u I W1Q t 1 f r SE r II a V K THE DAYS DOINGS SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS 3 W1RE i -BY l5Mjau5 in two OCEAN LINER RUNS INTO THE EMBLETON loven M fmTirrift the Barks Com te jpany Including tho Captain Are Missing ScvettHf the Crew Were Rescued Other Items London A dense fog hung over the Irish Channel Sunday morning and the Cunard line steamer Campania enroute if rom New York for Liverpool struck the Liverpool bark Emblefon hound for New IZealahd amidships cutting her in twain The EmblctoEL sank immediately Seven jof the crew were rescued but it is believed Hhe other eleven members of the ships company -including the captain were drowned The Campania had her bows stove in but arrived safely at Liverpool The Campania was little injured but had ia narrow escape from a serious disaster When the Campaiya was about thirty miles northeast of TusKar light a phantom ship rose suddenly without warning di rectly across her bows Thirty seconds later the phantom had become a solid sail ing vessel into vwhich the liner crashed her steel forefront going through the Em bleton like the keen cut of a sword and dividing her just abaft the main mast The forward haf sunk immediately The Jstern swung viciously around and the mast and yards for a moment tore at the Campania A lump of wreckage came down on her leeks Then the stern of the Jbark also disappeared and the surface of the sea was literally littered wilhsplin itered timbers boxes barrels the whole upper works and lighter cargo the deck -house and such things Then there was nothing fv FAVOR TARSAND FEATHERS Police of Mansfield Ohio Rescue a Preacher from a Mob Mansfield Ohio Cyrus B Fockler a preacher of the Christian Catholic Church of which Alexander B Dowie of Chicago iis the head was roughly handled by a mob here Sunday evening Fockler had pre sided over a congregation here but he left Itown some time since because of charges in connection with his attempts of divine ihealing Sunday he returned A mob gathered about him at his hotel and the police were called upon for assistance The mob took Fockler from the police carried him to the city gas house stripped him of his clothing and was preparing to apply a coat of tar and feathers A large lorce of police appeared and finally after a struggle Fockler was rescued nearly dead from fright He was taken to the police station and later was spirited out of the city CHINAMEN IN DANGER Troops May Go to Rock Springs Wyo to Protect Celestials Cheyenne Wyo1 A number of outrages have beeu committed by foreigners upon the Chinese residents of Hock Springs a jcoalmlniug -town 200 miles west of here jOntheVUnipnfcPacinc Railroad during the ipast few days The state authorities f earing ajjeneraLmovement against China town where more than 500 Chinamen re side have ordered several companies of itroops to be in readiness to move to the scene Probably two companies of infantry will go to Rock Springs when martial law will be proclaimed The feeling among the foreign laborers at Rock Springs against the Chinese is at fever heat but tfie state authorities will do everything possible to protecttlie Chinese in the event of bloodshed MORE TROUBLE IN ST LOUIS Two Street Cars Blown from Track Woman Hit by a Bullet St Louis Two explosions which dam aged transit company cars and one dis turbance in which a woman was wounded by a stray bullet occurred Sunday A car of the Southwestern division was blown up on South Seventh Street One foot of the rail was destroyed by the ex plosion Another car of the Broadway line was blown up in South Broadway and the front trucks were demolished Sirs Annie Kollmeter was struck by a bullet in a bombardment of a Chouteau Ayenue car sustaining a slight flesh wound WM VANDERBILT FINED Runs Automobile Too Fast Through V a3Iassachusetts Park 2 ililtou Mass Win K Vanderbilt the -young millionaire who on Sunday made a jflying trip from Newport to Boston in an automobile was arrested by a park police man for violating the Blue Hill Park reservation laws concerning the speed of vehicles Yanderbilt was taken to the sta tion and after an hours delay was released on 25 bail In court Monday morning Lawyer McKnight appeared for Yander bilt and pleaded nole contendre A fine of15 was imposed which was paid by the counsel - 3 - inn tfothofSJIrs John Hay leVelandJDnio Mrs Julia Stone ropwer of MrJlJohn Hay wife of the sec retary0 state is dead of heart failure Fitzimmons Ruhlin Fight New York Billy Madden representing Gus Ruhlin and Percy Williams acting for Bob Fitzsimmons affixed their signa tures to the Twentieth Century Athletic Clubs contract to fight on August 10 at Madison Square Garden Iiiscums Body Buried Washington The war department re- a cablegram from Gen MacActhur J dated Manila July 18 saying that Col Liscums body was buried at Tong Ku on ihe Tth inst 52 EASY FOR BECKHAM Renominated for Governor by Ken tucky Democrats Lexington Ky Gov Beckham was nominated by the Democratic state con vention for governor of Kentucky by ac clamation After the names of Judge Beck and Judge Tarvin were placed in nomina tion the roll call began When Harlan County was reached Beckham had the 547 votes needed to nominate Then Becks and Tarvins names were withdrawn and the latter moved that the nomination of Beckham be unanimous The motion car ried and Beckham was escorted to the platform where he made his speech of ac ceptance The platform adopted declares for fair elections and recommends that the Goebel election law be amended and until amend ed satisfactorily to all the Republicans shall have a representative on both the state and -county election commissions The Kansas City platform was reaffirmed on national issues and a long declaration made on- the events in Kentucky during the past year The administration of Beck ham was indorsed ANDRE AGAIN HEARD FROM Canadian Indians Tell of the Find ing of Bodies and Wreckage Fort William Ont Indians hunting on the east coast of Hudson Bay have brought word from Hudson Bay Compa nys post on the west coast of James Bay that they found a vast amount of wreck age the bodies of two men and a man in the last stages of death struggles The In dians reported that they could not under stand the language he spoke but that it was rot English He died while they were there and they returned to the trad ing post without bringing any evidence of the strange occurrence It is believed by the officials of the Hud son Bay Company that the Indians wit nessed the ending of Andres attempt to reach the north pole by balloon but from their description of the wreckage the officials are firmly convinced that it was the remnants of Andres airship A party guided by the same Indians has been sent out to bring evidence to establish the identity of the party DID NOT LEAD BOER FORCES Captain Carl Reichmann U S A Denies Story Leavenwortb Kas Capt Carl Reich mann United States military attache with the Boer army denies that he took part as a Boer leader in any of the battles in South Africa It was reported in the month of May that Reichmann was in command of a Boer force in a battle in which the Eng lish were defeated The first word of di rect denial was received in a letter to Adolph Lange of this city written by Capt Reichmann at Pretoria May 15 He says I have teen an observer in several fights and they were very interesting Was also at the battle at Sannas Post of which you probably heard that I was the leader on the side of the Boers That re port was a silly canard 1 was only a plain but much shot at observer OVER 150 MASSACRED A General Slaughter Is Reported from Tai Yuan London To add to the gloom occas ioned by the extremely serious import of the Chinese news showing the daily de veloping strength of the anti foreign move ment in South China comes from Shang hai a report that sixty missionaries and 100 native converts have been massacred at Tai Tuan Though the report has not yet been corroborated it tends to confirm the belief that the central and southern vice royalties would hold aloof from the Boxer rising never had any foundation VOLCANIC DISASTER Two Hundred Persons Are Killed and Injured in Japan Yokohama Mt Amseua near Band aisan which was the scene of a volcanic disaster in 1888 broke into an eruption last week Two hundred persons were killed and injured Several villages have been engulfed by streams of lava Great damages have been done in adjacent dis tricts Moral Degenerate Hanged Hartford Conn Charles B Cross the 18-year-old boy murderer was executed at the state prison Wethersfield Cross killed Mrs Sarah King 60 years of age his benefactor near Stamford He was addicted to the cigarette habit his parents and grandparents were epileptic or weak minded but no effort was made to save him from the gallows as a moral degener ate and not responsible Killed at Political Convention Nashville Tenn A fatal shooting affray at Cokeville terminated for the day of the deliberations of the Democratic sen atorial convention of the Tenth district Lil Cleek and W C Crawford delegates of the convention quarreled and Cleek it is alleged was advancing on Crawfora with a knife when the latter opened fire with a revolver killing Cleek Camps for Six Thousand San Francisco Instructions have been i forwarded from Washington requiring the immediate preparation of camps requisite for the comfort of 6000 men Recruits are arriving every day from all parts of the country and being furnished -with cloth ing and outfits as rapidlyas possible Japs Send Reinforcements - London A special dispatchfromShang hai dated the 19th inst says The dis embarkation of 15000 Japanese troops is proceeding at Taku 90000 Blaze at Pomeroy Wash Pomeroy Wash Tue most disastrous fire in the history of this town caused losses which aggregate more than 90000 The fire originated from a gasoline cigar lamp in a saloon Among the buildings burned was the court house Murderer Shot to Death Bentonville Ark George Fisher who shot and killed Sheriff Garrett of South west City Mo on July 16 was located in a corn field by a sheriffs posse on the 20th and resisting arrest was shot io death CHAFFEE TO LEAD Given SupremeTCommand of f v jean Trodps in China -Washington The commission of Brig Gen A BChaffee as major general in com mand of the Chinese expeditionary force was made outsat the war department last week and sent to the white house for the presidents signature A cable to Chaffee telling him of his appointment was sent to Nagasaki Japan where it will meet Chaf fee on his arrival there W W Rockhill director of the bureau of American republics has been appointed a special commissioner to go to China to investigate and report upon the situation Rockhill will ascertain the extent of the responsibility of the Chinese government if any for the existing disturbances and otherwise furnish the administration with information upon which the case of the United States against China for indemnity and reparation will be based TO AID CIGARMAKERS American Federation Levies As sessment on 750000 Members Denver Colo The amalgamation of the American Federation of Labor and the Western Federation of Labor was the subject of discussion at a recent meeting of tho executive committee of the Ameri can Federation The agreement will be put to a vote by the Western Federation and passed upon by the American Federa tion convention at Louisville in December The executive council of the American Federation appropriated 1000 and levied an assessment of 2 cents a member on all unions for the benefit of the locked out ci garmakers of New York city The as sessment affects 750000 members OREGON SAFE IN PORT Warship Will Return to Taku as Soon as Repairs Are Made Washington Secretary Long received a dispatch from Capt Wilde stating the urcgUU UUU Xfaauvmc uauanivououjcijr at Kure Japan and suggesting the patch ing of the Oregon which would take but a short time and her return for duty at Taku To make permanent repairs would require sixty days or more The secretary replied as follows There is universal rejoicing over the safety of the Oregon She is the Constitution of this generation If the safety of the Ore gon permits patch her and go to Taku I commend your preference for service there CURTIS TO GET PLACE Former Iowa Congressman Ten dered Heaths Position Chicago It is understood here that former Congressman Curtis of Iowa has been offered the position of first assistant postmaster general made vacant by the resignation of Perry S Heath It is not known what reply if any has been made by Mr Curtis to the proffer of President McKinley Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Bristow of Kansas is also spoken of as Mr Heaths successor but until Mr Heath severs his official connection with the department his successor win not bo indicated RULES FOR NEELY New York Judge Holds He Cannot Be Extradited New York Judge Lacombe in the United States Court rendered a decision in the case of Charles F W Neely charged with having defrauded the postoflice de partment in Cuba in which he declared the mere presentation of an indictment cannot be held sufficient for Neelys ex tradition and that further testimony will be heard when the case comes up this week Safe Cracker Blown Up Nay lor Ga A terrific explosion wrecked Depews store Fragments of a mans body were found in the ruius and it is believed a safe blower was killed while attempting to blow the safe Heavy Loss at Navy Yard Boston The long wooden building known as the hosthouse in the Charleston navy yard was completely burned to gether with its contents entailiug a loss of fully 150000 MARKET QUOTATIONS Sioux City Cattle common to prime 375650 hogs 512o20 sheep 225525 wheat 69c corn 8335c oats 2223c butter dairy 15gjlS creamery 1922 Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 570 hogs shipping grades 300 to 540 sheep fair to choice 300 to 475 wheat No 2 red 76c to 77c corntNo 2 40c to 42c oats No 2 23c to 24c rye No 2 52c to 54c butter choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh 9c to lie new potatoes 30c to 35e per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 550 hogs choree light 500 to 538 sheep common to prime 300 to 450 wheat No 2 77c to 7Sc corn No 2 white 44e to 45c oats No 2 white 27c to 2Sc St Louis Cattle 325 to 505 hogs 300 to 535 sheep 300 to 450 wheat No 2 73c to 74c corn No 2 yellow 40c to 41c oats No 2 24c to 25c rye No 2 54c to 55c Cincinnati Cattle 300 to 525 hogs 300 to 545 sheep 250 to 425 -wheat No -2 SOc to Sic corn No 2 fmixjod 45c to 47c oats No 2 mixed 2Cc to 27c rye No 2 Glc to G2c Detroit Cattle 250 to 575 hogs 300 to o50 sheep 300 to 475 wheat No 2 SOc to 81c corn No 2 yellow 4Gc to 47c oats No 2 wite 27c to 29c rye f Toledo Wheat No 5f mixed SOc to 81c corn No 2 mixed 41c to 42c oats No 2 mixed 24cto 25c rye No 2 56c to 57c clover seed prime 505 to 540 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern 75c to 76c corn No 3 42c to 43c oats No 2 white 27c to 2Sc rye No 1 59c to GOc barley No 2 44c to 45c pork mess 1200 to 1215 Buffalo Cattle choice shipping steers 300 to 570 hogs fair to prime 300 to 550 sheep fair to choice 325 to 425 lambs common to extra 350 to 700 New York Cattle 325 to 570 hogs 300 to o85j sheep 300 to 515 wheat No 2 red SOc to 82c corn No 2 47c to 48c oats No 2 white 30c to 31c butter creamery lGc to 19c eggs west ern 14c to lGc STATE 0JE1 NEBRASKA - sMff - v5y - INEWSaOTHE WEEKN A CON- 3 DENS ED rOM Judge Slabaugh of Papillion Ren ders a Decision Finding Mrs Figg Is Not Insane in the Eyes of the Law Other Items Louis Mrs Fics is not insane Such Was the decision rendered by Judge Sla baugh in a habeas corpus case at Papillion after hearing the evidence and argument Considerable time was consumed in hear ing expert testimony which was evenly divided as to the womans sanity When Mrs Figg was placed on the stand she re fused to be sworn Saying the bible said swear not- After some persuasive talk the court induced her to hold up her right hand and take the oath and the case pro ceeded much the same as in the trial be fore the insane board particulars of which appeared in tue daily press Judge Slabaugh made a long talk when -he rendered his decision He said he thought there was no question but what this woman had gone too far on the sub ject of religion and that in the eyes of man she was insane but in the eyes of the law she was not He gave some verygood advice for her to follow inthe future and when he stated that she was not insane the accused broke into tears There was a decided revulsion of feeling regarding the accused after the arguments had been made There was a large crowd in the courtroom some of the spectators being women Nominations for a Full State Ticket Made at Grand Island The middle-of-the-road Populist state convention was held at Grand Island on the 20th inst with 832 delegates in attend ance J A Boyce of Otoo County acted as temporary chairman and made a force ful speech E L Moriarity of Omaha was chosen as secretary On recommend ation of- the committee on organization Jerome Shamp of Lancaster County was chosen permanent chairman and A C Leavenworth of Omaha was elected sec retary Following the introduction of the per manent organization speeches were made by Mr Shamp Lucinen Stebben3 of San ders and Congressman Howard of Ala bama Mayor Flick of Custer County was nominated for governor by acclamation The other nominations were as follows Lieutenant governor H G Better Buf falo County secretary of state W C Star key Pawnee County auditor Samuel Lichty Richardson County attorney gen eral F Stevens Clay County land com missioner James Salmon Douglas County treasurer A Tipton Otoe County state superintendent of education Mrs T J Kelly Buffalo County presidential elec tors Jerome Hamp Lancaster County A Pery Douglas County James Brooks Stanton County Dewitt Eager Seward County James Stockman Custer County G W Eaworth Douglas County W O Wolman Clay County -D F Pearson Nemaha County The platform indorses the Cincinnati and Omaha platforms demands the dis continuance of fusion an unredeemable dollar good for all debts issued direct to the people free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 initiative and referendum election of president vice president United States senators and federal judges by di rect vole of the people government own ership etc Burglary at Lyons Some time during the night some person or persons broke into the Lyons creamery building and stole ten tubs of high grade butter weighing 600 pounds valued at 5100 It is thought by those in charge of the creamery the theft was done by parties who have been camping near town with a covered rig for several days The descrip tion of this outfit has been sent to neigh boring towns with the expectation that they will be overhauled before getting away Public Ownership Favored A meeting of the Tekamah citizens was held to consider the question of an electric light plant whether the city should put in and operate its own plant or grant a fran chise to a private corporation It was the sentiment of all citizens that the city put in its own plant and operate the same in connection with the city water plant A committee was appointed to look into the financial part of the proposition Wife Demands Accounting Guy C Barnum awwealthy land owner of Columbus leased his land to his son George and later adjudged insane He went to California and married a young woman who now demands an accounting by the leasee George is alleging insanity and refusing to account to either Georges wife sides with the old man saying he is eccentric but not insane Nebraskas Big Corn Cropr The Elkhorn railway gives out an esti mate of 300000000 bushels of corn for the Nebraska crop this year as the result of the rains The same roaL also furnishes these figures for the last four years Yield in 1S99 224373000 bushels in 1898 it was 158754000 in 1897 241268000 and in 1S96 the banner year 298000000 Tramp Jeweler Makes a Raid A tramp working jeweler applied to Jeweler Kerkow of West Point for work and was given temporary employment The following day he abstracted tools old gold and jewelry to the value of 200 and made off with them He has not been captured though officers are on his trail Lightning Kills Farm Hand - Information has been received at St Paul that a young man working for Hans Hansen in the western part of the county was instantly killed by lightning during a recent storm Boy Drowned in Lake John Huffman aged 13 years was drowned in the lake at Gothenburg He is an epileptic and while baiting a line was taken with a paroxysm and fell into the lake Two Freight Cars Wrecked The wrecking crew was called into requisition at Greenwood to clean up the sidetrack which was strewn with the rem nants of two freight cars the result of a tail end collision between a freight and passenger train No one was injured Saloon Brwl May End Fatally William li Tripp - an old soldier and well known citizen of Beatrice was dan gerously if not fatally injured in a saloon in an altercation with Dick Despain a teamster for the Field Implement and Coal Company I LANG FINDS MORE TROUBLE 9 at Institute for Feeble feaco Isi Again Broken Affairs atithe institute for feebleminded youth which have lain dormant since the raid of the governors forces last month livened up a little on the 20th inst It ap pears according to the statement of Dr Lang that when Donahue the former en gineer was given his walking papers that he left the machinery in pretty bad shape generally and since his departure Dr Lang states that the tobl3 wrenches etc of which the state formerly had a full sup ply have been missing Dr Lang was informed so he states by one of the em ployes that a workman by the name of Richards who was employed on one ohe new buildings nowjbeing erected hadafiox ot tools wrenches etc belqngingto ttiq state concealed in his tool chest Shortly after Dr Lang discovered this the workman started for town with his be longings andhad proceeded quite a dis tance tiefarg Lang learned of his departure Ordenngfhis fasc dnving horse Dr Liangt accomyatfjed by an employe named Peter- ison at once started in pursuit and over- tnnlr Tinhnrfl nn Rnst ilnnrfc Street ill JBeatrice kig stoi5ped Richafds and de- niauueu iiiucuuiuru ov wiiuiovei aiuie property lie had in his possession to him instauter llichards was a little inclined to show fight but finally yielded to the persuasions of the doctor and agreed to turn over the tools jto Lang and said they had been given him by Engineer Donahue when he severed his connection with the institute to bring with hinvto Lincoln for Donahue NEBRASKA G A R REUNION Preparations Being Made for Meet ing at Lincoln In August The reunion committee of the Grand Array has begun active preparations for the next annual reunion of the Nebraska department which will be held on the old state fair grounds near Lincoln for one week beginning Monday Aug 81 Ac commodations and entertainment will be provided not onlv for members of the G A R but for soldiers who fought in the Spanish American war who will be given a good representation on the programme Monday morning the camp will be formally opened to the public under the direction of the G A R and local reunion committees and speeches of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Winhett Gov Poynter and members of the local com mittee On this day Department Com mander Reese will assume charge of the camp and will preside at all meetings on the following day The afternoon meeting on Monday will be held under the auspices of the women of the G A R On Tuesday there will be two general meetings and numerous campfires On Wednesday the W R C will have charge of the camp and will conduct all meetings Thursday will be known as Grand Army and Spanish American war day and Friday as Emanci pation day The reunion will close Satur day evening OMAHA MAN ELECTROCUTED Tempts Certain Death by Taking Hold of a Live Wire Impelled by a spirit of bravado and idle curiosity Charles L Johnson a laboring man residing in Omaha tempted certain death by grasping hold of a live electric wire and was killed instantly jEis death came a few moments after an imperious warning had been uttered By a man who knew the dangerous condition of the treacherous harmless looking wire and was attributable in no small degree to his own foolhardiness Depot Burned by Lightning The Thayer depot was struck by light ning and burned to the ground during the heavy storm W W McCants the agent who lives in the depot lost all his house hold goods His family was in the depot at the time it was struck but were not hurt JBlair in the Dark As -a result of disagreement as to price between the city council and the Blair electric light plant the city of Blair is in darkness so far as street lights are con cerned Fear He Has Been Killed Charles Lehmanu left his home in Omaha July 14 and has not returned since Mrs Lehmann has reported the matter to the police She doubts if she will ever see him alive Nebraslaa ShyjfNotes Threshing is in progress in- some parts of the state State Senator Giffert of Cuming County is at Cape Nome Alaska Work has commenced on the new Meth odist Church at Leigh An oldsetilers reunion and picnic will Be held inJFairmoujit Wednesday August 15 -Twenty-six head of fat cattle disap peared from the railroad stock yards at Bradshaw and no trace of them has been discovered The tennis players of North Platte are arranging for a tournament to be held incr the street fair in September Attract- ive prizes will be hung up and the entries will be open to all Robert Hill employed at theHome Res taurant at Columbus met with a painful accident He was filling the chamber of a gasoline lamp when a sudden gust of wind blew the flame from the generator and ig nited the gasoline The can which he held explodel and the blazing fluid was thrown over his face and arms He was severely burned During a thunderstorm lightning killed two cows for Joseph Forsythe living north of Pierce and knocked his herder a young boy named Albright off Ihe horse and splintered the saddle The boy and pony escaped without injury William Fuesz also lost two horses by lightning and C W Mingus one The Kimball County Stock Association is a thing of the past The secretary says that the members seemed to have lost in terest in the association and did not at tend its meetings and it was therefore deemed best to wind up the business of the organization The association has been paying a bounty of 5 for every gray wolf killed in the county or upon the range of any member of the association and this practice will of course be discontinued One field of winter wheat near Bell wood threshed out a trifle over forty bushels to the acre William Lyons son of J M Lyons the Trenton stockman met with a painful ac cident He was bringing some cattle from the pasture about one half mile west of town Wfien crossing the bridge his horse became tuncontroiable and jumped over falling about thirty feet Prof J A Beattie who will quit the State Normal school about August 1 will goro resion ure wnere ne nas Deen elected principal of the eastern Oregon Normal school CONGER HEARD EftOaf CHINESE MINISTER RECEIVES CIPHER MESSAGE Dispatch Beporta the Lecatlona Under Continued Fire from Chinese Troops and Says Only Qnick Relief vent a General Massacre MISSION BTJBNED AT PEKIN mr In British legation -under -continued Bhot and shell from Quick relief only can prevent general ere v This dispatch in cipherwas received by the State Department jn Wason through Chinese Minister Vni Friday morning It was dated July 11 Chinese calendar and showed that Minister Con ger was alive in Pekin on July IS The following is the statement issued by the State Department with regard to Congers cablegram On the 11th of this month the Secretary of State communi cated a brief message asking tidings of Minister Conger in the name of the State Department Mr Wu undertook to get this into Minister Congers hands if ile was alive He has succeeded in doing this Friday morning the Secretary of State 1 eceived this telegram from the consul general at Shanghai Your tele gram was forwarded as requested I send you the reply of the as follows Your telegram of the 15th day of this moon 11th of July received and the Secretary of States telegram has been handed to Minister Conger Herewith Minister Congers reply ro the Secretary of State which please for ward The following is Mr Congers reply In British legation under continued shot and sfiell from Chinese troops Quick re lief only can prevent general massacres This reply was in the State Depart ments hands and its contents were of course unknown to Minister Wu who took it there It was regarded by the State Department as genuine as forgery seemed under the circumstances impos sible TIEN TSIN IS TAKEN Chinese Routed After Three Days oi t Desperate Fighting v The powers are preparing to rpour troops into China From every capital comes the news that hosts are forming for a war of revenge Now of the nations is diverted -X rom Pe kin to Tientsin which according to re ports the allied forces had succeeded in taking Actual war upon China is on and it is feared that it will be a long and wasting war for the Chinese since their contest with Japan are well pre pared for hostilities The London Daily Mail gives the fol lowing dispatch from its Shanghai corre spondent The allied troops resumed the attack upon the Chinese walled city of Tientsin on the morning of July 14 and succeeded in breaching the walls and capturing all the forts The Chinese were completely routed and the allies look possession of the native city and its defenses The total losses of the allies in the engagements of Thursday Friday and Saturday were about 800 killed or wounded The casualties were greatest among the Russians and Japanese The cuns of the allies did immense damage to the native city causing many large conflagrations and finally silenced the majority of the enemys Then 4the 1500 Russians as sisted by small parties of Germans and French assaulted and captured ght guns that were in position on the rail way embankment and the fort the maga 1 zine of which the French subsequently blewJup A body of American British Japanese and Austrian troops then made a sortie and attacked the west arsenal which the Chinese had reoccupied After1 threeh6ursof the hardest fighting yet experienced the Chinese fled Admiral Remey cabled the navy de partment at Washington that the city and forts of Tientsin are in the hands of the allies His list of killed and wound ed is somewhat fuller than the first re port Total killed and wounded report ed 775 Russians and Japanese lost heavily Our total loss be says is 215 about 40 were marines but number be lieved to be exaggerated - According to a Shanghai dispatch 100 000 Chinese troops armed with Mauser rifles and mtkiern artillery are encamped at three points within forty miles of Shanghai ready to besiege the town ia the event of an attack by the Europeans Never since Xerxes time have the nations of the world gathered their varied armies together as is now the case at Tien Tsin TJnder the walls of that grim old Chinese town English and Ameri can French and German Japanese andJ Russian Austrian and Italian fought side by side hereditary enmities forgot ten vengeance in their hearts and the great worlds approval at their backs At Leipsid in 1813 Napoleon with his French and Polish troops faced Ger mans Austrians Russians and Swedes while at Waterloo the Corsican had to meet English Germans Belgians and Hollanders In the Crimean war Russia stood against English French Turkish and Italian armies but in none of these conflicts were so many or such heteroge neous forces brought together as in China yesterday The- battle of Tien Tsin might well be called the battle of the nations KILLED 50O CHINESE Report of a Deadly Repulse by the Allies on July 11 An official dispatch from Tieo Tsin dated July 11 said that the enemy that morning determinoaiy attacked the garri son at the railway station which was composed of 100 each of British Prench and Japanese sTbe Chinese were repuls ed after four hours hard fighting with a loss of 500 killed- The British casual ties were three killed and eight rounded The losseBof the French and Jnpanes were considerably heavier i