips besides V - - A good many - - Then what is the matter- - Tlrey dont allow no time out to meals I have to eat here New York Weekly ft DOUBLE BARREL BREECH LQADIRS 15 SHOT GUK for 777 gjafteTi m HVBm rfPSET 9HOT SSIioJiS NEW WINCHESTER RIFLES S307 NEW BREECH LOADING SHOT CUNS 3447 NEW WrNCMESTER SHOT CUNS SIS 97 rtcrKrrris zxm jsi 1 7 perico jv vuw UWM5UUUC1U m 1 v- TwriVL Lie SLMmfSwkissifsssb paper We can save you big dollars on guns Writeatonce We sell mors 8porting Goods than vJvrLeS HOUSE IN THE WQRLB Tente Hunting CoatsJlats Caps Belts BoShllleXwVjX la Blscutts Teats a Base Ball Goods and Fisfilng Tackle all lnbur Hzl2K JM pageRure Gi cSEZt TMSOBERTS SUPPLY HOUS1 717 721 Nicollet Avnu NHEAOtJ3 MINN