Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 12, 1900, Image 4

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supreme judge
9i which gives the
100 Per Yettr in Advance
Entered at tbe Post offlce at Valentine Cherry
eounty Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
Co discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Call for Senatorial Convention
Tho Democratic electors of the Fourteenth
Senatorial DIstrirtof Nebraska are hereby called
to meet In delegate convention in the village of
Valentine Nebr on Hip 4ih day of Aiigusf1900
at 10 oclock a m for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate fr the office Estate
senator for said district and for the transaction
of such other business as may properly come
before the convention The basis of represen
tation will De one delegate at large and one del
egate for each 100 votes or major fraction there
of cast for Hon Silas A for supreme
judge at the general election of 1890 which gives
the following by counties
Box Butte C KeyaPaha
Brown 5 R ck 4
Cttierry 8 Miendan 9
Dawes 8 Siuux 4
It Is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that the delegates present cast the
full vote to which the delegat ion is entitled
Secretary Chairman
Call for Senatorial Convention
The electors of ihe Peoples Independent Tar
tr of the Fourteenth Senatorial District of
Nebraska are hereby called to meet in delegate
convention at Valentine on the 4th day of Aug
ust 1900 at JO oclock a m for the purpose of
placing in nomination a candidate for the office
of state senator for said district and for the
transaction of sucli other business as may prop
erly come before the convention The several
counties will be entitled to representation as
follows One delegate at large from eacli coun
ty and one delegate for each 100 votes or major
fraction thereof cast for Hon Silas A Holcomb
for at the general election of
1809i following by counties
Box Butte 0 KeyaPaha 5
Brown 5 Rock 4
Cherry 8 Sheridan 9
Dawes 8 Sioux 4
It is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that tbe delegates present cast the
full vote to which the delegation is entitled
Secretary Chairman
William Jennings Bryan was nomi
nated by acclamation for president of
the United States at Kansas City amid
great enthusiasm He stands today on
the sameplatform practically as in 1896
The npholding of the great cause of
the common people There is not a
man who voted for this champion in
1896 who could refuse to vote for him
in 1900 His career while touring the
country making speeches has been one
of the most remarkable that has been
known in history He has visited
nearly every state in the Union and
there is scarcely a voter who tdoes not
know him well enough to risk casting
his vote for a man that they have
known to be in favor of the common
people and the doctrines that are best
calculated to do them justice No man
has ever taken the stand for the right
coupled with the ability of Bryan that
was defeated at the pollss when the op
posing side stood for power and finan
cial greed
We cannot allow this opportunity of
placing ourselves on the right side of a
question pass We cannot afford to
stake our reputations for principle up
on the wrong side Now is the time to
get right and stand by the principles of
Washington Jefferson Jackson Lin
coln and Bryan if we have a care as to
the condition of our government Now
is the time to say whether we will be
ruled as a king ruleth his people wheth
er we will have a monarchy or a gov
ernment according to the Declaration
of Independence
With Bryan and Stevenson at the
Bead of our ticket we look to the Amer
ican people for success and if by their
Terdict the pure and noble men stand
ing for Democratic principles and for
humanity are turned down not Bryan
and Stevenson will be the sufferersbut
theTvhole American people together
vKh their influence tfpbn tb World
For President
For VicePr esident
UL 1
Stand for the Flag and What it Stands forxFreedom for All
Adlai E Stevenson was nominated
on first ballot at 330 p m last JFriday
Mr Stevenson is from Illinois and was
the popular man on the head of the
ticket during Clevelands last adminis
tration David J3 Hill might have
been more called for at the Kansas
City convention but would not be as
popular with the Populists and Silver
Republicans as the nominee who is
well and favorably known and will be
more satisfactory than any man who
could have been nominated for vice
The Kansas City convention has done
its work and done it nobly From ev
ery state we hear the same assuring
words of content and approval The
principles championed by Mr Bryan
are everywheie defended by honest pa
triotic voters Victory now seems as
sured but it behooves us to be continu
ally on the alert and we should not for
get for one single hour that we have as
our enemy a strong and aggressive par
ty A party made of voters who stand
by the ticket who support and defend
its platform and if need be change
their own views upon all great ques
tions within a week after its adoption
in order to be in line as loyal Republi
cans The supreme need of the hour is
for all reformers to stand up manfully
for those principles which are truly
American If we do this we can win
and we will win
There are several investment com
panies organized at Hastings Nebr
which are known as Tontine Invest
ment companies Western Tontine
Company Equitable Tontine Com
pany National Tontine Company Con
tinental Savings Company and a host
of others which are only organized to
fleece the peopleaccording to the Hast
ings News To all our people I would
say Be careful to do business only
with men with whom you are acquaint
ed and dont engage in any schemes
that are going to make you a lot of
money If there is money in a business
you would not be called upon to invest
as there are thousands of people watch
ing for tde snaps They dont have to
hunt a taker
It is exceedingly unfortunate that
certain fusionists are so weak and have
so little regard lor their partys inter
ests that they are constantly in close
touch with the Journal and other Re
publican papers and with their nose in
the ear of reporters of these corpora
tion sheets are giving them confident
ial matter that should be retained in
side the party
We do not hesitate to state that such
persons should be named through the
press so the fusion forces will know
where all the trouble came from It
would be no difficult matter to name
them Lincoln Press Letter
White 31 tin Titrnctl Yellow
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M A Eogarty cf Lexington
Ky when they saw he was turning
yellow His skin slowly changed col
or also his eyes and he suffered ter
ribly His malady was yellow jaun
dice lie was treated by the best doc
tors but without benefit Then he
was advised to try Electric Bitters the
wonderful stomach and liver remedy
and he writes After taking two bot
tles I was wholly cured A trial proves
its matchless merit for all stomachliver
and kidney troubles Only 50c Sold
at Elliotts drugstore 2
A short time ago the wheat crop in
the Dakotas and Minnesota was pro
nounced a total failure Now it is es
timated by men who know whereof
thev sneak that the vield will be
I tween 40 auQ 60 per cent of a full crop
- --
c s t
r l
a fcaijr5jjy5
Lincoln Nebr July 12 Absolute
and complete fusion in Nebraska is
once more an assured fact After 20
hours of preliminary effort an agree-
I ment was reached shortly before noon
on the same basis as in 1896 the demo
crats being given the attorney general
the silver republicans the lieutenant
governor and the populists the lemain
der of the state ticket with a division of
the electoral ticket
At noon today Governor Poynter was
renominated in the populist convention
by the following vote Poynter 994
Yeiser 10GJ Westover 51 J George
Abbott 38 Canaday 12 Sorter 2
Vifquain 1
In the democratic convention W D
Oldham the present deputy attorney
general was nominated for attorney
Those who live on farms are liable
to many accidental cuts burns and
bruises which heal rapidly when Bal
lards Snow Liniment is promptly ap
plied Price 25 and 50c Quigley
Chapman druggists
Too iate for last weeks issue
Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah The
Fourth of July is here and we can cele
brate our national independence in
Haying is soon to begin and very
one is preparing as fast as they can
Crops in this vicinity need rain at
this writing
Chas H Webster is making his
abode in this vicinity
The Saint basket picnic at the Lyon
bridge was well attended last Sunday
Well we are sorry to say we have
lost one of our most amiable young la
dies of this vicinity Mr Jacob San
ders was the lucky person and Miss
Mabel Thayer the lady They were
married at Rushville July 2d Their
groom and maid were Mr James Law
rier and Miss Edith Thayer The
young people have the most sincere
congratulations of the whole vicinity
many well wishes and much joy May
there never be a cloud over their lives
and prosperity ever reign Jake is a
rustler and we hope he may succeed
Another marriage occurred last Sun
day at the home of the brides parents
on Harlan Flats Mr Henry Ganow
and Miss Katie Beck were united in
the bonds of holy matrimony at the
home of Mr Hans Pederson Well
wishes the whole community Mr
Ganow is a thriving joung sheepman
and counts his flocks well up in the
hundreds Much joy Hank
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all whose stomach and
liver are out of order But such should
know that Dr Kingi New Life Pills
give a splendid appetite sound diges
tion and a regular bodily habit that in1
sures perfect health and great energy
Only 25c at Elliotts drugstore 2
Mrs W Nelson was visiting her rel
atives last week
Geo Seager proves up on his sons
claim on July 5th
R Polen proved up at Merriman the
Geo Seager and Geo Shadbolt are
fencing six miles on the Snake
Mrs Grace Seager returned from
South Dakota
John Stora will work for D C Nel
son during haying
Arthur Tennis has been looking for
stray horses in these parts for John
Erastus Sellers brought his razor
back hogs from the Missouri flats
Had Heath lost a white faced steer a
few days ago
Tough Nik told Lew Dahlgren
that Tim Hunt told Had Heath that
Walter Goodin offered five dollars re
ward to know who writes the Bailey
Geo Seager was up to Cody after
barb wire
Strayed A bird dog when last seen
was after a jack rabbit stop him Lib
eral reward Guess-Who-I Am
To eradicate worms from the sys
tem give the child plain nourishing
food and Whites Cream Vermifuge
The result will be the worms will dis
appear and the child become healthy
and cheerful Price 25c Quigley
Chapman druggists
A Traveling Pain
There is no disease quite so peculiar as
rheumatism The pain which Is in the little
finger to day may be in one of the toes to-morrow
And so it travels all over the system
seeking an outlet and finding none it settles
permanently in one place and from its home
other paina start out and settle down and mul
tiply Dr Drummonds Lightning Remedies
for Rheumatism attack tbe disease from all
points at once and their work is always sue
cessful If your druggist has not these reme
dies write to the Drummond Medicine Co
New York and describe your case Agents
What is an ideal As I understand
the word any perfect standard con
ceived or Created by the imagination
would be an ideal What would seem
a perfect standard to one person might
not seem so to another yet neverthe
less that Avould not make it any the
less perfect to that imagination which
conceived it
The nature of ideal conceptions in
different persons depends largely upon
the place of birth and the kind of edu
cation they receive from the books
men and scenery with which they are
conversant These things determine to
a certain extent the directions and
characteristics of the imaginative pow
I believe the value of an ideal depends
upon the nature of that
ideal There are false and true ideals
and that one that leads us to place our
pleasure principally in the exercise of
the imagination and sobuild our satis
faction on things that are impossible of
attainment and things that Ave never
strive to realize but simply dwell up
on as something we would like to be
is a false ideal and of little yalue But
that ideal conception which is based
upon love and a desire to attain a high
er and nobler position in life not from
a selfish motive but that we might
make the best use of that life which
God has given us for his interest and
the benefit of mankind is a true ideal
and of value to any one who may pos
sess it I believe there are but few
people who do not at some time in their
lives have ideals Could the artist put
upon canvas the beautiful paintings be
fore which people stand and gaze in
wonder and admiration if they had no
ideal conceptions They might paint
from nature and material objects but
how could they place before us the
blessed Christ the apostle the Madon
na and many other things that must
be conceived by the imagination if they
had no ideal conception of them
Through defective material or lack of
skill they may not be able to make
their work absolutely perfect or reach
the ideal of what they imagine might
be possible yet with these ideals ever
before them their work reaches nearer
perfection than it would otherwise have
done The sculptor as he carves and
chisels that marble is laboring to bring
it into conformity with that ideal im
age which was conceived in his imagi
nation before he began the work nor
does he consider it finished tas long as
it falls short of his ideal The poet
musician the inventor and the
tect all have their ideals and I believe
the business man professional man or
persons let their occupation be what it
may are more successful if they have
an ideal of that occupation and then la
bor earnestly and continually to ap
proach nearer unto it No great object
has ever been achieved without labor
and earnestness neither can ideals be
realized except through these
What is true of the value of an- ideal
in the various occupations of life is true
also in the Christian life That chris
tian who creates for himself an ideal
standard of spiritual achievement will
advance more rapidly in the christian
life than the one who has just simply
accepted Christ as his Sayiour and is
content to sit down and leave the rest
to him The one with the ideal has a
purpose a standard which he is striv
ing to reach and it inspires him to la
bor more zealously daily that he may
approach nearer and nearer to that
ideal christian self We caimot have
too high a christian standard It is
better to place it so high that it can
never be reached than so low that it is
easily realized for as soon as it is
realized it ceases to be ideal and be
comes real We have then reached
what we consider perfection We have
nothing further to look forward to to
labor for and we are apt to come to a
stand in our spiritual life I do not be
lieve it is possible in this life to reach
that state of perfection where it would
be impossible to become more perfect
but Ido believe we can continually
push forward toward that perfection
If ideals are of value to individuals
are they not also of value to Societies
We have met here as representatives of
the Epworth League societies in this
district and as members of one of the
grandest and most progressive united
societies in existence What is the
cause of the rapid progress of this so
ciety If we but pause and conceive in
our imaginations an ideal wheel com
posed of six ideal spokes and an ideal
hub which is gradually encircling the
globe and helping to bring into the
fold of Christ the young people of ev
ery land we will then be able to par
tially answer this question If we can
conceive of a League society where
J every line of work under each depart-
raent represented by tho Epworth
wheel is fully carried out we then in
deed have a perfect Epworth standard
and the League society which seeks to
actualize this ideal or perfect standard
cannot help but grow and broaden
spiritually socially intellectually in
deeds of mercy and help and reach out
and bring under the influence of the
gospel many who are outside of the
kingdom of God If the League so
cieties all over our landjwould keep this
ideal Epworth wheel ever before them
and then march steadily forward to
ward their goal looking up in faith for
strength and guidance to Him who
knows all our needs and reaching down
to lift up those round about them what
a mighty army of christian soldiers
they would be Fellow Leaguers
Each of these smaller societies which
we represent is a part of the united so
ciety a part of the whole Unless each
of the parts is striving to attain that
perfection which is possible it will be
impossible for the united society to at
tain it for as the parts are so is the
whole Then let each of us be zealous
and earnest in our work and do our
best in helping our society to advance
more rapidly toward its ideal Then
we will have that peace of God dwel
ling in our hearts which come3 with
the knowledge of having done our best
Superintendent of a
Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
Speaking About Eyesj
J A - A -
V V yi2N
DOVT FOOL away your money going
to a Specialist who is generally a fraud
for ordinary trouble with your Eyes Get
your eyes fitted by a man with experi
ence who knows exactly how to fit you
O W MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If you need
a specialist he will tell you so
work executed wifch promptness
and accuracy
Office at Quifflevs Dm Store
Nights-Upstairs-Bed Front
Valentine House
Recently opened and newly furnished
Not a restaurant but a hotel
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons
First Door South of Bank of Valentine
Valentine Nebraska
Practices in District Court and U S Land
Office Real Estate and Ranch Property
bought android Bonded Abstracter
With a nice se
lection of Watches and Jewelry All kinds
ot Repairing and Engraving done prompt-
Iy ani
Taken Up
About 6 miles north of Wood Lake
1 bay mare branded HD on left
shoulder 1 sorrel mare no brands
and 1 iron gray colt mare branded
O on right hind leg F WELKE
June 2 1900 20
I ffl J
Kennedy Nebr
Valentine Nebr
State Brand reg
istered XSTrl
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip
Range 2 miles
east of Ft Nio
W E Haley
Same as cut on left
side and bin and on
left shoulder of hor
ses Alsogaon
left side lul an
3 on right hip and
hy on left side
7 OM J
- - - -
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip
some cattle
Valeaiiae Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range In Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts G miles
south of KHgore
N S Kowley
jy v -
t7 r in
C on left hip of horses
Marquardt Bowlus
OttoStuubk Manager
Cattle brand 031 on
left shoulder Some
of cattle have various
older brands O S on
left hip Horse brad
A on left shoulder
Range Formerly
Geo W Monnier
ranch 5 mIIes east of
Merriman from FE
JL V R R south to Leander Creek Mar
quardt Bowlus ScribnerNebraska
Henry Pratt
Prideaux Sanford
D Stinard
Kennedy Neb -Stock
branded on
left side
Horses branded
on left shoulder
m3 m Wi 1 M
ostoffice address
Gregory Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
oorth of Gregory
III ni i j T V 3X X l
Postofiice address
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded on
left hip horses the
Range en Dry Val-
Portotlice address
McCann Neb
Stock branded as on
Range North and
south of Georgia
Po8tofIlce address
Kosebud s d
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut
on left thigh
Rmge on
Rock Creek
John DeCory
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Charles C Tackett
Rosebud 3 D
Range head of An
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud SD
Left side
Left car
Range Little White
River at mouth of
Uedar Creek
Postofflce address
Gregory Neb
Onleftsideor hip
horses same on left
Range Arkansa
Valley and Snakr
P A Cooper
Cattle branded
same as cut on
leftside Horses
same on left
A Also on
j - lefc side