THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE TKMBBH Postoffice address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side horses same on thigh fcangre Bear tneek PostofQco address r WHnik JAMES BUSH aaHPH JOHN Allen S D On left shoulder and hip some 1 on left 3houldrandt J on left side Earmark-left ear cropd Range Bear Creek CHARLES LONE WOLF DAVID COTTIER DC J i lit wnn i J i w J Cattle branded as on cut horses branded same as cattle except roversea j See block Bange Steve S1 and Stephenson Lakes and South r m J L Postofnee address Pullman Neb Branded on lef t hipj horses same dew lap Range south and east of Brush Hill s EDITOR Flue Ridge Reservation FRANK A GALLIGO Tostolllce address Manderson 8 D Left sido and on young stock Olu stock mnced left sffic Wy uorses thigh Range Bock Springs Basin flhaiM Alex Marrivall IS M J Cattle p Pine Ridge S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side Earmk swallow lork on leit and crop right Horse Lrands as below on left thigh or hip Eorses EDWARD BAD HAIR M PostoQice address Allen S On left side Also on left side A LOGAN JOE ROOKS JR IE Horses on left hip Kange Bear Creek Postoffice address Allen S D On left side horses Srtitie on teigli Sange Bear Creek CHARGING BEAU Postoffice address Allen SD On left siue and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek Postoffice address Allen 3D On right side and shoulder horses Bame on right thigh flange Bear Creek CHARLES LONG MAN Postoffice address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek Allen S D On left side right ear split Horses Q way down on tenure TJtHn White River tollman and rewton Kebr SWEENEY BROS Postoffice address Pullman Nph CHAS S HOYT Postoffice address Pullman Neb Branded on ldft side also 00 on left side also between eyes and nose Range16 miles wes of Pullman ROSEBERRY Braad and Paper lfr On Year for J350 C3 lelt N D Burnside and ADSnyder Tine Ridge S D Home ranch nn head or Wounded Knee Creek in Sheridan Co Nebr FXtHT s t K0S6S DZCOE PwtrtSee Atiress Xoaebufl 8 D Cattle branded on left side same as cut Heraes brands G D oa left Up Vpmth ea Loa a2Sle8k hot beauoyis Z Postofnee Address Rosebud S D Cattle branded oa left thigh e aia same as cut Eorses brndti same on left shoul der aiiiiiiV4HHisiiinflilHiH I wmfamtmmmt Whet Stone JOZN B LORD Postoffloe Addras Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cat book of right SBonlder and en right hip RaaReonta Niobrara TODD SMITH Postoffleo Address Rosebud 8 D Cattle branded same as oat a Dia mond T Horses branded the came Banofc nniaTauulef Greek E Mb at KennedyNeb Cattle branded same as cut also some branded Ql on left hip J R Wallinffford Poatoffiee Address Rosebud S D Stock branded Iefi shoulder three lnohei long side four inche long Brand record wziyrs uanch or Horse Creek BRAY BEN TUBGEON Postofflee Address Boneiteel 8 B Cattle branded on left side aama as cut and right eai crop- Horse branded Too left shoulder Alto wita cbr cleA WM P SCHMIDT Postoffice Address Rosebud 8 D Grasded same as on tut or with unatr the SjrlKnt ea slip nd dulaped Horses branded fame ea left alp MStrnrMiSfiirSiTiBmBi t Ei wlln ALEX BORDEAUX Postoffleo Address aEOBGK PKTB BoBetef8r c Borae A B E left alde o lew tup Horses M on Isft hip and soma same n left shoulder No horses sold no less brand Is invert ted msklmr nr ncaa KvsB iflEHISflP HrAji Bamw4cmMnBMnntfk w boj r niAK Rosebud S J Horses are branded on left thigh cattli on left side with ha crop on left ear Also oat j uuKBwnam ftgorop on our JOHN J STES2 lin 8A - Postoffloe address Brownlee Neb On right side Range Horae YaUer C W BENNETT Postofflee Addresa Simoon Neb Btoak branded ith 7 on left hip also name as eut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river f ewa J W BTTRLEIGE Postoffloe Address Simeon Neb Cattle and horses branded same as ent on left side Rango between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river BEUBEJI QUICK BEA3L Postoffle Address Roseb4 1 Cattle orande4 ua as out or n hip Ranch ea Blasl Pipe Creek B MLS o J KELLAB Postoffleo addrest Brownlee Nebr On left side Bang between Goose Creek and Loup V Newton Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut Some ft side or hip Range on Gordon Creek JOE CTJLBERTSON Po3toffice address Pullman Neb Branded on leftside horses T T on right shoulder a cron and slit in left ear of cattle Range Jborks of North Loup River D B STONER SON Newton Nebr Brand reentered No 411 Cattle branded siine as cut on left side or left hip Horses same on left shoulder Range South of Gordon Creek 2 E ORB Postoffice sddree Newton Neb Cattle branded any where on left sido horses on left shoul der Range bftrren north prnngand North Loup Mid Gordon Creek tKFGzy mvrrrrvtTS4riML ggjgPfrPfrJtjg Miscellaneous W W ANDKRSOX J C SOUNDS Anderson Hounds igsasisgiairwifciftm Mineon Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut also iu on left side with on left hip of some cattle also S4G on right side Horse brand rake and 10 on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewev Lake Range on Niobrara River east of Fort Niobrara also between Snake- River and Simeon known as the Felch range all in Cherry County Nebraska WILLIAM WILSON Postoffice address raj Newton Neb Cherry Co Brandon left side and thigh Earmark square crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one half diamond E on left side Native cattle have Kilgore Nebr Branded on left side Bffi Range Southeast of Georgia Metzger Bros 7 E r nil i tSBSMRaHai throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Kcwaiul of 250 will be paid to any Eerson for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ng cattle with above brand Teeter Bros Gorsnch Bros Newton Nebr Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses on left shoulder Range Between the Gordon and Snke KHlUl I1IH Ea T L 01 ON COMPANY gK MASON wj mmmm IBaHlllllllllH On Postoffice addresB twpwicyMc p sis av j asafiuflai a VBaaaSHiBBBBkHHBHpv Bt S1 Faper 350 HyanniB Neb On right hip TL either side right side left hip hor ses right shoulder Range seVen miles north of Hyannls Postofficeaddress G SAWYER Oasis Nebraska Butler Quiesenbery liavneliargvoj these attle horses Ih on left shoulder some stock branded v tmy where on animal Range Snake river Gs Jk BAN ADAMSON Postoffice address SF3C7F9rT iff uauK jBflBflgjSgffrai Postoffice addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake SBeBa KesSH 4BmbBR C S WILLIAMS PIIvE BROS SHw WM ER1CKS0N Postoffice address Kennedy Neb On lef t side and hip horses O or A on eitjaw Range two miles northwest Ken nedy Chesterfleld Neb 53Sf Branded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just oue brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Suake DAWSON BALL Posloffice address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also v lelt neck andZ left hip some Vlelt neck left shoulder and Z left hiDhorses V Z teit nip Kange Snake River313233 H V DOWNING J A Adamson Valentne Neb On left side or hip A4 left side or hip On left side Rangpon Niobrara ifWWrfrrrg2Sa tiiwBamMBifeaiiaMMtiL8aM Will be paid by the Stock Exchange for information leading to to the conviction of any person stealing cattle branded in this crainty with brands registered in the State THE New customers every day Not because they like ns better but because we keep better and colder beer FINEST AND PUREST WHISKIES WINES AND CIGARS ON THE MARKET The STOCK EXCHANGE is the only firm m the country that spends money in protecting the Cattle Industry in the county If you have any estray cattle or horses on your range write us and we will inform you who owns the brand by return mail free of charge We solicit your patronage W R A MELTENDORFR wsFzsmjMzsaum Postoffice address Gallop Nebraska On left side also TV I left side also J left hinaIso V on side and S on hip horses S on left Jaw Range Eight miles south of Gallop R A WESTOVER Postoffice address Lakfilftnd Nph Branded on left hip and shoulder Some on right side i Range in Brown and Cherry counties at headwaters of the Calamus river SHE Postoffice address J W OSTEANDER Postoffice address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Headwaters of Gordon Creek Crookston Neb Branaed on eithe sideofarlmal Some n right hip BB8 Range On Min neehaduza 5 miies east of Crookston AJletcarlofrtOO will be paid to anv for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand Subscribe for the Democrat - DLMeLANX cstoffioo Address Rpsebud 3 D Cattle braurted h cut on either tie also F L R id P R Hoi sea branded 355 on et 2ji shoulder and eolts three links tcouth of Cottonwood JpjSa Gv Ivor uistrici ostoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded me as cut Horses P on left loulder RangeMouth ot bordman iostofllce address Seneca Neb aorse brands at lOWS m 4rf r BED 8HIBT Postofflee Address Boeebud S D Cattle branded oa left side same as cut Horses brand ed on left shoulder with a X Ranch In Little Walt PERRY PARKE1 CLEMENT WHTRLIND dOUIES J M HATfNA Postoffice address Seneca Neb Branded as on cut some P on right hln W3K and soma 5 on rkht hln Ranc flrnlf Creek Valloy ounty PostofSee Address Rosebud S D sttle branded left noulder and hip Horses branded it Ith only sfc a ea Wt his Postoffice Address Rosebud S D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Morses branded same on left shoul der Range on Big White Elver I L MERCURE On right side or J on cither hip Range Southwest of Seneca X W RAYMOND JOn1 GHOST BEAR MANAGER fostofflce address Pine Ridk e S D Cattle branded B C on left hip of cattle aa on cut- some branded on left side also o ji on left side horses tame on left shoulder Range Wounded Knee and Wakpam m LakeSbannon Co aaTlop Nebraska On leftside aange 10 miles uth of Morriman left m shouider W lelt hip or leiL It id leU It it nil thigh thigh thigh or tnigh left shoul der or hip Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the ibove brands will be prosecuted Information regarding theft liberally rewarded Range at Harney Springs and Cottonwood HERBERT O BISONETTE MANAGER i P lllllll fcMMi illlfTn f SflllK Range Seven miles tn oi rine Kiage in rostofflce address Pino Ridce S D Cattle branded as on cut HOB on left side some B BIX on eitherside Some on left side wme older stock any where on animal Horses E l m on left hip anywnere oq riirht side Shannon Co L C Peyton Lavaca Nebraska On left side Range Pole Creek SHOUT HORJf BUXLff for sale Geo H Hill On right side horses same left boulder Herd mark Dew lap Range Brusl Lake and South Subscribe for TheDemocrat 100 MABTIN BED BIAB Postoffloe address PfneP idgeSD Oa left sidj horses same left thigi RangeWolf Creek JmiM roitoffle Addresr Simoon Neb Stock branded an left hip same tscut Range wartere et the Schlagla TT7 a a i xaiatMK Postoffice address Kllgore Neb Cattle branded on either side as on rut same on hip 3 Some on AV left side VA Postofflee addrjss Halsett Neb Ob left hip enge LoupBlrer mWMrn A TBOVStOa IT CARSOX SHH L feMig vM nTSH mB2Si5EZ3SEiiM2a riri rmmrn t mfc r f Till fiTia nrniTiTifPTCiifFiTlfriiP W D McGaa Creston S D m ny part of animal part of animal the following loft Also some cattle bearing the follow ing brands a left lock- X left side or hi trh ggj Left or either side of cattle also V left sme oi necK bwal low fork right ear anderbit left right ear nubbed off dorbit ief ear Some en left Jaw and some wattle iiz Jaw Other brands side or eft side or any iomo branded de PostoQc AdtrMC SfmeenNe Stock araaded same aa flt be kind left shoulder Bar ea the Schlacla D M SEARS Po3toffioe addrais Kennedy Neb Cattle branded w on cutleft side some on left hip Horsei same on left shoul der Rang Iquazt Lako MORGAREIDGE and 802f rostoffloe address Simeon Neb uauie oranaea as on cut or I J or V D on left hip with hole In rght ear when old horses same as cut and I J Kange Gordon Creek and Niobrara IUver ALBERT WHIPPLH Postoffice address Rosebud 8 D Branded on left km some SOS proaa Horses onK cither shoul fiSSi der foagftj Some are branded on either shoul ler thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNEB ROBERT BAD WALT HARDY rosxomce eddress Seneca Neb Left side on cattle horses It ft shoulder aleo on left side wnsEEi IMijCjM some nn i Ifhr Mr S3 Ranrp nnrh Middle Loup jg Lavaca Neb - WOUND Postoffice address Allen S Left side alsr on lelt side uorse 10 on D X PEREIN1 Horsri branded en leftahmiMfr TLaofji hm twren Mlddlo andDlsaaal GEORGE QRAT Es2 eft hi Range Corn Creel TALBOT A GALLOP PostofSca addraas Seneca Nei Cattle brands ea left id 1 tt TM Postofflee adores tJ f ld uu txcar On left hip DrAO on right hip or side Range Loup and Dismal V4I giTSB CRONIN- BR01 tbSSSo Postofflee address TnedfordNefc On right tide Range betw MM UiUf lifl raai tSfiB lri aWaiiBiiaii Miaiai Z A GERHAH aWiim ilTHliMll I9a 5zxkttm3 tiSImwdmi Alex Burr Pullman Nebr PcstSce addreas Newton Neb Cattle branded eith er sidehors3 same on left shoulder aso have care oi atoc branded 8P under lined aaage North Lou Joseph Fairhead left aide CVy2 Als on lelt side also same re verted on left thigh Horses jtfeileft shoulder fcggjS Range Between Fair head Lake and Snake river iJriW gywaqKgp J V- i n 1-