m i tf n fc r - v If 5 - 7 nr p - 3k AROUND THE EARTH OCCURRENCES THEREIN FOR A WEEK LOOKS VERY GLOOMY FOREIGNERS IN PEKIN BELIEVED TO BE DEAD Cablegrams from Consul Gootlnow Causes Officials in Washington to liookon the Dank Side of Chinese Situation Washington The department of state has received a dispatch from Consul Gen- eral Goodnow at Shanghai saying the governor DfVtSnan Tung wires that tho Boxers and soldiers were bombarding the legations for the final attack upon July T He was extremely anxious for the safe- tyof the ministers and friendly Chinese in Pekin The consul adds that fears for the worst are generally entertained A short telegram received at the state department on the 14tlijnst from Consul Goodnow at Shanghai announcing the be ginning of the final attack on the lega tions at Pekin caused terrible depression here All along the officials have suspected the various communications received from Chinese sources in Shanghai have been preparing the way for the announcement of the extermination of the foreign min isters their wives children attaches de pendents and guards Although the consuls message is but a repetition of press reports from Shanghai the state department has come to place a high estimate on Goodnows advices Moreover his advices this time is from a i Chinese government official and it is hard to conceive of an adequate reason for fal sification of facts by that official in the di rection of this particular report Therefore the department has joined the European chancellors in the belief that all the ministers at Pekin have been killed TABLES ARE AGAIN TURNED British Force vNear Pretoria Suffer a Serious Defeat London Lord Roberts reports to the war office under date of Pretoria July 12 as follows The enemy having failed in their at- tacks upon our right rear as mentioned in j my telegram of JulyD made a determined attack upon our right flank yesterday and I regret to -cay succeeded in capturing Nitrals nek which was garrisoned by 200 men composed of a squadron of Scots Greys with two guns of Battery F Royal Artillery and five companies of the Lin colnshire regiment The enemy attacking in superior num bers at dawn and seizingjthe hills com manding the nek brought a heavy gun i fire to bear upon the small garrison The fighting lasted more or less throughout the day and immediately on receiving infor mation of the enemys strength I dis patched reinforcements from here under Col Godfrey of the Kings Own Scottish borderers Before however they reached the spot the garrison had been overpow ered and the guns aud a greater portion of the squadron of the Greys had been cap tured o ing to the horses being shot also about ninety men of the Lincoln regiment List of thecasualties has not been received but I fear they are heavy DEMOCRATIC NOTIFICATION Bryan Will Hear of His Nomination at Indianapolis Aug 8 Washington William Jennings Bryan and Adlai E Stevenson will be formally notified of their selection as the presidential and vice presidential nominees of the Democratic party on Wednesday Aug 8 -at Indianapolis Information to this effect was received by Representative Richardson of Tennessee chairman of the Democratic congressional com mittee from Senator Jones the national chairman Richardson will make the t speech of notification to Mr Bryan and Gov Thomas of Colorado that notifying Mr Stevenson It js -expected that the notification vill be made the occasion of a large popular demonstration similar to that at Madison Square Garden in New York city four years ago IOWA ROBBER CAUGHT Man Who Liooted Storm Lake Ex press Office Caught in Chicago Cnicago O H Dillon was arrested here charged with being one of the bur glars who robbed the American Ex press Company at Storm Lake Iowa of blank orders that could be filled out to the aggregate of 20000 Dillon with his companion came to Chicago July 10 and obtained employment as a telegraph operator Dillons companion escaped Orders aggregating 300 made out on some stolen blanks led to Dillons arrest Powers Attorney Injured Georgetown Ky Ex Congressman W C Owens of the defense in the Powers case was ssverely injured by falling over an embankment in trjing to avoid an ap proaching street car He was also struck by the car and his injuries are such that he will be laid up for some time v - Ncgrb liynched in Alahama BirminghamAla At Cresswell bCounlyfohymiles east of here John shot and killed ETMartin a laborer Jen nings wasatrested and was taken from the officers by a mob Big Range Fire in Montana Billings Montf A disastrous range fire is raging on Bull Mountain Railroads Creek and Pomeroys Pillar on the north side of the TeHawstohellivar A late report-says that twenty headforses be longing to J Mllmsey4of this city were caught and burnelf Vast flocks are in great danger - V w V Famous Musician Frozen to Death Berlin Herr Joseph Baun of Hamburg well known in musical circles was frozen to death while climbing the Schneeberg im TELL THE LEADERS McKinley and Roosevelt Formally Notified of Nomination Canton O Chairman Lodge and the members of the notification committee to gether with Chairman Hanna and mem bers of the national committee arrived shortly after 11 oclock on the 12th insfc from Cleveland They entered carriages and were driven to the presidents house where the president and Mrs McKinley welcomed them from the front porch There were a number of distinguished men on the porch including Hanna Postmas ter General Smith Cornelius S Bliss Henry C Payne and Judge Day Senator Lodge immediately mounted a small standing block and delivered his speech The senators remarks were fre quently interrupted with applause When Lodge closed McKinley mounted the stand and delivered his speech of acceptance amid much applause The president was followed by Senator Fairbanks of Indiana who pledged the vote of that state for Mc Kinley He was followed by Senator Hanna and Postmaster General Smith Oyster Bay N Y Gov Roosevelt was officially notified of his nomination for vico president at his country home at Sag amore near here July 12 The notifica tion committee left New York on a special train at 1030 and made a quick run to Oyster Bay Here carriages were taken the party reaching the destination at noon Roosevelt received them on a wide vine covered porch grasping the hand of each gentleman as he alighted and then intro ducing them to Mrs Roosevelt Shortly after 12 Senator Wolcott called the committee to the porch and read the formal notification When Wolcott had concluded the governor delivered his speech of acceptance At the conclusion of Roosevelts remarks the party was pho tographed luncheon was served and at 115 the party started to return New York OBJECTS TO NEGRO CHIEF White Secretary of Freedmens Aid Society Tenders Resignation Cincinnati Ohio At the last meeting of the Freedmens Aid and Southern Edu cation Society a benevolent organization connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church a heated discussion arose over the resignation of Rev W n Rees of West wood assistant secretary It is understood that the reason for the resignation was the fact that the general conference at its re cent session had placed a negro Rev M C B Mason in charge as chief sec retary in place of Bishop Hamilton the former secretary Some criticism of the action of the conference was made but the resignation of Mr Rees was accepted after a motion to sustain the position of Secretary Mason had been carried INDIANS IN SULLEN MOOD Do Not Look with Favor Upon At tempts to Civilize Them Sol way Minn The blanket Indians at Red Lake are in a sullen mood and trouble is feared The government is ereoting a SO000 school at that point and and these Indians seriously object to any attempts at civilizing ihem They have refused an nuities from the government for a number of years claiming that the government has not given them their just portion of the Indian money White settlers near the reservation are arming themselves and gathering togetherfearing an attack- Arms and ammunition have been sent from Sol way and a call will probably be made for state troops The Indians are holding war dances nightly BUCKNER OPPOSES A TICKET Does Not Think Gold Democrats Should Make Nominations Louisville Ky Gen Simon Bolivar Buckner who was Gen Palmers running mate on the national Democratic gold ticket in 1895 has come out against the nomination of a ticket this year Gen Buckner favors adopting a platform de nouncing free silver and not nominating a ticket leaving the gold Democrats free to vote as they choose Trouble SLXiOuis in St Louis Demonstrations against the transit cars and their partons occured in various parts of the city Wednesday night A boy was assaulted after he had alighted from the car and was stoned into insen sibility Stones were thrown at a number of cars and in several instances explosives were placed upon the tracks No one was seriously hurt and the damage to the cars was slight Hotel Rates Arc Too High Chicago Chicago has a chance to lose the Democratic national headquarters National committeemen say the hotels have put rates up out of reach Chairman Jones says emphatically that the location of headquarters has not yet been decided upon Columbus O has been bidding for the headquarters and may win unless the committee finds suitable quarters here Placer Discovery Near Milliard Evanston Wyo The people of this place are excited over a placer discovery in the vicinty of Hilliard The strike was made at the depth of a few feet and the dirt runs about 200 in gold 50 in silver and a trace of copper to the ton About twelve claims had been staked off when the messenger with the report left Hilliard Forest Fires at Boulder Creek Boulder Creek Cal A fire that1 was started west of here on July 4 Jjy a fire balloon is still raging Thousands of acres of timber have been destroyed and there does not seem much probability that it will be soon gotten under control Twenty five or thirty families who were camping at Brendleton have had to leave Fatal Boating Accident - Chicago While attempting to change seats in a rowboat two young women and a young man were drownedin the lagoon in Washington Park The dead are Olio F Morey Nellie Guenther McLaughlin and Annie Society BoytJoftsAstor I London The Prince and Princess of Wales have both given the word and the rest of society is only too willing to put some tucks in William Waldorf Astors social ambitions - FIGHT- LIKE FIENDS Allies at Tien Tsln Hard Pressed by the Chinese Washington A message from Admiral Remey to the war department dated Che Foo July 11 says Have just learned from Admiral Seymour that the foreigners in Tien Tsln are hard pressed London A Shanghai dispatch on the 11th says Fighting at Tien Tsln on the 6th was the heaviest which has yet occur red the Russians alone burying 200 The allies are becoming exhausted by constant fighting Berlin The German consul at Tien Tsin cables that the foreign settlements were continually bombarded by- tbV Chi nese from the 5th to the 8th On the 6th 2000 Boxers attacked tho French settle ment and were routed by the Russians On the 7th the British and Japanese forces bombarded the Chinese batteries Chinese shells penetrated the roof of the German consulate causing an outbreak of fire which was extinguished after slight dam age The railroad from Tong Ku has been repaired to within three miles from Tien Tsin Nearly all the families of foreign residents left Tien Tsin for Taku on the 4th GET AWAY WITH 210000 Passenger Train on Illinois Central Robbed in Kentucky Paducah Ky The Illinois Centrals passenger train from New Orleans to Chi cago was held up and robbed Wednesday morning two miles south of Wiokliffe The train was flagged and stopped by six bandits After knocking the fireman in the head with a revolver and injuring him badly they -cut off the engine and express car and ran a mile and a half down the road They blew open the express safe securing all the valuables They left the engine and car and crossed into Missouri They dropped a package containing 700 but got away with 10000 The passen gers were not molested An armed posse with bloodhounds is understood to be hot on the robbers trail s GO AFTER MILLIONS Bandits Try to Wreck a Govern ment Gold Train Philadelphia Accoiding to the officials of the Baltimore and Ohia a deliberate at tempt to wreck the Washington express bearing 3000000 in gold to the sub treasury in New York came near being successful early Wednesday morning at Folsom a short distance from this city The train which consisted of two sleepers two day coaches and three baggage cars going at a high rate of speed ran into an open switch The engine and baggage car were derailed No one was injured An examination of the switch disclosed the fact that it had been tampered with for the apparent purpose of wrecking the train Detectives have been placed on the case THA ASSASSINATION PLOT Odell Claims the Story Is Based on a Trilling Matter Newburgh N Y Chairman Odell of the Republican state committee said Wednesday concerning the alleged plot to assassinate McKinley I have nothing to say up the subject ex cept I made an investigation with a state committee detective on the line of what I supposed to be political information and discovered either a crank or a Baron Mun chausen and acted on the principle that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure It is probable my report to Secre tary Dick is the cause for the extra care now being taken of the president I regret someone has been indiscreet enough to make of a trifling matter the gigantic plot exposed in the papers Cholera Spreading Rapidly Simla Cholera has appeared in severe epidemic form at Kohat twenty five miles south of Peshawur Two hundred and five cases and seventy seven deaths oc curred among the sepojs and camp follow ers between July 2 and July 9 France Votes More Money Paris The chamber of deputies and senate have voted an additional 14500000 francs for the purpose of carrying on Frances operations in China MARKET QUOTATIONS Sioux City Cattle common to prime S200050 boss L07K500 sheep 223700 wheat 54s corn 8031c oats 2022c butter dairy 1410 creamery 1820 Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to G0 hogs shipping grades 300 to 340 sheep fair to choice 300 to 475 wheat No 1 red 7Sc to SOc corn No 2 43c to 44c oats No 2 23c to 24c rye No 2 J5Gc to 5Sc butter choice creamery 17e to 19c eggs fresh 9c to lie new potatoes 37c to 40c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to S3G5 hogs choice light 500 to 333 sheep common to prime 300 to 450 wheat No 2 SOc to Sic corn No 2 white 43c to 44c oats No 2 white 27c to 2Sc St Louis Cattle 323 to S3G5 boss 300 to 345 sheep 300 to wheat No 2 7Sc to SOc corn e i rf No 2 yellow 41c to 43c oats No 2 25c to 2Ge rye No 2 5Gc to 3Sc Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 323 hogs 300 to 350 sheep 250 to 400 wheat No 2 Sic to S2c corn No 2 mixed 43c to 47c oats No 2 mixed 2Gc to 27 rye No 2 Glc to G2c Detroit Cattle 250 to 375 hogs 3X0 to 350 sheep 300ctb 475 wheat No 2 S2cto S3cQorn No 2 vollow 4Gc to 47c oats No 2white 2Gc to 2Sc rye CVtt Gle 4 Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed S3c to S3c corn No 43c to 4Gc oats1 No 2 mixed 24c to 23c rye No 2 5S to GOc clovpfseed prime 310 to 350 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern 79c to SOc corn No 3 43c to 45c bats No 2 white 27c to 2Sc rye No 1 GOc to G2c barley No 2 4Gc to 4Sc pork rnessiajOOto 1250 4 UuffaiSCanie choice shipping steers 300 to 570 hogs fair to prime 300 to 573 sheep fair to choice 323 tS 475 lambs common to extra 350 to ew York Cattle 325 to 5S0 hogs 300 to G00 sheep 300 to 490 wheat No 2 red SSc to SOc corn No 2 50c to 51c oats No 2 white 30c to 31c butter creamery 16c to 20c eggs west ere 13c to 15c - y STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Peculiar Sect Again Disturbing tho Tranquility of Gretna People Figgites Resuming Their Old Practices -I J - Ever since the FiggitemeJ with the ap plication of tar andfeatliers a feVf months ago near Gretna they have seemedto be in a lethargic state but during thpastten days they have showed symptoms of as sembling and resuming their old time tac tics Sunday afternoon Mrs Bert Dona hue went to Gretna and proceeded to give the old time and familiar war janCe and war wfaoop of the Figgite tribe She danced and shouted until exhausted and then subsided and went down to the Figg abode In the morning Mrs Hanna another of the sect went to the Christian Church and told the Sunday school teachers that they were of the world and the devil was in them She said that the Lord had sent her there to teach the Sunday school teachers the ways of righteousness After several minutes of wild and incoherent talk she went out Last week a lot of Gretna boys went down to the Figg place to play with the children there Mrs Figg who claims to be in charge of the holy ghost told the town boys that they must go home as the Lord did not allow any wicked and deyilish children to play with her boys Go back she cried and slay there My children are too good to play with ievils The children ran home nearly frightened to death Mrs Bert Donahue is alleged to be in sane Several times lately she has threat ened to burn the house and barn on her husbands farm andhasmade life a burden for her faithful husband who is one of the most substantial farmers around there One day last week she had a notice from the Lord to stay in the granary all day She followed the bidding and lay on the wheat from 8 a m until 5 p m without anything to eat or drink Mrs Browninglhas resumed her old act ions and is about as bad as before she went back to her husband TRIES TO KILL A WOMAN Section Hand Inspired by Jealousy Attempts Murder William Hart a young man working on the West Point railroad section gang made an attempt upon the life of Christina Jen son a single woman with whom he had kept company for some time firing five shots at her He was promptly arrested and placed in jail A slight scratch on the head was the only injury the woman sus tained The revolver had been purchased by the man a short time before his attempt The assault was the outcome of a quarrel and the cause was jealousy and the refusal of the woman to become his wife The man was under the influence of liquor ROSEWATER IS GUILTY Court Holds He Tried to Unduly Influence Decision The Nebraska Supreme Court has found Editor Rosewater of the Omaha Bee guilty of contempt of court The court held that Rose water had sought to unduly in fluence its recent decision in the Omaha fire and police commission case at which time the court was strongly criticised in the Bee Several weeks ago the court fined the Bee Pub lishing Company 300 and took the editors individual case under advisement The decision simply finds him guilty but as sesses no fine Outing for Working Women Rev Mr Ludden of Lineoln was in Beatrice the other day to complete arrange ments for securing Chautauqua grounds for an outing to be given the hard working mothers and their children of Lincoln by D E Thompson Mr Thompson will furnish transportation- to and from Lincoln and Beatrice and will furnish tents and supplies for vfsitors The event will take place the first week in August The only thing the visitors will have to furnish for themselves will be bed ding Dr Ludden stated that between 2000 and 3000 of the working women of Lincoln would be able to talce advantage of Mr Thompsons offer Thieves Rob Mail Box Unobserved by the postofiice force diieves abstracted from the box of Frank J Morgan treasurer for the sfate Odd Fellows lodges all the mail in his box in Plattsmouth amounting so far as known to something over 1000 Among the mail taken was a Jbox of jewelry letters con taining drafts etc The box of jewelry has been found and payment on drafts stopped The theft was kept out ot print for several days in order to give the postal officials an opportunity to get in their work No arrests have yet been made Mad Dog Scare A canine belonging to E J Perry of Humboldt had an attack of the rabies The animal made several futile attempts to bite Mr Perry and other persons and lefttown in a northerly direction snapping at everything which came in his way Parties have been searching for the dog to put it out of the way but so far their ef forts have been in vain New Telephone Connection The Interstate Telephone Company with Stuart Brodie Dustui Grand Rap ids Naper Butte Neb and Bonesleel5 b airfax and Porters Landing S D on its line will in a few days connect at Spencer with the Camp Dewey Telephone Company running through Lynch to Creigliton and other northeast Nebraska towns Wahoo Jail Break- Harris andllarnilton broke jaipat Wahco the other night and are at large These are the men implicated in the robbery of Jo seph Grofes store Hamilton was tried found guilty and sentenced to hve years in he penitentiary Harris was to bs tried on the reconvening of the district court Child Attacked by Rats A year-old-son of Mr and Mrs O W Langhlin of Ashland was attacked by rats while sleeping in his crib and was badly bitten abont the face and hands His parents who were sleeping near were awakened by his cries or he would have been killed f Fire Destroys Grain w Fjf teen acres of wheat belonging to xBr F Rice and six acres of oats owned by M Shoemaker located abouttwo miles east of Fairmont were destroyed by fire re cently xmr BLOW FOFL MODERN WOODMEN Society Seriously Affected by Order of Insurance Commission The insurance commission of the state of Nebraska has thrown a bombshell into the ranks of the fraternal insurance societies of the state by issuing an order summarily suspending from work in the state all com panies of this character chartered by tho state of Illinois This action is taken as a result of discrimination against Nebraska societies by the insurance department of the state of Illinois and it is expected to result in the licensing of Nebraska com panies by the Illinois commissioner The company to be affected in the great est degree by this order is the Modern Woodmen of America Besides the Modern Woodmen the Royal League the Home Forum and several other smaller societies are affected Copies of the order were sent to the heads of the societies barred from the state and it is said that under these orders work will be suspended No response has been received by the insur ance department at this time and it is believed by life insurance men that there will be a fight made by the companies It is said that the order of the commissioner will leave many persons who are insured in the suspended companies without relief in case payments on policies are refused as if the companies cannot do business in the state they cannot be served with legal notice of suits pending against them out side the federal courts and where the amounts at issue are less than 2000 suits cannot be brought in those courts ROBBERS HOLDUP DEPOT Bandits Enter Missouri Pacific Sta tion at Plattsmouth Two bold masked bandits entered the Missouri Pacific depot at Plattsmouth and shoving a revolver through the ticket window orderetLNight Operator Becker to cough up He permitted them to enter the office and help themselves Not know ing the combination of the safe he could not open it as they requested After tak ing all the money in sight his knife and pocketbook they accompanied him about one mile up the track and returned his pocketbook minus its contents and his watch The tall man is described as wear ing a dark coat white shirt and straw hat The other as being heavy set and wearing a black slouch hat and a gray suit Grand Stand Collapses The grand standi collapsed at Sterling during a ball game About 800 people were crowded into the amphitheater when it fell Mert Shea a farmer was struck by a falling timber and sustained a severe fracture of the skull Mrs William Con rad and Mrs Dr Barnes both of Tecum seh and Leon Murdook and Joe Walms ley two young men of Sterling were all badly bruised but their injuries are not serious A 3000000 Loan The largest mortgage ever recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Doug las County was stamped and sealed at Omaha the other day giving to the Ameri can Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago a trust title to the properties of the Swift Packing Company in consideration of a loan of 5000000 The document bore stamps to the value of 2500 Damage by Grasshoppers The grasshoppers are devouring the growing crops very seriously near Cozad In many fields the growing corn is liter ally bending to the ground under the weight of myriads of grasshoppers Much fear is expressed among the farmers as to the probable extent of their ravages Rob Osmond Postoilice The postoffice at Osmond was robbed the other night The front of the safe was blown all to pieces and the building dam aged some by the flying pieces The rob bers secured about 10 in cash and 100 worth of stamps and some notes aud pri vate papers of Postmaster Leedom Killed by the Heat B V Minton a traveling salesman for the Western Supply and Manufacturing Company of Kansas City died at the Pad dock Hotel in Beatrice of bowel complaint after an illness df but two days The de ceased was overcome by thelieapand was taken sick as a result of it Fell Off a Hand Car Henry Sexbury of Pilger foreman of the extra section gang now employed on the Fremont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad at West Point fell off a hand car and broke his kneecap The unfortunate man suffered great agony until relieved by surgical care Corn Will Break Record Harvesting of rye and barley is about completed around Wausa The crop is a good average one Prospects for all other crops were never brighter especially so is this true of corn which is expected to break all records Firo Destroys Wheat Crop Sparks frorx a neighboring straw stack set fire to a 300 acre wheat field belonging to John Scheve a wealthy farmer living near Beatrice About sixiy five acres of wheat in shock was destroaed Nebraska Short Notes Ben Karas an Elm Creek lad was walk ing on a picket fence the other day when he fell on one of the pickets An ugly wound was inflicted in his side which re quired half a dozen stitches to draw to gether Prof Winlermger the Hartington bal loonist who fell 100 feet from his balloon at Lyons on the 4th is able to walk - Corn potato and hay fields in the ityof Hartington aresufferingfor want of rain Colfax County boasts of the best crop prospect in many years Hoppers are tfeported to be doing some damage in Stanton County The Ravenna band went to Guernsey Wyo to play on the Fourth Robbers got 12 from the cash register and slot machine in a Hartington drug store the other night Frank Frude of Stromsburg is in the county jail at Osceola This is he first pris oner the present sheriff has boarded as there has been no one in the jail since the sheriff came into office three years ago The fair grounds at West Point were sold on foreclosure last week for 1775 The chess players of Arcadia and Ord are trying to arrange a tournament Tilden is agitating the question of Sun day closing of all business houses Hamilton County has the finest wheat crop in its history and it is asserted some pieces will go forty bushels io the acre The Cuming County fair grounds at West Point were sold at sheriffs sale and the fair association has gone out of business The fusion senatorial convention has been called to meet in Emerson on Sept 4 Attorney Walter A Marten has most of the Pooulist delegjta LONDON IS RESTLESS- BRITAIN WANTS A DEC18IVIT BLOW STRUCK Wonders Why Lord Roberts Dob No Crush tho Boers Sister 3Abll Wil son Says South Aricaav Hospital Service Is Bad According to a copyrighted cablegram in the Chicago Record London is becom ing unmistakably reatless for news of de cisive action in South Africa Lord Rob erts delay in cornering the elusive Dc Wet has begun to call forth criticism although it is by no means forgotten that just such a lull has preceded the accom plishment of every one of the field mar shals vital operations It Is believed that Gen Bullers arrival at Pretoria completing the barrier between thi Transvaal and the Orango Free State is all that Lord Roberts has been waiting for before striking his long planned blow Sister Isabell Wilson a volunteer nurse who has just returned from South Africa talked to the Records correspondent rel ative to royal army medical service There is unquestionably foundation foe the charge she said that the British hospital service throughout the entira South African campaign has been and is now miserably deficient The insufficient number of nurses has been the chief cause of complaint At tho Pietermaritz burg hospital following the battle of Spion kop five doctors and five nurses were compelled to care for 140 wounded men id addition to being beset by the most distracting system of red tape Lack of foresight was wholly responsible for this understaffing Hundreds of volunteers for the nurs Ing service were rejected early in the war on the ground that the regular sup ply was more than ample Now many nurses have succumbed to enteric fever and dysentery and the capacity of those who have not been taken sick is sorely tried by overwork The volunteer nurses object to the niggardly treatment they have received at the hands of the gov ernment Our pay is C shillings 150 a day out of which we are obliged to provide our mess laundry and clothing As a result I have earned less than a charwomans wages Sister Hennie Gamble the first woman to reach England from Mafeking arrived in London Sunday She told the corre spondent that the indomitable personal ity of Gen Baden Powell then colonel was all that saved the besieged town ST LOUIS STRIKE IS OVER St Louis Street Car Mens Trouble Has at Last Been Adjusted A strike remarkable in the history of the country was that of the employes of the St Louis Transit Company which was brought to a close last week The agreement reached by the employers and workmen provides that every employe the company is free to join any organiza tion or union and no discrimination will be made against or for those who exer cise this freedom It was agrcedlthat an attempt by an employe or official to in duce any employe by any means what soever to join or not to join any labor union shall be cause for the dismissal of the offender The company decided that it would meet and discuss matters with any employe or committee of employes whether representing themselves other employes or an association of employes regarding any matter of mutual interest In the matter of filling vacancies the strikers will be given the preference and from a list to be prepared by the em ployes the company will choose men ex clusively until the names are exhausted No person shall be eligible to this list however who was guilty of any acts of i i Ai violence or lawlessness ui uiu receiifc strike GLOSSARY OF CHINESE TERflS Tsung Li Yamen The foreign office Bow Wong Wui Society for the pro tection of the emperor the reform so ciety Ye Ho Chuan Society commonly known as the Boxers literally right eousness harmony and fists Kwang Yu Wai The young emperors chief adviser and the leader of the re form party Liung Kai Chu Second adviser of the emperor and reform leader Coming to America Kwaing Sui The young emperor Fan Kwei Foreign devil Fu A prefecture Chihtal Governor General usually su perintending two provinces Chun Chi The general council of state Chung Tang A grand secretary of state of whom there are six Totai Governor of a province Hui A club or association fV Hsiang A village - Hsien A district Nei Ko Grand secretariat and Impe rial chancery New York Sun AMERICANS ARE SIAIN Casualty List of Eleven for One Week in Luzon The past weeks scouting in Luzon re sulted in eleven Americans being killed and sixteen wounded One hundred and sixty Filipinos were killed during the week and eight Americans who have been prisoners in the hands of the rebels were surrendered and a hundred riflea were turned over to the United States officials The enemy ambushed a wagon train be tween Indang and Naic The Third In fantry lost nine men while on an expedi tion to punish theXadronesin the delta of the Rio Grande In the Antigua prov ince of Panay a running fight biOf three hours duration resulted in the killing or wounding of seventy of the enemy There were no casualties among the Americans The insurgents are slowly accepting the amnesty provisions SNOW STANDS EIGHT FEET DEEP Early Winter in Australia Causing Paralysis to Traffic An unusually early winter with floods of unprecedented severity is causing great loss throughout New South Wales Telegraphic communication is interrupt ed trainloads of passengers are snow bound and freight traffic is paralyzed Tn many parts of the country snow stands eight feet deep - Great damage was done by afctornada around Blos3burg Ala - - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB