Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 26, 1900, Image 4

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Box Butte C
Brown 5
Cherry 8
Dawes 8
i --
mt n fr m ttmm kmmm
100 Per Year in Advance
Entered at J to e Fostrofflce at Valentine Cherry
eountv Nebraika as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
For President W J BRYAN
For Governor W A OYXTEH Boone
For Secretary or State C V SVOBODA How
ForTreasurer S H HOWARD Holt
For Commissioner of Public Lands and
J CAREY Saunders
For Superintendent of Fubllc Instnictlon C F
For Presidential Electors
FRANK T RANSOM Silver Republican
L N WEN TE Democrat Lancaster
JAMES HUGHES Democrat Colfax
JOHN H FELBER Populist Cedar
W G SWAN Populist Johnson
PETER EBBESON Populist Howard
For Member of Congress Sixth District
WM NEVILLE North Platte
County Ticket
For County Attorney A M MORRISSEY
For Commissioner of First District
W ii UAliEx
For Commissioner of Thjrd District
Call for Senatorial Convention
The Democratic electors of the Fourteenth
Senatorial District of Nebraska are hereby called
to meet in delegate convention in the village of
Valentine Nebr on the 4ih day of AugustliXX
at 10 oclock a m for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate lor theoflice f statu
senator for said district and for the transaction
of such other busiuess as may properly come
before the convention The basis of represen
tation will oe one delegate at large and one del
egate for each 100 votes or major fraction there
of cast for Hon Silas AHoleomb for supreme
judge at the general election of 1899 which gives
tne louowmg uycouuuea
KevaPaha 5
Rck 4
slirndan 9
Sioux 4
It is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that the delegates present cast the
full vote to which the delegation is entitled
Secretary Chairman
Call for Senatorial Convention
The electors of the Peoples Independent Par
ty of the Fourteenth Senatorial District of
Nebraska are hereby called to meet in delegate
convention at Valentine on the 4th day of Aug
U8t 1900 at 10 oclock a in for the purpose of
placing in nomination a candidate for the office
of state senator for said district and for the
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly come before the convention The several
counties will be entitled to representation as
follows One delegate atlarge from each coun
ty and one delegate for each 100 votes or major
traction thereofcast for Hon Silas A Holoomb
for supreme judge at the general election of
1899 which gives the following by counties
Box Butte C KeyaPahd 5
Brown 5 Rock 4
Cherry 8 Sheridan 9
Dawes 8 Sioux 4
It is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that the delegates present cast the
full vote to which the delegation is entitled
Secretary Chairman
When 0 H Dietrich thought he
could catch the German vote by going
around to see them and drink beer
with them he was mistaken It takes
something more than that to catch the
vote of a German Democrat and it is
an insult to him to cater for his vote in
any such manner or to think that the
Germans will vote for Dietrich because
he is Dutch If Dietrich wants the
German vote let him get on the right
A few shallow minded individuals
who boast of great knowledge and
brains would not vote their sentiments
because some one else whom they are
not in favor witlu votes it A man of
intellect will never come to the top
hobnailing after the Kepublican party
Nor will any fair minded citizen have
any confidence in a man who makes
a flimsy excuse for voting against his
political belief
There are some Eepublicrns who be
lieve that Bryan will not carry Penn
sylvania and Massachusetts But
when they say that he -wont carry as
many states as he did in 1896 they do
not count on Democracy being united
and complete fusion in states that have
been doubtful or close
Bepublidatt rule has been tried in
Nebraska and found fwanting Yes
wanting everything in sight
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied- by all whose stomach and
liver are out of order But such should
know that Dr Kings New Life Pills
give a splendid appetite sound diges
tion and a regular bodily habit that in
sures perfect health and great energy
Only 2oi Snttf flntbre 2
Thoughts on Feeding Dairy Covs
Special correspondence to Nebraska Farmer
by Hon John Armstrong proprietor of Spirit
Lake Stock Farm Desmet S D
The nutrients in the feeds we use are
divided into three groups The most
important and expensive of these is
protein This group furnishes the ma
terial for lean flesh skin blood mus
cle hair horns casine of milk etc
Carbohydrates is another group This
forms the largest part of all vegetable
foods such as sugar and starch Tins
group is either stored up as fat or used
to keep up the bodily heat and energy
And lastly fat which is also stored up
as fat or burned to keep up the body
heatjand supply energy It has been
demonstrated by the experiment sta
tions and careful feeders that a cow to
do her best requires about one pound
of protein to six pounds of carbohy
drates and fat This is called a balance
ration and a cow can use from two to
two and a half pounds of protein and
twelve to fourteen pounds of carbohy
drates and fat per day Now suppose
we feed a cow sixteen pounds of car
bohydrates and one pound of protein
per day what do we find Experi
ments have demonstrated that no cow
can givo a profitable yield on such a ra
tion for two reasons First the most
important nutrient protein is lacking
and secondthere is more carbohydrates
than the cow can utilize Now as it
takes food to furnish energy to digest
food is it not bad practice to say the
least to put this extra work on the
cow not to speak of blocking up the
digestive track with nutriment she can
not use I venture tosay that at least
one third of the foods used in this state
is wasted because farmers do not study
this feediug question Well I hear
some one say this is all bosh this is
book farming But experiments show
that this idea is correct A man to
succeed in any business nowadays must
be a specialist Now suppose one of
your family is sick Do you consult a
lawyer V Or if you have a lawsuit do
you consult a doctor I guess no
Then why not take heed of what our
agricultural press and experiment sta
tions are teaching us on this feeding
Now suppose I were to call at your
farm and ask you what you were feed
ing your cows and you say corn oats
or barley as the case may be and I
then ask you why you feed any of those
grains is there one farmer in ten can
give an intelligent answer I think
not Now is this not criminal neglect
of your business I tell you friend it
is No other business would stand
those conditions but farming but I
want to tell you that even on the farm
competition is getting so strong that it
is only he who gives the feeding prob
lem some thought and study that can
keep up with the procession I haye
been just where you are now and I ask
you to take up this matter with me
and see it in the light that I do I feel
proud that 1 can take a cow that has
been yielding 123 pounds of butter a
year and by careful scientific feeding
and reduced cost increase that yield to
300 pounds a year Surely this is
worthy of any ambitious mans earnest
We are all anxious to get all the
profit we can out of our cows then
why not go at dairying in a business
way whichis first to get the rjght kind
of cow then feed her on the right kind
of feed
Now let me put this in another way
If I were to call on you and say to you
I have here two cows They gave me
last year 125 pounds of butter They
are average cows Under slipshod
methods of feeding you can keep them
for 25 each a year You wont be
much out the butter will average 15
cents per pound which will amount to
18 75 What would you think of the
proposition I know you would feel
like setting the dog on me and driving
me off the farm
Now I want you to look to it that
you are not like the young couple that
went to meeting in the same fix
These young people went to meeting
After awhile there was a collection ta
ken up After the young man had
searched all his pockets he whispered
to his sweetheart I have not got a
cent I have changed my pants The
young lady blushed and commenced to
examine her pockets Arter a fruitless
search she whispered to the embarras
sed young man I am in the srame fix
Are you sure you are not keeping cows
at a loss There is only one v way to
tell use the scales pencil and Babcock
It is said that the man who can make
two blades of grass grow where only
one grew before is a public benefactor
This applies equally to the dairyman
that can get a yield of two pounds of
butter from a cow that only yielded one
before Surely you will take this mat
ter up with me and become a benefac
tor in your vicinity
I will endeavor in my next letter to
put this feeding question so plainly
that all can understand it
Dont let your insurance expire
Call on I M Kice to write it up in
the best state company and1 at lowest
There is only one hour a week in
which to sow in the minds of the chil
dren the seeds of truth that are to
spring up and grow during a lifetime
Any farmer will tell you that a large
amount of planting can be done in an
hour if the soil is prepared and the
seed ready
Let us term the child ren as the soil
and the lessons that we as teachers
try to impress upon their young hearts
and minds the seed whether it be new
and fresh or old and stale
We all know of children who will
tell of some incident in their past life
that was of such a character as to im
press itself upon their minds so as to be
impossible to erase it also some in
teresting story or book which they had
heard read
Thus we see that the memoiy in
children is open to impressions How
important then that we store it with
that which will be useful in after life
While we struggle along trying to do
our duty toward these little ones let us
not forget that we are helping them to
lay the toundation for a life of useful
Borne was not built in a day Char
acter building is the work of years So
in our Junior League work it is better
to begin as we can hold out building
slowly and steadity giving them the
best at every meeting
As to the best method of conducting
Junior League meetings 1 feel that
there are several methods from which
we can draw each week to suit the
needs of the Juniors To my mind a
change of diet is greatly appreciated
In every bill of fare we find a f sw ar
ticles of food that are indispensable to
a good meal So in every program the
elements of prayer praise and Bible
teaching must be found Every part of
the service should be of vital interest
In the songs we must be careful to se
lect those which are full of life some
thing that our boys and girls can un
derstand Show them that we can
praise the Lord in song as -well as in
prayer Be sure that everyone has a
book and has found the right hymn
Then begin If they do not know how
to keep time show them Let us do
whatever we do right and with our
A responsive scripture reading at the
opening of the service is enjoyed by
all especially if the story of Joseph
Moses Esther Job and others of equal
interest be taken up and a chapter
read at a time Have some one tell
what chapter was read the previous
Sunday and some of the main thoughts
and incidents contained therein Be
fore going any farther with this ser
vice have all participate in the knee
drill Either repeat the Lords Prayer
in concert or call for two or three of
the Juniors to lead or the superintend
ent may lead just as the occasion calls
forth Care should be taken that the
children do not irreverence the season
of prayer Also do not call upon some
one who is not spiritually inclined It
would be mockery to that one and
Roll call may be responded to with
a verse of scripture and if some are not
prepared the superintendent should
have slips of paper with a scripture
verse ready for them so that all may
be able to respond alike
A memory drill may be used One
of the following can be taken up for a
few moments Books of the Bible Ten
Commandments The Temperance
Psalm 1st 23d or other psalms The
Ten Doctrines of Grace Beatitudes
etc A bit of church history can be
brought in proiitablyT for instance
Who founded our church When
was it founded Who was the first
bishop How many different confer
ences have we etc One of the Juniors
could be appointed to take particular
notice of the morning sermon What
was the text where found and the prin
cipal thought emphasized
We say that music reaches the heart
Dy me ear out wnat appears on a
blackboard reaches the understanding
and heart by the quicker and more di
rect channel the eye Eor with chil
dren more than any others seeing is
believing Therefore the blackboard
is a valuable aid in this gi eat work
Children all have their own ideas in
regard to pictures You have read of
the little boy who saw the picture of
Bunyans Pilgrim with his pack on his
back on the way to the Heavenly City
and who told his mother that the Pil
grim would be sure to get into heaven
because ho was carrying Gods wash
ing home He had ideas of his own
But we must get over the feeling that
only beautifully drawn pictures will be
wtfrthy Of usb in illustrating On the
board Sometimes a very rough draw
ing explains the thought we wishjto
bring out It is not merely for amue
aient or entertainment altho it does
amuse that we use the blackboard
But to hold the attention and impress
truths upon the mind that would other
wise vanish as soon as the service
Where the course of stud7 is carried
on some time must be devoted to that
Here also the blackboard is- a valuable
The Junior League topics may be
given five or ten minutes after which
the meeting is carried on in whatever
line of study is pursued
One of the Juniors should be ap
pointed to lead in the discussion of the
topic It teaches them to appear be
fore others in public as well as a drill
for the mind and heart
A solo by one of the Juniors or some
one outside of the League will be of in
terest If there is some one in your
town who has visited some places of in
terest a description of those places to
the League will be listened to with
pleasure or some one -whose descrip
tive ability is beyond the average for it
takes more than an ordinary talker to
interest our boys and girls may tell
about a book they huve read which
would be both entertaining and in
Then the stories of our beloved Ep
wqrth nerald are always of interest
Our boys and girls of all ages are ready
to listen to those There is always
some good lesson to be learned from
them I remember a short time ago
of reading a story to my class in Junior
League about Who Keeps the Eighth
commandment The grandma of the
family reminded each member of the
home of the number of times they
broke that commandment and how
The father stole from the Lord by tak
ing a part of Sunday to straighten his
books in place of attending worship
The son stole his mothers time when
he was late for breakfast and so delayed
her morning work The daughter stole
her mothers time and patience also by
leaving her clothing hats and gloves
strewn over the house and so on One
of my girls said to me the next Sun
day That story you read us did me
good I have been hanging up my
clothes this week so tired mamma
wouldnt have it to do and I wouldnt
be stealing her time This is only a
simple illustration but I thought how
often when we are not thinking do we
give them something to think about
whether it be along the right jline or
not v
Let us remember
Tis oursfr fashion the childrens
To kindle their thoughts and their
hopes unbind
To guide their young feet in their ear
liest flight
And lure them to worlds of unsullied
To teach them to sing in their gladsome
Of a Saviours love with an angels
Say boys say Generally speaking
health is good up to date
Mr Ingleson of Minneapolis Minn
was in these parts a few days ago buy
ing fat cattle Harry Childers drove
him out from Cody
Mr Bishop sold 28 head of cows
S L Goodin sold some cows at 30
per head and L D Rose sold some
steer stuff to Fred Nelson
George Seager says there is nothing
like havine an artist at hand Eail
Reed is coal tarring Georges sheds
Fred Nelson has commenced haying
Jim Hunt is helping him
Corn and potatoes are looking fine
in this corner Will soon have roast
ing ears
Lee Sellers went to Merriman after
feed and provisions the 18th
P is a much used letter these days
Porto Rico Philippines president
presidential platform population pos
tal policy protection aud various other
things that are tiresomely discussed
John Stora returned from Ashton
111 the 19th He reports crops of all
kinds looking good back there
Jack Cleveland passed through here
recently He says that from the Big
Horn Mountains to Chadron the range
is as bare of grass as the palm of your
hand with the exception of a few
James Ray is working for Fred Nel
John Seager was at home the 22d
Jas GBrooks was one of theseans
from Rushville the 23d
S J Goodin and W H Sellers met
in the road the other day One
thought he could out talk the other
but it wasdectfed a tie
Lulu Sellers Heath brothers and
Sellers brothers were guests at Gus
Gundersons on the 22d
A splendid rain on the 23d The
meadows will yield more hay than was
anticipated two weeks ago All kinds
9- t J - -- - -
of grass is still growing with two new
varieties in the sand hills
John Newell and John Nelson of
Cody were fishing in Weed Lake on
the 23d Guess-Who-I-Am
STRAYED From east of Gallop 5
miles one 12 year old chestuut sorrel
mare branded I R on left shoulder
weight 800 pounds one iron gray mare
8 years old branded on right
shoulder weight 1150 pounds Liberal
reward for recovery W II Sellers
or Gean Moosman Gallop Nebr
Cuts and bruises are healed by Cham
berlains Pain Balm in about one third
tlie time any other treatment wouldcre
quire because of its antiseptic qualities
which cause the parts to heal without
maturation For sale by Quigley
Chapman druggists 2
Superintendent of a
- Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
Ny iiJ
lU i
Speaking About Eyes
- Tw
fm -
M - X
T t jS II I I
DONT FOOL away your money going
to a Specialist wLo is generally a fraud
for ordinary trouble with your Eyes Get
your eyes fitted Ly a man with experi
ence who knows exactly how to lit you
O W MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If you need
a specialist he will tell you so
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at Quigleys Drug Store
Nights-Upstairs-Red Front
Valentine House
Recently opened and newly furnished
Not a restaurant but a hotel
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons
First Door South of Bank of Valentine
Valentine Nebraska
Practices in District Court and U S Land
Office Real Estate and Kanch Property
bought and sold Bonded Abstracter
With a nice se
lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds
ol Repairing and Engraving done prompt
ly and warranted
o tr o
Taken Up
About 6 miles north of Wood Lake
1 bay mare branded HD on left
shoulder 1 sorrel mare no brands
and 1 iron gray colt mare branded
O on right hind leg F WELKE
June 2 1900 20
ywv srrt
W E Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
Range In Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts 6 miles
south of Kilgore
N S Eowley
Same as cut on lefti
side and hin and on
left shoulder of hor
ses AlsoggM on
left side ffflnl an
S on right hip and
F on left side
7 Si
JL c If
q on left hip of horses
p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses
q on left hip of horses
Marquardt Bowlus
OttoStiiubk Manager
ivrprrlman Neb
1 OM J
Cattle brand OM on
left shoulder Some
of cattle have various
older brands o o on
left hip Horse brad
a nn fpff qlimildei
Range Formerly
Geo W aronnier
iranch 5 miles east or
lilerrimanirom FE
M V R H south to Leander Creek Mar
quardt Bowlus ScribnftrNobraska
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S D
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
Prideaux Sanford
Valentine Nebr
State Brand reg
istered 5TA
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip
Range 2 miles
east of Ft Nio
D Stinard
n scrroxTZ
P j
John DeCory
f JXD j
PostofDce address
Kennedy Neb
Stock branded on
left side
Horses branded
on left shoulder
Poitoihce address
McCann Neb
Stock branded as on
Range North and
south of Georgia
Postofflce address
Rosebud sD
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut
on left thigh
Rrnge on
Rock Creek
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Charles O Tackett
Rosebud 3 D
Range head of An
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud s D
Left side Left ear
orses branded
Range Little White
River at mouth of
Uedar Creek
ostofflce address
Gregory Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
aorth of Gregory
J5 J A
Postofflce address
Gregory Neb
Onleftsideor hip
horses same on left
Range Arkansa
Valley and Snakr
P A Cooper
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded on
left hip horses the
Range 2n Dry Val
Cattle branded
same as cut on
leftside Horses
same on left
A Also on
J f left side
1 -a i