Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 19, 1900, Image 5
ri m I V i rs V H PP M i ii r t R M r -5 A THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE inc harness is tho -worst kind of a com- - Mt re ICZfi 5sai Harness Oil ITomZ EDITOR Local Weather Record U 8 Departme it of Agriculture I Weather Bureau f Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday July 18 1900 Highest femp for week99 dee on the lath Lowest temp for week 48 deg on the 17th Mean temp lor week 70 deg Av temp for tbp week Tor 10 years73 deg Deficiency of temp for the week 3 Accumulated excess of emp since Jan 11900 825 deg Total precipitation for week 2C0 inches Av precipn for week for 10 venrs 05C inches Excess of precipitation for the week 201 inches Total precipn from Jan 1 lOOOto date 1377 inches Av precipn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date 13G5 inches Excess of precipn from Jan l 1900 to date 012 inches Highest velocity of wind for week 48 miles per hour from the S on the 13th FRANK R BEAIAN Observer Weather Bureau ADDITIONAL LOCAL Fence posts at Farnhams 20 tf f Bob McGuerr js down rom Cody Charley Reece went out to his ranch today Born To Jim Felch and wife on July 9th a bouncing baby girl Doc Johnson was selling1 roasting ears to day First home grown of the season -George Harden has moved from the Steele property on Hall street to John Jones house south of the depot Miss Wren Donoher returned home Monday after a two weeks stayilon her claim in the southwestern part of the county Bob McQuade was in town from Oasis this week Bob informs us that he and Will Bachelor will put up 1000 tons of hay Prof R H Watson and wife left for David City Wednesday where they will visit for a few daysand then go to Ithaca where they will spend the summer Mrs Fergens and son who have been yisiting Mrs Fergens sister Mrs Dr M L Harden was in town to day on her way to her home at Saline Kas Jake Stetter has received through John Smyser agent an elegant new meat wagon It was made by Stud ebaker South Bend Ind and is surely a beauty N S Rowley took out the govern ment surveyor today He is going to straighten out the survey of Tp 30 R 32 which has been in dispute- for the last eight years Whites Cream Vermifuge not only effectually expels worms but is un equaled as a tonic and is a certain and permanent cure for chills and fe ver in children Price 25c Quigley Chapman druggist Dick Riedel will put up 400 tons of hay for Clint Anderson He was in town this week buying supplies and machinery and hiring men He has sold the hay on his claim to Mr An derson for SI a ton on the ground In the races at Cody last Saturday the following were the winners In the quarter mile race Wheeler Bros Biddy Doyle won she also won the 600 yard race A Rosebud horse won the saddle horse race In the two match ed races Yellow Cat owned by Jess West came first in both events Main street is beginning to look like a thoroughfare in a progressive town should Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a town as well kept streets and sidewalks Let us keep our town up to date and not get In to a rut like some of the back number burgs around us N S Rowley of Kennedy informs us that he in company with Messrs Bachelor and Ball on Tuesday com pleted a drainage ditch two miles in length ten feet wide and five feet deep which will drain what is known as Boardman Swamp and make about 1800 acres of good dry land which after awhile will produce an enor mous amount of hay Imperfect digestion and assimila tion produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are con firmed by neglect Herbine gives tone to the stomach and causes good digestion Price 50c Quigley Chapman druggists VI wmm l lAl n I t UWU WfSZ - 1 v bois aim piuuisi learner 34 jii 5V toof ttriM na loner OS It OlUiUillUJ V Give Your Sold eTcrrwuere la cn i m1 1 Uin hr ill - mm CTiUnAUII lllli ll - i kV VWV M l Horse s Chancel IT IS TIME To buy SHIRT WAISTS and I am de termined that I will not have a Sum mer Waist on hand August 1st ITote the following CASH PRICES Shirt Waists 25c 65 85 75c 1 00 125 1 50 2 00 2 25 a it c u it it k 45c 60c ooc 7uC 90c SI 10 140 1 75 These prices are made right in the middle of the season when everyone wants a waist I do not wait to offer you a bargain in Summer Goods in mid winter These prices are CASH T C HORNBY Headquarters for Sewing Machines Model Form and American Lady Corsets Tents and Haymakers Supplies The Cavalry Troop Has Gone Troop K of the First Cavalry Lieut Hartman in command went away to day They go to Seattle where they will board the transport Garonne which sails to the Philippines about the 27 th There were several maidens whose eyes were watery and noses red bidding their soldier sweethearts goodbye It was a touching scene and the poet of the Minnechaduza warbles forth The soldiers went away The band it did not play But teardrops were a fallin down like rain I heard a fair maid say Though he isgoin away I cannot help but love him just the same W E Waite of Chesterfield was in town this week Dan Adamson of Chesterfield is iu town to day for supplies Frank and Chas Parker of Ken nedy were in town yesterday Miss Minna Keisler of Rosebud came down to our village to day 175 Test Headlight Oil at 15 W A Pettycrews Harry and William Hobbs were in from Simeon Wednesday for ranch supplies Joe Dessert formerly of this place but now of Bassett Rock County is visiting old freinds here this week The Passion Play presented in Cornell Hall Wednesday eveningwas well patronized and is recommended highly by those who attended Jos Webb was in our city to day on his way home to Wisconsin He has been visiting his son Geo Webb who is chief carpenter at Rosebud To eradicate worms from the sys tem jrive the child plain nourishing food and Whites Cream Vermifuge The result will be the worms will dis appear and the child become healthy and cheerful Price 25c Quigley Chapman druggists At the home of the grooms par ents in Rushville on July 8 U G McBride and Miss Atta Hornback were united in marriage by Judge Stanchfield This happy couple are well known to many of our people who join with the DEMOCRAT in wish ing them success and happiness They will make their home in Rushville where the groom intends going into business in the near fu ture Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlains Cough remedy If afflicted with any throat or lung trouble give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for years have yielded to this remedy and perfect health been restored Cases that seemed hopeless that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit have been permanently cured by its use Bear in mind that every bottle is warranted and if it does not prove beneficial the money will be refunded to you For sale by Quigley Chap man 1 JBiigli Grade Bulls I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and three years old and three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD Woodlake Nebr Was it a Miracle The marvelous cure of Mrs Rena J Stout of consumption has created in tense excitement in Cammack Ind writes Marion Stuart a leading drug gist of Muncie She only weighed 90 pounds when her doctor in Yorktown said she must soon die Then she began to use Dr Kings New Discovery and gained 37 pounds in weight and was completely cured It has cured thousands of hopeless cases and is positively guaranteed to cure all throat chest and lung diseases 50c and 100 Trial bottles free at Elliotts drug store 1 MACHINE OIL We Handle the Eldorado Castor at 40 cents a gallon 35c in Sgallon Lots QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebraska MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 65c per cwt 1200 ton Shorts bulk 70e per cwt 1300 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Feed 100 1900 Corn 90c 1700 Chop corn 95c 1800 Oats 105 2000 TAKEN UP At my place at Thacher Nebr June 17 1900 One brown mare branded F on left shoulder 76 left thigh One bay horse brand not known One sorrel branded C on left shoul der C on left thigh and 76 left thigh One dark iron grey colt brand not known One dark bay horse branded F on left shoulder One dark bay mare with white right fore foot One light bay horse with four white feet and blaze face branded F One brown mare with two white hind feet and blaze face branded C on left shoulder One light bay mare with white stripe in face branded R on left hip T J and HALL TAYLOR TAKEN UP- About May 15 one bay mare about 6 years old one brown mare about 3 years old wire cut on hind leg and a sorrel yearling horse colt The above horses have been on my range one year and are not branded 26 N S Rowley Kennedy Nebr STRAYED From my range 5 miles south of The Mills about the 1st of March 5 head of horses as follows 1 bay horse brand ed S on left shoulder 3 bay mares with white in face branded on hip one bay mare with white stripe in face branded FH on hip A liberal reward will be paid for information leading to their recovery JOHN A HOLBERT 26 lt The Mills Keya Paha County STRAYED One 4 year old bay horse with a white face one 3 year old bay horse with narrow strip in face one 3 year old horse All branded jSggljJ on left shoulder Left my rangejgHjm 1 898 Liberal reward will be paid for inform ation leading to their recovery N S Rowley Kennedy LEGAL NOTICES Appointment of Administrator In the County Court of Cherry County Neb In the matter of the Estate of David C Ross Alexander Hoffman having filed in my office a petition praying for the appointment of Rosetta Jtoss as administrator of the estate of David C Rossdeceased All persons interested in said estate will take notice thatl have fixedSaturday Aug llth 1900 at 10 oclock a m as the time and my office in Valentine Cherry County Neb raska as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all pei sons interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any tiieie be why such administrator shall not he appointed Witness my hand ami the seal of said Seal County Court this 18ih dav of July 1900 WRTOWNE 2C 3t County Judge Notice of Publication i In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska Estate of William G Carson deceased Mary A Carson Clarence F Carson Samuel L Carson George H CarsonCnarles LCaiBon William W Carson Isaac L Carson Verna A Carson and Dallas Carsonand all other persons interested in said inattar are hereby notified that on the 19th day ot July 1900 Alfred Lewis filed si petition in said county court praving that his final administration account filed there in be settled and allowed and that he be dis charged from said trust as administrator and each and all of you are notified tli t if you tail to appear in said court on the 4th day of Aug ust 1900 at 10 oclock am and eonreBt eaid pe tition the court may jrrant the prayer of such petition and make other aua further orders al lowances and decrees as the court may see proper to the end that all matters pertaimn to said estate may be finally settled and deter mined Witness my hand and the seal of said Coun ty Court this 19th day of Julv 1900 2G W R TO WNK County Judge Pete Decory is in town oji his way home from Omaha where he went with a load of stock It Saved Mis Jje P A Imnforth of JbaGrange Ga suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg but writes that iiucklens Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days For ulcers wounds piles its the best salve in the world Cure guaranteed Only 25c Elliotts diug store 1 Ask for tint pi ices bn job work DAN Postoflice address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same lelt shoulder Range between Nio Drara and Snate riv ers south of Merri man Postoflice address Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Range northeast of Nenzel C -3 BffigyigKfe3 Hyannis on Nebraska Chadron Nebraska tffeJW - i iiiiIMHim rbl llll IIIIIIIIMI I I 1 - l Ii rtM MMfcl IHMM I lllll r Mil if lftMte llr -A tt JtZS - - mv WEBSTER Jg A Ilacartl of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestand final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle or noises with above brand ALBERT NENZEL RICHARDS CAIRNES CO Cattle branded on i any part of animal also the brands following torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the FE M VR R and B M R R in Northwestern Address BAKTIiETT Richakds GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon Neb Cattle branded on left side Horses same on left shoulder Range- Gordon Creek C JENSEN- ostofllce address Gallop Nebraska Left side on private stock and right side on cattle befiiffigj an alsosaj en left side of cattle lipid orn555g5r left sidekS Horses C J on Ifclt shoulder Range Eirht miles south of Gallop F C Duerieldt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded 90 on right hip Horses and mules urandedsame as cut on left shoulder 3S5rB Sfty ffr r jSVBrtTrMlEVWgr i 400 HJDWAiSJ will be paid to any per son lor information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any Derson or peisons steal ing cattle with the above brand STRAYED Prom Georgia about April 15 1900 two sorrel yearling horse colts not branded One large chestnut soi rel with white stripe in face and a smaller light son el with white spot in forehead Geo Grabe Crookston Nebi STRAYED OR STOLEN Last November a 3-year-old brindle cow branded 9m Ml hair left shoulder 22 and brand W L NICHOLS Merriman Nebr STRAYED 1 head of cows branded WWZ on left side or hip A suitable IfaJI reward will be paid for recovery C H CORNELL Valentine Nebr TAKEN UP The latter part of May at my place near Reige German precinct 1 gray mare about 12 years old brandedPfjj on left shoulder and T on right shoul der weight about 850 pounds 23 W A WILSON 173 PER CENT ANNUALLY Thats the Profit Copper the Article Mexico the Country El Progresso m its group of six mines has some of the rtchest copper ores in the richest mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per cent copqer l2oz silver a trace of gold total value about -13 a ton and in two of the mines in addition to copper aiK silver ore contains 3 percent to by- per cent quicksilver or merciuv about S105 a ton The great Lake Superior cop per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine and Tamarack Quincy etc that annually return millions run only from S3 to 513 a ton Boston and Montana six years ago sold for 15 a share to da v S275 paying 24o per cent on the investment United verde sold for 5oc a share today stock not in the market and pays S66 per cert on investment Calumet and Hecla sold forol a share to day worth 800 and pays on investment 10000 per cent Entire capital stock of United Verde was off ered for S150000 and refused Senator Clark later paiu 32G000O and to day he has annual income from this property of over 13000000 If this is possible here with labor six times higher than in Mexico with ore fhe times less valuable wite fuCl live times dearer and every toing else in proportion do you doubt that El Progress will return 173 per cent and more an nailly to original investors to first stockhold ers who contribute the money to start the ball rolling who aic on the ground floor Am experienced know the country the peo ple the language lived there 18 years and know the mines of this tectum of Mexico and unhesitaiimrly state El Progreso is the best have been worked for generations in a Mexican way and supplied the copper for the surround ing country No attempt was ever made to ex tract tho gold silver quicksilver A modern 40 tou concentrating an J smelting plant smelting only the 13 ore will return 400000 per annum thus 43 10 for treatment equals 33x40 tons equals 1320 a day for 300 das equals 396000 This will pav 2G per cent on 1600000 total capitalization Par value of shares 100 OuoOOO shares are treasury stock and 40000C of this to be sold very low to raise mDuey to start things when price will be greatly advanced -100000 at 12c all sold IOJ000 at 15c 100000 at 20c 100000 at 25c Dividend multiplied If Stock No of hy No of shares for purchd shares Annual 100 show annual at for 1 Profit Profit 15c cr i 17- Per Ct 2Gxflsji7l Per Cr 2Cc 5 130PerCt2B i KMPcrCt 2JC 4 lltt PerCt2C4 104 Pit Ct 50c 2 KJPerCr 100 1 2GPerCt20K120PerCt The best ever offered of securing stock in a legitimate copper mining enterprise Sena for prospectus organized company on a plan to give a chance to all big and little rich and poor great and small none need be excluded If quick you can own Gj shares for every dollar you rdmit DAVID BllUSSELL President El Prbgreso Copper Mining Co 63 Wall Street 2fev York A complete press and printing outfit for sale Write or inquire ail UilD UXXllC UV Li 1 MerrimanNeb Brand registered No 1087 Brand same as cut on leftside Also left hip Range 10 miles soutn 01 JNern man on the Nio brara eabiot Gordon ran D Heed f ZP 8S8BWjs3 SD V nS r Gordon Nebraska Range14 miles north of Gordon Gordon Neb Also t Cody Nebr Same as cut on right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on right shoulder MOREY HEWETT Postoflice address Gordon Neb On left side of cattle horses same left shoulder also 240 ana mi leitsia on left George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb 6 gfiffJFtwA TTiwagiJ side of some Ranee south of Snake 35 mi south- Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Range north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co WILLIAM BEAMER e5SSB22iStes2gSaEa yr friJi8T Gordon Nebr Cattle branded same as- cut 011 left side Horses uruuucufi on left W shoulder S Parker Son 4miJbm0 5ssM Range 6 miles south of Irwin P O Address L W Parker Reige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP Range on Niobrara south of Crookston George P Damon 3s Albany Neb c5r5P Cattle branded FI on left ribs or Hutt Brothers right shoulder SD on right hip and left ribs 6 on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north east of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Th u t Jospph Fickel MRm on WM left Bi9 hl Horse brand IP on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast of Gordon t R3VI flKnii ii m 11 1 am 1 r tW l m a TWBWjWIWPBWSMBMMMp5CBiHBwB7BjiBiT x v - k u imiafL2 i - MAAA A4A4 ff THE PALACE SALOON I HEADQUARTERS for 8 WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE C F Postoflice address Oasis Neb1 Brand registered 2005 Cattle branded on left side same as cut horses branded on left hip Also some- cattle branded KlPi COOPER NEBRASKA j 5 ccv ir4rttyA R M Faddis Co Postoflice address Valentine or Kennedy Neb Cattle branded same as cut Some branded m on lett jg thigh Some on leftside or hip E2 ESSili Range South aud west of Haokberry Lake and Duck Lake U G Criger Hervey Jftanch Two miles east of Crookston in Cherry county Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb fc JF r - W ocl Jf 3 lit A T BRACKETT tgJtlfaftsfSgvTfetit Pyd PostofQce address Biego Neb Branded on left side Range Three miles Southeast of Georgia Merriman Nebr Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der Brand register ed 1091 Range 12 mle southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara river Brand registered NolC55 Range 2 miles east of Nenzel G W BEAMER Gordon Nebr Cattle branded on left side as in cut 6 inch box and 24 inch circle Brand registered 875 Horses branded left shoul der 24k inch circle l inch box Registered 876 Range 6 miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river MILLS BROS ffV 1 I I T Eichardson Perch Nebr Some on left hip UTa2tiSutViZtt2MUShjBSMM0 Nenzel Neb Mickel Boltz SPtl Horses on left shoulder Peder Thorsen Gordon Nebraska Mr IW ir AbmmMJmx LIVERY STABLE Gordon Nebraska On right sideT on right hip e horse brand and T on right shoulder Also cattle branded Xj s on leftside Range fowl miles south of Irwin M RICHARDSON Postoflice address aicCann Neb Branded on leftside Bange McCann tfSSBdtta P T Brackett 1 IakJ imiM Riege Nebr Brand Registered XoliOO Brand right side or hip Horses same on right shoulder Range Niobrara C miles south of Kilgore S W Cbesnut Brand same as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle C E Wright Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere on right side Wm J Alien Ft Niobrara Neb Brand regi steed No S70 Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrara river 12 miles east of alentine r fil A A- - jSsjTftninfir rfViafeaftrifeiSf LIVERY FEED EXCHANGE Speriaf Attention Given to Stockmen v IV Grtwwir fe -- -- -- - ----- a Slevrinuin Xcbras Ic fa n jtc i vi 1 ii