Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 19, 1900, Image 8
I J J M RICE v HE VALENTINE DEMOGRAT m 1 S M III M 3 Cattle rl Hf ww3 EDITOR Pine Rid jre Keservation FRANK A GALLIGO Postofllce address Manderson S D Left side and on young stock Ola stock Rinded E J left sine w Horses thigh lelt Range Rock Springs Basin N D Burnsideand A D Snyder rineltldge S D Home ranch on head of Wounded j Knee Creek in Sheridan Co Nebr - vEwKM SKfgfl ran jBL3i4Bi GBHHH KnJlL Alex Marrivall Pine Ridge S D flattln branded as on cut and below on either side Earrak swallnw fork on left and crop right Horse trands as below on left thigh or hip Eorses EDWARD BAD HAIR Postofllce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side horses same on thigh Range Bear eek v- J JAMES BUSH Postofflce address Allen S On left side Also on left side mZri Horses on left hip nange Bear Creek JOHN A LOGAN PoBtoffice address Allen S D On left shoulder and hlpjsomelon Wi left shouldrandJ on left side Earmark-left ear cropd Range Bear Creek JOE ROOKS JK rostofllce address Allen S D On left side horses 6 me on teigh ttange Bear Creek CHARGING BEAR Postofllce address Allen SD On left siub and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek CHARLES LONE WOLF Postofllce address Alien nu On right side and shoulder horses same on right thigh jRange Bear Creek CHARLES LONG MAN Postofllce address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek DAVID COTTIER DC Allen S D On left side right ear split Horses Q way down on hip Range - Little White River Pullman and Newton Sfebr SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman Neb Cattle branded as on cut horses branded same as cattle except revorsea s See block Range Steve and Stephenson Lakes and South CHAS S HOYT Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on 1 jft side also 00 on left side also between eyes and nose Range15 miles wes of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on left hip horses same mark double dew lap Range south and east of Brueh Hili B3I Brand and Paper Far One Yexr for 350 OEOBGfi DECOEY Pertefflee kAixtts Rosebud 6 D Cattlo branded on left side same as -tit Horse branded a D en left hip SMMh Lone DiAJtoto creek aaToE4 Dome a a a jeii kqc ana icit np A Horses M 7on left hip and some same en left shoulder No horses sold un lessbrandls invert ed making h Range head e Whet Stons c w Postofflee Address Simeon Neb Stock branded ith7tnlelt hip s j simo as cut Range betwcoo Gordon and Snake reeks and on the Niobrara river Postoffloe Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded uame as cat book of right shoulder and on right hip Range on tha Niobrara n Vtiaut ThantUr Greek KenuedyNeb Cattle branded same as cut also some branded J I oh left hip irtmi9tftetaftnMgue0faefts9 BKN BEATJ0VI3 WJK V K fi QRQMpdSMtfwwKfl ostoffice Address Rcsebud S D Cattle branded oa ft thigh or bip me as cut Horses braaded me on left BhouA er If HI Postofflce Address Rosebud 8 D Stock branded left shoulder three inohci long side four Inchet Ion Brand record yi 22 yrs nance on florae Creek D B5AY tjL rP jfl Irnrirymrmi wt i a r Til BEN TUSGEON Postofflce Address Bonesteel 8 D Cattle branded on left side same as cut and right eai crop ned Horse branded Toni left shoulder Also with elr cleA WM F SCHMIDT ostofflca Address Rosebud 8 P randed same as oa ut or with under heSrlgntcar slip nd duiaped Horses branded aina oa left hip KhiKu effitifiil iigi t ALEX BORDEAUX Postofflcs Address Rosebud S Horses aro brand i on left thigh catt on left side with rran on left t nr Also cat tle MB With ncljl fciiorop oa ear JOIIN J 6TaEJr GEOKOP PkTB BoneBlelR L v SE- y Postofflce addres Brownlee Neb On right side Range Horso Valljr SfKirS nfirrVtA lSTr i i rtw BENOTITT m Ww7fe51 J T BTTRLEIGH JC3N B LORD ostofflce Address Blmeon Neb Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snako creeks and on th Niobrara river REUBEN QUICK BEAS W M M W Fastofflca Address Rosebud 8 1 Cattle oranded aam as cut or on hip Ranch ea Pips Cwek TODD SMITH rostofilce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded ame as out a Dia mond T Horses branded he same Ranch Blacl O J KELLAB Postofflce addresi Brownlee Nebr On loft side Range between Goose Creek and Loup J R Wallingford JOE CTJLBERTSON PostofflfP nddrPFS Pullman Neb Branded on left side lOJ st j on right shoulder a crop and siitin lcftearofcattle Range Forks of North Loup River M -mi a JJIWBMPPJfaBJjim 1 B JP1 M Newton Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut Some ft side or hip Range on Gordou Creek E E ORR Postofflce address D B STONER SON Newton Nebr Brand registered JN0411 Cattle branded same as cut on left side or lelt hip Horses same on lelt shoulder Range South of Gordon Creek 3Iiscellaneoist W W ANDKRSOX C BOUNDS Anderson Hounds Simeon Nebraska a r - ki I w mamiS Newton Neb Cattle brznded any where on left aide horses on Ielshoul der flange bfTrrrn north prong and North lup and Gordon Creek GMtle branded on left side as on cut also 10 on left side with ZZ on left hip of borne cattle also S46 on riglit side Horse brand rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Home rancn on Dewev like Range on Niobrara River east ot Fort Niobrara also between Snake Kiver and Simeon known as the Felch range all m Cherry County Nebraska Kilgoro Nebr Branded on left side Range Southeast of Georgia Metzger Bros Newton Neb Cherry Co Brand on left bide and thigh Earmark square crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one half diamond E on left side Native cattle have ISfe throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Jtewtinl of 250 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal- ng cattle with above brand Teeter Bros TtT IFPf7Tnlf J MgSSt Gorsuch Bros Newton Nebr Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses on left shoulder Range Between the Gordon and Snke wzn w i i MASON COMPANY Postofflce address p Hyannis Neb On right hip TL eithefside On right side left hip hor ses right shoulder Brand and Paper 350 Range seven miles north of Hyannis PnstofflfiG address ri rrv G SAWYER Oasis Nebraska Butler SQuleaenbery liave phatge oi these attk horijesDson pft shoulder some stock brandqdjl anjwhere on animal Range Snake river TtZSTSuZIZ FZ Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V leltneckandZ left hip some Y left neck V left shoulder and ZlefthiDjhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River313233 C S WILLIAMS DAN ADAilSON a et3 t - ssHsmii Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one brand like on cut on left thigh Ranue between Bordmau and Snake DAWSON BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb H y DOWNING Postofflce addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake J A Adamson Valentne Neb On left side or hip left side or hip On leftside Range on Niobraia iwiiiuMJtflfBgfegewM Will be paid by the Stock Exchange for information leading to to the conviction of any person stealing cattle branded in this enmity with brands registered in the State New customers every day Not because they like us better but because we keep better and colder beer FINEST AND PUREST WHISKIES WINES AND CIGARS ON THE MARKET The STOCK EXCHANGE is the only firm m the country that spends money in protecting the Cattle Industry in the county If you have any estray cattle or horses on your range write us and we will inform you who owns the brand by return mail free of charge We solicit your patronage W R A MELTENDOFFF waJsyaasagiMgirjgJHi WILLIAM WILSON Postofllce address ivjiiaa Postofflce address Gallop Nebraska On left side also W I left side also Jlefthipalso W on side and S on hip horses Son left jaw itange Jiiglit mues south of Gallop RA WESTOVER Postofflce address Lakeland Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder Some on right side Range in Brown and Cherry counties at headwaters of the Calamus river PULE BROS WM ER1CKSON Postofllce address Kennedy Neb On left side and hip horses O or A on eitjaw Range two miles northwest Ken nedy Postofflce address Crookston Neb Branded on eithe n right hip J W OSTRANDER Postofllce address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Headwaters of Gordon Creek Range On Mln nechaduza 5 miles east of Crookston AJReicardof400 will be paid to anv person for information leading to the arrest ana final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand Subscribe for the Democrat I J M Postofflce address Beneca Neb SPP Branaea as on cut some P on right hip MEl and some M on right hip IQ jSiS Range Calf J2 reek Valley in Oaer ouuty MI tfHWM HHf D L KcLANS latofflos Address Roaeb ud 3 D attlu branded cut on either le iio F L 11 I F R llorsej branded on left shoulder MriiKvJ nn1 onllfl athreeUnkal nga mouth of Cottonwood iZJS tru gS i hiiJ Mange Southwest of Seneca HAKNA k4lgigSSSSIb my part of animal part of animal the following left Also some cattl8 nearlng the follow aarbiands a lelt ieck X left side or men aorse brands at ows Some flange Seven miles norih iaBt of Pine nidge in L G Peyton aIlop Nebraska 7n leftside aange 10 miles outh of Merriman RED SHTBT - Postofflce Addresa -- MT l i vet wiAirick RocebudS D Cattlo branded oa left side same as cut Horses brand d on left shoulder with a K Ranch In Little Whits PERRY PARXEH stofflce addresa Kennedy Neb aula brandod ne as cut lorses P on left oulder RrnfreMouth of ordman jp9StrB8STpla CI EMENT WHIRLIND iOLDIES Postofflce A ddress Rosebud S D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der Range on Big White River I L MERCURE vmofflce address Seneca Neb On right efrJfk rY T E onVither I JRJ L i l TTO t Sil tin Hir lr - r7 S W RAYMOND utodce Address Rosebud 8 D ttle branded left ioulder and hip Horses brende th only eaa Z 9m - hip Gfi py r 77 D McGaa Oreston 8 D m Left or either side of cattle also V left side of neck Swal low fork right ear anderbit left right ear nubbed off derbit lef ear Rome on left law and some wattle left jaw Other brands left side or efcsIJeor any ione branded d eltherside Some on left side mme older m shoulder Y lelt hip or On left side RTH KieSvl i RTN rviWvM sgPl Owi reB5f2 KTlld 11 l L J Ifti li ir ihIL lelt inn thigh thigh thigh or thigh left shoul der or hip Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the tbove brands will be prosecuted Information regarding theft libprally rewarded Range at swney Springs and Cottonwood HERBERT O BISONETTE MANAGER Postofflce address Pino Ridere S D Cattle branded as on cut HOB on left side some Ull on stockr anywhere on animal Horses E R gi onielthlp anywnere on riuht side Shannon Co JOH GHOST BEAR MANAG2B fostofflce address Pine Ridire S D Jattle branded B C n left hip of catt lead ncut some branded n kftsidealsor n n left side hordes ameonleft shoulder Range Wounded Knee and Wakpam feil LakeShannonCo Lavaca Nebraska On left side Range Pole Creek SHORT HOKX 3DXU for sale Geo H Hill Alex Burr Pullman Nebr On right side hor3P3 same left shoulder nerd mark Dew lap Range Brusi Lake and South Subscribe for TbeDemocrat 100 ZTTrai HAETIK KKD BIAS Postofflee address Pine Ridge 8 D Oa left side horses same left thigh RangeWolf Creek rotofflce Address Simoon Neb Stock branded in left hip umo 48 out Range warten ef the Bchlagla A TH0MP302T PoitoSce Addrear SlmenNa Stock Branded sama as eat be hind lefti houldcr Raaye oa the Echlagla it cARSoar 2B wmzZSStMimBmm II BEAKS Poatofflos address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded w on cutleft side some on left hip Horsei same on laft ihoul der Range Squar Lake MORGAREIDGE and SON Tostofflce address Simeon Neb Op Cattle nranaect as on cut or IJ or V D on left hip with hole in rght ear when old horsea 3ame as cut and I J Range Gordon Creek and Niobrara Kiver Postofflco addreea Kilgore Neb Cattle branded on eltherside as on ut same on hip Some on loft side VA iV Sk MiP - Til S ihdti Left side on cattle horses If ft shoulder also on left side m 345ftti yvvjara somftCJ Si on right hip Ranireoiith iMiddleLoup mmmm prftWLZZzzsrX1 pw ALBERT WHIPPLB Postofflce addresa Branded on leftside some SOS Horses onj Qs y TT 77 - J WfcJJWB I I HW n d w 1 xl der mmLl h8jcu GSORGE GRAY Postofflce address he o d Nebr On left hip DrA6 on right hip or side Range Loup and Dismal i e wrfiiij iZzxjii9n Some ait branded on clthsr about Ierthus FRANK ROTHLEUTNEB mw massmmMSL ROBERT BAD WOUND rostofllce addresa Allen S - Left side aIsrMW n lelt h i norse 10 on J vfr lii Range Corn CreeJ D X PERKINS Postofflce address Halsey Nes On left hip ange Loup Rlrer liliijl TALBOT GALLOF FostofBcs addraae Seneca Ne Cattle brand m left ide norsea branded on left shoulder Pnr ha tween Middle Lo4f and Dismal CRONIN BROl P iTTnt hihiiiiI Iff i I VtHlUS9Cl 1 Postofflce addraci Thcdford NW On right tide Range betwe Lou axa i rona t WALT HARDY Postofnce address 8eneca Neb C TgXXfr L A GERMAS Lavaca Neb left side Als i onMef t sido 7 also siine re- f verted on left thigh -- Horses Wjtfi shoulder ras rn Bange Between Fair head Lake and Snake Pcstfflcs address Newton Neb Cattle branded elth eraidehorss same on left shoulder also hare care ui atot branded S under lined B2sge Norti Lou Joseph Fairhead left 3Fyy rivcx JL L 9 y m M i 4 4 1 i 1 i n T r t 4 v 1 i sIlI V