Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 26, 1900, Image 3
1 1 i M 1 it i i 1MS h r - Shopping In Scotland The Scotch have their own idea of a bargain day auC their view Is nol without a touch of shrewdness A Lon don paper describes a conversation be tween an English matron and Mr Angus Mclver I suppose Mr Mclver said she that they have bargain days in Glas gow Ma conscience no It wad na do aval Indeed replied the lady Why I thought bargain days would just stfft your people WeelJ saube thats just it rt wad suit them over weel If they hasd bargain days naebody wad buy any thing on the ither days ye ken To Spare Ker Pain Some of the things one would rathei aave left unsaid are really inspired by kindness of heart In a case of slan 3er says the Geen Bag a lady had taken the stand in behalf of the plain tiff whose attorney was examining her Now madam he began repeat the slanderous statements made by the ieffendant on this occasion Oh they are unfit for any respect- able person to hoar was the emphatic answer gfitum said the attorney coaxingly T imose you just whisper them to the fudge Binoclos Jt Banquets The Prince of Wales inaugurated a custom at a recent banquet which may become popular at large public dinners where the guests are so numerous and so far apart that they can scarcely recognize each other With his coffee and cigars the Prinzes special attend ant brought him a huge pair of field glasses with which he carefully scru tinized the long table and the galaxy of bejeweled women who filled the bal conies Megaphones will be next in order New York Home Journal On Different Groaad a The term help meaning household or outside assistants engaged for short periods occurs in the Massachusetts records of 1645 where help and ser vants are treated as separate the lat ter being inferior A servant in those days was not sui juris help stood on different ground and the dis tinction is still felt however faintly Help meant a free person servant did not Be9t Sallinc Book The Bible was the best selling book of the past year The American Bible Society put out 140GS01 copies OVABIAS TROUBLES Xij dlaE Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Cures Them Two Xetiarz from Women Dear Mbs Pinkham 1 write to tell you of the good Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound has done me I -was sick in bed about five weeks The rrgrht side of my abdomen pained me and was so swollen and sore that I could not walk The -doctor told my hus band I would have to undergo an operation This I refused to do until I liad given your medicine a trial Be fore I had taken one botle the swelling be gan bo disap pear I con tinued to use iJ your medicine until the swelling was entirely gone When the doctor came he was very much surprised to see me so much A3B53a n hu ITuiTvsaB 4flMRni I 7 bettor Mbs Mapy Smith Arlington Iowa Bejlr Mbs Ptskham I was sick fee two years with falling of the womb and inflammation of the ovaries andbladder I was bloated very badly My left limb would swell so I could not step on my foot I had such bearing down pains 1 could not straighten up or walk across the room and sueh shootingpains would go through me that I thought I could not stand it My mother got me a bottle of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound and told me to try it I took sis bottles and now thanks to your won derful medicine I am a well woman Mb Elsie Bbtjct Otisville Mich Hll Double Daily Service yew line via Coun cil Bluffs Fort DodseWaterloo Dubuque anil Eockford Buf ftif cars sleeping ears free roclinlnp chair cars dining cars Send to the undersigned for a free cony of Wcturaa ojw Notes En Rouio illustrat ing this new line as seen from the car window Tickets of agents of I C It It and connecting Uls A IL JIAXSOX G P A Chicago The University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME INDIANA Classics Letters Economics and History Journalism Art Science Pharmacy Law Civil Mechanical and Electrical Engineering ArchrKcture Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses Kcclesiiw iwjI students at special rates Rooms Free Junior or Senior Year Colegiate Courses Rooms to Rent moderate charge St Edwards Hall for boys under 13 The 57th Year will open Sipttmber 4th 1900 Catalogues Free Address REV A MORRISSEY C S C President iteSlnyFStJ Vasliiston DC Successfully Prosecutes Claims I Late Principal Ssomlnor U S Pension Bureau 2 yrstu civil war JSatUudicauazciiUiusattjvslnco DISCOVERY gives DDAPQV1 relief tcmres wore neea Book of testimonials and 1 0 MAYS treotmen VltEE ltr U II tieccas Son SJox 6 Atlnta Ga S C N U No 30 1900 1 CURES WHfcHE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use In time Sold by druzRists A gjsWZTBMFTTaCtJ MXf MIUiillytlJBllMMiL1 Wl IJMWiMU Mi HUklLi J OLDEST LABOR UNION Chicago Typographical Union No 10 Beaching Its Half Century Mark The oldest labor body In Chicago s Typographical Union No 1G It is now reaching Its half oentury mark and never was more prosperous than at present The union has esrtabBsbed -the nine hour day wfth the rate focroerly prevailing for 10 hones Disputes the past year have been inf rocpueirfc and- of little consequence while employment of thfr members has been the best stoee the introthiction of the linotypes The new President of the union is Michael Colbert He is a native ot the Empire State first engaging In printing hi Oswego in 1970 In 1SS0 Mr Colbert MICHAEL COLBERT I Joined Chicago Typographical Union and has performed many substantial services for the organization in that time representing the union at the Kansas City convention of the Interna tional Union in 1SSS where his ability was recojgnlzed by his f elkw delegates 3Ir Colbert has hd a unique experi ence in running for office close votes being a feature of his canvasses Ir ISS4 he was defeated for Vice Presi dent by two votes In 1SQ4 for delegate by four votes while last year he lost the Pfcqsidfency by a margin of but one vote Mr Golbert is a member of sev eral fraternal societies and has filled many stations of responsibility in them He is recognized as a sincere and con scientious worker in the cause of unionism HE GOT A LESSON IN SPANISH Chicago Stiaient Who Has Mastered the Mystery of the J One of the students of the University of Chicago went to a restaurant on Jackson street a few days ago with two frfends who had fought with the First Regiment at Santiago Natural ly they talked ofi the war and although the student showed considerable knowledge of the campaign his pro nunciation of Spanish proper names was bad Invariably he gave the Span ish J Its English sound His companions who were better posted on the Castilian tongue stood it as long as they could and finally one of them said See here if you want to talk war with us you must pronounce those Spanish words as they should -be Say SanHuan and Mou teho and remember that Hunta is proper Dont give the words the J sound There is no J Its pronounced TEP always Oh is it returned the student with a sneer of sarcasm for he was get ting angry Then I suppose your name is Hohn not John as it used to be before you went to Cuba and perhaps you want me to tell you that this res taurant is on Hackson street The derisive laugh that followed so angered the student that he leaped to his feet I want you to understand he shout ed that I am a hentleman Hump onto me you hackasses and Ill show you this is no hoklng matter By the humping Herusalem you havent any more sense than a hackratflait If you insinuate that Im a country hake Ill oreak your haw By Hlmlny Im ing And the indignant student put on his hat and stalked out Chicago Inter Ocean VbJit au fineiish Soldier Goat Small as the British army Is it costs more than the much larger one of Aus tria for the British war budget for 1S09 amounts to 20000000 the Aus trian to 10200000 Compared with thosa of other countries It will be found that the British army is by far the most expenslre Cost of malutHlnlng per man s d Russia 4S J 0 Germany 54 3 0 Prance 45 G 0 Austria 43 0 0 Italy 41 S 0 England - 77 0 0 These figures show that he individ ual British soldier costs twice as much as the Italian or Austrian London Botnrghtly Review Tbe Jeerimr World Look ever upward proudly pro claimed the banner of our class Rubber shouted the jeering world whichvhad met a few new made alumni few times previously Indianapolis Press Intel licence of Animals A German naturalist has collected evidence that monkeys dogs cats birds and other animals recognize themselves or other animals- in mirrors and pictures A man who works hard all day pays a great deal of attention to what he will have to eat at night He hasnt had his appetite spoiled by any pink teas or luncheons KMOWM BY THEIR WNES A Boss Caa penters Queer TVay of a lecting Hie Workmen Talking about the queer ways sonw people have of sizing up a manu capa bilities for a job said a resident ol JPaterson X J to a Washington Stei feporter the other day these recen iy died In my town a boss carpentas named Hebnrt who had one Question which he always asked of journeymen who applied to him for employment If the applicant was found to possess all the other necessary qualifications Hebart would ask What are your favorite tunesw Why what do you want to knou thaf forr lou whistle and sing some at jjoui work dont you HrU rrrc JU J CO No 28 TRIPLICATE 55IRROR I M rl kI CTt iwu1 v4 i Li V I2rw4 spmely tocr sd and bound with nlckja covers lenjrth when opeond is 11 inches uaeful and ornamental at the same ttaie Scat post pals on receipt of a2c pottAge stamp and 33 Juejjr cut from the face of XXX coffee wrapperk b No 29 Dcvray Cocabtnatton Set For bctb kadlcs aod gentlcnec eoo tlstlng of a pair c liandsomtly chs ard and engtnved new style link cuff buttons ttree ensraved beauty pins forsblrt waist tone set of four collar buttons cojpsbitlog of one ball top button for tbe front nexk tle bolder for the back and two lever bottotw for tbe sleeves also a pair or plain ruff buttons for muDd cuffs Warranted foroueycar bent pust paldun receipt Oiazc postage sump ana -a uru cut from toe face of XXXX coffee wrappers Ko3a Tourists Folding Curling Irons T Tii22Z Tae most perfect folding curler made tbe Joints are fitted with springs which aecnrelbold the handles In various r uioasc simple auranie ana penect osrafloii Nlikle ulnted antloae oak handles esDerlally adapted for beating over lamps gas etc bent post paid on receipt 01 a pottage stamp ca 10 neu cut irorn me lace Of JkAA cocw wrapper itiin - Well what tunes do you generally wnistle or sing Oh theres Old HunGred and Anld tang Syne and Down by the Weeping Willows and Thats enough the boss would ex claim You wont do for me These tunes are too slow for me Good day On the contrary if the applicant an swered Oh I generally whistle Yan kee Doodle or The Fishers Hornpipe or something of that sort the carpen ter would say at once I think youll do Tafco off you coat if you want to and go to work 100 Wheat Make your fortune speculating quickly tvith small capital Book free funy ex plaiuing E G Gunsolus Co 15 Board of Trade Court Rialto BldgChicago A Modern Exampla Nodd I wonder if miracles will evear happen again Todd One happened at my bouse only the other day A thunderbolt struck within a few feet of my wife and she was speechless for thirty min utes v This razor wo know from tht most practical excer icjice to be the bttt Red th t qUowlng Tblj U q crtlfy tliat I hT uod tds two Yawrs offered by MeLaWChlla tCou preaitsDi m ttiavo my beitcuwottioM with thtm nd I tunnM ibeaa to ha arit cIiM raxon and fikr suirir to tb mow given tj pwmlusw by other psckiwcofrje house Barbrr SVrpin Bous Chleaja ACMrtaltoby t wjia Vak klt Xotvy Public for Ctok Ctnnij Deo 12 1S33 9tte o IMUcU A rator po pll o rclp of fc pcxasg f tarns od 39 eu from the ttc ot XXXX coffse wrapaart No 2 BJUTCKERS KNIFE Very useful for kltcb8 BW of tbe bart qcallty fuel rouwood Uatdla list poE pald on reoelptof aac itpp rnd o Ucla cmt from t face Of XXXX coe wrppr No 3 CARVING SFT EsHe aod fork f eaulDe ota bxndtofr lenztii cf blade eight lnchs mde of crucible ateV Sar post paid on receipt of a 3cjte itxup tad o MeLs cut from tbe fce of XXXX Tot wrtpperi No 4 BREAD KNIFE Voziot be without our eeobliiitioii bread Itrteiwrt uw SuttAble for sliclsx bred cutting mU nd ham Tbe bAck can be ced ftriAwlcjc the bone Blade Is 9 loche Ions made of crucible Meel Seot post paid od receipt of ale Dottrupand 14 ojaeLa cut from tht face of XXXX coffee wrappers No 5 CkxM Kcx aad Poak Set Three bascUome places of artistic workmanship Handles are embossed perfect Id nrj respect asd packed id faccy lined box Seat vot pald on receipt of a Se ttmp and is SlelJi cot Iroin tbe face of XXXX coffee wrappers No 31 LADYAPRON flSgBTiA U11 JM Matte of Has nuality of white lawn wit videetnngs and- fancy lawn icaertlos slzMx3alDCnv nentpent Pld on receipt Of a Jepott age stamp and a cut from tbe facoof XXXX coffee wrappers No 32 CCSETS ill Extra troe Vjog Jean I mu Ul int3 vry mrsi matcnnl and modeled after the very latest patterns Colore white gr ey and black blses 13 to 00 Inches waist measure I o ordering be sure to mention tlze and cokir Sent post paid on re ceipt of a 2c ptitaae stamp acti 1 OO Jlcte cut from the fare of XXXX coffee wrajipers No 33 Gcatkmen Handhcfchkfs Four bem stTxbcd -with colored horters Blxe 1SH 18H Sect post paid on re ceipt of a 2c stamp and to ttcl cut from the face of XJULX coffse wnyjpcrs No 34 PIPE VBSi Genuine FrencTi briar large size bull dcg shape with raicanito posh ssifta This stem has a double draft which dtrldoa the smoke and ccole it cannot possibly bora the tongus Sent pusvpaldon rocelptof a 2c poster stamp and do Mcts cut from the face of XXXX coffee trracpon No 35 Ladk Hscdksfchkfs Stx haadhectiilaS tritb colorrd burdew Sbt U tl3 inLbcs ent pcevtuki on recel pt o a ic potteae etarap and wO cat fcxn the face of XXXX coffee wrappers No36 Ladys Bwrch The Vatest Parisian and Clutter Hrooch set wKh a very pretty colored centor Slooe v rrouodtd by iar IstandUmonds very baod bomeaodbrllllaDt tbe very best quality of rolled plate beat post paid on oelpt of a 2c poMcge Ftmp and 1 8 cut from tire face of XXXX coffee wrappers L ATlTM No 37 POTTS Fanry dressed dolls with mov able arms xnd less bent post paid en receiwt of a Be postage stamp and SO cot envoj ic imjctzvi wrappers No 33 PAPER DOLLS These dolls are by far the best ever gotten eat and comprise eight dolls to the set A set of these deils could not be bought for less than 75c Tceyare In two sets A and B wlren order ing be sure to stato which set you want bent on receipt of a2c postage stamp and 10 cut from toe face of XXXX csffca wrapper 9 i BEST FOR THE BOWELS 20 matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get well until your bowels are put right CASCARETS bel nature cure you without a gripe or pain produce easy natural movements oost you juKt 10 cants to sart gvtting your heelth back CASCARETS Candy Cjv tbartie the genuine putf up m metal boxen every tablrt ha C CC stamped on it Beware of imitations Wtutt a Brocfe Wttl Aksorb An ordinary brick will absosb toen ounces of water Do Towr Fee Ache and Bora Shabe into your shoes Altons Foo Ease a powder for the feet It makes tight or new shoe feel easy Coses Corna Bunioos Swollen Hot and Sweat ing Foet At all druggists niad shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen 8 01mstd LeRoy N Y The companions a foolish man keeps are usually too conceited to ompae him to tbemsrfrFe Wd Too Ever Rtm Across an ota letter Ink all faded out Cotrfdnn have been Carters Inb for It doesnt facie You will never be abJe to mount the pinacle of fame rf you spend your time pushing others off Halls Gofterrh Cue Is a constftutional cure Priee 5 oents A woman will never be as happy again as wbn she is a brid until she becomefl a grandmother I do not believe Pieos Cure for Ura sumption has an equal for coughs and CGlds rJoin F Bpyer Trinity Springs Ind Feb 15 1900 Our own heart and not other mens opinion forms our true honor Cole ridge Itlrn Windows BooTHratJ pnep lor UUktvi teething sottus tbe jjmng radioes inUmmatioc sllars caio cures wind oolic 23 oia a bottle The distance from Bombay to Wash ington is 8548 miles MCLMJGHLIN No 6 SPOONS Tbeee are bandtosie tesspocDa oraasLeated with a double da slzs enbeewed haodlee aod rasdo of fintt claai material Ccna elz In a package Sent poat paid on receipt of a 3c potKuc itima a4 0 JcL cut froto the face of XXXX com wrappers N 7 HOUSE SCALE Vnthssooo A tno pracil scaK for all purposes hand somely enameled aad striped Weighs SI lbs by ccs Occupies but little space and can be reg elated by turning the bme screw on top Seat by express charges prepaid oa Kcelprof 3c postage stamp od 2e McL cut from tbe Sace of XXXX coee wrappers Wbea ordering be sure to glre your nearest express o9ce as well as your post oface No3 HAIRCLIPPER 7 Y Foil nickle plaa cns ft of aalccb concealed sprtn two Xxtra sprlmrs with eb clfpcr bent put paid on receipt Of a 2c postage stamp and ica Mote cut from tbe face Of XXXX coffee wrappers No 9 LADVS PEN KNIFE Two Wdef made of fioo ctael faficy ycarl bndle hijhlj pol ished GcDt postpaJd oa receipt of a fc poatej eiasip aad s et cut Iom tne toco of XXXX ooffes wrappers No iO Kn Made of Ip qoalMy esel stag v ebcoy handle ateei lloed blghly noUataed small pen sad large epear bldo beat poevpaid on Mertpt ox a 3c pcMut etapp had sS cut fiom tbe Soj of XXXX coSee wroppsre No If JJCK KNIFE Ebony or rosewood haodto steel lined hJhly nolittod pen asu spear oiaac icei paid on receipt of a Kb oaetasn 8 XfeLa out frum f aeerf XXXX coffeo wjappsia NoJ9 BANDRIM3 r m This is a bandsacne hand cfaased and raieed void wedding rtcg of very pretty and unique pauern cannot be told tiom solid gold will stand thorough aad te9t U made on the suae pxlacl pie as the Boss filled wtitch case ana is warractfd for five rv Measure your size on tbe rlcg eoale e ant post paid on receipt of ate poetatre stamp and 18 Jfiol cut ftsm the ace of XXXX coffttt wrappers mwm wwmmMWmWBM t - n it t - - r r 6RTJT - - v mm A Foctks Han2ma In bs recently published Recollec tions Sir Algernon West tells a story of Harweod the executioner who pre ceded BJllinton which will bear re telling One of the officials at the co lonial ofiVft hod occasidn to consult Marweod as to the most rapid way of putting a man out of existence Mar wood expressed himself in favor of what be professionally called tbe long drop aad drove home bis argument by remarking MThee was a Mr Peace now a small man I gave him a sis fool drop and I Iumsubo you sir he passed hoff lihe a summer heve Colliers Weekly W1 WITH No 12 PARING KNIVES One eccjptete ter eoteiliw of three different parlns knives bsi QneJltyeteel blade csaiaeied aandle no better partus kclfc made Soot post paid op receipt cf a fie pctae stamp and 33 MlcLo cut from tbe face of yvtc ooJfe wreppers No 13 EKERY KNIFE SHARFENER ilas stl cuard acd woooen baodle emery fil fastoaed wrth wel ri ruonins full lCBb of f sharpooer Eeotpatt paid on receipt of a Ec postaffo stamD and 20 n fl jP No IS SOSS0KS Six Inches lone made of tso quality steel evenly uxspered and will give tbe beet of aatisf ac tion bent post paid on receipt of a 2c postage stamp utd is aide cut from the lace of XXXX ooffee wrapptp ir f Rffl This is aboolntefy aad positively the la VHCJ98 VHISUL Jar collection of twansy frre pieces of i only t7 special arran53ant end mitm BSSWg ng extra tne ttortss in solkl attkfe ertver e pya utne ActrlctD ctrnaiat Bahuxed ItweiedhairisoBe poreeMInlal jtcm wind and swa t will lact a lKe tme and csaraptred to keep cormct time This weach U mapcftrtard and fjiu teed by ose of tbe largest watch nitoris In tlx United Slates TbtSTeechisUrsu pertir in every respect to watcbesoferedas premiums by other package coffre hoates Sent post paid on re ceipt of a 3c postace stamp RDd coo cut from the face of XXXX co3ee wrappers No 26 Aguisa T2Ue Jtei Tbeje can esso be need forpinow covers Tftey are nnax witn eon un eel are made inwery riiretty be ftn MslcDS aad will racmiit to air todys worJor Mae MotH tnclies Sent post paid On aetelptof a 2c pctt nce stamp md 35 xleCa cut frocf tbe fcee f XXXX coffee wrapper So 63 VtKXrfA8LE QLtCZtt TBbejSbfcBMyWKyi s e 1 ilrVpJt For tllcina apples pears bananas potatoes beets cueumbers turnips radithes cabbajrev etc Various novel and re produeed perfor ated ilctlDss plalo fiutfees Barawza chfpc shoe rtrloftetc Pnslttvely no waste anybody can sse It Bent post paid on recefpt of a 2c stamp and so cut from tbe Uca cf XXXX cpSce wrapper Ho 27 ALGERIAN McXa cut from the fcico of XXXX eoStee wrappers No 14 SHEARS Eight inches Ion rwtdo of hne quality steel erenly tempered and will give the best of raUsfactloa as a cutter Seat post paid on receipt of a 2c posurjo cut from tba faoo cf XXXX ooffea No J6 HARKONICA Here is something that will please theyoac as well as lb old folks A beautiful siver reed harp contain ing tuiriy two boles nlcklc covers if DrouerTv Dlavpd will sound llkn a church orcan Sent posvpakl on receipt of a 2c postage stamp asd 4 UBJ cut from the face of XXXji coffee wrappers t TCis suril glovo ring i now all the rage Set with igeaatae Paris ian diamond This stone Is an ex cellent Imitation of the genuine diamond and It brilliancy cannot be eualld by acytbfnz but the genuine diamond sittings are 1 1K Fold and waraostcd for 2 yeare wear Mcaaire yer Ue on Tta2 scale Seat post paid on rocept or a Zc ncfcUo stemp and S3 cut from the faae k XXXX coJ feetrrappers latest best and oost pop- E3U31C ever oaereci asa purchases of imsieaes qtustitus that we can give our friends the privilege of seiect isg frota this strocjj sad stttsctive hat Sent post paid on rocefpt of i 2c postage stasrp csd o ascu cat irasi use toes w jaj ouuwe vnjns 39 40 By Cos BMb iJj - mmnr 41 Vy Gal Xife Ztorn loritj wwei uu iri 43 illlUrJcluiMi Hem 1 44 AU Coon loek Alias in U 43 1 Love Too In Oa Eeme OU V7y 4SIVKdan 4TJoknayayOiaitndJtlra 13 NM12 os torn UftKl tkn Zemt PKwS GOLD 7AC3ED CLGCK Ilelzbt 6 tactics finely finished In Freocb satin sold ptaiio has a Sim AOerVstn oorenot eonstrncted list a wtcb and pieranteed to be a good Ume keeper S5ent poet paid 00 receipt of a 2c postage stamp and lis 31c cut from tbe face uf XXXX coffee wrappers 60 TV Pietare Ttrat la Turned award the Wall X ler JCyw IXuit Shtc Zibo Ittopct JlBy Yoe STTlLBdT Love ak Jeet ae th nn west Sown Tkkak Once Son Befaae Xfit lsMa7 Trireda SO cli tKAmj tk UU Stolte Uece AaUa No 6 GENTLEHANS 9TATCH AT Mainmy17acamyCoaaeTie3 Me that Von Love 5S Mammys LUUe lKprfa CelOTeU Caccs JT Durktot7n Is outTo SIzkt eaVbcn Voa elat ct toXtMr You Neednt Cocie ArwxL etlThos at Bey Cbietaea to 11 Crowd 03 Ktraey that I lve Bo Weli C3 Zluy ZI Zom Zeis 04 loa Oot To Play liAtooa Nc 7 PATRIOnC ALARM OJOCK Q XickJe plated ruas tblrt7 bours with one wlcdlns be tlful lithographed dial lilae tratlcz JIcKlnlpy Dewey asd all the heroes of tbe late war Made by one of the lartt fac tories in the Inltrd fcutes aad cuaranteed to keep zood ttee Sent post paid on receipt of aSc pMiare stampand 100 iloL cut from the face of XXXX coffee wrappers 7ABLE SPREAD rMKSJTWJjVy1V ZZ This spread is simple acd artistic and is made try tba stufod workmen of Alseria They cose In very pretty desiges and are inlaid with sold tinsels These roods were first Introduced at the Worlds Fair and Hare been the race ever since fabulous prices Size tOxO Inches Sent post paid 03 receiptor a2cpont re stampand lSOXtierf cat tfos tie toes of XXXX caSw vnpgeok No no NECKTIES f if Er atufjij erery sv likes In the Iztest stTiUte curaj and made o trx b tilU srrsw Herd aMrt H colcrs coma In tbe f3loirtDZ teck sirlox ta aad bow tlx 1V sure to irn tlos wMchdeizaysu wait rent pu 5aid on recJp of a 2r pclfC ifcrap and Ob 3IcL cot from tie faoebf XXXX coffeo wrappers No IU Z3P3cyrfp Cawss XpC of fine linen sfoclt hlbry ixmeledand Sie 2 S lRxl 15 19 iscbes TUy are peculiarly adapted to fatnre or any zacie where tbe space within whKb to clay is limited and on ike otter haad are lare enouh to be used for any Cam at hsmc bent post paid on receipt of a 2c post are stamp add 93 31cLe cut foo tbe tce of XXXX ccre tJKppars No 112 Scientific DiacQ4Box Kite Modalcd after the Bar Bre type Tbe cicst suc isseftil ity of klw Csed by tbe United Sises Oor eramont la measuring cocena at fctjtfi eltratlcas Files bbrherthan any other fate IKreetloas enclosed wth each kite Sent post paid 00 receipt of a 3c poxt acu stamp and 40 cut from tRaficB cf ITT coffee trrajjxK ifSPHm - Why It Was Brare We read in the Book of Proverbs A soft answer turneth away wrath It is also true that a witty reply often takes the edge from an unwelcome crit clam as in tbe following instance from the Chicago Post A friendly magazine editor was talk ing rn pleasant but critical mood to a xmtrtbutor He said Ft seems to me you use a faulty figure of speech when rou eay a brave old hearthstone How an a hearthstone be brave Well sir said the contributor the Dne I am writing about has been under are for nealy forty years without flinching Constipation You cannot possibly enjoy good health un less you have at least one free movement of the bowels each day When this is not the case the poisonous products are absorbed in to the system causing headache biliousness nausea vomiting dyspepsia indigestion Ayers Pills are a gentle laxative suitable for any and every member of the family One pill at bed time will produce one good natural movement the day following 25 cents a box All druggists Ayert Pills have done me and my family great good They are like a true friend in trouble There is nothing equal to them for sjck hadache and biliousness 3w Julia Brown St Louis jgp Dae 5 1899 Compktc premium Kst and instructions in every pacKagc McLausjhtfns XXXX Cee is wwih 5 cents per pound more than any other packaged coffee and costs tto more It is always uniform Try this Ccfe and you will never use any other Mcisughfas XXXX Coffee sold only in I Ik seated packages No I RAZOR W F MCLAUGHLIN CO Chicago No J7 FEATHER BOA w Tbeee egut Tjoj a JPat Thafery lady needs They are aow tbe ra la Paris and Sew VCTk Made ef tbe flee feathCM Sent poet pekl on re ceipt of 9c gca4e yamp and 40 cut trjm tfo fact of yvr coZee wrappers No 18 Lcda Belt Becklc Soluble for saeh or belt of filigree worts cluster center richly enameled In colors on gold Sent post paid on receipt of a 3c postage stamp and so cut from the faea of XXXX coffee wrappers Ka 20 Pain IXzxvnvi EU No 21 Ladys Pocict Eoob i Made of The T177 best seal jrralo one ylnre teetbr with ornamtatal ensMait Has tworcuIar a oee csrd case cusipartaeeita Cec7ccni paruatflt Iretter Uttri Sens pon pald o renesje oft 1c postafS etamp cut from te face of XXXX cofetrwreppera No22 COfffyURSE Macrfiaekl4 leAtocr wnh solid nlcklerlr eted fnme esd Is full leather lined Eeutpoet paia oa recti p of a 2c postage iunD aca 10 3IA CUt fron the faca cf ygg ccf feo wrappers No 23 HATPINS IPH jg These are very stylish pas set witlz jewels very brilliant an showy will sot bend or break two pins In set aca a very useful addition to nry ladys Jewel rase Sent pott caldcmrecelsa of a 2c postage tump and 10 cut frota tho face of XXXX coffeo wrappers No 24 Neefc Tie Pins Ladies or gentlemen cannot get too cany pretty tie or stick pins These Illus trated bcro are the Tery latest st with Inn nfc w stones very brfQIant acA ttnS some designs horse shoe or cluster made of tbe very besv rolled plate settlers ana war ranted Either of these sent post paid on receipt of a 2c postat s stamp and IS SlcJ f cut from tbe face -Of XXXX coffee wrappers No JJ3 Lact3 Braaalct The Xethersaiw pattern now so popular cf btzrj twlrtod wire EWascan ef fect iid heavily wlated iJsnl post paid on rlpt of s2c postage stirp asd lft rut from fTe face oi XXXX coffee wrtppm NOJ14 Latfjsor GearienanfrtlEalirella n This Is a snTenriied seven rib steej rod Pansn frame Cocso hsodle um brella cade of 2k and cd twilled wlfii case and tassel When effderiaj bo sure to mention whether a lady s or sectlemens Is de sired SseuteHJieibypoctor express prepaid on receipt of a 2c pottase sump ana cutom fc of XXXX coffee wrappers No 115 LADESGARTERS Ot fw tn a tw Om porters made of silk t tea Mcu wita iuckcj safety put top and nlckle button aad loop fasteners all colors- face web with fancy fccckla and dlk ribtcn bows Whee orderiac state wblca of Uues UJ lint Vftit a paid on receipt of a Xe pov ar stamp and J HcLr ww uwataaucuiAeA coses wrxnjjtj - - t IKUIJOIIIIUUMUUL i w JSzieijfeitesszjjg